I go to the University of Washington to Prove it's a Scam

Published: Aug 02, 2024 Duration: 00:13:31 Category: News & Politics

Tags : charlie kirk
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uh I just want to talk to you about that book uh it was a good segue oh did you read it no okay but I want your thoughts like just face to face um why do you think college is a SC okay so um half of this audience if you get a job will get a job that doesn't require a college degree 41% of kids that enter College will not graduate and the vast majority of kids 60 to 70% that go to college I believe study things that are completely worthless meaningless and don't enrich Society at all but is that the is that the fault of the student or the college because I looked in the stats for this it's usually because they either don't have the finances to support themselves going to college they don't um they have mental health problems that lead them to dropping out or stress or their family's not supporting them so is that the fault of college that they pick bad degrees is that the fault of the college that they can't support themselves right it's like getting a gym membership and then saying well you know I don't want to actually go work out it's the fault of the gym so a good question so first the 41% of kids that drop out uh the federal government will fully underwrite any four-year College through Fasto you know that through a student law meaning so if anyone has financial difficulty that's not really a thing the federal government will fully grant you your loan to any for University right so you might have you might not want to take on that student loan burden you might not want to take that on but that's number one number two I can't speak to the mental health issues I doubt that 41% of the kids that graduate in that number all have mental health issues but maybe that's the case uh I'm not sure I don't know that number um but let's talk about the institution itself so everyone in the audience here how many of you have had to take classes that are a waste of time that you wish you didn't have to take that are a waste of money and that every single hand goes up look around look around look around look around they're scamming every kid in this audience they are forcing them to take classes that make them poorer that take up their time in order to get the credential that is a institutional scam and and by the way every other part of life is all about your own customization your Netflix account how you get your burrito bowl from how you dress your Amazon cart is you are in charge but you come to college and they say you must go take these three four five classes that are very expensive especially for you out of state students to go further into debt study things that don't matter to find jobs that don't exist that sounds like a scam at least in my personal experience right like maybe some colleges they're all like they all like they're all like nambian gender study right they might all be that but I would say what are you studing I'm studing economics right okay um and what I would say is that I have a great levity in choices of classes I want to take even if like there's a bunch of general education classes I have a great flexibility in the class I want to take it's up to the student if they want to take meaningless classes given their um credit limit okay but I mean I would just speculate that this school still has specific criteria of classes right am I correct diversity yeah you have to take a diversity class that sounds like a scam well they are robbing you to take a diversity class it's actually not what you typically think I think there I mean I'm taking is it true do you guys have to take a diversity class no no this is this is true this is true all right so that's a scam like let's be clear diversity class scam can you define what a scam is um when you are you are getting ripped off of your with your money your time your resources either Beyond what is a market rate or against your will so I'll give you an example if you guys want to fly to New York and Spirit Airlines says we're going to charge you $2,500 for a one-way ticket I think we' all all all could agree flying Spirit Airlines for $2,500 is a scam like you know it when you see it I mean it depends on how you view the worth of college like if you the federal the Federal Reserve for San Francisco gave a um released a new letter discussing the actual finances um behind is college actually worth it and they found that by age 40 you recoup all at the average student recoups all their costs if they graduate if if they graduate and even accounting for that other Economist um also State no so that that's an important study if you take out the top 10% that's not the case top 10% of what top 10% of graduates and income earners so the top 10% end up FL ping with a college degree the other 90% do not do you know that there are 11 million job openings in this country that pay $75,000 a year that require 6 weeks of training that require muscular labor or using your hands 11 million job openings now a lot of you guys are in college because you've been pushed into college saying that you must get the piece of paper you might get the piece of paper when there are very they're good paying jobs 11 million of them but either your Society your parents or your own choices are no I want to go to college I want to go after that piece of paper my contention is that there are way better options out there for a lot of students not every student but almost every a lot of other students Charlie I think um a part of your core rhetoric there there's actually some real truth there that like I think a lot of there's people are getting really just pressure to go to college even if they'll make poor choices I'm just saying that even while you're in college you can make better choices to make yourself better totally agree do you think most people do it I know some that are making great choices I some making terrible choices so let's think about this why do you think let's just say most make terrible choices would you say that's the case I'll give you 40 to 60 why do you think that is maybe because the institution incentivizes bad choices it's easy to coast and still graduate it's easy just to check the boxes right it's it's not an institution designed around Excellence it's around let's get you through the mill as quickly as possible get the piece of paper pay your bill thank you very much but do you think that the act the culture around students going to college could change instead around their decision making I think we need way less kids going to college the institution itself is so broken let's be clear Force diversity classes Dei all that stuff it's nonsense if it was really College really should be closer to what Hillsdale College is which is about wisdom Beauty truth goodness not just about Job preparedness but that we've lost that completely if if it's about doctors lawyers engineers and the skills of course but you know that it's way beyond that I mean people's going to I'm not to pick on you but you're studying economics that's terrific that's a good reason to go to college um it's not the best reason I'll be honest but it's a good reason right I mean economics is a serious discipline it's a real science you know we need people really rigorously studying that so okay let's we just have a difference of opinion I I I just want to ask you a question what would you do like if you're were a policy maker um I would defund all the colleges in the country make come s on their own two feet with either tuition or donor money taxpayers should not be subsidizing higher education period survive on your own all right thank you you said that economics was not the best thing to study in your opinion like when I when I put my hand up the question I wanted to ask was like what do you actually think the best thing to study is best reason to come to college again if you're going to a super leftwing college and you're trying to just get the piece of paper and credential I mean you should go at what the college is it's if it's known for if it's best de um and so I don't know what w is known for what it's best at but I mean computer science right I would imagine the Paul Allen School is that right or am I correct this is up top of my head is that right it's right here right yeah so um but yeah those fields in particular but sociology or the or the life sciences or soft social sciences typically do not have as much of an Roi on the time or the money spent and so economics is in the Middle Ground there and so you said uh that you would defund colleges state colleges on a national level um and so basically that would mean that there are no subsidies going out to students like inate students or anything like that I I would I mean you don't get to determine what the states do but yes federally all federal grants should end completely yes okay make these institutions survive on their own if they're such if they're so wonderful and they're so great then make it work make your uh make your numbers work and so then what is the difference between a uh State College and a private privately owned College well a state so w get subsidized in state tuition here right so if you go to um that's why that's why I'm paying only 12,000 no for sure but you're paying it back in taxes let's be clear right so taxes make that possible and your parents or you paid that in for 18 years so you get that back um but a private school uh I don't is there University of Seattle is that a thing or okay which I'm guessing is private Seattle yeah okay that they do not get money from Olympia to subsidize the tuition so they have to stand on their own two feet right so they have higher tuition and they have to justify to donors how they're doing every single year but they still might get some federal money does that make sense yes and you're saying this on the grounds of uh required like diversity credits and I just think I mean look around has College enriched our society the young people are the most depressed they're the most anxious the most alcohol addicted drug addicted least married most angry generation American history is that all college where where does that where does it come from though I mean they're the most college educated most credential generation in history where do these ideas come from I would argue I would argue that they come from the fact that there are too many people and not enough jobs and to stand out of the crowd to stand out of the masses you need to get yourself some credentials I totally agree so you want to stand out don't go to college then you're not going to get hired worked for me worked for you start your own business by the way that's not true half of employers no longer require a college degree requirement well okay I'm I'm talking about more specialized jobs that's that's fair as far as trades go okay that makes sense 11 million job openings for trades yeah you're using your muscles to uh get your daily wage right it's not it's not just muscles though like for advanced engineering is not easy that's not just picking up Lumber and putting on one side of the warehouse that's very specific very you know and by the way you can learn to code in eight weeks and earn 100 Grand a year you can yeah yes uh may you don't need to go to University of Washington the thing is though the thing is though that uh you are not going to get hired over somebody that has graduated from udub computer science degree Sur you you've been sold a lie you've been surprised you'd be really surprised employers less and less likely actually want to hire kids from college because they work the least they the most entitled and the quickest to run to HR about problems and Mis pronoun people um you'd be you'd be surprised no it's true for like the big big firms like Microsoft Amazon Starbucks like they obviously want you to have a college degree but mid- major companies mid-level companies increasingly don't care they care about can you do the job like do you have any sort of skill do you have are you going to work really hard do you have good character that makes sense for like startups and such for sure um however and here's the thing just start to interrupt but after like 5 years nobody cares where you went to college just so we're clear sorry to interrupt but yeah yeah uh all good I mean we we have we just have a disagreement here my my whole point is to try to push the boundaries of discussion to make you guys open your eyes and realize you guys are getting ripped off by the institution here and that's it so yeah so I do not believe that I'm getting ripped off because in my field it is very important especially with how oversaturated it is right now I'm studying CS computer science yes um there's tons of jobs in I mean there might not be though I mean there aren't that's the point AI might take all your jobs away sometimes way out to stand out the whole point is that here and elsewhere around the country we're doing a bunch of research on how um computer scientists and and like engineers in general are still going to be useful with the rise of AI other elsewhere you don't learn stuff like that you learn the basics of programming you've maybe heard about like the Harvard uh 8we course right that you were probably talking about just a second ago um however uh when you actually do uh take that course you don't get a lot of the reasoning skills a lot of the practical application skills and a lot of the things that I'm learning every day in my classes and so the fact that uh you can learn it in 8 weeks and get a job because you have the qualifications uh it's true maybe but in the market that we have right now where the job market is super oversaturated there are a ton of people getting computer Science degrees these employers most of the like high level ones that are going to pay you a lot of money are not looking for somebody who has the base level qualifications they're looking for more than that and one more thing is that that to get these jobs coming straight out of college even with a degree in computer science from udub which udub is known for computer science you are going to have to have years and years of internship and job experience in most cases otherwise you're going to be doing the base of the base level fair enough so we we we just have a difference of a World viw um I say why not graduate from high school learn the code and go beg for an internship and bypass the college thing completely you'd be amazed at how willing people are to help with that again you guys have been largely sold a lie that you need to March through this place for four years and check the boxes and get the piece of paper and it's been dangled in front of you I'm here to tell you and I'm only 10 years older than you that the world doesn't really care you went free went to college they care when you come out of college as your first job once you're in the door it really is rather irrelevant but we disagree so okay that's right

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