So Apple Has Done It Again! | KWatsTV #appleevent #iphone16 #rant

[Music] um so the Apple news is out y'all finally the event has happened and H I just feel like every single year I think it's going to be you know something my work chat going off I be thinking it's going to be like maybe they'll get it like maybe they'll start getting back to the Roots you know back to being on top and I just don't even know if that's GNA happen so obviously we already know like the main reason why we're watching is because the iPhone 16 iPhone 16 pro pro Max like that's the main reason but it just seems like nothing it's nothing fascinating happening these days like I'm just waiting for the day and it's like it's just gonna be another thing where Android people going to be like we already did that cuz I'm like when are y'all going to get into the photo like y'all taking so long to do foldables that Samsung didn't Dr a fold that look it looks like a foldable iPhone to me at this point like not this one so to speak but the one that they just dropped it looks like what Apple would have done like if they had a flip like I just I don't know like I just don't be knowing like that's why I ended up with hey I got it up on my screen too but this is why I ended up with this phone last year I bought this phone I didn't think I was going to get a 15 because I was so annoyed with them dropping the same phone and it's like at this point it's the principle because it's like we can't just keep giving y'all money for the same phone it's like we're not getting the same experience we had when Steve Jobs was there you know like it used to be exciting we used to know like the phone was going to look different for the most part when it hit a new number when it's a new number we knew the phone was going to look different but now it's getting to the point where the phone looks exactly the same no matter what and that is annoying me because I just love Apple so much like literally I got iPad MacBook phone it's it's so many Apple products in this house I mean airpods iPads on iPads iMacs like apple watches like this household we do Apple products like it's been that way for a long time every single year I get the new phone but it's like bro how many times I'm keep giving y my money and nothing is changing like it's just the principle it's like I don't know I did watch some of I was late watching it because I was working but from what I CAU on to I missed the the Apple watchu stuff so apparently with the Apple watch it's going to be the thinnest Apple watch that they've ever had and it's going to have the ability to detect like sleep apnea blah blah blah it's also supposed to be the biggest display that they've had on an Apple Watch so we'll see they say the battery like well we won't see because I haven't bought an Apple Watch since Apple watch number four because they they look the same they do the same like what I use it for I don't even use it like the main reason I bought it was like when I was working in like retail and like if you couldn't have your phone at like a certain job or something then I'd have my Apple watch on you know then I have the service on it you know just in case you somewhere and you know you need to use your Apple watch but I work from home so it's like I never wear my Apple watch the only time I really wear my Apple watch is if we go out of town then I put it on because it's like oh it's like a good accessory to have like if you in a foreign area you know what I'm saying it's supposed to have um up to 18 hours battery life this new watch and you know they promoting all this apple intelligence stuff grade five titanium fastest charging ever OLED display better speakers brighter all of that stuff that's what's going on with the Apple watch right now um far as I'm concerned I'm probably never upgrading the Apple watch ever again like the four it works like unless it dies then maybe but even then maybe not you know what I'm saying like I don't know and then they have I think they have a new Ultra com out in Black titanium now it looks nice it does look nice I ain't going to lie I don't know if y'all be yeah I don't know if you can see it but the color looks nice okay but like is it worth the money if you have a Apple watch that already works I don't really know you know like if you just got to have the latest and greatest then ball out I mean you live once but if the ultra that you have now works it you're probably fine okay you're probably fine like I don't really have anything else to say about the Apple watch because I really haven't been enthused about the Apple watch ever since the very first one so like I had the original one and then when they came out with the stainless steel and the gold that was the last watch I bought and I really liked it because it was legitimately gold looking you know so I'm like oh this it just matched my personal style so I don't I don't get rid of it because it's just the way it was made like it just matched my personal style it matched my jewelry that I wear like every day like the go so I just I keep it for that reason but yeah it's just like I don't know now when they started talking about the airpods I was like okay cool because I lost the airpod like a couple months ago in in a grocery store never got it back but I think the most I guess impressive thing about these new airpods because they I mean they got noise cancellation as usual you know new chip voice isolation blah blah blah but my favorite thing about these new airpods Pros is that this hearin a feature I think that is like the coolest thing announced the whole presentation because I'm like the hearing a feature checking your hearing and having the hearing protection all of that stuff like without having to like go to a doctor and get it done I'm going give y'all your kudos for for that kudos for that one because yeah we like that the only thing about the airpods is like I wish they would kind of come in like colors like to match the phones or something like that but then it's kind of like you could just get a case or get a skin so it's like I get it it would probably cost more money to have these in colors but it would just be cool a cool little feature you know something for people to look forward to you know I would be okay with that now for the phones for the iPhone 16 I like the colors I like how the colors are very vibrant not looking to pastel this season and I like that about it like this color right here looks really really good and the pink pink is the pink this is the pink that I would have liked for them to put on a pro series like that shade of pink or even like a purple like if they had put a purple I would be having me one like if they would had a great looking purple one but I like the color schin this year hello love the color schemes like I love the darkness the saturation or whatever but I mean only thing different coming to the iPhone 16 is it's getting the action button you know messages via satellite which I think that's that's going to be on all the phones of course the orientation of the camera is different so they're not D agonal now they're straight up and it's giving me iPhone 10 vibes like it's really giv iPhone 10 Vibes like y'all remember how the camera was on the iPhone 10 the only thing is like they're not like you know but it's given an iPhone 10 so basically this iPhone 16 is a iPhone 15 Pro is basically what's going on I don't know y'all know how they do like y'all know how they do anyway and then you got the camera control button it's getting the camera control button Dynamic Island basically the iPhone 16 is the iPhone 15 Pro it's just the gripes I always just have gripes now for the pro they bringing us back a gold we're getting a gold again okay we're getting something like a gold they're calling it something different but we'll take it we're going to get that um camera button so love that for us it's going to be bigger we getting the 6.3 and a 6.9 so it's going to be bigger than the pro Max that we already have and I think this phone is big like my hands are little and I think this phone is a bit big yeah I mean we still gonna buy I mean we be on here complaining but I mean we still gonna go pick one up probably like I don't know I do want to unbox one but whether I'm Gonna Keep it I don't know because this I feel like I ain't even had this phone that long like this is a good phone still so at this point it's like I don't really want to be wasting money you know what I'm saying now it's supposed to have the best iPhone battery life on a pro Max but they say that every year you know what I'm saying every single year they say it but the main thing that be Ona Pros is like they're pushing the camera quality and no I don't have the VR I have no use or need for a VR so I was like I just need to stay in my Lane because I know I'm not gonna use that I already know I'm not going to use that so I'm like I need to just you know stay in my Lane hello from Bangladesh that's what's up game verse but yeah I was like I need to stay in my Lane I'm not even going to bother with a VR it looks cool though like I want to try one out like when I go to the store I I see it but I don't ever like mess with it you know so I'm like well please ship me one then if you got one that you want to there like because I'll be like I don't know I lost my thought oh like so with the the pro it's always like the camera is being promoted and see here's my thing with the about Apple and the iPhone they focus so much on the camera that it's kind of like bro why don't y'all just do y'all big one and and drop a camera you know what I'm saying why don't y'all drop a apple DSLR a apple vlogging camera something y'all could have a camera just like Canon Nikon Sony all them other people just drop a camera so that y'all can stop leaning the focus so much on to the camera and start focusing more on the design because when you got people making folds and flips you see where it's getting to we're having a hard time we're trying to stick with you but you're making it hard okay making it very hard I just need y'all to do us all a favor I think we need to go back to the drawing board and start doing some more Innovative stuff I just it's stuff like I shouldn't have to download a keyboard on my phone and see this is really turning into like a complaints video because I can pull up my keyboard on this Android and my numbers I have a row of numbers up there I don't have to hit another button to get to the numbers you you know what I'm saying like and I could obviously download a Google keyboard to this phone but why like you know what I'm saying and then the multitasking on this phone it's like I could literally be on this app swipe over and open a whole another app and like be running it I could be running it like in the background and I just don't understand why why we don't have multitasking to this capacity I mean I don't know it's just like it's a lot of features that could be being used on here and they're not like I can run two different programs on this phone and why I can't do that over here that's my gripes with apple it's like and now that the RCs is about to be like popping off I could just totally go back to this phone and we're going to have the same experience with the people that we text but the main reason that we stick with iPhone is really you know for blue Bubbles and so that the quality doesn't suck for the most part you know you know but yeah use Google if you want yeah I mean see that's why I have both and also because I'm just like a techy person and I work with I do it for work so I like to stay up on what is happening on Android so that I don't forget or not know how to help people that have Android and then it's like I have apple and I always know what to do with apple but it comes in handy because for the folks that's just stuck on Windows and stuff I I know how to help them when they have to use something Mac or something Apple you know what I'm saying so I use both but um my most expensive pair of shoes in here is probably this is so totally off topic but it's probably these and I'm only doing this because I know I can reach back here and get but these this probably the most expensive one these Kobes hey misses hey friend but this is probably the most expensive pair because I I paid resale for these sort of so they wasn't that expensive that's why I'm saying sort of I guess because my size but I think this is the most expensive pair out of here I do got a couple that cost quite a bit I guess you would say but I paid retail so you know once it start going to the resellers I'm not buying okay because it's not that deep for me and I'm really glad that that has gone downhill the resellers are really not doing too well and I'm glad let's put the shoes back in the store so I can get them for regular price you know what I'm saying cuz I don't have time you know um my app called whatnot um what's that app about what does What Not do and girl yeah I ain't got time to be paying no resale prices uhuh stuff is too high oh hey cousin um we didn't got off topic I was going live talking about the phones and then somebody asked me about the shoes the most expensive shoes so I was like oh okay oh like eBay but live streaming I ain't never seen that before that sound kind of cool I need to check that out yeah the resale Market it was going crazy like at one point when I was working at Foot Locker cuz I used to work it for Locker like a whole lot of us we would like hold shoes for people or we'll get a couple sizes and resell them but we wasn't reselling them for like ridiculous prices we might Char you a little extra $40 or something like that $4 $60 or something like that if you was really pressed and you just really had to have them early or something like that but then when the other people started getting involved and started trying to charge $1200 um no I'm not paying not paying and girl it sounds like a scam because we worked there and we could get a discount so it's like we could really just charge you retail and we would still make money that's why we wasn't really hitting people over the head because it's like bro we get a discount but the way the other people be doing it they trying to get a 200 250 out of you and I'm like but Yeezy ain't charging but $80 for the foam shoes why are you trying to charge me 250 for some tham I can go get me some $ 39.99 Crocs for that price like what we doing I don't know like that's crazy but I don't know we kind of just started feeling like lames a lot of us we was like man this is lame so we all just kind of stopped ret selling shoes because we was like bro who cares at this point like this is lame like just pay regular price like who cares at this point so yeah yeah and that's that's basically why like when we was all working there like it used to be where we could get like so much stuff so many different brands and stuff and like over the years the Foot Lockers they just started saying y'all can't get this y'all can't get that and yeah they was like you can't get new drops from such and such weeks you can't can't get a discount on such and such you can't get a discount on Air Force Ones and it just got to the point where all you could really get a discount on was some socks in some kids class and whatever was like regular like you could only get a discount on certain stuff if it had been sit for a while like you might have somebody that was holding some Jordans for a long time and then you know then you can get a discount but other than that they was like m we ain't letting y'all do nothing no more so basically that's the whole gist of that but I'm glad that's like to an end cuz it's like who cares and now we just kind of getting up in age to where like a lot of them shoes ain't even comfortable when you get in your 30s so it's like girl I wearing my new balance in my as6 and I'm fine or my Crocs I don't care anymore like I care about the shoes that I have and I wear them I try to wear them when I go out I try to make sure I'm wearing a different shoe although there are still some shoes that I have not worn due to outfit stipulations you know trying to switch up my style and stuff so I gotta do different outfits now but for the most part I try to wear all of them at least all of them have been worn once some none but it's fine but yeah I'm like I don't know about this phone stuff y'all but I did see I want y'all to see these cuz I really want these and it's crazy because I don't really think I don't really know if I'mma maximize the use that I think I maximize on them but do they have the colors cuz I think dropping these airpod Pro Maxes I mean these airpods Max in purple and they are and they are they're dropping them in purple y'all and y'all I need a purple one cuz y'all don't understand everything purple like purple like do y'all understand purple my cup purple my mouse and keyboard is purple my popsocket purple my Invisalign tray case is purple like need the purple okay I need those in purple it's just crazy that why is they $550 $550 L some sound come out of some headphones is a little insane to me I don't know I this I'm just complaining about stuff being too high all the time but like why and then these are just supposed to be some improvements on the old ones so it's given I can get a old pair and put a purple silicone case on it that's what it's giving I can go to Best Buy and get some for a reduced price that's what it's giving oh cousin they dropped the um presentation for the new iPhone 16s and the new airpods and all that so that's what I was originally on here talking about I got we got a little side track but yeah girl I I really want those I'm putting them on my Christmas list for somebody else to buy because I don't want to buy them but y'all I do got oh where's my new purchase I got to show y'all my new purchase Oh The Air airpod Maxes is dropping they on pre-order so they G to be like live in the stores on the 20th everything is going to be available on the 20th so I lit but it's giving for some of the stuff it's giving go to Target Best Buy and all them other places and get get it's on sale cuz I know Target got the all the other airpods on sale right now like right now and it's like for a good sale like $50 off $60 off something like that yeah on the 20th the phone's available on the 20th too I'mma order one for the channel but I'm I'm I don't think I'mma keep that J though the pre-order starts on the 13th pre-order starts on the 13th and then you should be able to walk into any store in your city and just get one on the 20th but y'all know how laun they be stuff don't be no ring on time and all that because I used to work at a Sprint store and the worst thing is the people coming in asking for the phone and they ain't been delivered the wor so me I usually do a pre-order and I just wait for that thing to come in the mail cuz FedEx they be right on time they be coming out early you might get your phone by the FedEx at about 10 11 o' in the morning right on time so yeah definitely do the pre-order but I have found out that when you get on the pre-order on Apple site if you ain't quick with it they will get back ordered so normally I just go through the carrier because they usually don't have no problems with that but I might go through Apple this time because I just want to get it and see it I don't know if I want to keep it and you know I said that about this one I didn't know if I wanted to keep this 15 Pro Max and I ended up keeping it so it's given I don't need to buy nothing but people who tune in my channel every now again they know I say this every time and then I end up with something yeah you know I always say I'm not getting it and then I end up getting it I mean for you cousin the the version of phone you got uh a 16 a new 16 Pro would probably do you well because you don't really upgrade that often but for somebody like me that just got this one last year you don't need it if you have a 15 pro pro Max logically you don't need to spend the money but if you want to spend the money you can do that because it's your life and it's your money and you work for it okay you do your big one I don't judge people because I buy stuff that I don't need all the time like I just brought a camera yesterday however I had a coupon in my target Circle since I'm a student so I got 20% off this camera that's usually like $7.99 and I got it for like five something so I love a deal I be trying to be reasonable I will find a way to get a deal if I'm G spend a lot of money I'm gonna find a way to get a deal yeah you need a new one so when this when the pre-orders drop you go ahead and order you one honey and yeah why every time I'm on live you driving like oh yeah and y'all just got back ain't nobody told me nothing your uncle told me that y'all went to Bahamas and I'm like nobody told me nothing why wasn't I invited I'll be waiting for that answer but let me go get the camera I want to show you the camera um yeah so before I had got this um DJI pocket 3 for vlogging oh well see I didn't know y'all was like going I thought it was the Disney thing y'all was going to not the Bahamas anyway so but before I had got this DJI I was in limbo between this camera and the DJI and then I just ended up getting this one because I'm like this is gonna be the easiest for vlogging well Target came in the clutch because y'all see it it's the R50 your girl is excited and I haven't I mean I've opened it but I haven't opened it cuz I'm trying to figure out if I'm going just do a unboxing I should do a unboxing right I should just do a standalone unboxing video oh girl I didn't know that the the Disney cruise was going to Bahamas child slow a well maybe next time but yeah I should do a standalone unboxing for this camera because I'm thinking that the camera people want to see a standalone unboxing and they probably want to see me unbox it in my Vlog or right now so that's what I'm waiting on and I'm so excited because I really want to use this to take [Music] pictures I want to do better with like photos and like I want to take pictures of other people take pictures of my water you know stuff like that I really want to learn like the photography stuff with this camera because with my Sony it took good pictures like naturally to me but I want to learn how to do like the editing and stuff like that and like you know so that's my main purpose for getting this so this would have originally been on my Christmas list but I have it now because I want my coupon to expire you know what I'm saying because I think they expired at like the end of this month and I was waiting for it to go on the lower lower sale because at one point it was only like went down like $50 or something so I was waiting for it to go down a little more before I used my coupon you know what I'm saying so when it said it went down like $100 I said Now's the Time to use the coupon because now I'mma get 150 off you feel me I mean I think this is not as big as most DS LR cameras but it's a decent size I've seen people vlogging with a camera of this size however I'm still going to use my DJI for vlogging because it is goated okay this the best camera for vlogging to me I know a lot of people are using like the Sony um Creator kid um some people are using all these different ones the Canon g7x and all that this DJI can't be touched in my opinion they can't be touched in this vlogging game at all that's just my opinion now I do want to I kind of want to test out the other little small cameras but I need to be reasonable I can't be spend all that money because I do want to test out that Canon one and the GoPro but I have to save that I have to save that so it falls in the DSLR size range then it's bigger than the Sony you have um I think it's bigger than the Sony but the Sony is really not that big if it's bigger it's like slightly bigger you know slightly bigger let me see I can show y'all in the plastic I think I can show y'all it in the plastic if I'm comparing it to my Sony then it's bigger than my Sony but I mean the Sony the Sony was good and I think I got that Sony in like I know I got that Sony in like 20 2014 15 probably even before that I bought that joint off eBay for like $300 or something back then and and I mean that camera still rocks and rolls like so Sony make a good product I will give you that Sony make a good product because that a5000 still work HD video camera pictures good pretty good but it they ain't got no 4k on it so qualities have changed in these lens you know what I'm saying um I have no idea what the Canon V10 is cousin I really don't remember I don't know what the can of v10 is but yeah I can't wait to open this on my channel I'mma do a standalone video probably probably I mean low key I did um Miss Jones lowkey I really did like do a vlog style unboxing like lowkey but I didn't put everything together I just kind of opened it took it out the box you know but I ain't put everything together so I'mma do a Tex style unboxing of the camera that way I can showcase the picture quality the camera quality for the video and that sort of thing how you doing what you doing I'm live you want to talk to the people uh no oh your cousin's in here who P oh oh yeah I was saying um I wanted to try all the other little small compact vlogging cameras because at one point like for people who want to Vlog the GoPro is a reasonable price the GoPro be going on sale for like 250 and because I be watching I be Hawking all the stuff online I've seen the GoPros go on sale for $250 over the past couple months a few times so if anybody wants to Vlog and get into vlogging get you a go hero camera 11 12 even a 10 I heard people say the 10 is still good so for little cameras and then I've seen that Canon one that they be using on Catfish do y'all watch Catfish still the girl that be helping Eve she be holding this vlogging camera that has a flip up screen it's by Canon that one is a reasonable price too I be wanting to try that out too I really wish we had CER store here I just test this Stu and not to be flat out buying all the time but [Music] yeah oh child he is playing that game 2K 25 is out and so that's been life for the last week and a half 2K 25 has been life yeah camera store would have came in clut because I could have tried out all these cameras you know I could have rented them or whatever but we don't have that here so there's that but yeah I can't wait to unbox I need to unbox it today cuz it's like how long am I going to keep opening this cuz what if I unbox and start trying out and I don't like it I don't want to run out of time time to send this joint back to the store you know what I'm saying I want to run out of time child I know somebody's gonna go back and watch this and like girl this was supposed to be about the iPhone why we talking about cameras mainly because at one point I was talking about how Apple need to just drop a camera because they're so focused on the camera quality that they're missing the Mark I still love them to death but they be missing the mark okay but I done gave y'all to wrap up my thoughts of the the slideshow the keynote I'm just I'm not excited not that excited about the iPhone news and that just really saddens me because I remember the days where I used to be like so hype used to be at work with the thing pulled up on the phone supposed to be helping people I'm watching the keynote cuz that's more important but now it's just like what y'all dropping this time that's going to look the same and I just don't like that energy you know we need to get back to the old days back to the old days and it is a good idea for Apple because it's like they when they drop these Keynotes it's like the main thing they talk about the whole time is like oh the camera does this and and it competes with such and such and such and such and I'm like bro drop a camera just drop one cuz that just seem like what what y'all want to do but y'all like y'all scared to do it or something like nobody from Sony or Canon or Nikon or Fujifilm they're they're not gonna be trying to stop you from doing it just do it because it seemed like y'all have the Technologies to compete with a physical camera like they could put everything they try to put in these phones and compete with them they need to create a camera department and do that and let phone people focus on the design they need to get back focus on this because in 20 25 if that phone look exactly like this I'm going to be pissed okay pissed I need to let's step it up drop the fold 2025 iPhone fold let's let's get it done like come on who do you need to call Ghostbusters I don't know but call somebody we need help okay because my Tik Tok algorithm is saying that we done flipflop the Tik Tok algorithm saying that Samsung is Apple now and apple is Samsung and when when huh like when do we switch rolls like when did Samsung become luxury when it's like I never thought I would see the day but it is kind of like it is kind of like the times do change and we do go back sometimes cuz y'all remember or you may not remember but back in the day y'all had the Android they had the HTC phone and they had the dag on they had the stuff on lock back then I mean T-Mobile had the sidekick bro Motorola had the razor Sprint they had the baby fat phone y'all remember the pink phone with the baby fat cat on it we need to get back to being different and trendy and sto dropping the same phone every year and if T-Mobile was the Now's the Time because Motorola they they got the Razor it's doing well it's Nostalgia is back and it's like T-Mobile if y'all would drop the side kick I would buy one right now I would be at the store right now for a sidekick because y'all don't understand I got a sidekick up in here somewhere in one of these drawers there is a sidick oh I wish I could find it right now because it's in here [Music] it's in one of these drawers but I'll be looking forever if they drop a sidekick bro y'all just don't understand y'all don't understand no they're not Innovative anymore cousin and it's making me mad it's really making me mad the S Miss Jones the sidekick would out sell everybody if they if they keep the same form with the swivel screen make sure the display is on point give us a great camera even keep the keyboard I still want the keyboard on that thing okay and still make it so that the plates on it can be changed y'all remember on the sidekick the plates like the back to your battery and your little joint could be changed to all these different shells bro and I loved Blackberry too cuzin Blackberry they tried to come back with a little touchcreen phone like several years ago I was still working at Sprint when they tried to come back but they didn't do it right I don't know they need a little help they didn't do it right if they could get whatever they tried to do if they could get it right Blackberry could come back they could try it again but the fact that they already tried and it flopped I don't know but sidekick if they come back and just a high quality luxury sidekick yes bring it back with the knob and all I want the roller ball I want the swivel screen I want the keyboard still give me the camera quality of the Samsung Ultra on the thing give me them camera features from the Google pixel okay and and like a good UI like an Apple phone all three components on a sidekick bam because I'm trying to tell you I am trying to tell you it would just it would just blow everybody out of the water Blackberry was business savvy though they had they little own little chat BBM which is basically kind of like iMessage like I feel like iMessage bit BBM a little bit they did but because the the BBM was giving like yaho messenger but I messag you know for back then on the BlackBerry but yeah like if they if they had whatever they did and I got a video on my channel it's a video on my channel when the Blackberry dropped their new BlackBerry at the time like that was way back when let me look on my thing because I know the name of it and I was like in the store I was working at the spring store I unboxed it in the store while at work cuz I was like let me show the people this phone and I just wish they could have did a little better yeah upgraded screen display yeah they they the last sidekick that they put out it was even that one was nice like it was nice we need to get back to that I miss those days when you used to be on the messenger on your phone used to be on the sidekick and you used to have the AOL and the Yahoo messenger on your phone and be talking to all your friends from your phone on your Yahoo messenger and you have to be on a computer 247 talking to your friends look cuz we used to be on the computer all night talking to our friends and we end up like a Citywide group chat literally Citywide group chat until like 600 in the morning on Yahoo messenger in AOL like girl they don't even know they don't even [Music] know those were the times that was Good times yes the memories like we literally used to be on our messenger and then decorating our mys spage page putting songs on there doing our top 10 our top five this is the video right here the Blackberry key1 it's called the Blackberry key1 and it had a touch screen on it y'all like y'all this is crazy and it had the keys on it thought the day that this would happen the Blackberry key this was seven years ago y'all got phones with keys on them again what what is going on seven years ago Blackberry tried to come back but it fli crazy look at it y'all oo this is kind of cool I know what y'all think it look like some old style smartphone but like that's like retro I don't know it's in the [Music] box back when they used to give you a charger in the box with the block and we did we used to be coding back then but then I went to school and thought I was going to be a programmer and girl no real programming give you a headache Myspace programming fun changing the color text on your page and having flowers falling down your page with your music video on autoplay that's fun coding work loing absolutely not will give you a headache I I don't want to do it don't want to do it it's not fun I really wish I could find that dag sidekick because now I want to look at it and it is m a right now and I know it's in here I mean it got to the point where I had like you would have like your song like from the music library on the thing and then the video and then I had like text like in my bio text that would scroll in my like about me page and then we was on Photoshop real bad too like we was graphic designers too because I used to have my photos de out using paint shop Pro couldn't afford Adobe back then but we need to get back to them times because that adobe subscription is crazy can we get back to where we just AB buy the Adobe CD for the one time fee and be done because I'm sick of subscriptions I'm tired of paying everybody and their mama and they auntie and all of them every month for something but back then we was graphic designers too like we really had all the talents we the Millennials that cusp the babies born in the 90s that used to get the AOL disc in the mail we know some stuff okay we we're keeping the world running okay cuz we was in the house with it learning this stuff by ourself okay we a book nothing Google even popping like that back then like like it is now you can go there and search anything Google wasn't even up to par like it is now back then so we were real live like digging through articles on the web like we had to do the leg work what no AI to give us the answer we had to do the work to figure out how to do stuff on these websites like the Millennials we're the ones okay we're the ones I don't care what the boomers are talking about they like to make us out to be the problem we are not okay we are not let them know that y'all it's my psycho tail still trying to look for this cuz I really I really want to find it now cuz I know it's in here it's just I got so much [Music] stuff all these computer parts cuz I be fixing stuff and I hope my part for that Xbox come in the maal today girl you driving too y'all New Yorkers y'all stay on the road okay y'all always on the road maybe it's not in that drawer but it's somewhere I know that's right girl gots to get to the coins okay gots to and I got to tell this chat by because work is other and I'm so glad work is over because I don't know if anybody find follows me on Tik Tok but I was complaining this morning because why did they hire a new guy who ain't got no it experience how he supposed to help us fix anything for anybody he don't know what he doing all he do is answer the phone and then he comes in the chat and be like I got such and such on the line they need help with such and such like sir you not even try to learn how to do this stuff like huh why they doing that why would you hire somebody that doesn't have I experience so if anybody is wondering why they can't find a job and you're qualified for it is because they're hiring people that are not qualified and that's making me upset because you picking up the phone is not helping any of us all it does is give us extra work to do because you can't do it and cousin we we went through I can't say we went through training he shadowed a lot of us but it's like this is not a job where you can just Shadow and you g to know the it stuff like you just got to have been working or at least went to school and done some kind of training out before you got here because when them people get on the phone and they start talking all that mumbo jumbo because their life is in shambles because the computer ain't doing what it's supposed to do you just got to know how to read through that if somebody calling be like yeah I lo on my computer and my internet said such and such and it just won't work and you just got to be able to know how to fix that type of thing but if you don't have any knowledge about fixing internet then you can't help you know well I would have rathered them hire you because at least I know you have the mental capacity to at least try to find the answer for yourself that's the difference between the person they hired and a whole lot of people like even me if I don't know the answer to something I'm going to find the answer because I just don't like to be the one I don't like to not know what I'm talking about I don't like looking stupid so if I don't know I'mma let you know that I don't know but I'm going to find the answer for you I will look it up I will use the resources and I will come back to you and be like hey I figured it out but this guy there's no none of that he don't even try he ain't going to the documentation he ain't searching up nothing and a lot of the stuff people be calling for he could Google he ain't even doing that that's was pissing me off cuz it's like sir you're not even trying and you didn't got two paychecks which means you've been here for a month and you're not trying like come on gots to do better like somebody's writing me now it is 509 shift is over the shift is over yeah Lenovo gonna have to come out and check her [Music] out but yeah that was just really irritating me today I I just don't know and then like last week he called out on like what day did he call out like Thursday and Friday and I just thought that was convenient like you just got here you calling that already I don't know maybe I just need to worry about myself and not other people but it's like I really hate when people hire people that don't know what they doing and then I like when they hire people that be telling all they business because one time we was in a teens meeting and then they was all talking about like alcohol and stuff and I was like we could really wrap this meeting up because I don't even drink so if you're not gonna be talking about the it stuff why are we here and then real in it back in they were in there talking about the alcohol but then he hauled up hauled off and said y'all know me back in the day first of all we don't know you you just got here so we don't know you and the business that you're about to tell you probably shouldn't tell but yeah he he started talking about how he used to do Coke and stuff and I was like that's probably not something you want to be mentioning in the work teams meeting so I was just a little confused I just I don't know the job market is just crazy cuz it just be stuff that I don't be understanding why it's going on like why why is s stuff be going on I don't be understanding here I am thinking somebody of importance is coming to the house it's just cars driving by but yeah I just don't even know it's a mess but that's my work rant for today because I used to be able to rant with people that I worked with in like the work space but since I work from home I don't have anybody to rent with anymore I used to do my renting on Snapchat but I stopped doing it but yeah so thank you guys for listening thanks for the free therapy session I'm sorry that it has transitioned from talking about the Apple products to everything else but that's how lives work and that's why I think I kind of like lives because it's like raw and unfiltered and I like that sort of thing you know what I'm saying I like uncut raw stuff I just like when everything is a little random you know and if you're a new viewer if you've been in the chat if you come back you know my Vlogs are kind all over the place as well like I don't really my channel is all over the place really I just do what I want to do over here there is no Niche here like it's really just undiagnosed ADHD I just be doing whatever like I might be cooking tomorrow who knows well my cousin though I won't be on this channel cooking because I don't like to cook I can cook but I don't like to cook the new phone they do come with a cable it's going to come with a cable but they not going to give you the block and that's what be making me mad because they making you buy the block separate this don't come in the Box no more all you getting is the cable and I get it they trying to do this no carbon thing save the world I get it but it's getting to the point where the world is what it is it's the Boomers and all the people who didn't know what they were doing before we got here ruined the Earth and now they're trying to like recover the Earth and want all of us to be some deciding factor in there what we didn't mess it up this is all the stuff that y'all came up with but I can be going on 40 days and 40 nights about that I get it they trying to save the Earth and all that but give me the block back because it's like we're not really saving anything because you're still making blocks the only thing is not putting them in the box so I don't get what's non less carbon less we're being such and such neutral I don't get it because you're still producing the products you're just not putting it in the Box all you're doing is making us pay extra that's all you're doing you're not fooling anybody is all I'm saying if China and all the people people across Seas can still get the Block in the cable in theirs I don't know why we can't cuz we're all on the same Earth make it make sense and even overseas back to this phone stuff when they buy new phones y'all ever watch an unboxing of people unbox phones overseas they even get a phone case in their box a lot of their carriers they have a case in their box why they can't do that over here it's because they're greedy over here that's why they're very greedy because they still getting blocks with their charger and they're getting cases and I think it's quite unfair that we're not doing that over here and y'all want to blame it on we're trying to reduce costs and all this other stuff let's just call it what it is you just want more money but guess what I got 511 of these blocks here from all the old phones and a 511 cables because I got so many Apple products I don't buy cables ever they come with the phone and I don't buy blocks because I it's 50 million blocks around here so I ain't buying no blocks ever and then since y'all put wireless charging in it I really ain't buying none of it cuz I got this same Samsung wireless charger that I've had since wireless charging came out okay when wireless charging first came out this thing Dusty and everything but guess what it still work and it's fast charging this right here I bought when I worked at the Sprint store when fast wireless charging first came out it still work you know it's old because it's got a micro USB it don't got a USBC it's got the original little micro cable that was on everything okay it still work and it charges your phone fast these companies be doing a lot now I love Tech and I like getting new stuff but it be the principle too the stuff that y'all used to put out it still work and it work good so people are not going to get unnecessary money from me they're not but yeah I ain't gonna go on the rant about America because this is not my Channel's about I know I do a lot on this channel but it won't be about the ways of America it won't be about the ways of America I can tell you that okay because I just I don't want to get into that this is not a political Channel I just know we ain't the cause of the way the Earth is and I don't know why we can't get a block in the Box because you're still making them that's all I'm saying yeah I shouldn't even be replying to this because the shift is over I ain't replying to nothing else anyway I should probably get off live so I can do the unboxing for this thing or I can go eat a snack and finish my cup of ice I could do that I don't know y'all and I got some videos to edit too I know I got like at least two Vlogs worth of stuff cuz I did Vlog on like what holiday was it I was vlogging on Labor Day and then I vlogged another time and I've been vlogging this week so I don't know what I'm going to do with all those clips but I probably should be doing an edit for that but we shall see but anyway I think I've been on here long enough ranting about Apple and everything else but it was fun it was fun and I enjoyed talking to y'all but yeah I will holl at y'all later

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