“He never left, Galadriel” - Elrond being the voice of reason in Rings of Power season 2

how could you of all our kind he deceived me I was dece no gadriel you were blind blinded by your own pride and what Frailty blinded you El nor what other path did your failure kazad Doom leave us with but this you are my friend enan the Rings show them to me we dare not use them High King he's no doubt corrupted you never touched them high with kmor for weeks we cannot know the depth of his influence the last Gold Leaf will fall and it will be my task to inform all Lindon our time here is ended and the elves must abandon these Shores forever give them to me High King Sauron has not yet amassed that degree of power these Rings may be how he attains it they must be destroyed that decision is far above your privilege one you in danger with each moment you refuse to obey the Rings Elon it is a command from your king I will not utter it again UB car sticky G our letters to Kell bmore have all gone unanswered I fear saon may be in a regon the high King has consented to send me and a small party there to ensure Kell bmbo and his City are safe I am asking you to join us as you are so fond of reminding me gadri I'm but a politician and as such you have the high King's trust he believes in your steadfastness a dog is steadfast and quicker to follow on a leash he refuses to send me without you and why is that you know the reason I'm asking if you know it the high King believes that if I were to face the enemy alone I may be vulnerable to deception and why would he think that stop it Elon you've defied the high King's orders before why not do so now because he is right Sauron used me and under his hand I was played like a harp to a Melody not of my choosing it was entirely of your choosing Sauron looked inside you and plucked the very song of your soul note by note making himself out to be exactly what you needed the Lost King who could ride you to victory you gave him everything he wanted and then thanked him for it and now he has done the same to galgala and to every elf in Lindon and that is why we need you help us navigate this Labyrinth there is no navigating it the Labyrinth is his as long as you stay in it you have already lost he may well want you in AUM please arant I cannot let him in again I cannot [Music] he never left calatria in choosing to wear those Rings you have all chosen to become his collaborators I will have no part in it you summoned me you have new orders Commander you depart foron at first light with five of our bravest elves I thank you for reconsidering is not how you ought to thank I am very grateful you have decided to join my company I'm afraid you misunderstand Galadriel elon's task is not to join your company but to lead it [Music] [Music]

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