Chimp Crazy Chimp Ladies

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 01:06:50 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: tonia haddix
[Music] so what's the difference between a chimp and a gorilla girl I don't [ __ ] know I don't either I was like trying to find out before this and like chimps are closer to like human DNA but gorillas are the second closest yeah apparently according to Connie Casey there's three like species in the um ape family that are like the orangutan the gorilla and the chimp yeah chimpanzee but I'm I I don't know but they scare me so they all scare me too so if you've not guessed this week we're talking about chimp crazy on HBO and we could have waited until the series was finished but literally no one is talking about it like no one I was trying to find some other like analyses of this like prior to filming or recording this CU we don't do video and I couldn't find anything like what I found was like just random little you know 7 Minute like whatever like no one was really sitting down and talking about it which is crazy because um I feel like with Tiger King this is very similar to Tiger King it's like the same U people that went and made Tiger King are making this and I feel like with Tiger King it blew up really quick but also we were in a pandemic and a lot of people were really um invested in it and like trying to find something to binge watch I never watched it um it was all right yeah I never watched it I saw all the Carol Baskin memes I felt like honestly at the time this is controversial but I did feel like that was all very sexist cuz it was like oh like Joe Exotic like he's so much better than her she's a freaking woman and um was that his wife or like what was the relation she was another person that had big cats okay so they were like she basically um said the same thing where she was saying like that he was being cruel and like using them for entertainment and that um he's deceased uh is Joe Exotic dead I don't think he's in prison who's dead her husband so he started okay right he started spreading rumors that um and it did it was really fishy in the documentary because I remember a specific part where like you know Joe is going on this tangent and saying like oh her husband disappeared cuz he did um and he said that she had fed him to her big cats oh wow and she there's a part in that documentary where she's sitting there and like she's like that's like so Random because a you know a tiger a lion like they would not just eat a dead human like you would have to like cover them in sardine oil or something um have you read the Bible like it was so specific it was like well how do you know that though yeah like that's kind of odd um but I also like yeah I never really got into that whole like hate train against Carol Baskin because I was like he's also not that good of a person either yeah well if he's who I'm thinking of he literally just looks like [ __ ] my trash yeah yeah um but I suppose I've always kind of been interested in people who have exotic animals as pets it's so weird yeah it's interesting and you know what I thought was interesting too I always thought it was like ultra wealthy people exclusively that got into these types of animals and like would purchase them and you know keep them at home but I found out it's actually a lot of just like really mentally ill people that probably have lines of credit yeah it's so Random like it was like oh like if you want like a chimpanzee it'll be like 60 $65,000 is what Connie Casey said but if you want a little capuchin monkey like oh like 5,000 6,000 like you know a lot a lot of people pay that for dogs so like I feel like a lot of people do have little tiny monkeys but $65,000 for a chimpanzee and also the thing is that these are not people who can't have kids or don't have kids like these are people with like full ass lives yeah and families taking care of basically another human with ultra super strength and no empathy but well well it said in I love how HBO will do like a Companion podcast with so many of their like Originals so the show has a Companion podcast it's on I don't know some like weird little platform I've never heard of we're not on it uh but you can find it on YouTube and I listen to episode one of the podcast after I watched the first two episodes of the documentary and the director said that he was like to understand chimpanzees in North America you have to understand Connie Casey that's absolutely insane and they said in the in the documentary itself that Connie Casey is responsible for I believe they said three4 of the captive chimpanzees in the United States singlehandedly from her little chimpanzee facility in what is it like feal matter Missouri no what's it called Beal matter what's it called Fest yeah and and she's also basically responsible for Travis the chimpanzee which yeah if you remember like I was little when this case happened and like I remember like everybody talking about it and be like oh that chimp that ripped that lady's face off which is so sad and so horrible listen I when I saw that in the documentary I was absolutely horrified I had to pause it and do like secondary research cuz what the documentary was giving me was not enough I needed to see more did you see where she revealed her face on Oprah yes I was watching all those and so there's this very interesting um YouTube YouTube channel called um fascinating horror and they do like um short uh documentaries about like cave exploration or like accidents and stuff like that that are like real horror things that happened and um they did a uh video about Travis the chimp that I watched a while ago and I got very fascinated in this case because I was like it's absolutely insane yeah he I have notes on this like if we're g to if we're going to jump straight into that I I'm just going to share um kind of what I have from my notes and then I'll let you take it away with your more thorough background so I took notes as I was watching I have Sandy Harold's chimp ripped her friend's face off and tried to eat her question mark exclamation point question mark period Travis was 170 lb paramedics noted she lost her eyes no Nose Lips mid-face bone structure and nine fingers Sandy like after it attacked the friend Sandy who was Travis's owner was literally like stabbing the chimp with like a butcher's knife it would not go down he like pulled the friend apart just like mangled her I like I was absolutely just like stunned to find out she survived mhm and I remembered the case too after I start looking it up and so obviously she called the police you can hear like the chimpanzee like squalling in the back of the 911 call and she's like he's eating her and the police get there and this [ __ ] chimp goes up to the police car like rattles it walks to the driver's side door where the cop is rips the goddamn door off and like it's staring at the cop and the cop shoots him like multiple times and the chimp runs back into the house into the cage and dies H like such a sad situation like actually got like wrenching absolutely horrible so Sandy had purchased Travis when he was a itty bitty little baby which I will say baby chimps are very cute and I can understand why you'd want one like yeah it's you know like having a little baby like but they're fuzzy and like almost kind of like a dog like it's very cute um she purchased him from the they turn around yeah the butt their asses are literally the most disgusting thing I've ever seen can I say something that I'm going to immediately cut out their asses are like falling out like their and now they like prolapsed they're out and now I understand why they all wear diapers because like it's nasty Ow like that's so interesting like why is that like that that's gross um ew disgusting Sandy purchased Travis when he was itty bitty baby from the Missouri primate Foundation which is Connie Casey's little um breeder like she's basically a breeder she's wasn't like a rescue and I think the words like Foundation try to make it seem like they um a sanctuary yeah well what it was was you know Connie's business was originally called chimp party but then like animal rights activists and like legal forces began to come down on her over that so in like the late '90s was it she like switched and became a 501c3 nonprofit right and and all of her chimps were like in movies music videos like all this stuff they were pretty famous and so Sandy purchases Travis and she brings him back to Stamford Connecticut and Travis is basically like her child like he rides in the car he goes places he um can do his own chores he can make his own food in the microwave and he rides around town and is close with the police like the police are literally like holding him and like having a good time with them because they have a trucking business and he's like the mascot and everybody in the community knows him and it got to a point where Travis like kept escaping and I remember in the fascinating horror documentary like they talked about him getting out multiple multiple times and it being like such an issue and then in the HBO documentary as they mentioned like the um state had to go to her and just be like hey like this is really going to be an issue if you can't keep your chimpanzee in your house yeah like don't let this happen again yeah like and it was like bad so the um I keep wanting to say like Travis's dad but yeah basically s's husband gets sick and goes to the hospital and he does not come home and for an animal that's this smart cuz you know even dogs can like pick up on that stuff but for an animal that that is this smart for someone to leave the house and never come home like he grieved hard he dealt with that loss really hard as did she and she basically became a hoarder and was shopping a lot and and she couldn't take him out of the house and take him on rides and stuff anymore because she would get in trouble so he was confined to the house he got Cabin Fever right like we've all been there that's messed up um and he's really depressed he's rocking back and forth he's basically a ticking time bomb at this point um and I'll say again he weighs 170 lb yeah like he's big this is not a little baby chimp this is like a full grown person this is like a a Hummer he's a chunk yeah and um he's rocking back and forth he's you know having issues and he had been aggressive towards people in the family during this time like pulling on the arm being like you know mood and just bad just bad and um but of course Sandy because this is basically like her child like this is like a thing that she's raised that is Almost Human and she loves and she takes care of she can't just send him to a sanctuary and like not be around him and she's depressed too and um so one day she was going to go out with a friend and they had plans and the friend is in the documentary and like that's just insane to me like imagine all this happening like while you were trying to make plans like holy crap I know and um she invited over Charlotte Nash who was another friend and she would babysit Travis when Sandy had had plans so Charlotte comes over and and something that they don't mention in the HBO documentary that I feel like is a vital detail is that Charlotte had Travis was being bad okay like so Sandy was like hey come over here help him like you know Babys he loves you you know Charlotte had gotten a new haircut yeah and she had looked different and he was always like kind of weird when people look different and they didn't really emphasize that as much in they didn't mention that in the documentary like at all hardly right but like she had a new haircut or a new hair color I can't remember which one it was but she had her hair done and she comes over and she brings a little Elmo doll because he loved Elmo and she's like oh like I'll get him like everything will be fine you can go out like whatever and he flips the [ __ ] out yeah Elmo was like a little red handkerchief with like a matador bull or something like absolutely nuts and um I think what's most disturbing like also you know I mean obviously it's disturbing that Charlotte Nash was named in this way and that this happened between her and an animal that she cared for and took care of and a friend but also the fact that Sandy was you know facing this situation and that she had to take a knife out of the kitchen and stab her pet like can you imagine like how you would react in that situation like oh my [ __ ] god like I If my dog like attacked somebody to the point where I felt like oh [ __ ] like I'm going to have to go get a knife and stab her yeah that would traumatize me that'd be so hard the whole thing everything everybody involved traumatizing to me I just think like the chimpanzees are disgusting and dangerous and I don't think that people should just have them at home I think that's an insane thing and like I'm sure that like when Connie was you know brokering these transactions with these chimps I'm sure there were all kinds of liability waivers that were signed but can you imagine like what do you think that Connie Casey cuz that ended up being a national news story what did Connie Casey think when she was like oh that chimp that I made you know 50 Grand on or whatever I remember her friend said that she paid $40,000 for Travis so so however much Connie made on that has like you know maimed this woman and had to be like stabbed by its owner and like shot down by the police in Connecticut what's her reaction yeah and she didn't even like really want to be filmed or like talk too much in the first two episodes I don't know right like I don't know what will happen in the future of the series as far as Connie because they basically use another person that will talk about in the few in the couple next minutes uh coming up next but she was just kind of like I think she probably does feel a lot of guilt and like kind of is wey about talking about it because of this [ __ ] yeah see I've wondered that and like I don't doubt that Connie she obviously does deeply care for The Chimps but she also seems like she really cares about her money yeah yeah um it it was like that a little bit in Tiger King too where you could tell that these people did love these animals and they were passionate they always had a longing for these animals they were always fascinated by them but it was also like money hungry mhm and entertain and using them for entertainment I was also just like really um I just found it humorous whenever they kept saying primate yeah I care for this primate yeah I think we should talk about Pam oh gosh before we talk about our our main character we need to talk about Pam I love that they started the documentary off like with her yeah because let me just tell you when Pam was 7even years old her dad asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she said the world's most famous chimpanzee trainer and years later after Pam had her daughter Dallas she had a premature chimpanzee on her hands and it was in serious need of medical attention and Rehabilitation and like any good samarit W ham who just had her daughter breastfed the premature chimp and it saved its life and she even went as far as calling the chimp her daughter's twin there is something so disturbing about that um and I can't pinpoint like specifically really what it is um like would you breastfeed your dog no because yeah that's it that's what's disturbing about it but it's also like I don't know I don't know because a chimp is so close to like almost Being Human and I think it's not yeah it's not and it's still it's still miles off that 1.6% DNA difference makes a world of difference and I whenever she told that story I pictured her sitting there breastfeeding her baby her human baby and then looking at the dying like and she was like he was dying like he he couldn't like you know live her husband's like I got [Music] home Pam was what was the chimp's name Pam was breastfeeding no [Music] chers and the baby she had one on one she had like one on one tit one on the other tit and he talks about it like it's just like oh Pam like Pam she's always getting into something I just and also I don't I guess maybe it's just the fact that they're close to humans that's why it was able to live cuz I feel like a a baby dog like if you had a dog that was like in that situation a little puppy it wouldn't survive on human milk I mean maybe it would I'm not going to try it but I don't but like you know humans are the only species that drink other mammals milk right right right so but that I was stunned and it was also really disturbing how the daughter was talking about growing up with this he was she was like he was um basically like my brother like he'd get jealous if guys came around and like they were literally siblings and I was like that's so weird I'm sorry she was saying he would spit in their face and she couldn't imagine growing up without him and here I was you know foolish me I'm thinking you know if my mom has breastfed me and this chimp you know and we have similar birth dates and everything I'm thinking I would resent the chimp like why why is a [ __ ] circus animal getting my like parents' time and attention and nutrition but she's like no I can't imagine it any other way like girl you're disturbed the whole family is Disturbed I'm sorry that's weird can we talk about Connie Casey and the chimp she had at her house when her and her family would pass the raisins with the chimp that's gross I forgot all about that oh my gosh I I wrote that [ __ ] down oh trigger warning lock her up I'm sorry that is foul and I saw multiple times in this documentary people um either in home video or like on the documentary film people sharing food with these things with these yeah and I was like that is so nasty like it's not a person I feel like horrible saying that like have you seen the ass on that thing where do you think those little hands are going and you're going to share food with it where do you think that [ __ ] mouth has been that's so gross there and oh God there's something so disturbing about chimpanzees um that and what it is is that a they're so big and no one really realizes how big they actually are and B it's that they I was watching like a video where they were explaining like why there's so many chimp attacks and like ay it's because people keep them in captivity and keep them as pets when they're so big but also like yeah it's like you're driving them crazy what do you think's going to happen people don't realize that like yeah they're very similar to humans except the fact that they don't have empathy they don't have morals they're animals um like yeah some animals like you know have decency and like whatever and they're nice but in loyalty but they don't have like this thing that can get them to like turn off once they're really pissed off and it's also the fact that they have hands and like this dexterity that is they can um there's another guy that you know got attacked by chimps and he was describing how they were just digging in and pulling apart flesh with their hands because they have human hands and they're able to do that it's not just all their mouth or their claws or anything like that like they're just digging in and that's really disturbing it is incredibly disturbing and it is incredibly horrific to imagine oh F like why and why would you have that thing in your house why would you have that thing in your bed if ew creepy disgusting nasty foul Disturbed freaky unglued and speaking of unglued the star of our show we've been saving her we've saved her for almost half an hour yeah she's a star she's the Dolly Parton of The Chimps nurse Tanya hadex nothing could have prepared me for seeing that woman I don't even know how to describe her but I know that when this gets made into a straight to streaming movie that Jennifer kulage is going to be first in line to play her I was going to say that too I was like she's such a bimbofied Carol Baskin like she is like everything that um Tiger King wanted from from the drama and everything like they got it in Tanya yeah I think that everyone needs to just kind of get a good image of how she looks if you don't know what she looks like look her up that's going to really impact the rest of how your listening experience she's always wearing these big wigs and most of the time they're like 8s permed blond wigs she's obviously had a lot of plastic surgery maybe not necessarily full-on surgery but she's she's done up the fillers and something I thought was interesting was episode 2 opens with Tanya getting her lip filler done and she's like I don't want to look fake and I'm like her lips already look like sausage links she said she said I I never go too big like I'm not going to go too big because I just don't like the look of that and they're huge they're already huge massive she's like I'm natural um but like she in the first episode she's like yeah a lot of people compare me to Dolly Parton I don't know why and her outfits are very I would say AV on guard do you get the feeling with her just listening to her talk listening to her uh Express herself and her very impulsive actions and stuff do you get the sense that she drinks a lot or like maybe does pills or something I can't imagine a world where she's not on pills like I feel like she's on something right but whatever she's on it's not enough so I I would say like on the mentally scale say like 1 to 10 one being like a standard person you know if if those exist anymore and us being like you know a four or a five 10 being like they need to institutionalize you I would say Tanya is sitting at a comfortable 8.5 I was going to say the same yeah like she's really not with it she's eccentric well and I think to me what's raised so many like red flags to me with her that's like this woman doesn't have a healthy relationship with these primates is over and over and over she's like the kids the kids right and she I care about this kid and she even goes as far as saying when we've not talked about it yet but a lawsuit gets brought on to Connie Casey and her foundation by Peta they're the plaintiff and she's the defendant and it's over the conditions of these habitats I guess you could call it and so they're suing her and T says to her this is America the judicial system will protect us they're your kids like this was a custody hearing and not an Endangered Species Act violation case brought on by Peta like oh my gosh the Peta lawyer everyone is like Tanya's delusional they're right and and she even goes as far as saying and I think they'll get into this in this Sunday's episode like I I think that we can make this until this um series ends like a little tidbit in our podcast every week but they uh she goes as far as saying that like she cares about these these kids these chimpanzees more than anything more than her own children yeah that's what I was going to say she said that adopting a chimpanzee is a deeper Bond than caring a biological child like what and these people dress these chimpanzees up in like human clothing like these chimpanzees have closets they eat Happy Meal they open Power Aid bottles by themselves I saw so many Power Aid bottles I have to wonder if Power Aid sponsored this I know like she literally tosses the Power Aid bottles that they clearly buy in bulk to The Chimps and they're just opening them and I'm like what the hell can we talk about so I mean it's not really a spoiler this is like old news at this point t fakes tonas Peta eventually wins their case with her and her chimpanzees get confiscated they get you know transported to a better facility in Florida Tanya takes one of The Chimps Tonka the one that bit the guy's nose off and the one that has been in a bunch of Hollywood movies I can't believe the chimpanzees have been in more movies than me that's all kinds of wrong but so these get taken they're like you know hey Tanya we're missing a chimp do you kind of have any idea where it might be and she's like no you know uh he died like oh he died really and she's like yeah he died and we cremated him at 160° and then Tanya has a court case because peta's like Tonka didn't die like she's hiding and they do a reenactment while Tanya is narrating for the court case that how she found Tonka allegedly dead which turned out to be a lie and I mean she's giving a Razzy worthy performance if I'm being honest and the reenactment has her walking up to the cage and she drops a blue Power Aid bottle like you know like in like drama shows like they drop like the wine glass or whatever she drops a blue plastic Power Aid bottle it's so [ __ ] funny I can't I like I can't and you know what's C the craziest thing is she won that like that's where episode two leaves off Tanya won and they show that the I keep wanting to call it a monkey I guess it technically is a monkey but I'm trying to you know respect the biology or whatever um the Chimpanzee is in her basement yeah but I just like but the fact that this woman lied on camera and lied in court so many times to the point she committed perjury so many times they um the the uh director or the proxy director is like oh hey like so tonka's said like do you have his remains cuz you said that y'all cremated him and by the way the person that cremated him was her husband weird and had him send like all these letters saying like yes I cremated him at 160 de she's like no that's wrong they missed a letter a number they dropped to zero yeah uh weird and then she pulls out this little box and I swear it looks like Nest quick like chocolate powder like I know I'm like did she not realize that bones are like ashy white and she's like he just burned down to an ash and they even they brought a cremation specialist and they recreated The Cremation with like Pig and cow bones right they're like no you have to like burn them and then they're like these like uh crumbly bones and then you have to grind them down into that powder so that you don't like if you just burned a body on a pit um you would just have bones and like gross stuff and you'd have to refine it into a fine powder and she pulls out like this powder that's brown and it's like really fine it literally looks like hot cocoa mix and she's like Yep this is him this is this is what we collected off the pit what I was I was obsessed with her explanations when they were questioning her about it and she's like uh I'm not anything to do with the funeral home I don't know what to tell you she's like I don't know anything about that process like I her lies take me out and what I also thought was so funny was um her beefing with the Peta lawyer when she's like I tried to run him over dumbass keeps looking at my Facebook sent me a friend request I watch his Facebook to see if his wife dumps him and like peta's so convinced that Tanya has Tonka they've like hired piis like the T Tanya's being watched they pulled phone records that's how they ended up in court Tanya sent a text like getting groceries for Tonka and at this time where she's got Tonka now this is like a post Connie's facility world for Tanya she says that she's making $350,000 in a year just off brokering monkeys in insane and um also in the court case when she was like uh he's such a [ __ ] bastard under her breath and the judge was like Miss hadex you're not on mute let's talk about that Zoom meeting that Zoom Court thing because her performance was so weird and the director being like in the corner in the hallway watching it all happen was one of the strangest things I've ever seen and when they caught her with the text message she's like well you know back in January no July July I I got a Capuchin and I named him Tonka and so so yes I was going to get groceries for Tonka you can see the Peta lawyer like giggling like and just trying not to like die laughing at her performance um and he's just like okay so uh we'll move on but insanity and then like as soon as the judge Like rules it inconclusive she like closes her laptop and she's like we won he's safe for now she with the cameras rolling she calls Connie and everything insane the way that this woman is just like yep we got away Connie and she says in the opening of the documentary she's like I do anything for him I love them more than God and my kids right and she specifically loves Tonka why he's going to mistake your lips for sausage links and rip them the [ __ ] off and eat them also that clip where she's like you know talking about Tonka and like his sweet demeanor how sweet he is which um a lot of people uh confirmed that he is very nice like he's very sweet um until he rips your nose off and then she's like yeah and I even caught him masturbating once and he was so polite he hid it under his blanket and whenever I walked by he like stopped like and I was like ew yeah I thought that and she's like laughing about it she's like he he and I'm like not funny haha weird like so strange and perverse this whole thing is just ew I also I wondered does Tanya have some other issues because in the opening of the second episode she's sitting down and she's drawing unicorns and talking about how she's going to get these like they're not like Shetland ponies but there other there some other type of horse you know equestrian type mammal and she's like I'm going to paint their uh Hooves and tails pink and I'm going to put glitter on their butts and I'm like what and she's drawing this like shitty little thing and it's like yep and that's what and she's coloring it in with color pencils too and she's like this is what it's going to look like it looks like something you would pull out of a second grade classroom in a montor school and yeah I just I I don't understand and and then whenever she has that little um she's going to open like a private petting zoo yeah her and her husband have a mobile petting zoo on the Ozarks and she's like yeah like this is what we're going to do and she's going around and feeding all the animals and feeding all the babies their milk and stuff and she's kissing these camels on the lips and and the um the llamas and the alpacas or whatever the hell those things are she's like uhuh you can't have your grain until you give me a kiss give me a kiss I'm like can we talk about the psychic element that led to Peta uncovering the text message like that was a chain reaction of events started by a psychic insane like they Peta got a call from a psychic that Tonka was was alive right is that how it went down right or like I can't remember a friend was involved and like the friend went to see a pyic or something yeah the friend went to see a psychic and like they didn't explain it very well cuz I didn't understand if they were saying that the friend had confided in the psychic and said that or if the psychic had been like oh one of your friends is hiding something like what is it and she's like oh my God yeah she's hiding Tonka like I wondered about that to it really wasn't clear it was not clear at all they could have done so much better with that part but I thought it was still interesting that a psychic was involved so interesting I missed a call from my psychic like a month ago and I keep forgetting to call him back oh it was after I mentioned him on the podcast what if he like heard it and he's like um I told you something big was going to happen in June you need to come [Laughter] back hello hey um I love when Tanya was like you know having a chimp it's like potato chips you can't have just one and you can't not have one like it's the most normal thing ever and before when Tanya was carrying over the seven chimpanzees at Connie's facility before Peta intervened she was living in a trailer at the facility yeah 25 ft from The Chimps that's what what's so so insane to me is that this woman just uprooted her whole life and moved into a trailer and like I don't know what her life was like before like it honestly could have been bad she was like a retired nurse with adult children right but she's just like yeah like this is my calling she had gotten um a Capuchin and like fell in love with monkeys and she was just really fascinated with the whole thing so she was like okay like I'll help out yeah that's another important thing to note Tanya has absolutely zero formal training in this regard yet she assigned herself the role of restoring this facility the Montage of her working in it and she's like did she say that she spent half a million dollars or that she's done half a million dollars worth of work like if they would have hired people to do it it would have cost half a million because it wasn't clear to me Antonia's Financial situ throughout the entire documentary is very unclear because she ends up taking the chimps Connie signs custody over to Tanya so Tanya can take the brunt of the lawsuit but I'm like what what money does Tanya have before she gets into this exotic animal dealing I I don't understand but then the lawyer was or the lawyer I think his last name is Goodman he was like um that was not half half a million dollars worth of Renovations and upgrades he said it was absolutely nothing approaching the half a million dollar worth of work like do you want to talk about the former chimp was it the chimp crazy employee that tipped off Peta originally oh yeah she's cool she is cool I was going to say because Peta sent her undercover they gave her like glasses with a camera built in and she went to the facility and like it was the first time anyone had ever seen you know a facility like that and that's kind of what blew the lid off the whole thing right like she had picked up that like oh they're not being cared for and they're bored and they're sad and like they they don't get fed these chimps are eating junk food like they're eating freaking Happy Meals like all the time courtesy of Tanya and um she was like oh this just doesn't feel right like I'm I'm just upset about this and tip them off and I actually was I remember when all this [ __ ] happened because I was so into pea like I know peta's controversial but I was like on their email list it was same like in middle school early High School I was so into the Peta [ __ ] I thought every celebrity that did a shoot with Peta was so cool I always knew I wanted to grow up and do a Peta photo shoot yeah and you know I got to the point where I was often referring to myself as Jackson sharp animal rights activist yeah yeah and I was on this email list and they were sending out like petitions and stuff like that and I remember signing tonka's petition like specifically oh W to get him help and I remember like reading about all this stuff when it was happening and to get all these chimps out of there and I was like oh so sad but I had no idea like the level I guess until watching this yeah the magnitude that Connie just built this into is really kind of astounding and also the way that Tanya absolutely worships Connie so weird like Tanya is giving Connie's verbal biography in the first episode she starts Connie got her first Chimp in 1972 and it just goes on and Tanya's like urging her like you need to write a book you need to get this out there people need to know your story you've done so much and in hindsight it's like has she done more damage than good probably and Tanya holds such hatred for PETA like again I know that Peta is controversial but like she um the director brings her like a little stuffed monkey and a box of animal crackers and she's like oh well did you know that Peta had the bars removed like they're no longer in cages because that's wrong because it's wrong to have animals in cages and yada yada yeah like she refuses the cracker she's like I won't need him like insane um and yeah so because of the status in the exotic animal community that the director had after Tiger King the exotic animal community was very wary of the actual director of this talky Series so they used a proxy director named Dwayne Cunningham who has actually been to federal prison over uh incidents with exotic animals over the years but he's apparently the way that they were kind of describing in the documentary he speaks the chimpanzee exotic animal community lingo so he was able to infiltrate into Connie and Tanya's uh you know their practice whatever you want to call that Fiasco they had going in fesus Missouri and I wanted to ask you like what do you do you think ethically about the use of the proxy director like and obviously you know misleading them uh clearly it worked for my entertainment because he's a part of that world he worked with animals he's been around like exotic animals before he knows like this type of person better than anyone and honestly like I'm fine with it I was worried in the beginning because I was like wait is this whole documentary just going to be like like um secret footage and like this back and forth [ __ ] I was like no please like I need like the actual indepth like thing um and I'm in situations like this because again animals are involved and I really don't have a problem making fun of and laughing at people who are shitty to animals and use animals like this I will like poke fan at it I'm fine with them using the proxy director and kind of bamboozling them a little bit Yeah I had absolutely no moral objections to it I thought that it was for the greater good and it definitely served my entertainment it got a more genuine um sort of product out of it yeah but Connie still wouldn't go near the cameras Connie's weary isn't she dead now is she really I think she is a Kan is not she's still kicking but I think that the the documentary as a whole is just a really fascinating little window into another kind of Niche mentally ill Disturbed community that we all love to spectate on yeah and if you have not seen it please watch it and we will kind of talk about it here and there and get y'all updated yeah I was wondering like do we want to lace it into the next two episodes because there's two more parts coming out or do we want to wait until it's all said and done and do one more like full episode on it like a followup whatever we'll see how much we have to say about the rest that comes out because I feel like the the setup is like really the big part of the story and that's what we've just you know spent 50 minutes conversing on is the setup to the story and right so the Fallout will be interesting to see Tanya is such a character and they were saying on the podcast they were hunting for these really eclectic characters and the interviewer was like well you know you you did right you found what you were looking for yeah definitely all I could have wished for and more I know like I I could not turn away from the TV when Tanya was talking and when when she was trying to convince everyone that she didn't fake tonka's death and she went into this crazy monologue about like now why why would I fake his death what would I even do you think I'd just keep him in my house I would never do that you'd have to have an enclosure I don't have an enclosure that'd be crazy for me to keep him here don't you think that I would put him somewhere else so that I don't you know get implicated with it or anything and I mean it's this whole big thing and the whole time he's literally down [ __ ] stairs and the fact that she keeps like guilt tripping like the lawyers and the courts and stuff she's like well this was very traumatic for me to go through like to find him dead and she cries she cries and whales and like her emotional reaction to being asked these questions in court is so intense that the judge has to call recess yeah yeah and then right after everybody turns off their cameras and she's just like he's such a [ __ ] bastard like completely back to normal crazy yeah and they're like Tanya your mic is still on and she's like thank you judge she's not real she's not a real person like that and then that makes me think like okay this [ __ ] has to be stage right but it's completely like and obviously not cuz some of it is like they don't even know that they're being filmed yeah I really when I was you know watching through it I wondered is this supposed to be this funny yeah like is this a comedy this is genuinely one of the funniest things I've seen in months it's so hilarious like I stayed up all night watching it and just dying laughing and I was like this is the best thing I've watched in a long time I need more like I already need more and I was just fascinated by The Chimps themselves cuz I don't like I've been to the zoo like I don't know maybe like four times in my life I've been to like an aquarium a few times like I I was never like you know the kid that was super interested in animals or anything so these really grab my attention and the way that um when Tanya is just standing in like I don't know it's like the chimp room like the enclosure part of the facility where all the cages are and The Chimps are just flinging themselves at the walls and at the ca at the cage doors and they're just like banging banging banging like I would be scared those things go batshit crazy when Connie walks through I mean it literally becomes a circus like I and I was thinking too when I was watching how loud it must be in there I'd be like I would be over stimulated by those like one of those things is insane but seven and at one point Connie had 40 in that preserve hell no hell no and also another thing is the way that they went undercover and filmed like the paa taking all the animals and tranquilizing them and putting them in to the trucks and stuff crazy like I'm so grateful for that footage cuz same and then at the end whenever all the chimps are gone Connie comes in and she sits in like this chair and is just sitting there hanging her head she doesn't say much she's not a woman of many words you know no and um she just sits there and she's sad and like I feel a little bit empathy before for her because I was like okay this woman has devoted a large por of her life to these animals and now they're all gone but then it's also like okay you should have treated them better and like not done this in the first place yeah I I feel like a lot of it seemed to be more about control than for the good of the animals because I get that they're your animals but objectively the court case was about getting better treatment and a better environment for the animals that you weren't able to provide you weren't able to finance yeah I had like um I had like a little thing that I wanted to open the episode with that I completely forgot about because I had my stupid ass like chimpanzee versus gorilla question on my mind when I turned the mics on uh but I was going to open and say that we appreciate everyone that listens and we would really appreciate it if you would follow us on our platforms and leave us a rating you know Alex Cooper just got a $125 million deal with Sirius XM after her notorious $65 million Spotify deal in 2021 the Kelsey Brothers just got A1 million deal with Amazon now Taylor and I are obviously not in that price range but not yet you know we're seeing what the other podcasters are doing and we're trying to step it up so help us help ourselves like we both work full-time jobs and we put a lot of effort into this as far as thinking about things and um researching and just yeah like it's just us so this is the team this is the team meet the team it's us so yeah we're going to close by sharing some music with you and I know what you're all expecting and we're not going to be talking about short and sweet by Sabrina Carpenter because literally everyone is talking about short and sweet by Sabrina Carpenter we don't have anything to add we like it yeah it's good it's good it's you know a fun pop album my favorite is uh good graces maybe bad Kim my favorite is Juno yeah we like it that's all we have to say on that we're going to be talking about another Disney girl in her Masterpiece album that was actually uh Hillary Duff's album dignity her and Sabrina were both under Hollywood Records for a lot of their music career Sabrina obviously did a lot better when she got out from under Hollywood Records as we're seeing now but Hillary Dove released all her music under Hollywood Records but we're talking about her final album dignity and if you're chronically online and you need a reference point for this I can provide a cultural touch Stone it's the Hillary Dove is the original go girl give us nothing dance and she's on the uh like Good Morning America and then she also did one of the night shows the performance for this and the dance break at the end of with love when she's just like moving the top of her body and like moving her arms around and she turns to the side and she does like the fist pumps and then she ends with her arm behind her head and the my cup like this y'all can't see but I'm absolutely weak at the uh Recreation the performance that he just gave I know my Hillary Duff dance but I was I was playing some songs off the album for Taylor before this to really show her why it was worth talking about this over short and sweet and I think the strongest song on the album is I wish it's like this kind of really heavy electric guitar and she's just got a lot of attitude but she's still I really like her monotone singing voice yeah yeah like I think that I could create my own interpretation of this album and it's the one on the cover she's got the dark hair it's like dark hair Hillary I love it I honestly really like her music so I added these to my library so I'm going to be listening I like I like her music a lot too but I like dignity I don't really care for like the like the earlier more I guess kind of tween type music like I was never into Lizzie MaGuire which to be fair like Lizzie MaGuire was a little bit before me I will say though when we were little me and my sister had this uh CD that was uh Barbie hits 2004 and I remember playing that CD out and it was almost all Hillary Duff like so yesterday oh yeah that's a good one that's one of the earlier ones like just a lot of Hillary Duff and like the Freaky Friday soundtrack and then there was like some Shia Twain on it and it was so good and I couldn't find this album like anywhere I couldn't find it on Spotify like going to albums I couldn't find it anywhere and someone had graciously made a playlist of all the songs and put the cover wow and I remember the cover was like a Barbie doll in a black like dress and she had a bun and I was like oh perfect like and it was a pink CD obviously and I listened to this so hard like around February because I was like yes do you know the lore about Lindsay Lohan and Hillary Duff beefing around the time that freaky fried came out and Hillary Duff showed up at the Freaky Friday Premiere to piss Lindsay Lohan off and then I can't remember what movie Hillary Duff LED after that but Lindsay Lohan showed up at the premiere of that one to piss her off and they just had like a little Feud going on for a while I can't really recall what the source of it was but I want to share that Hillary Duff went on like Entertainment Tonight or like one of those you know YouTube entertainment type news outlets and she was talking about this is a few years ago but this is kind of when her music came back into my attention she's talking about her kids really liking her music and she was like it's so embarrassing you know my kids they'll be like Mom like we want to hear your music play dignity play so yesterday and I'll play it for him and we're driving around the neighborhood and they're like can we roll the windows down and she's like I'm just so embarrassed to be driving around the neighborhood blaring my own music it looks like I'm making my kids listen to it and they're always wanting to watch my movies and she keeps saying she's so embarrassed and I'm like Hillary drop the ACT drop that that's so cute I'm like that would be me if I had kids and I had like I'd be like we're going to watch Daddy's TV show we're going to listen we're going to listen to Daddy's music like so many celebrities they open up and they're like my kids don't even know that like I'm this character that like I voed that character that I was famous or anything like they have no concept of it which I understand like protecting your kids from all that sort of stuff but it's like no if I was famous like I'd be like oh look at Mommy yeah no my kids would know they will know when it h they will know well if I have kids that's like another battle I have I'm like that's a lot like that's a big emotional undertaking like wasn't it John Cena that just like today or yesterday came out and he was like I don't think I have the devotion that it would take to be a great parent so I'm like I I feel that way too and people get pissed whenever people especially like powerful talented people come forward and say that they don't want kids or don't have any paternal instincts or anything like that they're like what I'm like you get mad when they don't have kids but then when they have kids and the kids try to do something with themselves you drag them all over the Internet calling them a talentless nepo baby so which is it but yeah that's what we've got this week listen to Hillary Duff and watch chimp crazy and follow us on all of our socials yeah it's just like velvet VI podcast you can find us yeah we're easy to find and I mean we're not posting anything that exciting on there but you can get some announcement post some little like our favorite clips from the episodes yeah maybe we have more followers maybe we' do something more fun on there yeah exactly you can stalk us and like have a little face reveal like you know it might be fun so yeah it could be fun for you like I'm really this is more for you than it is for me when you think about it cuz when you do this you're going to be the one that's getting enriched not me I I'm just putting this out there for your consumption right I'm just working yeah like I'm just here doing a job you're the one that you know can be thoroughly entertained right ciao ciao they're probably like these get more annoying every week I still can't even tell if we're trolling or not half the time me neither [Music]

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