The Action Network's Brett McMurphy On The New Pac-12 & ACC Implications | Primetime W/ Isaac & Suke

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:18:35 Category: Gaming

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pack to Oregon State Washington State have added San Diego State Boise State Colorado State Fresno State here to talk about what's next is uh Brett McMurphy Action Network uh Mr McMurphy thank you for your time how are you good evening guys good to talk to you good to talk to you so what what do you think happens now like it sounds like uh they want to get to nine total uh who do you think rounds out this uh this new pack 12 uh well they definitely have to get to eight because that's the minimum to be an FS conference so uh they they actually don't know I mean if if they did they would have already you know offered those invitations so I think the fact that they they stopped at six is is kind of telling uh that the six members now we go from from twac to six-pack um will determine who those new members are going to be uh you know I think you know the the candidates are obvious unv Air Force out of the Mountain West uh you could look at Memphis and and tane out of the American potentially dip into Texas and and try to grab like a UTSA or a Texas State um those could be possibilities you know the challenge for for the Pack 12 is that whoever they get like any of the schools I mentioned or any other schools out there that they could get and K and Stanford would not be available obviously um they're not going to bring a great deal of value to their media rights deal going forward they're all basically going to be about the same they're not there's not like one school out there that really um would bring a great deal of value and so basically I think they they've got to decide and it's not it's not a easy Choice it's a personal preference for them what do they want do they want somebody that's the best football program currently do they want historically the best football program do they want are they more with how engaged are the fans the fan uh the fan base the the brand name um I'd mentioned academics but we know they don't care about academics um so that's basically what they've got to figure out um but the fact they they stopped at six members means that they don't have a consensus who the next two will be but certainly they got to get those in place um for the 2026 season to be an FBS conference and be eligible for the college uh football playoff well I would assume that anyone in the Mountain West would would accept the invite the Mountain West TV deal is like 4 million bucks a year per school it's about to get a lot worse uh but the American um conference they got 9 million a year I've seen the Pack 12 somewhere probably in that $10 million range is even if they got to like 11 or 12 do you think that's enough for someone like Tain to want to go be in the west coast is is the is the brand name enough to actually pull teams from from down south or out east for probably not more money much more money if any at all yeah that's a great question and I I you know I can't tell you the answer to that because we don't know what tan is thinking you know I think Tain would you know prefer at the end of the day to to be in the ACC but is is that ever going to happen that's dependent on Florida State and Clemson and maybe some other schools leaving uh so certainly that would be a better fit geography wise um you know you don't know we don't know if if they're happy with the way things are in the American or they're fed up with it um the Pack 12 does carry a brand value you know whether that's how much that's worth exactly that's debatable I guess um you know they are no longer a power conference so they they're not going to be treated like they were you know two or three years ago they're now part of the group of six they're not a power League um obviously their conference champ will be El to make the conference or excuse me make the cfp just like every other conference champ out there um and so that's something two Lan's got to figured out I wouldn't guys I wouldn't be surprised if the American goes after Air Force I mean if you if you have the American you know Athletic Conference and three of your teams are army navy and Air Force that's that's a pretty good deal now we could talk about how good those teams may or may not be but certainly from from a brand if you have all three military teams in your conference that would be a huge good for the American so um you know we'll just we'll say what if T Lane doesn't want Air Force in the American maybe that's a reason to go to the Mountain West again I don't know we don't know those answers I know that Florida State and Clemson vote again voted against adding Cal Stanford and SMU so you know there have been you know similar examples in other leagues but um that's that's what we got to find out the money is going to be very Sim similar like you said I think the Pack 12 would get a little bit more money um but certainly if the American could pull the pull Air Force then that would I think that may level the uh the plane field as far as the far as the TV money but the good news for the Pack 12 is they're they're next up as far as the medor rights negotiations kind of like the big 12 jumped the Pack 12 we saw what happened with the Pack 12 so maybe they can benefit from that and get a deal with with ESPN Andor Fox and don't have to worry about being on the CW like the team's current do in the Mountain West this is Brett McMurphy of Action Network so what do you think will happen with the ACC and when when is I don't know and what is I don't know because we don't know what the I mean I could sit here and tell you this is going to happen I have no idea I can tell you what will happen based on what the judges decide I don't know what the judges are going to decide if the judges give Florida State and Clemson an opportunity to get out of the conference they will get out of the conference if it cost a lots and lots of money to get out of the conference then nobody else is going to leave the conference so what does that mean that means Clemson and Florida State are going to have to find a home I reported a couple weeks ago the Big 10 and SEC have no interest in either school if they are the only two that get out but if a judge rules the grant of rights is invalid it's not enforceable whatever it is and it's like a conga line the front door of the ACC offices then you're going to see the Big 10 and the SEC go after North Carolina and Virginia you're going to see Clemson and Florida State end up in one of those two conferences you're going to see Miami land somewhere you're going to see Virginia Tech end up somewhere um you know pit and Louisville perhaps go to the big 12 and then the Big 10 would have 20 22 members the SEC would had 20 the Big 12 would have 20 and the ACC would basically be Boston College Syracuse Wake Forest and whoever's left and the American so that's the two scenarios but again I have no idea what's going to happen because we've got four lawsuits I'm going right now and we've got to see you know the the end result of all that and then once we do then I think you have a better better idea of what exactly is going to happen I think that surprises so many people and I did see that you reported that uh can you tell us why is it because I think there was this belief that if Clemson and and Florida State got out that there'd be some sort of you know bidding war but you reported that that both the Big 10 and the SEC are saying no thanks why is there not interest for what seemingly a lot of layman fans would say are the two Marquee brands well the SE the SEC reason is easy they've already got teams in the State of Florida and South Carolina so by adding Florida State and Clemson you're adding yeah you're adding two solid Brands two teams that historically are decent in football but you already own those you already own those States you're not going to bring in additional SEC viewers because you add floor state Clemson so your the amount of your meteorites increases slightly but now you got two more Mouse to feed so the amount of money per team would actually reduce the Big 10 they just jumped up to you know 18 they're still trying to figure out how they're going to do 18 schools um and also you know Florida state has been very public in their efforts to get out of the the ACC part of that's because of the Sunshine State rules the State of Florida that all these meetings have to be public so a lot of their laundry has been out there for everybody to see however it's turned a lot of presidents off in the Big 10 they're like we think they would be a disruptive partner if they're doing this to the ACC how do we know they don't do that to us also neither school is an aou member the academic standing that that every Big 10 school is currently with the exception of Nebraska they were an AA me aa member when they joined the school they have since lost that designation and so um you know academics actually does matter somewhat in in the Big 10 and again keep in mind these are presidents that are making these decisions these are not message board you know experts or or keyboard keyboard Warriors that are are making this call or coaches and the president's kind of look at things a little bit differently and finally the reason why neither conference wants to add anybody right now is they don't know what's going to happen with the house settlement they don't know what's gonna is there going to be Revenue sharing are are players I'm not going to call them student athletes are players going to be employees we don't know all of these different factors and that's like their number one priority now is figuring all this stuff out we don't even know if there's going to be an NCAA so you know the big 10's up to 18 the sec's at 16 there's no urgency to add either one because there's no threat of that if they wanted them there's no threat that they can go anywhere else because both both leagues don't want them FS new is not spending millions of dollars to go to the big 12 so that's not an option so I don't know what they'll do but again if the door and everybody can get out well then the Big 10 and sec would fight over their their top Targets in in the ACC and then you would see them grow but unless that happens neither one has the appetite to expand and you're right it surprised a lot of people especially um people in Tallahassee I a good friend um who's in Tallahassee that does you know some media work and he called me up as soon as my story popped and I said all right let me hear it what's what's your beef and he goes dude he goes I've been hearing this stuff for for three months I just I can't I can't report it because I you know I cover Florida State and it'd be viewed as as negative towards Florida State um so this I don't think this is any surprise to Florida State people I think it was a surprise to everybody kind of out there who everyone just kind of thought based on you know the pulse of Twitter and the so-called Twitter experts that Florida State's are locked to the Big 10 and they've already locked them in they already have an invite and all that stuff it was total garbage is there I was I was kind of spitballing thinking while you were talking about the ACC if everybody let's say that one crumbles is there a chance that this pack 12 however they round it out becomes a power four League no uh no because well because here this is how I mean that's a great question but this is how it is so the basically the power the designation of a power league if if people don't realize this is the college football playoff pays out and millions of dollars to the conferences these power leagues the four power leagues now they get probably three force of that revenue from the college football playoff obviously conferences are rewarded more teams you have the further they go Etc but there's just a flat rate if you have no teams to go to the colle football playoff if you're a power League you're going to get a minimum of this much million dollars it dewars the group of five a group of six numbers they don't get they probably don't get 10% of what the power leagues get so in this the scenario we laid out if the ACC imploded and there's no ACC anymore then you're down to three power leagues so what are those what are those three power leagues going to do are they going to say hey you know what we uh we feel bad for the Pack 12 let's give them a full full share and and keep it to power four no it'll be it'll be the power three and they'll get the bulk of the money and everyone else will you know fight at the kids tables for the leftovers and ultimately we'll probably have a power two with the big 10 in the SEC and everybody else will be second rate the question is once we get to that power two status will those guys take their take their ball and go go play on their own and basically just have a playoff with exclusively Big 10 and SEC schools I don't think either League wants to do that but that could be a last resort and if that did happen I think you would see both leagues would expand to at least 20 I mean it would it it would look like the NFL model AFC NFC one one's on ESPN one's on Fox kind of like it is now um it's just everybody else is involved in the game right now but we could get to that but the original question yeah if the ACC somehow you know disappeared off the map then they cut the pie in the three bigger pieces and and smile as they sit on their Scrooge McDuck pile of money yeah so basically the best case scenario here for the the Pack 12 is uh you know you back fill it with three other teams and then you and the American Athletic Conference become kind of the the two slugging it out for one shot the the the best team from those two conferences the champion ends up getting a a place at the table correct yeah you could I mean you could get you could get somewhere down the road who's to say that you know the runner up can't finish in the top 11 in the country and get in at large bid I mean that's a possibility I mean again it's going to be difficult but if you if you can beef up your non-conference schedule enough and you know roll out an 11-1 season certainly you could be in a conversation a lot more than you could be if you're a team from conference us say the Sun Belt or or the Mac uh what do you I know you're with the Action Network now so um Oregon what is it 16 16 and a half over Oregon State what do you think's the the right side uh this weekend when they meet well I'm I was either dumb enough or smart enough to pick we're GNA win the national title and you know right now Dan lanny's not making me look very smart but the good news is nobody's going to remember those two games when we get to December true um you know the question I have about Oregon is can they figure out what's going on the offensive line that's the biggest shock to me because I I talked to Dan you know Big 10 media days and he was very very psyched and very optimistic about the offensive line and the trenches both offensively and defensively but you know my gosh you know Genty ran all over him um if not for the punt return and the kick return boy like look make no mistake Boise should have won that game yeah there's no ifs s or doubts about it but they didn't so give Oregon Credit they won I mean I don't know I would I know it's in corbalis I would I would hate to have I mean Oregon hasn't shown me they figured it out so I would have to I would have to lean to take an Oregon State plus the points I mean think of how jacked up Oregon State and Washington State are this week yeah to play the two teams that left them behind and you can only imagine you know how psyched they are now you know the famous Mike Tyson quote Everybody's Got A Plan till you get punched in the face so once they get hit in the face how they respond but I mean my gosh think if Washington State and Oregon State won on Saturday oh my god what have what a 48 hour or 72 hour for the for the Pack 12 they would they would uh celebrate that one for a long long time very true Action Network Brett McMurphy hey thanks for the time I appreciate the info thank you wow what a Gong Show this is yeah it's just crazy it it is it is kind of nuts to to think about it and and we're not anywhere done so we got to we got to figure out the Pack 12 backfill yeah and then the Mountain West has to figure out what they because they got gutted yeah so they're talking about maybe elevating it if they want to the Montana States and the North Dakota states of the world I don't even know if they want to do that but um the schools and then you know what happens with the American uh um Athletic Conference does the Pack 12 try to poach from there and can they because the money's going to be about the same uh and then the ACC lawsuit thing is it just the two that get out is it the entire conference that's the big thing you know because to me like at this point past the last three of the Pack 12 it's kind of all the same you know you're the Mountain West Pack 12 it's AAC sunbell just have a good season and hope you get into the playoff right you're not getting you're not power for no uh but boy I tell you it sounds like the entire college football World should be rooting for the ACC to go tease up because if it does that changes everything yeah and all these conferences look different yeah question because and he brought it up if they say that the grant of rights isn't enforcable and there's a cheap deal to be made the whole thing crumbles if it's a couple hundred million dollars no one may leave or at the worst it would be just Clemson in Florida State and wouldn't that be hilarious if those jackasses tried to buy their way out and no one wanted them I would laugh my ass what would they do they'd be like the new pack two I would laugh well honestly even after all that lawsuit they may have to stick around because they don't have another choice and I or take pittance money from another conference or God forbid what if they had to lower themselves to the Big 12 yeah good stuff I love when people get big big britches and then just get kneecapped it's hilarious

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