Trey Benson and Cameron Thomas Press Conference - Training Camp

after Saturday night how how are you feeling about how what you're putting on tape and how playing on feeling uh feeling pretty good right now I feel like um still have a lot you know a lot to learn a lot to work on um still learning still maturing and um got a lot to do be able to put together a pair of big runs like you did I know one was negated by penalty but does that kind of just make you kind of relax a little bit and say hey I can can do this I can be successful fin yeah after that first one I was like okay okay I can I can hang with the big guys you know um it was pretty cool you know having those runs but I got to finish Those runs you know uh show that speed that I have better is your recognition just being able to react rather than having to think too much start to now say say it again how much better is your recognition how how much easier is it just to react instead of thinking about what you need to do uh every day like every every time we practice it start to slow down even more more and more for me every single day and um those guys in my running back room you know they continue to be on me and they continue to motivate me every single day and um without those guys I yeah I probably have a hard time but you know those guys in their room they all right that's Elite group how you developed that recognition is there something intentional you did or is it just the more reps kind of the more that develops uh I think it's the more rep the more reps I take you know the more comfortable I get at it um I'm pretty sure for it's for everyone but yeah it's the rep for sure did you did you feel like you played a lot better or different in this second game compared to the first game or was it about the same do you think and just things are the variables are different so there was a few more yards there uh this game I was just more com comfortable um first game was my first NFL game ever so I was probably kind of a little timid uh still trying to figure things out but this second game I was you know more comfortable and um pretty sure the next couple games it'll get better as well what the joint practices provide that the two preseason games when you did it for you the joint prices they are they're very intense um kind of I need those reps kind of like you know game rep so it's kind of we played three games last week um that's how intense it is but it was nice seeing some of the other guys I you know train with from the other team too as well does in in a game situation like in the game when you were playing does James come up and talk to you while you're in the game in terms of stuff he sees or does he kind of just let you be and deal with the game on your own he can't count in between you know some some drives he'll come he'll let me be but some drives he'll come if he sees something he'll come you know sit by me on the bench and tell me like what to look for this time and he that's a great that's a great dude you starting to see also the development of your draft classmates especially guys who are out there kind of leaving charge tip Isaiah oh yeah excuse my name but they block they blocking their ass off um I tip I sent tip a clip yesterday I said hey you blocking your ass off right here let just you know keep getting better um Isaiah and uh my my other dog too so this this class this R class is it's elite even rap you know rabbit got the pick um on the other side of the ball so um it's a lot it's going going to be a lot going on in this class how clip did you send TP uh the first run the run that I had was the the first one I broke U when he tacked me by my shirt but tip just moved moved to do I the way like like a lawn mow so um yeah I sent it to him yesterday though you said after the game against New Orleans we were really excited to go back and watch your first NFL film now that you broke off a couple runs was it a little B more fun watching the film back yeah it was a little more little more fun uh after the first game you know um you know a lot I seen a lot of stuff but um it's we got a lot to work on like I said um that first game I was a little little tell me you know just get my feet wet and um I learned a lot from that game and just carried over to the next game are you getting to the point where you're kind of anxious to have the games account go or are you embracing that you still have a couple weeks of run up before you guys have to play game that counts oh no I'm still I'm still embracing it I'm living in the moment uh I'm enjoying every rep that I get and um just still trying to find ways to get better cuz I know I can be better what are some of the areas that you feel like you can improve on really just not thinking when I have a ball in my hand just going out there and playing that's when I play my best when I'm not thinking at all what's the biggest difference in pass Pro between College andl it's a lot more fast than the NFL um you cannot have a false your eyes can't be in the wrong place cuz your eyes in the wrong place it can happen like this college you probably have a little more time but you got to make sure your eyes in the right spot in the NFL how do you feel you adjusted to NFL pass BR still I'm still adjusting as we speak um uh I just I'm getting more reps at it um getting better at it every single day but I think I'm adjust it pretty good you mentioned guys in the room being helpful how's that Dynamic with that and but of course many of you competing for competing for spots yeah we competing but it's like friendly competition you know they they got my back you know I got their back and um not just like when I come to Sidelines it don't just be James it be be Mike it be Tony it be DJ they all come they all come to me and see what they see on the field cuz they want me to be great as well but you know it's still competi but you like those are my guys who are you closest with in the rookie class Mar Marvin for sure uh we spent the the the five weeks that we have off we spent most of our time together um me and him spent probably almost that whole time off together you know just being great really and what is what are the conversations like between you two uh well my first time ever Mee Marv it was really it was here I first time my first time see in person you know I just um watch him he was in Ohio State but when I first got here with him he was just all about work so I was all about work too so I'm like okay I'm going to be around him a little more um so once we got off you know uh mini camp was over we you know put in overtime with the LA we even put overtime in here um we used to get up at 7:00 so I came a little late sometimes he used to get on me and he like you say he going to be 7:00 got I got in at 7:15 a couple times but you know Mar Marvel good D he pushed me you know he pushed me to a level that I never thought I had what you see from him is his work ethic and kind of the time he put in during those five weeks he he is he different he a different dude he about his business and you know that's that's how I want to be so I got you got to be around people that about their business because you know you'll adapt to that and you'll be about to business too aside from his work ethic what was something that you learned about him um he quiet around everybody else but you know he kind of opened up to me and talk me a little more so I say um he he's funny though he got sense of hum so um you know that's my guy and I'm continue to grow their relationship with him obviously at this level everyone has a strong work ethic but what what does he do that stands out in that regard really just I see how he just re like take care of his body like even when he's not hurt you know hamstring work he always doing that type of work and you know just being you know being a pro uh really um he just came in the leag but he's been doing good being a pro you know what I mean even teaching me how to be a pro as well 7 a.m. workouts were they here or were they at some high school field or something we we was here we was here for sure D you could design the ideal run for yourself what would it look like would you be running over people would you someone breaking the field and take it to the house what was it look like I want uh probably I just um any anything using my speed really so I wouldn't really I wouldn't say run over no one but I'll probably Juke someone and just get up the field really I just want to see green grass really with that relationship I know earlier in Camp there was the talk that Jonathan said about being real serious and Marvin seems obviously to be that way too is that something that you guys have have in common even though privately like you said you might be funny yeah we we but we uh we joke off sometimes too you know we have a little fun and um but when it's time to get to work we get to work and be serious for sure time to play this uh Saturday at 9:00 a.m. you're going to be watching the game yeah I'm going it's 9:00 a.m. Hur yeah I'm I'm going be watching for sure I'm I'm excited to see my guys than e e e e e e feel like the continuity of being the same system now back toback Seasons after have to go with two different systems is really paying off for you uh yeah definitely you know uh when you go you know going back from my first year you know trying to be a rookie you know try to lock in learn the whole scheme and then you know um having to scrap all that and going to a whole another uh scheme you know it definitely um you know I wouldn't say it was a setback but definitely it was a learning curve so you know having this year to be able to come back with the same scheme with the same coaches and a lot of the same players you know um I definitely think it helps uh definitely feel a lot more comfortable and allows you just to out their play fast and free what were some of the things that the coaching staff gave you during the offseason tips for you to to work out and to work towards improving your game this year uh yeah I like uh how JG calls it he always calls it uh you know throwing your fast ball um you know whatever it's going to do to make you win use it you know and um I think being able to express that being able to you know kind of play consistent and you know maybe just a little bit more power power power and then you know throw a fast ball and you know throw a speed move uh speed move off the edge um it definitely allows you to play fast free how gratifying was it to get to The Back Field not once or twice on Saturday oh it feels great you know every time getting home uh yeah best feel in the world how how did you approach the offseason especially after the end of last season when he didn't play in the last two games the same you know I think uh a big reason to why I got to the NFL and got here was uh the consistency in my um kind of my Approach in my uh you know day-to-day uh you know whether um it's waking up in the morning eating the same breakfast you know keeping that same routine um whether you know it's Mobility um or if it's like just light you know uh bands or something like that but just keeping it consistent every single day um really not changing anything up because I know uh what works for me and um keeping that consistency um you know through you mentioned being gain weight this this offseason is that right uh no uh maintain uh going from my rookie season to my sophomore season I gained about a good 10 pounds this year I kind of just took that um that weight and kind of cleaned it up and um yeah just made it feel a little little bit leaner how many different spots are they asking you to play in the front uh you know what it's different packages here and there have me kind of bouncing around a little bit but it's pretty consistent off the edge you know we have some um sometimes I'll be rushing inside sometimes I'll be playing the run from the inside but it it's mainly off the edge guys this training camp in preseason I've talked about Nic Rises trash talking what is it like having a young defensive coordinator who I imagine kind of relates with you guys on a lot of those levels yeah I I love it you know having somebody to uh kind of um shoot the with and uh and being able to um just be able to relate to and talk football with um you know it's great it's like you know it's like having a uh kind of a play here as a coach um so I I love it any Trash Talk that you can repeat that stands out oh man I going to keep that to inside the walls how did you feel the pass rush in the game last game with did overall especially guys like Xavier Thomas Vic yeah um I will say this about us something I really love about this Edge group on this team is we're a very tight-knit group um you know we're a pack of dogs out there all hunting together you know so one of us eat we all eat did it surprise you you know you talked about using your fastball being an NFL pass rusher that you don't need 15 different moves you know do one or two things really well was that a surprise to you that you didn't need maybe more in Your Arsenal uh yeah you know that's a great question so I'll kind of tie that back into like my routine um you know I think kind of kind of reflecting a little bit this offseason like um you know what that fast ball is for me I'm a bigger kind of more lengthier dude so you know if I could use that um you know use that in my my rushes consistently and then you know think you know I'm kind of using more power here and there and I get the old to think you know this guy is going to bring the heat again I'm getting them to sit down a little bit and then that's where that fast ball comes in 100% um you know with what that fast ball is um it could be a couple different moves you know it could be a side scissors cross chop um you know that kind of goes back and forth but it's being able have a switch up um and be able to have kind of a base um yeah we can support is it Zen and Dennis kind of leading you guys in that room they're uh you know they definitely do a very good job of like I said you know keeping a tightnit group I think they do a very good job of kind of keeping the um the consistency um and they do have a very big leadership role within our room when VJ went down uh JG said that you didn't have to say anything to you guys in the room because you guys were all NFL players whenever that happened did you guys talk at all while hey like it's time for all of us to kind of bring it up or was it just business as usual for you guys you know what uh obviously BJ is one of our brothers I got he's one of our dogs that they're hunting with us so when it went down it it was devastating to all of us and every everybody in that room knew that they had to pick it up cuz you know he was um you know he's a great player and he had a big role in this team um so yeah I think I think we all kind of you know strapped it up buckled the chin stra up and um knew that we all had to um do our part do you hear the things that are being written and said about this Ed Rush group do you do you hear people questioning it so what's your reaction to it it's outside noise that's it's not in my control I kind of just let it be with with Coach Rob how how would you describe the job he does with a group that has a lot of different skill sets among different guys I think he does a fantastic job um you know I think he really kind of sets the standard um you know in our room you know we kind of we we kind of call it the um the the P Rush mechanics you know and um you know if we can do if you could do you within those mechanics um you know you're you're going to do a great job I think he does a fantastic job um teaching his mechanics and letting everybody kind of be them off those mechanics uh I absolutely think he's um he's a great coach and he really cares for his players you guys had 33 sacks last year your personal approach do you how much emphasis do you put on getting the sack compared to disrupting a dropback to maybe forcing you know some sort of bad play you know what I every single snap you go out there you try to do your best job you know whether it ends up in a sack or ends up in a pressure or you know you you do your job and allows somebody else to come free I think every single um snap you're trying to go out there and uh do your best you noticing from the new guys on the defensive line is it making your job easier to get to the quarterback potentially with Darius Justin and Bal yeah I I love every one of those guys I think they're all going in there um rushing like mad man um you know I love I love Darius and I like the way he's been approaching the game especially from as a rookie uh I mean dude is a is a freak of nature I mean he's just incredibly long and uh he uses his length very well and I know he will do a very good job um in improving and helping this defense thanks

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