Jonathan Cahn: The Dragon's Prophecy & the War in Israel | Praise on TBN

Intro the people of God and the Jewish people have to come together which is happening Israel and the church has to but also if you're in the image of God the enemy hates you he's been trying to war against you from the moment you were born he's been trying to harass you batter you abuse you wound you scar you defile you distract you anything he can do to stop God's purposes and you have to fight the dragon's prophecy is unlike The Dragon's Prophecy any book you've ever written tell us why yeah yeah I have never it's kind of amazing for me to think about it but I have never written a book focusing on Israel and the end times and and the end times in general I mean I I speak about prophetic things things are that are to happen but this is the first time and in fact I was working on the sequel to The Return of the Gods the Lord interrupted me and said no I actually saw a dragon in my head and and that was the beginning of the dragon's prophecy this is the only book Eric where I'm actually writing it I'm working on it and things are happening it's happening in the world what I'm writing so I had to keep on coming back to the book and rewriting because it kept happening it's also the only book that I've written where I have so much attack I can't I'm writing about I won't go into it but I'm writing about the the dragon in Revelation the floods against Israel and as I'm writing it a flood comes against my Congregation Beth Israel then a second flood right then a third flood then thieves break in during the flood I mean it's just crazy stuff total spiritual warfare total spiritual and that's a good sign to me to me I'm glad even coming here today uh it is a good side the enemy doesn't want God's people to to read it or to know it or to see it so that's a good sign so so it's it's what if there was I mean everything we're watching there is a real spiritual war behind it we're all part of it every single person on earth is part of it and if you're a Believer even more so and also the war is not only with Israel and the world but it's also the church and it's also each of Our Lives the enemy Wars against each same way so this is going to open up Revelations about that as well how to overcome and one thing there's one mystery here we'll get to it but that actually may enable us to know EX exact events yet to come down to when exactly they're going to happen wow and it's not a surprise Jonathan you've been facing massive spiritual warfare because The War in Israel when you're talking about Israel you're touching the apple of God's eye and a lot of this book can be linked back to October 7th yeah and that Hamas Massacre of 1200 Israelis tell us about the tie in this book to the October 7th Massacre and the war between Israel tamas yeah well the first thing is that literally I was sharing my Congregation Beth Israel one of the mysteries of this and the Mystery ordained this mystery ordained that there would be an attack on Israel it would happen in it would happen in 2023 would happen in October would happen on a Sabbath day would happen on a Hebrew holy day it would take place on the first Saturday of October I'm sharing this mystery that on October 6th that Friday night next morning it happens people who were there saying what's going this what I'm saying this is you know no accidents um and this may even enable us to tell us more this goes back to the first The Mystery of the dragon and you know there is a force of evil and and you know sometimes people are fine with believing in God but not the enemy but you cannot explain Hitler without the enemy you cannot explain Jewish history you know without that there is an entity and the Bible calls him the dragon and the serpent he is a fallen angel and he exists to stop the purposes of God to destroy the purposes of God then on the other hand you have God creates a people who are there to fulfill the purposes of God to bring God's purposes into the world you know and so what are you going to have when you have that the one and the other you're going to have a war and so what we saw on October 7th was part of an ancient war you know we we kind of rise up and we have our little we have our generation but it's part of an ancient war that's been going on in one form or another and it makes no sense in the natural you cannot explain it in the natural it doesn't matter where they have in in the world where they have no Jewish people there there's hatred for Jewish people ancient times Medieval Times modern times and it keeps changing you know in some place they said well we're against the Jews because they keep to themselves we're against the Jews because they don't keep to themselves you know we're against them because they have no they're just rootless well we're against them because they have Israel doesn't matter doesn't matter this is a spiritual thing that we're all involved in and if anything not only do the does Jewish existence show the existence of God it's testimony but it also testifies to the existence of the enemy so you got this war and then in Revelation you have this vision of this Dragon who makes war against this woman who has a crown of 12 stars who gives birth to Messiah that's Israel and that that is the thing is Eric it's amazing because it's not only it's Yet to Come of Revelation but actually things from Revelation are even spilling over now because the war is happening right now as well so there's amazing Mysteries that affect all of us it's amazing how Jewish writings talk about the devil that enemy that dragon that Ser they talk about the devil as well we think of Jesus Jonathan so much he talked about the devil a lot and the enemy of our souls but ancient Jewish writings predating Jesus also talked about the enemy yeah and to here we are in 2024 and here is again the witness the world against Israel makes no sense you know you think you know after an event like that everybody would rally behind Israel it does the opposite that is not natural and the thing is that you know it's interesting because the word Satan is a Hebrew word there's a reason because it means the one who was against who Oppo opposes he's against the Jewish people first so there is a mystery here The Origin of Palestinians and this is something U and it's going to be you know it could be kind of a stunning thing and that is that I mean you'll you'll I know jive with it but the thing is that we pray for all people God is for you know wants to save all people but think about this the enemy is an imitator he's a mimic he mimics God so so so what what happened if God's going to resurrect his ancient people and bring them back into the world the enemy is going to have his own resurrection and he's going to bring back an ancient people and the ancient people are the ancient enemies of Israel and they were called the Philistines or the pil and these were the sea people these were the sea peoples they swept over they swept over and they invaded Israel and they were a thorn Contin Goliath you know Samson the stories all that is the the the Philistines so what would happen if he would resurrect this people he has resurrected this people and it's not about the people they don't know what they're doing but we call them the Palestinians Palestinian means Philistine literally means that and the the the the amazing thing there's so much to this but they're actually they're actually replaying the ancient mystery without knowing it and the thing is that when when Israel the word Israel first came into the world it was the on the pharaoh's inscriptions you know uh ancient times Israel right after that is when the word Philistine comes in on the pharaoh's inscription they come into the world together and so when Israel came back so the enemy starts res another Resurrection when Israel starts coming back in the 18 end of the 1800 Zionist Congress right after that the word Philistine starts spreading in the Arabic language and then in fact the word and you know what the word is I mean you you would know but the word for Philistine in Arabic among the Philistine the word is filastine that's how you say Palestinian you say it's filastine that's how you say it I mean you know it's real obvious the thing is that that so at the same moment Israel is coming back in 1948 there's this other resurrection that has now touched the entire world and this is a war this is part of the dragon's War yeah and folks the book is called if you're listening to this fascinating breakdown by the one and only Rabbi Jonathan Khan the book is called the dragon's prophecy Israel the dark resurrection and the end of times it is a mustre for such a time as this and Jonathan I think it's fascinating how history kind of repeats itself as you said the Palestinians today live in the territory in Gaza in particular in which the ancient Philistines Israel's ancient enemies yes it was it was called pilet in the Bible it's or Phila and it was it was was strip of land there and now here's the thing people don't realize Gaza was there we know that Gaza is this ancient city of the Philistines but the Gaza Strip you know when it officially came back 1948 when Israel came back and they went to their land then all of a sudden all these you know quot Palestinians are coming back and all a sudden the the population triples and quadruples and now it's like 10 times what it was it's all happen happing when Israel comes back so if God is bringing the Jewish people to their Homeland the enemy is bringing they don't know it their pawns bringing the Philistines to their ancient Homeland and so it's I mean it's amazing so and from that land there for the for Israel in ancient times this was a uh this was a land they feared because because evil would come from it no doubt and it is it was a collision course then and it is a collision course today by the way where can we get the book the book The Dragon's prophecy is everywhere there where there are books uh from Walmart to Amazon to every book every place you online you can get it right now I'm praying people get it for also for their families that people who don't know and their lord in in the who need to know and Jonathan you WR and you've unpacked this a little bit so far but the dragon's prophecy reveals an ancient mystery behind October 7th yes yes what happened in ancient times see now the thing is that and again it's not the people we got to pray for all people but it's this mystery that's overtaking this people and it's conforming them into the image of the ancient Phil step by step and so the ancient Philistines were a warlike people they put all things into war they hated Israel the Bible speaks about it yeah Bible speaks about a hatred they trained their children from youth to to be soldiers you know you know remember remember the story of David and Goliath they said well Goliath has been a man of war since his youth you know they tra so it's all happening and the thing is that so so the thing is that what did they do in ancient times they would invade Israel they would launch raids on Israel they would raid Israeli Villages the Philistines would and they would launch it from the Gaza Strip or you know which is that so it's exactly the thing and so in fact when you read Bible colge and it talks about that they raided it and they committed atrocities this is nearly 3,000 years ago this was happening and now it's happening again today in 2024 you got to if you want to understand the you know what's happening you can't go to CNN you got to go to God you know and and and the thing is that that actually there's a mystery because the Bible speaks about these raids and it gives two lands that and one is the neev and the other is called The Shea which and when you where they two converge is exactly where October 7th happened where that Festival was where the villagers were it's in the exact pinpointed land that the Bible indicates so and the other thing is what would they do the Bible says they would take captives they would take the Israeli captives back to the Gaza Strip we're watching this mystery of and people don't realize it for the most part Jonathan you make great point and you're unlocking these mysteries in the dragon's prophecy this is Cutting Edge again some people are looking at October 7th in the aftermath kind of in the natural but this is an ancient spiritual battle and by the way you write in the book that Hamas this vicious terrorist The Origin of Hamas organization actually appears in the Bible yeah Hamas is a is a is an acronym the Islamic resistance movement and so it becomes Arabic word that means Zeal and fervor but it's one of the strange words that has a unique prophecy or or property to it and that is that it's also a word and so this Hebrew word in Hebrew it doesn't mean Zeal and fervor it means evil violence and destruction so I mean like the fact that they chose it I mean this they didn't even realize it and the thing is that it's in the Bible so when you look in the Bible under Hamas you will you will see things like like save me from the man of Hamas you know Lord save me in the song or Hamas has risen up as a rod of evil on the land or there is Bloodshed covering the land because Hamas fills the city or Hamas you know you know they they do everything in hiding and they have their tunnels and darkness it says Hamas dwells in the dark places of the earth and and then you have things like rid Hamas from the land and and the promise in the Kingdom of Messiah that in that day Hamas shall no longer be heard in your land it's all there there are no coincidences this is so clearly Jonathan a spiritual battle you outline it in the dragon's prophecy and by the way a big question for you the big one The Book of Revelation Revelation 12 yeah and a link to Hamas October 7th yeah well okay yeah it's amazing because it's almost the other thing that's happening is is like end time prophecy has been accelerating you know um and you know we see it with the apostasy in but now with Israel it's accelerating there are several flash points prophetic flash points that we crossed with all these things but it's like Revelation is spilling over now in Revelation it says the Dragon Number One persecuted the woman I mean the word persecuted you think of the Jewish people persecuted here's the source of it also it says he had anger the word is orido he had a rage against Israel I mean against the Jewish people well that's been that this is what that was that was the day of the dragon's rage against Israel I mean it wasn't them it was demonic what happened but the thing is that it says that he launched a flood specifically launched a flood out of his mouth to flood away the woman now he's been trying to flood away the Jewish people for two he overwhelms them tries to do this well this was also a flood that came on the land but the thing is there's actually what happened on October 7th has a code word OS had a name for it it was called operation tuon tuon is the Arabic word for the flood flood literally the flood Came Upon that now now let me just tell you something this is there's a story Eric that we learned by the way we Eric and I enjoy this we're not just do AE we enjoy this um and that is that there was a story we learned as children which almost every day which was which which actually has a secret here and that is the story of Samson in the story of Samson the Philistines take an Israelite captive they mutilate him take him captive bound to Gaza City ultimately to Gaza they put him on display kind of like what happened there they Rejoice over it which kind of what happened there um they have a celebration a festival and then as the festival is happening you know the story Samson pushes and he strikes down the Philistines the Temple of Deon well he amazing thing is okay so now we have the Israelites being taken again to Gaza they have celebrations in Gaza and it's actually day of Festival but it's almost like an ancient Revenge that the dragon uses that they people don't even know because what happened is now they strike Israel and it as they were struck by Samson on the day of their Festival they strike Israel on the day of its Festival in the Bible the word it uses for the Philistine Festival is the word Sim Joy Sim so they stri Israel on the holiday called Sim Sim Torah and the other thing is that it says that you know the number of people the only number it gives the people that were slain it says about 3,000 the IDF identified the Invaders on October 7 it said it was about 3,000 it was like the return of the gazin it was like a Revenge that they didn't even realize but the enemy does folks you're not Satanic Desecration going to hear this anywhere else the book is called the dragon's prophecy it's amazing it's Cutting Edge and again it's written at a time when we have so much confusion so much demonic hatred against Israel and the Jewish people Jonathan cuts through all of that with Biblical and prophetic truth you can pick it up wherever books are sold Jonathan perhaps and hey you've written a lot of important books maybe your most important and timely yet and that's saying something and I wanted to ask you about this principle you write I hate to call it principle you write about in the book of satanic desecration yeah and how that applied to October 7th yeah and also from what you said I mean you know I just want to write whatever the Lord you know the Lord interrupted me he said okay this is the one that has to go out but we've never had such a swell of of of Interest I mean so much we've never seen it before for this one so I think it is the time and I appreciate your words um yeah the enemy is a desecrator I mean he he takes what is of God and he desecrates it I mean Abomination you know you know it's all that's what he does he takes something that's holy and desecrated so it's no accident on the day of October 7th that it was the holy day of the Jewish week it was the Sabbath the Shabbat day of peace day of blessing so he turns the day of blessing and peace to a day of warfare and and conflict and sorrow and the thing is and and when you look I won't go into it but there are laws for the Sabbath and it's like every single law of the Sabbath that is in the in the Jewish world was broken specifically I mean law of you can't you can't trap you can't trap anything you can't Slaughter you can't bind you can't move I mean every single one I mean just you know the major ones but the other thing is that on the Sabbath Jewish people welcome the Sabbath into their homes there's a special prayer you know and come in enter enter God come in with your angels well so on that day s it was a satanic entrance into the homes of Israel on the Sabbath where they had to keep them out and the other thing is you know they call you know you know there's a name for the enemy's kind of whole quote Unholy days they call a gathering of satanic gather is called a black a Black Sabbath and the thing is the name for what happened October 7th in Hebrew the isra Israelis call it the Black Sabbath now that's one the other at the same time it's a holiday and again we say sim Torah rejoicing so what does the enemy do he turns the day of Joy biggest Joy day you know and he makes it a day of sorrow but then he has his own Simka day and that is this is that on Simka Torah you're supposed to go out in the streets and dance and sing so instead the enemies of Israel go out into the streets and dance and sing and celebrate the shedding of Jewish blood as the hostages were paraded through the streets and gods and civilians were beating them taunting them mocking them cting like they displayed Samson I mean and by the way by the way you know this is the Bible speaks about it he David says don't let the the the the Philistine daughters Rejoice over this there's another there's a they said they would have celebrations when something bad happened to Israel it's happening again and not that they're planning it it's just happening and the other thing is on the Singa Torah it is it is traditional you give out candy on F you know what they did all throughout the Palestinian territory and the Arab world they gave out candies it was the devil's holiday and then there's one that's going to going to lead us to even the Jubilee that you and I talked about yeah this was not October 7th the first time The Jubilee Mystery that Israel suffered a sneak attack on a holiday since it was miraculously reborn in 1948 talk about the jubilean mystery that's right you and I have spoken before about the good the good of the Jubilee mystery that is the Jubilee if you lost your land you get it back the amazing thing is when you look at the resurrection of Israel God did all these things on this 50e sacred calendar won't go into the detail but the first one 1867 the land is released things start count 50 years takes you to 1917 bow for a declaration the Jewish people going to have the land the Turks flee but they don't have Jerusalem 6 50 years later takes you to 1967 6 day war Jerusalem Jerusalem but they never in Jubilee you get recognized you get legal rights never had that every refused but count 50 years takes you to 2017 and Trump issues the first Declaration of Jerusalem since ancient times so you have all that happening but the enemy is going to try to desecrate that so he's going to take the Jubilee of God and instead of taking it from a a victory and a blessing he's going to take it from a Calamity and that Calamity was called the the Yom kipor War that's the one time Israel was caught off guard it's shake it has shaken Israel to this day it looked like Israel was going to be destroyed so this was the youngker bo it was a tra it was a Calamity they won but it was a Calamity and so and it looked like they win so what happens if the devil makes his own Jubilee count 50 years from that day that will take you to 2023 so it means there's going to be another Invasion and it's going to be the devil's he going to catch Israel by surprise again it's going to be a ground evasion it's going to happen on the Sabbath day it's going to happen on a Hebrew holy day it's going to and one of the the the the moadim of Leviticus as the first one was so this and it's going to happen on the first Saturday of October and and so I mean it's that exact that is how you know you can't understand without knowing God's way the book opens up the signs of the end of days now we're getting really deep what Signs of the End Times are some of them yeah well and let me let me say one other thing with that and is that how exact this is uh Eric that when the you know the the Yom kapore war was a reaction to the Six Day War yes you know the the nations were striking back the great Victory Israel some people say Israel is complacent after that victory in the sixth day war and then 6 years later this massive surprise attack Egypt Syria yeah Israel prevails but a hard F oh yeah they almost did they almost and and this was this was definitely a reaction to the Six Day War you know they got Jerusalem but in the spiritual think about it the enemy the dragon now you have the Jewish people have Jerusalem he's been trying to stop that for 2,000 years now Messiah can come the temple can rebuil all the time things so so he launch he launches the the Yum kapor War okay and the the the timing between the start of the Six Day War in June on June 5th and the start of the yor war on October 6 is 2,315 days okay so two fast forward to the Jubilee the Jubilee of the start of the Y of the Six Day War a a blessing happens the Senate passes a resolution to bless to to recognize jerus which leads to Trump okay but happens on the exact thing if you count the same amount of days from the start of the Six Day War start of yore 2,315 it takes you not to October 6 Friday because of a leap year it takes you to October 7th that is the exact day day and this links to the end of days all this is linked to the we we have to know what's happen we have to know where we're going and things have accelerated so one whole gigantic section of the dragon's prophecy is called the end of days and first of all what does the Bible say about the end of days I mean this this is back from Moses Moses talks about the end of days and he says that number one it's going to be time of Great Tribulation trouble for the Jewish people they will have returned to the land in the last days the whole world will be against them the whole world will be focused on Israel that will be will be will'll be Waring against them there'll be days of distress and of the enemy actually in the Hebrew which is the en which is the enemy and so where are we right now it has to let's say we didn't know let's say let's say Eric we came in from another planet and here we are all we know is what the Bible said well this is where we are we are living in the day that day Israel's back the world is focused on Israel conflict the world is wanting to wish Israel would be wiped off and we are we are and it's the time of tribulation for God's people and so we are in the end days and there's all sorts of mysteries about the end of The Colors of the Apocalypse days yeah and one of them is the colors of the Apocalypse tell us about that in a second Jonathan but first folks if you're just joining us the one and only rabbi Jonathan Khan is here on praise and the brand new book is called the dragon's prophecy a fascinating timely mustre you unlock the end of days what's happening in Israel right now Jonathan what happened in Israel in ancient times and why it impacts all of us today and by the way folks this book is encouraging I'm about to ask you about the colors of the Apocalypse we'll get trust us we'll get to plenty of biblical encouragement no one does it better than Rabbi Johnson well thank you thank you because this war we're all involved it doesn't matter if you're if you're a Jewish if you are not Jewish you're a believer in Messiah or you have the image of God which we that is all of us he's against you he's walking against you you know and how do you overcome okay there the you know the Palestinian flag and this was lifted up on all these days is red green black and white that's the colors of it now when you look when you open up the Book of Revelation interesting thing because you see something called The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse what are the colors red black white and green the pale hor is green and so and in fact Eric if you look at all the nations that have those or those that configuration of colors they're all enemies of Israel or they have been and they're waiting to be so it's amazing but even that even that very true uh folks these are the kind of insights again you're not going to get anywhere else and you can pick up the dragon's prophecy wherever books are sold so go do it Jonathan you and I have talked a bunch yeah about the prophet The War of Gog and Magog Ezekiel oh yes a coming War funny name folks but a name you need to know the war of Gog and MOG yes laid out in the Book of Ezekiel chapters 3839 tell us more about why that may be the next big prophetic event yeah well the the Ezekiel is very clear he says and this is for the end times this is not never happened before says when Israel comes back in the world from the Nations comes back there's going to be a massive Invasion it's not Armageddon but it's it's many nations not all many and it he names the Nations by their ancient names and and we can identify them I mean there is a question about Russia that's another story but but that that's a big a big thing there but we can identify he says Kush that is modern day Sudan that was ancient Ethiopia he says put that is Libya and the northern and we have ancient historians to match that up he says tog garma and some others that was asiia minor that's turkey and then he says Paras which is was known as parsa or Persia which is Iran you know so the amazing thing is not only are these enemies of Israel or have been or about to but not only that but you the Bible said it says that they're going to partake in an invasion of Israel now we know that's yet to come but here's the thing here's a little secret Eric you know that is that when you look at for instance Kush uh Sudan it was actually involved in this invasion of Israel actually sponsored actually smuggled into Hamas that this could happen you look at put Libya they're the next Nation also smuggled in took part in an invasion of Israel turkey funded it also the same thing and Iran well Iran was behind all of that so so this is the first time in history that every that the ones that we can identify clearly there had a part in an invasion of Israel they've never invaded before had a part we cross the prophetic line now what's coming is going to be a full invasion but this is already we never crossed this line before we have crossed several prophetic lines and spoil spiler alert that last days Invasion Force doesn't get very far no the god of Israel intervenes in a mighty way yeah on the mountains of Israel that's very interesting that you said that we'll ready to get to a mystery on the mountains of Israel yes hey an entity A Spiritual War and by the way Jonathan just seems to me and you just laid out how we've crossed some major prophetic thresholds here it seems that October 7th in many ways opened up the prophetic floodgates and really helped to lay the groundwork for coming events like that GOG War speaking of which an entity known as the SAR parab tell us more about it yeah this is an entity you know the Bible says we are War not against flesh and blood but but spir you know principalities well behind even news events if you don't understand that you're not going to understand what's happening the Bible speaks of an entity called the SAR Paras it's in the Book of Daniel translated a number of different ways and it says that this entity is basically what its mission is in the Book of Daniel is to stop the prophetic purposes of God for Israel concerning the last days he TR he's the one who tries to stop that revelation of the last days which is going to be the Antichrist the temple from from Daniel so the thing is entities don't die and so so therefore when Israel comes back in the world for the at last days and times you'd expect this entity to be especially active or activate and the amazing thing is this SAR Paras could mean the ruler Prince or ruler of Iran it's actually linked to Iran Iran now Iran when it came back was actually not against Israel but it according to the Bible it's going to happen because Iran's in Ezekiel 3839 yeah before 1979 Iran and Israel were actually friends friends yeah but it had to happen I remember being at a prophecy when I a prophecy seminar when I was a new believer I no I wasn't even a believer I it was about Russia and someone says well Iran and Israel they're great friends and the guy said well the Bible said it and sure enough and so this it's like they they turn and they become obsessed with Israel turkey as well yeah yeah and and this is and so Iran is De is is I mean obsessed with the destruction of Israel Israel considers Iran its Archen enemy and so it's not natural it's not a natural Nation with that government it's not natural it's bent on destruction it is demonic and so and so that's why what happened in the midst of this for the first time another prophetic uh threshold Iran actually struck Israel that had not happened directly before April 13th 2024 it struck struck Israel first time so we're talking this is Major it's the first time that Any Nation mentioned by Ezekiel actually struck attacked Israel directly and so therefore but you have an entity behind it and so you know nations of the world they try to they try to deal with Iran you can't deal with Iran because you're not dealing with a nation you're dealing with an entity yeah and and a demonic entity and the other thing is that but the Bible says in the same book it says but there's also something called the S Israel the ruler or the prince or Defender of Israel and his name is Mikel or Michael if you're real spiritual you can call him Mike but Mikel so actually Israel has this this Force that's keeping it alive and so you had this war in literally in the heavenlies the Skies of Israel Skies of Iran and so we can't see and there wasn't and there was like virtually nothing that struck Israel I mean virtually nothing you know so the thing is we have this thing so so let's just think about this the Bible says there's a war between the two they actually fight each other so it makes sense that in the world the two nations are going to be like mortal enemies that's all there it's all in the spiritual 99.9% I believe Jonathan of those incoming projectiles on April 13th launched byan they were intered miraculous number two The Butcher of Tehran IR as you've laid out and you lay out in the book The Dragon prophecy the great new book truly is the head of the snake when it comes to Terror against Israel funding supporting Hamas H blah all the rest which brings me to May 20124 yes Ibrahim RI yes the former Iranian president a man known as The Butcher of tan killed in a helicopter crash was there prophetic significance there yes there yes there was you know and and this makes sense you know if you go if you say behind October 6 is Hamas behind Hamas is Iran behind Iran is the SAR Paras and behind the Saras is the dragon I mean this is like the Bible has the so so here's the thing you have the president of Iran as you said Ibrahim REI and he he's the only president who oversaw an attack on Israel struck now the Bible says now now his name Ibrahim comes from Abraham so he's named after the father of the people that he's trying to wipe out and he's named after the one who God made a Covenant that if you touch Israel God's going to come back at you you're you're not going to if you curse Israel it's coming back he actually the first one to touch he touched the apple of God's eyes as you said Israel's God's about 30 days later he was struck down dead now the about 30 days after he struck touch the apple of God's eye not only that he during those days he threatened Israel with total Destruction made news repeatedly repeated he said and he said there'll be nothing left well about 30 days later there was nothing left of him and the thing is there's actually and that's blasphemy by the way to say you're going to destroy Israel because it's God's Nation you can't do that and the thing is the day before he was struck there was actually an ancient paraa an ancient scripture that was read throughout Israel and the Jewish World you know what was appointed it was about the man who blasphemes and he will be taken out and struck down and I'm going to tell you one more thing because you you you already did it says When God says when the the nations of Ezekiel 38 they come down he says I'm going to bring them against the mountains and I'm going to they're going to fall on the mountains okay so Abraham Ry was struck down on the mountains God brought him against the mountains as the first one to actually do it it's a sign for what is Yet to Come Rabbi Jonathan Khan again no The Temple Mount one is unlocking this like you are and folks the book is called yes the dragon the enemy he's on the move but so is the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and guess what he's Victorious and so is his land and his people the land of Israel and you can read about all of it in the dragon's prophecy Israel the dark resurrection and the end of day if that title doesn't grab you I don't know what will hey the temple Mountain Jerusalem yes the world's most coveted piece of real estate a connection to October 7 yes yeah and the Temple mount the temple m is like the ground zero of Prophecy that's where all going to come Book of Revelation the Temple's going to be there Antichrist is going to desecrate it sit as God there so the devil wants that and also that's where God's coming back you know that's where he's going to re from so the enemy so notice so think about this just again once you get the spiritual think about what's happening the en has made it so that no Jewish person is allowed to pray on that mount to have any kind of religious anything on that mount it's insane Solomon's Temple and the second temple both stood on that mount it's a Temple mount for a reason yeah for the Jewish people yeah and so he's done everything to keep that away keep them away so so and and so if anything touches that mount all hell is going to break loose and that's what happened the the the Unseen story is earlier that year something happened on the Temple Mount there were rumors that Jewish people wanted to offer wanted to celebrate Passover on the mount and offer up a lamb and so all hell broke loose it was a riot on the mount between Israeli Hamas at that point said you're gonna we're gonna you're going to pay for this yeah October 7th was the payment for that it was the end the D now think of it spiritually the dragon saying oh you're going to touch me you're going to you're going to move me from this Mount which God will do but you know I'm going to strike you and so it as it happened on a Hebrew holy day Passover he struck Israel on a Hebrew holy day the end of Tabernacles so it's the it's the one is the first day of the Hebrew year the other is the last day and so and in fact Hamas even said it they even said it in their thing they said it's because what happened on the mount and they called it I said they called it the flood they also called it they called it the alaxa flood so even it's all the AL aamas because it's right on there it's even Revelation is affecting our world right now and the other thing the other thing I just thought of as we're talking up Eric and that is that it's you know when God says that the nations are going to invade Israel he said you'll come like a storm a storm you know you know the word tufon operation alaka tuon means flood but it also means the storm and actually the word in Hebrew in Ezekiel is shaah which is the same word as the Holocaust and all the and but we won't go into it but even Hitler is part of what happened you mentioned you mentioned the prophetic significance Osama Bin Laden even cited the Temple Mount as a reason behind 911 911 even people now this be shocking for people but 9 behind 911 was actually also the Temple Mount he used almost the exact same words that Hamas used said they were going to take them out it's the it's the dragon and and that's what we're dealing with you mentioned we mentioned King Solomon his Temple that The Red Heifers once stood upon the Temple mount in Jerusalem yep you break down five red cows yes and King Solomon how does that tie into the dragon's prophecy yeah you've probably heard about it I mean I'm not you you you're on off of it before it happens but but the red heers they were taken from Texas about five of them taken to Israel cuz they found the red heers and this is part of the restoration of the temple well for the Dragon for the enemy this is going to be a threat number one so they even mentioned Hamas even mentioned they said those red cows was part of what happened but not only that not only that many call them the red heers the red heers yeah they called them the red C the the one there's one day that celebrates uh the Hebrew calendar celebrates Solomon building dedicating the temple it is the 22nd of Tish the end of Tabernacles and they read on the appointed word they read how Solomon dedicated the temple on the mount now for the for the enemy this is a threat thing you because so it was as they were reading this all over it fell tishy 22 that year fell on October 7th so as they're reading this all the dragon strikes wow and you mentioned A Wave of Antisemitism speaking of the Dragon striking and Jonathan the aftermath of it in the wake of October 7th you said this earlier you would think there be a ground swell of support for Israel for the Jewish people the exact opposite has happened you've seen a demonic wave of anti-Semitism and anti-israel sentiment sweep throughout the world including right here in the United States that's right yeah it it's it's crazy and on the campuses involving the young and I mean it's not natural you don't you know when when does something like this happen and the the the reaction is we hate the victims even more I mean c pull down the the hostage posters you know crazy but the thing is that the Bible says in Revelation that out of the dragon's mouth came these Spirits like frogs and they went through the world to gather the nations against Israel that's the final war and so you see that shaping up now yeah yeah why would you you know how can you imagine the world's going to be against this size of New Jersey little State well you can see it cuz it's not it's not natural and you know and and you know here's here's some of the the Fingerprints of it they were they were chanting from The River To The Sea Palestine shall be free which means Israel will be destroyed but that's a satanic inversion of the abrahamic promise when God promises the land to Abraham in the Bible he says from the sea to the River from the sea to the river so the enemy reverses it that is the hand of that and the thing is it's all all there and the thing is that when you look at this this is the next Generation Eric this is the next leaders of America on the campuses what does this mean well what the Bible said is true there will be one day they will come yeah and folks you read about it again in the dragon's prophecy you can pick it up wherever books are sold the brand new blockbuster from multi- bestselling author the one and only Rabbi Jonathan Khan you remember the Harbinger Harbinger part two the return of the Gods Josiah Manifesto well the dragon's prophecy is the latest by Rabbi Jonathan Khan hey quick side question people watching this might say this is absolutely fascinating where does he get this we've talked more about your writing process the Holy Spirit just downloads these incredible books into your spirit and then you get them on get them on paper Eric I'm the first one to be blown away you know and and that's my favorite part by the way my favorite part is when it comes you know and I just always know that God's going to do it he's never disappointed me you know there's there's no end to God I believe you know when you open the Bible expect expect there's no end to it but he just does that and the down that download is usually about a few months and it produces like thousands of pages of notes and you are prolific then I have to put it in the thing yeah then I put it in in in that and and again this one God just said I'm interrupting you this is the word for my people because we're all in a war not just Israel we're all in a war which we get this is the story and by the way what is this all leading to we're talking about October 7th uh ancient Wars the Philistines the Where Does This All Lead? Palestinians today where is it all leading Jonathan and what is the dragon's other War yeah this is it's all leading to Israel as it started it's all leading to Armageddon as the Bible says and it's all leading to to the Lord coming well that's the good news you know the thing is but it's all going you can actually see signs of it but it says in Revelation it says and the dragon went off to make war with the rest of her children now if if the woman is Israel who are the rest of the children who are born of Israel but they're not quite the woman Israel that is the Bible says if you are born again you are a citizen of Israel You're a child of Israel the dragon makes war against you two PE two specific peoples Israel he wants to wipe out and the the the the isra the Israelites of spirit Christians he wants to persecute he wants to stop them his his job is to stop them and so as the end times get further his war against Israel and God's people are going to intensify so really a war against all of us personally the devil is waging a personal war against all of us absolutely in fact I I I I put one in you know sometimes sometimes Eric the book is like get going to the printer and something else comes I said stop the Press but and one thing when I said this is this is revelation of the enemy's war against all of us I call it the Palestine mystery and strategy because what is that what did he do he took the promised land renamed it divorced it from Israel called it Palestine okay and took it away from its purposes gave it to other purposes so underneath Palestine is is the promis line well that's what he does with all of us he takes he seeks to take away the purpose God gave us and take and and give us a false Purpose with our life so that we never know the purpose God has and so and so this is you know and God is into redeeming that so yeah so this is ultimately about we are in a fight you know you know you know right recently I'm sure this is okay I think it's okay to say because you know the president was shot and he he said fight fight well the Lord keeps giv me the Lord keeps giv me this for this year fight fight fight this is we are in a battle all of us and if you bear let's say you're watching you're not even a believer if you're a Believer the enemy hates you if you're Jewish the enemy hates you and so we got by the way the the people of God and the Jewish people have to come together which is happening Israel and the church has to but also if you're in the image of God the enemy hates you he's been trying to war against you from the moment you were born he's been trying to harass you batter you abuse you wound you scar you defile you distract you anything he can do to stop God's purposes and you have to fight that's why we have to be Fighters which is goes to the next thing but there we're more than conquerors through Christ Jesus yeah yeah and this this goes to a a mystery I talk about I call it the mystery of the secret Israelis and that is this you know if you talk to a Jew a Believer they'll say okay yeah I'm I'm a spiritual Israelite I'm a spiritual okay you're not just a spiritual Israelite you're a spiritual Israelite because God has brought them back in our lifetime this's a revelation here now think about this when the Jewish people came back to the land okay before that they weren't known as Fighters you know they you know Jewish people they weren't allowed to fight you know you know it's said that you know a lot of people a lot of you know cultures have good fight stories Jewish people have good almost fight stories if he said one more word that was it but nobody knows what the word is Eric I have I have a story like that too so but once they came back to Israel they realized they had a fight if they didn't fight if they didn't learn how to fight they wouldn't survive the people of the macbes were back legendary Fighters Israel no one resisted the Roman Empire more than the people of Israel legendary Warriors yeah which says something because it's kind of like restoring an ancient identity that you lost for a long time yes well back in the land that's right and so if they're coming back to their inheritance it's time that at the beginning of the age it's time that the church uh all God's people come back to where we were at the beginning of the age we were also Warriors the book of Acts powerful Mighty overcoming the Roman Empire and so the thing is if they became when they started fighting you know here are people who never fought they came out of the Hol didn't all of a sudden they become like the greatest soldiers that means there's an anointing for us in the end times we have to become spiritual Israelis we have to become Fighters meaning you don't accept what the enemy wants for your life you don't accept anymore you don't accept the sin you don't accept the Temptation you don't accept that situation no I am fighting the Lord said we are in this fight and and it says no weapon formed against you will prosper but you got to fight if you don't fight you don't win you we want to be Victor you all want to be victorious but if you don't you cannot be victorious if you don't fight so as the isra Israelis are to the world to the Natural we are to be to the supernatural you are a spiritual Israeli live like it fight the good fight folks the dragon's prophecy is as The Dragon and the Lamb you can hear a call to action not just a book it's a call to action for these times Rabbi Jonathan Khan and the Book of Revelation and you unpack it in detail in the dragon's prophecy talks about the dragon and the lamb yes tell us more about that and the significance yeah well you know it's a battle between the dragon lamb now you think about a dragon think about a lamb you know you wouldn't most people wouldn't put their bets on the lamb you know fig the lamb is defenseless is gone but the the wonderful thing they also is the dra the lamb wins against the dragon and so when you look at Eric when you look throughout history and you have Revelation but it also gives us a revelation about everything and that is evil comes as a dragon it comes to harass comes to intimidate comes Fierce comes in like a flood it comes like a dragon and it looks overwhelming the culture looks overwhelming you know evil looks overwhelming Hitler looked overwhelming but good comes as a lamb you know and it doesn't look you know the people of God under Roman Empire they're like Lambs under under the dragon but they win they win you know the the the Believers yeah Believers under uh the Soviet Union it the dragon Soviet Union looks like a dragon they look like lamb they win you know they win just as the Jewish people as you said won Against All Odds God has given us the power to win Against All Odds the power is with the lamb we are Messiah he's the lion of Judah and he's also the Lamb of God and there's in the end we win we totally win just as just as there's something a revelation about Israel that's real clear about this as well yeah it's a phenomenon of history that God always prevails over the devil the ending the script has already been written and the ending is complete we win and Israel wins absolutely you know when you know I said that God said I brought the Jewish people into the world to show that their Witnesses I exist and to birth you know the woman gives birth they birth the word they birth Messiah they birth you know that and they're going to birth the king you know that's why the enemy wants to destroy them and he tries to by the way one of his one of the things I open up are the strategy the enemy has been trying one of the things he tries to do he tries to preempt what God is about to do you once and I once we talked about something in your life that was really cool he tries to stop it before it happens so don't get discouraged when you're getting attacked you're getting all hell's breaking loose but you're in God's will don't get depressed get joyous because God's going to do something great you know I I you know when I started this is I've just started doing the interviews here and all and every no matter what I do things go I almost didn't make it here but it's a good it's a good sign so the other thing is that when you look at because if you weren't having an effect the devil would just leave you alone he would was making a difference for the kingdom that's right so be blessed be encouraged so when you look at Jewish history okay and you look at everybody tried to destroy that you know Pharaoh's tried to destroy them the Assyrians try to crush them you know Rome Babylon you know Hitler the Soviet Union Hamas Hezbollah all trying to wipe them out for 4,000 years just about trying to wipe him out but the amazing thing is but Eric the amazing thing is the Pharaohs are gone Assyria has fallen Rome has collapsed Babylon is no more Hitler has perished the RO the Soviet Union has collapsed the the terrorists will be gone from this world but but but Amel the nation of Israel lives because the god of Israel lives and so the people of God are going to live if you if you are God's people if the god of Israel is your god Messiah of Israel Yeshua Jesus is yours you're going to live you're going to make it just keep fighting you are bound for victory keep fighting and God has promised this is One race you don't have to be fast you just have to keep get up and keep going you know it's one it's one fight you don't have to be strong you just have to keep going you're going to win it's guaranteed that's the thing so fight the good fight Israel prevails it has a glorious future Rabbi Jonathan Khan and Believers followers of Yeshua Jesus also have a very glorious future what should Americans the book The Dragon's prophecy about Israel the end of days but we've talked about how look followers of Jesus need to take this book very seriously what should the average American just Americans in general we have a largely American audience watching right now what should Americans take from this as they see the dragon's prophecy and see what's unfolding in Israel right now in particular our leaders yeah well one is one is we need to pray for Israel you need to pray bless Israel number one number two everything that happened it doesn't disprove God if anything it proves the Bible is so true so amazing so so be encouraged be encouraged with the fight but also also and you need to vote for people who will do God's will in everything you know with life with everything with Israel and all that um and support bless them you know Bible says it's a guarantee you bless Israel you're going to be blessed you're going to be blessed and as you just laid out if you curse Israel cursed I Eric I've never met somebody in my life who hated Israel hated the Jews and wasn't cursed I've never met anybody in life miserable yeah who loved Israel and wasn't blessed so listen it's a win-win thing and the other thing is the other thing is that you know the very end of the Bible you know it's victory and it's that there there's something that comes right in that Prophecy of the Dragon it says but they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb they overcame who the dragon and the word overcome is the word the Greek word Nao means totally conquer Tot but the interesting thing is it's not it's in the future but it's written in the past tense so it means it's as good as done live you know fight the the the fought War you know win the one Victory it's already there walk into it and you know another thing is that a dragon is a rep a reptile reptilian a lamb is not it's warm so a reptile is cold blooded and they can't they can go f they can they can do stuff but they can't go long they can't go long but the lamb is warm-blooded it can go real long and so evil is is it can never last can you're going to outlive it you keep going with the lamb his love endures forever we be endures for night but his Joy comes in the morning the enemy does his thing but the love of God is forever you are on The Winning Side the world do want you to think it the dragon doesn't want you to think it you are on the winning side and we have a great wonderful fight to Jesus' Return fight hey we've got just a few minutes left and we want to close out in prayer of course but you've made a key point about the temple Mountain Jerusalem Rabbi Jonathan Khan in that Jesus is not returning to Washington DC New York City Berlin Tokyo Paris he's returning to Jerusalem what does that look like the return of Jesus and the temple mounts role in that it looks great I want it that's the end of the story you know you know it's like what's the most exciting part of a movie the last 15 minutes so so let's be blessed that we're in the last 15 minutes don't don't fear you're you got a starting Ro well he's coming he will the Mount of Olives and he will rain on that Temple mount the Bible speaks about that in fact the the Muslims you know they even walled it up you know it's like the enemy I'm going to stop it I'm going to wall it up I'm going to put this here but you know it's not going to stop the walls are not going to stop the Messiah so so it's going to happen and then it says they will beat their swords into into plow shares their Spears into Bruning Hooks and the Earth will be covered with the knowledge of God they will learn more no more hamash shall no longer be in your land from there um and we're going to be it's all blessing it's all good it's all great yeah and all these prophetic chess pieces are moving on the board right now and Rabbi Jonathan KH outlines them folks in the dragon prophecy the brand new blockbuster book Israel the dark resurrection and the end of days you can pick it up wherever books are sold online offline right now Amazon wher you want to go we've done a bunch of these together every time you're prolific every time you new book out we do it together here on Praise on TBN and each one it just gets better and better more timely it's a blessing and can you bless us right now we have about a minute left A Prayer for Israel by closing us in prayer for Israel let's do it okay let's join together everybody father we just praise you that we're living in the times that are actually witnessing what you prophesied thousands of years ago truly Biblical times and father We join hands today in the spirit We join Lord for the Peace of jeruselam we pray for the city of your return we pray for your ancient people father we ask Lord that the veil be opened and that they would come to say bash Adonai blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord father have your way Lord um as Israel prospers the world prospers father have your way Lord and whatever it takes for you to come to your people and for your people to come to you Lord do it and father we pray for the Middle East and all the children of ishma and all the rest we ask for their Redemption father we ask for the the day that the Palestinians would praise you in every way as well and All Nations father we pray for that day when you will reign from jusia and father I ask you bless and touch all those watching with a spirit to fight and overcome in the name of Yeshua the Lamb of God Amen Rabbi Jonathan Khan thank you again the dragon's prophecy folks pick it up until next time from the entire praise team God bless you we'll see you soon [Music]

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