Category: Entertainment
It's why i think you know bobby like picked me out of the bunch to run with him it's because you know i keep track of every penny i take it very seriously i think there's a moral um commitment you make when you both give money and take money and i'm very strict about that um immigrants tend to be really... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
काम ठीक से नहीं करोगी ना तो मुर्गा बनाऊंगा वा सूखा बनाना भैया ठंडी भीर हम मंगवा लेंगे [संगीत] [प्रशंसा] Read more
Category: News & Politics
Government is is more than just a bunch of people with policies what government actually is is it's a transactional body that's all it is it's policies tell us like how we spend that money but the reality is is it's it is a transactional vehicle and one of the best things to increase productivity accountability... Read more
Category: Entertainment
याद है हमें कहां जाना है भूल गया कहां जाना था अय जी का खालसा वाहेगुरु जी की फतेह फतेह हमारे बहुत अच्छे दर्शन हो गए और बहुत अच्छा लगा यहां आके जिंदाबाद [संगीत] जिंदाबाद और ये देखो हमारे घर में इतने सारे पौधे मेरे पापा को ना बचपन से ही छोटे-छोटे पौधों का प्लांट्स का बड़ा शौक था तो पापा ने इतनी मस्त प्लांटेशन यहां पे कर रखी है मिर्ची मिर्ची भी उगती है और सुबह-सुबह ये फूल कितने सुंदर लग रहे हैं भाई गुड मॉर्निंग गाइस तो सुबह के बज चुके हैं 6:00 कल रात... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[संगीत] यह आदमी एक पेशेवर चोर है सबसे पहले वह एक न्यूज़पेपर चोरी करता है फिर रास्ते में उसे एक बूढ़ा मिलता है जिससे वह बस हाय बोलकर निकल जाता है फिर यह चोर एक शॉपिंग मॉल के अंदर जाता है मॉल में घुसते ही वह बड़े मजे से अलग-अलग चीजों को छुपाकर दूसरे कस्टमर्स के बैग में डालने लगता है जैसे ही कस्टमर्स बाहर निकलते हैं मॉल का अलार्म बचने लगता है सिक्योरिटी गार्ड्स हर कस्टमर को रोकने लगते हैं और हर बार लगता है कि मॉल का अलार्म खराब है... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Are venezuelan gangs in this country or not yes or no yes or no yes or no yes or no yes or no yes or no are venezuel our v or not so you don't have numbers Read more
Category: Comedy
Lived in new york and i remember that they stopped do you remember this they stopped all flights in boston and new york they stopped all rides to the airport uh in private cars you could only take a taxi yeah because what better way of stemming the flow of muslims than only allowing taxis to drive to... Read more
Category: Comedy
No there you go there you go hey don't forget to smash the subscribe smash the bell and come on over to the get your ministerial certificate so you can perform marriages yeah perform weddings yeah and you'll get your free ministerial wallet license and you'll get a free degree yeah hey and if... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Bu adam gerçek hayattaki deadpool bunun asıl sebebini videonun sonunda göreceksin bazı kişiler adamın yüzündeki dövmeleri deadpool'un yüzündeki yaralarla [müzik] örtüştürmek dolayı ömür boyu hapse çarptırıldı deadpool'un da filmde ve bazı çizgi romanlarında hapse girdiğini görmüştük ama gerçek hayattaki... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
(audience applauding) (upbeat music) - i should be like that, this is amazing! - i know- - the last time i saw you, it was like a tiny studio- - in la, it was tinier. yes, and we have like, i don't... i think it's twice the size of the audience or three times, i don't know, it's a huge audience. - [henry]... Read more
Category: Howto & Style
[música] realmente me gusta experimentar esa es la única manera en que puedo trabajar es instintivo [música] Read more