Category: People & Blogs
Oh empréstame tu caballo Read more
Category: People & Blogs
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Category: Entertainment
Sh up Read more
Category: Entertainment
[música] hola chicos rtina y este año el nfl decidió hacer un juego en brasil es primera vez que pasa y estaban buscando como una una cantante o un cantante en general que represente a brasil no solamente o sea que sea como que super alto en brasil sino que en el mundo y obviamente obviamente eligieron... Read more
Category: Music
Amassa ritmo dos flux eita [ __ ] car é o bravo da [ __ ] dj dj brit [ __ ] a branca de neve da [ __ ] [música] do elipa ela joga o [ __ ] mas é na 17 que ela joga o [ __ ] sobe desce desce sobe na [ __ ] de ladrão sobe desce desce desce des desce na [ __ ] de ladrão sobe desce desce desce desce desce... Read more
Category: Music
Bar tu que batuque empatou que bate no surdo como que bate com força que o truque da solidão vai falhar que o mundo é tão triste tão todo para quem não sabe sambar e abre seu coração para a vida pois se eu não na avenida deixa tristeza para lá e venha eu peço e não mexo esforço eu quero é festa e alvoroço... Read more
Category: Music
Hey it's david andrew eep so i'm finally getting my poop in a group and releasing some new music and the first song on the new ep which was much requested and i would often save until encore to even perform it one time people got super enthusiastic when i played it at a bar pretty sure it had nothing... Read more
Category: Music
[music] rock and roll tv as people talking and talking [music] i said so much playing games will now i said all right it's okay you may look the other way you can try to understand the new york times [music] [music] i see the dust cloud [music] s where the streets have no name [music] take a love for... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Was passiert, wenn die afd gewinnt? die afd gewinnt zum ersten mal in der geschichte eine landtagswahl nehmen wir jetzt mal an oder vielleicht ist es auch schon passiert wenn ihr euch dieses video hier anschaut doch was passiert dannn eigentlich denn sehr oft ist es ja so dass die partei die am meisten... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
So freunde wir sind jetzt auch hier live auf twitch wir sitzen auf der gamescom freunde ich sitze hier nicht alleine ich bin mit wichtiger denn wir senden live von der gamescom ins worldde rap hinaus ja auf dem ard twitch kanal aber natürlich kommt das ganze ding auch auf youtube denn wir sind hier... Read more
Category: Music
[music] my friends call me a loser cuz i'm still hanging around i've heard so many rumors that i'm just a girl that you bang on your couch i thought you thought of me better someone you could have loose you said we're not together so now when we kiss i have anger shoes you said baby no attachment but... Read more