REACTION: Colorado vs. Nebraska | WTH was that?? 😔🙃

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:19:25 Category: Sports

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so what was that what actually was that you know what's interesting have you heard that saying when someone shows you who they are believe them we we might have just witnessed that because you know what this looks very same this looks very same as last year this looks very same same issues same undisciplined receivers still can't catch the ball offensive line you you know whatever they're a little better but whatever we still are deciding not to run the ball it looks very same it looks very same and for those of you that want to convince yourself that what you saw wasn't that bad because in the second half the defense didn't give up any points you're not paying attention to what's going on you're trying to make this okay even though it's not okay what you saw is after halftime Nebraska knew they were better than Colorado and Nebraska knew that Colorado was not going to score so what Nebraska decided was we're just going to protect the lead we're going to protect the lead and if we protect the lead we can change the way we're playing defense we can also change the way that we're playing calls or calling plays on offense and we can change things what you saw was a Nebraska team who didn't believe that Colorado was very good Nebraska told you they did not think Colorado could compete with them that's what you saw in the second half Nebraska didn't even score in the second half you want know why because they didn't need to score in the second half it was 28 to zero it was 28 to zero that game was a blowout no way shape or form did did colado stand a chance to get back into that game and Nebraska knew that so because they knew that they started changing some things that they were doing on offense so if you're actually going to sit there and believe that the good thing coming out of this is well Colorado's defense held them they didn't score in the second half you know why Nebraska didn't score in the second half they didn't need to the game wasn't close it was a blow out so we have to stop trying to make all of these things sound good and be positive Colorado has shown us who they are we just don't want to believe them for some reason we have decided we don't want to believe them for some reason we will watch football all day and we will see teams running the ball we will see them running a balanced offense but we have convinced ourselves that Colorado doesn't need to do that because why we have shador it doesn't make any sense it actually just doesn't make any sense the truth is we were told Colorado has all these people coming in they're going to be great here's all the reasons they're going to be great here's all the reasons why they're going to be good all week I watch people ask why is anybody talking about this player why is anybody talking about that player why is anybody talking about this player you know why they're not talking about those players because it didn't matter the players didn't matter it doesn't matter who was on your team if they know that they're going to be able to pressure you and it's going to null and void your best players this is why teams that are built from the outside in usually are not successful because playing wide receiver is a dependent position if you play wide receiver you are dependent on the offensive line you're dependent on the quarterback to make a play so because you have dependencies based on your position you could be all world but if we can't get you the ball it doesn't matter what you are and usually when I make these videos I try to talk about positive things different things and different things different things like that but you know what I think it's time we keep it real I think it's time we keep it real on what we're seeing we are seeing an undisciplined football team and you know what they're undisciplined from the coaching down to the players teams take the personality of their coaches one of Coach Prime's tendons is what tough fast discipline with character discipline is a part of that you know what discipline is discipline is you run the ball discipline is a balanced offense that is what discipline looks like balance discipline is playing the best players discipline is go if discipline is going to be part of your tent part of your culture and part of your mission statement that that you say but as a coach you're not showing that how do you expect your players to show that this is simple we're playing a guy at running back than anyone you ask even opposing teams even the people that I know that are not cheering for this team to be successful are asking me why are they playing this guy when this other guy looks like he's 10 times better and the answer to that question is I don't know but my point is is if I'm saying that I'm seeing that and I have friends and family that are seeing that what is the problem it's not disciplined when you don't play the people that make the that move the needle you can't tell me your team is this and your team is that and your team is this and you don't do the things you can't have a press conference before the game or a a a conversation before the game and say oh we're going to run the ball we're gonna do this and then you don't run the ball and then in your press conference you tell me you didn't run the ball because your team didn't want to run the ball what does that mean what does it mean you didn't run the ball because your team didn't want to run the ball like what are we doing something else that's really bothering me is you can't tell me that Travis Hunter should be on the fill with Charley offerall because those two players have different missions and those two players are very different in talent and if Travis Hunter is on your field you're telling me that you're there to win and you're there to do something and make an impact but when you have Charlie on the field he's not he hasn't been the best option to win it doesn't look good it doesn't look good and I know when I start when Sports started I said I'm going to try my very hardest not to talk about players because I am going to try I I I really am trying but the problem it's not Charlie's fault that he's been he's being asked to play because you know what if somebody called me right now and said hey hey girl we need you to come up here and kick field goals for us and play on our team you know what I do I go up there and kick field goals it's not Charlie's fault and I hate that I'm mentioning Charlie by name but the point is why is there not a running back in the game that can actually run the ball that we're going to call run plays for that's undisciplined play calling why are we letting 10 seconds go off the clock at the end of the half when we're trying to kick a fi goal why are we doing that these things are undisciplined and I want to say this saying reading off another team stat on how many penalties they had does not make the case that your penalties are okay I don't understand what the point of that was but that's another thing where that's very UND disciplined when you are looking at things you need to focus on your team and what your team needs to do and your team needs to execute your team didn't execute so because your team didn't execute you can't compare yourself to a team that did execute it's not the same that's a false equivalency that was a talking point I don't understand the point of that it wasn't a good point and whatever so I I hope that we don't do that anymore for those of you that are like Colorado shouldn't run the ball because they have shador Sanders here's the the basic fundamentals of football when you run the ball the clock rolls okay your offens of line is moving forward you're creating a balanced offense what I mean by that is the defense now doesn't know what you're going to do they don't know they think you might pass they think you might run they're having to use their brains a little bit more and it keeps your team balanced if your team is balanced it impacts the way the defense plays against your offense if you sit down and you watch any football any football almost maybe not peee because I haven't watched peee football in a long time but if you watch the NFL and college football running the ball is a is is is football you have to run the ball so the fact that this team has decided that they don't need to run the ball because they have shador Sanders it doesn't make any sense and it is undisciplined football I will not set back back and watch another year of Colorado not running the football it is terrible to watch it is a terrible game plan it's actually embarrassing and I cannot believe that we are sitting back and we're watching another time where Colorado has decided to not run the football because you know why we have options you we went to get those options you coach Prime keep saying we're gonna run the ball we're gonna run the ball we're gonna run the ball then tonight you say oh they don't want to run the ball so what is it what are we doing what is the expectation who are we what is the identity of this team what is the culture of this team I know people want to act like they don't know what culture is and culture doesn't matter but who are we who are we who is this team and the reason why this is not shocking me is because I had a live back after the spring game and I told you then the spring game was troubling and everyone wanted to act like it wasn't a big deal we had our offensive line that was already there in the spring the guys that were there in the spring are now on the offensive line they've played two games now we've seen them work together already in the spring game I told you in the spring game it didn't look good but we made excuses it's the spring game it's this and that the practice that we saw they didn't look good there either but you know what whatever they don't look good as a team the team has issues the team has issues the best players on the team don't seem to be playing I could be wrong and so there's bigger issues here they are showing us who they are and we have to choose to believe if we don't choose to believe them okay fine but they're telling us who they are they're telling us they don't want to run the ball they're showing us they don't want to run the ball they're showing us we have to listen they're telling us who they are we just don't want to believe them because it's so obvious to us that this is not the way to win but they're telling us who they are they're telling us that they want to win games passing they came out in five wide tonight against Nebraska big strong fast interior line interior defensive line Colorado football team came out in five wide today that doesn't make any sense that actually doesn't make any sense I've said it before and I'm going to say it again if you are a fan of Colorado Football and it is your team and it is the team that you follow more than any other team step out of your Echo chamber of information stop listening to the same things people are saying over and over and over and feeding your brain with information and do me a favor take some time and go look at an offensive lineman or offensive line that plays for Kentucky or an offensive line or linebackers that play for a Texas A&M or a kicker that whatever go find a team to look at their positions and compare them to what you're seeing at Colorado also compare th the way those coaches are calling games just compare the difference because the thing that I think needs to happen is this fan base has to start holding people accountable this fan base cannot sit silent and not say anything if you see something say something the only thing that really changes things in sports which is kind of funny is when the fan base can band together and agree when the fan base is actually articulating the problem talking about the concern and pushing for change that is when change happens we cannot keep sitting back and acting like this is okay what we're seeing is not okay if anybody tells you anything that you saw today is okay don't listen to those people Colorado was down 28 to zero 28 to zero at halftime what was good what was good we have to stop acting like you know we're going to take a little bit here and a little bit here and a little bit here no that should not be the expectation the expectation is tough fast discipline with care that's the expectation so if those five things are the expectation why don't we have those that expectation of our coaches why don't we have that expectation for execution why don't we have a consistent expectations to do things that 99% of all other football teams are doing not all football teams 99% of them I don't know about you but I would rather be in the 99% and do things and have a balanced offense and try to call things that make sense than to be in the 1% that thinks that we're going that we're just going to have our offense go out and just win games because we're going to pass the ball all around the field that's not what we're supposed to do are we running a fourth down play with one of our smaller running back one of our smaller slower running backs up the middle when the strength of the Nebraska defense is up the middle it doesn't make sense it actually doesn't make sense things I wanted to do with this video is I didn't want to Plate I didn't want to come up here and talk about all these fluffy things that they did right all the fluffy things they did wrong you know why because it doesn't matter because what I see from this team is we don't have a foundation we don't even know who we are we don't know who we are to the point that we always just throw out things Travis Hunter they didn't beat us last year shador Sanders coaching staff gold jacket 100 plus NFL experience our linebacker coaches this or our living s did this living we made adjustments at like come on that's not that those aren't that's not it y some some people also said last week that Colorado was holding plays back no they weren't they look the exact same they did last week so that was another lie stop lying to yourself to make this team look good stop lying to yourself stop listening to people lie to you what we're seeing is not good we have to hold them accountable the way that you hold them accountable as you keep talking about it keep talking about it I'm not here to knock anybody I am telling you what I am seeing when I'm watching colado play football and Colorado plays undisciplined unbalanced football that is who they are right now and if you want to act like that's not who they are I don't know what to tell you remember good receivers need time from their offensive line they need their quarterback to see them and they also have to catch the ball all of those things have to work to have a a solid wide receiver room if you are watching me talk right now and you think that what you saw today was a solid receiver room with all those drop passes like we saw last year I don't know what to tell you we have to wake up we have to pay attention to what's going on it is not okay to keep acting like what we're seeing is good when it's not good if it's not good you call it out if it's not good you call it out you don't say yeah but last year yeah but no no you call it out if it's not good you call it out because holding people accountable and holding programs accountable is the only way you get better that's it there's no shortcut to the top you have to be held accountable I want to say before I end this video is the dline is not Elite the dline that I see right now is absolutely positively not Elite they are not they're not much of anything right now they are just a bunch of guys out there trying to make it work right now this Colorado defensive line is not Elite the linebackers are not Elite the secondary doesn't look Elite nothing looks Elite on this team right now and if you are convincing yourself otherwise you are also doing yourself a disservice so again I will I will ask you if you can take some time and stop just watching Colorado content go watch other teams play Go W go go find another game that happened yesterday go compare a like team to Colorado and see what it looks like you know what people are people are rainning and raving about you know Oklahoma State almost lost um Baylor's in the Big 12 Utah's in the Big 12 uh Kansas State's in the Big 12 you people are want to say Oregon's not that great if you believe all of those things go watch one of those teams play football see how people in the same positions that Colorado has go see how those people perform go see what they look like go compare other people because what you're going to find is they're doing things differently than the way that we're doing things are all of those teams winning games not all of them but they are balanced and they are in football games it was 28 to zero at halftime 28 to zero at halftime that's not good so no matter how you slice it that's not good so Colorado needs to figure it out this Colorado State team yeah Texas put 52 points on them hook them by the way her I heard toy Horton got hurt but I'm going to tell you right now that they have a rookie or freshman running back who was Stellar against Texas so they can run the ball their offensive line is fine they have another receiver that plays opposite of Horton that looks pretty decent so let's not act like they're our little brother or they can't give us a tough game game that quarterback has now been in the system another year all I'm saying is is if Colorado doesn't get their crap together it's going to continue to be a long season this is only week two but we're seeing some things that we saw from last year carry over to this year and things that we've now seen from two for two consecutive games so we need to believe what we're seeing and hope they figure it out and we need to hold them accountable we have to hold them accountable for the bad things that we see we have to hold them accountable if they do great things great applaud it but don't let it be a half great thing don't let it be a great thing because we're getting blown out but oh it's okay we held them to zero points it's like no that's not it let's hold them accountable let's be honest with ourselves and let's hold them accountable because the only way we're going to get better this season is if we start holding people accountable and they realize that we're not going to tolerate barely winning games or getting blown out that is not a good place to be I don't like it I don't want to be there team I cheer for I don't want to see this I don't want to see mediocrity I want to see a disciplined football team because right now we are everything we are everything but disciplined and that is extremely disappointing

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