Linkin Park Is Back, Oasis & Ticketmaster Get Dynamic and We Have A Guest

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 01:34:43 Category: Music

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Intro hello welcome to a very ill-prepared view from the afternoon um terrible intro you that again yeah go from the top hello and welcome to the view from the afternoon woo wo um hey look we've got Jeremy Meet Jamie Graham Graham here who the [ __ ] Jeremy Graham who thebody knows friend of the squad why is he here if nobody knows cuz we like him I'll tell you why Jam is a great friend of ours and someone who really is off the same him sheet as you might say in retail sense we've known each other for a long time Jamie we've things off the same him sheet never that it's more corporate that's what they saying you really changed man sings off the same H I've never heard that same you never heard that have you ever worked in like retail environment no not really yeah watch Mack for a bit that don't really count we have the same Synergy are you feeling me now I am feeling you yeah there we go Synergy you know what I like I feel like want bread give them bread if the Ducks want water off duck back I don't know I'm just if you ask if you ask the Ducks what the one that'd say faster breath it would maybe we we've known Jamie for many years now uh we met on the internet you can think of us as there like Xbox friends yeah that's a good way of putting it I think yeah and uh and here he is now live and direct do you know what I like live well not live indect literally indirectly not live well what they don't we really um we really stumbled into that intro just a bit what do you expect so for so for context oh disgusting Rob's drinking a Stella you said that about the wkd as well the wkd and this is disgusting so the only the only reason that I'm here is because Rob said I said to Rob yesterday are we going out he said I can't afford it and then he said do do I want to do the podcast immediately we can expense the booze then absolutely so so this podcast only exists so that I can have a beer and not pay for it and you ear a Red Bull I'm having Red Bull because I'm because I'm [ __ ] I don't know if you'd noticed but I've been to a little Festival this past weekend and if you want to know more about the festival that Robin R went to uh stay tuned because we'll have a special episode of the podcast very soon all our favorite uh members of the squad went didn't they yeah from you Ben yeah thank you thank you what we now know is the [ __ ] Squad [ __ ] Squad more on that next week I'm not sure I want to know oh you do you do yes skipping that video I'll listen to it but I won't watch it I don't know what I'll see don't you want to come not with you that's I didn't say that that's what lad said to me want it don't you want to come yeah you get L's number or so a guy that I um sorry if Rob Gets Propositioned you can hear the police sirens we live in the Hood um a guy that a guy that I knew from many many years ago from a different Walk of Life just randomly messaged me after 10 years and was like yo was like yo what does he want Apple discount yeah Festival ticket yeah what what when was I working 10 years ago because um I just think you look quite sexy do you want sucking off well it's a it's a polite offer so I was like going in with a compliment first like yeah salesman I see why did the girls say that um so I was like oh you've been hacked haha yeah like no I'm serious I'm like very funny and he's like um I'm deadly serious like I saw and he like proved it was in by saying like we saw each other the other day in like or something and I was like oh I'm good mate I'm good thanks though thanks thank you so then like like he's being taught how to overcome objections in a sales environment and it's like uh don't you want to come like that's a real existential question I mean I always want to come like a sales man is like what you you don't want a discount to this great product and um do you know what actually I got my laptop here I can read the exact quot so for context for context to the audio listeners we're drinking so there's a bit of a different vibe well I I've had one sip of Stu okay you had one sip I've had a Red Bull oh a bit of a Red Bull sorry me and jamy have been drinking well Ben lured me to leads and plied me with three points that's that's a better way of putting it I think I don't think I don't think that stand up in C person just I just saw about the chat just bro just said so goes in fact do you want to role play this with me oh I thought you'd never asked you can be him and I'll be me that's quite an exchange you've got there oh well you why are you sending pictures to each other so I'll be the the gay or bisexual man yep so it's not too hard of a learning so say no no M I don't believe it's you nice try I talked to you in s this with feeling with feeling sorry this this is this is a great podcast already [ __ ] I talked to you in ssbu remember when I was temping there wouldn't [ __ ] God sorry it's re really badly worded wouldn't [ __ ] about Su like this mate it's a class frape that's what we used to call them it's a class frape I've had it done on my account before it's funny as [ __ ] it's not a free LOL I come in game other the week and seen you I can't remember lol I'm by honestly it's not a wind up mate I now we know either way bro I'm straight I'm afraid it's only a blow job just want to suck you still still still not my kind of thing man how come you're the one get how come you're the one getting pleasure huh still a bit gay though a it h yeah well a bit you're not the gay one cuz you're just getting pleasure H only want to make you come don't you want to come not like that man I don't swing that way okay bro it's the it's you too it's the has on the end that really sell it like after there was a conversation after that I'd love to know more yeah interesting a video call listen man I mean a guy's got to come why you call it him it was just more of the same can you link replying absolutely man I think were far too polite in that you need to be more confident saying [ __ ] off you got to leave these doors open mate you never know just in case when it might come in because he could be a hiring manager in the future that time you said no to me sucking you off not got the job yeah I mean Rob your TV is excellent M but it says here you you said no to me why you off smile Never by the bridge never a bridge yeah some bridges can be but not all God oh dear that's really set the tone hasn't it how do we move on from that [ __ ] hell it's vacuum now so we going to talk about we're not talking about Burning Man this week are we what's that we're not talking about Burning Man this week what is Burning Man well they've already well if you want to know check out the haven't they already seen it by the time this comes out yeah so if you've not seen The Burning Man Vlog it's great what you doing it's really good they have yeah yeah um I reckon what we on maybe two weeks from now it'll come out the bur man podcast you yeah we'll see see what Sleeping In a Car With Jamie happens these people are very hard to pin down guys Jamie tell us three three truths and a lie about you yeah three truths and a lie um I once slept in a car park in my car um I am six foot tall and uh think of a lie for me think of a lie cuz the six foot bit is definitely true yeah no definitely I mean and I've and I've seen bullet with my Valentine nine times okay I think that that whenever someone does this [ __ ] right listen you put me on the SC what you expect when there's not worse then when people do like in the office environment like to tr and Li I don't know if you ever see them yeah there's always some prick that chooses something they've done but there's just a variable change so like you could be saying like I've actually seen him 11 times that was a lie and it just ruins the G I'm not saying you've done that cuz I know for a fact you're not 6' tall but what do you mean those heels look but um there is always someone that does that no agre it is Anno I've been to 17 countries that was that was the lie it's actually 19 last week I was just in Peru with my father bloody mad one definitely blood um no obviously the six H thing was aive but me always getting robbed by homeless man sleeping in my car it was true when where was that you didn't say all about the homeless man didn't what he's done is he skipped he had a pre he had a pre-planned agenda point that he then teed up but missed the vital detail and it's all unraveling now Jamie then because you're an editing genius crop that to AB absolutely not how do you know it was homeless is crop the right word no I suppose I didn't know we can change the aspect ratio on that one Jamie I can explain the story yeah pleas it was it was what car Ford Focus uh 2019 metallic gray what car uh it was Churchill Square in Brighton okay it was when you guys were down in Brighton to see The 1975 did he off suck you off best weekends of my life though no he didn't I going to say Rob might know him in Brighton I won't be surprised no quite um no so they so I you guys were down and the train strikes w at that point and I thought I want to go down and see youz I don't get to see you very often we I has to go for a drink but I'm I'm a cheap skate I didn't want to pay for a hotel yeah so I thought I'd drive down I'll sleep in my car genius I've got I've got a a a C-Class vehicle Ford Focus it's very large quite comfortably sleep in the back of that but what could go wrong so you had a good night out everything went well I retreated back to where did we go out yeah in Brighton in uh chalk [ __ ] hell of course yeah cuz you had [ __ ] Curry breath that night yeah it wasal yout you kept burping yeah like that was so funny we still talk about that often it was very funny um yeah it was the 80s night went it in chalk yeah this sounds great it it was class we had a good time yeah chalk is a good menu if you ever down in bright um so we had a good time and we all all retreated back to our well you guys went to a hotel and I stayed in my car and um it was going pretty well I was sleeping in the car the only Annoying Thing was that the car park had blaring lights on all night obviously cuz why would they go dark kind of difficult to secure CCTV maybe on well you say secure but the next thing would lead you to believe that it wasn't cuz I thought it's a sealed carp you have to enter a code to get in I thought I'll be fine and about 4:00 a.m. I'm laying in the back so imagine the back of a for Focus I know it well not sit in the front bit concerning BR had one slept many times multi story no uh no it wasn't multi story but I was on like he's only telling one story at the minute yeah we'll save the rest for and um about it must been like 4:00 a.m. I was like kind of like in that weird in between sleep stage and I heard my front door open my passenger door I hadn't locked it cuz I'm a [ __ ] idiot you are a [ __ ] idiot well and it was some bloke who again I presumed to be homeless maybe I was wrong for who I can only assume was trying his luck on cars see if anyone unlocks try and find something valuable and what he wasn't bargaining on was a bearded fat black being in the back of the car half asleep yeah and he [ __ ] himself what was he doing in the back of your car he [ __ ] himself I [ __ ] myself obviously and just kind of went o [ __ ] off oh I know it well and he uh and he slammed the door and I saw him full Pace Sprint out of that car park like a spider like he's more scared yeah literally yeah yeah yeah and he had eight legs he did have eight legs that was strange I thought I'd let it go because you know he's had a hard time yeah pollution is it you we Defending Against Intruders had that in Europe in our RV it was in France on the way back same thing was sleeping in I mean you meant to in them but didn't have didn't have the cab door locked we were we were really comfortable like not socially acceptable in it I don't even think we were hammered Ford Focus is reasonably comfortable an RV beautiful uh but guy like opens the front driver uh front passenger no driver's side door over there and just reaches in to try and like na something maybe like 2 or 300 a.m. I was still awake o um but I always think like would would I be within my rights if IID have woke up and seen that battery to well I won't be able to batter him but just slam the door on his hand yeah would I get done for that happened at Uni a guy tried to get into my window at Uni like my top window thought God he's has no idea I'm watching him right now just slam it on his what's he going to do go to police I think you'd be police in this country and Europe you'd be fine but probably in America you'd sue for that somehow yeah knowing the way it is out there the far oh not the F the old the old guy who shot someone who was running away from his house after Burman like he got done cuz the idea was they running you're running away I get then yeah that's but part me thinks like you want them to not come back well don't [ __ ] kill him Ben you know what I mean yeah fire a shot of their F shoot someone and not kill them though maybe shout and don't come back and stay out and shake your fist and then they'll never come back are you that confident in your Marksmanship skills you could name someone I'd give it a good go man concerning says a lot about you that yeah than what if that person's got hemophilia and the blood doesn't CL hey come on in let's have a chat another misunderstood individual what factor are you stick together why are we working against it hum files need those water files no not not not he I'm the other time the world against us terrible um so yeah I almost got almost got mugged by some homeless man but I fought him off well done sounds like a big fight it was and then I was so [ __ ] scared you have to be awake and just drive home well no cuz I I couldn't cuz I I'd been drinking so I had to just sit there wor I tried to get back to sleep and I couldn't so I just sat there b upright the next like five hours just like oh noing through YouTube and [ __ ] yeah love it like anyway so I didn't drive home drunk he just drive home really tired I'd love if there was like just by circumstance the the Cara CC TV like soar into your thing and some like security guard just started his shift there's just a guy in his back seat just sat there like 2 a.m. what's he doing I feel like you're probably not allowed to do that as well I feel like that's against the law and my mom did mention that but I was like and isn't there something about it being this might be nonsense but I remember the first time we slept in a car me and the boys at Uni and there was some like yeah it was in syes Street in Liverpool uh in Preston in Hyundai gets 1.1 hatchback five door black 20077 um prob scrapped by now and I since learned it was two CS like glued together illegally to Pi my ride yeah um cut and shut yeah it was um and anyway so we were sleeping in that and there was something where we were like right we're all hammered you need to leave the key like outside the car cuz like I don't know if there was any truth this was 2010 but like you can't have you can't be pissed in the car the driver with the keys in the car so we left them on the wheel because the law is if you're in control of the vehicle you can't be drunk in charge that's like you if you've got the key you are so there is an act so because I I held this belief and I don't it might be true I don't know but I held the belief like if I put the key in the glove box and I'm clearly on the back seat that's fine but I don't know if that's right I mean I've not done it for a long while but I've slept in my car a couple of times drunk and that was my belief but is a another laer it is a last resort thing nobody would do that willingly no not intentionally not when you thought you were going to sleep in your mat's flat but then he went to bed early and you couldn't you couldn't reach him so you had to was that me sleep in your car in in beaston in the freezing cold yeah and and you're using using the home pod and yeah loud any and technically you were breaking the law cuz you had to turn the engine on to have the heating on but you wanted to be warm not legal so what a [ __ ] sub story yeah bring the mood down who was this gentleman all the same sofas out we're a different one can I join your room yeah this room brother this room do you want it hey Ben that story really sucks it's too early man give the people what they yeah Vacuum Chat yeah should I cuz I'm I'm new to the podcast should I introduce my Hoover equipment that I use I think no we'll get to your Hoover equ in a minute okay I am Hoover you got Hoover hey bear with branded we're going to wait we're going to wait for that Sor there we go a Dy we're GNA yeah we're going to seg into that so has anyone seen Rogue Traders nope do you not have you seen like these programs where it's like you'll buy buy something or but the product's defective and it's like it's like from a scam company like retail like phone repair guys and Stu and they like they like film them yeah like they got hidden cameras and'll get someone doing driveway or someone like yeah someone will clean your roof but they don't clean the roof spoilers you watch a lot Dave do you yeah I'm BBC so I recently bought a vacuum cleaner you're joking I'm not joking and I am over the [ __ ] Mo with this vacuum cleaner you know yeah tell me tell me the brand it's a sio c no sibo Sabo s ebo so it's a Sabo sebo E3 right it's a canister vacuum with a bag I got it I got right it is the best canister vacuum you can buy and I am so thrilled one of them yeah it's [ __ ] great that's interesting genuinely it does look [ __ ] yeah genuinely boys if you actually do your vacuum research you will find that the best vacuum cleaner you can buy than for the B is it though Henry it's expensive I didn't pay that much 51490 that price I didn't pay that much German as well so you know it is German but the idea is that's a buy it for life you can repair it yourself Parts readily available bagged very happy I don't want to be the guy that sat there in my mid3 repairing a vacuum cleaner replacing Parts rather than Chuck out a Dyson and buy another another one it's the right move that's what's good about the Henry it's sort it out agreed Henry is also in in the rank top hey good news so the recording gig recording just crashed The Recording Crashed which we've never had before we haven't CA that my that's weird that maybe maybe detects a foreign object I brought a foul curse upon this by definition you being here it requires more processing power because it's not just a static image there I mean I me that is it is literally that is true and actually it makes sense cuz if you look the blurriness it's almost like the blurriness is on me to offset you being here is it because of my Green Top like a weird shade of green TR do some chroma key [ __ ] I just I mean God only knows that would be almost as ridiculous as when you had the Picadilly thing here during Co you were at that weren't you we came straight from J first yeah no it was the night before in the video you edited it like that in practice for the I believe my own I believe my own live I think that video has even gone now anyway it's private yeah yeah the best for sure and uh it was just ridiculous that it was the power delivery from that charger that was causing all of those problems truly genuinely absolutely insane manate it'll been a dodgy ground on it yeah or something like that and you had three at a stretch four with Ben in the room it professionals absolutely I don't even remember it it was was truly a moment of someone has to think outside the box here as to what's causing it and no one was it you who figured it out in the end I think you figured it out it does sound like me yeah smart figured out three or four things wrong on the RV this past weekend more than that next week hey I've got our headline conversation by the way the clickable title right let me finish my story right quick sorry and then let's let's continue on I was thinking earlier Ben Has a Vacuum-related Rant I think very very quickly long story short so I bought this we're very excited yeah but I've not got it right I've had to send it back bit like my TV wait a bit a bit like your TV you've got it but you had to send it back yes so it arrived and I had to send it back well so I ordered it I'm going to call them out I ordered it from a shop called Manchester vax which are the premium they're not really the premium basically they're a major distributor of sebo I'm saying it wrong I think I don't know of SEO right sio VA yeah um so I order it from Manchester VA for a good price it arrived in good time however when I opened it very clearly used oh interesting scratches on the chassis dust in the bag no dust in the bag scratches on the floorhead scratches was it working did you test it I did not test it cuz I didn't dare make so I didn't want them saying oh you've used it you know on the on the floorhead you know on the so on the where the the brush roller is of your back that had clearly scuffs on clear cly used yeah no shadow of a doubt just like your mother thank you like my TV like your TV so immediately it'd only come through the door maybe 30 minutes ago something like that music pictures I bet he was fuming I was fuming just took out of the box and used it absolutely not so I took pictures I emailed Manchester V said hi just received this vac off you um I'd love to word for word email there's some there's some scrapes and scuffs or whatever you know it looks like it's like an X demo model something like that whatever my Henry can you let me what's the sit with this got to reply back really [ __ ] reply we only send out new vacs this is brand brand new V from SIU if you're worried ring the manufacturer like it's like where's the customer service man where's the oh I'm sorry to hear that do you want to send us some pictures let's have a look yeah where's the anyway really [ __ ] email [ __ ] reply I checked the reviews for Manchester VA apparent customer service isn't great [ __ ] so I rang up SEO SIU Subaru rang them up um yeah within I rang out straight through first of all no uh call que no hit a number to I can't imagine they've got a lot of people calling them listen but in this day and age prod that reliable what would you need to ring him for absolutely to not have to press one or two they're literally thinking about standing down the customer service absolutely I got through to bab bab said what's up up bab I said this bab yeah I see where you're going um send us some pics sent the pics um anyway long story short they collected it the day after and they send me a new one oh seu direct yeah so said thank you for calling Ben brilliant I think you sent us the wrong picture that looks like a Coke can but it's just the the point I was trying to make was really [ __ ] customer service by Manchester VA but sebo absolutely smashed it no call Q no automated press one press two straight straight to to B bab was like that's not right it should be a brand new untouched product it should come straight from the factory to Manchester V to you we'll just sort this out for you brilliant day after collect it they say what we'll do is we'll colle when we get it back to the warehouse we'll check it over but we believe you and we'll send a new one out and I'll get the guys to check it over before we ship out to you I was like I could not ask for more so cust so they're taking the the original so they're handling what those the retailer [ __ ] up not handl it but that's so rare nor it's the total opposite the fact that the company is like and again she could be chatting out her ass but the way she's like I'll get him to check it before they ship it out to you that's a nice touch that yeah that is nice really good really turned me around yes so the problem so obviously I'm I'm new here Ben so feel fre feel free to tell me if Mark but do you do you often use this your your god-given Authority on this the power that you to to kind of demolish independent small companies is that abolutely I just feel so cuz they sound independent yeah they do but here's the thing here's the thing j a local company from just down the road Manch Manchester Vox Dyson spare parts sales and service well that's why you shouldn't have ordered from it literally says Dyson spare parts they don't know [ __ ] about SE SE seos shop. is also which also very sneaky of Manchester VA cuz the Manchester VA but they've got the the URL sebos shop. BS they haven't have they yeah they have sneaky as [ __ ] that mate they're allowed to do that you reckon guess so complaint with the onsman you're an idiot Ben if you're in the media and are looking for a vacuum clarit expert for a feature quote location or editorial input please take a look at our immediate [ __ ] because if that honestly honestly if that's the way the the if that's the way you speak to your customers I was shot man I'm not I'm not going to shout her out hey M they've been on I'm not going to shout out who I'm not going to shout out who emailed me but let me tell you something if you check out the Manchester backs reviews I'm looking at them now they're quite poor a name comes up a lot they're quite poor a name comes up a lot and I just think well I'm not listen I don't believe in the customer always right customer absolutely is wrong I think I've found the problem yeah more under more about us cash for seur we buy any old seur vacuum for pass cash on the between 10 And1 paid for any delivered to our shop and then we just ship them straight on delivered to our shop Dead or Alive interesting old D nobo if you are local to us we will collect free of charge it what's interesting is so so they're obviously dealing with used Goods yes and they just can't fathom that by some error internally you've ended up with a used one which which could happen like you know work Electronics retailers it could happen so an iPhone with a potato in the Box well when I was when I was thinking about all this I was thinking about obviously I've worked in retail Hospitality you've worked in retail I was like never in a million years would be well it's AB well it's absolutely a new product it's absolutely of of course you would be like well send us some picture even if let's because I've seen it before i' I've seen it before like I've got an old VX which I'm about to Chuck out actually cuz it's [ __ ] but on there's a sticker on there that says if you have any problems with this ringles don't ring where you bought it from so if if Manchester vs are like any fault with a device it's the manufacturer I get that but at bare minimum just be like that that doesn't sound right send us some pictures yeah just follow the bare basic minimum I've done it before and then say oh okay you need toing before even when I've been certain there was a there was a lad at game used to come in his name was ladislav cool name and uh yeah cool name serial bullshitter The Lying Customer ah like would come in and just tell me about a Spiderman meme you count no so he would just come in and like tell me about like his dad's just got another new Ferrari it's I just simply don't care I don't even know you never mind you Dad if it was a parche maybe you'd care I still wouldn't why are you telling me this I'm a sales assistant in a video game retailer that's bizarre though and he bought a used Sony Experia out of our pre-owned Tech and he came in first name terms and he he came in a few days later and he was like Rob I'm not lying to you was like I was using my Sony Experia that I bought and you know I bought it just a few days ago and I put it in my pocket and I started feeling it getting really hot and I took it out of my pocket and I looked at it and I watched the glass just crack whoa so the screen just cracked on its own so I was like you're so full of [ __ ] I was like do you know what let me just follow the process I we only send out new vum I I don't believe you for a [ __ ] second but I'm not here to you know I'm here to help you ultimately and I think you're bullshitting but let me follow the process so I rang that we had this thing called tmti Tau me through it and you'd ring them if a customer had like a had like a faulty Xbox and you they'd say because we game used to just return out so they set up this hotline so you would authorized that like you tested it and then get a code to do the return so if it was an Xbox they'd talk you through on the phone like hold down the power button have you tried this have you tried that have you reset the Pam if it's a Mac or whatever sounds like you need disc sounds like you need extra and anyway I was like I was like do you know what lisl this is not to do with me mate whatever you say I'll just explain that to the advisor and see what they say so I Ring The Ring the adviser ring the tmti in front of him and I'm like yep got this gentleman here he's bought this phone blah blah blah this is what happened he just looked at the phone and it cracked and they were like right here's your returns authorization number oh really and they just gave me the number I was like you know what I don't believe you you know you're lying yeah but it's just so not worth it is it like but yeah you know and and sometimes that that madees total difference and and he got a return on his phone it's like how Amazon like don't ask you for any kind of proof of uh a faulty delivery under a certain value it just it costs them more money to go through the admin of well I thought that I don't know if you've had any firsthand experience with that but not recently so I bought these drawers here just off camera or listeners there about six away you can hear them very nicely hear the clap maybe bounce off them and it's it's cracked at the top and they arrived cracked so I was like I don't care that they're cracked but I'll have a refund yeah and they were like no oh [ __ ] really yeah same when we bought a case of s Pelos for like 12 quid and it was the wrong one that arrived cuz the picture said 18% juice and we know they're not 16% juice let's order these see what arrives you've lost a lot of new viewers there you hav't mentioned s you know years absolutely someone brought it up recently after birning man I was like oh yeah I forgot about that yeah that was the whole thing for a while it was wasn't it our whole Community is named after it mate the um I've had it before where I've got stuff off Amazon done a return and then they've just said I would just give you the refund yeah CU just keep it I guess it depends you want to tell your story is that no I would for for certain reasons I I would not like to tell that story before before we before we uh get ver off to F what Hoover do you have I am a proud sorry vacuum cleaner I am a proud owner of a original pneumatic uh What Vacuum Does Jamie have? Henry ho excellent choice brother when you say original well I say original in that it's it's not an imitation it's saled it's manufactured by pneumatic yeah the the company who make them if you weren't aware you should be if you didn't of course great company UK um and yeah it's an original I mean actually we had one sadly die recently oh I'm sorry to um very unheard of that a was it sudden or did it it was sudden it just stopped working uh something shorted I guess and we had to get a replacement from our landlord he delivered it quickly and give us another hemry so we've got a brand new one that which is good because the old one wasn't sucking so good yeah I've had them before myself brother there Comes A Time in a place where you got to get rid if you bought a new one and you didn't like repair it I know I know Ben would lead you to believe that it's such an easy thing to do but truth be told R I can't be hon yeah like any reasonable sane human yeah absolutely just yeah CU they're so cheap anyway they're good value yeah they are good value mine is a Henry like plus plus not a new Pat I don't know what it does different that was like 15 it's like a beig Henry but it's like the it's the same size but it it like sucks even better or something and it does suck brother let me tell you I'd love to have have have you purchased any other Hoover related products recently Robert any oh well I'm just not Hoover not Hoover related sorry another popular vacum I just bought these today actually listeners will Rob Buys a Dyson listen to the sound of them these are the new Dyson uh what are they called on track headphones on track yeah they Sans the stupid air purification thing yeah that was so dpb it was done especially considering it didn't work yeah that that was what annoyed me the most that's the thing if there was any logic to it yeah yeah but um yeah I wanted them since I saw them I think they're amazing they look great and I went all the way to Trafford center today just to buy them where the Dyson Experience Store is got some decent service from two lasses in there what about the D did they sell you some headphones as well did did they really did they were nice I think they couldn't believe someone bought them I think that was that must have been surprising yeah yeah cuz I went in and I was like there they are looked at them and then I was just like can I have these what was the store like really nice so it's called the Dyson demo store that's the official name of it and I was a bit worried that it would just be an experience as opposed to a retail store uh and they've just got everything Dyson in there sizewise compared to like apple Trinity oh like third the size yeah same width one third the depth you can't have that many retail stores across the country really is it literally just Hoover no so D the hair got hairy they got St hair dryer the straighteners multipliers not fans air multipliers hand dryers curlers but they've also got like acoustic accessories like hairbrush BS honestly I've seen a Dyson hairbrush but how how how is James Dyson going to spin that he can't because he can't pardon the P but he can't he can't say he's got of his [ __ ] mag magic typhoon technology I'll tell you how [ __ ] you bu yeah abolutely if I had have seen it before transacting I would have bought it yeah terrible you're such a a consumer I got a thing for the Finer Things mate you know terrible I wonder why I thought of a great lyric earlier okay you know like um post is on about his uh F1 trillion yeah I've got a I've got a Chevy gold arer instead of a silver how good is that why put that in a Country Song instant number one py if you're listening we'll give you that one if you come on the podcast we've met before you and I you might remember me imagine him coming to this [ __ ] flat you know he'd love it cuz he's just nice about I bet he would yeah he wouldn't have a bad dude this is so cool though for real think about how interest well oh the old Mac he you got a rib for he really is like I hope he never cuz I feel like some like well that too but I hope like I think like some nice guy celebrities like go over like a bell curve like Chris Pratt had it where everyone loved Jack Black him for a long time everyone thinks he's a no Jack Black I think is going that way he's really on it now especially after that Minecraft trailer dro the thing the thing with Chris Pratt though I think because he's like he's like Mega religious and all that happened with him was he I think he's he's always been the same but people didn't realize some of his views and some of his views came out and people turn J black I mean that trailer drop is shocking bad Jesus I watch it yeah probably really just for just to say I've seen it man just rocked up to studio in front of a green screen put a blue top on and said oh I'm still that's the thing like so I don't play Minecraft so I saw the trailer and I thought you know what fair enough like looks all right that Jason Mamoa is yeah he's play he's not playing like he looks like he's playing something he doesn't normally play by looks you can tell that's a career move from but I'm I'm putting the trust in the fact that Jason Mamoa saw the script you would have read it and gone yeah I'll do that I like Jason Mamoa yeah I've never seen a single fil disppointed but I just I just but ja black and I don't I'm just regur here what Charlie already said what critical said but he is just playing Jack Black now at this point he's like he's like the rock like total typ cast and just the same because he used to be diverse like the holiday versus like School of Rock his early career very different roles and they were good yeah he he was good I do you get the impression of him that he is just I don't know if this is even fair to say but I feel like he's just checking in but he'll be getting like 25 mil for that Mone got kids and you would be like yeah I mean we diding alive like where where is like his lost his PR just like cashing in like yeah I'll do any old [ __ ] he he gained he gained a bit of like cred when he like did that like YouTube streaming stuff for he was likeing Let's Plays and stuff people thought that's quite cool for someone of his status to do that but I think he's the thing is if if you look at his um what's it called not i' i' let you off film [ __ ] hell yeah filmography films are on disc not anymore M actually he's um he's never really done like what's he done really like School of Rock with his break Mario yeah but I mean in terms of like adventurous roles what it really I mean you know mean like it was good in jamanji he was good in Skool The Rock he was good in Mario but it's like he that was all Jack Black true really yeah I think he's been longer than you think even yeah you ever seen the the holiday just we like like that's a bit more of a serious Ro but he still has a lot of jet blackism he does what I'm going to call him oh my God he was taking Coke at age 14 was he Legend everything is explained but it but it makes sense why it was like with Kyle as we've discussed before um I just don't know why you w back your homie like that immediately so he said I read about this yesterday after watching the trailer and and he's he's clarified some stuff and he said like we're still friends and we still talk all the time of course he Stills it's just what what he will have done is gone look mate I've got the Minecraft movie coming up you can't and Kyle would have been I totally get it I'm sure my bad I think publicly to look better than that cuz like to us at first it's like you've just sold like your longterm M out publicly it was really mismanaged it also wasn't very rock and roll thing yeah I feel I feel like he should stick to the music because T just D is probably his most like consistently beloved inav he says it's his favorite as well of course he loves singing he loves playing music of course he does I just man I like I don't want to hey go over old ground but to put them on Hiatus and all that [ __ ] was just nonsense speaking of Music here we go here we go oh let me guess what you're going to talk about so yesterday was the long awaited return of one of the most The Return Of Linkin Park beloved bands my personal Gateway band into heavy music of course talking about Lincoln Park back after seven years is it since uh the mighty Chester Bennington finally something I can put on the title you you know what this you know about this story no you heard of it I'm I'm with the viewers the listeners Lincoln part probably the most influential band in their space one of the biggest metal bands ever yep truly 's actually new metal Chester Bennington yeah I mean I I think it cheapens them to call them new metal they've done everything there's so much better than new metal you'll never catch them going but that's that's not new metal that's just that is new metal that is no that's that's just meora that album has aged so well y that was my first one that I got L does everything new better but does it well true so they so they were away after Chester died they did a gig really special gig at the Hollywood ball uh in his memory in 2017 and then they've just disappeared while they get their [ __ ] together and they've come back yesterday announcing a UK a world tour this month and next month crazy with a new female lead singer what's her name RZ Emily Armstrong where'd you get Chloe from wrong Emily yeah Emily Armstrong Chloe did have a voice that could sometimes has she done anything before y yeah dead Sarah was other it a band that I've never heard of I listen so I there were rumors going around that it was going to be her before this announcement So I listened to dead Sarah sound pretty good where I think in the dead Sarah stuff I couldn't see how she would fit into Lincoln Park sound but seeing that performance yesterday and hearing the new song The something machine I forget the name The Emptiness machine that's it good song I Can See Now how she's like the how she's fitting in yeah just to backrack a bit as well um did you see that some f one out um like a teaser like oh cuz they're they're obviously breaking up and they put out an announcement like next week on the same day as the lincol park announcement big big Derek news and they had to put out another tweet saying like I'm not joining Oasis or Lincoln Park or any other band it was so I don't know if it was funny or dumb I'm glad it wasn't Derek though because I feel like he's but he did that really good thing with um ma Shard that cover of of faint I think it that's not [ __ ] rob it does look terrible I mean I'm pale enough as it is it's fine we we just it looks it looks a we just have bad lighting yeah atrocious yeah um but yeah I feel like that cover of faint that Derek Wy did that one time was good was good but I don't think he would be versatile enough to do everything that Chester did whereas I think this this new person is I was watching it last night and I thought like you know what was killing it I thought she did a great job did a great job still a bit like seemed a bit nervy seemed a bit like oh she's stretching her voice there a bit and like she can't do that bit and she's strategically pointing her mic out to the crowd yeah I get it doesn't do that Robbie Williams does it why not did yeah um Brave choice is it well the the thing is so there's two there's two points I've got to make on it number one is they just can't win there is no option where they could win n um and then there's the debate of like well they shouldn't be using the Lincoln Park name but yeah absolutely they should I don't think anyone's saying that that's one of the biggest points I've seen I've read lots of stuff about this there should absolutely there should and um are the two me two other members down as well so the the guy the drummer is new and he's now producing as well he well Mike's the producer really I mean he always will be but he he was he is a producer the drummer and that's how Mike got to know him um and then recruited him into cuz I watched the Zan low interview earlier oh cool okay yeah they go into a lot of it I watch that cuz so there's two original members missing from that live performance but one of them just couldn't make that performance oh really okay so they they're only down Chester and the drummer okay which and the drummer declined to to do it for whatever reason but yeah he just didn't want him but I think um you know if I'm Mike shenoda begging to re and I am you know 40% of Lincoln Park he he is a lot of it yeah yeah I'm going to be like I'm going to come back as Lincoln Park what do you think Mr Han yeah what do you think what do you think guy wears the Big Ear yeah what do you think gu play this but yeah like absolutely they should and by him coming back as Lincoln Park it means they immediately get the headline status the production value the Arenas the stadiums which then gives people like me who've never seen link Park an opportunity to see as close to in you know like I'd love to see Rage Against the Machine I'd love to see profits of Rage but it's not going to be the same Vibe even though it's the same band minus the singer but you took Tom Morella yeah but I mean it was nothing it was nowhere near as good as C rage well because if you've got yeah because Zack Del roer he's obviously such a big part of that performance yeah you need him there for that to make it authentic I mean Tom morela don't even come into it like Tom Mela was good fun like it wasn't like that was amazing did so complete side question but when you saw Tom R did he play any Audio Slave songs yeah yeah he did so he does um he does like a medley a rage medley uh excluding Killing In The Name which he does in full and he does like two full Audio Slave songs Co Coes Co and um show me how to live I don't know I was never really as big on a slav as I should have been but they're so good yeah I mean there it's rage in it with with a best singer yeah that's that's like it's like the perfect thing did you know that's why Chester um took his own life yeah was on his birthday very sad um more to the pointed about Lincoln Park have you seen the latest that's the latest news that's controversy so this tweet sums up quite nicely so link part new announcement sick new vocalist didn't change they put boo there I don't know why it's a woman yeah okay like even listening to it like it f knew and especially on the latest track I was like you know what that that is link she she's in the same space as Chester in of the rough vocal registry like it sounded good I I was listening to it on on Apple music o SES couldn't get there yeah and and I scre I screwed to like where her vocal was and I was like that just sounds like Lincoln Park it's just it it's it's the same so like vocals of div divided opinions fair fair play I think she's great new music in atar sick uh but she apparently has history with Scientology and uh someone who was a bit of an sea type of guy I mean does she yeah that so that part apparently there's no basis for that the Scientology thing is true because there's pictures of her at Scientology events but that's not inherently that controversial in itself because it being a cult is only like a rumor I think um yeah thing the thing is it wouldn't say it wouldn't say she's a Muslim true fair point yeah it's a religion yeah it's a fair point I mean I think citology is I I think it's nonsense but I think is nonsense but I'm not going to say anything further on that but I don't think there's any weight to that Scientology thing that isn't inherently controversial there'll be there'll be a thousand good Scientologist for every one prick I'm sure every Tom Cruz Tom is a they they really just can't win there there is no there's no winning and the mental strength she must have tough I just always think like I try to see the good in everyone even even bad people no no but like hear me out you're a good guy that why you listening to burn burn it burn it shut up that's not funny first of all second of all shut up but but like do you not so one would assume that Lincoln Park knew about all of that and went yeah yeah it's a lot of bollock stuff probably yeah they would Jo B then there's there's also there's also it would have done their due diligence or the label you're a Scientologist okay cool whatever you're we like your voice have a weird but yeah it's fine if she came in and went I've got this great new demo guys for think and put it on and it's like all about scientology maybe T but like that's just so irrelevant it is and it's just people trying to to just fire more shots at someone who's already but as you said you can't win you literally can't but I think absolutely I'm not looked that much into it but abs abely of course they can use the name when I watching I was watching the live stream and it was such a mish mash of like different comments it's like great to see linol p back oh Max know looks so happy to to be back he was amazing then just the the like with for every comment that's like that there was like oh not as good as Chester Chester could never be replaced this is a cover band let's just let's just disband let's just not have linol back then I'll tell you what if that's your opinion don't go to the T yeah don't listen to him anymore shut up I really want to go I want to go I would like I was looking into it because I mean obviously going to London's a lot less of a pain in the ass for me as it is for you but CU I can travel back home that same night so I think I'm going to try sleep in the car for you I'll be interested to see how the tickets sell very well it'll sell out cu what what my suspicion is and I was talking about this interesting so this let's talk about that so I was I was saying that when they do a proper tour so this is obviously like a reactionary let's show back yeah it's a pilot so they're going to do this tour and it's still in massive venues so I think when they do a proper tour it will be stadiums I agree and I think they'll headline download I do and do you see Andy coping was at the event last night yeah he was oh was he yeah do you know I saw him at leads did you and um word with him just my I really wanted to go and and chat to him I've SP I've spoke to him before to speak to him oh you I want have a word with you I think we even I think we even like did like a little interview with him at one point on the channel want yeah um but um I just didn't have enough interesting to say to him like but yeah he gets about then he's got he's living some life that guy I think gu in the industry by him being at that event you can it's 99% confirmed well I mean he was also loving lard Del re he goes to everything true La is a bit like more than going to just leads festival or going to the O2 to see goes allow he's going to La L is not going to do [ __ ] download isue Lincoln Park have headlined download maybe what was it uh 2012 201 2012 no 2011 and 2014 I think yeah and uh yeah I missed them yeah I just pissed it down it would be so good to see them headlining would you rather cuzz I made a little note before they were coming back I made a little note of like potential things that I thought was going to happen uh this was like a few like about a month ago um is one of them just they come back without Jester and Mike does everything not if you watch AO interview they did consider that really yeah I is really good so my predictions were like this L who's being picked I didn't know she was but I knew they were in talks with a l yeah and then a lot of people were talking about Derek and olle doing it olle it wouldn't be Ollie though would it well olle was Ollie was like the most after they did the Hollywood ball thing he was like the most talked about online as like get him in and he was like the closest apparently with chester uh but obviously he's got commitments it's like so he 's first gig was O's first time in karang was in the crowd at a small linol park show and then they've always been like really tight yeah um but I think what would have been a an option that I'm don't hate is just Chester on the backing vehicles coming through the PA like what avenge do with the Rev but then how are they going to do new material like is it just just without Chester yeah I I I don't like the idea of that I would much prefer I I much prefer this alternative of someone who isn't Chester but can not not completely mimic his voice but get the same thing achieved with their voice still doing a live role performance because I feel like I the reason I see live music is to hear the imperfections and the things of people not you know doing it live you know and if it's just like a backing track even if it's to like immortalize someone I'm so typical of me I don't like when I hear a live track and they and they pitched it down yeah I think that's a real cup out I mean Guns and Roses they do that nowadays did um did they pitch up yeah I thought that so when they did um Somewhere I Belong as well no not Somewhere I Belong [Music] um in the end I was like that's pitched up I was like it can't be it just must be my ears yeah why they do that because it's not it's just it'll fit more comfortably in her range so she'll she'll have a stronger voice at that at that pitch yeah but I guess Chester doesn't go that low in that song though mik go I mean Mike's just rapping in but I guess her natural voice is probably like higher than his so like if the lowest is it reminds me of when I used to um I used to play along to Biffy songs and it was before I had my DigiTech pedal which can drop tune my guitar with a with a but Che in the track and I would just pitch up or down the Biffy songs often pitch them up yeah in fact always pitch him up so so I could play him in drop D and it sounded like [ __ ] Chipmunks coming from my room really so bad you know so speaking of um her performance I was I was sold on most of it like I was like she's doing a good job she's consistent I could see how this would sound better live than over a live stream when she did num and she does the like Bridge bit at the end it's like and I know you may end up feeling failing too she nailed that bit incredibly well I I recorded it cuz I was like holy [ __ ] that is incredible the way she's done that and I yeah like she has my full backing as the new vocalist like I think yeah I'm I'm really looking forward to it and if I can get to that London show I will really try it's a day I've got nothing else on um maybe we should talk about if you want to go I'd love to go uh everyone I've asked so far can't make it no I I probably can yeah because I can travel home the same night so it should be great speak shows at the O2 are you g to go to the uh what for My Valentine uh gig there in February whenever probably not I love bullet yeah is that the one with um trivia trivia yeah yeah never really got true I really rate Matt I think Matt he's great guy oh he's greaty and I love some of the some of the songs I've heard but I just never really got into them so that the whole double thing doesn't really it's probably a bit late to get into them now as well like I feel yeah I'm definitely fed a lot of nostalgia of them same with bullet to be honest yeah it's a great tour for the right for the right person but I just I love bullet to a to a level and I got enough bullet exposure like last year up to fever and yeah and even some of the new stuff like the knives is knives is great but hey sorry can you pass me MRE but um I got I got a good fix for him and I don't think I traveled out of London if they're doing a date up here yeah and I'm not doing anything I'll probably will go they're doing Manchester or if they're doing like a GL hey speaking of bullet can you shoot me imager yeah that's the last the drinking podcast hey you know it's not brood in uh spin yeah oh why's he got FL C on is he from York hey I'm off to SP suit tourists got home booked a flight to Spain yesterday did you I think it's in Spain I'm not embarrass myself here where I'm going to Malta Oasis Reunion Malta it's not in Spain is it not you a well I asked um it's a separate country I asked someone is it yeah I asked someone today and they said it was I apologize oh I'm off to a new country Mala is a small island are you going to the Liam gallaga thing I am going to the Liam gallager thing very going to bring NL out now well probably not NL would probably require a paycheck yeah are we talking about Wast now oh here we go no we're talking about Liam yeah but talk about Oasis well it might be Liam's last solo show for many many years W yeah um yeah because he might be doing something with yeah we're going to go there and it works out really well because just as we run out of weekly content which we've kept going for weeks now that's landed in our lap thank you miles for hooking us up very much appreciated we love you wait to see you on Friday rocking out we got a week between the burning men we've got the burning men got the travel video the road trip video oh is that going between them or go after him uh the the week after is there's a burn there's Bernie man then Bernie Man 2 then the travel one the production chat Oasis Oasis Dynamic tickets SEO um do we want to talk about J Val I already knew what about the what about just put on his story like I'm glossed it about the slam DK thing I already knew this no I've lost track what we about here the tickets what you mean just like the reunion like obviously everyone already knew right hey Rob let me let me ask how long did you know about it for a significant amount of time yeah me too here's the thing shut up here's the thing when the split up everyone knew of course it was going to happen yeah 2009 was it I mean yeah it was 09 what what what is interesting is I found out some interesting information so apparently sorry I've kind of jumped ahead in the conversation here but I'm just going to say cuz I had a drink um apparently you can pay Ticket Master like as in as an as an artist as a band you can pay when you use Ticket Master as your sort of vendor of choice apparently they have a package where as essentially you can say Okay I want Dynamic pricing but then you can like pay for them to take the Flack for it now this is totally I've just read this online this is not valida information so basically suppose there's a rumor going around that Oasis pay Ticket Master and Ticket Master as a service they'll say yeah we'll do Dynamic pricing but if you as Oasis want to say oh I don't oh we don't like this we don't approve this blah BL blah you can Ticket Master we take the will'll be like that's crazy yeah that's our thing now I don't know if it's true I've not many I did some I don't know what you mean by that so what he means is you can sell a tour yeah and you can say give us Dynamic pricing so we make loads of money yeah but you takech the you take so aases make a load of money Ticket Master make a load of money keep your integrity so I think maybe where that's getting confused is Sir you have the band you have the to management company the Bing agent the promoter the promoter and there's the ticket a ticket agent which is Ticket Master so Ticket Master is owned by Live Nation yeah the promoter for this tour I believe is also owned by Live Nation correct yeah the management company [ __ ] the tour management [ __ ] knows and the band obviously always but they might be they might be sign to a label but totally independent pretty sure they do have a label yep you do have so would you yeah but so they might be to totally um not anything to do with Live Nation but the the main point is bands will always BL bands have the opportunity to go we do not want Dynamic price pricing on at all they can decide that because guess what they can say to the promoter don't put it on but the promoter can can then go you're going to make a shitload more money though absolutely so there's a conversation there that that should have happened if not defin definitely did seen but but remember the promoter and ticket Ticket Master owned by the same parent company so they've got interest in let's leave it on yeah so I think I think that's that's where that's the idea well have you seen that apparently Oasis have have made a statement again I've not and also the venues are mostly owned by Live Nation as well is that right probably probably surely not of course not Heaton Park is not owned by Live Nation Wembley Stadium is not owned by Live Nation Wembley Stadium will probably have like some sort of dealing with with live but it will not be owned it will be owned by a massive property asset company he public park a lot of a lot of venues are owned by Live Nation so I'm just speaking more more generically about like I think that's wrong um all of the emies oh sorry not all think they are not all of the O2 academies but most of them are owned by Live Nation the parent subsidiary I disagree respectfully M You can disagree but it will be interesting if it is a subsidiary W it or to Academy because that could be the case if property Auto Academy Le Rob goog that whil Rob Google that quick one so apparently Oasis put a statement out saying like Liam man n like stepped out the room whilst they were having these like chats about the ticket prices now I'm sorry but did they [ __ ] you're telling me whilst they were chatting about ticket prices and how much they're going to make from this tour that's going to earn a millions they stepped out the room they weren't there for that were of course there were of course they were involved in that there's just no way I I think I I think they probably did step out because as soon as it gets gets to to deal to when it when it gets down to dealing with things like money that's left with the promoter you you just sought out getting me loads of money I'm just I just want I just want to be being a banded and you you you tell me how much money I'm going to make all I know if you're touring you're surely you'd have a passing interest in what would charge you on the door you know for a fact that you you're paying someone to get you the most yeah so by removing yourself from that scenario I feel I feel you then have no guilt but also there's we've been through this with the Sabrina Carpenter thing but there is the upper echel on the elites that will pay 350 quid for the Oasis thing um but do you know how many Oasis tickets I've got go on zero yeah I can tell you now I'll go to both opening shows I'll go to a few Manchester ones and I'll go to a few Wembley ones I have no worries about that and not because I've not because there someone I know but because you've got over 12 months now yeah to sort those tickets on and I guarantee you if you just be patient you'll be able to do that so there is no reason to ever be paying surge prices you don't have to use Dynamic pricing you don't have to go through thaten I guess the thing with this is you'll have people who don't really go to that many shows well you've said it before you who like for this is all they've been waiting for is oasis yeah and so they'll spend loads of money on it yeah so it'll be like their holiday for the year yeah it's always the way where there's like the most convenient and arguably the other avenues aren't inconvenient but you'd say the most well advertised convenient Avenue but it's also extortionate there are other avenues to take that are far cheaper oh for sure yeah um but people just either aren't aware or C be ask to add to add to that I feel like in terms of if we're debating whether Oasis knew about it or if they didn't or if they you know trying to get some kind of plausible deniability I feel like the way that Liam has responded to it on Twitter today oh I've not seen not seen it right yeah yeah he's he's been like a bit of knit about it he was like kiding he was what shock mouthy you know well to quote George bun uh who said mouthy loudmouth from the 90s still a mouthy loudmouth of course he is um he was saying he was giving people [ __ ] saying like oh wow wow pay you know Oasis a back that's all that [ __ ] matters that kind of stuff so he's being a bit of a noid about it I'm not sure that's a really [ __ ] reply honestly he I bet he knows Manchester vs I just wanted to I bet they're on the same [ __ ] I also just wanted to fact check myself sir or Live Nation two academies the best kind of fact owned by Academy music group yeah there's no way they own those 51% 51% of Academy music group is owned by live there is no way they own those buildings not in a million years there is absolutely no way they'll be rented what are their assets there is no way they own them this is interesting now I promise you they won't there is no way they might own the to Academy likeand brand but there is no way that they own theem not the physical building but they own so Academy music group is the owner operator of the of the venue so they don't own the venue and they only own 51% of the name I oh I don't know you're changing your you're like cuz now you're going on the actual bricks and mortar that's what I mean interesting cuz Live Nation because because Raz said Live Nation own the venues so of course they don't own Wembley Stadium of course they don't know heat Park so we're talking about the actual place so the discussion is now is it the bricks and or is the CU I even said that'll be owned by a by like a thingy company there's no way so my point but my point was is like it's it's all it's it's all a monopoly is what I'm trying to I think I think you might have a point there because if you're on about the brand the brand will be the one negotiating like if if Live Nation owns x and x owns O2 and whatever and they'll be the ones doing the deal yeah so it's it's like and then if they're paying rent to another firm which I think is what you're about it's the old uh but my my my up was like the assumption that Live Nation own heat and park and abely which is totally incorrect absolutely Beckham wemble they own the company that oper operates it so it's it's within their interest to go you know put them on a a venue that we that we operate because then the money from the ticket sales all that venue fee sick it just comes back to us yeah but what about like when bands do stadiums then cuz Live Nation surely won't have any hold in football stadium so take like Tottenham Hotspur or London Stadium Live Nation must sure like they must have zero that's all done by the football and the and the thing Char Council the way that these stadiums work I imagine there's probably like a a split up in business in terms of how like sporting events and music events are handled here we go Nation UK venues operated fly DSA arena in Sheffield uh Liverpool Guild uh students what does that mean mot Point Arena but they're not stadiums though or like Parks uh Victoria Warehouse so is there any stadiums on there I'd be interested to know cuz that's that was that is my that's my gr with the point stadiums an outdoor I'm actually I'm actually we hey let's get kamam hack on cam come on mate we'd love to have a chat with you that's really interesting cuz I never I guess Clear Channel are are like a um you know like the type of people that own like Trinity and white rose land Securities and stuff and they're the kind of people that will own these enormous real estates but I guess there's nothing stopping Live Nation from owning them is there really that's not part of Live Nation Jesus I wonder if we're overestimating Live Nation to be honest they're a big company I think everyone underestimates I I think y I don't think Live Nation have a say or any ownership in Wembley Stadium or Heaton Park I mean most it might be they have like exclusive booking RS but to be fair anyway yeah it will it will it will be who cares true also also let's just say live nation's [ __ ] great they are great every almost every great gig we've been to did Live Nation put on Power Trip oh no that was uh golden voice golden voice to be fair the only issue really is it is just the um the dynamic pricing isn't it the the the issue is is Dynamic Pricing and Ticketmaster when a monopoly happens and there's no competition so they can just charge whatever they want but they only charge that if people buy it isn't Andy comping employed by live na yeah yeah he is yeah he was saying because he's like the lead Booker isn't he because when he was talking about OAS he was like the team so it like it made it sound like he was part of that he heads up I believe he heads up the team that like so you've got like him who deals with like download Headliners and mega bands like mega mega bands and then his team under him will deal with like everything else yeah but like I'm led to believe I don't know this as a fact but like that his job is solely to deal with like the biggest of the biggest and not even like heavy strictly heavy like just all big and it's because they'll know him they like it's it's the benefit of like that Rapport and that literally yeah he's got it he's been doing it for like years and was a thing where like he just won an icon award at the hmas did he and uh like Cory Taylor sent in like a personalized message and um M Shadows when the headlin download was like thanks Andy for having this back you know he's got that love Andy yeah yeah yeah it makes sense I always try to use tickets anywh yeah true you know I I like Ticket Master stop hub here we go here we go The Ticket Master T I like Ticket Master I'll tell you why I've never been ripped off by Ticket Master I don't feel um because I've never bought Dynamic pricing I've took L's in a Ticket Master q but I just put that down to the bad look of the draw yeah I don't blame the platform inherently um and the wallet integration on iPhone is fantastic the ticket transfer integration is fantastic I'm a fan of it it is just the DN pricing they do they've got the they've got the NFC tickets I want to use that yeah they've got the um the transfer where like I just type in your email and you just get the tickets and then they're authenticated and you've got them in your wallet then straight away I'm a I'm a fan of Ticket Master it is just the dynamic pricing and the problem is you want to be like just don't use it but I guess you'll just never get everyone on board to not use it is nothing thing uh StubHub owned by Vi goo oh yeah they own by Live Nation as well yeah uh no you know do you know what that's like it's like how um PayPal own all of those cash apps like more cash app ven mode they is that right wow yeah cuz PayPal's just massive they just buy them out I love finding out that kind of so worst thing eBay ever did yeah getting rid getting rid of PayPal real big L that true PayPal I mean I still use it to this day it's my favorite I'm not really a fan no I'm not I don't like how it move on before we move on we've we've spoken a lot about Dynamic pricing and and stuff would you have any tips for people looking to go to Oasis you not want to dive no of course I wouldn't ever gatekeep that I just feel like we've we've talked a lot about out don't do this the TR here's what you do go on twickets right now and set up an alert for what you want you can filter to standing or if you want seated you can filter to specific date you can set up multiple filters for other dates as well go in an oasis fan page on Facebook go go to what website what did I say twickets what you should be saying is use tixel tixel won't have them because they only do official ticketing Partners do they have them do they yeah check tixel anyway or the S P ticket swap yeah and and honestly it's fine you you'll miss a hundred opportunities on twickets to buy them in the next year but you'll get one and that you'll be brute they're forced into face value and also um don't assume that last minute can't happen either yeah like yeah yeah it often do I'm pretty certain most of these will be sold but most of the time when something's might to sold about it's not a lesson that abely a lesson that me and R learn from When We Were Young last year is we bought tickets like maybe like two or three months an inflated price because we didn't get them in the general s so like okay we accept the elbit we want to be secure we got the tickets off off uh twickets y but we also when we got to Vegas we also wanted to go the Saturday not just the Sunday so the the night literally the night before bought for like half the price went the Saturday and Sunday so like last minute can still happen think how many it is a risk it is and I understand you don't want the anxiety associated with that risk but there's only one time in my entire life where it's not paid off and all I do is go to gigs and also the argument is is the price of the dout pricing worth the anxiety I'd argue I'd probably take the anxiety with with the like like the almost orders of magnitude that the prices are bigger it's like it's not worth it it's just mental is it think how many people's plans will change which they're buying they're buying tickets now yeah they some of them won't be able to afford a hotel when the time comes to it we up some of them have got kids Child Care might drop out the dog they might not have a dog sitter they might be away for work Rel their mates not decided that they're having a wedding yet and it's on that day the Stag's coming could have to return a Hoover there is a million reasons why so just have faith I've got faith I don't have any tickets and I don't have anyone that can help me out in the industry like no back door I was going to say it's not like you're counting on like a hook up in fact you know i' tell a like maybe I do for a couple of the dates just to be totally transparent but main dates that I want to go to the Manchester and the opening ones I'm in there with everyone else and we'll all be there we'll all be there just have faith guys I'm going to be incredibly rude and go for a piss what well long how long are we on now we are we are probably nearing wrap-up time I would like to go through some emails I probably back yeah but we've uh we're all on we've kind of lost half an hour because we had the like it'll be on the Pod but in our Reds I think we've like done L everything that break was only like we should have bre three minutes Dre yeah intermission perfect for an adre yeah it's interesting if anyone wants to email me you know like want to adver their product for Mal Weekender okay makes sense yeah it's interesting I got um chat to Bry just then yeah oh interesting yeah yeah yeah yeah um which is great yep what's up this will makes sense yeah eventually about we still on yeah sorry I was we're going to wait we're going to wait for br to have a Bry we're going to wait for Jamie to have a piss then we'll do the emails why why not just start that him he made he made his choice he made his choice M all right so no let's wait for him let's wait great all right you keep talking um so I'm just looking at the Burning Man thumbnails and I've done three of them and I don't know which one I like best but YouTube will decide because it now let you put three up and it serves them and decides which one's best I look forward to when they roll out the titles M let me let me say some we need to start the [ __ ] lightting it yeah I know well this is wor looked and I tried to S but obviously I didn't do we need um we need the uh diffuse light and the ability to dim it as well that's the issue yep and we've got dimable diffused lights in the thing oh have we yeah yeah in the in the coverboard right welcome back Jamie nice piss medoc i' had better I've had worse yeah you that's we had a great chat did me and Jamie Jamie and I um and I was saying have you ever used you know in like a w properly no thank you have you ever used um a metal toilet have you ever sat on a metal toilet us to get in clubs cockpit used to have I sat on one in in the the middle of icy Switzerland yeah massive one yeah it it was real high-tech but it didn't have a seat but God yeah it was aw it was all aluminium it looked like some joh would make and you used to get them where sometimes you'd have like a bit of like they'd have a bit of wood on two bits of wood yeah just to oh like like the long drops no no like they were toilets but they were metal and they had like two bits of wood oh yeah sorry yeah I was scared to sit on them yeah cuz cuz you know the wood absorbs moisture of course it does and people have just been Audience Emails pissing off what else does it absorb M God Only Knows anyway let's check out the inbox yeah so it's been a couple of weeks we've been away did I acknowledge we've been away I don't know missed we missed an episode who cares so we've got some emails to passionate man it started getting dark we got the right guy in the in the we got we got some emails to podcast tpd dotv send us your funny stories if you want guys we love to chat about them and the one of them uh really spoke to me one from Paris it's not about a vacuum is it it says bonjo do you want to guess the subject uh chat all right who chat um hello Ben and other potty people hey what's up PTY people yeah I like that who may or may not be on this episode I just wanted to write in to say how much me and my partner love seeing this more more thoughtful calm side of the tpd TV crew it's been a thoughtful and K they're in their 30s part of this my day off this is my do a podcast we love Hoover chat should be vacuum cleaner chat maybe they have Hoover maybe they have a Hoover hey Hoover if you want to sponsor the ho if you want to make it Hoover chat imagine is my I think my Wasing machine might be a Hoover yeah we don't care keep it running we love Hoover chat and we actually have a Shar cordless now what's interesting here is it says sorry Raz and that random fell from the vacuum shop what do you know what have you well remembered sir confirm that overing machine cuz cuz I I have a Shark vacuum CL when did you discuss that many weeks ago obviously it sticks in people's minds I saying how how the guy like showed me and he said you don't want a cardless one because the battery is not powerful enough confirms the battery sh yeah damn wow Paris don't be sorry lesson learned for you yeah SIU sa absolutely not from Manchester God I just want Tock makes makes want to go to Manchester hly I want to call her out for that shitty email but I'm not going to do it oh now you said it's her we'd already said it's her to be fair how do you know say her because she signed it off she signed it off with the first name and then I she have a pronounce at the email all whatever this person signed it off with the name and then Google reviews Manchester name how do you know it's Manchester V it could be their Chester VA hey come on come on that judging by the look at Manchester VD don't seemed like the type of people to be putting the pronouns in in the signature I mean it is a very remember when Vicky Hungerford just made that mental call to like diss people that do that who was that sorry she's the one who wants blood stocking she and do you know what everyone [ __ ] up she made a mistake she's rectified that mistake no hait towards her hey we did some [ __ ] as well but it was it was a mental call just like go on your platform and diss people that use pronouns like read the room yeah she didn't read know your audience your audience is literally the most accepting and Progressive audience out there yeah that was never going to go I mean the only thing worse that she could have said was [ __ ] seura that would have HED to people like like [ __ ] night wish machine God yeah that was a misfire but we all misfire sometimes and true we some people misfire in a in a in a parking lb by in Scotland they sure do mate they sure do [ __ ] him [ __ ] the lot of them up there it's so and [ __ ] the Daily Mail indeed recently learned that they own the Metro which is a real [ __ ] it's been a lot of that this podcast what learning about who owns things yeah true the theme I'm about to own the nightmare tonight I'm GNA I'm going to look up who do they own because this is important because do you know what Fu [ __ ] one [ __ ] a all right Raaz just Raaz has just ruined the inbox segment so let's just wrap it up because it's annoying to look at on my phone so the podcast email will be back next week well you mean to log in if you want wait no because it's on my email it's just a or do it just don't just throw the thing in the B what do you mean just let's read another one oh it's just so annoying you should have brought your laptop there no I don't want it cuz I'm off out you know what's annoying about it I brought mine and I'm off out I've got mine here Olivia why would you bring I don't know why you brought yours because we bring laptops to the podcast now you said it brought it just to talk about your 96 gig of RAM yep he's got the headphones out Jesus Christ hey anyway so [ __ ] the Daily Mail [ __ ] mail online [ __ ] mail on Sunday yeah [ __ ] the Irish Daily Mail whoa hang about that might cause [ __ ] the Metro [ __ ] the new New Scientist [ __ ] seven [ __ ] seven days and [ __ ] the evening standard or at least 24.9% of the evening standard that's my least favorite rest own by Live Nation I've got another email you ready oh [ __ ] ITN and [ __ ] teletext teletext y oh I like tetch the red buttons all right yeah yeah right so I've got an email here from I am I am so ion says I'm funny have you been trying to grow on YouTube experience low views and no response I love these emails they my favorite thing it sucks right like a vacuum cleaner that's why today I will share the exact strategy like I can't I can't carry on so we get a lot of emails like that about thumbnails yeah and they basically start by saying like we've seen your thumbnails aren't good enough do you know what's funny do you know what's funny right these people because I get it in my in my job and I and I get it to the podcast email as well and it's like by by nature of what they're trying to sell you a service to improve your SEO or improve your view retention or whatever right to do that inherently at the start they have to insult you they do yeah not getting the results you want they can't they can't say you're sick your YouTube channel [ __ ] the thing is like yeah we're getting like great results mind your business you don't know how low my standards are the thing is like how thumbnails like this this is an example I mean it's for the viewers showing histop screen um but like how would that translate onto our video like it just wouldn't here's the thing I hor I improved our viewer numbers by doing a podcast in a field did you more so than they would with their there was one guy who was like I'll do you a free one yeah and I and I took him up on it Su your CO as well I wish I took him up on it and I would like to see if I can find that um you do that and I'm going to find us another email what was the the funny one do you know what I can't remember there was a funny one wasn't there there was that guy we didn't believe well that was [ __ ] that was a [ __ ] one so we won't do that one the health one the health one should have flagged it shouldn't I you should have done you should have start it I should have start it yeah some they just all look like they've just copy and pasted a Mr another one thumbnail this is great it seems that like massive text as well it seems that you are unable to achieve the level of impact and engagement that you're expecting from YouTube we are here to help uh I get some up absolute [ __ ] uh I I even get the emails so like you know what so we've got a spam filter by default on Google and it's like some of the [ __ ] that comes on there here Creator you're probably thinking hey who is this aan guy and why is he in my inbox fair question let me break it down for you stop trying to be personal then it cuts down and it's it's a load of [ __ ] like that let me see if I if I've got any others just reading out just your emails now that's what the podcast is now hi hi inquirers oh yeah I've seen that one I recently see it Sten Merchant we love mugs that's their template failing inquir is lower case SP spell a lowercase e because by default all email addresses a lowercase so like even your templates failing you I recently discovered your YouTube channel and was genuinely impressed by your engaging content to demonstrate how we can set your brand for the next level we've crafted a custom like there's a partment that always wants to see like what what's this custom what's this custom thing that they've created on the off chance that they do actually have something pre-prepared it would be funny to see what it was you should try and collect some of them and make a video out of it I just don't want to engage with it cuz then like they'll send you a PDF that's a virus or something it's a Mac it can't get a virus yeah listen to this one mountain Jew the esteemed producer of high quality carbonated beverages that are perfect for quenching your thirst is is excited to connect with you for a potential collaboration they'd never open like that what I always type my name in all caps like when I'm filling in a form so I know if I ever get a an email it says hi Rob like I know it's just not personally has been swept form yeah put it with zero right Raz we uh sorry Ben we got an email from from one of our lovely audience members I was so I was trying to find like a story but I think my phone's not received like cuz what I've done I've linked this is boring linked up my Gmail to Outlook and I don't think it's pulled everything through so I've just got a quick one here that we F that me and Jamie you do one and then I'll read a very a very particular email that we gotas oh [ __ ] I've lost it now hang on [ __ ] let me find it hey this is what it's come to yeah go on you so imagine imagine my delight when I know this is Spam but imagine how on brand I thought this was greetings we are delighted to introduce you to S pelo no way I was like you know what are you sure that's fake yeah but you couldn't believe your luck imagine that teaming with Sam pelino it yields a variety of benefits not merely in terms of financial compensation can we backdate the payments please based on yeah the amount of exp that it's it's funny you got I got one uh yesterday from uh de the view from the afternoon for start to do with a collaboration with Ticket Master UK yeah sign us up um right so I can't find any stories but I've got a quick one from Tim Barnes which is really funny because look how he's done Tim B big up to me Tim B has done it as one word why he shouting at us why is he shouting at us he want to know if you're going to sell his data and like wear it go to true it's all one word Fair Point um longtime listener frequent emailer as you guys are Festival veterans are you starting to worry about the long-term damage you're doing to your bodies with heavy drinking and fast food great question I get this a lot do you see I bet you do do you see yourselves slowing down as years go on huge mega fan love you all from Tim York F Bristol well I'm currently sat here with a beer and we're going out tonight for like the first time in fuckes how long thanks Tim from yor and thank you Tim for the for the email for sending in uh we get asked this a lot especially me who's doing it every single week and I always just look at the same thing look at lemy and I'm not even joking when I say that I'm not even trying to be funny but like look at lemy and look at Keith Richards yeah they've done a lot worse than what I've done yeah I'm just having some beers and not really even that many yeah you're not you're not shooting straight vodka from the bottle like no like we're just having some beers and like you're having a good we're having a good time but we're not getting like catastrophically off his face sometimes we do but like that's very rare and I think there's more down downtime than you think yeah certainly drinking um but if I die just now I've achieved pretty much everything I wanted to in life and I'm happy I mean that's it is it yeah I I had a mole on my back the other day or at least I thought I did and I thought just a hamster it was just a Hamer I just I just thought could be something terrible but it probably when it probably isn't and number two if it is I've had a great say do you know what that that's too I mean that's you should get a check down no it's fine it fell off it was a scab so you didn't have a all [ __ ] it it was like very it looked like a more it was a piece of pepperoni off the pizza from the RV oh God that was annoying I am God I'm interested to watch this podcast back with a few uh Keen edits Outro mate it'll be fine no edits mate aside from the aside from the lighting which is [ __ ] [ __ ] hey say I say you what I look like a ghost yeah it's really bad one more subject before we end it that's code lineup is sick yeah I don't I don't think it's that good I don't really care about it lukees lukees will sell it think immediately you got you got Nelly on there as well Nelly yeah yeah you got tpin we saw tpin there last year like no one seemed to care I cared uh Back Street Boys Stage Coach the thing with Stage Coach is he got a lot of Goodwill for me because I it was as my intro to like country cuz I'd never paid country music any any attention before Stage Coach it were brilliant it was incredible it was really and and to be there with obviously everyone I loved it it were great I've had a few people messag me um saying like because I put it on my on my story saying like really want to go to this I'm like you absolutely should absolutely just so inaccessible is it yeah yeah thing fensive find it hard to recommend stuff it's like yeah go and it's like literally it's like some stuff yeah fair enough you can get away with it but like this you know you need an RV for this don't you and it's like two grand for the fundamentally yeah you need an RV is there no normal camping then no there is there's a car camping but oh was there yeah I don't think there was but you won't want it Stage Coach the whole point soding RV thing is if you like country music that much then country to Country also gets these a-listers it just doesn't have like the the wild cards like Nelly and like Back Street Boys but does have the experience but if you really like country music aist as then stage uh country to country does get all them what's interesting is I didn't even know if I'd never heard of of Morgan Wallen or Luke combes I didn't know these people I didn't I just show well yeah clearly have but I just showed up and I just thought it was great and jelly roll getting the headin like well deserved absolutely yeah he's the one who's got to prove it yeah that L on there that would be [ __ ] I like I like the nickel back with their highlights yeah Great Festival I'd recommend going if you they enough money it's a great site as well they really mean much Stage Coach really kills it with the uh with with the ones at the bottom you don't like yeah it's really good I don't I don't I would have like to see tpin you know I don't know any of his songs he very good I watch him twitch sometimes yeah he's good seen them on Twitch seen songs on twit and great voice yeah um I've got a question okay do you want to go out yeah yeah yeah yeah right so that was the view from the afternoon should we stop this and then start a live stream not if it looks like do you know what there's uh yeah uh it's interesting to mention live stream it's uh we'll keep you post on that um send your emails to podcast td. and if Ben can be asked he'll bring his laptop and look at yeah uh thanks than for watching thanks for listening it's been a bit of a Mad EP but uh yeah hopefully we'll see you next week if anybody replies to my emails thanks so much coming down uh thanks so much for coming down Jamie coming up actually Robert coming up is coming up no I mean you're going to come down speaking I can't believe this podcast start but you've been talked about proposition now it's ending the same way all downhill crazy just like all good things it with the coming this is probably the only this is the first and only app where the listeners have got a better experience than the viewers cuz that looks [ __ ] trous right we're going to [ __ ] off and go out so have a good week guys and we'll see you next time byee bought those nice headphones [Music]

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