Category: Sports
Introduction and casual fc hosts hey guys we're on [music] video what a for angel city riley comes in angel city on the for a kick presented by senor shifty work into the box and ac cross it's in oh it's l the dream r [music] hi everyone and welcome to casual fc an angel city preview pod i'm your host... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [laughter] [music] she dances in my dreams bleeds through my blood stream i give my all to you you don't even know me she's good at everything i'm not they smiler i'm ground the barn i'm a loser i'm the scum on your shoe everybody knows it's true oh k me to the cures one i'm used to trust me... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] i'm pulling up the i'm pulling up the i'm pulling up the lot in a new dropping light on the new chain dropping light and on a new chain [ __ ] dropping me still getting bootang i boot it up don't need no buing with the same crew no recruited buing with the same crew no recruting hey yeah hey... Read more
Category: Gaming
[музыка] [аплодисменты] [музыка] каждый новый день кажды новый день новая надежда для нас воплотить все мечты и день де мы готовы сгореть во благо того чтобы точно достичь то единственная [музыка] цели здесь не без поте приходится жертвой гими многими чтобы быть на высоте на высоте в своей мысли я выл... Read more
Category: Music
Intro hello welcome to a very ill-prepared view from the afternoon um terrible intro you that again yeah go from the top hello and welcome to the view from the afternoon woo wo um hey look we've got jeremy meet jamie graham graham here who the [ __ ] jeremy graham who thebody knows friend of the squad... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
[music] mother knows death starring nicole and jimy and maria [music] caine hi everyone welcome to mother nos death let's get started with the story of the week every week we are presented with the most unbelievable stories and i'm sure it's really this is why we're doing this podcast because you just... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome back i'm alex kramer it's now time to take a look at your latest business headlines we're going to welcome president of stark llc hillary ford which hillary good morning so costco increasing their membership fees for the first time in seven years so the annual fee for a standard membership has... Read more
Category: Gaming
[музыка] где миражи покажи прошу нам как тут жить стоит ли дорожить стоит ли дорожи корабли амира пройдя через море лжи а пока дыши пока бы было трудно не залетали в спину ножи все свои мечты ты крепко в руках держи е жели ты нашёл дело своё тогда верши я на рэпе этом сижу будто уже на игле говорят... Read more
Category: Gaming
The fool is optimistic so [music] happ in silence wishing you'd kiss me please just call me pretty at least once a week i take my pills of pure addiction in lay in dirty water closing my eyes i wish was clean like the lamp before the [applause] slaughter squeeze on my heart and take on the blood i'm... Read more
Category: Gaming
You're the poison i need to stop you're the pain that makes me dead i can never not be lost i will never not be trained i am brok and i feel alone i was hoping we'd find some hope i am wishing you would come around all i want is to leave this town all i want is to leave this town all i want is to leave... Read more
Category: News & Politics
This was andrew andrew schultz on charlemagne the gods show whatever it is that he does i don't i don't know what it what it's called um but they were talking about kla harris and he goes on a nice little rant and i wanted to point out something during the rant that i thought was really dumb now charlem... Read more
Category: Sports
Bobby what did you think of that friday game i i didn't like it but seemed like you were into it two days in a row i liked having football two days in a row but the like you said the presentation was one of the worst things i've ever seen in my life it was so garbage it was like they just decided to... Read more