Woman Found in Cubicle Days After Death, Surgeon Removes Wrong Organ, Gary Coleman Lived w/o Kidneys

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 01:22:59 Category: Science & Technology

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[Music] mother knows death starring Nicole and jimy and Maria [Music] Caine hi everyone welcome to Mother NOS death let's get started with the story of the week every week we are presented with the most unbelievable stories and I'm sure it's really this is why we're doing this podcast because you just can't believe that all of this stuff is real life no you really can't and you know I've never worked in an office building but I'm sure anybody that's worked in an office with cubicles is really going to find this next one truly unbelievable so this 6-year-old woman clocks into her job at a Wells Fargo Corporate Office on a Friday morning at 7 o'clock in the morning which I'm like who's going to work that early she seems like a superstar in general so she goes in that early goes right to her cubicle the day goes on as normal and everybody goes home for the weekend so Monday morning comes around and everybody comes back into work and you know they notice this weird smell but they were playing it off the faulty Plumbing so everybody again just goes on with their day and goes home Tuesday they find her dead at her desk it's just so unbelievable right that I I mean the average person doesn't really know what decomp smells like but most people do know what it smells like because you've most people have had exposure to a piece of meat that was in the trash or just trash outside in general or even a small animal like a squirrel or a mouse or something that died outside it just the smell of decomp has a very specific smell and I was saying I was saying this I think on another episode that we had we were in the pool out out back in the yard and we smelled it but Ricky was actually in the pool and I was like I keep getting a whiff a deom there's something I don't know if like the cat killed a mouse or something but there's some little thing that's decomposing because it just has a very specific smell yeah I mean you have to imagine so she's there for four whole days so you have to imagine on day three that can't smell that great right like what part of the country was this in did it say it was in Arizona so it was hot but you have to think she's in a temperature control an air and still it it doesn't matter like you're there 4 days decomposing it I mean it's better than being outside in Arizona clearly but I mean you're still going to still break down in in that amount of time and nobody was like I'm going to try to track the source of the smell and then came across around her desk on Monday morning so part of the problem was that they were saying a lot of employees were working remotely so the office wasn't as full as like a normal office building would be but the employees at the same time said this is completely unacceptable because the building has 24-hour security I'm thinking like they don't have any alert system that's like this lady clocked in and never clocked out and I'm not even saying for safety purposes I'm saying for pay payment purposes you're just going to let somebody run the clock for four days in a row I don't know I I worked jobs at some time of my life that I clocked in and I probably forgot to clock out every single day of my life like I think that that's they're probably used to people I know you would never do that but people with my brain do that all the time so they're used to having employees that clock out and are just like oh they or clock in and then oh they forgot the clock out so I don't think that I mean I understand that that would be a way to track somebody but like that happens all the time I'm sure yeah and then they said her cubicle was on the third floor of this building and it was off of the main aisle so I guess nobody really had any reason to go check on her I just find this really sad she didn't really seem to have any family that reported her missing or anything and it's kind of sad to think about you're at your desk all day at work and nobody even comes over to say hi to you yeah it's bad enough that you don't have family that notices that you're missing but your job doesn't just doesn't even know know who you are or know that you're missing for the day it's just really it's really sad and unfortunate it really is and I you know they said that the company said that they were offering just at least with the employees that were working on that floor some kind of moral support and some counseling services maybe but think about this if you're just a regular person that went to work all day and was smelling a nasty smell and then found out that it was your co-worker that was dead that would be like a little emotionally traumatizing wouldn't you think to know what that that that's what you were smelling yeah and how my question for you was so how successful would they be in getting that smell out like would that take a couple of days a week is it immediate once they clean it it's a so she was found dead at her desk right yeah and um it appears that she died from natural causes probably there they'll send her body to the medical examiner do an autopsy to see what happened but they didn't think that it was anything suspicious um so it just depends how decomposed she really was I I wouldn't think it was really super super bad just because if she was in in a conditioning building now do they turn the air off on the weekends cuz no one's supposed to be there that's a whole other issue oh I didn't even think about that yeah because they might they might if I mean air conditioning in in Arizona is probably extremely high in an office building and if you know that nobody's really going to be there they might turn it turn it down a lot you know what I mean I don't know but regardless it yeah I mean they can they can get the smell out people die I mean no nobody wants to think about this but like people die and decompose in houses and stuff all the time and it's funny cuz one time Gabe and I were looking at a house when we were buying our house and one of the neighbors came up to us not for our house but one we were looking at and they were like you know he died in there and I was like oh okay and and she was like no like his body was dead in there she was and and I was thinking like okay so I'm going to go in right now and just kind of sniff around and see how like what she was trying to hint at you know what I mean because there's a big difference between like an old person dying with their family and getting picked up by the funeral home right away versus someone that was dead in their house for a week in the dead of Summer you know yeah um but they they pull floorboards out they they'll they'll get it clean there's there's whole entire companies crime scene cleaners even though it's technically not a crime but they go and they handle this they have all these sorts of chemicals and rip out like I said the carpet the floor or they they could get it done most of the time I I think if you're buying a house that's not a completely brand new construction it's pretty naive to not think at some point that somebody might have died in there and it doesn't have to be a horrific murder like my house was built in the 50s I know the the old lady and I'm pretty sure her husband died in here too you just yeah but every time like this is how I would be so if I'm going back to work at that job I would just I would be constantly like like smelling to see if I got any hint of it because it it it's a very disturbing smell I don't I don't really know how to describe it it doesn't it doesn't quite smell like pee or poop or fish it's kind of a combination of like just this just this funk right yeah and now these people all have that permanently tattooed in their their nasal memory that this is this is what a dead body smells like it's just it's it's gross really I mean honestly I don't they signed up for an office job you know yeah and I mean if this happened to me I and like I was there on the day of the discovery and smell the smell and everything I feel like i' try to work remotely from then on or at least get moved to another floor you would even work there anyway because if you had to be there at 7:00 in the morning you would already not be a candidate for that job seriously I know okay celebrity news okay so we did if you listen to audio only we did a little emergency episode last Friday about this death so Thursday night NHL star Johnny cadro and his brother were riding bikes they lived in Salem County New Jersey which is only about 40 minutes from where we live so their sister was set to get married on Friday and they were in their Hometown just you know doing family activities celebrating this awesome occasion that was supposed to happen so they were riding their bicycles on this road and like most normal people that were driving a car they were you know going off to the side a little bit to give them some room to ride their bicycles so this guy that admitted later that he was drunk driving came up behind the SUV that was in the middle of the road and illegally went to go pass on the side and smacked into both of them and killed them what how many times are we going to report this I have I have like a particular distaste for drunk drivers and didn't we just have a story a couple weeks ago about a similar situation where a drunk driver drove into an El Salon and killed a bunch of people and it was some woman who had just gotten married and was getting ready to go to her friend's wedding or something like that well we had that and then let's not forget the horrific story of the couple that had just been married and they were on a golf cart and a drunk driver hit them as well it's horrific yeah think uh this when you hear stories like this you just can't even fathom how a family could ever heal from something like this it's just so tragic on so many different LEL and to think that I mean you recently got married and it's like there's so much chaos surrounding the days leading up to that anyway and just to think that something could happen right before that would just ruin like really ruin that moment for you you talk about most people that say their their wedding got ruined it's like oh it rained or something right yeah I mean I mean this is it it's terrible and and the parents and and the and the sister it's just they do they have another sibling too I or that was her only siblings I think it was her only siblings it's like to think about it you're supposed to have this awesome day where you're getting married to the love of your life and then both of your brothers are killed in one shot and it was a totally preventable death that has to be heartbreaking I was even saying like as a mother how do you even heal from something like this I I don't know anytime you lose a child it it just must be the most terrible thing ever the thing is though is that this guy the the most [ __ ] up part of this entire story is that this guy is like a drug and alcohol counselor he works at a drug a drug and alcohol rehab center yeah so the guy Sean hi it's so it's it's just so it's so crazy right no it really is because and it's one of those things where I wonder I'm just speculating here I wonder if he had known issues in the past and that's what caused him to work at the rehab facility because I know a lot of people that are in recovery tend to go work as counselors or as sponsors in AA or something you know so I'm wondering if he had well this definitely was not his first time no it definitely wasn't I mean when he got pulled over he admitted to the police that he had five to six beers before getting in the car and that he was also drinking while driving yeah so he's got he's got a a serious problem and my thinking process behind it is and again I'm just speculating is that you know if you're admitting you had five to six beers you probably had 10 or more oh yeah and they'll be I mean they'll be able to they're going to do all these tests and stuff and figure it out it it doesn't matter like five to six is is just too much anyway then you know there's all these statistics too that when a person drunk drinks and drives and gets pulled over for it or has an accident or something like this it's estimated that they have probably drank 80 times more than that and this is the first time they kind of got caught doing it and something you need to keep in mind and this is just for all the listeners too like when there's a person that's drinking and driving there's always another person that knows that they're drinking and driving yes when you're when you're with someone that that drinks that much you know you you're you're ignoring it if it's happening because you could smell it coming through people's pores when they drink a lot like they come home if they come home and they smell alcohol they shouldn't have been driving and and sometimes it's the responsibility of like friends and families and loved ones around to be like you can't do this not just to not hurt yourself but to hurt other people because imagine being this this guy's married and has at least one kitty right or maybe even more children like how does his wife feel right now knowing that now he's probably going to jail the the children children aren't going to have a dad she's going to have to raise the kids probably going to jail he is going to jail like that's he he's already admitted he was under the influence I yeah but listen that doesn't mean anything he C you have to wait until he gets prosecuted and everything but you know it's just and imagine being the wife just of of this and knowing that you your husband has induced this onto another family you know what I mean it's it's it's terrible but it's almost your responsibility when you have an alcoholic person around you to really speak up and and and try to get them help well I'm just I'm just saying in defense of her even if she knew he had drinking problems and everything there's really only so much control you could have over another I'm not saying I'm not trying to say it's her fault I'm just saying that cuz like yeah you don't have control over other people but I think a lot of people kind of think they turned a blind eye to it they don't think that that the person that they're with has a problem and sometimes people will go get help if you put pressure on them and you really put it in their face rather than ignoring that it happens because where was he drinking all these beers he left and got in the car somewhere like yeah I which is a whole thing cuz if you're at a bar technically like should you ever be leaving and driving that's how I and if he did leave a bar the bartender could get in trouble for over serving that person but it that information hasn't come out like we don't know at this time whether he was drinking at his house and then went for a drive or drinking at a friend's house or he was out at a bar or restaurant or something so we don't know that yet he also worked for the New Jersey National Guard so that's not a good look either and the rehab has said he's been placed on leave for now I'm going to assume that he's getting fired because this is already a horrific look for I thought that that was messed up too I'm like the dude the dude works for you and he said he was drinking he said it to the police officers that he was drinking fire him that's it like you already know he admitted it it doesn't matter what happens what comes out of this listen like the guy was in the service I don't know if he was in war or anything he might have PTSD and have all of these reasons for drinking okay but like it's it's not an excuse it's just not like he could get help and do whatever he needs to do but like do you think that this family gives a [ __ ] about any of this no no I wouldn't sorry and it's so much more layered than you know the sister even getting married the brother Matthew that got killed his wife was expecting a baby and I believe it was their first baby and yeah it's it's it is it's like it it and and then the parents have lost three of their or two of three of their children and they have to deal with that and now they have these two wives that are left over with with grandchildren that don't have a dad anymore it's just it's it's terrible yeah and you know this guy W Johnny who was killed was super beloved in the NHL Community he was this huge figure he just signed this massive contract last year for $80 million for the next couple years so that's been this huge thing and it's like you know you have to think professionally him and his wife are probably like this is an awesome accomplishment he'd been working his whole life to work in NHL and then this awful tragedy occurs and it's just horrific and I did I thought it was awesome in the sports community that like all the baseball teams were honoring them every you know sports announcer mentioned it as I kept reading details about it I was getting progressively more and more sick to my stomach just thinking of like our family being in this situation and how absolutely horrible it is so the the guy Sean Higgins that was arrested he has a detention hearing scheduled for today which is where they're going to determine if he's going to stay in jail awaiting his trial or if he's going to be able to go home in between which yeah he should yeah you don't get you don't get the deserve to like to be with your kids and everything when these guys can't be with their kids sorry because let me let me point this out too so like let's say he's able to go home in between the pending trial that could be a couple years before this litigation goes through and then you know he now killed two people what is to stop him from drinking and driving again trying to tell the pain of killing other people yeah cuz they'll tell him not to and he'll listen cuz that's how life works right I see somebody like this as a danger to Society at this point so exactly I don't think he should be allowed out but that's just my opinion okay let's move on to something a little bit less depressing okay Gary Coleman do you know who he is um I know he was in different strokes but that's pretty much the only knowledge I have of him do you like did you ever even see Different Strokes was it on runs or anything it's kind of an older show I feel like it was on reruns maybe it was on when I was a kid I don't know but I don't think I ever watched an episode of it but I watch a lot of like TV history documentaries and stuff and they always talk about it but like I don't I never watched it but like I am familiar with what it is kind of yeah so for for those of you who don't know he was on this show called Different Strokes and he was very unique in appearance because he almost had a child like look even though he was an adult and the reason is is because when he was a little kid he was so he was adopted by his parents and when he was a kid around 2 years old he started not feeling well and then they his parents took him to the doctor and they found out that he was having kidney failure and he was diagnosed with something called focal segmental glome sclerosis which is the glomi are of group of cells it's a structure that's within the kidney and that helps filter out all of the waste that is in our blood and what happens is that these gloi get scarred up and it the kidney is no longer able to function so he went on for a little while with this condition but then when he was five he had to get a kidney transplant and his mom said he got the kidney transplant and he was like jumping around two weeks later CU that's what happens when kids get surgery even such a serious surgery like that so when when you get a kidney transplant you have to take drugs so your body doesn't reject it especially when you're very young your immune system is awesome and it recognizes this kidney as foreign and it tries to attack it so they give you drugs to try to make your body not reject the kidney and it worked well for him he had it for a very long time until he was 17 years old but the drugs caused him two different things one of it it caused him to stunt his growth so he only grew as a full-size adult at 4 fo8 which is very short especially for a man and he also had this look of he got these really big chubby cheeks as a result of the medication too so he just had this very cute like boyish look that but that was also part of his of him being an actor and very recognizable in the show and and funny and everything like that so that's a little bit of the background on him yeah so peacock recently released a documentary so they're kind of talking about this his issues with kidneys and they revealed that he had been living without one for 25 years or without any right yeah so you can't live without a kidney you can't so if you don't have a kidney inside your body that works for you you have to do something that's called hemodialysis and you have to go get an artificial kidney to do the work for you so for TW so when the kidney failed the the one that he got transplanted he decided that he was going to get hemodialysis which he ended up doing for 25 years of his life but it's it's a commitment you have to go get it done three or four times a week for a couple hours each time and what happens is they hook you up to a machine and it takes the blood out of your body and cleans it or takes all of the toxins it fills filters it and then it puts the blood back into your body and um it it's it's a lot you know what I mean and it's it's really cool though that that the technology could do that because if he was born before this was available like he would have he would have died right after not being able to have a kidney I don't know why they didn't decide to do another transplant there might be a reason why they decided not to um maybe he wasn't a candidate for it anymore but uh it's it's pretty cool yeah and I feel bad because they were saying in this article too about the documentary that his father was very unsympathetic to his condition and he was often really sick on set and then his dad would be yelling at him to like get his [ __ ] together because people were depending on him when he was you know suffering with this and dealing with this all the time so that's really unfortunate yeah that's a bummer and that this is his this is his adopted father I guess and one one thing I want to say about this condition is that there are different ways you can get this condition so you can get it just like oh it just sporadically happens or you could get it from being drug induced like something could damage the kidney but oftentimes it's also genetic so you can get it from a family member and sometimes when you adopt a child and especially if you don't have any history of where they came from it could be it could have been passed down to him yeah I think I don't know if you feel this way but I feel like this would be a good dissection to do on the website because there's a lot behind the story and then he did end up dying in 2010 so yeah and he was young he was 42 when he died and I do want to write about it because he he ended up getting heart surgery which I kind of would like to dive deeper into that I don't I don't know exactly what happened with him but um he ended up getting pneumonia and then he ended up having seizures and falling and he died as a result of a fall actually so um it it is it is interesting especially to see somebody that you know on TV and then know behind the scenes that they were really battling with this health thing I mean imagine just your your life right now having to schedule three or four days a week that you have to go sit somewhere for a couple hours just to stay alive yeah I mean I have a lot of free time right now because I don't have kids or anything and I can't even fathom scheduling something like that into my daily life yeah and and and so many people do it every day especially people who are waiting for kidney transplant like you have to do it there's no choice you you can't live without it and he's lucky he had the resources to do it with being on the show and having the money and everything so well he kind of was the show yeah like there were other you know the there were other actors on the show but like he was he was the the show you know what I mean like it wouldn't have been the show without him so they have to kind of you know do a little for him all right let's get on to the next one El mcferson the supermodel has recently come out to say that she's in remission after being diagnosed with breast cancer 7 years ago yeah so she so what happened was she had breast cancer and her doctors along with multiple other people that she con that she had gotten a consult from said that they recommended that she get a mastectomy and get localized radiation and get chemotherapy so she decided she didn't want to do that she she said that she wanted to take like a holistic approach and she decided she wasn't going to do it she said her family was not really okay with it the doctor said that that she shouldn't do it but she did it anyway and and now she's been seven years what she says is in remission and I do believe she did get a lump back to me right when she got diagnosed but they wanted her to go further with it and she just would not do it and you know there are doctors saying that this is awesome that this worked for her but at the same time they're like these holistic treatments are supposed to comp ment other Cancer Treatments that have been proven to work not be in place of them so there definitely is hesitance with it and I I personally don't think it's awesome and I don't think that she should be saying this stuff because people might listen to her and um I mean she could do whatever she wants to do but I wouldn't be if I were her like I wouldn't say that she's out of the woods yet yeah and that's what some bre cancer especially it get like breast cancer like it usually returns within five years but I've seen cases of it just like pop in its ugly head 25 years after the fact like in someone's bones 25 years after they've had a surgery for it um the word remission is a lot of times I hear I still hear people saying this that like oh I'm cancer free and this is how cancer works like once she had invasive breast cancer which means that the breast that the tumor cells have had access to your blood vessels and your lymphatics once that those tumor cells get into a blood vessel or a lymphatic they can travel around your entire body so even if they take the tumor itself out which is what she had done they're still circulating tumor cells in the body right which is why they advise you even though it doesn't look like you have cancer in your lymp no or anything they advise you to get chemotherapy to kill those circulating tumor cells right and because she didn't do that there's a higher risk that they might set up shop at a later date there's totally the possibility that her immune system recognized those circulating tumor cells and killed them off and she'll be fine but the way breast cancer works and that's why they tell you to do it like they're not going to tell you to put chemo in your body if you don't really need it they're trying to prevent that from happening all right let's get on the freak accidents in Mississippi over the weekend a bus going from Atlanta to Dallas had run off the road just after 1:00 a.m. local time and ended up running into a ditch so apparently a tire failure had caused this bus to lose control and when the bus crashed it ejected several people and trapped others where it had landed in the ditch which made it really difficult for First Responders to get everybody out quickly yeah this is just this is just an unfortunate thing I think something the tire something happened with the tire but I don't know if it was really anyone's fault obviously if there's negligence involved you want to mention that but I don't even know if they know now it's just terrible we have another situation where two children were killed a brother and sister like just and and see I mean imagine there was probably a family member on the bus with them maybe or something when it happened who knows but um yeah I don't I don't like buses like I I was thinking cuz my kids can't get a bus to school and I hate it cuz I have to bring them to school every day and pick them up which is kind of just a lot but then when I hear things like this I'm kind of like you know what I like that I'm in more control of of them being belted in a safer car and stuff like that yeah so as a result six people died which was including a 16-year-old and her six-year-old old brother and then 37 people were sent to the hospital with injuries which is insane I seven people oh seven people may have died excuse me so yes so I I mean seven people dying in one accident is is a lot yeah that's a lot but I I guess on buses there's I mean school buses have seat belts now I think for the most part but like a regular bus doesn't if that was just a tra what was it what what was the bus like a travel bus it looked like yeah it was like it was equivalent to what a Greyhound bus what I think all these buses do have seat belts but I just don't think most people use them yeah I get that so this next story is out of Anna Arbor so a 20-year-old man was sleeping on railroad tracks which what are you doing that's totally unsafe I is that is that something people do I don't know but I remember when I was a teenager we had railroad tracks near our house and you freaked out on me if I even told you I was like walking near them but why would why would you go near them it I mean I understand that I had to take artsy picks of my outf like if you're in if you're walking on the tracks and there's woods and on either side it's just Woods I understand that people want to walk on it because it's usually flat and there's rocks and it's easier to walk on it but okay fine I could understand that but why would you why would you be like oh this is where I'm going to take an app I mean this just doesn't even make any sense was the guy high or something I don't know so I mean I I hope so that's all I got to say is I hope there was some kind of reason it certainly wasn't a good choice but around 9:30 that night he was struck by a slow moving freight train which thank goodness it was a slow moving one not that that one wasn't doing damage but at least it wasn't going super fast but then his left hand got entangled in the rear axle of the train so like the back tire essentially of the train and they said it was pinned between the wheel the wheel axle and Weir oh my God here we go Mar Marius oh my God it was pinned between the wheel axle and wear gear I cannot read I Ser I was telling Louie the other day how I can read wheel gear no it says the quote gear yeah that's not right it's it's the axle and the wheel gear anyway ju it it doesn't matter his hand got stuck in the train and they couldn't the the First Responders were having a hard time getting it out and they had someone come they had the flight crew come and they were like we have to be prepared to do a a field amputation well what is that which which is so do you remember there was a case in my book actually I don't know if you guys know I have a book called Nico and Jem's Anatomy but underneath of the chapter of extremity I have a case of a 20-year-old girl who was in a car accident with her boyfriend and the car rolled over and her hand and her arm got pinned in the Sun roof and they actually had to amputate her arm at the scene because they couldn't get her out my God I know and and the picture in the book is crazy because it shows what her arm looked like when they cut it off but they had determined that the scene that her arm wasn't going to be viable and um they just they were like we have to cut it off cuz we can't get you out and they have to do that sometimes it's it's it's just so crazy and luckily they were able to get the guy's hand out but but I mean you're not going to let somebody s stay there and die right so you just have to do what you got to do no and it took 2 hours to get to hand out yeah and I'm sure they probably ended up amputating it anyway if it was that mangled but like that's always better done at the hospital when you know you could be completely knocked out and not have any idea that that's happening right oh my God yeah I can't I just don't know why he was sleeping on a train track I will never understand that but I have no idea like this is this is like just don't sleep on the train track and this probably won't happen to you guys it's PSL season and not in the way you're thinking it's Starbucks or Duncan we're talking about stink bomb I love pumpkin smell and stink bomb has it and it for you for those of you who don't know stink bomb is this awesome it comes in this little tiny chapstick container and you could put it underneath of your nose to avoid smelling anything horrific so I'm pretty sure some Wells Fargo employees might be using stink bomb because they're scared to death that they're going to smell another one of their co-workers decomposing at work yeah I mean that's the first thing I was thinking of of even if I was smelling anything horrific I would just like to have it in my Dash Ro just you know for any reason not assuming your co-workers decomposing in the cubicle next to you but just for any potential smell oh my God so you guys can head over to stink bomb odor block .c and use code mk15 for 15% off all products they have this delicious pumpkin one they have an awesome coffee one I personally think I'm going to combine them to make my own version of a little PSL and they also have awesome ones you know Christmas Christmas is coming up so they have an evergreen one that is truly the best scent in the world it really is lavender and everything like that so head over to stinkbomb odor block.com for more this episode is also brought to you by Nicole Jim's Anatomy book since I was just talking about my book I'm going to show it to you for those watching on YouTube this book I wrote a couple years ago and the idea was was that people were following me on Instagram and always messaging me about different things that happen in different organ systems and Instagram was so difficult to just search and find certain cases so I thought it would be cool if I made a book that went through every single organ system and then all the different kinds of pathologies that could happen in all of the different organ systems so we had over a 100 people contribute to this book and it's so it's all personal stories I interviewed every single person and just asked them what their experience was dealing with this pathology and they also submitted their photos and there's just some really cool cases like the one I was just talking about of the woman who had to have her arm amputated at the scene of a car accident yeah so the book is really awesome it's a the perfect little coffee table book A lot of my friends just have it you know laying on their end tables or coffee tables and then when people come over for parties they're like oh what's this cute little book and they open it and are totally surprised by what's going on inside but ultimately everybody ends up liking it so if you want more info on that you could look up Nicole and Jim's Anatomy book anywhere that sells books or you could head over to our website the dor.com book for more info and to get a little signed book plate by you yes all right let's get started with True Crime at 5:30 a.m. on Monday four people were sleeping on a commuter train in Chicago when a man suddenly went up to them and killed them I when I first heard this story you know I always kind of justify certain things like okay did did a guy just go on a train and kill four people because he had beef with them or was it random and this could happen to anybody kind of thing right and this case seems to be like it was random people were sleeping in different train cars right and yeah so police said they were all seated apart from each other between two different trains so the guy just went around and started firing shots at them two of the victims were shot in the head while the other two were shot multiple times they also don't believe from s from surveillance footage that he was trying to rob them or anything he they think he just went up to them and killed them yeah like what what is the deal with this and that's what's scary cuz he had a little gun he had a n mm handgun which they always you know they're always on the news just like pushing about the AR and this and that and it's just like no you can kill just as many people with a regular GTO especially in situations like this where they're unsuspecting or trapped in a train car or something like that um it's just I I don't know like what what what would possess somebody to do that I don't freaking know so at first I was thinking it was people heading to work but it was Labor Day so I think most people were off and then the Chicago Co coition to end homelessness released a statement saying that violence against homeless people is not random and that more needs to be done to protect them but the police aren't confirming or denying whether these people were homeless or not so we're kind of unsure about what was it is interesting because as of today they were saying that they only identifi three of the four people and you have to think like normally when you're on a train right you have your purse or a man will have a wallet or something in it or bag school bag whatever and that could really help investigators when they find a dead body because at least like someone's got an ID or a credit card and they could get a name you can't assume that that's that person but it could kind of help you get some leads as to who the person is that then they'll take the bodies to the medical examiner's office and they'll do fingerprints but if the person's not in the system then they have a difficult time so they do things like they look for tattoos there's a lot of websites out there through from different medical examiners offices that will post especially tattoos or belongings that were very specific like a necklace with a name on it or something on this website so if you're missing a family member or something you could go on this website and like look to see if if they're on there by especially by their tattoos so it it it is interesting to think maybe that's why it's taking so long to identify this other person because if it was a homeless person they might just have close on and that's it and you just don't know who they are yeah so three of the victims died immediately the fourth was dead at the hospital and a 30-year-old has been arrested and charged with four counts of first-degree murder in connection to this case so I am hopeful that thank goodness like nobody's still on the run for this and I guess we'll figure out in the next couple weeks months what the motive was yeah it's just it's really weird I and I hope we do hear more about it just to see like what was the deal with that because again just like another scary thing you know Gabe always thinks it's weird because he when he went to travel for for um school he was saying that there was just a lot of security on the trains in Europe when he went to Paris and all that stuff and he just thinks that it's it's not like that here and it's it's just kind of interesting that it it's not you know because they'll have one or I don't even I mean I haven't really been on Philly public transportation in years because it's honestly our city has some of the wor wor public transportation in the world just it it doesn't go anywhere and it's not well taken care of but they don't have like metal detectors and [ __ ] right they certainly don't have metal detectors but I don't even think they have like when I interned in New York One Summer they had at least a couple cops like there there wasn't one on every train but one was going in between them pretty regularly so I don't know if that that still wouldn't prevent like if even if a cop was on the train car like if the guy pulled out a gun and just started shooting people like the the cop might be able to take them down before they kill more people but like it's not preventative you know what I mean I mean weird You could argue that they should have metal detectors at the train station but it's just also totally like it's not plausible I not plausible with people having to commute in that way it would jam everything up no I get that so it kind of just sucks but yeah okay back in June police were called because people living in an apartment complex had found a 3-year-old sleeping in the corner of the apartment complex so they searched the building at first but were not able to find a mother and eventually they found her several miles away at a plastic surgery center and no she did not work there she was getting a procedure done yeah they straight up arrested her and she had on a robe and like dressings around her head I don't know what the hell she was getting done I I mean not even boat box or anything like she was getting like a legit surgery procedure done on her face and and like left her kid home yeah for 6 hours he was alone so she said that her friend was supposed to be watching him and that friend said that he that she never asked him to watch the kid and I'm also like well why would you leave if there was not a confirmed babysitter in the house if you have money to get a procedure done why can't you pay for a babysitter I just don't know it's so it's so messed up cuz she probably stuck them in front of a TV or an iPad and thought he was going to be okay and then the iPad went dead and then the kid started wander and that's what happened yeah I don't know this is disgusting she's been arrested and taken to jail rightfully so I mean does she look good in her mug shot at least probably not if she's wearing all the dressings that she's swollen what a [ __ ] so this next story is about a former cop that has been accused of killing a woman in staging her suicide so this indictment is saying back in 2021 a 23-year-old woman told this police officer she was pregnant with his child apparently they had a history well he had a history of sexually exploiting her since she was a teenager which is disgusting and then allegedly after she told him about the pregnancy he then strangled her to death and staged her apartment to look like she died by Suicide this this story really Disturbed me this week that so this is how this couple originally met this guy's a cop and they have this like junior Police Academy thing which they have in my town they have in a lot of towns where they let teenagers come and they could learn what it's like and uh to be a cop right they go for like a camp thing and when this girl was only 15 years old this cop was 27 years old and met her and started having a relationship with her and started having sex with her and he was married and had kids and was having this whole entire relationship behind his wife's back with this kid and like grooming her basically and finally when she got older she was saying she wanted to have a baby of her own and this stuff and she had convinced him to get her pregnant because he was scared he was going to get in trouble for statutory rape so he was kind of doing it to shut her up and and once she did get pregnant she started being like I want you to come baby clothes shopping with me and be involved in the baby's life and everything and that's when all of a sudden she she ended up killing herself yeah I mean I honestly this sounds like this Lifetime movie I watched like 15 years ago it just such an outrageous plot and like what is going on through this guy's brain that he thinks in today's day and age you're going to get away with something like this well he's he was lying a lot and they found all these text messages like he was trying to say their relationship just started and just trying to say all this stuff and they're like no we could tell that this relationship started when when she was underage and also he was trying to act like he hasn't had sex with her in a while so people wouldn't think that it was his child like you're you're a [ __ ] dude yeah and the US attorney in the press conference said we alleged that the victim survived years of grooming satutory rape and then sexual violence all at the hands of this police officer and when it became clear that he could no longer control her he silenced her permanently yeah and they looked up all of like what was she doing leading up to this oh she didn't have any suicidal ideation even up to hours before she died she was booking a photog grapher for her newborn she was buying newborn clothes and doing laundry at the time that she killed herself supposedly kills her will he get charged with two deaths then if she's confirmed pregnant I think it I think it depends on number one how far along she is a number two what state that they're in CU I think every state it varies as if if they decide you know one or the other but yeah I mean did did it say where this happened uh I didn't but but um yeah like I I I hope so I mean how gross right like yeah again imagine being this guy's wife well yeah and it circles back to my theory like if you're having an affair somebody doesn't have to die because of it just like you need to deal with the consequences of it because so it's like you're either going to get in trou was more than Affair that was that that's the thing like he it it seemed like he was scar scared because ultimately like it it it all would have came out how they met and everything like that and like he didn't want to get in trouble for having sex with a minor which he was but now he's going to jail for murder so it's like what what's worse I I don't know I think it's gross that he staged it like you you kind of ruined this girl's life not kind of you ruined this girl's life and then you're going to end it by like making it look like she killed herself she's got family and stuff and just like make just like staging a suicide like how gross is that yeah it is pretty disgusting this next story happened not that far from us which is really disturbing so this 42-year old woman returned home from work one day before going into her house somebody approached her and threw a cup of acid on her yeah sulfuric acid it's it's very costic and what happens when you get acid thrown on you is that really it burns your skin like a flame would burn it except it just doesn't stop until you get the acid off of your body and sometimes people are so injured that they can't get to a source to even clean it off right away or it it it doesn't even happen until they get to the hospital and the the chemical eats through the skin the soft tissue the muscle it could go all the way down into the bone so this woman was burned over 35% of her body it's it's so terrible when you hear things like this yeah so then police start investigating what they believed at first was a random attack but then they found that this GPS tracking device was placed under her car so in their investigation they found the device had been purchased by a woman named Betty Jolan and it was bought at a spy shop what is a spy shop I don't know the let's just put this out there that these are like the dumbest criminals ever yeah of course because wait till you hear the rest of the story so this lady purchased a GPS tracking device and put it on the woman that got that DST acid's car wait but she activated the device on July 19th and didn't plant it till July 23rd so the GPS device was tracking this lady in the couple days [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah what seriously like you are the dumbest person ever she actually stayed at a hotel like really close to my house so like that's not comforting at all so yeah this GPS device you know they it was tracking her going to all these different hotels and basically her entire Journey until she actually planted it on the victim's car on July 23rd and then 3 days after that the attack happened so overall they found this woman and another guy named Jamar mcneel had been hired by the victim's ex-boyfriend so they all lived in Florida and they came up to do this and now they're going to have to be extradited here for the trial what idiots they they they gave the police like an entire story like thanks that that was very easy you idiots Jesus so I mean it it really sucks that this happened to this lady and she'll you know she might not ever fully recover I mean she she has it looks like it's on her face which is terrible um just risk of infection and everything like that like she's going to have a long road ahead of her I believe she was a nurse she probably can never work again like doing what she was doing at least for a long time I mean she had to be airlifted to the burn center and then she's been in there for over a month since this happened yeah I mean of course she is yeah it's it's terrible and and like why cuz these ID like they I I guess the guy paid these people like $440,000 or something to do this they're they're idiots so all three have been charged with first-degree conspiracy to commit murder criminal attempt second degree aggravated assault possession of a weapon unlawful purpose and stalking so good I was like they should get them for the charge of just you know sticking a Je GPS tracking device under somebody's car that's so scary yeah it really is all right let's get on to Medical news in West pal Beach this OBGYN had been under Fire for several botch circumcisions and the several deaths of his patients yeah and the Florida Board took his license away apparently and he was still performing surgery which I don't even understand how that's possible okay so apparently once the board votes to revoke your license there there's this weird lapse in time where let's say on a Monday they take the license away it's not officially in place until you get this official paperwork like two weeks later so he was performing this circumcision we're going to talk about later on in this time period in between them deciding they were going to revoke it and him getting the paperwork legally so if I'm this person right that's suing because of this situ I'm suing them too cuz that's [ __ ] yeah that's their fault because they they should have a system in place like I'm sorry but that's possible right yeah it's just their problem they should have a system in place where whatever Hospital these people are performing at our medical facilities are alerted right away that they are no longer to be doing it and you really shouldn't even let them like so what happened was in between this time frame he still continued to practice and then he had this one couple meet him in his office but pay him cash like what is paying him cash matter they really should lock the office up and like not let them go in it don't you think but yeah yeah I don't know I guess you can't do that though because a person might own a building or rent it you can't just like tell people they can't go to their their building I get that and that's I guess that's what happened so he was performing at on his own yeah he was performing anyway because nobody was doing anything about it and he he certainly didn't tell his patients that his that they had voted to revoke his license okay so so then what I just said doesn't really matter cuz he could have just done this anyway he wasn't like doing this at a hospital but what but what is concerning to me I guess in 20124 why why would a doctor ever be ask telling a patient that they would do a procedure for cash in in office like why wouldn't anybody think that that was skeptical I really don't know I really just don't know but you don't know what if he was doing that before like you just don't know what was going on leading up to this and how familiar they were with him and maybe that they were maybe in a rush to get something I don't know you have to look at all the circumstances leading up to this specific procedure but basically this couple brought their son in and he totally boted the circumcision and severed the child's penis yes so while that while he was doing the circumcision I guess the mom did want to sit in the room and watch it but the dad sat there and watched it and thought that the kid was bleeding a lot and the guy just kept saying like no this is normal this is normal whatever they sent the baby home with the parents and were like give the kid Tylenol and it'll stop bleeding eventually the next morning the baby was still bleeding so they brought the baby to the emergency room the emergency room was like kind of H we don't really know what we're looking at here let's go to a pediatric urologist specialist to check this out because it doesn't look right and the pediatric urologist was first talking to the parents and just saying like hey just to let you know there's complications with this and the bleeding and it's all normal and then he took off the diaper and was like yeah he he didn't know what he was looking at and he was like oh my God there's a serious problem here and that's when they realized that the baby's urethra or the the tube that brings urine out of the penis was severed and he couldn't even tell the full extent of it because it was bleeding so much so the parents let it you know finally that heal up and and scab over and then when they looked at it they said that 50% of the penis was cut off it's just ridiculous so then they you know they this happened this happened a couple years ago so then they sued him and then so last week after the trial jurors had awarded the parents a $100 million settlement which was double what they were even asking for because of how horrific this case was and this douchebag doctor didn't even show up he didn't even have legal representation at all he just acted as if it wasn't happening but like he's going to get fined and not get in any trouble for this so this is where this is where I learned about the license thing because the family wants them to press criminal charges against him for practicing without a license but they're saying technically his license had not been revoked yet they had vot voted to revoke it but it had not legally been revoked yet so he technically wasn't doing anything illegal which is [ __ ] and they were like the system needs to change which I agree well I don't even I don't understand what like he's a a trained surgeon why like why is he watching so me so many things like this like so they they paid $250 for it he needed $250 that bad he was like rushing through it or something like I don't understand I there seems like there was negligence so this guy was practicing for 33 years this article said that the average OBGYN faces about two to three lawsuits within their career this guy had nine which is about three times what a normal OBGYN faces also they talked about another case where he was delivering a baby and then the the mother delivering the baby had died and that family had sued him and won a bunch of money he hasn't paid them yet so I don't think this family even though they were rewarded 100 million is ever going to see a dollar of that because he still owes these other patients that sued him all this money before then and I guess it's sad because it was all occurring in his office so it's not like they could sue the hospital that he was working for cuz that's what I thought at first that this was like a case that was being done at a hospital and thinking like why was that hospital letting this doctor there no now it now it makes sense and it's just I'm under the assumption this was a private practice so it's I mean listen like you I'm very vocal about this that I'm anti- circumcision I think that the whole entire this whole entire thing didn't even need to happen cuz I don't even think a circumcision needs to happen like unless it's under for medical purposes but like this is just a weird American thing that that that goes on and it's not just a weird American thing it's a religious thing in some cultures too so like you have to respect people that want to stay true to their religion and everything I respect it I just don't think just cuz Ju Just cuz I respect the religion doesn't mean that I agree with it I just think it's like you're born with it so why are why are you removing it like it's I don't know it's it's just like setting up for another problem for that doesn't need to happen you know what I mean yeah so another doctor in Florida is also Under Fire after removing the wrong organ during a procedure I read this story like 500 times I don't understand how this happened I just I can't like this guy's a general surgeon okay so you have to go through a certain level of like Medical School residency surgery Fellowship all of this stuff how on Earth do you not it's not like okay this person had two legs and one of the legs the wrong leg got amputated right cuz it's like a leg and a leg okay still unacceptable it was still it's it's still completely unacceptable but like two legs have the same exact an ofy except it's kind of like mirror image on each side right H how on Earth are you going to do surgery on a patient that presents with splenomegaly so that's an enlarged spleen go in and you're by the way in every single person's Anatomy unless you were born with like a condition called cus and versus which is when your organs are on the opposite sides of your body which happens in barely anyone ever right so on every single human being your spleen is on the same side of your body as your heart so how and and your liver is on the completely opposite side of your body how the hell do you take out the wrong organ and take out the liver instead of the spleen yeah so this is what happened a 70-year-old man was on vacation with his family he started having pain in the stomach area so doctors determined it was his spleen and that he needed this immediate surgery so during the procedure the surgeon was supposed to take out this fleen and then took the liver out instead which is so ridiculous did now he died right away I'm assuming he did die okay because th this is just like the craziest [ __ ] ever to me so a spleen only has the splenic artery going into it it's just like one blood vessel and one vein going in and out of it right the the liver has the normal circulation going through it as well as the portal circulation going through it so you would have to just cut off multiple other blood vessels just to get it out so it he just hacked it out and that's why the guy bled out like I did you see what he said this can't be real did you see what he said can't be real did you see what he said he told the family that it had that spleen went so they didn't discover till after the patient died what happened so before they discovered what happened he seriously told the family that it was severely diseased and had enlarged to four times its normal size even migrating to the other side of the body that and that listen that's possible I've seen that okay like when you get a really big spleen you can get a big spleen for all sorts of reasons like you you remember like when we were younger and someone gets mono and your spleen gets big and then like you have to be careful because if you're a sports player it can rupture like when the spleen gets really big you need to take it out because even like an old person if they have a big spleen and they fall the thing could just like split in half and cause the person to bleed to death so they have to take it out you could get it for tumors blood disorders all sorts of different things but and it could and and you also could get it from Portal hypertension if you have like therosis in your liver the blood could back up and make this flee get really big we we like when we used to do autopsies and find them all the time I used to call it like a walrus spleen because it looked like a walrus like it because it got so big that it would squeeze underneath the ribs which would put like little like lines in it and it just looked like a and it's kind of like gray it just looked like a big beached walrus I don't know how to explain it but it can so it is normally supposed to be on the left side of the body but it could get so big that it like spreads over the line into the right side but there's always a clear distinction that like that one's on this side of the body like you could see that it's starting on the left side and kind of spreading over to the right versus like originating on the right side you could just tell it just it it I it sounds like it's a fake story cuz that's how crazy this to me sorry for this dumb question also but aren't some organs like different colors like aren't don't livers tend to be like a darker purple color what color is this it just it depends and I don't know what they don't really ever say what the pathology was but yeah like a person like me that does autopsies and seen hundreds and hundreds of hundreds of people's organs you could definitely like throw them all in a bin and I would be like this one I don't even need to look at it in the body like I could be like this is this this is this like and a surgeon should definitely be able to do that too right I don't know like if you even said at autopsy hey take out this person's spleen and I handed you the liver you'd be like you're a [ __ ] and that's like the person's dead and I'm not even trying to keep the person alive like what I I don't understand how this happened I don't know but it's very so outrageous it it is and and there has to be it's not like this dude was like Mr Perfect surgeon and then all of a sudden did this big mistake it's it's not possible like there's probably so many other people that have had issues with this dude oh it'll come out especially with this one I I'm I'm like kind of jealous of the people that did this autopsy actually because so this guy dies during surgery and if you if if a patient dies during surgery they'll call the medical examiner and say like hey this person died dur a procedure and usually the medical examiner will be like all right we need to check this out just to make sure that something like this is didn't happen some major like negligent malpractice case right yeah they don't want somebody working at the hospital also covering it up I'm sure too so exactly so they call they do the autopsy and I can't even imagine the person that was eviscerating this person and was just like oh my God their spleen is still here after like I can't imagine the the shock of of doing that autopsy so all right our makes me a little jealous honestly they're like my favorite okay all right our next story in Beirut a 38-year-old man went to the doctor after he was facing redness swelling and scabbing on his penis for a few days and he also had severe diarrhea and vomiting so they swapped his penis to see what the infection was and what was it you don't want to try to pronounce this no way am I even it's not even hard it's basilla Cirrus all right anyway it's a it's a it's a it's a certain kind of bacteria that is usually found in r rice especially you know that that's one of the ones that you you would think if you had rice right and you left it on the counter like overnight it's like totally safe to eat but that's that's like one of the weird bacterias that could grow in rice if you leave it out for too long but they're saying that this particular case is very interesting because that bacteria causes food poisoning so how is it how are they culturing it from a an infection site in the penis and when when they did some further investigation they found out that right before he got this food poisoning he had vigorous sex which would have like kind of softed the skin off of the penis right which leaves the the skin is you know we were talking the other day about how the skin is an organ and how it's your barrier it's a protection well when you take off those layers of the barrier then all of a sudden bacteria has an easier way to get into your body and this is really nasty but like when this guy had this infection and he was having like this diarrhea come out of his butt and his penis like hanging in the toilet at the same time that bacteria got into these open wounds on his penis and that's what caused it to start growing in his penis the body is so crazy like the way it handles it's so gross the the the craziest part for the for of of this story to me is that they're saying that this is the first known case of like having food poisoning in the penis and I just like don't buy it because like a penis is hanging like close to a butt where there's diarrhea like it's had to happen before well maybe this is just the first documented one there's no way this is the first ever case no absolutely not or the first case published in a medical journal like there's no way exactly like I'm like there's just no there's no way I just I don't believe it I mean men so when men have sex typically if you were talking about like a male versus a female having sex women get injured way more because like their their vags could rip open you know what I mean like it's like you're dry you rip the inside a little bit like there's all there's always like a soreness and a redness and open wounds after sex with like a it's just more increased with a female versus a male right so it it definitely like wouldn't be as common and also like a man a man's penis is way further away from their anus than like a vagina is yeah you know so obviously like this could happen more often but like it's not impossible no I don't think so anyway okay according to new research from USC new technology is available to detect missing bacteria in infections this is really cool so when you get surgery one of the biggest risks that come with the surgery is that you can get an infection with a surgery and a lot of times it's because obviously doctors can't see bacteria with their eyes because it's microscopic so they just have to use all the techniques that they know and clean the wounds out as good as possible before suturing someone up and that could potentially lead to infections so this new technology that they developed is using a light that can detect bacteria that the human eye can't detect so if they use this light on a wound they're getting ready to suture up or even a wound that's not healing and they could see the bacteria there then they know they can like clean it out better and this could possibly like really be lifechanging when it comes to Healing from a surgery yeah it's super cool I think this is going to be a really awesome advancement in technology and I hope they start using it more yeah I do too cuz you know it's not just getting an a localized infection that's the problem with a wound it's more of like how it the biggest problem is that it could spread into your bloodstream and then it could give you sepsis and that's life-threatening so it it could really be life-changing really curious to see how it works it looks really cool yeah it does all right let's get into other Death News so a quote near death expert has come out to say that death may be reversible I I like his theory he's just kind of like if I have a a heart attack like why do I have to die right now I don't want to die right and he's using all these examples and he kind of has a point there's been a lot of studies done that say that people who have had near death experiences still claim that they have memories that that after they had let's say Cardiac Arrest or something like that and it is true like they could they could document that because they you know they know when a person what time a person had cardiac arrest and if they're saying things that happened afterwards like and they were unconscious like how would they know otherwise right so it's it's really cool and they've they did a study which is super gruesome but they amputated the the heads off of pigs and saw that they were having brain activity up to 14 hours after they were beheaded so this doctor seems to think that like your your brain is still kind of like developing thoughts as it's not technically on anymore which listen like I've always thought about this because sometimes I've done a opsies on people that are like very freshly dead within an hour and I and it skes me out number one cuz they're warm and I just think that that's weird because whenever I do an autopsy I just want the person to be cold but on top of that I always would think like what if just like what if it's still not off all the way yet like I didn't even know about any of this research I was just think about that like it just Disturbed me a little bit I don't know but it's interesting that this is actually a real thing and he's saying when there's things out there like something called ECMO which is what it pumps your heart and your makes your lungs work when yours can't and there's also different what he calls a CPR cocktail which consists of multiple drugs that could keep you kind of going like why not why do you have to die I don't know it just it's it's very iffy because when we're trying to keep a bunch of people alive that need to die then like the world's going to get over populated really fast well I was thinking that and also like for a normal good law-abiding citizen that might have an incident it's cool to revive them but what if you know we take out an evil person and then somebody is able to revive them I don't really like that that's the possibility because you just have to think that everything made for good at some point will also be used for evil so oh yeah it will it's just I mean I with all of these different studies I it's the same thing think about when you could pick the color of your kids eyes and and what color hair they're going to have and all this stuff I I think it's cool from a scientific perspective that people can manipulate things in order to go against nature but I don't think that they should just because you you know th this is like the Jurassic Park line is just like forever genius you know just because you can doesn't mean you should kind of thing so um it is it is interesting though I like I like this article just bringing up these points yeah okay on to questions of the day every Friday at theother knows death Instagram account we put a story up where you guys can ask us whatever questions you want first how long does it take to receive results from a biopsy at the hospital so that depends because you could take a biopsy from any different organ body sight anything like that and they're treated differently according to what it is so let's say you just go and get a routine colonoscopy those ones usually could take the longest sometimes if it's if you're just not really looking for anything that's super stat because all of the ones that are priority would obviously be done before that but biopsies still usually get done pretty fast in most Labs um so if you just want to get the biopsy done so it will get to the lab and then it goes on the machine overnight and then when it comes out the next day sometimes a doctor could look at it the next day you could get it in as quick as 24 hours often times if you do something where your need to look at it right away when were we talking about this I feel like we were talking about this with um someone having a drug or reaction were we talking about that here or in a gross room post probably I it was a gr it was a gross room post actually that I wrote the other day we were talk so if a person is suspected to be having a drug reaction to a medication they will do a biopsy of this skin and they will send it to us stat and then we could have it done like really really fast because they need the the time is of the essence with those particular ones but for a routine like colonoscopy biopsy you could get it anywhere from like 24 hours I mean technically they could do it that fast but sometimes it takes days depending on where it goes and then in other cases too like if they do a GI biopsy and they're looking for h pylori which is a bacteria that is known to cause stomach ulcers and could lead to stomach cancer as well that that one gets a special stain so sometimes when anything gets a special stain that could like add a day on and then if they do a biopsy and it looks like it has cancer there they'll do other stains imunohistochemistry on it to see if like where the tumor is coming from that can make it take a couple more days too so it just sorry I can't really give you a clear answer like that's not happening here um it just it depends what body sight it is it depends what hospital it goes to and it depends if it needs stains or not that's that's your answer okay next what happens with an autopsy if the person has donated their organs oh that's a good question so um if the person's donating like their heart I don't know if you guys know this but when you're donating like major organs they need to be fresh off of a person that's de legally dead but still not dead so they're hooked up the machine still and they're still alive but they've been declared dead so they take those organs from people right away because they're going to transplant them in somebody else they need to be like hot off the press right so we don't do the autopsy until after that's done now there's been times where which I'll never forget one time I had an autopsy that was a person that had a suspected pulmonary embolism or they were looking for something in in the heart there and then they wanted to send the heart for they doing it for an organ transplant I don't even know in that case that they would determine that that heart would even be like viable but I don't know if they were going to use it for research or whatever but they took the heart out before we got the the body that's that's all I want to say well how am I supposed to look for anything anatomic that's going on in that region when they've already removed it you know so there's there's limitations to the autopsy but let's say I I don't even know what an example would be usually when the person is an organ donor we rarely would have gotten the autopsy on them we do get um people that donate Skin and Bones get that for an autopsy a lot so sometimes you know you'll flip over a patient that's had donated their skin and they have no skin on their back when we flip them over to look at their back or they donated their bones and they have like PVC pipes stuck in their legs now in the place where their bones were and they're kind of it's it's very it kind of sucks for autopsy cuz it's um they're almost like a a rag doll it's like very hard to move their body because they don't have these like firm bones in there that they used to have um and then other times like donating corneas and stuff like that could be done later like after we do the autopsy interesting all right last are you guys really into Halloween um yeah like yes and no I guess I feel like I was way more into it when I was younger yeah I like personally I'm not really that into it I do very minimal decorations but that's mostly because I also find it kind of hard to decorate I equate my interior design to a boka Raton retirement home in my living room so um my my living room is very bright yellow and pink and blue and there's not a lot of mangoes that are like skeletons maybe I don't know like I and something about those I just don't like I don't know I'm just I'm not super into the Halloween actually Target the dollar section this year had disco ball spiders and pumpkins and stuff and I'm like wow I could actually match my home decor we could probably get those pink ones and like paint our own SC I know cuz the black is like harsh in your house that's what you're saying yeah but we could probably get the pink ones and like paint a skeleton on it and that would probably look cute like you could make your own thing you know yeah I have I I do decorate but I'm not into the holiday itself I don't like dressing up because the couple times s a year I go to parties I feel like I always like overdress or overdo and not a lot of other people do I like the dressing part of it I feel especially with the kids like I go over and above and extra with everything with their costumes and decorating like I would but we don't have a ton of space in our house for all like Gabe has already yelled at me and said like we need to reduce all of these yellow bins that we have with all the decorations in it he's like there's no reason that we need this much storage for decorations but like Christmas and Halloween are a lot of decorations what could I say I think when I have kids I'll be more into it cuz it's like you're dressing them up you take them out you know it's fun like when I mean the the girls are older now so I don't like they're teenagers so like I'm over with them but no when they were they are they're nine and 11 they were nowhere near teenagers I'm joking no when they were like really little though and like we weren't used to having toddlers around cuz there was such an age gap between like me and them it was really fun dressing up their like chunky little bodies and stuff and then we always had like matching outfits and we did funny makeup like I always look at the picture of the year that they were the Cheshire Cat and the Queen of Hearts I think it's like oh and Lulu like cried and all the makeup was around her face and she looked insane yeah it was funny but no I I'm a crazy Christmas person November 1st is Christmas yeah I think we're more like we're more more Christmas people but I do I don't know like our town is insane my town that I live in for Halloween like absolutely insane the whole entire town gets so into it so it's like you almost don't even have a choice like you have to unless you want to you have to like really go on vacation and leave the town if you don't want to participate in it well that's another insane you guys have this like awesome community of trick-or treaters literally two kids came to my house last year it's not even fun to sit outside and hand it out cuz there's no children yeah well and cuz every single person in New Jersey comes to my town I think that's where we've gotten with this I how many candy we had like 5,000 pieces of candy we gave out in like an hour or we were monitoring it too it's not like they were just going out willy-nilly but I don't know that yeah I I've been like it's all right it's September and I'm our Town's already started decorating by the way which is piss and Gabe off when we drive around he's just like he's like it's September 3rd or whatever and I'm like no dude it no it happens I do we do it early with with Christmas too though I'm really early with Christmas I actually scaled back because I used to like November 1 start putting stuff out but then I I don't know I'm still pretty early with it I tend to decorate the weekend before Thanksgiving because I host Thanksgiving so I want everybody to see my decorations and then that's still a little early too so I don't know I don't care I don't care about that that I'll just I don't know what I'm going to do for Halloween cuz last year we did a lot and now I'm I'm just like I don't I have to really get rid of stuff like we just don't have anywhere to put this stuff so yeah all right well thank you guys so much don't forget to submit your shocking story to stories ATM mothern death.com we also still have the giant microbes contest going on for another week so in order to win one of the giant microbes you have to go to Apple leave us a written review screenshot it and also email that to stor at mothers death.com that contest will be going on until September the 13th and then we will announce winners the following week thank you for listening to mother knows death as a reminder my training is as a pathologist assistant I have a master's level education and specialize in anatomy and pathology education I am not a doctor and I have not diagnosed or treated anyone dead or alive without the assistance of a licensed medical doctor this show my website and social media accounts are designed to educate and inform People based on my experience working in pathology so they can make healthier decisions regarding their life and well-being always remember that science is changing every day and the opinions expressed in this episode are based on my knowledge of those subjects at the time of publication if you are having a medical problem have a medical question or are having a medical emergency please contact your physician or visit an Urgent Care Center emergency room or hospital please rate review And subscribe to Mother Knows death on Apple Spotify YouTube or anywhere you get podcasts thanks [Music]

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