Charlamagne tha God is Will to Ignore Kamala's Record as a Prosecutor

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:07:10 Category: News & Politics

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this was Andrew Andrew Schultz on Charlemagne the gods show whatever it is that he does I don't I don't know what it what it's called um but they were talking about KLA Harris and he goes on a nice little rant and I wanted to point out something during the rant that I thought was really dumb now charlem God is someone who I think said he wasn't going to support Biden and then kamla comes in and he's supporting kamla and when Andrew Schultz mentions the Tulsi Gabbert debate and the points that Tulsi Gabbert got out on on K Harris uh Charlamagne chimes in with no that's not that's not true that's not okay so I wanted to talk about that a little bit with you after we after we hear the exchange yeah because all the N the the narratives which is what they'll call them from the Tulsi debate thing allegedly have been disproven by a bunch of people on on Tik Tok and on X and all this kind of stuff but they've been lying disproven by all these people we even read the article from New York Times yeah yeah bunch of stuff uh on that let's watch this exchange who's voting Democrat probably about 80 million people right man get the ain't nobody voting for Camala Harris what you it's been so funny to see everybody jump on the Camala train immediately like it was unanimously accepted that she was kind of boring weird and Goofy for what the last what four years maybe maybe even before that she got lobotomized by tulsey gabard in the debate everybody said the exact thing like there's a million different things everybody was talking about her actual record the fact that she's keeping these people in jail with the drug uhud but whatever that was still the conversation Nar got Nar like and then a second she becomes the the second she becomes the nominee the the everything was forgotten immediate in Amnesia you always talk about how like Republicans get in line Dem get in line bro yes yes who who should I follow yes yes whatever you say Daddy whatever you say that's why it was good for President Biden to step down right because he was causing disarray yeah when there didn't need to be no disarray nobody wanted to follow you you need a leader that people want to follow so what do you why is that KLA Harris would be my question yeah so when he jumps in immediately after you should have said when she became like the deao yeah nominee yeah after the cou yes that happened um after someone posted a letter saying that he stepped down and then he eventually had to agree yeah during those few days where we didn't hear anything from him or see him but anyhow he jumps in real quick and says that's not true and that's immediately after Andrew Schultz says she kept these people in prison okay now the thing that almost kind of got debunked was this she put 1500 people in in jail for marijuana convi convictions and then laughed about it when asked if she ever smoked marijuana that part of the Tulsa debate that hasn't actually been disproven by the way the the videos that went around on this showed that she had only put 45 people in prison for this Tulsi Gabbert said she put 1,500 people in jail and the jail statistics are different from the prison statistics and most people for simple possession or even dealing in low amounts and stuff don't go to state prison they go to county jails all right and so that's for 30 days or 60 days 120 days generally it's less if it's less than a year you can end up just going to a jail and not a prison but they use the prison statistics to say that what people were saying about kamla wasn't true and since that in their mind after not looking into it any further got disproven they decided that all the things that Tulsi Gabbert said about KLA Harris were disproven it was just a narrative yeah that ex yeah that's what isn't that what he said yeah that's narrative that's was a narrative that's a Nar no it's it's actually true okay and here's one of the most important ones I think like how she fought to keep non-violent prisoners locked up the Supreme Court of California came out and said uh you are way over capacity and not even we want you to drop it down to 100% of the capacity the state of capacity they wanted her to drop it down California to drop it down to 137% of the capacity still of the prisons what do you mean capacity of what the prison how many people could be in the prisons and so they said you need to find a bunch of nonviolent lowl criminals that are in prison making this all be over capacity and you need to release those people early and she refused and she refused and she refused for years and they kept filing motion filing motion after motion they were like why don't we drop it down to 150% of capacity instead of 137 and at the end of the day one of the arguments that her office made was that this would be really bad for fighting fires wildfires in the state of California because they use a lot of prisoners to fight wildfires in California Jesus and that that would be really bad for the state if they let these people out because a lot of these people being nonviolent and lowlevel are the ones that are allowed to leave and go do things yeah and so it would be really bad for the State of California it'd be really yeah it' be really bad for their slaves now what happened was the official the the official documents there are that kamla Harris's office said that that would be the problem KLA Harris's office posted a memo saying that it would be bad to let these people out because we needed them to fight fires well who runs the office it's her office but then she was able to come out and say oh I wasn't aware of that I didn't they didn't post that leader they didn't post that with my approval you're the leader like you could just do that all the time if you're someone who's got a bunch of people working for you and something goes out that is really bad politically for you say oh I didn't know anything about that I didn't post that well she didn't post any of the things that her office ever you think she writes it up and po that's what you need that's this is what you need a leader that doesn't take any accountability yeah they need a leader someone that they can follow that they can believe in and so this idea that the whole thing has even if it wasn't her fault it should be her fault she was the lead she was the one in charge she used to say this is my bad yeah doesn't matter if I don't know sent it out without her permission it was her fault for hiring Tim yeah that's true that's true all right that's D B number one I thought that was uh that's that's very infuriating infuriating to me if you're just going to write off like you got a lot of people who want to push Criminal Justice Reform and the government's been treating people wrong and all this all these years and all it takes for them is like well she's black so I don't care about any of these reforms anymore I don't care about people who actually got held when the Supreme Court said that they should be released I just don't care anymore because she's black and I want her to get into office which means you don't actually care about any of these things at all

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