What is wrong with Tim Ballard?

[Music] hey welcome to the redacted apostate my name is Nicole and I'm Carl and today we are going to finish our discussion about Tim Ballard we started it last week with the visions of Glory to set the stage for how someon like Tim Ballard could rise to power the way he has and so today we're going to focus just on Tim Ballard and if you don't know he is a Mormon Latter-Day Saint I think he's been excommunicated since but we'll get more into that he rose to Power by forming an organization called OU which is uh something about the Underground Railroad which just call it o are yeah I I don't even know what the O stands for organization Underground Railroad sure sure operative is it operative because he loves that word operative Underground Railroad I know it's it's a I find the name offensive actually yeah I think it's an offensive name I find that he would call it that just kind of gross but you know they when I I don't know if I do because I because if I was get into kind of the fundraising of it CU that's what his major purpose seems to be is a lot of fundraising it's it's something that people can equate to something that's happened positive that has helped people so it's it's a branding thing to me it's a branding yeah I don't know I just it just feels gross well I think it's because you know the guy or you know about him yeah I've never met Tim balard I don't know who this weird cult person is I've never read any of his books and I will not read any of his books yeah we don't we don't read books about people that have joined Cults or formed Cults no me rephrase joined cults and they got out yes we'll read a book about that yeah but not about the leaders of these kind of organizations not a cult leader no just not our thing no but we will read the the documentation from AOA request or yeah where he's being Min lawsuits yeah we'll read those documents so I don't know Tim Ballard but I do know that last year he was up and coming because they were making a movie about him and I've referenced this movie several times cuz I keep calling it the wrong dude uh kisel that's his name kavel it's it rindes with weasel which kavel yeah and I think kisel is a major contributor to O also and a main believer in O and I think that's where Tim Ballard kind of does is able to shine maybe that's the best way in the in the way a cult leader can I know where you were trying to go with that and I would just go ahead and say it what he's good at what he's good at is convincing people of his [ __ ] and to give money and to give them money he's a major uh like the the individual that I was just watching was he was a member inside of the O organization and he was talking about all of the different things that he would do on like we did this we did this we did this 99% of what they did was fundraising and um going to places for events and things like that and there was only one operation that I think he talked about and I didn't get to any of the others uh operations that they got there they were at this facility and then it was compromised yeah of course yeah and now on the flip side of that uh while there there they uh there were families that were um uh what do you call it adopting children at this location which is the other side of their organization yeah and Tim um uh like adopted two kids while he was there and this one guy was going to adopt two children and realized they had two more siblings and he adopted all four and wow yeah so the this guy basically he never saw from the initial talk again he could finish up with and then I was on three or four other operations where I was actually saving children because we still I haven't seen and I don't think you've seen any evidence that what they say they do they have done um it definitely could happen but we've never seen the information no I think I have a lot of opinions on this and first of all the guy is pretty a pretty gross guy just in general my opinion all this is just my opinion and like I said I I don't know Tim Ballard I've never met him and there are people that have talked a lot about him in fact there are two podcasters that are dedicating a whole podcast about Tim Ballard and all of his [ __ ] yeah and are going deep dive we're not really going deep dive we're just I don't want to to be honest these kind of people kind of SK me out oh he is so skevy and so gross and the more you uncover the more it's like oh this is so gross like and because he's such a bullshitter and so good at [ __ ] he has so many people had winked he even had the Apostles of the Mormon church had winked wow completely well like this list of the people that he was the that this person was meeting was like the uh the Steelers the the football team uh coaches he talked to the um who's the motivational Speaker Guy the real big Tony Robins Tony Robbins he met with Tony Robbins multiple days had them do the fire walking thing wow um he met with uh all of the people that were in the movie industry that were doing the movie for him he was meeting with different Senators so like it was like he said for the weeks that he was with him it was it changed his life uh for the better yeah like for this guy because he was kind of showing him like look these are the people this is this is what you could achieve in your life right and that's that's sexy that's like yeah who wouldn't want to be in that situation where you are meeting the movers and shakers of Hollywood and politics and ET Etc yeah and you have this amazing story and amazing message apparently but it's all built on from what I can web lies that [ __ ] and lies well how about we start with the beginning like like what do we know about Tim Ballard his the his orig Tim Ballard this is your life yeah so his origin story from what I've gathered is and here's the problem is there's not a whole lot of funny about it this is what I said last week we did find some funny visions of Glory shed but yeah I think as we go we'll find we'll find something fun there nothing funny about it he's he's just so gross and everything he's done is so horrible in my opinion it's just not funny at all yeah yeah but anyway his origin story is that he worked at the CIA and then he worked for the Department of Homeland Security let's be specific let's be specific because this is according to him this is his story well that's what I'm saying let's be specific because according to him he was an undercover CIA operative okay at the time okay and that he uh and he and basically he was and and this is where like he knows not to say something really specific so what he said was I was working around an operation that was occurred at the time he didn't he wasn't directly involved in it but I was an undercover operative or an operative or whatever okay all right yeah so then he went to Homeland Security and this is another part of the US government is the US government recruits very heavily within the Mormon Church a lot of FBI CIA are Mormons it's just what they do y because which which gives him credit like uh like this could be a true story like yeah so then he worked at the Department of Homeland Security he was working at the Mexico California border MH and then he came across a child who was trafficked and he saved the child took the child to McDonald's comforted the child and realized this was his calling in life and was started o are on the side side and then that became his main thing and then got the support of the church wrote a book mhm and now we are where we are and then they made that book into a movie it's kind of the the highlights of his his backstory yeah yeah so if we rewind And We examined the reality of that backstory you said you told me this morning he did work at the CIA but what was his role well well let's talk about what he what he says he is and then let's talk about what had to been written down so he's got multiple lawsuits right now against him from um from various women we haven't even discussed this we haven't got to this yet but I'll just say various women so through the lawsuit you learned that he so on whenever you're doing lawsuits you have to disclose factual information and what he wrote was that he was an unpaid intern Okay so this is where it gets interesting is that uh they were interviewing a guy that works for the CIA and he said there's no such thing as an unpaid intern in the CIA oh so even on that form he lied about that because the reality of what he is is even less than an unpaid intern he's a chiaha with the CIA oh he delivered food he made coffee and answered the phones like welcome to the CIA how can I direct your call that's what Tim Ballard did through an organiz like no no he so he he was employed with the CIA as a phone answerer yeah yeah that's that's it yeah yeah there's no other because and the reason we know this is because one of his inner circles said that Tim had pulled him to side and they were kind of discussing various things about the organization and he goes he go yeah I answered phones with the CIA and the guy that worked for the CIA that doesn't know Tim never met him never talked about him like he's been with the CIA for like 30 years and never has heard about Tim and the operations that they that he has done but he did say that okay that right there that's the only thing that is actually truthful so there is no such thing as a CIA operative there is no such thing as a CIA undercover operative there is a CIA analyst there is a CIA uh field uh agent and then there was a third there was there was three and the third one asset no no within the CIA the people assets are the people that they turn for the CIA but the people that actually are employed by the CIA that that do what you would consider to be cia's work and they don't work in the United States so no like this would be job like you could be an analyst in Langley right and that's and he said the analysts are like the bread and butter of CIA those are the people that are um that are in the offices those Jack Ryan was an analyst right he and that's where it gets crazy in those in those movies is because Jack Ryan would have never have left the office yeah you know he might have done an inspection and then that's it it would have been over with at that point but it's good story that and that's that's Tim Ballard Tim Ballard is a good story until he takes that story and he builds a career off of a story that didn't actually exist right so he was he answered phones and made coffee and made coffee at the CIA and but then in his backstory he says he was a CIA operative or whatever the word he used and on LinkedIn on LinkedIn on Facebook and on Instagram there were also three different titles so one was a CA operative one was a CA undercover operative counter operative operator operations operator yeah he loves that word he loves operations operations operator and maybe that's a o are operation underground rail yeah probably it could be operator Underground Railroad and the thing about it is that operator in the military has uh meaning to it was he ever in the military I don't think he was I think he Mormon missionary went probably went to college probably BYU mhm and then went straight into government office could could be because they were like hey you're a Mormon do you want to come work for the CIA and he was like well I don't have any background anything like you can answer phone calls and he's like yeah sure maybe he didn't pass the the background screening for CIA maybe now the interesting thing that the the guy that worked with the CIA actually said was that that um there is a very small chance that um he like if he was a field agent with the CIA which I don't know why he wouldn't have just said I'm a field agent uh because you can say that once you leave you just can't say what the missions were or you can just say I work with the CIA and that's it and then he said well I can't say what I did because of the NDA and the guy from the CIA said well there is a red flag we don't do NDA yeah that's very clear we do secrecy uh there's a term for it secrecy something yep and so again this could NDA is a very corporate thing and that might be like I try I'm really trying hard to find something that I could go okay maybe Tim was part of the CIA and maybe what he was trying to say was the secret thing that nobody knows about so I'm just going to say NDA because everybody knows it but no no everybody knows like if you said I have secret clearance 2975 yeah it'd be like oh that's that's actually more impressive than saying a freaking n yeah yeah yeah and I feel that way too um now the one thing about Tim Ballard is that he does seems to do a lot of research on uh the activities of the CIA uh which just means he reads the news yeah uh cuz he was actually in front of Congress and they were asking him about uh the same people that are do that are the sex traffickers are also uh trafficking in um terrorists and and he goes yes because of this person that was brought in and they're like yeah exactly so he does know he does have at least you know he researches he Googles things he Googles things yeah yeah that have to do with the field yep we'll get to that mhm all right so he's already lied about his apparently his involvement with CIA M it just doesn't make sense and then he went on to Homeland Security and his whole backstory the first time I heard it I was like this doesn't seem right none of it seems right the fact that an agent would take a child to McDonald's and not involve CPS like all like just the first time I heard it I'm like this doesn't this doesn't feel procedural at all like this agent just goes He kid and grabs the kid and takes to McDonald's he like away from the the crime scene or whatever with no documentation about that like this kid's already in this horrible situation and you just made it a million times worse by trafficking him to McDonald's like what the hell like there there are procedures in place to help children and the first one would be CP they usually have like someone come by and speak to them while in the custody like so the whole McDonald's thing I think is accurate that that a someone that was traffic was taken to McDonald's but it was with the team of the CIA that was there plus a support because they would have if if their whole thing the CIA wouldn't have gotten involved that's an AM mean they would have been there with the agent the that's America CIA is external from America so CIA wouldn't have been involved so Homeland Security that was monitoring the border and he was part of that organization that monitored the border and I mean you could would have been Homeland Security there yeah I misspoke on the the FR who okay but there would have been the let's just make it clear the Border agents yeah the Border agents would have been there with with this kid with CPS right or with it might not have been specifically CPS but maybe an agency within Homeland Security that does the same so it would have been somebody from Child Protective so if you're not in the State cps's Child Protective Services so it would have been somebody who had experience with child psychist child psychologist that would have been on staff that they would have pulled in to navigate the situation yep so I think this is just hypothetical what my opinion based on everything I've seen and heard I just own it that's why I think happened everything in this thing everything we say is our opinion so I think this is what happened I think he happened to work and this child was in this horribly abusive situation and the child was an American citizen was not a foreign citizen was an American citizen that they were taken across the border for whatever reason who knows because he was in such a horrible situation somebody at border saw it and said this is fishy yeah pulled them aside at the border and then got the details that this kid was was being abused right at that point they the grandfather or something I think so yeah at that point they would have arrested the grandfather taken the child into child protective custody given the child some comfort they might have taken him to McDonald's on the way to go to where he would be fostered for a little bit or there's a McDonald's like right near the border entrance or something like that that's my thought it's just it's like right next door it's such a weird detail it's just such a weird detail that doesn't fit with our with how those procedures work I I think what he's trying to get across was showing how wholesome he was oh he's so gross you know you know what I mean like yeah like but I don't I don't think he was part of that at all I think he might have been there when that happened I mean yeah I don't think he was part of that process I think I think there was another agent that saw this thing and and said something doesn't feel right and then called was he answering phones for SEC that would have been funny right and he got the call he wasn't even we got Bo that's being trafficed he just answered the phone call hello went to McDonald's for coffee he brought them all coffee he's the Uber driver Homeland Security Uber driver always something funny that can be said about yeah cuz none of that feels legitimate like when he tells his back story I'm like okay this doesn't feel legitimate at all but he tells it in such a way that he draws people in and they believe that [ __ ] and he's telling very naive people who don't think critically he's telling this to other cult members in the Mormon Church who who and I have been in this situation where because you're already don't think critically your brain turns off so when someone comes and feeds you [ __ ] like this they're just like oh they're like oh yeah oh yeah that's true yeah because your critical thinking is shut off by being an occult but the thing about it is that it wasn't just the church no I know he was doing it to everybody so it the issue is that this kind of goes into other propaganda that is going around the time which is that we have this massive influx of sex traffic children that their blood is being drained they're being eaten and there's a ring of pedophiles inside of yeah you know the government which is all conspiracy in fact even so a legitimate news that happened in the last week because we're in the middle of this political cycle right now in 2020 before was that about 230,000 children have been lost by Homeland Security and by immigration now how they're classifying those children I think could be like under 18 right so a lot of them could could have aged out like they crossed the border when they were 15 and then they were 18 and they aged out right um but if you just did the math there's that's a like even if there was just 10,000 children under the age of 12 that's a big number that they've lost and then one of the political candidates got in front of people and said 235,000 children have been lost and most of them are dead yeah they're probably all dead now I mean there's no evidence to prove any of that yeah I think it's just they go with their parents and then they're not accounted for they're not they're not followed up on but if they're really being people are trying to not let their you know the government find these ex so weird number it's a it's a legitimate number that came out of Homeland Security and I think a lot of people use that will use that number and say those kids are being trafficked when that's not that's not the reality of the situation yeah whatever the number is if if it is more than zero no if it's more than zero if it's one it's too much it is it is it's too much but don't but stick with the fact of the situation yep if it's if it's a 100,000 kids then yeah do something about it figure it out if it's a million kids what the hell are we doing but we but there's no real solid evidence right because if a thousand kids got through you like what what do you do like a a you're talking to the sex traffickers after the fact how many kids did you bring in yesterday oh oh we brought in a thousand nobody knows that so if if they're getting through you don't know you're only able to count the ones that you catch and that's it and how many have they actually caught and I'm saying crossing the American Border like from Canada or at the airport or like how many have they actually caught a and I'm saying like children children like under 12 like or under 16 how many have they they really caught and I don't think any of at least I've never seen any maybe it's out there but I've never seen any number like that so with the amount of conspiracy theories around sex trafficking that number would be plastered everywhere yeah yeah if if it was a outrageous number and again I want to be very clear that I'm not making light of these numbers but for me the most important thing is that the numbers are represented correctly even within the organization if the CIA is coming back and saying some outrageous number and it's not then they need to be held accountable if they're saying the opposite too so if they're saying well was only it was only 300 kids last year and it was like 400,000 or something like that then then they need to be held accountable so but what we need is accurate numbers from all sides and I think that that's also where uh Tim Tim Ballard uh pushes the envelope because he's making it out to be that it's million ions yeah upon Millions upon millions that are being brought in and so go ahead sorry yeah and what that feels to me is let's amplify the number so that we can get support for our organization to do to do the action you know and it's like look even if the numbers are only 10,000 that's enough for us to say fix this yeah we need to fix this issue you don't have to amplify the numbers to get support nobody's against this you know yeah well and the thing is like nobody is against it but he's using [ __ ] things to to fund an organization when there may not even have been a problem like a real problem with with trafficking to the United States sure but we can we can all agree that there is a number it cannot be zero there it has there has to be a number we know that it occurs in the UN around the world and the United States so but more often than not it's family members I'm with you I'm right there I would say like 99.9% of the time it's child abductions that are trafficking children typically whenever a child is abducted or kidnapped it is it is a family member that does it it is not a stranger so but that doesn't mean that you give strangers a pass because it's statistically lower um and it's the same thing here just because the number might not be a high number doesn't mean we give it a pass and we allow it to happen but but what we need to see is that this is a uh systemic issue within the CIA that they are doing nothing to help these children that are being sex trafficked and I don't feel that that is the case I just don't think the CIA is responsible for this you know I I just I think for the organizations that are trying to do it and bring in or bring out yes they would be responsible for that but ultimately the action I think would be Homeland Security that would be dealing with them as they're doing it but Cia would give information like hey this drug cartel is trying to traffic in you know these people and then they would hand it over and then and then another task force would be involved in actually retrieving the children or stopping it or whatever I I think what feels really gross also is this whole story about saving children and then starting uh a an adoption agency at the same time yeah that is weird it's like that's so gross mhm at what point are you trafficking children we adopting like it feels almost exactly the same what was the uh there was another country I I think it was Russia that they you you know the adoption rates from from Russia were like just skyrocketing and then they sto they were like no and then yeah because Russia was like you're stealing our children we have people here that want to adopt as well we can't because it's going to the high B yep it was just you're literally even trying to help out and support orphan children in Russia which is like if you on the surface this very Noble and but look at what occurs like why are you able to get children for cheaper because you have to pay them to get these adopted children you could get them cheaper from Russia than from another country yeah it's like well what's occurring there that's keeping these children from being adopted is it a problem there that's occurring there's it's a very I don't want to stop anybody from adopting a child because it's Noble and it's something that I don't think I could ever do well I think I could but I just you know I've got two children of my own and I don't know if I have the patience to have an adopted child so whoever who the people that adopt children to me are Saints they really are like I think really highly of them but when you're taking them from other countries it's like you got to look at what's occurring there because that is to me like you said another form of tra of trafficking children and it might be for a positive thing like you're trying to help but it's the same thing Tim Boward was trying to help yeah it's weird it it feels like he is becoming what he was trying to to prevent it's it's just such a weird story yeah it's such a weird story it is so the Mormon church had backed Tim Ballard completely one thing I learned through all of this which I didn't realize is that the Mormon church has 12 Apostles which is like their Quorum of leaders oh interesting which I was thinking it it's really funny because you know I lived in Utah I dat did A Smith at one time and so I know a lot about the Mormon church but there's this whole undercurrent of secret Mormon church there's like Mormon church and then there's like secret and they have these 12 Apostles that lead the organization and these 12 Apostles can secretly ordain people or bless people or I don't there's a word for it um and this is what Lori Val Lori Val felt she was secretly ordained and she could do whatever she wanted to and essentially what they do is they give them this blessing and it gives them the free pass to do whatever they want to wow and I think Tim Ballard was given this secret and it and I think it's tied to money so however much money you give to the Mormon church like if you donate millions of dollars in your tithing to the Mormon Church they give you this secret blessing that nobody else knows about because they don't they're not able to donate millions of dollars and that gives you a free pass to do whatever you want in this lifetime so it's like the Supreme Court you just give them a lot of money and then get a free pass for yeah if you're Clarence Thomas yeah yeah and a bunch of other ones but anyways getting political because we're in a so it's gonna get it's gonna get political because Tim Ballard turn this into a political statement yeah um so well let's so okay so yeah so he had very close ties with the president of this these 12 Apostles whose name is also Ballard relation priesthood Ballard or Bishop Ballard or I don't know his high priest high priest Ballard I I don't know what they call him he's he's the leader of the Mormon zarar B might as well yeah and him and Tim Ballard became very close in fact it was the leader Ballard that opened up the books and pretty much told Tim Ballard who to reach out to for donations within the mor Church it didn't reveal tithing to him but told him who were the most generous in the Mormon church so Tim Ballard quickly went to those people with his message and was getting millions of dollars who's against it nobody would nobody would be like oh you wanna you wanna you w to stop you know pedophile rings in the united uh no no I'm against that I prefer them around like nobody's gonna do that yeah so that was another so once he has the money to do that yeah then he's got the and he's got the organization of the Mormon church and the leadership of the Mormon Church behind him this dude's Unstoppable and because he technically did work for the CIA he's also got that clout as well yeah because the CIA you know let's say that there was an HR department that was like you know did he work for the CIA yes yes yes he did did he work for Homeland Security yes he did yeah well we don't assume we're assuming that right have have we heard from the homeland security that he worked for for them I'm pretty sure he did yeah I'm pretty sure he was at the border when this happened as an agent I just don't think that he was the agent the agent I think he was like like we were saying earlier the coffee the chai Walla getting the coffee for everyone I don't think he took it I think he co-opted that story refined it changed it a little bit and then that became his backstory yeah yeah and then with all of the back he was one of many agents that was there when the kid met with uh DCS that took him to McDonald's and he was like outside the building just chatting with another homeless security agent I mean you know these things don't happen in a vacuum and there's there's tons of people involved and for him to single-handedly take the kid to McDonald's that's that's the part where was just like what the hell yeah that's just not this something wrongs there yeah it's it's almost like you know you can see it as a movie playing out right like he's sitting down with this kid and he buys the kid a milkshake sets it in front it's like tell me son what happened you know like yeah and I think that's what was going on in his head was kind of this movie kind of thing because he created this whole story into mie he created a movie yeah wrote the book and then created the movie yeah yeah and who who does that I I don't know all right so I keep hitting my microphone yeah where we are right now is that several lawsuits have been filed against Tim Ballard accusing him of sexual misconduct because and this is this is what I think he's doing I think he's taking these naive Mormon moms MH telling them we're going to help save children and they're they have children and they want to help be part of the mission he's taking them he's taking them to foreign countries oh is he doing like a Mr and Mrs Smith thing like like you're you're my uh my wife you're my sexy wife yeah yeah and then he's forcing he's putting them in sexual situations that they can't get out of they're not helping children no they're just down there so he's he's he's essentially trafficking moms yeah he's a mom sex traff that is technically sex trafficking he's taking them across country lines to Mexico Haiti wherever whatever country getting them to go to brothel putting them in compromising situations telling them you're going to fall in love with me m and then trying to have sex with them and because he's already been ordained by the Mormon church cuz he can do whatever he wants to Y and they're being coerced in the situation and then he also plays the guil card on them too if you don't do this people are going to die children are going to die we're not going to be able to save these children you need to sleep with me because if you don't children are going to it's going to blow our cover and yeah and then when they come back when they refuse and they come back he blames them and says you're the reason we didn't save children even though their mission was flawed and ridiculous from the start and then he's got a cover because he'll come back and say it's the women because they didn't play their part good enough or or they refused to have sex with me that we couldn't save these children wow that's what I think he's doing so I think he's creating this whole story arc and then he's coming back on podcast and going if it wasn't for these these lawsuits and these women we'd save more children but they've never saved any children anyway well hold on let's let's go back on this one too because the the guy that I was listening to said that he was on two operations with with them okay so the first one was uh I think it was Cancun or something like that that they went to and then they get there and it's like oh our cover is blown so instead let's just go over to this facility where we're doing a fundraiser it it was that it was literally that and and did they have prostitutes with them probably he didn't say that but they did have where they were um and it might not have been Cancun he mentioned like three or four different places and then didn't say really where they were but the second place he did um and then that's where uh Tim Ballard adopted a couple of kids from Mexico and took the kids back to United States basically yeah and there was another one that was like the family and the guy was like like like all gung-ho because it's like look we're saving kids here it's like you're you're in Cancun you're like where are you getting these kids from from the streets of Cancun like yeah that's that's very odd it is very odd but you're saving children so you you take all of your critical thinking and throw it out the door because you you know you're doing good for for these children and he's and he's corely controlling you and controlling this the situation and controlling the narrative yeah and then the second place that he said um and I didn't get to that story I didn't get to that story but there was um but he he said that they did say they did save like a girl from from there uh from this place and it I think it's a place that starts with like a p or something like that um well shortly thereafter like within the past couple of weeks I think that little girl is suing Tim Ballard for is she a little girl or is she like I think she's like now a like she's 18 so at the time she would have been like underage or something underage like 16 and I'm not it's wrong yeah but he the way that he's describing these children is like she was 10 yeah I don't think so I think she's probably like 17 now or something like that so she's suing him she's suing him for falsifying that she was sex traffic MH and used used her to instigate this operation yep so the one person that this guy says that they saved wasn't actually being sex trafficked and I don't know the whole story but if he brought her over state lines he trafficked her yeah yeah so absolutely yeah and also I think what he's doing there too not only is he putting these Mormon moms in these horrible situations MH and coercively controlling them and abusing them I think what he's doing too is he's entrapping desperate families so he'll get a mom and say you need to sell your daughter to me because she's in this desperate situation yeah and forcing someone to sell their children to him right because I'm saving them from this horrible situation this white they're going to be sex trafficked anyway so I'm getting you know I'm saving them before they get sex trafficked Yeah by by putting a lot of pressure on a family to to do something yeah the whole operation is just everything when you step back and you think critically about it it just feels gross it looks gross and it is gross yep y yeah that's interesting so how does his actions deal with visions of glory and what we see there other than him being a flaming narcissist which seems to be that everybody that starts to believe this book becomes maybe not becomes but amplifies their narcissism but I can kind of see it with this book that you would be a narcissist afterwards because it's all about you it's all about you saving the world or and I think that's what uh that I think he was on track to become an apostle in the Mormon Church religion they want him to have high government office they want him to I think they think he's going to become the president of the United States but the guy is there's I just can't see it well the so the video that I saw was that he was on Fox News and this this was after taker Carlson so um year and a half ago maybe that makes sense because it would have been early part of 2023 when the movie was released and he would have done a whole lot of press junket right and so he was on Fox News and what they asked him was you know here's here is your story and your stories about ending these head ofile all sex rings that are occurring and yet everybody's against you well why is everybody against you and he was like well you know that's the question that you got to ask right is you know why would people be worried about stopping this stopping me from ending these things well maybe maybe it's because the people that are trying to stop me are the ones being accused of eating children and all this other stuff it's the Q andon he's spouting Q andon conspiracy theories on Fox News so he's not only a visions of Glory guy he's a q guy as well on top of it he's going on Fox News talking about how uh the Liberals are stopping his operation and there was no evidence that they're stopping the operation he's referring to why they don't want to watch the movie like or why they're saying bad things about the movie was it a terrible I didn't even see the movie apparently it was pretty decent I mean you know but it's not realistic though anybody who has any experience with children or with standard operating procedures of the government would know this is not real and I think that's the issue is that they're they're looking at the movie they're going this movie does not dictate reality and he was like why are you against our operations ending sex trafficking yeah it's like what's a movie and you're not you're not following the right procedures with really helping children yeah if you were really helping children you would have child psychologist you would have people you would have really clear boundaries for the Mormon moms that are coming to help you you wouldn't be trying to get laid all the time you wouldn't be sleeping with prostitutes okay with that but you know maybe maybe you would be trying to get laate all the time you know just you know don't don't shame as Kinks now I mean I I I just go to the worst place place like he has exactly become what he was fighting and maybe he started off he lived long enough to become the thing he's been fighting yeah it's very weird it is he is absolutely 100% a villain he is a villain y a villain that was trying to run for Sen too yeah I don't think he started off as a villain though no I don't think so I think he started off with the right intention thought he thought he could really help but it's way more complicated and I think is when he red Visions glory to be honest with you and then he realized he was some Saint from from the LDS God chosen chosen specifically by Elder Ballard and again Mormon church steps in and goes yep yep go for it yeah we are giving you full access to do whatever the hell you want to and we're giving you millions of dollars Y and by the way you should run for you know office as well which like what the hell and then and then he became a villain you know who he reminds me of is I I can't remember his name I think he was the Australian guy the Australian guy that was that was going to hike across Africa no not Africa South America uh they were going to walk across South America and they're going to raise money for the children you remember weird documentary no he wasn't Australian he's a South African South African yeah yeah same thing God seriously you're going to get a is cancelled Jesus so it reminds me a lot of that right which is this extreme narcissist was like I'm going to do this for the children you know was the whole time talking about how much he was a saint and how awesome he was and that nobody understood him um and push these people almost to death and for no reason too like he was literally going a long way around certain areas just to you know make it look on camera and even at one point flew back home and took a rest and came back and was like I'm still on the trail still doing this yeah that was a good documentary and then at the end he gave none of the money to the children so yeah it's it was cancer cancer yeah the yeah he reminds me exactly of that person which is you know this is not about the children this is about me it's all about him it is absolutely about him and his ambition for power and his using this story to to gain influence and power yeah and and then taking it badly when he's being criticized yeah yeah because if he's doing if he's doing the work that he's doing one you're going to expect criticism from everybody like you're not doing it right you're doing it the wrong way and you're going to have like people that do it as well that are trying to save children you know know arguing with you on whatever but but at the end of the day you'd be like I I don't care about all that because we're doing good work and here let's talk to the children that I've saved let's like that is the that is the message that if he was actually doing what he said he was doing would be super easy to do which is to show the children that he has saved and like look we found a home this tell your story not the children he's trafficked into a adoption the actual children saved from traffing y because he's not going through organization he's not going through legitimate organization yeah through Homeland Security CIA FBI maybe he is but we don't don't hear about it yeah so this would be a very very simple thing which is just literally like I'm not saying utilizing these kids more but just like here's a count here's numbers here's even if like you yeah if you had the numbers or if you had the child psychologist like you had a child a legitimate child psychologist on staff that could say yes I met with these children their names are redacted their names are y their ages everything where they went what happened to them is redacted but I can verify that we have helped these children and here are my re I'm a board certified child psychologist I assisted these kids through their traumatic time NOP so like what are you doing with the kids after you rescue them yeah you just dumping them somewhere like there's this whole thing like what where are they like did you traffic them back to the United States or or and then also another thing I back to their countries so legally you know like yeah he's also taking credit for other organizations work too so he'll that doesn't surprise me so he'll find news articles he's good at Google like he I think he's got a good Google alert right yeah so he's got this Google alert and anytime there's a trafficking ring that's broken he's taking credit for it you know if you ever were to look at that Google alert search that he has it probably looks real real sketchy yeah yeah yeah like what is children for sale sex trafficking what are you what are you doing what is this yeah and another really funny thing too is I saw a video of him re Rec and he was in a car being driven and he's like and I'm running and I'm fleeing and I'm running for office right and I'm like oh yeah he's you know he's just talking but then he goes on to say I'm in Mexico and we've been to Mexico several times and I've been to Mexico more than you and I've driven through Mexico like I know Mexico the stuff in his rearr was a suburb in Utah that was not Mexico at all well not so when he said I was like well let's again I love playing Devil's Advocate let's just say that there was there's some subdivisions in Mexico that look like you like this but that's not where you would find a ring of sex traffickers that you're going to rescue and be chased away from like it's like he just throws the stuff out and and thinks that no one is going to critically look at it yeah but we don't do critical thinking in this country anymore so I think he might be on to something yeah yeah we should just start if you say something enough times if you say something enough times people start believing you yeah isn't that a Lenin quote I think it is actually holy crap we're screwed Don lenen oh that Lenin yeah Lenin not lenen okay okay so so Tim has uh he's running Senate I'm I'm guessing in Utah I I don't know this this is something I don't know anything about I just know he's running for an office that and and I think the Mormon church has disowned him have they I haven't heard that one y or but there like the videos online of like the YouTube comments people are like bless you Tim for all the work that you've done and that like was like 11 months ago and someone 10 months ago said wow that that comment didn't age well yeah I think I don't know if he's been excommunicated by the Mormon church or if they've just they don't tend to do that though like they excommunicate people not yeah but not visions of Glory people they don't right that's what I mean like they they didn't did they uh excommunicate the valow did they really I didn't know that yeah so at what point was it before or after I I don't know probably probably after they found the children yeah they're like they oh that's what you mean by they're bad oh okay but they still endorse that visions of Glory book and Tim Ballard yeah they said that they didn't we don't wink wink nod nod don't you know is he a goer is he a goer but you know yeah I don't know leave it in the comments if you know did uh did Tim Beller get excommunicated by the church I don't know if he did or officially or not yeah because it would be it they should but you know the church doesn't really do what but it's embarrassing I mean if you imagine you you from the highest level supported this dude and he ends up to be a sex trafficker himself and an abuser like that's just embarrassing when does the Mormon Church change procedure when it hits them financially and that's all cults the only way to the only way to get them to change is when it affects their their Public Image because that affects their financial right their financials because this is like it just seems that every week now we're getting something new about the Mormon Church having an issue with their members doing something crazy yeah and like I want to I want to bring this back again to like the message around Tim Tim Ballard and and coming from me specifically is that if he's doing the job that he says he's doing I'll take back some of my comments but even if he is that does not excuse sexual assault it does not excuse trafficking of children even if it's in your mind good because trafficking is trafficking it doesn't matter where on the Spectrum you lie so if you're taking them from their country to our country because they're going to be treated better that is trafficking it doesn't matter if in your mind they're going to a better place so even if he is rescuing children he doesn't get a pass on everything else that's occurred and he needs to be held accountable for this stuff and there's genetic apparently his genetic material is on one of the women's dresses that was from yeah I know I I know don't don't I don't even want to bring that up I want to I she's she's had too much [ __ ] on her like no Clinton is the one that Clinton's the sexual ass alter yeah she she our first major online bullying yeah oh yeah yeah but yeah and it's the same thing like I don't care like all the organizations that Bill Clinton has done and all the good that he's done he still paid money to keep people quiet he still isn't a sexual assaulter and I don't think he's ever got any punishment for any of those crimes no so you know same thing like he was at the DNC and I was looking at him like G so gross he is gross yep so you know you don't get you don't get free passes if you do if you do 99 good things and you do one really horrible thing you don't get a free pass on the one horrible thing well in my opinion Tim balard is a pretty horrible I think it's probably the opposite for him 99 bad things one one good thing I don't even know the one good thing it like he co-opted I'm sure he like you know I don't think he's done walked an old lady across the street once in his life you know I just don't get that impression he's done gave money to the church yeah he's given money to the church most definitely I think everything he's done has been co-opted he's co-opted other people's stories other people's work and he's done it in the name of the Mormon Church they're trying to scrub it because they're trying to get more money from fundamentalist Christians yep but it's in the name of the Mormon church and he and then he's attacking anybody that disagrees with yeah him yeah not the organization no I have not heard a single person say that the the what the railroad is trying to do is bad nobody I had never heard that it is against Tim Tim Bard and I think they removed him from o so now he's like totally off on his own so I think o now is separate than Tim B and they're probably going oh my God we've got a ton of resources and we haven't done [ __ ] let's uh let's start let's start doing some good so maybe some good will come come out of his horrible start yeah yeah but Tim Ballard is a villain yeah all right thank you for watching Y and uh like And subscribe we are almost to a thousand and we need 88 more subscribers so close to a thousand if you guys if you guys are watching this and you're not subscribed just give us this freebie please we we so close we're so close and we need your help and we need your support and we really it has been a fun Journey this this last few months this has been something I wasn't expecting I wasn't expecting to get a thousand really being this close so this is a lot of fun yeah and we really appreciate you guys so thank you so much all right thank for yourself don't be sheep

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