Trump calls out ‘Biden’s border bloodbath’ at campaign rally

and we're going away from it it's just incredible but that's not going to happen that'll be signed John on the first day outand the EV the electric vehicle you can buy it if you want but you can also buy any other form of transportation that you want that's what we want to wait that long Mr President I'm leading a CRA to push back on this harmful agenda it's insane so in Iowa it was 40 degrees below zero some of these people know that some of the media know 40° below and there were electric cars all over the streets because they couldn't handle the calls I heard that we have our chairman here we have everybody here e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] well long Sal she B spey got everything that Uncle John need oh baby yeah baby he e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and away hey hey hey hey hey hey [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e com for the do almost every penny on to you when I come [Music] know e e e e e e e e e e e e e e was a little rough but there was no way I was going to miss it and I see we have a lot of media here that's nice always nice they're are deep friends right but we're getting better over the years much better but I do want to uh say hello to everybody this is a special place to me and we're going to have a big victory the polls are looking tremendous in Michigan and Wisconsin and uh we are we're going to do something I think that's very very special I think it's going to be very special election I've been saying November 5th of this year is going to be the most important day in the history of our country I believe that so just remember that we're here this afternoon in Grand Rapids Michigan 1,283 miles from the southern border you've been hearing a lot about the southern border over the last couple of years we put up a chart which is uh border related and you see the lowest point in history was just before I left just as I was leaving that was the lowest point you see the arrows pointing and I think that chart spells out better than anything I can say today in fact I don't have to say anything I can just leave just take a look at that that is the uh that is the the best and then it looks like a rocket ship went off uh when you look at the other numbers it's a shame it's a sad shame under crooked Joe Biden every state is now a border state every town is now a Border Town because Joe Biden has brought the Carnage and chaos and killing from all over the world and dumped it straight into our backyards and people are coming in from prisons and mental institutions and nobody's ever seen anything like it under the Trump Administration we had a tough policy of getting the bad people out we wanted to get them out we took them out by the thousands and we took uh as an example the MS13 gangs out the countries didn't want to let them back in and I said well then we're not giving you any money we give them so much money this case 793 million dollars I said that's okay we're not going to give you any money and they said we we'd be glad to have MS13 coming back into our country be an honor and they took him back but they wouldn't take him back under Obama under the Obama Administration with Biden they wouldn't take him back and I was told that they won't take them back and I said really what do we give them and it was close to $800 million I said tell them we're not giving it to them anymore and they immediately said let's take them back that was about that lasted that negotiation sheriffs lasted about 3 minutes and we succeeded that was an easy one now under Biden the bad ones are coming in at a level that nobody ever thought was even possible nobody thought this was possible in Venezuela the crime is down 67% from what it was a year and a half ago because they're taking all of their gangs and all of their criminals and they're depositing them into the United States of America Venezuela think of it their crime wouldn't we love to have a statistic where crime is down 67% % ours is only going in One Direction and it's going to be very bad now because we have a new form of crime it's called migrant crime they're having fist fights with our police officers right in the middle of streets they're sending prisoners murderers drug dealers mental patients and terrorists the worst they have in every country all over the world this isn't just in South America they're coming from the Congo from Yemen from Somalia from Syria they come from all over the world China they many of them are military age which is a very strange you don't see very many women coming in and you see a lot of them coming in they're about 19 to 25 26 years old and especially from China we have 29,000 over the last few months 29,000 from China and they all seem to be uh perfectly fit for military service ready for military service it's crazy this is country changing it's country threatening and it's country wrecking they have wrecked our country but stand before you today to declare the Joe Biden's border bloodbath and that's what it is it's a bloodbath they tried to use that term incorrectly on me two weeks ago you know it's all about misinformation that's all they do is cheat on elections and disinformation misinformation fairly closely related those two words but they basically mean that uh it's all talk but it's a border blood bath and it's destroying our country it's a very bad thing happening it's uh going to end on the day that I take office which will be January 20th it'll end and thank you I want to thank members of Congress a lot of great congressmen are here Warriors really they've fought with me for a long time John James John molar and Jack Bergman they're great friends of mine and they've uh they love your state they love your state I want to really thank and congratulate cuz this guy has gone like a rocket ship I've never seen any well I have a couple of times we've got a lot of people elected those endorsements are pretty good but you know you still have to endorse the right person otherwise it doesn't work and uh your next US senator Mike Rogers who's going to be fantastic wherever Mike is wherever Mike is thank Mike thank you Mike uh he was a great Congressman he was a tough guy too he had one little uh sabatical who went to CNN for a little while and it's okay you know they say got to be but but other than that uh he's been great well that's good cuz now you get a few of the more moderate people were being nice but he's a very respected person he's the one we wanted he's the one that decided to do it and he's going to be a fantastic I think he's going to be a fantastic US senator always respected at the highest level and it was always fair to us too when he was on when he did his television thing he was always Fair strong Fair uh I also want to thank Michigan Senate Republican leader Eric nesit where is Eric I think you're around here someplace Eric good great job you're doing Eric Michigan house Republican leader Matt Hall Matt good they stand right in the middle those guys former Detroit police chief James Craig good guy too good guy good guy knows his way around and it's done a great great job thank you very much we have great support I think he just supported Mike actually didn't he did did I hear that that's that's a big that's a big endorsement that's a great endorsement thank you James second best yeah well thank you actually Mike went up 61 points can you imagine that he went up 61 points and that's uh that's really a that's quite a raise he went up in one night and he's uh I think that primary is over I think he's focused now on the Democrat and the Democrats a radical left lunatic and doesn't represent what Michigan stands for I can tell you it doesn't represent the Auto Workers and wants to do the all electric cars all over the place that are all going to be made in China and uh very bad so I think I think that Mike Rogers is going to have tremendous success against her former Michigan attorney general Bill shoy and thank you Bill very much thank you and many others sing guys we got a lot of people here some ex- Congressman some congressmen I'm not going to go into it because we want to get down to business we want to just uh get our country going again we want to get the Border closed or we want to have people come into our country but come in Legally right legally moments ago I met with an incredible group of local law enforcement leaders to discuss how Michigan communities are being ravaged by a new form of crime and that's the migrant crime that we name it it should be called Biden migrant crime but that's too long but you'll always remember it was Biden that gave it to us 11 days ago right here in Kent County a 25-year-old Michigan woman named Ruby Garcia who's become a very well-known name beautiful young woman was savagely murdered by an legal alien criminal under the Trump Administration this monster had been deported thrown out of the country wasn't going to be able to come back because you just have to look at the charts it was very very hard to get in but he came back and uh we threw him out of the country and crooked Joe Biden took him back and let him back in and let him stay in and he he viciously killed Ruby the illegal alien charged with Ruby's really heinous killing and he this is somebody that had many many arrests including for uh some very bad crimes that he committed and he was set loose to Rome our streets and in this case uh set loose to Rome and in Michigan by politicians that are left and weak and stupid on March 22nd he shot 17y old Ruby actually she was uh a beautiful beautiful young woman uh Ruby Garcia was uh shot multiple times with an illegally obtained handgun her body was dumped on the side of a highway left to die actually had a little life left left to die and uh Ruby passed away and it's been a big story because it's so horrible some of these horrible stories there so many of them you could go on for days but some of them just uh they resonate so much more for whatever reason they were all so horrible and they're so many of them now Ruby's loved ones and Community are left grieving for this incredible young woman remembering what they called her they said she had just this most contagious laughter and when she walked into a room she lit up that room and I've heard that from so many people I spoke to some of her family 2 months ago another illegal alien criminal was sentenced in Kent County by executing a 22-year-old Grand Rapids woman while she was in the car with her one-year-old baby shooting her at least five times all over with a rifle at Point Blank Range while the killer was wanted for outstanding attempted versions of various forms of strangulation that were looking for this particular killer all over the country uh he was allowed to come into our country by a very weak border policy and just a few weeks ago I met with The Grieving family of lak and Raley you know Laken she's uh she was incredible top of her class everything was the top she was the top of everything she was incredible I bet the parents incredible people the 22-year-old nursing student in Georgia who was barbarically murdered by an illegal alien animal uh the Democrats said please don't call them animals they're humans I said no they're not humans they're not humans they're animals Nancy Pelosi told me that she said please don't use the word animal sir when you're talking about these people I said I'll use the word animal because that's what they are I'll never forget my vow to her wonderful mother father and sister two weeks ago and uh I said I will deliver Justice for Lake and I said that and now today I'm adding something it's going to be for Laken and it's also Justice for Ruby we're going to deliver Justice for Ruby we're going to watch what happens with this Thug we're going to watch what happens and we have all the law enforcement behind they're going to be watching what happens to this Thug he's not going to get away with it so many people get away with it they say oh let him go let him go I'm the only one that has to put up a bond you know I put up a bond I didn't do anything wrong I had to put up a bond this morning for7 $75 million I did nothing wrong they can shoot somebody kill somebody and walk out of jail an hour later how about that do you think that's a fair policy that's that's called radical left but not one more innocent life should be lost to Biden migrant crime the first step to restoring safety in America is to fire crooked Joe Biden get him out November 5th and we're going to get him out we're going to we're going to have we're going to have more people voting I think than anybody can even imagine and if uh that happens if we swamp them if we swamp them you know swamps too first you want to drain the swamp but you want to for purposes of voting you want to swamp them and we're going to swamp them and uh they won't be able to cheat because they're very good at that three years ago we had the most secure Border in US history and you see that up there we ended Catch and Release we built 571 miles of border wall Very successfully we're all ready to add another 200 that's far more than I said I was going to build but it works so well we got Mexico to said 28,000 soldiers for those people to say Mexico oh they didn't give the well they didn't give the world they gave more they gave us 28,000 soldiers for years that's why my numbers were so good 28,000 soldiers I said you have to give them they said we wouldn't do that why would we do that by the way did you see Mexico now asking for20 billion a year to a year to to even sit down and talk to these people they wouldn't ask me for that $20 billion do a year have you seen that I don't know Mike Rogers I think we're going to have to stop that but 20 billion dollar a year they want just to sit down and talk think of it how crazy is it all where have we come but they said no no no we won't give you soldiers why would we do that oh he said yes you will oh you're going to give me the solders no no no we will not do that of course you know that's what you'd say that's what I'd say you will do it 100% % I will do anything you ask including I will make a really major bet you will do it the 28,000 nope we won't do it I said here's the story if you don't have this approved it was Friday evening immediately I'm going to sign a bill where we're going to tiari off your cars and all of the other things you send in to hurt Michigan and to hurt other but regardless of that because the new threat is China is now building factories not with me they weren't in Mexico they going to build cars in Mexico and sell them they think they're going to sell them over our border with no tax okay not going to happen with me with Biden it's going to happen and Michigan and the United order workers will be totally out of business they're the biggest they're the biggest car plants anywhere in the world and they're building them in Mexico a friend of mine builds plants that's all he can do he can't walk across the street but he's the greatest builder of car plants but you ask this guy uh who won the game last night I don't know I couldn't care less all he can do is build plants he's unbelievable I said I want to take a look at some of the plants he said okay are you ready to go to Mexico so that was bad enough then he said because China's builting the largest plants anywhere in Mexico right along the border and they're going to make cars they're not doing it with me with me they're going to be tariff to a level that those cars will not happen they can't do this to us they've already done and whoever heads the the Auto Workers United Auto Workers should be ashamed of himself approving the electric vehicles all electric it's the craziest that they don't go far I was just telling the people in the back I was going to use folks but I don't like using the word because Biden use it every single speech hello folks you know it's like a nervous habit with him hello folks thank you folks folks folks folks hundreds of times so I sort of put that out so but I was telling the people behind me it would have been a nice time to use that term too but I said that uh you know when you look at all of the horrible decisions that have been made but this decision with the electric vehicle I mean outside of allowing prisoners and uh mental institution people and terrorists into our country with no checks no nothing no no checks no nothing by the millions and millions the electric vehicle one is one of the dumbest I've ever heard too because I was in a beautiful place called Iowa and we had the Iowa primary which I won by the highest number in history by the way which one were happy about that by double the highest actually we had doubl the the highest the best margin doubled anyway so I love it but it happened to be a little cold that night it was 40° below zero and there were more electric cars I said what are all those cars doing all over the streets they're electric cars sir they don't work in the cold so they're going to have to do a little business first and I want them people to buy electric car if you want one but I want them to be able to buy every other form of transportation every other I want you to use gasoline a lot because we have more gasoline than any country anywhere in the world world so we're playing into China because they're going to make all the that's what they have they have that we have gas we have gasoline we have oil and gas we have gasoline and I said isn't it a shame we play away from our strength and we play right into their strength by doing this and the first day I promise you I will sign with the electric vehicle mandate is gone if you want an electric car you can buy it but you're going to be able to buy every other form of of push every other form of car and engine and motor that you want and you're going to have it and the car companies are going to have to go back you know I don't know if you know it the reason the car companies the massive subsidy that this country is paying to try and get these cars sold we have hundreds of thousands of cars electric they can't sell them people don't want them and you got to go with the market we've sold about 5% of our our cars are electric and that's fine I think they're fine if you like to go short distances if you want to take a trip I don't think you want to do that I'm I don't recommend electric maybe someday they'll be able to do it but right now they're not even close so we're going to end that immediately we're going to end it day one but we had remain in Mexico think of this we had the 28,000 soldiers and when I said I want them now we had them the following week we had the that's why our numbers are so good but we have remain in Mexico safe Third Country agreements Asylum Bans title 42 when people were sick we don't want them coming into our country with contagious diseases and they have it and all of a sudden you see these contagious diseases spreading and everyone's saying I wonder where they came from I can tell you where they came from and we had What's called the rapid removal policy very rapid removal like how about the following day and even that evening and all of that's been ended by crooked Joe Biden just so sad and that's why you see the numbers on the chart where they look like the rocket chip Joe Biden and his party came in and they blew it all up everything was all the things we did in so many other ways too with trade so many things we took in hundreds of billions of dollars from China and they're soft on China they're soft on everybody everybody but me they're very tough on me they are soft on everybody but they're tough on me but that's okay it's going to all work out very nicely because the people of this country understand it you can't interfere with elections like they do and it's the only thing he's got going if you think about it the board policies are horrible all of his policies are horrible you look at inflation inflation's through the roof no matter what money people are making the inflation is better unless you quadrupled your salary uh the inflation is just destroying people in this country where bacon is up three and four times where the food prices are so bad the energy prices and by the way energyy is going up again in case you haven't noticed fentol and opioid deaths in your state are up 32% and deadly drugs pour across the border at levels that nobody's ever seen before steering thousands and thousands of uh this tremendous these Vats have poison right into Michigan lives and once peaceful Suburban Michigan is really now you're under an invasion and there's no way you can vote for this guy I mean look I don't want to be uh too casual about it there's no way you can vote for this guy you see what I see and there's just no way if he makes it to the Starting Gate which I for I I find it hard to believe but whatever he does there's just no way uh we have to get Law and Order back these are the best people in the world they will know the sheriff's behind me and this is in all states somebody said how will you get these criminals out I say the sheriffs the police the police officers the police law enforcement in their local communities their local they know every bad kid they know every bad person they know their first name their middle name they know their phone numbers they have their cell phon they have everything about them they know exactly what to do and how to do it these guys know exactly what I'm talking about but we have to let them do their job and we're going to work out a federal immunity for police so they're allowed to do their job without losing their house and their pension and everything else when the when the liberal Governors and Mayors don't back them in Troy Michigan a band of illegal alien thieves recently went on a rampage at a local mall breaking into the diamond store smashing the display cases with hammers attacking the employees and making off with armloads of jewelry you read about that a lot of jewelry Oakland County organized squads of illegal alien gang members are helping and they're hiding all over and breaking into rural communities they're hiding in bushes actually they say they hide in bushes and then they break into a house when the people leave and sometimes when the people are there which is probably worse but into the rural communities Suburban communities and you know the Suburban Housewives actually like Donald Trump you know why cuz I'm the one that's going to keep them safe they they like to say well the Suburban Housewives I don't know I think I do great with the Suburban Housewives because they want to remain safe but they loot the jewelry they take their purses Electronics watches all of their cash and the people come back and they say what happened if you don't want illegal alien criminals crawling through your windows and ransacking your draws then you must vote for the fact that we have to throw crooked Joe Biden out as fast as possible the damage he can do and and we're talking about a certain type of damage and even bigger damage could be World War III because this guy has no clue he can't put two sentences together and he's dealing with Putin and he's dealing with President XI and he's dealing with Kim Jong-un all people I know very well we were under no threat from anybody until this guy got in office now they're talking nuclear all the time we didn't talk nuclear I rebuilt our nuclear power to a level that nobody has but you don't mention it and you don't talk about it but now Putin's talking about it and now Kim Jong-un again is talking about it you had four safe years you were safe because they respected your president and they respected the United States of America and now you're not safe I will tell you we could end up in World War II with this lunatic in various counties recently three illegal migrants were arrested for soliciting sex from children yet the radical left-wing Governor Gretchen Whitmer real Beauty she is I had to deal with her in Co she was hard the only one that was able to go sailing was her husband right her husband went sailing and everybody else is locked in their house uh how did that work out not too good but it's she's now pushing Michigan families to accept $500 a month to take illegal aliens into your homes they want they don't say this for our veterans that are on the Street they don't say this for other people but they say it for migrants coming in because they want them to vote probably in other words Biden and Whitmer are stealing your money to give free housing to illegals and then asking you to quarter these people put them in your homes and feed them and do everything else and it's just the whole thing is so is so crazy and she's a terrible Governor by the way your streets are bad your everything's bad she come she used to come to the White House she was so nice and then she'd go say I don't like that man I say wait a minute I was very nice wasn't it but when I'm president instead of asking you to cram illegal aliens into your homes I'll tell you that the illegal alien trespasses they must go back to their homes they have to go back because no country no country can withstand this Invasion there isn't a country in the world that can I don't care how much money and we don't we owe $34 trillion there's no country in the world that who withstand the the cost of this and maybe more than actual dollar cost the the cost that it's doing it's Wrecking our civilization it's destroying our country on day one I will seal the border and we'll begin the largest domestic deportation operation in the history of our country and if other countries say they won't take them back we're not going to take them back I will say that uh yeah here they come you're just going to hold on hold on to your Brites because here they come they're coming back congratulations and if you don't think these countries send them and they send the People by the way that they want out they're not sending the finest they're sending people that they want that's why they come out of jails and prisons that's why they come out of the mental institutions and insane asylums uh human trafficking now is at mostly women is at the highest level we had it one to the lowest level in 37 years I had it down to the lowest level in 37 years and now it's at the highest level ever and this is human trafficking mostly in women we will stop the plunder rape Slaughter and destruction of our American suburb cities and towns we will end deadly Sanctuary cities immediately I will shift massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement and we will impose a naval blockade on the cartels and we will hit the cartels very hard but we're going to impose a naval blockade because when the L land gets loged you know these are rather smart people they go this way with the boats they have some pretty good boats too I tell you they have a lot of money they have unlimited money the money they've made they've made more money than the corporations that you read about on the covers of the magazines don't make the kind of money these cartels are making now I'd like to invite some of the heroes really law enforcement professionals here to speak say for just a few minutes the Biden border bloodbath they want to talk about it and we will talk about it our country is in trouble We're a nation in Decline we're not going to let it happen we've got to stop it we've got to win on November 5 and it's all going to stop and it's going to stop very quickly thank you very much if I could I'll ask Police Officers Association of Michigan President James tanelli to come up he's a fantastic man respected all over the country thank you James please what an honor to be here and with all these leaders of law enforcement and Congress but with you here waiting for the next trip up to DC with you the uh I wanted to tell you a little bit about about recruiting retention and what the life of the police are like right now that we know that you were going to fix for us because you did the last time just because of how you feel about us 45 years ago 45 number sounds to me right 45 years ago uh when I had on at the job 2,000 people would apply for 200 positions because this job of deputy sheriff and police officer was a very honorable job the guy down the street you all knew where they live that y all looked for them for leadership and nowadays and say the last 10 years we can't get enough people to fill the vacancies the acmy are empty nobody's coming along and we can't get enough candidates so why does that happen it's it's not because there's no desires because of recruiting and recruiting to me was always the uh um Grandpa Uncle Joe who was a police officer maybe was the baseball coach that was a cop during the week he was the guy that you respected I didn't come from a law enforcement family but I came up as a law enforcement officer because they were important to me on the east side of Detroit you needed to have a few friends in a PD the uh 48205 this now the most violent zip code in America I believe that's where I was at but there's no way we can have a president of the United States that allows three million people a year or more I'm sure to come across the uh to come on our country illegally we can't allow that to continue it's uh those who enter they do so in the light of day they do it by pushing aside our National Guard then they're handed a a a gift card they're handed a telephone or an iPad transportation to anywhere in the US that they want to go and then you want to tell these law-abiding people L here uh you have to obey the law there seems like there's no real reason to do that anymore and that's made it very hard to be placing because people look to us the law- abiding people look to us but they're saying what about that person what about that you as you've talked about here today myi used to say it takes the wind out of your sales you just kind of everything calms down and it's not so good the felons that we arrest become misdemeanant and then they become no bond and then they become free guys really before we get our car cleaned out at the end of the shift why would you expect people to obey the law when millions are rewarded for disobeying it I don't know how many officers must get injured or killed or or Worse the the civilians out there that are injured or assaulted or killed and assaulted we've heard about a couple of them here tonight I know that we can fill these vacant jobs with good people I know they're out there I know we can recruit them but we need a commanderin-chief that will give them just simple due process you've talked about some of the things that are important to us but they just need they just need to know they've got somebody behind them a little bit instead of trying to push them backwards pushing them forward I think that'll help to restore the honor to this job that that was what such an honorable one I can promise you that our guys will put that suit on and go out and do the job for you they really will and they'll be better for all of the people in this room when that happens we always were what stood between law-abiding citizens and Chaos you hear about it all night you've talked about it here today uh instead of those efforts to make the United States look weak and and poor and uh average we need you we need you to make America look great again and uh and I know you I know you have that I know it's there U last week when you went to New York and you attended the viewing of Jonathan De uh I just wanted you to know that that brought honor to every police officer every deputy sheriff every law enforcement officer wherever we were in this country when we saw what you did it was like that's cool that's us that's that's a boost for all of us it was so so good uh I hope that you'll consider with the con Congress and the Senate here that we have that you'll support legislation to make a a death penalty for killing a police officer while on duty and I'll leave you with this uh we supported you we endorsed you in 2016 we were the first guys in Michigan and you you sent me a little video and we still have it at there a we were proud proud to do it we were there in 2020 and I tell you we're here in 2024 and today on behalf of 12 ,000 law enforcement people that the police officers Association of Michigan represent we want you to accept our endorsement for president of the United States very important you got thank you for the time thank you very much wow thank you very much that's very nice that's a great honor and thank you very much and uh we will we will make you proud We will make you proud I do want to thank uh the family of because I met with Stephanie that's Jonathan's beautiful wife Jonathan Diller and uh I met with the whole family these are incredible people what happened to Jonathan should never have happened and uh they were just devastated but the spirit and the love and the numbers of police that were there and fire firemen fire women uh the number of people that were there was incredible it just was incredible but that's an Incredible family so we send our love uh I said to Stephanie he will not have died in vain so but I thank you very much for the endorsement thank you so uh if I might we're going to do this very quickly Sheriff Daniel Abbott as you know van beran County highly respected and he's going to say a few words thank you Daniel so I'll make this pretty brief I was asked to hit on how the open borders are affecting us here in Southwestern Michigan um our county is actually on the southwestern part of Michigan only baring below us I ran some numbers yesterday in our jail facility 40% of our inmates in our jail in vanan County have out of County residence residency out of the 40% that do not live in our County that we're feeding every day 10% of those have addresses from mexic or Guatemala put that in perspective we're we are a rural community 10% of the folks in our jail are from Mexico or Guatemala they're not in our jail by coincidence we didn't just see them walking down the road and saying you know what I don't think you belong here they're in our jail because they committed crimes if you look at the heinous crimes that they committed the one that really jumped out at us is all the violent sex crimes and it's not just against adults it's against our children as well in our community and that's appalling to go even further on that with the open borders the way they are when President Trump was in office our narcotic unit was buying a ball of meth which is 3.5 ounces of meth for $300 to $350 for a ball as of this past week a ball is $85 because the Market's flooded by the tons coming across the open boarders and semis and when I say tons I mean tons it used to be a thing of the past or it is a thing of the past folks doing um making the meth in their in their own residences they don't do it anymore because the cartel is bringing it in by the tons they're not having to make it inside their residences hence the cheap Mount that's going out and in the amount that's on the street it's disturbing I've got a few bullet points I want to really drive home to you folks um career law enforcement officers have faced incredible challenges these past four years for several reasons the DraStic ride and Fentanyl as well coming over the borders touch just about every family in Southwestern Michigan you guys all see it on the news on a regular basis all the ODS and uh domestic situations that we handle in law enforcement we handle roughly two overdose deaths a week in our County keep in mind our county is only 76,000 population so at least twice a week we're handling those and those are numbers I ran yesterday I just didn't make those numbers up that's disturbing it's getting in our schools it's getting in our children's hands it's very disturbing it's killing our kids it's poisoning our communities it's making the jobs of law enforcement professionals much more difficult the open Southern border is the heart of lawlessness and crime you're witnessing no make no bones about it we need leadership at the national level that is willing to solve this crisis president Trump without a doubt is the leader we need to get the job done and get America safe thank you thank you very much uh Alan County Sheriff Frank Baker to say a few words please Frank thank you Frank thank you Mr President it's truly an honor to be here today and talk about something that's very near and dear to my heart as well as my fellow sheriffs and that's safety within our communities and one of the biggest things that we're facing now and Sheriff Abbott mentioned it is um the the crime the level of crime we're seeing but uh the the amount of Narcotics the illegal narcotics whether it's methampetamine or fentanyl it's devastating our communities and something needs to be done about that and the only way we can do anything is to secure the Border a lot of times people ask me you know the border is a long way from alagan County and yes it is but there's not a day goes by that's not impacting what happens in our County because of the amount of drugs that we're seeing we used to be known as the meth capital of the world World jokingly people would say because of the number of methamphetamine Labs that we' made arrests for we don't make arrest for methamphetamine Labs anymore I mean it's it's a thing of the past because the illegal drugs that are we're seeing now the crystal methamphetamine is so cheap as Sheriff Abbot had mentioned it's cheaper to buy it than it is to make it so uh we have a crisis on our hands and we need help and uh part of that help is going to be securing our borders so I appreciate you taking the time to meet with us today to talk about this this important topic iic to us because there are a lot of tragedies that are happening you mentioned it with Ruby Garcia in fact a couple of our deputies made the arrest of the suspect in that case last month so uh it's happening in our in our neighborhoods even though the border is a long ways away and we need help and so I appreciate what you're doing to help us in meeting with us today to talk about this concern thank you thank you sherff great great people behind me is Tom homman here by any chance Tom Tom homman where's Tom moment because I wanted to pay tribute to him he is some man and uh I know he was around here I said hello I said I might bring you up but I'm not going to bring him up because he's not here he had to get back to capture people but I just want to thank Tom homman he has been so special he's been so great on television he's been so respectful of the job that we did as an Administration we had such great numbers and we took over a tough situation and we had great numbers you know in 2016 I ran on the the border and uh in 2020 we did such a good job I couldn't even talk about the border the people would say Sir they don't want to hear about the Border I said no no we did a great job we have to talk about it sir they don't care you fix the border the border is great you see the numbers up there the border is great uh nobody cares about the border and now we have today today the border is aund times worse than it ever was in 2016 that was I call it peanuts that was peanuts that was small time and uh today it's the worst border anywhere I think in the world there's never been a border like this anywhere in the world where millions and millions of people are coming thousands of people come over an hour and uh there's never been anything like it we're going to fix it we're going to close it and we're going to do many other things that we're not here to talk about but we're going to make our country great again we're going to we are not now a great country we are a country that is in serious Decline and we're not going to let that happen to our country we're going to fix the economy we're going to get inflation under control inflation's up probably real numers 50% in the last few years and people are being destroyed just going to the grocery store that's where I hear at the most they go out for groceries they can't believe it they're paying four and five times more than they did two or three years ago but we're going to fix our country we're going to be respected again all over the world I'm going to keep you out of World War II we're not going to have World War II right now the way we're going you're going to have World War I and we're going to do a real job we gave you the largest tax cut in history largest regulation Cuts in history we took care of our soldiers we re built our military we beat Isis and we didn't go into any wars everyone said Remember When Hillary Clinton said look at him he's going to get us into Wars oh I got us out of wars and uh but we knocked out Isis and we knocked out everything we had to do and we rebuilt that military to a level unfortunately he gave a lot of it away to Afghanistan but uh as much as it was it was a small portion compared to what we did we built a we rebuilt our entire military and I'm very proud of it we have a great military they're not woke like people think a couple of people on top are they'd like to be but we're not our military is amazing what they did with Isis was supposed to take four years and it took me a couple of months to knock out Isis 100% you remember I had it down to 97% and the media started saying sir it's not 100% I said I've got problems I better do it so we took a few more weeks and we got it down to 100% And they admit it and uh just one of those things but the people behind me are incredible people they're Heroes they're Heroes and you have a couple that are going to be elected very soon and they're going to do a real job they're going to they love Michigan they love the country and they're going to do a real job it's an honor to be here I'll be back a little bit before November 5th I'll be back as many times because this is a very important state you win Michigan you win the election you win Michigan you're going to win the election and uh so we'll be back and we'll be back to Wisconsin I'm heading for Wisconsin right now and we're going to be back there quite a bit too we're gonna we're going to put it all out because if we don't win on November 5th I think our country is going to cease to exist it could be the last election we ever have I actually mean that we don't win I think this could be the last election we ever have that's where our country is going so uh I just want to thank you all thank you very much and I just want to thank you all very much it's an honor I'll see you soon and again give these people a big round of applause thank you very much thank you [Applause] Mr President do you support the six we abortion ban that the Florida Supreme Court just upheld be making statement

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