Media Lies About Kamala and Veterans, and Exposing Anti-Racist Grifters, w/ Ric Grenell & Matt Walsh

hey everyone I'm Megan Kelly welcome to the Megan Kelly show Labor Day weekend is officially over and you know some Summer's over too we just going to have to admit reality it's over I mean it's not technically over but it's over it's that it's fine it's a lot of wonderful things in the fall we mentioned this last week we got football we got uh apple cider donuts that's exciting we got cute sweaters and Boots ladies men you'll enjoy Us in those outfits too especially the younger younger ladies we've got Thanksgiving you get the first snow okay it's too soon to get excited about it anyway just we're going to be fine um and you know we also have the little thing called the presidential election that's happening too uh it now means with the end of Labor Day weekend as it always does in an election year it's on that the race will kick into high gear and we have some seven weeks for the candidates to make their final pitch on who should be the next president of the United States it is so tight it's a super duper tight it I mean truly it could go either way there is so much news to cover but first if you did not see our exclusive interview with several of the National Guard veterans who served with Minnesota Governor Tim Walls yesterday's show is a must watch and listen you can check it out on Megan Kelly or you can just go on podcast and download that show it's getting huge huge reception and the numbers are big people are loving it uh we spoke with these vetss about their criticism Ms of Tim Wall's long history of exaggerating although that's a kind way of put it of lying about his service record and why it should matter in this race this is how I know Adam Smith that uh he is again a liar because he told me and other s majors in the meetings that you can count on me I will deploy with my unit his words to my ears and others I so that's how I know I'm not making it up I have thousands of soldiers thousands of soldiers that I took in the combat and brought back all well they know me if you knew my blood was boiling right now because walls has done nothing but lie to feather his own bed his entire career that's how I know I was there I just didn't make this up Tom and I just didn't make this stuff up I was was in the meetings I was part of it soldiers died soldiers went on this you think their parents didn't want their their soldiers to take a pass take a knee and maybe go on the next one or go on something that maybe Isn't So dangersous You're darn skippy he came out and said he was GNA go all the time working behind Doug jolene's back going behind the chain of command's back to to secure his retirement but whenever he found out prior to His official leaving of the National Guard he knew Iraq was coming and he was telling you I'll deploy I'll deploy notwithstanding the fact that he had said already I'm going to run for Congress he was he saying I'll go with my unit oh absolutely and didn't and he didn't no he didn't if the officer Blows the Whistle to leave the trenches and I'm the guy who's motivating everybody to leave and I go that not today I'm not going you guys go right ahead that's a morale Crusher um it chews away at the fabric of the military and its ability to do its Mission and it's just it may not legally be wrong it is morally indefensible we had other soldiers that put their lives on total on total lockdown because of this because they went to defend their country they had soldiers I'm not going to let my soldiers go forward without me I trained them I put myself right there with them I'm going to suffer every hardship that they do and that's the position he was in that's yeah that's the exact position he was in and he walked away from it he he wasn't gonna he didn't care it it was all about him that's an actual retired command sergeant major Paul Herr speaking there the interview has received massive media coverage except from corporate Outlets like the New York Times The Washington Post CNN and the Associated Press but then maybe they just don't care about military stories maybe they don't care when the controversy involves military service Personnel oh wait wait uh perhaps you heard about the controversy erupting over former president Trump's visit to Arlington National Cemetery last week the Trump campaign posted a video of the visit on Tik Tok showing the former president laying a wreath and meeting with gold star family members in section 60 at Arlington where recent us War dead are buried vice president kamla Harris was quick to pounce yes pounce saying in part that Arlington is not a place for politics and that quote Donald Trump's team chose to film a video there resulting in an altercation with Cemetery staff let me be clear the former president disrespected sacred ground all for the sake of a political stunt the gold St our families with whom she has not visited were not impressed with the vice president's statement Mr Trump's social media releasing this video of them responding to Miss Harris Camala your statement is nothing more than a political spin to help you look better you have never walked a single day in our shoes our kids were murdered because of your Administration my name is Steven Niki I'm the father of Lance corpo kareim M Niki and your Administration killed my son but earlier today your post regarding the incident at Arlington National Cemetery was brought to my attention after reading it it caused a reaction with me you indicated in your post that you support the military and military families I for one have not seen that support it's been 3 years since my son was kill in action and myself my family and other Ghar families have not seen any support from you or your Administration your recent remarks related to Trump's visit to Arlington are filled with nothing but lies and deceit a heinous vile and disgusting post put out by Camala Harris but there is one thing that you said in your statement that was true no one should be running for president if they cannot honor military members their families as well as veterans so I guess that means that you should step down Camala what's more former president Trump is not the only one to post images of himself at section 60 during a campaign in fact the sitting President Joe Biden also used images of himself at Arlington to make political statements when he was running with kamla Harris during his 2020 presidential campaign Joe Biden posted an image of himself as vice president standing over a grave in section 60 as part of a Memorial Day message he also had a photo op in section 60 in 2021 after announcing the withdrawal from Afghanistan he loves section 60 as a backdrop to his politicking and of course Mr Biden has been lambasted by those who lost loved ones during the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan for repeatedly look at this checking his watch as their bodies were returned home that's her boss I don't remember her statement condemning any of it and recently at his only debate with former president Trump this year President Biden seemingly forgot that these 13 servicemen and women even died at all truth is I'm the only President this Century that doesn't have any this this decade that any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did unbelievable it it's unbelievable because let me just tell you something okay so she releases this story this statement trying to capitalize on this so annoying we just set up for you just a few of the examples of what her boss and her Administration has done right but let me read you some of the post that kamla Harris put up on X over the weekend oh it's a solemn place a place to honor American Heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice not a place for politics tell it to your boss M Harris Trump's team chose to film a video there they disrespected sacred ground all for the sake of a political stunt okay then she goes on to say if there is one thing on which we as Americans can all agree it is that our veterans military families and service members should should be honored never disparaged and treated with nothing else than our high respect and gratitude is that what your boss did when he checked his watch so bothered was he having to stand there for the dignified transfer is that what you did when you didn't even bother to show up to the dignified transfer when their remains came back stateside when you didn't meet with them when you never reached out to them and when indeed according to the families you were invited to go to this same Memorial something the White House Now denies and you did not show up is that is that what you mean by treating the families with nothing else than the highest respect and gratitude she goes on to say and it is my belief that someone who cannot meet this simple sacred Duty should never stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States of America interesting isn't it it is stories like this one that we cover like no one else that we promise to you that we will cover like no one else as the Harris walls campaign continues to dodge giving clear answers on this issue and so many others and now just days after her first TV interview with no others scheduled vice president kamla Harris has deployed a new trick to avoid the media I mean it's an age-old trick but it's new for a presidential candidate we've all used it at least once when you pretend to be on the phone to try to avoid that pesky neighbor or annoying acquaintance who's trying to talk to you only she's running for president she has sat for one interview she had a total of 16 minutes of talk time and that is the only non-scripted exchange she has had other than some surface level 4minute exchange PL side few weeks ago that's it they tried to get her to answer another question or two as she walked onto her plane and she pretended she was on the phone it was obviously a Dodge just looks so ridiculous and even if it wasn't can I tell who even if she actually had a phone call obviously it was scheduled then it was created for this moment so she could avoid having to answer a question from the Press she's terrified of them even though they love her even though their whole mission right now is to get her El eled that's how afraid she is great person to talk to all this about today and that is Rick grenell Rick was a key part of Donald Trump's Administration serving as ambassador to Germany and as acting Director of National Intelligence don't miss a moment subscribe to this show on YouTube and follow me on insta Facebook and X did you know there's nearly $1 trillion of infrastructure and pandemic funds yet to be spent that's right there's a massive amount of M that the lame duck Administration is pushing hard to spend in their last few months in office if the president's able to push these funds out we could see another prolonged inflation surge just like during covid but there is hope a gold Ira from Birch gold group can be an inflation Hedge for your savings in these uncertain times to see how to protect your IRA or 401K get your free info kit on Gold by texting the word MK to 9898 98 Birch gold makes it seamless to roll over your retirement account while preserving your tax advantaged status don't wait for the president's spending spree to potentially tank the dollar further protect your financial future right now text MK to the number 98 9898 for your free info kit from Birch gold so much in the news up your alley today Rick welcome back to the show thanks for having me Megan I can let's just start with the absurdity the media has zero interest in not one not two not three but four vets who actually served with Tim Walls coming forward to say he's a coward and he abandoned them at their greatest moment of need zero coverage from New York Times and CNN and Washington Post but this scuffle over whether Trump inappropriately took pictures at a place Joe Biden's already taken pictures and released them as campaign efforts that's dominated the news media now for 8 days what do you make of it and not a single report has decided to dig in mainstream reporter dig in and see if Joe Biden had used that same area as you pointed out to do some sort of political statements or pictures it's really outrageous what's happening to our media in Washington DC look I watched your uh interview yesterday with the four vets I don't know of anyone else who has spent the time to find people who served with Tim Waltz because I do think that it's important that we speak to people that served with him I know his brother is now endorsing Donald Trump uh but but people who know him the best who served in those incredible moments where you uh sign up to serve your country and and I should be clear I I didn't serve in the military I have incredible respect for people that do but what I think is really terrible and my friends who have served in the military are really outraged about is to pretend that you had this Valor moment moment when you actually didn't when you actually Were In the Heat of the Moment you fell back and this is uh something that's real to me when I became US ambassador to Germany uh you know I didn't have military experience and I felt like my chief of staff should be somebody who really understands the military even more than me so I asked this first lieutenant in the Army who I knew if he would uh come to Berlin and be the chief of staff at the embassy and Megan he told me it was a dream job he would love to do it but he was literally on his way to Syria he's still in the United States about to deploy to Syria and he said I have you know six eight 12 men that I've trained and I really owe it to them to bring them home alive I told their families that I'd bring them home alive so I need to go I need to finish this Duty and then when I come back if the job is still open I I'd love it and I remember telling him wow um the job will still be open because you're the exact person that I would love to have in this job so we just held it open he went to Syria and then when he came back uh he became the chief of staff those are the moments those are the people that in that pressure time when you have to decide are you going to step up and are you going to give up yourself and sacrifice uh those are the people that you really want around you and I think Tim Waltz and what he's done in that moment where he cracked and he went back but then instead of just going and going away quietly realizing you didn't have it you pretend like you did and you you have this moment of Valor talking about using weapons of war to make a policy point on guns I mean I find the whole thing to just be unbelievable and the fact that the media isn't digging in and talking to these people who know him best and questioning him and he's not being transparent the campaign's not being transparent I find the whole thing to be uh just typical swampy Washington DC we got to move away from this it is amazing to me that this media has the nerve not only to ignore these guys right but then they take this controversy over what's happening at Arlington and try to blow it into a week a week plus story without pointing out the fact that Trump is allegedly in trouble here because he accepted the request the invitation of the gold star families to honor the Fallen their fallen loved ones who she not only didn't go and again the Gold Star Family say she was invited the White House Now denying that we'll get to the bottom of it but she not only didn't go she's part of the administration that sent them to begin with and where's the media write up about that about I was the last person in the room and the withdrawal was a success and praising exactly how it was done after it was done and never meeting with the families none of that right no one's talking about the fact that she has made zero time for these grieving gold star families Trump repeatedly has met with them but the media's only too happy Rick to run with but he took some pictures therefore he's evil yeah look what's happening in Washington DC is truly pathetic I mean I know world leaders who would die to have the Press Corp in Washington that Joe Biden and the Democrats get that kamla Harris is receiving right now there are people around the world that realize the Washington DC mainstream media and you you could list them right it's it's NBC it's AP it's CNN New York Times uh Washington Post it's all of them who just constantly defend uh whatever the Democrats do and and I really the the key to this whole thing is that you have these young reporters who go to Washington DC and it's a big fun city now it's no longer the Jeffersonian place where you go for a small short amount of time and then you leave to go live under the rules you created now we've got huge budgets we've got lobbyists we've got reporters they all go to church together they all go to school together they're never going to uh write stories that create a smaller less powerful Washington DC with a smaller budget they're never going to do that they want Washington DC to be bigger Better Batter meaner because it's their city and that's the problem is the rest of us who live outside of Washington we have to stop asking for those people inside Washington to reform themselves I've said this before but it would be Ain of like coming to Los Angeles and saying I've got a great idea let's get rid of movies and everybody says kill them they we don't want them here and so we need to start sending people to Washington that are not of Washington whose social life is not in Washington I'll tell you one great example of a senator who already lives that it's Ron Johnson he gets out of Washington as fast as he can and and he literally his whole life is back in Wis and I love that I think we need more people like that yeah at least you have a shot of staying normal it's a shot um I do want to give you here's uh christe shamblin she's the Mother-in-law of Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole G who served and was killed at abig gate and christe actually spoke at the Republican National Convention so she may look familiar or be familiar to our audience but she went on CNN and here's what she said about the invitation um we invite invited um both president Trump and uh the Biden Harris Administration and we didn't hear back from the the White House um we were happy to welcome president Trump to lay wreaths with all three of our families and are wounded some of our wounded from that day um and when he came to section 60 it was at our request okay so there you have it now NBC news reports that the White House denies that they were invited NBC News does not quote Christy shamblin and say we heard it specifically on the record from a gold star mom that the invitation was extended nor does it appear they did the leg work to figure out who to whom did she send the invitation they just report it they just like they just go with it oh no they weren't no are you surprised it's NBC least it's just disgusting it's so disrespectful and The Thing Rick that's really pissing me off is that I know that the media sucks I know but like this is very disrespectful to the gold star families and and while they're doing it they're cloaking themselves in this you know we're the ones who care about the gold star fam's mantle right like we care about treating the families with respect meanwhile neither She nor her boss have done that for four years the watch she didn't show up and by the way speaking of NBC look what they said look what they tried to claim KLA Harris was at the dignified transfer when the 13 service Personnel came back look at this you know who the families also invited Joe Biden and KLA Harris where were they Joe Biden was sitting at a beach KLA Harris was sitting at her mansion in Washington DC she was four miles away 10 minutes she could have gone to the cemetery and and honored the sacrifice of those young men and women but she hasn't she never has spoken to them or taken a meeting with them because they meet with them during the dignified transer they were with them at the dignified transer her Kristen uh Welker lying NBC had to later issue paper statement saying that wasn't true Harris didn't show I mean look this is the problem I've been calling out all of NBC and calling them Comcast media I think people need to realize that Comcast is funding this and this is a Comcast media outlet they don't check whatever some young staffer at the White House tells an MSNBC or an NBC reporter who's also 26 years so uh whatever they say they just regurgitate and put on Twitter there's no checking there's no journalism there's no uh skepticism when it comes to what Democrats tell NBC or MSNBC it's outrageous and again we have to start not only calling it out but we have to demand better we have to demand better from places like Comcast they don't get to Gaslight us and then ask us to uh buy their services I I find it to be really offensive and somebody needs to hold them to account they push misinformation disinformation propaganda whatever you want to call it every single day and they just don't care meanwhile um we still haven't received any apology from PBS after Judy Woodruff lied about President Trump and said he tried to stop the ceasefire negotiations with uh BB because he thought it help his campaign she claimed and trying to clean that up which she reported on there that it was all the fault of axios and Reuters who had it wrong and she was just repeating their reporting we went back yashar Ali actually broke this they did not report that they never reported what she said there was no report whatsoever that Trump had asked BB not to enter a ceasefire they had originally reported that the two men spoke and then updated the reporting by saying oh wait they both denied it nothing nothing about Trump trying to stop the deal she made that up she reported on the air and she has yet to issue an apology for that or her lie about that PBS nothing zero I mean at least NBC issued a paper statement correcting Kristen Welker their host of Meet the Press and a massive error but nothing from PBS Trump is left to twist in the wind and just let the damage fall right that's what they're hoping like let's beat him up say he doesn't care about the American hostages he doesn't care about the Israelis he only cares about himself this is another message that they're pushing on the Arlington stuff and all this other stuff just gets completely ignored or lied about Rick it's incredibly yes frustrating maddening but I guess yeah go ahead I I have a little angle on that so when I saw Judy Woodruff say it I took to Twitter and I called her out and I said this is not true this is absolutely not true I then emailed the executive producer a woman named Julie and uh and another reporter that I know there emailed them both together and it took him a little while but I said you know look I'm asking for you to put me on to counter what Judy Woodruff said because not only did she make this up it's not true but no one sitting on that panel and neither of the co-hosts corrected her they've got a whole Newsroom if Judy Woodruff said something wrong somebody in The Newsroom they're publicly funded here they should be checking to say oh you know that's not true and somebody tell the host in the ear to correct the record so when I emailed this executive producer it took her a while to get back to me like a full day you know she ended up getting back to me and she said um Judy corrected that on Twitter oh wow and and made made a point of correcting it and then she said let's talk about having you come on I said well come I'll come on anytime you tell me when and they still haven't uh taken me up on that but the point is is is that they get away by just saying things like oh well we said something on X and corrected the record that's different than actually saying it on PBS in the moment where you push it out uh to to you know everyone watching and then it lives in video she did not correct the record on X she lied on X she said I was just I I based my reporting on axos and Reuters who were wrong and that's why I was wrong that's a lie we went back check the original reporting Reuters just cited the axios report so they their hands are clean axos the original reporting never said what she claimed it did ever they never said that Trump tried to stop the deal to help himself she made that up and then blamed it on axios and she's never gone back to correct that including after we all got to the bottom axios reporting last week it's incredibly cynical and the point I'm trying to dve to is I know Republicans always have the media against them I get that I've been part of the media I've seen it I I don't think I've ever seen it this bad I really like I don't know was it was it this bad in 16 against Trump maybe it was but I've never seen them this bad as they are against Donald Trump it was this bad I think with social media it's it's faster and in our face even more and look there's no question in my mind the reason they kicked off Donald Trump uh they they kicked him off uh Twitter at the time is because he was able to take the messaging straight to the people I know they came up with some phony reason of why they did it but they were really annoyed that he wasn't sitting down with reporters to let them figure out what he said and then be the uh the filter so to speak to the rest of the world he would uh talk to reporters but then he would also go straight to the people with his exact words and we could see what filter was doing and how how disingenuous they were being towards Donald Trump and Republicans but social media allows us to correct the record you've done an amazing job on social media to jump on and correct the record and call people out and that is different than when it was in 16 I think the media still had the power now the people really do have the power I'm super encouraged that a a reporter a media Outlet today if they say something that's wrong they get corrected it's still not good enough because we need journalists to actually do journalism but we do have the ability to call them out and mock them and show just how biased they are here's another crazy story uh before we move off of the military at the Democratic National Convention one of the Rising Stars they're positioning this guy to be the next Obama um was Wes Moore the Maryland governor and he got up there and basically said we had a terrible Bridge tragedy and I fixed it quickly I mean that's great but like I don't I'm not sure you can be president based on that um and I remember thinking like why like that that is a that's nice that he did that that's good that's kind of what we expect from our leaders um but what's the story here and then the more you read the more you realize they're trying to make him into the next Obama and he was on the short list reportedly for being her VP Choice she did not choose him obviously she went with Tim Walls guess guess who who else claimed they had a military honor they didn't have Wes Moore the Maryland governor listen to him okay what you need to know is listening to these sound bites West Moore is not the recipient of a bronze star he did serve in the military he was not awarded the Bronze Star for Valor apparently he didn't have any problem claiming that he had won that award however take a listen to Gwen Eiffel announcing that he had received it in 2008 Wesley Moore a captain of the US Army Reserve while on active duty he completed a combat Tour of Duty in Afghanistan and earned a bronze star medal welcome to you all okay now here's Steven coar 201 a decorated veteran of the Afghan war correct the Bronze Star okay now I am no fan of the smarty pants but you you are a road scholar as well yes and then when he himself applied for a prestigious White House Fellowship in 2006 when he was 27 years old he himself claimed he had been awarded the Bronze Star this is ridiculous Rick grenell the his defense is that he'd been told by his commanding officer that it was a good idea that he thought he had earned it and that it was going through the paperwork at the time but there is zero doubt he had not been awarded it at the time he said he had been and to this day he does not have the Bron star for Val look this is truly the product of the a broken media they don't check Democrats they just don't vet them I can tell you coming from California whether it's Javier Basera Gavin Nome uh kamla Harris whoever it is they don't get vetted by our California media on their way up it's literally a system where the straight white guy at the top Gavin Nome hands out little uh Dei appointments uh all about characteristics that are irrelevant literally this is the system in in California this is why we're so broken every single Statewide office is held by democrats and the media are all just letting them get away with this this uh governor of Maryland should have been vetted by the Maryland media why why didn't people check to see did he really receive an award I can guarantee you if a republican says they won an award someone is checking if a republican says they graduated from Harvard someone is checking but we don't get that same system on the left now the Commanding Officer says oh he's going to resubmit the paperwork so that he can be awarded the medal of course because they want him to be the next Obama yeah they're trying to clean it up by the way I'll just tell you a quick story when I was in law school uh a friend of mine at Albany law school was applying for the same job that I was at this great firm and usually they only took one person from Albany law school so in that way we were in competition for each with each other even though we were friends and this guy we were comparing resumés one day mine was thin all I'd done is go had gone to college and then law school and he had not only been an Olympic Athlete but he had served the country in Desert Storm and had been awarded the Bronze Star for Valor Rick I knew I was screwed I was like oh my God his name is Brian farlo and he was amazing the happy ending is we both got offered jobs and we both took them at the same firm and we great friends but he never told me three years of law school he never mentioned that he had been awarded the bronze star and even now I went and looked up his his professional bio Just for kicks he doesn't mention he mentions his military service he doesn't mention it there either but I know it's true and by the way he then went after a successful law career and reenlisted to to fight in 2007 2006 now at this point he's long in the tooth that's a real American hero there and he got it I'll just tell you quickly because he was um in this tank unit and he needed to get gasoline forgive me Brian FR if I screw this up but he needed to get gasoline to the tanks that were at the front and they were almost out of gas and he knew and the shortest distance between two points is a straight line so that's the way he wanted to take his troops and and the gasoline but his commanding officers said no because they he knew he'd have to go through a Minefield so Brian got out as the commanding officer you're not supposed to be front you're supposed to be like in a couple cars back so you don't get blown up he got out personally went to the front went the straight line and personally moved the mines you could see them they look like the size of manhole covers he told me and moved them he picked them up himself and moved them off to the Sid clearing a path they got to the front they refueled those tanks and saved the lives of the guys first thing that happened when he got up there was he got yelled at by his commanding officer who knew he had disobeyed an order and that was the guy who submitted Brian for the Bronze Star I love this story because it does show the selflessness of our troops The Honorable ones and to lie and say you got that award when you didn't Westmore is disgraceful well this is what as you're telling the story I'm sitting here thinking of all the people who pretend like they did something like that and climb up and use it uh that's the most outrageous thing that you really you steal the Valor from the people who actually did those moments you steal it because it becomes you know commonplace you put yourself in this group when you didn't do anything great and that's what makes people angry and people should be angry and again we go back to just the basic uh criteria of being a journalist is being skeptical of everyone not just one party yeah okay so on that front let's talk about Trump and his abortion comments because he was asked by NBC in Michigan whether he's going to vote for a Florida law Florida made its abortion limit six weeks but there's a ballot measure in Florida and Nevada and Arizona this November to try to get Democrats to the polls and they're hoping to vote for comma and other Dems that would expand the abortion procedure the abortion limits in Florida to be Beyond row levels I to 24 weeks they say viability which is 24 to 28 weeks that you can have an abortion up to and there's a he a health exception for the mother which any prolifer will tell you entirely swallows the ban any sort of ban you can find doctors who in the ninth month will say the mother's mental health requires an abortion so this is why pro lifers are recoiling in response to this amendment and Trump was asked about it by this reporter do we have it um his comments yes we do right here it is s 19 and you want abortion to be a states rights issue in Florida the state that you are a resident of there's an abortion related Amendment on the ballot to overturn the six we ban in Florida how are you going to vote on that well I think the six week is too short uh it has to be more time and so that's and I've told them that I want more weeks so you'll vote in favor of the amendment I'm I'm voting that I am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks so he doesn't say he's going to vote for this amendment but he says I'm voting that we we need more than 6 weeks which I don't think is an option I think it's either you vote for the amendment or you don't but in any event now the campaign is trying to walk it back a bit Rick saying he wasn't saying he's in favor of the amendment and you know the left is having some some making some hay out of this saying he doesn't know where he stands he's a flip-flopper just like just like they say Kamala is and then the pro-life side has spoken out quite a bit about this saying oh my like what is he doing well first of all you won't be surprised I'm not an expert on abortion but let me give you my opin opion I I'm so thankful that Donald Trump uh has let this up to the states I think it's the right decision to not have a federal uh ban or uh some sort of a law that would mandate it federally what I do love is that there's an acquiescence to the states what works in some states doesn't work in others and so I think the media is correct in trying to say to president Trump you live in Florida how are you going to vote but one thing that we know is absolutely uh certain Donald Trump is pro-life look what he's done to the Supreme Court we I I do know that uh through my 25 years in politics pro-life Community has been asking to overturn roie Wade every single president promised to go after that and do that and there's only one that was able to do that and that's Donald Trump and so he's demonstrated that he is absolutely pro-life these questions now as we get into the details are very difficult and I think Donald Trump has been very respectful about the process and is now saying uh let's just make sure that the Democrats don't play games here we should have some guard rails but let the states figure out those guard rails well he's gotten articles like this from National Review uh Trump stabs Florida Pro lifers in the front uh they're unhappy about this and about the fact that he also said he wants he's going to put um some policy in place that mandates coverage of IVF either by the government or by insurance companies look those of us who are pro IVF it it sounds good in theory but how are we going to pay for that this sounds like an Obamacare mandate and Trump kind of veers sometimes toward big government which isn't great uh you know big spending bottomless you know bags of cash which we don't have look what what I would say about the ibf issue is that we definitely have a population problem if you dig deep into some of our labor issues and the future of the United States we have to have a labor force we have to have birth rates that go up and we're struggling with that a lot of countries around the world are struggling with that and so being able to you utilize technology in order to increase our birth rates through IVF I think it's fantastic we should celebrate technology God gave us the ability to use technology I grew up Evangelical Christian and I can tell you every single person in my family and there are a lot of Evangelical ministers support the idea that IVF is allowing families to be able to have kids utilizing the technology and the brain power that God gave us to be able to expand their family and and have uh you know a celebration of life right it's just and I I don't mean to diminish your statement because there are some Republicans who disagree with that who don't like IVF because it creates embryos that may or may not get used but IVF cost about 20,000 bucks a cycle there were about 390,000 of them just in 2022 that averages out to about about 7.8 billion uh for just that one year so where are we going to get the money right where are we going to get the money we're going to make the government pay we're going to make private insurance pay that's going to jack up prices and um premiums and you know it sounds to many just like a an empty campaign promise meant to shore up his vote with the women Rick well what let's let's be honest about one thing Donald Trump doesn't do empty campaign promises I could go through the list of foreign policy promises that he uh promised in the campaign and delivered when other people didn't and so I would take it to the bank that if Donald Trump says something he's going to deliver on it he's not a politician he is somebody who is thoughtful and I can tell you being in the oval off office with him when there are big issues he's not thinking about partisan politics he is literally the guy who wants to find a solution to the problems and a lot of times as this example shows he's the guy that doesn't stick with whatever the partisan lingo is he's looking at the situation and he's tries to say okay what's the solution he does get in trouble that he is not a partisan on all of these issues I'll give you that what do you make of the fact fact that you know Dasha Burns of NBC gets in Trump's face to ask him about a voter ballot initiative where Trump lives in Florida and I saw you raising this point on X what's kamla Harris's home state again my state of California and and she didn't say anything about the debacle that we just had two nights ago about reparations where Democrats promised black people in California that they would be paid for uh all of these problems of the past they promised them Megan for a year and a half we've been telling they've been telling the black voters in California you are going to get paid we've had Story upon story about it in the LA Times and the Sacramento B and then in the dead of night when it was time for a vote what did they do they pulled it they said we're not voting on it and people are Furious about the the being duped they literally used black people in California for a year and a half to pretend like we've got something coming for you and and by the way let's re let's also State very clearly the Democrats have a super majority in Sacramento they don't even they can't be stopped by Republicans uh the state senate the State Assembly and the governor Gavin Nome are all Democrats in a super majority and they can do anything they want they pulled the bill and people are Furious it's a big story in California and our media is still not covering it where's Dasha burns with the mic in her face oh she can't because KLA Harris is on a phone call with her airpods in I mean literally nobody believes that she was actually on the phone it's just so fake and how she runs runs runs from the media um there's one piece of media she's going to run too and that will be the movies I think October 11th because Rick it turns out that this disgusting film I think it's called The Apprentice yeah it's by Gabe Sherman who makes his living attacking Republican white whales first it was Roger ales for many many years and then he died so he moved on to Donald Trump is going to hit theaters there was a question about whether it would and in this movie reportedly there is a scene of Donald Trump raping his wife Iana Trump the movie got a standing ovation at the KH Film Festival they just released a clip showing Jeremy Strong the actor uh who played Kendall Roy in succession as Roy KH a young lawyer advising a then inept Donald Trump this guy doesn't even look like Trump but whatever it's this inept buffoon version of trump who can't make a phone call sounding tough I'll show you the clip listen uh Judy about a 100 reporters were crawling up my ass to get this interview and I gave you the exclusive uh yes hello Judy uh this is Donald Trump very excited very excited to talk to you excited Donald tell the L who behind you what do you want to do next uh well I intend to acquire the Commodore and I'm planning on making it the the best uh and the finest building in in the city maybe maybe the country in the world Judy in the world it's going to be the finest building in the world it's going to be spectacular Hotel Absol absolutely spectacular first class and uh that sounds very ambitious where to get the drive still so young Donald I got I got flare and I'm smart so I I think that's going to make me successful but but I also want to stay humble I uh sorry Judy listen let's do the rest in person and uh bring a photographer okay sorry uh no I mean listen it's your life uh you got a ways to go but uh you're learning great so this hits theaters in the middle of early voting and about a month before the big election day yeah well first of all I have such a history with Gabe um he totally lies I I can't tell you how many times we've seen him completely lie and make stuff up look he is the type of reporter and I I use that term loosely that when when you're not on the front page of the paper when you don't have a story that everyone's talking about you literally make something up to be able to get into the ethos again I I could name 10 reporters who do that constantly right now and and we know who they are but the public doesn't know who they are uh but one thing that we should be absolutely certain of is that scene right there never happened it's totally fake and phony everyone can see it's not even accurate anyone who goes to see the movie is a partisan hack I think it's gonna have right absolutely no impact on the election uh we we've seen everything before and and Gabe is he's a buffoon finally on the foreign on the foreign policy front disastrous development we get to foreign policy that's my favorite I know I'm sorry um so much else in the news but they they killed the hostages Hamas killed six of the hostages including the American and um there's been a lot of anger towards BB Netanyahu on the left if you listen to MSNBC it's all about Netanyahu whose fault is it and and where how does this affect our election well first of all let's go back to October 7th uh whose fault is it uh I mean Hamas is the one who who did it but they got their funding from Iran and you know who funded Iran is Joe Biden and KL Harris and this is just a fact in the Donald Trump Administration we had Iran squeezed they didn't have money to pursue a nuclear weapon and they certainly didn't have money to go out and fund the houthis Hamas Hezbollah all of their actors that they pay to go out and cause uh terrorist terrorism around the world and wars and so when Joe Biden and KL Harris came in they dropped the sanctions the Trump sanctions uh on Iran and they gave cash and credit to Iran so the total package that that Biden Harris gave to the regime in tyon was hundreds of billions of dollars no one should be surprised when you give tyon hundreds of billions of dollars that you're going to get the houthi attacks you're going to get Hamas attacks you're going to get Hezbollah starting a war uh with Israel you literally are funding terrorism they are to blame it's now been 333 days and we still don't have a diplomatic solution all we hear about is war and more war you can throw Ukraine and Russia in there too every politician is asked are you for more funding or are you against more funding for the war it is war war war in Washington DC no one is doing peace we've shoved the department wasn't way under Trump's Administration I got to run the computer Cuts us off in about 5 Seconds more on that next time Rick thank you you didn't vote for this economic downturn and the high inflation but you could pay for it at the pump the grocery store and with growing stacks of unpaid bills Financial stress can be crushing and one solution could be done with debt now done with debt created new aggressive strategies designed to get you out of debt permanently without bankruptcy or loans done with debt can stand between you and your bill collectors they negotiate with your creditors to write off balances ah it's starting to sound better cut interest yes stop penalties hello and the best news is done with debt is accepting new clients right now you do have to 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growing up in the 9s I never thought much about race sure you noticed but never really seemed to matter that much at least not to me being a white straight cisgender man it's the top of the pile I'm on the top of the pile that's me am I racist I would really appreciate it if you left I'm trying to learn I'm on this journey can you please leave if I'm going to sort this out I need to go deeper undercover if I want to be an ally I need to look like [Music] one what is racism Marther King said not to judge people by the Marther King said a lot of stuff is America inherently racist what the hell is that the word inherent is challenging there America is racist to its bones all of the so inherently yeah the entire system has to burn and I'm not going to even use save this country this country is not worth saving this country is a piece of sh oh sorry sorry amazing joining me now Matt Walsh host of The Daily wires the Matt Walsh show and star and producer of am I racist welcome back Matt great to see you you too Megan thanks for having me okay I watched it last night and I loved it so I have good news for you because I watched it with a focus group of two my husband Doug brunt and I watched it together and I thoroughly enjoyed it for all sorts of reasons we can get into but Doug brunt enjoyed it even more than I did because Doug who is very affable and a great guy is not particularly prone to fits of emotion in any particular way and he laughed so many times Matt he loved your dead pan you know just demeanor your comments there's so many good ones where like I I have so much I want to ask you about cuz like I don't know if any of it was scripted if if not you're incredibly clever just like your your matter of fact responses to people saying the most outrageous things and your slow boil provocator approach to these people it was true genius so congrats uh well that's that's great to you I really appreciate it um and uh slow boil provocator is probably a good way describing actually that's a that's a great description of of you know the approach we take in in a number of the scenes in the film it's I mean I I wondered whether you were getting worried at all about somebody blowing their top because you you were very respectful you weren't you know in people's faces but you would keep asking questions when you were told to stop you would keep like pressing little buttons when you could tell they were on their heels wondering what the hell had just walked into the room and you didn't stop once they were clearly uncomfortable so when you were doing all of this was there ever a moment where you were like okay now I might be in trouble uh there was never I mean there wasn't a moment where I ever felt sort of that my my safety was in Jeopardy or anything like that but um I guess you know a lot a lot of people ask when when we when on this film and also with what is a woman that one of the main questions that I I often will get is you know uh how do I keep from laughing how do I keep how do I keep a straight face when I'm in these rooms and the truth is that it's you know stopping myself from laughing is pretty easy it turns out because when you're actually in the room doing this and you're in the room with these people in real time now obviously this is a movie so we take this could be like a two-hour interaction that I have we take you know there's five minutes that appear in the movie because it's a it's a film but it's pretty it's pretty intense and these are these are really unpleasant people most of the time so um it's it's looking back at it of course it's quite humorous but when you're in the moment it's actually not all that funny to me when you're when you're really there and you're watching these people especially these grifters who uh who you know this is their whole this is what they do they they take normal people and they try to break them down and it's like this brainwashing session that you see in the movie that goes on over and over again yes this is it it takes almost all of the things we've heard about the craziest Dei pushers and puts them together in one movie so you can see this is real life these people exist they've been doing this they are doing this right now they hate America and they really don't much like white people and they would like all of us to feel the same so of all people to infiltrate their spaces Matt Walsh gets in there and he finds out soon into this film Matt Walsh is not going to be able to do this as Matt Walsh he's too well known at this point people are on to him and that brings me to one of the scenes that has been released and that's in the trailer this is Matt after he had attend a attended a white privilege grief workshop and he gets up to leave the room for a moment and he comes back and realizes they've figured it out here's a bit in 32 I did everything I could to fit in I opened up I was Rob and emotional I told them about my black friends it was no use they rejected me and they called the police my mere presence in the room caused them pain I'll never be accepted if I look like this if they know that I'm Matt Walsh I'll always be an outsider I need to go deeper undercover a whole new identity if I want to be an ally I need to look like one like someone who is Progressive tolerant enlightened let me think have I ever met anyone like that ah yes yes I have what is a woman why do you ask that question [Music] just a listening audience that's Matt getting dressed up just like a well you describe the look you were going for there yeah that's the thing you know one thing I recognize about this film and many people have pointed it out just based on the trailer is that it's not the most convincing disguise in the world it's not like uh this is not exactly a CIA level operation where I'm going in and facial atics and you know fat suit or something we talked about doing that maybe uh we we talked about when we first started making the film you know what what should I do to change my appearance of course the idea of me shaving my beard was was floated which that's off the table immediately uh other kind of things you could do and we didn't do any of that it's just a wig and you know a bun and a a man bun right uh skinnier jeans than I would normally wear and you know white shoes is like that's the whole thing but and then the question is well how did that fool anybody given that that everything's still the same you still sound like yourself and I think one of the answers to that is that um for a lot of these people they live in such a a bubble you know they it they live in this bubble they never really encounter in their everyday life anyone who disagrees with them uh they never intentionally put themselves in a room with anyone who would ever challenge them Robin D'Angelo appears later in the film and it'sing you know you could see in the trailer and I I would I would venture a guess I don't know this but I would guess that Robin D'Angelo has not intentionally been in a room with someone who doesn't already agree with her in like 20 years I don't know so I think that's part of it that they they there's a certain arrogance that comes from being in this bubble and they just never could imagine that anyone like me would ever be in their vicinity and so they kind of gave me the benefit of the doubt and the disguise didn't need to be all that convincing because we're sort of using their their arrogance and their kind of false sense of intellectual security against them I guess you've got your skinny jeans your man bun and your MERS into which you put how to be an anti-racist by ebra X kendi and when I saw it I have to say I really thought your inspo might have been a character from a different daily wire production Mr burum in which I play Adam corolla's wife he's Mr Bur and it's the the school Dei policeman named Mr konzi here he is my name is Mr konzi my pronouns are he him and Z I'm a heteronormative cisgendered white male for which I apologize what you even got got the scooter which I saw you on in this movie Tyler Fisher plays that role any any connection no it's actually I was amazed when I when I uh saw that also in in the show because that's that's just parallel thinking I don't know these two shows are being these two things are being developed at the same time you know and uh and uh I don't know I guess it's just if you want to play a crazy leftist well you got to have the man bun you got to have the scooter so I don't know it's pretty amazing yeah okay so you so in the movie and I won't give away all the spoilers CU it's fun to watch it unfold and realize how you threaded the needle but you go quote undercover and you are on a mission to figure out this Dei world and one of the greatest themes that just keeps we just ke kept laughing was you get your Dei certification at like a workshop and then you're very proud of your card and use it in a way that is just so perfect Matt because you show it to everybody you're so proud of your Dei certification card not everybody has one as you not everyone has it you keep telling everybody and the joke of it is so on the nose for those of us who have been following following this nonsense which is of course anyone can get one and yet there are all these people who are purported experts in this field who will grift you to the nth degree because they have the little card or they have some diploma that's given them an an official education in this nonsense and they go out there and continue the grift exactly it's it's it's it's not a real subject that's the thing Dei is not a it's not a real uh in cble Pursuit it's all completely made up and phony and so being an expert in that is just being an expert in nonsense anyone can do it you'll see in the film that the process that I go through to get my uh certification is it's it's not a very it's not a very grueling process uh in fact it about I think not rigorous it took about it took about 30 minutes I think to get the uh to get the card and then what once it's not like anyone can say oh but you just got that one on a fake website that's not a one there is no real one there's no such thing as being really certified in Dei it's all completely uh made up and and you know you just really all it's about is just showing ideological alignment with these race Hustlers and if you do that then you can you have as much a claim to being an expert as anybody else in this field does yes so you I love it because it's not everyone has one not you're very proud and and you then go and introduce us to some of the characters that we've heard of on the news who are pushing this craziness you mentioned D'Angelo which everyone must see if you watch this movie for no other reason watch it to see the scene where Matt Walsh in his man bun sits down with Robin D'Angelo I died it I honestly there were so many great moments in there again we'll keep them a secret but one of my favorites was when the issue of what is mansplaining what is manling and let's just say you're G to laugh just as hard as Doug and I did when you get to that scene but you did meet a different person who I'd never heard of before named Kate Slater so before I run this clip tell us who is Kate Slater well she's one of these uh she's an anti-racist educator uh she is very proud of innovating something I believe if I remember correctly it's called the anti-racist uh road map I think and so she's the first person we talked to in the film and that's why you see in the movie I'm not in the whole costume when I talk to her because we wanted to start the movie by just well she has a road map we want to talk to someone who can kind of I'm I'm just starting out uh introduce me to the basics of what this stuff is and tell me where to go next and you know you'll see in that interaction she sort of lays out a map for me and tells me here's what you need to do here's where where you go next here's what you should be doing and uh we we set out to put that into practice in the film yeah yeah you you did it but you you clashed a bit not really but clashed you you highlighted an issue that actually someone I know actually had in their life they're not woke but they were getting shamed for this Halloween costume because it's a white family so you raise this let's watch s 31 with Kate later my daughter is four years old I am an anti-racist educator quote unquote she's still watching Disney movies and she is choosing a white princess over princesses of color have you talked to her about that all the time my three-year-old daughter is very her favorite princess is Moana love it it's a good sign yeah but then I also thought you know there a a little bit of cultural appropriation here she wants to be Moana for Halloween mhm so how do we navigate that do I go and and and buy the Pacific Islander native attire for my white three-year-old um I wouldn't I wouldn't but I guess what we might call the Moana problem here is is what uh on one hand there's cultural appropriation on the other hand there's gravitating towards White characters right so it's almost like no matter which way you go you end up back in racism we think every space belongs to us because we live in a white supremacist Society is America an inherently racist country I think the word inherent is challenging there if we say fundamentally fundamentally yes America is racist to its bones all of the so inherently yeah oh my gosh I mean it's it's so perfect you your child must love Moana over any other Disney princess however not to the point where she would ever actually want to dress like her or model her behavior because then you've crossed into cultural appropriation see rule book section 40 footnote 10 right you're uh that's why we that's that's why we now call it the Moana problem that you're you're racist no matter what and the thing is that's it's one of the many moments in the film where uh it's it you know it's supposed to it's funny watching it you know and we're supposed to laugh at it and I think that I think that mockery and laughter is an appropriate response to absurd things and what you just saw there is absurd but then on the other side of it but once you go a little bit Ben the surface on this thing you see that it's actually uh it's awful too along with being funny because this is the damned if you do damned if you don't situation that these people set up where no matter what you're racist so they they start by saying uh you're white you're racist and then once they have you you say well what do I do to not be racist anymore and they they tell you what to do and after you do that they say well good job for doing that but by the way you're still racist and and they and and this is a message that they do send to kids I think I said earlier in that interview before this moment I asked her uh what's the right age to start talking to your kids about their racism and she says basically from birth like as soon as they're born start letting them know that they're racist and again we can laugh at that as sane people because we realize that it's completely ridiculous but she's serious and uh and there are people out there that take that advice and start you know ham ing this into their kids head from birth and it's just a it's horrendous it's abusive I mean that you can see she's happy about it she's proud that she's she's disgusted by her child who likes white princesses she's turned herself into a races of a different kind I mean that's obviously she's got some I don't know internalized hatred um her problem is her problem unless it winds up in my kids schools which it has this is why the movie was so necessary so was there one thing in particular Matt that made you choose this as your next subject after the huge success of what is a woman well it's hard to say one thing in particular I mean I guess if there was one thing it would be the big thing which is in 2020 when uh just the the the kind of racial Insanity that took hold in 2020 after George Floyd um and a lot of the things that we saw after 2020 it it none of it was new really I mean even the riots we'd seen before but it was ramped up to the degree and so that's one of the probably the main thing that had me thinking about it um and beyond that it's just it's it's cultural you know like noticing that I kind of I say earlier in the film you you hear in the preview that I can think of myself growing up in the 90s and it was not a racial Utopia I'm not claiming that I realized that that you had the OJ trial you had the race riots in LA and that sort of thing but that sort of stuff was happening and we're never going to live in a Utopia we're we're we're human beings we're tribalistic by Nature we're flawed you're always going to have things like racism that's always going to be a part of the human experience but my own anecdotal experience growing up uh in a you know racially diverse area and going to public school and you know people of all different races it was like you noticed when people were A different race but it didn't you weren't focused on it intently all the time and you weren't sitting around thinking about oh am I racist was that a racist interaction it just was that wasn't part of what you were doing um and recently that's been the case so it seems like we're very much going backwards and and we are and that's because people like these grifters that we expose in the film um that's what they want they they very intentionally they're taking people who otherwise wouldn't be that focused on race and they're telling them that no you have to focus on this you should be focused on this all the time you think you're not racist because you don't hate people of other races actually you are and in fact if you say you're not racist and think that you're not racist then that means that you're even more racist than than than anybody else and they just get people in up in their own heads and it's like this cycle of confusion and resentment that everybody gets caught up into and it's uh it's just evil we see Matt go through all these meetings and we'll go through a couple of them still but at the end you teach your own Dei course and it's it's amazing because it's pretty disastrous but you you put to use every lesson you learned in the film you you that Matt Walsh who's teaching the Dei now the student has become the teacher is literally just doing exactly what you were told to do by all the Dei experts that we met and then we see it in practice and it's just horrific to see it play out in front of your like oh my gosh you won't believe like what people do what people say but they do and I mean it's almost like you can see how people in that mass psychosis can be almost hypnotized into doing terrible absolutely evil things if enough people in Authority around them tell them it's what's right yeah exactly that that that's exactly what we tried to do film that was the point of the film really was to uh whereas with what is a woman we we have this central question that I'm just asking almost Blank Slate sort of basically skeptical the whole way through asking this question with this the kind of twist on that is that um asking questions but rather than remaining skeptical we decided I'm just going to believe whatever I'm told by these people so I'll I'll accept whatever they say and then I'll try to put that into practice and um and I'll try to do it as deliberately as I possibly can and so that so that rather than sort of explaining why what they're saying is terrible we want to show people what actually happened when you put this into practice and that that does lead in the end to my uh Dei seminar that that I put on and um and you know you'll see in the film there it that kind of it starts a little bit crazy it gets a lot crazier uh we have a couple of things at the end of that seminar that we know we want to try and we had no idea going in whether the people in the room would go along with it or not and I I really hoped I think you asked at the beginning was I ever worried in these in these uh scenes I was actually worried here because in a way it's like we're going to take this someplace I hope they don't go along with it because that's really depressing if they do on the other hand if they don't go along with it then it doesn't doesn't really work for the movie as well but at the same time I'd ra I'd rather have faith in humanity than have a good movie um and uh and unfortunately you know they they follow us all the way down the rabbit hole because what we found is that once you start playing on people's just guilt that they carry around uh it they'll go anywhere they'll go along with anything and um and that's what these grifters have certainly discovered they can be exploited the the interviews are so great and I you know most of the time you sit there thinking how on Earth did he get these because you also did press appearances in your fake role in your man bun and that's great you highlight him throughout the as like this expert so how did all that come about to the extent you're willing to tell me you know like do you tell Robin D'Angelo I assume you don't it's Matt Walsh how do you get these people to sit across from this other version of you yeah I don't want to go into all of how the the sausage was made on that but I will say that well everybody signed waivers I will say they all they all agreed uh to be filmed and so that was all above board but um beyond that I guess I just go back to what I said earlier that they they live in a bubble and and they're very insulated um and so that that worked against them in this case I mean you know any of these people at any time they could have put a stop they could have got up and left they could have said I don't want to continue this uh they could have done that at any time but um but they didn't because I think again they're just they're just very they're very insulated from the real real world in many ways is there a big reveal Matt like between you and your team and the subject like before you dropped the trailer you know a few days ago did Robin D'Angelo know that she was part of like a Matt Walsh documentary no there's no reveal we uh you know well the reveal was was the trailer I guess for them but not on the day um you know Robin D'Angelo we had our we had our uh our our session with her I guess and she left and you know everything was everything was friendly I shook her hand and said bye and uh and we parted ways that that was it so all these people find out now or when they see the movie yeah they do and and so far as far as I know none of them have said anything publicly I don't think we've heard from Robin D'Angelo I think shut down her Twitter account I don't know if that's connected but you know seems likely that it was uh she hasn't said anything publicly I don't know if she will you kind of assume that will eventually but also um there's not a lot she can say I mean she no she she makes an absolute fool out of herself keep going right and we don't and it it's not like um there's deceptive editing where we try to make it seem like they said or did things they didn't do none of that happens this is all this is all real this is what they said and did in real life and so maybe that's one of the reasons why so far they haven't said anything because there's there's not a whole lot to say right what can she say she is in the midst of a plagiarism Scandal right now that also could be related to the Twitter account it's unbeliev of course you know like all these so-called experts wind up we wind up finding out yes they're frauds but they're frauds in multiple ways and so the Free Beacon did an inp in-depth report on Robin D'Angelo not only is she accused of of um plagiarizing hold on a second to find it but she plagiarized 4es Matt she Robin D'Angelo according to the Free Beacon not only stole thoughts and language from others in connection with her PhD dissertation but several of the scholars were minorities including lifting paragraphs uh this is attributed to the beacon again without proper attribution omitting quotation marks and intext citations including of an Asian-American professor at Northeastern University Thomas Nakaya and his co- author and then of Stacy Lee an Asian-American Professor uh at the University of Wisconsin Madison and uh this is even more egregious because she wrote on her website that you must always cite and give credit to the work of bipo people meaning black indigenous people of color who have informed your thinking when you use a phraser idea you get from a bipac person credit them otherwise Matt Walsh you're guilty of white privilege and racism exactly well I will say slightly in her defense that she's probably not the first white person to copy off an Asian person to finish an assignment uh I'm might have done that a time or two myself when I was in high school but uh the but really in this case it's it's it's easy to see how that happens and and I'm sure that there's plagiarism I don't know this for a fact but I feel pretty confident that if you were to check many of these uh prominent anti-racist Scholars and and do a little plagiarism check you're probably gonna find a lot of it and the reason is that again it's not a real subject like there's it's there's not a lot to say it's all so empty and fake that all they're doing is just recycling kind of the same idea really the with these anti-racist people there is one core idea there's basically one Insight which is not really an Insight because it's it's not true but their One Core idea is that uh white people are inherently racist and are the oppressors of history and everybody who's not white is the victim and that really that's not even you know uh a straw man or trying to oversimplify their point of view that is their point of view and that's really it everything just kind of grows from that root and so in any paper if you to sit and read I actually read Robin D'Angelo's book White fragility in in preparation for our interview with her and it's really just that it just circles around that idea over and over and over again it's it's not surprising that they end up uh recycling each other quite a bit the only person you didn't get I assume you tried for was i x kendi who just he's like KLA Harris in his aversion to sitd Downs he will not talk to anyone or debate anyone that guy will only go into the safest of safe spaces doesn't matter if you're black white conservative liberal I mean he just doesn't talk he puts out his books and he lets that nonsense stand for itself yeah yeah he does and we did we did reach out to him and and uh we we found that con Harris is a good is a good analogy that um he's just not he's very very careful about who he sits down with which is why you don't see him pop up in uh in very many many interviews at all and that's because maybe he has a certain amount of self-awareness that Robin D'Angelo doesn't in that if I were to try to read his mind maybe it's some level he recognizes how thin and shallow a lot of this stuff is and he knows it doesn't stand up to scrutiny so he's careful about subjecting himself to it unlike Robin D'Angelo who talks a lot and charges a lot of money um including 15 grand uh to the Matt Walsh team but that's the Le you got off with a bargain let me tell you Matt Walsh because her therapeutic Workshops can cost up to $40,000 she makes almost a million dollars in a year in speaking fees she is um into the she's in the top 1% of American earners she has now three houses worth millions of dollars so her grift is quite effective and all you need to do is say things like this which she said in a webinar in March of 23 and you too could have several million dollars homes and be on the New York Times bestseller list for years sat 35 I'm a big believer in Affinity space in Affinity work and I think people of color need to get away from white people and and have some Community um with each other just got to get away from us we're so annoying and especially Robin D'Angelo for that matter um let's take a quick pause and then we'll come back and we've got to talk about the round table the audience is going to remember this those crazy lunatic women who will charge you five grand I think to sit around your dinner table and tell you what a racist you are Matt Walsh infiltrated one of those I it it had the most hateful people of all the hateful people in the movie and it was fascinating to watch we've got a clip more with Matt right after this quick break so we love our dogs in our household even strudwick he's sweet and he's kind of a a mess but I absolutely adore that thing he's such a good terrible great dog anyway I can't imagine life without strut and thunder they've got a great life but some dogs as you know are not so lucky and they need our help okay that's why I am very happy to tell you about Delta rescue now whenever you're going to donate to any sort of an animal shelter or group that purports to help animals you've got to hear the words no kill otherwise you're donating to an organization that might end that dog's life if they can't find him a home but Delta rescue is the largest no kill care for Life Animal Sanctuary in the world they've rescued thousands of dogs cats and horses too and they provide all these animals with shelter safety and most of all love they've been doing it now for more than 45 years a look at these videos Delta rescue relies solely on contributions to stay open and giving can bring tax benefits to you too speak with your estate planner about how you can grow your estate while helping animals in need and check out the estate planning tab on their website to learn more we love our Thunder and our strudwick but Delta rescue will help the pups who don't have love and need it visit deltar today to learn more that's delt if you're tired of the same old coffee from those Mega corporations pushing their woke agendas listen up it's time to take a stand and support a brand that truly embodies American values blackout coffee these guys stand with with hardworking Americans who believe in family faith and freedom they roast some of the most incredible coffee you will ever taste using only premium grade beans roasted and then shipped to you within 48 hours and for the cold brew fans blackout coffee is excited to announce the launch of their two new ready to drink cold brew coffee latte options don't settle for less make the switch to blackout coffee head on over to blackout MK or just use the code MK when you're checking out for 20% off your first order blackout MK the code is MK join the movement taste the difference remember with every sip you are supporting a brand that stands for America be awake not woke here is that clip I promised you before the break as Matt in waiter gear infiltrates one of these you are a racist sessions where you can pay somebody five grand to tell you those horrible things about yourself and your country watch this why people are starved for these conversations we are we're so starving yeah we are so starving for this anyone else want to say anything I'll just say one thing I'm so glad we can have these conversations and and I'll be done but uh I'm just so glad that we could all get together to have these conversations that's all I want to say is he an actor and he's are you an actor can you let us we're trying to listen and trying to have this conversation okay you know we're all acting all the time in our lives and uh and I think that that's part of the problem you know that it's like we're all trying to play a part rather than just being real and having these uncomfortable conversations and that's what I'm always trying to tell people especially you know white women no offense but no but see like you're a white dude there's power positions and uh you know it's pointing pointing white people pointing fingers at each other is not helpful you know I've been on this journey for so long and just to see you guys at the table conversation has been really enlightening for me anyway got the de certification and I'm just on the journey all right you ladies have a great night decolonize yourself do your own white supremacy dismantling and then you can start to be to bring in other people can I just say one last thing I just propose a toast he's back uh I mean just raise a glass if you're racist and that's the thingers oh I'm not racist let me well all the rest a racist to [Laughter] racist who were those two lunatics at the top of the table so that's Syra Ral and uh Regina Jackson and they run the race to dinner uh program and that the program is is basically they come to dinner and you pay them thousands of dollars and they'll sit there and uh explain why you're racist and that's what they did in that scene and you of course in real time it like two hours of of this just them sitting there talking to these white women and just breaking them down you know emotionally intellectually um explain to them why they're racist having them confess you know instances of them being racist re really just it's the most intense brainwashing session I've ever witnessed and probably the only real brainwashing session I've ever witnessed in real time in the room and it was pretty uh pretty disturbing to watch um but you know when we decided to make this movie I I I had heard of these race to dinner things a couple years ago and when we decided to make this movie on this subject the first thing I said like we got to get into one of these race to dinners that's we have to get there uh the problem is that they the the dinner is only for white women which is pretty interesting so when we called them and and we asked about you know could is it possible for a man to attend they said no you have to be a woman and then but then that that brings us back now it's like a sequel to what is a woman because that brings us back to the question well what do you mean you have to be a woman what is that right and I think if I remember correctly the way that they threaded that needle because their real answer was well no you have to be a real woman but they didn't say that so they said something like well you have to be someone who was socialized as a woman um that's that's who we allow so anyway that that ended with me not being able to attend so we had to find some other way uh to get in the building and as it turns out you know you can be a waiter serving the dinner and be a man and and that's okay so that was our that was our loophole that we exploited and we kind of went into that scene and I knew that my goal was well I wanted to get them to toast racism I knew that but before that I wanted to earn my seat at the table I had to somehow find a way to sit down at the table and then I'll know that I've sort of completed the that step of my anti-racist journey which uh which we did you nailed it that SRA ra is the most hateful person in this entire film she's disgusting what an absolute Pig this person is she hates America and she hates whites I mean deeply hates Am I Wrong oh not wrong at all she she says it herself she says it about America America's a piece of s I believe she says her words and um yeah she's very clear she doesn't like white people we know that from the film we know that from her uh from her Twitter history I think she also has left Twitter recently uh so if if this film had something to do with that then I think yeah that alone makes this movie worth it right totally but yeah she just she's she's full of that that's obviously what motivates this person is a real resentment towards um towards white people and wanting to find an outlet for that so that she could kind of very thinly Veil it in um in anti-racism or or or whatever yeah I mean I I walked away with no doubt of my own opinion of her that she hates whites hates America and keeps finding these suckers like these poor women I'm sorry but they're pathetic too every single one of those women is absolutely pathetic for agreeing to this for paying this money and for letting this woman speak to them that way I have half a mine not for a documentary but just for kicks to invite her I I have a couple of different places where I spend my time and she wouldn't know it was me and I'll just show up and then she and I can do battle it'll actually be really fun I i' love I'm a white woman go ahead and reform me Syra let's see how it goes I think it's going to be fun for us both she was so annoying but seeing you needle her and like tweak her and ultimately Expose and thus embarrass her is very gratifying that's how you wind up feeling at the end of this even though there are infuriating moments like when seemingly normal people sign a petition to change the George Washington Monument into the George Floyd Monument yeah that and and by the way that that was another one we we went into that uh we wanted to do this petition in DC and I honestly I I was like nobody thinks of me as being optimistic but I discovered making this movie that I I was an optimistic person because I honestly we went to do that scene and I I was saying to the crew like I I don't know if anyone's really going to sign this is anyone really going to sign a petition to change maybe you could get people to sign a petition to take George Washington's name off the monument but to replace it with the George Floyd Monument who would sign it and we found that our problem was the opposite we were having trouble finding anyone who wouldn't sign it um just the vast majority of people we stopped white or black uh they were yeah absolutely they were ready to they were ready for it they they thought it was a great idea and uh I I find that you know incredibly depressing I have to say that webinar that we showed the robin D'Angelo Quick Clip from there was good news in that thing we aired it in March of 2023 on the show because she and these other Dei leaders are lamenting their loss of power they could feel it by March of 23 starting to wne their influence starting to wne and so is there any good news in all of this in your in your travels did you see some shoots of grass shoots of green there on this nonsense losing power and starting to EB um I think so I I not so much in making the movie most of the the places that we went to in the rooms that we were in were we all people that were true believers so not a lot of not a lot of light peeking through through the uh peing through the darkness there but culturally yeah I think that um look just the fact that everybody has heard of Dei and I think the vast majority of people have a negative they it has a negative connotation for the vast majority of people that that alone is a pretty good sign that Dei is reaching its peak um I you know I think if you got a 100 random people into a room and ask them how many of you have heard of Dei probably 98 of them will say that they've heard of it and most of them will sort of say with with a while rolling their eyes because they they see it as a either a silly thing or something worse um so I think it's I think it's reaching its peak but what you have to look out for is okay eventually Dei goes away nobody talks about it anymore all the Dei initiatives go away because it's just people see it as so ridiculous and and toxic and harmful but what you have to look out for is the people who promote this stuff they're not going to go away so they're going to try to repackage it as it's already being rebranded they're calling it now belonging at the New York City Schools well there you go that belonging I mean to me that sounds even creepier somehow so the the repackage to me always sounds worse but yeah exactly so they they they take it they get rid of Dei but they don't really get rid of it because the ideas are still there and the ideas really are so embedded especially in the academic world especially in in Academia and in the school system that you know to really root those out is going to take that's a years long process really and in the Democrat Party where Matt Walsh infiltrated the DNC when it was held in Chicago as your Alter Ego as your man bun alter ego and we saw a video of you just wandering around behind I think it was a CNN Live shot in your character which was amazing here he is behind an interview of Chuck Schumer so how'd that go for you Matt and what did you learn um well I learned for one thing that that apparently I'm not I'm not well-liked at the DNC so I was shocked by that um we uh yeah I I couldn't believe it so we went to their their DNC Expo thing which is in a different building and I got kicked out in like 20 minutes uh escorted out by a whole just flanked by security guards and cops that that walked me out and they they said uh they said that I'm I'm not welcome back in the building but the thing is that was a different that so they said I can't go to that building but there's a whole other building where the actual convention is happening and they didn't say I couldn't go there so we went there next and just walked around the floor and as you like I didn't do it I just walked around I actually didn't do anything and uh that alone was enough to really infuriate a lot of people on the left um just my mere presence in the room which I think is interesting and also it's like what what you know what are you hiding something what's shouldn't you be happy that I'm there being exposed to your ideas shouldn't you Embrace that and welcome it but but uh they didn't apparently they don't like having their sacred cows attacked and now you've attacked two of them um so since you made what is a woman which really was I mean genuinely an important film and really got a conversation if not started rolling in Earnest in in ways that it hadn't been prior to that film how do you think we're doing on that front because I'll tell you something quickly we were down at the Jersey Shore for the summer we went to see a play at um this little theater down there it's cute theater usually familyfriendly and it was supposed to be about the Goos like Head Over Heels it was called and they were but it was like Shakespearean time so it was like Shakespearean language but every once in a while they'd break out into a song having to do with Goos it's was kind of fun throughout the whole family next thing I know some characters declaring herself non-binary saying she goes by they them then there's another character who dresses as a woman for the whole time in order to like see the girl whose father won't let him in to see her and it turns out at the end he really liked being both a girl and a boy and he's going to stay flipping between the two there's adultery of all like it just keeps going and I'm like there's lesbian kissing repeatedly on the stage now this is not Broadway this is at the Jersey Shore and I've got to say it felt like a real setback to those of us who are on the side of sanity and I hate to sound like you know 200 years old but just family values keep that out of the family value theater I don't want to see it my kids because you know I do what I do and you do what you do were laughing they were looking at me laughing because they knew I would not like any of this and indeed they were correct so how are we doing on that front yeah I think uh well in spite of that it sounds like a pretty grotesque experience I I think that I want to say that generally things are heading the right direction and we have a long way to go um but I think you can look at it politically you can look at it culturally and politically uh you know there have been laws passed in many states outlawing uh the you know the the castration and mutilation of children which is a big step not nearly enough but a big step forward um you know Republican politicians for the most part are much more open about talking about these issues than certainly they were three years ago so I see that as progress and then just culturally I think that it seems like more and more people are fed up with this and willing to call it out look when we made what as a woman we went around and did man on the street interviews this was like three four years ago talking to just normal people on the street about their take on this issue and we find the majority of people at that time of course they knew what a woman was and they knew that men don't belong in women's women's restroom but most were not willing to talk about it or they were giving us answers that we knew they didn't believe it was clear they didn't believe it but they did they thought they weren't allowed to say what they actually think I think that if we went to those same places and did those same interviews again today I think we'd find a lot more people who would be willing to say on camera yeah you know a woman's a female uh no men don't belong in the women's room boy you shouldn't be on the girl sports team I think there'd be a lot more people willing to say that so that's one of the main reasons one seriously one of the big reasons is the work that you do Matt great to see you thank you for everything remember the new film is am I racist and it's out September 13th support Matt and go see it we'll be back tomorrow with Glenn Greenwald

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