Lucy (2014) Movie || Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Choi Min-sik | updates Review & Facts

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e e e e e e Lucy is a 2014 English language French science fiction action film five written and directed by Luke Besson for his company europacorp and produced by his wife virginy bessen Sila it is an English language film shot in Taipei Paris and New York City it stars Scarlet Johansson Morgan Freeman Choy men sick and ammer W Johansson portrays the titular character a woman who gains psychokinetic abilities when a neut Tropic psychedelic drug is absorbed into her bloodstream the film was released on the 25th of July 2014 and became a massive box office success six grossing over $469 million worldwide more than 11 times the budget of $40 million it received generally positive but also polarized critical reviews although praise was given for its themes visuals and johe Hanson's performance many critics found the plot nonsensical especially its focus on the 10% of the brain myth and resulting abilities Lucy is an American studying in Taipei Taiwan her new boyfriend Richard tricks her into working as a drug mule for a South Korean drug lord and she delivers a briefcase containing four packets of the highly valuable synthetic drug cph4 to Mr Jen after witnessing Richard being shot and killed she is captured and a bag of the drug is forcibly swn into her abdomen in order to transport the drug to Europe while in captivity she is kicked in the stomach breaking the bag and releasing a large quantity of the drug into her system she acquires increasingly enhanced physical and mental capabilities such as telepathy telekinesis mental time travel and the ability to feel no pain she also becomes both ruthless and emotionless using her new abilities she kills her captors and escapes Lucy travels to the nearby Tri service General Hospital to get the bag of drugs removed from her abdomen she is told by the operating doctor that natural cph4 is produced in tiny quantities by pregnant women during their sixth week of pregnancy to provide fetuses with the energy to develop developing heightened physical and mental abilities Lucy returns to Mr jang's Hotel kills his bodyguards assaults him and telepathically extracts the locations of the three remaining drug mules from his brain Lucy begins researching her condition and contact scientist Samuel Norman whose research may be the key to saving her after Lucy speaks with Norman and provides proof of her developed abilities she flies to Paris and contacts local police captain Pierre Del Rio to help her find the remaining three packets of the drug during the flight she starts to disinte as her cells destabilize from consuming a sip of champagne to Stave off her disintegration Lucy ingests more of the drug with the help of Del Rio Lucy is able to recover the rest of the drugs meeting Norman and his colleagues she agrees to share with them everything she knows in the professor's lab Lucy discusses the nature of time and life and how people's Humanity distorts their perceptions at her urging she is intravenously injected with the contents of all three remaining bags of cph4 her body changes into a black substance that begins spreading over computers and other electronic objects in the lab transforming them all into one next Generation supercomputer she mentally begins a space-time journey into the past eventually reaching the oldest discovered ancestor of mankind Lucy she shares a quiet moment with ostr Opus Lucy and the two touch fingertips she then goes all all the way to the beginning of time and Witnesses the Big Bang meanwhile Jang enters the lab and points a gun at Lucy's head he shoots but by that point Lucy has reached 100% of her brain capacity and promptly disappears moving into the SpaceTime Continuum only her clothes and the black supercomputer are left behind Del Rio enters and fatally shoots Jang Norman takes a black flash drive offered by the supercomputer after after which it too disintegrates Del Rio asks Norman where Lucy is immediately after which Del Rio's cell phone sounds and he sees a text message I am everywhere Lucy's voice is heard stating life was given to us a billion years ago now you know what to do with it Imagine A Stranger in a Strange Land Revenge Thriller about a wide-eyed Anglo bombshell Scarlet Johansson who gets kidnapped and abused in Taiwan by nasty sweaty shouting Korean gangsters and then escapes to seek Justice then imagine this same movie starring say a lightning fast kickboxer who can knock a dozen opponents teeth out before they can raise a single fist now imagine this same movie injected with a dose of apocalyptic Science Fiction with the woman gaining strange Powers as the story unfolds then Envision midnight movie touches mixed into the film making Flash cuts of predators and prey enhancing otherwise typical scenes of plans being hatched monologues about brain capacity and the true meaning of time coupled with psychedelic visions and wormholes and explanatory objects materializing from thin air that's Luke besson's Lucy a thriller about an American woman who gets kidnapped into Service as a drug mule bearing an experimental synthetic hormone accidentally absorbs some of it then sheds her physical intellectual and perceptual limitations I could describe five or six other kinds of movies that in some way also Echo Lucy sections May remind you of the original The Matrix and the last hour of Akira and the final 10 minutes play like a greatest hits of Science Fiction trip movies you've seen a lot of the individual situations and film making techniques in Lucy as well in fact you'd be hard pressed to identify one idea scene or element in the picture that is not a cliche but the total package feels fresh from the minute that Johansson's Title Character suffers a beating in captivity that ruptures the drugs in her stomach and releases them into her bloodstream a Yankee nightmare the film enters a realm of continual Delight though not always surprise there's no point naming any of the other major characters as there really are no other characters only types the Arrogant fat cat drug dealer Choy Minik who thinks he can control the short blonde drug mule and learns the hard way that he can't the brilliant deep voiced scientist Morgan Freeman who else whose theoretical studies of the human brain's untapped potential make him an information source and then finally a kind of partner savior to Lucy the handsome nice guy Parisian cop ammer waked who assists Lucy during her climactic mission to acquire more of the experimental hormone to ingest and become whatever it is that she's becoming a 1950s sci-fi monster probably the kind that cannot be killed because everything you shoot at it makes it stronger and hungrier Lucy is little more than a type herself a representative of humanity in its unmutated nons superstate Johansson's mid-career transformation from husky voiced in genu to intensely physical matina Idol is one of the more fascinating arcs in American Cinema it's only her control over her body voice and eyes and maybe our awareness that her performances in this movie her and Under the Skin are all of a piece Lucy even uses the phrase Under the Skin at one point that stops Lucy from being tiresome her work keeps us from realizing that besson's script has botched the chance to tell a deeper Story one that's not just bombastically exciting and superficially clever but quietly tragic Lucy starts with shots of the prehistoric ape woman Lucy and periodically returns to her throughout the story not too subtly comparing the heroin's transformation to that of the species itself from Evolution to Revolution to quote one of the script's more pungent phrases and yet there are only two moments that make us really understand and empathize with Lucy as something other than a cipher who represents the unevolved human one is an early scene of her being terrorized and abused by Taiwanese drug thugs Lucy's abject helplessness here is hard to watch the other occurs deeper in the story when mus realizes she's about to embark on a terrifying and probably one-way transformative journey and phones her mom the scene is shot mostly in tight closeup the dialogue has a goofy pran boldness I remember the taste of your milk in my mouth I want to thank you for a thousand kisses that I can feel on my face that scene is so brazenly powerful that in retrospect it made me wish the main character had gone on a journey with more emotional gradations heck I'd have settled for more than the two that Bess and DS to give us oh my God these guys want to kill me and I am God watch me kill these guys when the hormones enter Lucy's bloodstream it's as if a switch has been flipped the heroine starts speaking in monotone and tilting her head at looming men like a quizzical bird regarding a worm that it's about to devour she's woman as Terminator the Terminator is a great movie monster but there's a reason why it's a supporting character in the films that bear its name like many films by Besson the professional The Fifth Element the messenger and other high octane shum upups Lucy starts out riveting but becomes less engaging as it goes along it keeps introducing potentially Rich narrative veins and then failing to tap them it too often falls back on Gunplay and Gore just when you think it might finally delve into the Notions that it keeps serving up with such fanfare the falseness of the idea of uniqueness the self-defeating nature of a species more concerned with having than being time as the one true unit of measure nevertheless Lucy is a fun confident work it's fast and tight and playful even when it's sadistic and violent which is often it lasts about 90 minutes and change but feels longer in a good way because every second is packed tight it's full of itself yet it still keeps winking at you it wants to be taken seriously but not so seriously that you don't laugh at and with the sight of Lucy strolling into a gunfight wearing nose bed heels or making enemies R like marionet on invisible strings the movie is alive it pops Lucy is about a woman named in fact Lucy Scarlet Johansson who gets tricked into carrying an experimental new drug for a gang in Taipei when the drug is accidentally released in into her body it gives her superhuman Powers as it unlocks more of her brain gradually turning her into a seemingly omniscient being and that's pretty much it thanks for reading what I need more words or it throws off the formatting of the poster okay give me a minute the trouble with this movie is that it feels like there's not much to it beyond the concept I outlined above which is a good concept but also kind of thin I like to imagine they filmed it and then realized they only had a 45-minute movie as a result there's a lot of filler clips from Nature Documentaries Loosely analogous to what's happening in the plot a lecture by a professor Morgan Freeman who studies the human brain lots of b-roll of Scarlet Johansson walking places in tight clothes and an interminable car chase through the streets of Paris car chases in general bore me this one was especially bad movie look she's driving the wrong way me yeah I see that movie no see when you drive the wrong way other cars come towards you look me uhhuh can they please get to the destination so the plot can advance movie but see also the Police pursuing her are getting into these crazy wrecks because they two are forced to drive the wrong way I don't mean to be too harsh there are some good things in this movie The Opening 20 minutes are filled with tension when the gang kidnaps Lucy as well as some delightful banter in the first scene between her and her boyfriend Richard pyu ASP who initially tricks her into delivering the drugs Johansson and ASP are really good together the acting in general is fine nobody is asked to do anything spectacular but all the actors are competent and the story despite being based on a completely inaccurate idea that humans only use 10% of their brains is well told and clever it's just way too padded out at one point about halfway through Lucy has the main villain completely at her mercy and doesn't kill him this is after the guy has killed her boyfriend kidnapped her killed another prisoner in front of her and sewn drugs into her stomach so she can act as an unwilling mule for him and she's already killed a bunch of his henchmen by this point so she's no pacifist the only reason for her to spare him is because otherwise there would be no plot this story would have been much better as a one-off episode in a show like The Twilight Zone or something it's a nice concept but not one that can sustain 90 minutes of screen time without any other elements thrown in I watched this movie because someone said it was like Ghost in the Shell and there are some similarities in both movies Scarlet Johansson is turned against her will into a nearly Unstoppable superhuman crime fighter also the best scenes in both movies are the ones with Joe Hanson and a speak together so yeah it's a fair comparison but Ghost in the Shell has more interesting characters and a medier plot with more twists and turns Lucy is more like a first draft of a promising script that no one bothered to revise in the movie Lucy the entire assumption that humans only use 10% of the brain is misleading the correction is this fact it's not that we use only 10% of our brains rather it's that we only understand about 10% of how it functions to explain this concept better I will share my personal experience a close family member was a pedestrian in a severe car accident in 2010 she endured a catastrophic brain injury and almost died surgeons removed part of her brain and reconstructed it to keep her alive after overseeing her heart-wrenching Rehabilitation for over a year I personally witnessed her brain rewire itself to relearn walking talking sitting up writing and all the actions most humans take for granted after the accident many close friends also witnessed her new unexplainable extrasensory brain abilities that science has yet to Define her real life story proves to me that our human brains already possess powerful abilities that transcend space and time today and we humans don't know how to regularly use these skills her life-changing accident began my research in understanding the power harnessed in our brains according to the Scientific American article published February 7th 2008 do people only use 10% of their brains the concept that we only use 10% of our brains is a myth the article States though an alluring idea the 10% myth is so wrong it is almost laughable says neurologist Barry Gordon at John's Hopkins school of medicine in Baltimore the article continues to explain what's not understood is how clusters of neurons from the diverse regions of the brain collaborate to form Consciousness another mystery hidden within our crinkled cortis is that out of all the brain cells only 10% are neurons the other 90% are gal cells which encapsulate and support neurons but whose fun F remains largely unknown there are people who have injured their brains or had parts of it removed who still live fairly normal lives but that is because the brain has a way of compensating here's a lot of talk in Lucy about humans only using 10% of their brain this is an oft repeated myth that drives scientists up a wall but I'd like to believe it's a coded message from Luke Besson please for your own sake he implores don't think too much about this movie instead soak up Scarlet Johansson in a white T-shirt and black bra making quizzical faces while dispatching bad guys with the power of her mind and a few Curt words in that trademark husky voice as the Techno soundtrack thrums and scojo cranks Out Lines like the infinite components of the cell's nucleus is exploding inside my brain many May recognize that this style of pseudo intellectual action Cinema is a type of drug and once in a while you need a hit Johansson despite being 29 plays an American student living in Taipei some sketchy dude she just started dating wants her to bring a locked briefcase to a Mysterious Mr Kang Choy men sick in a hotel clearly this is not a wise move but in case we weren't aware of that fact we're given jarring cuts to images of a mouse approaching a trap and of animals on the Savannah sussing out their safety these ju depositions are just an inkling of what's to come as will later get full blasts of Co es scatti es Montage ranging from dinosaurs to busy Urban centers to rhinos making love these images mostly come as Professor Norman Morgan Freeman gives a lecture about what would happen if a human had access to higher percentages of their brain which just so happens to describe what is happening to Lucy at that very moment Lucy you see has been made an inadvertent mule for a new narcotic one Mr Kang's baddies get a hold of her she's knocked out and gets cph4 inserted in her belly it's a bag of crystals that kind of look like a blue version of the fancy overpriced salt you've always wanted to buy from Dean and Duca when some would be molesters end up beating her the substance leaks into her bloodstream and boom a new superhero is Born the first two-thirds of this 90-minute film are propulsive and fun Lucy is driven to a little Vengeance but is also on the hunt for the other bags of the drugs you see cph4 is a naturally occurring substance during pregnancy it's what helps our bones grow says a character who may as well be named do Exposition since Lucy has mainlined the stuff her brain power is now escalating from the typical 10% and with it comes all sorts of magical powers she can manipulate phone lines make people levitate and type at supersonic speeds but she also knows that she'll only survive for a few more hours how does she know this she's using a larger percentage of her brain she knows things she'll need the additional crystals to reach the full 100% And transcend and hopefully give Freeman the knowledge that humankind seeks the end of the movie goes completely off the rails but in a way that is Charming in its stupidity it's like 2001 A Space Odyssey for those with short attention spans and those people need to have their minds blown too I suppose unfortunately when Lucy heads toward her psychedelic freakout and the screenplay Stakes are raised there's a piece of action with Korean baddies fighting French cops that's completely worthless basically anything that isn't Scarlet besting martial artists with telekinesis or penetrating time and space with her glowering eyes just dies on the screen that the action comes to besson's Native France is marvelous as it affords the film a rather messy car chase through the first erendis Johansson interrupts the action with vague philosophical musings like we never really die these blatant lowest common denominator moments mixed with a twinge of deep meaning is I feel the essence du bessen it isn't saying much given what he's been up to lately but it's fair to call this his finest work since the Fifth Element some in the audience will hiss huh as the film Fades to black but I'll argue that the Preposterous conclusion oh just wait until you see what Morgan Freeman is left holding in the last scene represents a genuine aour leaving us with his pure sentiments I can't imagine that Besson actually believes this movie makes sense but there's an authenticity to his overreaching that adds a sparkle not seen in typical comic book movie Fair even with only 10% of my brain I can see that while this movie isn't what I typically call good it is undeniably enjoyable mindlessness Lucy is a 2014 English language French science fiction action film five written and directed by Luke Besson for his company europacorp and produced by his wife virginy Besson Sila it is an English language film shot in Taipei Paris and New York City it stars Scarlet Johansson Morgan Freeman Choy men sick and ammer W Johansson portrays the tit character a woman who gains psychokinetic abilities when a neut Tropic psychedelic drug is absorbed into her bloodstream the film was released on the 25th of July 2014 and became a massive box office success six grossing over 469 million worldwide more than 11 times the budget of $40 million it received generally positive but also polarized critical reviews although praise was given for its theme visuals and Joe Hanson's performance many critics found the plot nonsensical especially its focus on the 10% of the brain myth and resulting abilities Lucy is an American studying in Taipei Taiwan her new boyfriend Richard tricks her into working as a drug mule for a South Korean drug lord and she delivers a briefcase containing four packets of the highly valuable synthetic drug cph4 to Mr Jen after witnessing Richard being shot and killed she is captured and a bag of the drug is forcibly swn into her abdomen in order to transport the drug to Europe while in captivity she is kicked in the stomach breaking the bag and releasing a large quantity of the drug into her system she acquires increasingly enhanced physical and mental capabilities such as telepathy telekinesis mental time travel and the ability to feel no pain she also becomes both ruthless and emotionless using her new abilities she kills her captors and escapes Lucy travels to the nearby Tri service General Hospital to get the bag of drugs removed from her abdomen she is told by the operating doctor that natural cph4 is produced in tiny quantities by pregnant women during their sixth week of pregnancy to provide fetuses with the energy to develop developing heightened physical and mental abilities Lucy returns to Mr jang's Hotel kills his body guards assaults him and telepathically extracts the locations of the three remaining drug mules from his brain Lucy begins researching her condition and contacts scientist Samuel Norman whose research may be the key to saving her after Lucy speaks with Norman and provides proof of her developed abilities she flies to Paris and contacts local police captain Pierre Del Rio to help her find the remaining three packets of the drug during the flight she starts to disintegrate as her cells destabilize from consuming a sip of champagne to Stave off her disintegration Lucy ingests more of the drug with the help of Del Rio Lucy is able to recover the rest of the drugs meeting Norman and his colleagues she agrees to share with them everything she knows in the professor's lab Lucy discusses the nature of time and life and how people's Humanity distorts their perceptions at her urging she is intravenously injected with the contents of all three remaining bags of cph4 her body changes into a black substance that begins spreading over computers and other electronic objects in the lab transforming them all into one next Generation supercomputer she mentally begins a space-time journey into the past eventually reaching the oldest discovered ancestor of mankind Lucy she shares a quiet moment with ostr Opus Lucy and the two touch fingertips she then go goes all the way to the beginning of time and Witnesses the Big Bang meanwhile Jang enters the lab and points a gun at Lucy's head he shoots but by that point Lucy has reached 100% of her brain capacity and promptly disappears moving into the SpaceTime Continuum only her clothes and the black supercomputer are left behind Del Rio enters and fatally shoots Jang Norman takes a black flash drive offered by the supercomputer after which it too disintegrates Del Rio asks Norman where Lucy is immediately after which Del Rio's cell phone sounds and he sees a text message I am everywhere Lucy's voice is heard stating life was given to us a billion years ago now you know what to do with it Imagine A Stranger in a Strange Land Revenge Thriller about a wide-eyed Anglo bombshell Scarlet Johansson who gets kidnapped and abused in Taiwan by nasty sweaty shouting Korean gangsters and then escapes to seek Justice then imagine this same movie starring say a lightning fast kickboxer who can knock a dozen opponents teeth out before they can raise a single fist now imagine this same movie injected with a dose of apocalyptic Science Fiction with the woman gaining strange Powers as the story unfolds then Envision midnight movie touches mixed into the film making Flash cuts of predators and prey enhancing otherwise typical scenes of plans being hatched monologues about brain capacity and the true meaning of time coupled with psychedelic visions and wormholes and explanatory objects materializing from thin air that's Luke besson's Lucy a thriller about an American woman who gets kidnapped into Service as a drug mule bearing an experimental synthetic hormone accidentally absorbs some of it then sheds her physical intellectual and perceptual limitations I could describe five or six other kinds of movies that in some way also Echo Lucy sections May remind you of the original The Matrix and the last hour of Akira and the final 10 minutes play like a greatest hits of Science Fiction trip movies you've seen a lot of the individual situations and film making techniques in Lucy as well in fact you'd be hard pressed to identify one idea scene or element in the picture that is not a cliche but the total package feels fresh from the minute that Johansson's Title Character suffers a beating in captivity that ruptures the drugs in her stomach and releases them into her bloodstream a Yankee nightmare the film enters a realm of continual Delight though not always surprise there's no point naming any of the other major characters as there really are no other characters only types the Arrogant fat cat drug dealer Choy Minick who thinks he can control the short blonde drug and learns the hard way that he can't the brilliant deep voiced scientist Morgan Freeman who else whose theoretical studies of the human brain's untapped potential make him an information source and then finally a kind of partner savior to Lucy the handsome nice guy Parisian cop ammer wed who assists Lucy during her climactic mission to acquire more of the experimental hormone to ingest and become whatever it is that she's becoming a 1950s sci-fi monster probably the kind that cannot be killed because everything you shoot at it makes it stronger and hungrier Lucy is little more than a type herself a representative of humanity in its unmutated nons superstate Johansson's mid-career transformation from husky voiced Inu to intensely physical matina Idol is one of the more fascinating arcs in American Cinema it's only her control over her body voice and eyes and maybe our awareness that her performances in this movie her and and Under the Skin are all of a piece Lucy even uses the phrase Under the Skin at one point that stops Lucy from being tiresome her work keeps us from realizing that besson's script has botched the chance to tell a deeper Story one that's not just bombastically exciting and superficially clever but quietly tragic Lucy starts with shots of the prehistoric ape woman Lucy and periodically returns to her throughout the story not too stly comparing the heroin's transformation to that of the species itself from Evolution to Revolution to quote one of the scripts more pungent phrases and yet there are only two moments that make us really understand and empathize with Lucy as something other than a cipher who represents the unevolved human one is an early scene of her being terrorized and abused by Taiwanese drug thugs Lucy's abject helplessness here is hard to watch the other occurs deeper in the story when Lucy realizes she's about to embark on a terrifying and probably one-way transformative journey and phones her mom the scene is shot mostly in tight closeup the dialogue has a goofy pran boldness I remember the taste of your milk in my mouth I want to thank you for a thousand kisses that I can feel on my face that scene is so brazenly powerful that in retrospect it made me wish the main character had gone on a journey with more emotional gradations heck I'd have settled for more than the two that Bess and DS to give us oh my God these guys want to kill me and I am God watch me kill these guys when the hormones enter Lucy's bloodstream it's as if a switch has been flipped the heroine starts speaking in monotone and tilting her head at looming men like a quizzical bird regarding a worm that it's about to devour she's woman as Terminator the Terminator is a great movie monster but there's a reason why it's a supporting character in the films that bear its name like many films by bessen the professional The Fifth Element the messenger and other high octane shum upups Lucy starts out riveting but becomes less engaging as it goes along it keeps introducing potentially Rich narrative veins and then failing to tap them it too often falls back on Gunplay and Gore just when you think it might finally delve into the Notions that it keeps serving up with such fanfare the falseness of the idea of uniqueness the self-defeating nature of a species more concerned with having than being time as the one true unit of measure nevertheless Lucy is a fun confident work it's fast and tight and playful even when it's sadistic and violent which is often it lasts about 90 minutes and change but feels longer in a good way because every second is packed tight it's full of itself yet it still keeps winking at you it wants to be taken seriously but not so seriously that you don't laugh at and with the sight of Lucy strolling into a gunfight wearing nosebleed heels or making enemies Rive like marionet on invisible strings the movie is alive it pops Lucy is about a woman named in fact Lucy Scarlet Johansson who gets tricked into carrying an experimental new drug for a gang in Taipei when the drug is accidentally released into her body it gives her superhuman Powers as it unlocks more of her brain gradually turning her into a seemingly omnicient being and that's pretty much it thanks for reading what I need more words or it throws off the formatting of the poster okay give me a minute the trouble with this movie is that it feels like there's not much to it beyond the concept I outlined above which is a good concept but also kind of thin I like to imagine they filmed it and then realized they only had a 45-minute movie as a result there's a lot of filler clips from Nature Documentaries Loosely analogous to what's happening in the plot a lecture by a professor Morgan Freeman who studies the human brain lots of b-roll of Scarlet Johansson walking places in tight clothes and an interminable car chase through the streets of Paris car chases in general bore me this one was especially bad movie look she's driving the wrong way me yeah I see that movie no see when you drive the wrong way other cars come towards you look me uhhuh can they please get to the destination so the plot can advance movie but see also the Police pursuing her are getting into these crazy wrecks because they two are forced to drive the wrong way I don't mean to be too harsh there are some good things in this movie The Opening 20 minutes are filled with tension when the gang kidnaps Lucy as well as some delightful banter in the first scene between her and her boyfriend Richard pyua beak who initially tricks her into delivering the drugs Johansson and a speak are really good together the acting in general is fine nobody is asked to do anything spectacular but all the actors are competent and the story despite being based on a completely inaccurate idea that humans only use 10% of their brains is well told and clever it's just way too padded out at one point about halfway through Lucy has the main villain completely at her mercy and doesn't kill him this is after the guy has killed her boyfriend kidnapped her killed another prisoner in front of her and sewn drugs into her stomach so she can act as an unwilling mule for him and she's already killed a bunch of his henchmen by this point so so she's no pacifist the only reason for her to spare him is because otherwise there would be no plot this story would have been much better as a one-off episode in a show like The Twilight Zone or something it's a nice concept but not one that can sustain 90 minutes of screen time without any other elements thrown in I watched this movie because someone said it was like Ghost in the Shell and there are some similarities in both movies Scarlet Johansson is turned against will into a nearly Unstoppable superhuman crime fighter also the best scenes in both movies are the ones with Joe Hansen and a speak together so yeah it's a fair comparison but Ghost in the Shell has more interesting characters and a meteor plot with more twists and turns Lucy is more like a first draft of a promising script that no one bothered to revise in the movie Lucy the entire assumption that humans only use 10% of the brain is misleading the correction is this fact it's not that we use only 10% of our brains rather it's that we only understand about 10% of how it functions to explain this concept better I will share my personal experience a close family member was a pedestrian in a severe car accident in 2010 she endured a catastrophic brain injury and almost died surgeons removed part of her brain and reconstructed it to keep her alive after overseeing her heart-wrenching Rehabilitation for over a year I personally witnessed her brain rewire itself to relearn walking talking sitting up writing and all the actions most humans take for granted after the accident many close friends also witnessed her new unexplainable extrasensory brain abilities that science has yet to Define her real life story proves to me that our human brains already possess powerful abilities that transcend space and time today and we humans don't know how to regularly use these skills her life-changing accident began my research in understanding the power harnessed in our brains according to the Scientific American article published February 7th 2008 do people only use 10% of their brains the concept that we only use 10% of our brains is a myth the article States though an alluring idea the 10% myth is so wrong it is almost laughable says neurologist Barry Gordon at John's Hopkins school of medicine in Baltimore the article continues to explain what's not understood is how clusters of neurons from the diverse regions of the brain collaborate to form Consciousness another mystery hidden within our crinkled cortices is that out of all the brain cells only 10% are neurons the other 90% are gal cells which encapsulate and support neurons but who whose function remains largely unknown there are people who have injured their brains or had parts of it removed who still live fairly normal lives but that is because the brain has a way of compensating here's a lot of talk in Lucy about humans only using 10% of their brain this is an oft repeated myth that drives scientists up a wall but I'd like to believe it's a coded message from Luke Besson please for your own sake he implores don't think too much about this movie instead soak up Scarlet Johansson in a white T-shirt and black bra making quizzical faces while dispatching bad guys with the power of her mind and a few Curt words in that trademark husky voice as the Techno soundtrack thrums and scojo cranks Out Lines like the infinite components of the cell's nucleus is exploding inside my brain many May recognize that this style of pseudo intellectual action Cinema is a type of drug and once in a while you need a hit Johansson despite being 29 plays an American student living in Taipei some sketchy dude she just started dating wants her to bring a locked briefcase to a Mysterious Mr Kang Choy men sick in a hotel clearly this is not a wise move but in case we weren't aware of that fact we're given jarring cuts to images of a mouse approaching a trap and of animals on the Savannah sussing out their safety these jux dep positions are just an inkling of what's to come as we'll later get full blasts of coin es scoty esque Montage ranging from dinosaurs to busy Urban centers to rhinos making love these images mostly come as Professor Norman Morgan Freeman gives a lecture about what would happen if a human had access to higher percentages of their brain which just so happens to describe what is happening to Lucy at that very moment Lucy you see has been made an inadvertent mule for a new narcotic one Mr Kang's baddies get a of her she's knocked out and gets cph4 inserted in her belly it's a bag of crystals that kind of look like a blue version of the fancy overpriced salt you've always wanted to buy from Dean and Duca when some would be molesters end up beating her the substance leaks into her bloodstream and boom a new superhero is Born the first 2third of this 90-minute film are propulsive and fun Lucy is driven to a little Vengeance but is also on the hunt for the other bags of the drugs you see cph4 is a naturally occurring substance during pregnancy it's what helps our bones grow says a character who may as well be named Dr Exposition since Lucy has mainlined the stuff her brain power is now escalating from the typical 10% and with it comes all sorts of magical powers she can manipulate phone lines make people levitate and type at supersonic speeds but she also knows that she'll only survive for a few more hours how does she know this she's using a larger percentage of her brain she knows things she'll need the additional crystals to reach the full 100% And transcend and hopefully give Freeman the knowledge that humankind seeks the end of the movie goes completely off the rails but in a way that is Charming in its stupidity it's like 2001 A Space Odyssey for those with short attention span and those people need to have their minds blown too I suppose unfortunately when Lucy heads toward her psychedelic freakout and the screenplay Stakes are raised there's a piece of action with Korean baddies fighting French cops that's completely worthless basically anything that isn't Scarlet besting martial artists with telekinesis or penetrating time and space with her glowering eyes just dies on the screen that the action comes to besson's Native France is marvelous as it affords the film a rather messy car chase through the first erendis Johansson interrupts the action with vague philosophical musings like we never really die these blatant lowest common denominator moments mixed with a twinge of deep meaning is I feel the essence du bessen it isn't saying much given what he's been up to lately but it's fair to call this his finest work since the Fifth Element some in the audience will hiss huh as the film Fades to black but I'll argue that the Preposterous conclusion o just wait until you see what Morgan Freeman is left holding in the last scene represents a genuine Aur leaving us with his pure sentiments I can't imagine that Besson actually believes this movie makes sense but there's an authenticity to his overreaching that adds a sparkle not seen in typical comic book movie Fair even with only 10% of my brain I can see that while this movie isn't what I typically call all good it is undeniably enjoyable mindlessness Lucy is a 2014 English language French science fiction action film five written and directed by Luke Besson for his company europacorp and produced by his wife virginy bessen Sila it is an English language film shot in Taipei Paris and New York City it stars Scarlet Johansson Morgan Freeman Choy men sick and ammer wed Johansson portrays the titular character a woman who gains psychokinetic abilities when a neut Tropic psychedelic drug is absorbed into her bloodstream the film was released on the 25th of July 2014 and became a massive box office success six grossing over $469 million worldwide more than 11 times the budget of $40 million it received generally positive but also polarized critical reviews although praise was given for its themes visuals and Jo Hanson's performance many critics found the plot nonsensical especially its focus on the 10% of the brain myth and resulting abilities Lucy is an American studying in Taipei Taiwan her new boyfriend Richard tricks her into working as a drug mule for a South Korean drug lord and she delivers a briefcase containing four packets of the highly valuable synthetic drug cph4 to Mr Jen after witnessing Richard being shot and killed she is captured and a bag of the drug is forcibly swn into her abdomen in order to transport the drug to Europe while in captivity she is kicked in the stomach breaking the bag and releasing a large quantity of the drug into her system she acquires increasingly enhanced physical and mental capabilities such as telepathy telekinesis mental time travel and the ability to feel no pain she also becomes both ruthless and emotionless using her new abilities she kills her captors and escapes Lucy travels to the nearby Tri service General Hospital to get the bag of drugs removed from her abdomen she is told by the operating doctor that natural cph4 is produced in tiny quantities by pregnant women during their sixth week of pregnancy to provide fetuses with the energy to develop developing heightened physical and mental abilities Lucy returns to Mr jang's Hotel kills his bodyguards assaults him and telepathically extracts the locations of the three remaining drug mules from his brain Lucy begins researching her condition and contacts scientist Samuel Norman whose research may be the key to saving her after Lucy speaks with Norman and provides proof of her developed abilities she flies to Paris and contacts local police captain Pierre Del Rio to help her find the remaining three packets of the drug during the flight she started starts to disintegrate as her cells destabilize from consuming a sip of champagne to Stave off her disintegration Lucy ingests more of the drug with the help of Del Rio Lucy is able to recover the rest of the drugs meeting Norman and his colleagues she agrees to share with them everything she knows in the professor's lab Lucy discusses the nature of time and life and how people's Humanity distorts their perceptions at her urging she is intervenous ly injected with the contents of all three remaining bags of cph4 her body changes into a black substance that begins spreading over computers and other electronic objects in the lab transforming them all into one next Generation supercomputer she mentally begins a space-time journey into the past eventually reaching the oldest discovered ancestor of mankind Lucy she shares a quiet moment with ostr Opus Lucy and the two touch fingertips she then goes all the way to the beginning of time and Witnesses the Big Bang meanwhile Jang enters the lab and points a gun at Lucy's head he shoots but by that point Lucy has reached 100% of her brain capacity and promptly disappears moving into the SpaceTime Continuum only her clothes and the black supercomputer are left behind Del Rio enters and fatally shoots Jang Norman takes a black flash drive offered by the supercomputer after which it too disintegrates Del Rio asks Norman where Lucy is immediately after which Del R's cell phone sounds and he sees a text message I am everywhere Lucy's voice is heard stating life was given to us a billion years ago now you know what to do with it Imagine A Stranger in a Strange Land Revenge Thriller about a wide-eyed Anglo bombshell Scarlet Johansson who gets kidnapped and abused in Taiwan by nasty sweaty shouting Korean gangsters and then escapes to seek Justice then imagine this same movie starring say a lightning fast kickboxer who can knock a dozen opponents teeth out before they can raise a single fist now imagine this same movie injected with a dose of apocalyptic Science Fiction with the woman gaining strange Powers as the story unfolds then Envision midnight movie touches mixed into the film making Flash cuts of predators and prey enhancing other otherwise typical scenes of plans being hatched monologues about brain capacity and the true meaning of time coupled with psychedelic visions and wormholes and explanatory objects materializing from thin air that's Luke besson's Lucy a thriller about an American woman who gets kidnapped into Service as a drug mule bearing an experimental synthetic hormone accidentally absorbs some of it then sheds her physical intellectual and perceptual limitations I could describe five or six other kinds of movies that in some way also Echo Lucy sections May remind you of the original The Matrix and the last hour of Akira and the final 10 minutes play like a greatest hits of Science Fiction trip movies you've seen a lot of the individual situations and film making techniques in Lucy as well in fact you'd be hard pressed to identify one idea scene or element in the picture that is not a cliche but the total package feels fresh from the minute that Johansson's Title Character suffers a beating in captivity that ruptures the drugs in her stomach and releases them into her bloodstream a Yankee nightmare the film enters a realm of continual Delight though not always surprise there's no point naming any of the other major characters as there really are no other characters only types the Arrogant fat cat drug dealer Choy Minik who thinks he can control the short blonde drug drug mule and learns the hard way that he can't the brilliant deep voiced scientist Morgan Freeman who else whose theoretical studies of the human brain's untapped potential make him an information source and then finally a kind of partner savior to Lucy the handsome nice guy Parisian cop ammer wed who assists Lucy during her climactic mission to acquire more of the experimental hormone to ingest and become whatever it is that she's becoming a 1950s sci-fi monster probably the kind that cannot be killed because everything you shoot at it makes it stronger and hungrier Lucy is little more than a type herself a representative of humanity in its unmutated nons superstate Johansson's mid-career transformation from husky voiced in jenu to intensely physical matina Idol is one of the more fascinating arcs in American Cinema it's only her control over her body voice and eyes and maybe our awareness that her performances in this movie Her and Under the Skin are all of a piece Lucy even uses the phrase Under the Skin at one point that stops Lucy from being tiresome her work keeps us from realizing that besson's script has botched the chance to tell a deeper Story one that's not just bombastically exciting and superficially clever but quietly tragic Lucy starts with shots of the prehistoric ape woman Lucy and periodically returns to her throughout the story not too subtly comparing the heroin's transformation to that of the species itself from Evolution to Revolution to quote one of the scripts more pungent phrases and yet there are only two moments that make us really understand and empathize with Lucy as something other than a cipher who represents the unevolved human one is an early scene of her being terrorized and abused by Taiwanese drug thugs Lucy's abject helplessness here is hard to watch the other occurs deeper in the story when Lucy realizes she's about to embark on a terrifying and probably one-way transformative journey and phones her mom the scene is shot mostly in tight closeup the dialogue has a goofy pran boldness I remember the taste of your milk in my mouth I want to thank you for a thousand kisses that I can feel on my face that scene is so brazenly powerful that in retrospect it made me wish the main character had gone on a journey with more emotional gradations heck I'd have settled for more than the two that Bess and DS to give us oh my God these guys want to kill me and I am God watch me kill these guys when the hormones enter Lucy's bloodstream it's as if a switch has been flipped the heroine starts speaking in monotone and tilting her head at looming men like a quizzical bird regarding a worm that it's about to devour she's woman as Terminator the Terminator is a great movie monster but there's a the reason why it's a supporting character in the films that bear its name like many films by bessen the professional The Fifth Element the messenger and other high octane shum upups Lucy starts out riveting but becomes less engaging as it goes along it keeps introducing potentially Rich narrative veins and then failing to tap them it too often falls back on Gunplay and Gore just when you think it might finally delve into the Notions that it keeps serving up with such manair the falseness of the idea of uniqueness the self-defeating nature of a species more concerned with having than being time as the one true unit of measure nevertheless Lucy is a fun confident work it's fast and tight and playful even when it's sadistic and violent which is often it lasts about 90 minutes and change but feels longer in a good way because every second is packed tight it's full of its self yet it still keeps winking at you it wants to be taken seriously but not so seriously that you don't laugh at and with the sight of Lucy strolling into a gunfight wearing nose bed heels or making enemies R like marionet on invisible strings the movie is alive it pops Lucy is about a woman named in fact Lucy Scarlet Johansson who gets tricked into carrying an experimental new drug for a gang in Taipei when the drug is accidentally released into her body it gives her superhuman Powers as it unlocks more of her brain gradually turning her into a seemingly omniscient being and that's pretty much it thanks for reading what I need more words or it throws off the formatting of the poster okay give me a minute the trouble with this movie is that it feels like there's not much to it beyond the concept I outlined above which is a good concept but also kind of thin I like to imagine they filmed it and then realized they only had a 45-minute movie as a result there's a lot of filler clips from Nature Documentaries Loosely analogous to what's happening in the plot a lecture by a professor Morgan Freeman who studies the human brain lots of b-roll of Scarlet Johansson walking places in tight clothes and an interminable car chase through the streets of Paris car chases in general bore me this one was a bad movie look she's driving the wrong way me yeah I see that movie no see when you drive the wrong way other cars come towards you look me uhhuh can they please get to the destination so the plot can advance movie but see also the Police pursuing her are getting into these crazy wrecks because they two are forced to drive the wrong way I don't mean to be too harsh there are some good things in this movie The Opening 20 minutes are filled with tension when the gang kidnaps Lucy as well as some delightful banter in the first scene between her and her boyfriend Richard pyua be who initially tricks her into delivering the drugs Johansen and as are really good together the acting in general is fine nobody is asked to do anything spectacular but all the actors are competent and the story despite being based on a completely inaccurate idea that humans only use 10% of their brains is well told and clever it's just way too padded out at one point about halfway through Lucy has the main villain completely at her mercy and doesn't kill him this is after the guy has killed her boyfriend kidnapped her killed another prisoner in front of her and sewn drugs into her stomach so she can act as an unwilling mule for him and she's already killed a bunch of his henchmen by this point so she's no pacifist the only reason for her to spare him is because otherwise there would be no plot this story would have been much better as a one-off episode in a show like The Twilight Zone or something it's a nice concept but not one that can sustain 90 minutes of screen time without any other elements thrown in I watched this movie because someone said it was like Ghost in the Shell and there are some similarities in both movies Scarlet Johansson is turned against her will into a nearly Unstoppable superhuman crime fighter also the best scenes in both movies are the ones with Johansson and a speak together so yeah it's a fair comparison but Ghost in the Shell has more interesting characters and a meteor plot with more twists and turns Lucy is more like a first draft of a promising script that no one bothered to revise in the movie Lucy the entire assumption that humans only use 10% of the brain is misleading the correction is this fact it's not that we use only 10% of our brains rather it's that we only understand about 10% of how it functions to explain this concept better I will share my personal experience a close family member was a pedestrian in a severe car accident in 2010 she endured a catastrophic brain injury and almost died surgeons removed part of her brain and reconstructed it to keep her alive Al after overseeing her heart-wrenching Rehabilitation for over a year I personally witnessed her brain rewire itself to relearn walking talking sitting up writing and all the actions most humans take for granted after the accident many close friends also witnessed her new unexplainable extrasensory brain abilities that science has yet to Define her real life story proves to me that our human brains already possess powerful abilities that transcend space and time today and we humans don't know how to regularly use these skills her life-changing accident began my research in understanding the power harnessed in our brains according to the Scientific American article published February 7th 2008 do people only use 10% of their brains the concept that we only use 10% of our brains is a myth the article States though an alluring idea the 10% myth is so wrong it is almost laughable says neurologist Barry Gordon at John's Hopkins school of medicine in Baltimore the article continues to explain what's not understood is how clusters of neurons from the diverse regions of the brain collaborate to form Consciousness another mystery hidden within our crinkled cortices is that out of all the brain cells only 10% are neurons the other 90% are gal cells which encapsulate and support neurons but whose function remains largely unknown there are people who have injured their brains or had parts of it removed who still live fairly normal lives but that is because the brain has a way of compensating here's a lot of talk in Lucy about humans only using 10% of their brain this is an oft repeated myth that drives scientists up a wall but I'd like to believe it's a coded message from Luke Besson please for your own sake he implores don't think too much about this movie movie instead soak up Scarlet Johansson in a white T-shirt and black bra making quizzical faces while dispatching bad guys with the power of her mind and a few Curt words in that trademark husky voice as the Techno soundtrack thrums and scojo cranks Out Lines like the infinite components of the cell's nucleus is exploding inside my brain many May recognize that this style of pseudo intellectual action Cinema is a type of drug and once in a while you need a hit Johansson despite being 29 plays an American student living in Taipei some sketchy dude she just started dating wants her to bring a locked briefcase to a Mysterious Mr Kang Choy men sick in a hotel clearly this is not a wise move but in case we weren't aware of that fact we're given jarring cuts to images of a mouse approaching a trap and of animals on the Savannah sussing out their safety these jux dep positions are just an inkling of what's to come as we'll later get full blasts of Ken es scatti esque Montage ranging from dinosaurs to busy Urban centers to rhinos making love these images mostly come as Professor Norman Morgan Freeman gives a lecture about what would happen if a human had access to higher percentages of their brain which just so happens to describe what is happening to Lucy at that very moment Lucy you see has been made an inadvertent mule for a new narcotic one Mr Kang's baddies get a hold of her she's knocked out and gets cph4 inserted in her belly it's a bag of crystals that kind of look like a blue version of the fancy overpriced salt you've always wanted to buy from Dean and Duca when some would be molesters end up beating her the substance leaks into her bloodstream and boom a new superhero is Born the first 2third of this 90minut film are propulsive and fun Lucy is driven to a little Vengeance but is also on the hunt for the other bags of the drugs you see cph4 is a naturally occurring substance during pregnancy it's what helps our bones grow says a character who may as well be named do Exposition since Lucy has mainlined the stuff her brain power is now escalating from the typical 10% and with it comes all sorts of magical powers she can manipulate phone lines make people levitate and type at supersonic speeds but she also knows that she'll only survive for a few more hours how does she know this she's using a larger percentage of her brain she knows things she'll need the additional crystals to reach the full 100% And transcend and hopefully give Freeman the knowledge that humankind seeks the end of the movie goes completely off the rails but in a way that is Charming in its stupidity it's like 2001 A Space Odyssey for those with short attention expands and those people need to have their minds blown too I suppose unfortunately when Lucy heads toward her psychedelic freak out and the screenplays Stakes are raised there's a piece of action with Korean baddies fighting French cops that's completely worthless basically anything that isn't Scarlet besting martial artists with telekinesis or penetrating time and space with her glowering eyes just dies on the screen that the action comes to besson's Native France is marvelous as it affords the film a rather messy car chase through the first erendis Joe Hansson interrupts the action with vague philosophical musings like we never really die these blatant lowest common denominator moments mixed with a twinge of deep meaning is I feel the essence do bessen it isn't saying much given what he's been up to lately but it's fair to call this his finest work since the Fifth Element some in the audience will hiss huh as the film Fades to black but I'll argue that the Preposterous conclusion oh just wait until you see what Morgan Freeman is left holding in the last scene represents a genuine Aur leaving us with his pure sentiments I can't imagine that Besson actually believes this movie makes sense but there's an authenticity to his overreaching that adds a sparkle not seen in typical comic book movie Fair even with only 10% of my brain I can see that while this movie isn't what I typically Al call good it is undeniably enjoyable mindlessness Lucy is a 2014 English language French science fiction action film five written and directed by Luke Besson for his company europacorp and produced by his wife virgin bessen Sila it is an English language film shot in Taipei Paris and New York City it stars Scarlet Johansson Morgan Freeman Choy men sick and ammer wed Johansson portrayed the titular character a woman who gains psychokinetic abilities when a neut Tropic psychedelic drug is absorbed into her bloodstream the film was released on the 25th of July 2014 and became a massive box office success six grossing over $469 million worldwide more than 11 times the budget of $40 million it received generally positive but also polarized critical reviews although praise was given for its themes visuals and joh Hanson's performance many critics found the plot nonsensical especially its focus on the 10% of the brain myth and resulting abilities Lucy is an American studying in taipe taiwwan her new boyfri Richard tricks her into working as a drug mule for a South Korean drug lord and she delivers a briefcase containing four packets of the highly valuable synthetic drug cph4 to Mr Jen after witnessing Richard being shot and killed she is captured and a bag of the drug is forcibly swn into her abdomen in order to transport the drug to Europe while in captivity she is kicked in the stomach breaking the bag and releasing a large quantity of the drug into her system she acquires increasingly enhanced physical and mental capabilities such as telepathy telekinesis mental time travel and the ability to feel no pain she also becomes both ruthless and motionless using her new abilities she kills her captors and escapes Lucy travels to the nearby Tri service General Hospital to get the bag of drugs removed from her abdomen she is told by the operating doctor that natural cph4 is produced in tiny quantities by pregnant women during their sixth week of pregnancy to provide fetuses with the energy to develop developing heightened physical and mental abilities Lucy returns to Mr jang's Hotel kills his bodyguards assaults him and telepathically extracts the locations of the three remaining drug mules from his brain Lucy begins researching her condition and contacts scientist Samuel Norman whose research may be the key to saving her after Lucy speaks with Norman and provides proof of her developed abilities she flies to Paris and contacts local police captain Pierre Del Rio to help her find the remaining three packets of the drug during the flight she starts to disintegrate as her cells destabilize from consuming a sip of champagne to Stave off her disintegration Lucy ingests more of the drug with the help of Del Rio Lucy is able to recover the rest of the drugs meeting Norman and his colleagues she agrees to share with them everything she knows in the professor's lab Lucy discusses the nature of time and life and how people's Humanity distorts their perceptions at her urging she is ravenously injected with the contents of all three remaining bags of cph4 her body changes into a black substance that begins spreading over computers and other electronic objects in the lab transforming them all into one next generation super computer she mentally begins a space-time journey into the past eventually reaching the oldest discovered ancestor of mankind Lucy she shares a quiet moment with ostr opacus Lucy and the two touch fingertips she then goes all the way to the beginning of time and Witnesses the Big Bang meanwhile Jang enters the lab and points a gun at Lucy's head he shoots but by that point Lucy has reached 100% of her brain capacity and promptly disappears moving into the SpaceTime Continuum only her clothes and the black supercomputer are left behind Del R enters and fatally shoots Jang Norman takes a black flash drive offered by the super computer after which it too disintegrates Del Rio asks Norman where Lucy is immediately after which Del Rio's cell phone sounds and he sees a text message I am everywhere Lucy's voice is heard stating life was given to us a billion years ago now you know what to do with it Imagine A Stranger in a Strange Land Revenge Thriller about a wide-eyed Anglo bombshell Scarlet Johansson who gets kidnapped and abused in Taiwan by nasty sweaty shouting Korean gangsters and then escapes to seek Justice then imagine this same movie starring say a lightning fast kickboxer who can knock a dozen opponents teeth out before they can raise a single fist now imagine this same movie injected with a dose of apocalyptic Science Fiction with the woman gaining strange Powers as the story unfolds then Invision midnight movie touches mixed into the film making Flash cuts of predators and prey enhance ing otherwise typical scenes of plans being hatched monologues about brain capacity and the true meaning of time coupled with psychedelic visions and wormholes and explanatory objects materializing from thin air that's Luke besson's Lucy a thriller about an American woman who gets kidnapped into Service as a drug mule bearing an experimental synthetic hormone accidentally absorbs some of it then sheds her physical intellectual and perceptual limitations I could describe five or six other kinds of movies that in some way also Echo Lucy sections May remind you of the original The Matrix and the last hour of Akira and the final 10 minutes play like a greatest hits of Science Fiction trip movies you've seen a lot of the individual situations and film making techniques in Lucy as well in fact you'd be hard pressed to identify one idea scene or element in the picture that is not a cliche but the total package feels freshh from the minute that Johansson's Title Character suffers a beating in captivity that ruptures the drugs in her stomach and releases them into her bloodstream a Yankee nightmare the film enters a realm of continual Delight though not always surprise there's no point naming any of the other major characters as there really are no other characters only types the Arrogant fat cat drug dealer Choy Minick who thinks he can control the short BL drug mule and learns the hard way that he can't the brilliant deep voiced scientist Morgan Freeman who else whose theoretical studies of the human brain's untapped potential make him an information source and then finally a kind of partner savior to Lucy the handsome nice guy Parisian cop ammer wed who assists Lucy during her climactic mission to acquire more of the experimental hormone to ingest and become whatever it is that she's becoming a 1950s sci-fi monster probably the kind that cannot be killed because everything you shoot at it makes it stronger and hungrier Lucy is little more than a typ or a representative of humanity in its unmutated nons superstate Johansson's mid-career transformation from husky voic in jenu to intensely physical matina Idol is one of the more fascinating arcs in American Cinema it's only her control over her body voice and eyes and maybe our awareness that her performances in this movie her and Under the Skin are all of a piece Lucy even uses the phrase Under the Skin at one point that stops Lucy from being tiresome her work keeps us from realizing that besson's script has botched the chance to tell a deeper Story one that's not just bombastically exciting and superficially clever but quietly tragic Lucy starts with shots of the prehistoric ape woman Lucy and periodically returns to her throughout the story not too subtly comparing the heroin's transformation to that of the species itself from Evolution to Revolution to quote one of the scripts more pungent phrases and yet there are only two moments that make us really understand and empathize with Lucy as something other than a cipher who represents the unevolved human one is an early scene of her being terrorized and abused by Taiwanese drug thugs Lucy's abject helplessness here is hard to watch the other occurs deeper in in the story when Lucy realizes she's about to embark on a terrifying and probably one-way transformative journey and phones her mom the scene is shot mostly in tight closeup the dialogue has a goofy prosan boldness I remember the taste of your milk in my mouth I want to thank you for a thousand kisses that I can feel on my face that scene is so brazenly powerful that in retrospect it made me wish the main character had gone on a journey with more emotional grad heck I'd have settled for more than the two that Bess andain to give us oh my God these guys want to kill me and I am God watch me kill these guys when the hormones enter Lucy's bloodstream it's as if a switch has been flipped the heroine starts speaking in monotone and tilting her head at looming men like a quizzical bird regarding a worm that it's about to devour she's woman as Terminator the Terminator is a great movie monster but there's a reason why it's a supporting character in the films that bear its name like many films by bessen the professional The Fifth Element the messenger and other high octane shum UPS Lucy starts out riveting but becomes less engaging as it goes along it keeps introducing potentially Rich narrative veins and then failing to tap them it too often falls back on Gunplay and Gore just when you think it might finally delve into the Notions that it keeps serving up with such such Fanfare the falseness of the idea of uniqueness the self-defeating nature of a species more concerned with having than being time as the one true unit of measure nevertheless Lucy is a fun confident work it's fast and tight and playful even when it's sadistic and violent which is often it lasts about 90 minutes and change but feels longer in a good way because every second is packed tight it's full of itself yet it still keeps winking at you it wants to be taken seriously but not so seriously that you don't laugh at and with the sight of Lucy strolling into a gunfight wearing nosebleed heels or making enemies Rive like marionet on invisible strings the movie is alive it pops Lucy is about a woman named in fact Lucy Scarlet Johansson who gets tricked into carrying an experimental new drug for a gang in Taipei when the drug is accidentally released into her body it gives her superhuman Powers as it unlocks more of her brain gradually turning her into a seemingly omniscient being and that's pretty much it thanks for reading what I need more words or it throws off the formatting of the poster okay give me a minute the trouble with this movie is that it feels like there's not much to it beyond the concept I outlined above which is a good concept but also kind of thin I like to imagine they filmed it and then realized they only had a 45-minute movie as a result there's a lot of filler clips from Nature Documentaries Loosely analogous to what's happening in the plot a lecture by a professor Morgan Freeman who studies the human brain lots of b-roll of Scarlet Johansson walking places in tight clothes and an interminable car chase through the streets of Paris car chases in general bore me this one was especially bad movie look she's driving the wrong way me yeah I see that movie no see when you drive the wrong way other cars come towards you look me uhhuh can they please get to the destination so the plot can advance movie but see also the Police pursuing her are getting into these crazy wrecks because they two are forced to drive the wrong way I don't mean to be too harsh there there are some good things in this movie The Opening 20 minutes are filled with tension when the gang kidnaps Lucy as well as some delightful banter in the first scene between her and her boyfriend Richard pyua be who initially tricks her into delivering the drugs Johansson and as are really good together the acting in general is fine nobody is asked to do anything spectacular but all the actors are competent and the story despite being based on a completely inac accurate idea that humans only use 10% of their brains is well told and clever it's just way too padded out at one point about halfway through Lucy has the main villain completely at her mercy and doesn't kill him this is after the guy has killed her boyfriend kidnapped her killed another prisoner in front of her and sewn drugs into her stomach so she can act as an unwilling mule for him and she's already killed a bunch of his henchmen by this point so she's no pacifist the only reason for her to spare him is because otherwise there would be no plot this story would have been much better as a one-off episode in a show like The Twilight Zone or something it's a nice concept but not one that can sustain 90 minutes of screen time without any other elements thrown in I watched this movie because someone said it was like Ghost in the Shell and there are some similarities in both movies Scarlet Johansson is turned against her will into a nearly Unstoppable superhuman crime fighter also the best scenes in both movies are the ones with Johansson and a speak together so yeah it's a fair comparison but Ghost in the Shell has more interesting characters and a meteor plot with more twists and turns Lucy is more like a first draft of a promising script that no one bothered to revise in the movie Lucy the entire assumption that humans only use 10 % of the brain is misleading the correction is this fact it's not that we use only 10% of our brains rather it's that we only understand about 10% of how it functions to explain this concept better I will share my personal experience a close family member was a pedestrian in a severe car accident in 2010 she endured a catastrophic brain injury and almost died surgeons removed part of her brain and reconstructed it to keep her alive after overseeing her heart-wrenching Rehabilitation for over a year I personally witnessed her brain rewire itself to relearn walking talking sitting up writing and all the actions most humans take for granted after the accident many close friends also witnessed her new unexplainable extrasensory brain abilities that science has yet to Define her real life story proves to me that our human brains already possess powerful abilities that trans sends space and time today and we humans don't know how to regularly use these skills her life-changing accident began my research in understanding the power harnessed in our brains according to the Scientific American article published February 7th 2008 do people only use 10% of their brains the concept that we only use 10% of our brains is a myth the article States though an alluring idea the 10% myth is so so wrong it is almost laughable says neurologist Barry Gordon at John's Hopkins school of medicine in Baltimore the article continues to explain what's not understood is how clusters of neurons from the diverse regions of the brain collaborate to form Consciousness another mystery hidden within our crinkled cortices is that out of all the brain cells only 10% are neurons the other 90% are gal cells which encapsulate and support neurons but whose function remains largely unknown there are people who have injured their brains or had parts of it removed who still live fairly normal lives but that is because the brain has a way of compensating here's a lot of talk in Lucy about humans only using 10% of their brain this is an oft repeated myth that drives scientists up a wall but I'd like to believe it's a coded message from Luke Besson please for your own sake he implores don't think too much about this movie instead soak up Scarlet Johansson in a white T-shirt and black bra making quizzical faces while dispatching bad guys with the power of her mind and a few Curt words in that trademark husky voice as the technos soundtrack thrums and scojo cranks Out Lines like the infinite components of the cell's nucleus is exploding inside my brain many May recognize that this style of pseudo intellectual action Cinema is a type of drug and once in a while you need a hit Johansson despite being 29 plays an American student living in Taipei some sketchy dude she just started dating wants her to bring a locked briefcase to a Mysterious Mr Kang Choy men sick in a hotel clearly this is not a wise move but in case we weren't aware of that fact we're given jarring cuts to images of a mouse approaching a trap and of animals on the Savannah sussing out their safety these jux depositions are just an inkling of what's to come as we'll later get full blasts of kinos scoty esque Montage ranging from dinosaurs to busy Urban centers to rhinos making love these images mostly come as Professor Norman Morgan Freeman gives a lecture about what would happen if a human had access to higher percentages of their brain which just so happens to describe what is happening to Lucy at that very moment Lucy you see has been made an inadvertent mule for a new narcotic one Mr Kang's baddies get a hold of her she's knocked out and gets cph4 inserted in her belly it's a bag of crystals that kind of look like a blue version of the fancy overpriced salt you've always wanted to buy from Dean and Duca when some would be molesters end up beating her the substance leaks into her bloodstream and boom a new superhero is Born the first 2third of this 90-minute film are propulsive and fun Lucy is driven to a little Vengeance but his is also on the hunt for the other bags of the drugs you see cph4 is a naturally occurring substance during pregnancy it's what helps our bones grow says a character who may as well be named do Exposition since Lucy has Mainline the stuff her brain power is now escalating from the typical 10% and with it comes all sorts of magical powers she can manipulate phone lines make people levitate and type at supersonic speeds but she also knows that she'll only survive for a few more hours how does she know this she's using a larger percentage of her brain she knows things she'll need the additional crystals to reach the full 100% And transcend and hopefully give Freeman the knowledge that humankind seeks the end of the movie goes completely off the rails but in a way that is Charming in its stupidity it's like 2001 A Space Odyssey for those with short attent ition spans and those people need to have their minds blown too I suppose unfortunately when Lucy heads toward her psychedelic freak out and the screenplay Stakes are raised there's a piece of action with Korean baddies fighting French cops that's completely worthless basically anything that isn't Scarlet besting martial artists with telekinesis or penetrating time and space with her glowering eyes just dies on the screen that the action comes to besson's Native France is marvelous as it affords the film a rather messy car chase through the first erendis Joe Hansson interrupts the action with vague philosophical musings like we never really die these blatant lowest common denominator moments mixed with a twinge of deep meaning is I feel the essence do bessen it isn't saying much given what he's been up to lately but it's fair to call this his finest work since the Fifth Element some in the audience will hiss huh as the film Fades to black but I'll argue that the Preposterous conclusion oh just wait until you see what Morgan Freeman is left holding in the last scene represents a genuine Aur leaving us with his pure sentiments I can't imagine that bessen actually believes this movie makes sense but there's an authenticity to his overreaching that adds a sparkle not seen in typical comic book movie Fair even with only 10% of my brain I can see that while this movie isn't what I typically call good it is undeniably enjoyable mindlessness Lucy is a 2014 English language French science fiction action film five written and directed by Luke bessen for his company europacorp and produced by his wife virgin bessen Sila it is an English language film shot in Taipei Paris and New York City it stars Scarlet Johansson Morgan Freeman Choy men sick and ammer wed Johansson portrays the titular character a woman who gains psychokinetic abilities when a neut Tropic psychedelic drug is absorbed into her bloodstream the film was released on the 25th of July 2014 and became a massive box office success six grossing over $469 million worldwide more than 11 times the budget of $40 million it received generally positive but also polarized critical reviews although praise was given for its themes visuals and johe Hanson's performance many critics found the plot nonsensical especially its focus on the 10% of the brain myth and resulting abilities Lucy is an American studying in Taipei Taiwan her new boyfriend Richard tricks her into working as a drug mule for a South Korean drug lord and she delivers a briefcase containing four packets of the highly valuable synthetic drug cph4 to Mr Jen after witnessing Richard being shot and killed she is captured and a bag of the drug is forcibly swn into her abdomen in order to transport the drug to Europe while in captivity she is kicked in the stomach breaking the bag and releasing a large quantity of the drug into her system she acquires increasingly enhanced physical and mental capabilities such as telepathy telekinesis mental time travel and the ability to feel no pain she also becomes both ruthless and emotionless using her new abilities she kills her captors and escapes Lucy travels to the nearby Tri service General Hospital to get the bag of drugs removed from her abdomen she is told by the operating doctor that natural cph4 is produced in tiny quantities by pregnant women during their sixth week of pregnancy to provide fetuses with the energy to develop developing heightened physical and mental abilities Lucy returns to Mr jang's Hotel kills his bodyguards assaults him and telepathically extracts the locations of the three remaining drug mules from his brain Lucy begins researching her condition and contacts scientist Samuel Norman whose research may be the key to saving her after Lucy speaks with Norman and provides proof of her developed abilities she flies to Paris and contacts local police captain Pierre Del Rio to help her find the remaining three packets of the drug during the flight she starts to disintegrate as her cells destabilize from consuming a sip of champagne to Stave off her disintegration Lucy ingests more of the drug with the help of Del Rio Lucy is able to recover the rest of the drugs meeting Norman and his colleagues she agrees to share with them everything she knows in the professor's lab Lucy discusses the nature of time and life and how people's Humanity distorts their perceptions at her urging she she is intravenously injected with the contents of all three remaining bags of cph4 her body changes into a black substance that begins spreading over computers and other electronic objects in the lab transforming them all into one next Generation supercomputer she mentally begins a space-time journey into the past eventually reaching the oldest discovered ancestor of man kind Lucy she shares a quiet moment with ostr opacus Lucy and the two touch fingertips she then goes all the way to the beginning of time and Witnesses the Big Bang meanwhile Jang enters the lab and points a gun at Lucy's head he shoots but by that point Lucy has reached 100% of her brain capacity and promptly disappears moving into the SpaceTime Continuum only her clothes and the black supercomputer are left behind Del Rio enters and fatally shoots Jang Norman takes a black flash drive offered by the supercomputer after which it too disintegrates Del Rio asks Norman where Lucy is immediately after which Del Rio's cell phone sounds and he sees a text message I am everywhere Lucy's voice is heard stating life was given to us a billion years ago now you know what to do with it Imagine A Stranger in a Strange Land Revenge Thriller about a wide-eyed Anglo bombshell Scarlet Johansson who gets kidnapped and abused in Taiwan by nasty sweaty shouting Korean gangsters and then escapes to seek Justice then imagine this same movie starring say a lightning fast kickboxer who can knock a dozen opponents teeth out before they can raise a single fist now imagine this same movie injected with a dose of apocalyptic Science Fiction with the woman gaining strange Powers as the story unfolds then Envision midnight movie touches mixed into the film making Flash cuts of predators and prey enhancing otherwise typical scenes of plans being hatched monologues about brain capacity and the true meaning of time coupled with psychedelic visions and wormholes and explanatory objects materializing from thin air that's Luke besson's Lucy a thriller about an American woman who gets kidnapped into Service as a drug mule bearing an experimental synthetic hormone accidentally absorbs some of it then sheds her physical intellectual and perceptual limitations I could describe five or six other kinds of movies that in some way also Echo Lucy sections May remind you of the original The Matrix and the last hour of Akira and the final 10 minutes play like a greatest hits of Science Fiction trip movies you've seen a lot of the individual situations and film making techniques in Lucy as well in fact you'd be hardpressed to identify one idea scene or element in the picture that is not a cliche but the total package feels fresh from the minute that Johansson's Title Character suffers a beating in captivity that ruptures the drugs in her stomach and releases them into her bloodstream a Yankee nightmare the film enters a realm of continual Delight though not always surprise there's no point naming any of the other major characters as there really are no other characters only types the Arrogant fat cat drug dealer Choy Minick who thinks he can control the short blonde drug mule and learns the hard way that he can't the brilliant deep voiced scientist Morgan Freeman who else whose theoretical studies of the human brain's untapped potential make him an information source and then finally a kind of partner savior to Lucy the handsome nice guy Parisian cop ammer waked who assists Lucy during her climactic mission to acquire more of the experimental hormone to ingest and become whatever it is that she's becoming a 1950s sci-fi monster probably the kind that cannot be killed because everything you shoot at it makes it stronger and hungrier Lucy is little more than a type herself a representative of humanity in its unmutated nons superstate Johansson's mid-career transformation from husky voiced in jenu to intensely physical matina Idol is one of the more fascinating arcs in American Cinema it's only her control over her body voice and eyes and maybe our awareness that her performances in this movie her and Under the Skin are all of a piece Lucy even uses the phrase Under the Skin at one point that stops Lucy from being tiresome her work keeps us from realizing that besson's script has botched the chance to tell a deeper Story one that's not just bombastically exciting and superficially clever but quietly tragic Lucy starts with shots of the prehistoric ape woman Lucy and periodically returns to her throughout the story not too subtly comparing the heroin's transformation to that of the species itself from Evolution to Revolution to quote one of the script's more pungent phrases and yet there are only two moments that make us really understand and empathize with Lucy as something other than a cipher who represents the unevolved human one is an early scene of her being terrorized and abused by Taiwanese drug thugs Lucy's abject helplessness here is hard to watch the other occurs deeper in the story when Lucy realizes she's about to embark on a terrifying and probably one-way transformative journey and phones her mom the scene is shot mostly in tight closeup the dialogue has a goofy prosan boldness I remember the taste of your milk in my mouth I want to thank you for a thousand kisses that I can feel on my face that scene is so brazenly powerful that in retrospect it made me wish the main character had gone on a journey with more emotional gradations heck I'd have settled for more than the two that Bess and DS to give us oh my God these guys want to kill me and I am God watch me kill these guys when the hormones enter Lucy's bloodstream it's as if a switch has been flipped the heroine starts speaking in monotone and tilting her head at looming men like a quizzical bird regarding a worm that is about to devour she's woman as Terminator the Terminator is a great movie monster but there's a reason why it's a supporting character in the films that bear its name like many films by Besson the professional The Fifth Element the messenger and other high octane shum upups Lucy starts out riveting but becomes less engaging as it goes along it keeps introducing potentially Rich narrative veins and then failing to tap them it too often falls back on Gunplay and Gore just when you think it might finally delve into the Notions that it keeps serving up with such Fanfare the falseness of the idea of uniqueness the self-defeating nature of a species more concerned with having than being time as the one true unit of measure nevertheless Lucy is a fun confident work it's fast and tight and playful even when it's sadistic and violent which is often it lasts about 90 minutes and change but feels longer in a good way because every second is packed tight it's full of itself yet it still keeps winking at you it wants to be taken seriously but not so seriously that you don't laugh at and with the sight of Lucy strolling into a gunfight wearing nose bed heels or making enemies R like marionet on invisible strings the movie is alive it pops Lucy is about a woman named in fact Lucy Scarlet Johanson who gets tricked into carrying an experimental new drug for a gang in Taipei when the drug is accidentally released into her body it gives her superhuman Powers as it unlocks more of her brain gradually turning her into a seemingly omniscient being and that's pretty much it thanks for reading what I need more words or it throws off the formatting of the poster okay give me a minute the trouble with this movie is that it feels like there's not much to it beyond the concept I outlined above which is a good concept but also kind of thin I like to imagine they filmed it and then realized they only had a 45-minute movie as a result there's a lot of filler clips from Nature Documentaries Loosely analogous to what's happening in the plot a lecture by a professor Morgan Freeman who studies the human brain lots of b-roll of Scarlet Johansson walking places in tight clothes and an interminable car chase through the streets of Paris car chases in general bore me this one was especially bad movie look she's driving the wrong way me yeah I see that movie no see when you drive the wrong way other cars come towards you look me uh-huh can they please get to the destination so the plot can advance movie but see also the Police pursuing her are getting into these crazy wrecks because they two are forced to drive the wrong way I don't mean to be too harsh there are some good things in this movie The Opening 20 minutes are filled with tension when the gang kidnaps Lucy as well as some delightful banter in the first scene between her and her boyfriend Richard pyu as beak who initially tricks her into delivering the drugs Johanson and ASP are really good together the acting in general is fine nobody is asked to do anything spectacular but all the actors are competent and the story despite being based on a completely inaccurate idea that humans only use 10% of their brains is well told and clever it's just way too paded out at one point about halfway through Lucy has the main villain completely at her mercy and doesn't kill him this is after the guy has killed her boyfriend kidnapped her killed another prisoner in front of her and sewn drugs into her stomach so she can act as an unwilling mule for him and she's already killed a bunch of his henchmen by the this point so she's no pacifist the only reason for her to spare him is because otherwise there would be no plot this story would have been much better as a one-off episode in a show like The Twilight Zone or something it's a nice concept but not one that can sustain 90 minutes of screen time without any other elements thrown in I watched this movie because someone said it was like Ghost in the Shell and there are some similarities in both movies Scarlet Johan is turned against her will into a nearly Unstoppable superhuman crime fighter also the best scenes in both movies are the ones with Johansson and a speak together so yeah it's a fair comparison but Ghost in the Shell has more interesting characters and a meteor plot with more twists and turns Lucy is more like a first draft of a promising script that no one bothered to revise in the movie Lucy the entire assumption that humans only use 10% of the brain is misleading the correction is this fact it's not that we use only 10% of our brains rather it's that we only understand about 10% of how it functions to explain this concept better I will share my personal experience a close family member was a pedestrian in a severe car accident in 2010 she endured a catastrophic brain injury and almost died surgeons removed part of her brain and reconstructed it to keep her alive after overseeing her heart-wrenching Rehabilitation for over a year I personally witnessed her brain rewire itself to relearn walking talking sitting up writing and all the actions most humans take for granted after the accident many close friends also witnessed her new unexplainable extrasensory brain abilities that science has yet to Define her real life story proves to me that our human brains already possess powerful abilities that transcends space and time today and we humans don't know how to regularly use these skills her lifechanging accident began my research in understanding the power harnessed in our brains according to the Scientific American article published February 7th 2008 do people only use 10% of their brains the concept that we only use 10% of our brains is a myth the article States though an alluring idea the 10% myth is so wrong it is almost laughable says neurologist Barry Gordon at John's Hopkins school of medicine in Baltimore the article continues to explain what's not understood is how clusters of neurons from the diverse regions of the brain collaborate to form Consciousness another mystery hidden within our crinkled cortices is that out of all the brain cells only 10% are neurons the other 90% are gal cells which encapsulate and support neurons neurons but whose function remains largely unknown there are people who have injured their brains or had parts of it removed who still live fairly normal lives but that is because the brain has a way of compensating here's a lot of talk in Lucy about humans only using 10% of their brain this is an of repeated myth that drives scientists up a wall but I'd like to believe it's a coded message from Luke Besson please for your own sake he implores don't think too much about this movie instead soak up Scarlet Johansson in a white T-shirt and black bra making quizzical faces while dispatching bad guys with the power of her mind and a few Curt words in that trademark husky voice as the Techno soundtrack thrums and scojo cranks Out Lines like the infinite components of the cell's nucleus is exploding inside my brain many May recognize that this style of pseudo intellectual action Cinema is a type of drug and once in a while you need a hit Johansson despite being 29 plays an American student living in Taipei some sketchy dude she just started dating wants her to bring a locked briefcase to a Mysterious Mr Kang Choy men sick in a hotel clearly this is not a wise move but in case we weren't aware of that fact we're given jarring cuts to images of a mouse approaching a trap and of animals on the Savannah sussing out their safety these jux depositions are just an inkling of what's to come as we'll later get full blasts of coatsi esque Montage ranging from dinosaurs to busy Urban centers to rhinos making love these images mostly come as Professor Norman Morgan Freeman gives a lecture about what would happen if a human had access to higher percentages of their brain which just so happens to describe what is happening to Lucy at that very moment Lucy you see has been made an inadvertent mule for a new narcotic one Mr kangs baddies get a hold of her she's knocked out and gets cph4 inserted in her belly it's a bag of crystals that kind of look like a blue version of the fancy overpriced salt you've always wanted to buy from Dean and Duca when some would be molesters end up beating her the substance leaks into her bloodstream and boom a new superhero is Born the first twoth thirs of this 90-minute film are propulsive and fun Lucy is driven to a little vengeance but is also on the hunt for the other bags of the drugs you see cph4 is a naturally occurring substance during pregnancy it's what helps our bones grow says a character who may as well be named do Exposition since Lucy has Mainline the stuff her brain power is now escalating from the typical 10% and with it comes all sorts of magical powers she can manipulate phone lines make people levitate and type at supersonic speed needs but she also knows that she'll only survive for a few more hours how does she know this she's using a larger percentage of her brain she knows things she'll need the additional crystals to reach the full 100% And transcend and hopefully give Freeman the knowledge that humankind seeks the end of the movie goes completely off the rails but in a way that is Charming in its stupidity it's like 2001 A Space Odyssey for those with short attention spans and those people need to have their minds blown too I suppose unfortunately when Lucy heads toward her psychedelic freak out and the screenplay Stakes are raised there's a piece of action with Korean baddies fighting French cops that's completely worthless basically anything that isn't Scarlet besting martial artists with telekinesis or penetrating time and space with her glowering eyes just dies on the screen that the action comes to besson's native France is marvelous as it affords the film a rather messy car chase through the first erendis Johansson interrupts the action with vague philosophical musings like we never really die these blatant lowest common denominator moments mixed with a twinge of deep meaning is I feel the essence do bessen it isn't saying much given what he's been up to lately but it's fair to call this his finest work since the Fifth Element some in the audience will his huh as the film Fades to black but I'll argue that the Preposterous conclusion oh just wait until you see what Morgan Freeman is left holding in the last scene represents a genuine Aur leaving us with his pure sentiments I can't imagine that Besson actually believes this movie makes sense but there's an authenticity to his overreaching that adds a sparkle not seen in typical comic book movie Fair even with only 10% of my brain I can see that while this movie is what i' typically call good it is undeniably enjoyable mindlessness Lucy is a 2014 English language French science fiction action film five written and directed by Luke Besson for his company europacorp and produced by his wife virginy bessen Sila it is an English language film shot in Taipei Paris and New York City it's Stars Scarlet Johansson Morgan Freeman Choy men sick and ammer wed Jo Anon portrays the titular character a woman who gains psychokinetic abilities when a neut Tropic psychedelic drug is absorbed into her bloodstream the film was released on the 25th of July 2014 and became a massive box office success six grossing over $469 million worldwide more than 11 times the budget of $40 million it received generally positive but also polarized critical reviews although praise was given for its themes visuals and johanson's performance many critics found the plot nonsensical especially its focus on the 10% of the brain myth and resulting abilities Lucy is an American studying in Taipei Taiwan her new boyfriend Richard tricks her into working as a drug mule for a South Korean drug lord and she delivers a briefcase containing four packets of the highly valuable synthetic drug cph4 to Mr Jen after witnessing Richard being shot and killed she is captured and a bag of the drug is forcibly swn into her abdomen in order to transport the drug to Europe while in captivity she is kicked in the stomach breaking the bag and releasing a large quantity of the drug into her system she acquires increasingly enhanced physical and mental capabilities such as telepathy telekinesis mental time travel and the ability to feel no pain she also becomes both rof less and emotionless using her new abilities she kills her captors and escapes Lucy travels to the nearby Tri service General Hospital to get the bag of drugs removed from her abdomen she is told by the operating doctor that natural cph4 is produced in tiny quantities by pregnant women during their sixth week of pregnancy to provide fetuses with the energy to develop developing heightened physical and mental abilities Lucy returns to Mr jang's Hotel H kills his bodyguards assaults him and telepathically extracts the locations of the three remaining drug mules from his brain Lucy begins researching her condition and contacts scientist Samuel Norman whose research may be the key to saving her after Lucy speaks with Norman and provides proof of her developed abilities she flies to Paris and contacts local police captain Pierre Del Rio to help her find the remaining three packets of the drug

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