Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:19:24 Category: Sports

Trending searches: new trump indictment
like there's one way to look at it where they're like oh they're just you know they're just trying to put Trump in jail and then there's another where they're trying to set the new rule set where if you push back on election results that you think are dubious will throw you in jail because maybe they're expecting dubious election results that people are extraordinarily suspicious of and they want to just let them know out front like I dare you to say publicly that you think that they're dubious so another day another attack on Democracy so we're going to look at this story about Jack Smith special counsel filing another indictment against Donald Trump we're going to get into this I'm literally just going to react as I've have not seen this uh I know the gist of the story but I don't know the details um I just am gonna say this okay I am just going to say this do these guys realize what they're doing like do they actually do you guys think that they realize what they're doing because I know they're like these Coastal Elites that are going to cheer anything it's basically like if uh I mean I can't think of anyone that I dislike enough to compare my emotional reaction to like them getting indicted to probably how these people feel you know seeing a thing like this but the audacity of these people to pretend like they care about democracy is unbelievable to me it's unbelievable to me it's liter like you guys understand what democracy is right oh yeah of course you're all so you understand that at your absolute best case scenario which is not what's actually happening you got Cala running even with with Trump right well maybe if you say say so not if I say so you know that's right okay fine and you feel comfortable with your side the person doing this he's married to a woman who did a documentary about Michelle Obama you know propagandist for the for uh you know for the Democrats you feel comfortable with him trying to put Trump in jail okay it's basically September we're we're 2 and a half months from the election and you feel comfortable with them dropping another another indictment on him like that doesn't seem like an attack on Democracy to you really they it's it's like I don't understand how anyone could be so unself-aware or so narcissistic and I'm talking about all of them to not recognize that they are they're just like we hate they must just hate all of us dude is the only way that I can even see this now I just went through my analytics um with my with my guy from YouTube and verified I am telling you there is something going on where if you are not subscribed to my channel and you are looking at political stuff I mean I don't even know why I'm saying this cuz almost like 99% chance you are subscribed if you're seeing this but if you are not subscribed it's very important that you subscribe because you will not see my political stuff unless something changes my politics stuff is only being shown to 99 uh sorry to 1% new people I'm sorry not even new people people who are not subscribed to the channel so that is my suggestion if you want to keep seeing it uh subscribe to the channel and go ahead and like the video I appreciate you guys let's get into this horrendous story morning and welcome to ing we've got another Terrific show for you today absolutely topnotch and I'm excited to start reading it let's let's get going so first of all former president Trump's legal troubles are back after several lengthy delays took place we're just 10 weeks out from the election and prosecutors in special Council Jack Smith's office filed a superseding indictment Tuesday against Trump over his efforts his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election now the new indictment Narrows the allegations so that there in line with the Supreme Court's recent opinion on presidential immunity specifically the new indictment removes a previous section that had accused Trump of trying to use law enforcement powers of the justice department to correct his law now Trump reacted on true social writing quote this ridiculous political hoax which most thought was already won by me comes right out of the White House and doj and is being pushed by kamla Harris and crooked Joe Biden against their political opponent me like all the other Witch Hunt cases it is being mocked by legal Scholars and experts as gross election interference that is not all on uh yeah yeah you know what you know what the irony is I mean I I shouldn't even have to say it the the indictment against Trump is for some kind of election interference really really so we've never had a criminal case go through against a city like against a former president ever you already convicted him in New York and one of the most corrupt and fixed Trials of all time for this idiotic thing where he got he got you know he got invoiced he got invoiced for legal fees from his attorney who is the person who tells him what's legal and what's not legal and he's like here you go this is for the legal fees I paid off Stormy Daniels you know here's this and he's like okay cool he pays his he pays his he pays his invoice to his lawyer who says that what they're doing is legal on on on a recording Trump says make sure it's legal and you convicted him for 34 felonies on that give me a break okay and now we are two and a half months from the election where Democratic you know the Democratic process where the voters are going to decide who they want to be president they're all no no no no because we're protecting democracy by filing another indictment against him it's unreal on Monday the special Council urged a federal appeals court to reverse judge Canon's ruling last month that dismissed Trump's mishandling of classified documents special Council Jack Smith also said judge Canon was mistaken in ruling that Smith was unlawfully appointed by attorney general Merrick Garland Trump's lawyers have 30 days to reply to Smith's brief and the key here is that neither of these cases will go to trial before election day and if Trump wins the election he'll be able to kill both of these proceedings which I wouldn't put it past him to do but I love the way he absolutely should do that and and at this point you want to know what's okay so I realize that I am arguing out of both sides of my mouth where I'm like look we still need to have Law and Order in the country we shouldn't be going after political opponents y y but it's like now you guys are the ones who did this at this point if Trump wins I hope I really hope that he does everything within his within his his power as the president to shut all this yeah just be like yeah I pardon myself and just let them scream and cry about it Boo Boo Boo Boo and I'm going to just fully admit that if these people that are involved in this got indicted I would not care okay and that's my point I that should bother me because prior to them doing this to him it would have bothered me I would have been like guys this is not good for the country this is bad for the country and I look at this and I wonder I've wondered to myself why um why Rogan has not taken a more firm position in this election because basically if I'm being straight with you guys I I basically agree with Rogan on everything like literally everything and that's not because I'm waiting to hear Rogan's opinion I just think that he and I have such similar worldviews that it's almost uncanny you know and so like you know he's interested in some stuff that I'm not but when it comes to like politics and that's not not politics I'm sorry when it comes to people his reads and my reads are nearly identical every single time so I think I know why he stays out of this election it's because Trump is so divisive and and you know like at least how I see the country is like we want to get along with the other side we don't want to have this huge Conflict at the end of the day like this is America we want to be able to unite the country okay so I think that's what Rogan's deal is he looks at Trump and he's like they they hate him also listen dude like Trump is not a perfect person right but and I don't know if that factors into how Joe sees it but I think it's about United the country I have essentially given up on that at this point I mean I'm just gonna be honest I've essentially given up on that because this stuff like the fact that they support this means they hate us dude I don't know how else to read this like and I'm talking voters on that side the fact that they're not speaking out about this people who who are voting for The Other candidate I don't the fact that they're not speaking out about this I don't know how else to read this because if this was on the other foot I for sure would be like guys this is not okay man you can't just go indict Obama because you don't like him okay like we no we cannot do that okay and regardless of which candidate even if it was Biden if Biden got out of office and everyone was like Indi him for the bisma thing i' be like guys no we don't want to do this I re you know yes I know exactly what he did at bisma okay that's like you know what they did is a much more serious crime than anything they're throwing at Trump right in my opinion and there's plenty of things they could throw at Biden that'd be way more serious but I would be like guys we don't want to open this can of worms you don't want to be throwing political opponents in jail okay you don't want to do that that would have been my position now I'm like fine that's what you guys want good I will laugh while you guys cry you know what I mean and if that's what Civil War is then I guess we're there dude you know I'm not picking up a weapon and going in the street I will never do that I will not do that the only way the only way that you will ever see me armed and doing anything is if the government is coming after my own children or putting my children at risk right like if there's some kind of program where they're like hey you know what we've uh made a list of people who don't believe in the new ideology where everybody can change their gender and like each kid is going to be asked by the government whether they're a girl or a boy and if they say the other we're going to take your kid from you we're going to go sex change him and then we're going to bring him back to you and if you have a problem with that we're going to put you in jail something like that okay then we have a different conversation but that's the only way but if if what Civil War is is me completely abandoning my hope for the country and my belief that we should take care of the other side like we would want to be taken care of by other Americans that shit's gone dude for me at least as of this moment when I'm really really mad I might change my mind tomorrow way he writes the truth social post Robbie uh the same way we studied Shakespeare we're going to study Trump tweets and truths the way random words are capitalized and others are lowercase it all means something doesn't it it uh it takes a special kind of talent to know which words to capitalize and underline to write like uh in that emphatic way uh hey this is what's really important guys this is really important absolutely agree with you that we'll study it for generations to come but as to the underlying you know new story look the the hope I think naive hope that many Democrats and progressives had that they would be able to win this election by imprisoning Trump first is uh was never going to pan out um I mean he's getting sentenced next month these proceedings are not going to wrap up by the time of the election not even close um if you want to defeat Trump you have to defeat him in The Ballot Box you can't defeat him through some legal in my view semi dubious proceeding um so this is the indictment is going forward with the limited by the Supreme Court uh because you can't uh according to the Supreme Court decision some of his action fall under in His official capacity and he has immunity from those hey you want to know what else they tried to do shoot him you know they also did go with the attempted murder there was that you know they also tried to shoot him on National Television you know if we want to touch base on that one more time uh CNN was live streaming it for the first time ever they had counter snipers for the first time ever uh the Secret Service was doing whatever the Secret Service was doing we've talked about that extensively on this channel and Trump took a bullet and it just turned out that the guy actually wasn't even a bad shot just Trump by sheer Miracle turned his head at the exact moment where he would have gotten hit in the eyeball uh and hit him in the air maybe the guy was such a good shot if you really think about it maybe the guy was trying to shoot him in the eye you know he just got overconfident he's like are you kidding me I've been training with the Department of Homeland Security and all these other defense people they put this on me I'm a crack shot I'm tell you what I'm going to shoot him right in his eye and then he moved and it hit him in the ear you know and then it was like uh well you know who's going to get shot in the eye you pal you're going to get shot in the eye how you like them apples is that your brain on the Roof oh geez is that your brain on the roof geez Louise so sorry you know you better come clean this up oh wait you can't the Supreme Court did not explain which of his actions received that protection so it was still kind of creatively left to Jack Smith to decide well maybe that's more plausibly an official action maybe that's not so here's what we're charging him with here's what we're not um and uh and so on so that's the position they're in so they get to uh respond to that and of course Jacks Smith's entire uh appointment has been deemed by one judge to have been um not lawful uh that appointment so we'll see if ultimately a higher Court agrees there but I think the bottom sorry you mean that like by doing this by the Democrats doing this they are literally putting the entire American Judicial System Under Pressure because one judge says hey this is illegal and then it's like well maybe not and it's like oh well which hey which side are you on Judge hey judge which side are you on are you a Republican or are you a Democrat you know which side are you on so where we used to have political parties that would try to align on issues I don't understand how anybody could possibly align on every single issue with a single group over here and then disagree with the other side on every single issue have you ever thought about how stupid that is you know honestly if you fall into a group that thinks that you agree with every single thing that Republicans say or every single thing that Democrats say and you disagree with everything Republicans say or you disagree with everything the Democrats say I'm telling you right now you're not as smart as you think you are especially people like Destiny you know I watch that guy and he makes me just want to vomit because he sounds smart he obviously has a raging drug problem raging drug problem okay that guy is eating no food he is eating lots of uppers and he thinks he's smart because he talks a lot he's got his brain's going kick that guy off of his uh off of his drug binge or whatever you know like I'm she's probably on prescription you know it's probably just smashing out her all like it's his job take that away and see how smart he sounds you know it's very obvious to anybody who knows what they're looking at but that guy you're like there's so what topic do you agree with Republicans on dude oh none you know it's just ridiculous like that the entire s that whole thing is built to capture dumbbells so don't fall into that but definitely don't fall into whatever the Democrats are doing now the mainstream Democrats are poisoned they are trying to destroy our system they think that getting rid of trump is so important that they will destroy the system out from under under us in order to get him out they do you remember what the dude said when he said that we will block him from becoming president and then go under Civil War Civil War circumstances where all of us have military uh security everyone in Congress gets military Civil War conditions security they said that out loud do you hear any of the Republicans saying anything like that so they create this nonsensical idea that that's what Donald Trump did back in on January 6 and then they actually create the exact situation that they pretended like he did line again is just that there's nothing if you want to beat Trump you have to beat him fair and square in the election um holding out some hope for divine legal intervention was never listen okay I have a very different take on why they're doing this okay I have a very different take on why they're doing this I think that they're doing this because they maybe have this thing stacked already they know they're going to be able to make it to where oh look Camala won and they want to set the table to where anyone who argues against it at that point they have set the tone that they will throw you in prison if you push back on it you know what I mean like there's one way to look at it where they're like oh they're just you know they're just trying to put Trump in jail and then there's another where they're trying to set the new rule set where if you push back on election results that you think are dubious will throw you in jail which do you think is more likely in all seriousness why would they bring this indictment now it's not even going to go to court until after the election see the way that I assess a person's intelligence is just like this okay I very much base it on self-awareness and consistency in people's opinions so like I really wish that there was some way that we could test everybody in the country and then show them the results I I tell you exactly what I mean so I like thought experiments I Like Straw Men steel men however you want to look at it right and where they go okay look so here Jesse on fire uh here is a situation that I will lay out to you would you be comfortable with this outcome and if I was like yes I would they go why and I go because y y y and they go okay well what if and then they pose a an nearly identical situation in Reverse with the other side being the brunt of whatever this was and then I figure out a way to talk my way into like dis you know like like having a different opinion that they could just put it in your face and be like so you're just a partisan man like you're just playing Tri you're just playing tribal like you're that's what you're doing so people can at least be aware because any anyone who recognizes that and has a brain needs to reassess how they think about things cuz like I don't think anyone really wants to play like oh you're right I have no Insight whatsoever I'm just a drone that repeats whatever my side says I mean I would hope that would be like that would be a nightmarish situation for me to find out about myself I know I'm not that I am positive I'm not that but like I just don't I just can't even understand how people can both say they care about democracy and then support this I just don't understand it's never been done to your side this has never been done to your side ever nothing like this well we've never had anyone that did stuff like really really are you sure like you really want to play Let's Play History that's just not that's just not accurate like none of the things you're saying are accurate okay he is the victim at this point of a coordinated attack the likes of which we have never seen and all of it is targeted not allowing him to become president of the United States and uh based on who stood to benefit from him getting shot in the face I can pretty confidently put my finger right where you should be looking at who's behind it anyway that's enough for this video I am G to go put my head into a bucket of water and maybe never take it out and just not really

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