I'D BE IN JAIL if I let out the person inside everyday – TUF 32 FINALIST

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:58:28 Category: Sports

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it's time to step inside the iagon with your host Ike [Music] Feldman what's up Combat Sports Community it is your boy Ike Feldman with give MEP sport.com being joined by tough 32 finalist Ryan loader first and foremost Ryan how we doing today I'm doing amazing feeling great weights on point I'm ready excellent uh we were just talking briefly uh before the interview about the pi um you guys obviously stayed at a house in Vegas um you got familiar with the climate you're obviously succeeding in Vegas would you ever think about moving to Vegas uh to to train for camp at least or maybe not fulltime but have you ever thought about it um I I think I have a really good training camp I where I'm at just mostly the people um I'm from Sacramento I'm I'm one of the lucky ones that don't have to really travel I think a lot of Fighters have to leave home and go places to to succeed and I I it's in my backyard so I get family time whenever I want to all my close relatives are close and and uh Sacramento is home for me so unbelievable I was literally just there uh I was making a brief stop before 303 the uh Pereira card um my grandfather is uh out there Mell um have you ever been to crickets crickets what's that uh it's a diner it's like a really awesome Diner uh have you been to the the local Mexican restaurants out there you guys have some incredible Mexican food yeah Mexican California is Top Notch yeah uh Sacramento beautiful Place very laidback uh very disciplined uh did you come from any uh military background or law enforcement in your family no no law enforcement no no military background um I my grandpa was in the Navy so I guess there was some but um we weren't too close on on that stuff he never he never talked about it or anything like that that's typical for the generation uh now ironically Dana White's I don't know if you saw the thing he's like everybody wants to post everything if you get a cut everybody's posting everything but meanwhile that generation just keeps it inside uh I need you to not keep this information inside but how was it working with uh Valentina uh I heard her on the Rogan podcast couple of years ago I learned a couple of things to add to again just a small level but to my training regimen which is not drink water while you're training trying to tough through and train everything in one session you know not do the two or three day uh three a day sessions but train everything in a 5H hour block uh what did you learn from uh Queen Valentina uh she was amazing coach I was I was really happy I was hoping that uh I would get her as a coach and yeah she did not disappoint her her striking topnotch her coaching staff that she brought in were amazing uh I feel really close to all of them and she she brought like the people that she trusted in and everyone was it was it was like a family atmosphere even though I was away from all that I know all my training partners and everything uh she pushed this hard I I learned a ton I feel like the other team kind of did what they wanted to do we had a a strict training regiment and I as like a fighting Camp it was amazing I I would go back to her fighting camp and and learn from her so um the no water she she said it one time and I think everyone just like okay this is how it is and we just agreed with it um but it it the only tough part was it's Vegas so it's really dry I think I I lost my voice because there was no water plus where I was you know hitting the bags hard and screaming and then all of a sudden my voice was gone so a lot of the show I didn't have a voice but um yeah it was it was fun I it was a very tough tough camp and I think I got a lot better off of it so I I came in to a fight camp and it was win or lose I was GNA get better and I think that was her her main point incredible what do you plan to do Saturday night uh you you obviously lived and trained um around the man that you're fighting uh what have you picked up from him while in the house and uh is there anything that you can share with us um I I don't really think about the the person I'm fighting as much you know I do know him more than I know all the other Fighters but that I before but at the end of the day it's it's me versus me in the octagon and I'm going to dictate what I'm going to do okay uh again we're being joined by ranor loader l o d r then what did you learn about yourself you know we we've seen the past uh season highlights uh where it kind of looks like uh things are getting a little psyche out there like maybe you guys are just acting out maybe drinking too much maybe fighting too much uh arguing too bees in a jar as I would say but what did you learn about yourself um yeah Dana White said it's a pressure cooker and it's a 100% I mean they're they're trying to stir up drama they they leave alcohol in there to like okay are you gonna slip up or not like I don't drink so it's not a wasn't a big deal for me um but yeah you're in you're in the most stressful situation without like for me like I said I'm from Sacramento I have so many people that I call on all the time if I have any doubts in my head or if I just want to talk and talk some stuff through in the house you're you're kind of talking to the guys you're fighting or might fight so you kind of you you don't have that um that support system behind you so it was kind of I had to journal a lot I had to really internalize a lot of things and like okay I can I can do this for myself type type stuff um a lot of breath work a lot of meditation um just kind of internalize like okay this is I'm kind of on an island by myself and I I'm going to push through this um I think one of the biggest things is I set off there as I had a goal I'm gonna I'm gonna win The Ultimate Fighter I'm gonna go through this um this whole process I'm G to be undefeated and by the end of it you start doubting yourself because you don't have the the reinforcements from your coaches from your teammates from your family from all like I have a a mental coach I have all these stuff that normally I I talk through stuff with and they they help me out and they like no dude believe in yourself you got this and I didn't have that so I had to really dig deep into myself and like hey no the reason why you're here is because you you belong here and sometimes you get that impostor syndrome where you're not you're like maybe I'm I'm faking this maybe like I'm just here because I was part of Team Alpha Male or whatever whatever it might be and you start doubting yourself and you don't have anyone to kind of get you out of that so you have to do it yourself so I think um breath work and meditation really helped me throughout that process so um definitely for this Camp I I've taken a lot of stuff out of that camp because it was you didn't have a phone you didn't have anyone to talk to you didn't have TV there was no really distractions um you had to cook for yourself which I normally don't do so I'm like okay when I cook for myself this is what I did and I felt great in my Camp so it was it was kind of like a process of elimination of all right no no sweets no like there was no extra stuff on top of it so I'm like this is how I'm going to do my camp now and I I followed that process through this Camp too so it was nice excellent excellent man you are a uh a mind Warrior it it seems like I don't know like super analytical uh very wow um so much to pick apart uh when did you stop drinking um or did you drink or did you I I mean I always it was like social stuff in college I drank I never drank during season I was a wrestler so season was off limits so it was always like six to eight months of zero drinking for me so it was never never a big deal um when like after season during the summertime we would hang out because you're a college student and you go you go party but as I got older and I I started focusing in more of my goals it was like this is this it just doesn't line up you know I can't I'm getting older now it feels worse it's just it's hard to um it's hard to train at this level and be who I want to be by putting poison in my body so right I'm actually one of my my main sponsors is sober living and uh mental health so like it just kind of worked out he was a football teammate of mine and he reached out and we just kind paired up that way and now I'm helping out everybody who who wants to to change their life for the better and I think I've there's a ton of people that reached out after the show and said thank you and um kind of gone through some battles with that and I maybe pushed him in the right direction to start getting help on that that front so it's been good amazing man you are winning me over more and more not just the Sacramento boy but uh the the the sober living I mean if any body needs especially a high level athlete like yourself if anybody needs an example to point to uh Conor mcgr no I'm just kidding um if anybody needs an example to point to Alex Pereira I think he's I know there's the the the language barrier but he's made mention multiple times that he's put down drinking he was working in a mechanic shop a shop and he's just he he turned the corner and and look at him I'm not saying everybody has to be a potential triple champ but it's like you know you could do the things that are going to be there when you wake up more often you know you could go to the gym more often you could be more present in conversations with your family um it's yeah I've been on a a threeyear road it's taken a bit coming from a heavy drinking culture you know to kind of like not be the the weird guy and like um I'll show up like just hold a red cup maybe it's soda maybe it's water but like just try to be around and it's it's taking some time like I think people have like forgotten in circles and I'm like uh I'm like nope no I'm good they're like but it's it's a process so I respect you it takes discipline as David gogin says discipline equals freedom and you're doing that to equal more freedom uh uh Financial Freedom win on Saturday bust into the UFC climb the division ladder challenge for a belt yep that's plan I I think it's a lot of like you said the the the circles you hang out with my circles don't drink so it's everyone's on the same page they're all they're all trying to we're one trying to compete against each other because I I hang out with a bunch of killers that want to compete hard and then it's just if that guy's drinking the next day he's gonna get his ass whooped by every single person so it's just it's a it's a tough Circle but if you if you rise to it then it's it's a great place to be what's the timeline have you set a timeline do you not pay attention to timelines you looking solely at Valentine this Saturday um do do you plan these sort of things just uh uh fill me in on on how you want to treat the next uh five minutes or the next five years of your fighting career um I I take things one step at a time I I don't think too far at Advance I think um when you start doing that you start having those doubts the wh ifs the like this is I have a slight goal what I want but it's one fight at the time and I I think that's how I I started the the UF or the MMA I said okay I'll I'll take one amateur fight and then after that it was like okay I'll take one pro fight all right I'll take another Pro fight and I'm I'm still here taking the next one so one one fight at a time I don't think about because you start getting overwhelmed with all this like oh what if I fight this guy it's like I'm not fighting that guy I'm fighting one guy in the Octagon on Saturday and then after that I'll maybe fight another guy but I'm not thinking about the next it's it's all about it's all about Saturday right now incredible and now uh a couple more other things I think we understand what you learned about from the show and your goals uh what is a weird fact about at ranor loader weird fact I don't know if I have a weird fact I like to do a lot of out outdoor stuff like uh I don't we that's healthy yeah but I do uh here's something weird that I like to do I like to dive the river for fallen items I think so Sacramento River there's a bunch of people that go on it and uh they drink and party and stuff like that and they fall in so I go on Sundays is my day off and I I have a scuba mask I have a wet suit and I dive down and pick up a bunch of oh wow I thought you're talking like just like uh like just hold your breath and dive like no joke yeah yeah yeah I I hold my breath but it's it's deep like it goes 30 feet down on a lot of places and you you're in the river and you kind of have to go through the river and um I think one last Sunday I picked up eight phones and [Laughter] probably and sometimes I give them back to people like if they have their contact information a lot of these new phones work where I I've been doing since high school so a lot of those phones don't work but I have a whole bag of just random people's phones that like and think last time I won I I gave back I think five or six of the eight so we found the the owners and they came picked them up and it's like hey I found your phone in the bottom of the river wow but the glasses I have a whole box of glasses and uh right right right it just slides off the the slides off they they get drunk or whatever and they slip fall or whatever ever you know it's fun found bunch of like speakers and wallets and keys and so it's it's like a little treasure hunt for me and I gota work breath work and yeah it's so that's a weird fact for me oh that that's awesome if they ever if they ever make a water world 2 Kevin Cosner shift shift back from westerns back to water movies uh your boy uh Ryan loader is ready to be a background or a Coke dog um amazing uh what's your favorite hobby outside of punching people in the face I I mean that like diving surfing wakeboarding anything that is outside that I can have a little bit of danger with it it's that's on I love it so snowboarding during the winter and normally my Sundays I like to go just get outside and do something something a little bit dangerous but still still get out in the outdoors and kind of challenge myself in that way nice uh I can I'm gonna guess it's Aquaman but what's your favorite movie favorite movie it's uh Dumb and Dumber that's a oh here would you want a pair of these extra gloves you had extra gloves this whole thing your hands are freezing oh that's a good one that's a good IO you you should keep that one um yeah people still make references amazing uh favorite country to travel to Fair country man um Thailand was amazing and this is before I started fighting so I wasn't even the M thae or anything like that it just gonna say no it was I I didn't I I went there because I was coaching um at San Francisco State and we had a a guy that we put on their their world team because he was he was half tie and um we put him on a on the world team so we flew over there and he competed for the Tha national team I was there for that and yeah I went back twice they after that they hired me back on to coach their Southeast Asian um conference so I went back again and the food the people the the culture I just it's not dangerous because everybody's telling me I'm like I gotta go at least once and there's no like stranger danger stranger danger uh I mean there's probably places that you go but I was always with people from the country that kind of told me where to go and okay how to how to be and I I've never felt really in danger in that one I I've been to other places that I felt in danger but yeah Thailand was they're they're super nice I I I really like the tie people so I'll definitely go back to there but yeah I've been to a lot of places and most of the time when I go places it's you you always hear oh it's dangerous it's dangerous and then you get there and you're like what where's this danger that everyone talks about it's like the People Like Us I was just in the city and my family's out on Long Allen um and they're like oh how is Time Square I was like uh Spider-Man and Mickey Mouse were still there I was like it's a good point that's a good point the media media is the enemy the media tells you all this stuff and then you just show up there and you're like oh that's just fearmongering and yes people trying to like get clicks on their stuff and trying to like you afraid of this it's like they're people it's The Wizard of Oz it's it's the guy behind the curtain that's pulling the strings and it's literally like stabbings here stabbing if you listen to the news you would never leave your house it's like yeah all right you get it it was amazing um being one of the one of the two Americans on the international season of The Ultimate Fighter it's like these guys are from around the world and we have the almost the same like everyone trains about the same we have the same mindset there's little differences in things but we're all doing pretty much the same thing like we all knew how to like um one of the guys really close to we're Team circumcised remember that one of the guys I got close to was from dagistan and You' think like oh dagistan Russia they're tough and rough and like I learned so much from him and um yeah it was it was a great experience that I I learned a ton of from everyone on the show which is cool it's amazing uh like I I grew up in a a bubble and it's like uh thank God I married a European wife and like this sounds so stupid but I've like learn geography through the MMA stuff like I'm like oh oh Dougan oh Oceanic never knew that oh like learnning about it it's like that's the beauty of the sport I believe it will be at bare minimum the second biggest sport in the world behind soccer or football it's just because it brings So Many Nations together as Dana White has said it is in our DNA I don't know why it's not on the Olympics I don't know why jiujitsu or submission grappling is not on the Olympics something weird is going on there we have break dancing we have like kite flying uh we're gonna have like Hopscotch and it's like we don't have Jiu-Jitsu or submission grappling or MMA like put the headgear on shin guards like it's for amateurs make it cool but yeah I really appreciate what fighting does to all of us and how it brings us together in a weird way and how The Ultimate Fighter brings us together Ultimate Fighter 32 final this Saturday ESPN plus Ryan loader ranor loader Sacramento native team Apple Mail Alpha mail let's go my man Ryan I appreciate your time and good luck Saturday appreciate you thank you thank you brother have a good one safe travels did you hydrate good get ready for another round inside the iagon what's up fight fans what's up Combat Sports Community it is your boy Ike Feldman for give me sport.com being joined by Robert Valentine robzilla MMA on Instagram first and foremost how we doing Rob I'm doing very good feeling good uh it's been a busy day I'm sure yeah I'm sure you're you're getting the taste of being uh in the UFC man doing 50 million interviews and say answering the same thing over and over right exactly yes exactly so let me uh change it up what is your shoe size what type of pants do you like no no I don't matter you know I I don't mind I don't mind answering uh the the same questions because I think the the man it there's a reason why those are the most asked questions and the fans deserve answers and they are different platforms so different people watching so you know um it is what it is you know it is what it is it is game it is what it is to quote the great Max Holloway who is very calm and nice outside of the cage but is an absolute demon as we saw at UFC 300 ironically I I see a similar traits with you you know very cordial very friendly but you are a bloodthirsty the warrior and this Saturday UFC on ESPN 62 against Ryan loer you get to unleash that animal for many fighters that I know or interview as well very calm people but it's it's almost an expression on Fight Night is that the same for you that uh maybe you don't drink don't party don't smoke don't do anything crazy in life but this this cage fight is where you can truly express your inner soul I wouldn't say not drinking not smoking not doing anything I live life also you know but um if I would if I would let out the rubber that training camp you're not drinking right no way they what training camp no drinking right no no no anyways like drinking for me means maybe like once twice a year I I get drunk at a party oh that's not bad but yeah I'm not I smoke weed maybe a once a month or something like that but if I would let out the rubber that is inside here on a daily basis i' be in jail you know so being in a cage gives me opportunity to do what I love to do and actually getting paid for it instead of you know and uh it's like a therapy you know it's like a therapy I feel like the whole world is always um suppressing my my real energy you know this violent energy like no don't do this no not here you know it's true it's true every every Walk of Life uh you know Eddie Bravo The Great Jiu-Jitsu mind sure sure uh Eddie says that um like school and the way that it's constructed is to just make you a future in an office sit down for eight hours 10 hours and just be uh complacent listen to Authority and uh I was just talking to my wife about that because we have a a very hyper uh threeyear old son and I know the system is going to try to break him like a try break yes yeah and I think we're so stupid we're so young as people like adults should have a gym in an office or like one hour a day like but I'm so glad that you have found your passion uh when when did you start training and how did mix Arts come into your life so I I can't relate to your son now because I was a kid hyper hyper ass [ __ ] and um I would on a DA days on a daily basis I would go in the woods and outside and play Warrior fight against my neighbor soon soon nobody wanted to play with me anymore because I would always want to fight that's that was my playing going out to play for me means fighting you know and um so I would also grow up with older brother always always fighting always fighting and um yeah that's kind of how I grew up and then I started Judo at a very young age and from the first day I was competitive as [ __ ] I wanted to go in there and hurt people you know and I was I was actually very fortunate to get a a Sensei who was like a tough [ __ ] and he wanted to breed some some good Judo athletes you know and um there was no there was no pampering you know what I mean and um that that fit me and that shaped also my my athletic career for the future yeah for for me obviously on a complete different level than yourself and uh other UFC fighters but after I train or work out I feel Center I could think uh as soon as you put on the kimono or the ghee uh for Judo was it like oh my God I I have to find a way to keep doing this yes I I fell in love on the first day I fell in love in the first day and for me it was um also the community not only the not only the training but the community because I had all of a sudden I had friends around me who were also um like they also had this kind of energy in them hey let's fight let's you know let's uh fight each other and and and because other other people they were too soft for that you know other kids and I would just get in trouble when I started fighting them and there it was like a bunch of young boys with too much energy learning how to fight and on a daily basis uh throwing each other around and submitting each other and uh training so the community maybe was was the the biggest factor that that kept me uh like so hyped for it and then obviously the competition that was my favorite part of the week like we would almost have every Saturday a competition nice and that was I I I love to perform when it's about something you know like in the in the gym in the sparring and stuff it's fun yeah it's it's like playing but when it's competing that's when I'm like my favorite aspect of the game you know I'm I'm thinking uh are you do you like do you perform better than your brothers in groups of people uh were you just because there's they always say the gym athlete you know like there's so many champions in the gym but under the bright lights they they just maybe they're thinking too much uh what what makes you so special when the cage door closes I think what makes me so special is that I'm actually enjoying it and looking forward for it there are so many there are so many fighters that they fight maybe because they're good at it and see it as a way of um reaching goals in life but the actual confrontation with another trained human being that tries to rip their head off gives them kind of uncomfortable feeling you know and I saw that with with many athletes that fight professionally when they would talk to me before the fight and I remember there was one guy I looked up to like crazy and then the first time I cornered him and I saw him in fight week I was like what he's actually not enjoying this right for me it's the best [ __ ] fight week I wake up with a [ __ ] smile on my today media day Apex and I walk around and it's just a kid in the candy shop you know I [ __ ] love it and that's up until the fight you won't see it on my face probably because I'm focused when I'm getting in there but like fight they waking up I'm like let's [ __ ] go and yeah I I imagine even if you're serious in there it just means that you're Focus like the the world stops everything stops you're stops that's that's beautiful man there's a f there's a famous quote from um The Gracie guy the the pioneer of of UFC what was his name ho ho Grace he said when I fight I'm not thinking about going home for dinner you know and that's kind of how I feel there's nothing there's there's nothing else in my mind it's true seeing someone after or doing something after or whatever no fight that's have to I die in there you know Mark Zuckerberg uh he said he started training because because you can't think of your schedule you can't think of dinner when somebody's trying to choke you when somebody's kicking you punching you in the face you can't think of that and that's why I think oh man I I love martial arts I I really do I think for anybody who's hyper anybody like my wife she's a shoom black belt like it's we're hyper people very excited and it's like I think I think people are starting it's less it used to be I don't know not scary it used to be just people didn't want to talk about it that fighting can be good fighting can be good and uh I I feel like people like you you carry that beautiful message like you said like if you weren't fighting you'd probably be on the news for the wrong reasons yeah yeah but uh my my last uh formal question you do have the fight coming up UFC on 6 uh UFC on ESPN 62 this Saturday ESPN plus tough 32 finale Ryan loader he's a California kid wrestler very humble monest and it seems like there's going to be respect there which in my opinion whenever there's ultimate respect like a Yuri and a petta it just results in blood how do you see this fight going down exactly like that I see two guys in there who are not coming to joke around who have who are on a mission who who are confident in himself and who also know what's on the line now you know so um if it's Ryan with his style that he just want to grind it out and make it his Pace or if it's me who wants to to to hurt his opponent it's going to be a clash of two people who who just want to press their will on the opponent and I think that's a great matchup and I know that he's coming prepared and I'm coming prepared so I think we have everything it needs for an epic tough finale and one thing that I bring to the cage is I'm not gonna let him make this a boring fight I'm going to make it bloody and I'm going to make it violent and if I go out I go out on the shield but I will try to take his head off in there literally take his head off I literally just got goosebumps of the back of my shaved head amazing Rob check out his merch on Instagram he's rocking it right now I love it I gotta see that movie with uh Alex Skarsgard and William defo I believe there's a viking family that movie is about you my man you have Viking Blood at robzilla MMA team Gro versus Ryan B uh Ryan loader this Saturday UFC on ESPN 62 tough 32 finale my man rob Valentine I appreciate the time I appreciate you thank you so much did you hydrate good get ready for another round inside the aagon what's up fight fans Ike Feldman with givemesport oncom being joined by probably top five greatest nicknames of all time gangis gon offley gangis gon offley on Instagram uh we know the the Ryan Darth Bader uh style Bender is obviously pretty cool uh the spider is pretty cool but gang is gone awfully you my friend are already in the Hall of Fame for your nickname how is everything going thanks for that yeah I'm going great bro well it's been uh I just heard in an interview from the media day that there was no phone and I don't of course there would be no phone I don't know why I didn't just think of it but man in this generation in 2024 uh how is that going about was is it five or six weeks yeah was it was six it was six weeks but five weeks total in the house uh with no phone and look I tell you what that experience in in its own was really nice because it was it was a bit of a digital detox uh I I felt very strange having my phone uh back with me I almost didn't want to use it I didn't want to play with my phone and I even remember my my wife was like why aren't you messaging me I'm like it's not cuz I don't want to talk to you it's cuz I just don't want to use this phone I've kind of gotten used to it you know but um yeah that that was a nice experience I I don't think I'll be able to experience that one again what did you learn about yourself uh without a phone or without distracting you uh I i' I found out like from cutting out alcohol it's like whenever you have a bad day you're like I need a drink I need to smoke but it's like without that it makes you kind of face what you're dealing with uh what did you I feel like a phone might be harder than no alcohol no smok how was that experience what did you learn about it was it was harder uh you know I I've never written in a journal before ever owned one but uh I took one with me with no intention of writing a single thing in it but uh I think and it took me about two weeks to start actually writing things in it and you know not having the phone on me it just simply made me have the time to internalize you know go inside if I was feeling a certain way and know I I guess I just had to talk to myself you know and figure out why I was feeling certain things or um when it came to thinking and planning I that's when I started writing in my journal and you know either fight related or non- fight related you know I wrote so many nice things that I wanted to do after after fighting or after I wanted to get out of the house and you know it it really helped my quality of life you know and even relationships and how I you know just relationships with anyone in general you know I I just wanted to I've always been the type to better myself you know so not having my phone and being able to do that gave me the chance to really Zone into it incredible and a lot of people man it's like they're trying to tear down the ultimate fighter I am uh maybe I'm just the 1% the hardcore fans who tune in to every season super excited when Brian battle and Ricky uh turos brought it back a couple of years ago right right after the pandemic and uh just super locked in there's uh Dana White was just asked about it there he has looking for a fight is Dana White Contender series and of course the ultimate fighter in my mind and people are forgetting this but back in the day with Forest Griffin Michael bisbing Nate Diaz Chris leben everybody said it was the toughest tournament in all of sports Tougher Than The Pride tougher than the valley tudo the the two fights of one night because you're living with the quote unquote enemy the opponent like sleeping next to them like it that people talk about so much the mental that's why it's hardest because the mental trip Dan know why Contender series 8we Camp Bing Bang Boom in Vegas Fight go back you you're living you're living and breathing it every day um yeah is that true to fact like did you it is true there there was a few know like let's put it this way MMA is the hardest sport there is out there period yes uh fighting in a tournament format is even harder and then you've got living with with your opponents and no phone and all this stuff you can't go anywhere is even harder you know so uh and I think like maybe people aren't thinking about that side of it you know the the competitive side the things that you have to go through to to become the ultimate fighter and you know the sport is evolving the sport is changing so yes it's a reality TV show so maybe people are expecting more fights to happen or more drama to happen or you know some crazy [ __ ] but as a sport is evolving we are professionals we are evolving as martial artist and to be the best athlete there is out there yeah you can't be drinking you can't be smoking you can't be [ __ ] around you know you can't be doing dumb [ __ ] if you want to be the best in the world you know so uh I think there's a little bit of that but um yeah I loved it man it was awesome I 100% agree uh uh the Patty piml is almost like a a a fossil at this point the the crash dieting and everything George St Pierre was almost an alien no pun intended I know he talks about aliens but he he was from the future in terms of living that martial arts lifestyle not just training six months of the year fighting six months uh like just just always getting better over always evolving and you've come up in that generation uh who for you uh did you like to watch as a teenager or as a child uh that maybe push pushed you to try a new technique in the gym bro it was uh it was GSP you know that was the guy that I looked up to because early on I could say I could see that this guy is like a universal Soldier uh he could do everything you know and he can adapt and you know my father did actually name me after Jenis Khan and and so I as I got old I kind of was studying it and looking into it a little bit more and realizing that he was such a good conqueror and not CU he was powerful he actually didn't have much to his name and he actually went through a a lot of adversity in his younger life but it was his uh you know his analytics his tactical side that actually made him who he was so when I looked for a fighter GSP was the only one that could adapt to any situation and he was very tactical so he was my favorite guy growing up and then later on it was kabib and that was because of his dominance you know just how dominant you can be you know like forget the skill forget how it looks just dominate your [ __ ] opponents bro you know so them two uh are the guys that I look up to as as as figures and um yeah it's excellent and I I feel like you would agree with me that it's uh it's important I I come from growing up watching Baseball playing baseball uh the I yeah only one guy has slipped past but everybody else who did steroids is not in the base ball Hall of Fame and I remind everybody in the Mixed Martial Arts world that it's it's worse than baseball to do steroids and fighting you're not just hitting a ball 50 feet over the fence you're punching somebody's face in their skull and and if you have more energy in the 24th minute or in the 14th minute that's dangerous that's that's what I heard a great breakdown about the the EPO effects that yeah okay you're not strong but you got more energy for longer and there is danger in that so I I feel like we would agree that GSP and kabib and hoist Gracie Amanda Nunes Ronda Rousey everybody who did it the right way they they they should be elevated I love Anderson Silva I'm looking at a poster right now where he's kicking vtor in the face but I'm sorry man it's like the the steroids is a bad look but I feel like you uh can carry the torch for the good guys the superheroes the Marvel Avengers uh what are some of the goals that you have in the sport uh the goals that I have in the sport is obviously becoming a UFC world champion you know that's that's one you know I'm not here to you know as Connor says take part we here to take over and do the best that I can um in my life the other thing is I want to inspire a lot of people that have going through any type of hardships and adversities in their Liv especially you know there's no no no real age connected to it young old you know it doesn't matter because you know of the life that I've lived I I want to you know motivate people and inspire people in that sense the other thing that I that I really want to do is uh you know I'm I'm an Aussie I'm born in Australia Melbourne boy from the suburbs but my my blood is Turkish you know and turkey is a huge population of over 200 million people turkey people and I I I see that there's a gap in their development so sometime in my life I actually want to be able to develop the Turkish MMA and the young athletes over there um my phone is currently blowing up right now with young boys messaging me and so like inspired and wanting to learn MMA but they don't have the the knowledge so I want to somehow work with some people in Turkey I want to somehow maybe bring my coaches and and create like a training development plan and really help the nation of the turkey people to possibly be you know and and have some amazing Fighters come out of there as well would you move pick up and live there if there was a UFC Pi look I well if there was a pi I'd be involved in the pi but um I'm a universal guy you know I like to travel I don't really like to ever sit put in one place um my whole life I've kind of been moving around for different reasons but but uh you know yeah I I definitely spend some time there and um but I don't I don't know yeah about living there we'll see and I can't get enough Turkish coffee and uh baklava is that corre oh my gosh you does somebody in your family make an excellent Baka this is the one thing that I don't like about the Turkish culture and that is putting on 10 kilos every time like I've been to Turkey three times now and I came obese after three days I was like godamn it's too good amazing and I of course do my spin on it I warm up The Baklava and then put like ice cream like vanilla ice cream like I can feel it in my teeth right now just thinking about well last thing I appreciate your time and you said jangus not genas right so look man we there's there's a lot of different terminologies the Turks will say Jenis uh the Aussies will say genas um you know the true Mongolians will say chinkies you know so you know it's however you want to say but I think everyone understands you however way you say it well on Instagram jangus Ka n o fli on Instagram genison offley team Valentina I'm just GNA hold you for one more question your prediction this Saturday UFC on team team Grasso by the way not valentine what am I smoking team CR so against team Valentina shout outs to Mexican Pride can't wait to see UFC noce Gro um it's it's it's amazing that I I appreciate the UFC giv uh as Dana White said a love letter to Mexican Combat Sports but it is before we get there this Saturday August 24th ESPN plus Ultimate Fighter 32 finale myON Santa stands in front of you from your dream how do you get past him I get past him by finishing him and dominating him all right that was fast folks um you heard it amazing short sweet I can't wait to see you do your big things especially this Saturday con awfully I appreciate the time safe travels and have fun my brother thank you brother appreciate it let's go did you hydrate good get ready for another round inside the iagon what's up everybody what's up Combat Sports Community it's your boy Ike Feldman again with another Ultimate Fighter 32 finalist again they're fighting UFC on ESPN 62 this Saturday ESPN plus being joined by KH offley opponent myON Santos on Instagram atm. Santos uncore first and foremost Mr minin how are we doing today good good very good just had a good sleep and everything's good excellent uh as we were saying before sleep is the most important thing and God bless you my friend you said you have a little kid on the way uh sleep as much as you can now you may not sleep for 18 years I will try I try now you scar me but I'll try it's it's everything happens at the perfect time they say God's time um but uh uh talk to me why you're going to win this fight why you're going to be inspired because you have uh a baby Santos on the way it's my dream since I was young when I started to train at 14 years old I always visualize this moment of me making my debut and now not just the debut but I can't debute with a title being The Ultimate Fighter and nothing can stop me I think I'm hungrier than him and I'm gonna get this win for sure incredible and uh I always say people should train with hate and fight with love it seems like you train with love fight with love you're you're very I don't know very like uh not soft but you're very kindhearted person just from your social media and from what I've seen and the the pictures from the show you seem like you have a big heart is is that true yes yes I'm very calm um I don't let anything stress me out you know I'm I'm a guy like you can say soft I think I'm soft uh yeah so fighting isn't a thing that I do like to unleash my hate or my like a lot of Fighters do when I'm fighting it's a different feeling like I'm really enjoying it I'm loving it what I'm doing at the moment so yeah Love Train love fighting love everything is that like the Anderson Silva um Silva always said play he says just play play play make it fun is that the same for you yes like every time I'm going to a fight I'm thinking I can't lose this is for my family all that stuff but when I'm fighting I'm just enjoying the moment like I'm really playing and it's always it's always a good moment it's uh I don't have like any stress when I'm fighting I'm just enjoying every single second of it and yeah I'm playing you need to run to for president in America I wish imagine if you give a speech like hello America everybody one day who know you're you're very relaxed man you're very relaxed I can feel that and yeah it's true a lot of people they they fight for their father they fight for their family for their country with a lot of anger and maybe that puts a lot of pressure on you I believe that uh uh fighting loose and being relaxed can actually give you more cardio you're less less less tight less loose I was watching your Instagram studying your Instagram you look so Rel like you're just I watched the the Muay Thai fight and obviously amazing technique beautiful kicks like Alex petta like throwing the kick up from the bottom just no effort beautiful but you're relaxed more than anything Manny Pacquiao he said um a fast punch is a is a relaxed Punch or a fast muscle is a relaxed muscle is that the same with you yeah I think like seeing scientifically that's true really also yeah like when you all tight when you stressed you get tired fast but also like where I'm at like in my mental state at the moment I I'm I'm enjoying it so much that I can't be stressed like sometimes in my first fight in the house I was a little bit stressed in the first round and they said to me hey calm down and after that like I won every single exchange I didn't rush I didn't lose a position so I think calm is the key for the for winning for success for everything were people surprised your family or your friends or your neighborhood when you start fighting they're like myON wants the fight like he's so he's such a relaxed man like was everybody surprised when you were a teenager uh no because I always liked uh sports like socer even like judu like I would do I would try to do everything I would be like a kid that wouldn't stop so they weren't surprised and I started compete like when I was 13 or 14 so they are already used to it but yeah a lot of people say that like how can you be this calm when you're fighting and I think like comparing I was young helped me a lot too but they're not surprised like some of them say hey that's not the same guy that is fighting and I say no yes it is post yeah that that's how they react I love it again we're being joined by atm. Santos on Instagram catch this Saturday ESPN plus UFC on ESPN 62 The Ultimate Fighter finale 32 man it's here it's a big fight just spoke with genis Khan awfully he's excited man uh I don't know if he's going to be fighting relaxed I think he is he's gonna have a fire under his ass um I don't think so how how uh how do you see the fight playing out man I see him maybe in the beginning like we are fresh we are strong so maybe he'll be able to press Me Against the Cage a little bit but I think after the half of the round I'm gonna complete dominate him because he'll try to take me down for sure if not it's going to be a bad night for him because I really believe that I'm the best Striker so I think he will try to like just press Me Against the Cage all around and win a boring decision but I'm not gonna let this happen and I I truly believe that that I'm gonna win this fight by finish excellent and I expect you to see some Bodywork I was studying your Instagram you have beautiful head movement um MMA it's getting better and better with the boxing and it's like I I think you're uh coming into the UFC with Elite striking so it's going to be amazing to see how far you can take it um what are some of your goals in the next year five years 10 years do you want to open a gym when you're 45 when you're 50 if if you don't mind what are some of your goals yeah so I have a lot of goals I think first of all I want to bring my mom to live with me here see if she likes if if she doesn't like okay but she'll get to like visit when she wants yeah and I also want to have a gym one day I don't know when I I want to be a coach one day I think it's a pretty cool job and I want to work with fighting like being a coach being a manager whatever I that's my dream I want to stay in the gym have contact with the guys always always be in touch with the mix and martial arts world and yeah my goals right now yeah that that's my goals right now and have a healthy baby and I can't wait take care of my family that that's it it's the best thing in the world it it's literally I I I was a young boy before having kid and now I'm a man it's like it changes everything changes it makes you smarter too you have to start to play the chess like you're like oh get the botle get the diaper get the Sleep get the is it's amazing and uh before we get there before we get to the winter with the baby and the blessing big fight this Saturday con offley UFC on ESPN 62 very excited for you is there anybody you want to give a shout out to um big shout out to my mom to my wife my B I love them and we'll get this this done together let's go my man myON Santos I appreciate the time good luck safe travels and have fun thanks man I appreciate you thank you [Music]

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