Kimberly Martin VERY ANGRY W/ Stephen A Smith over Tyreek Hill | HEATED DEBATE

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:18:19 Category: Sports

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First Take got heated what's going on there guys we back with another one and I want to talk about this conversation surrounding Tyreek Hill that took place between kimbery Martin and Stephen A Smith this one and on first tap as kimbery Martin became very agitated with Stephen A Smith's take and you know Tyreek made some comments recently saying that he could have been better but he said the officers was disrespectful towards him and his teammates and they were excessive and I don't think anyone is dis in that the officers became excessive after the fact I think what or or the message that some some of the people that have opposed Tyreek has been saying um is the way he acted we need to have a conversation about that too to give ourselves the best chance to make it home now guaranteeing you make it home we obviously seen videos where police are excessive for no reason and they pulled up with the intent to do harm to someone of color but at the same time you know you want to give yourself the best probability to go home you don't want to do what Tyreek Hill did and an argument can be made that Tyreek Hill as bad as the video was a argument can be made that he was able to be let go and go play in the game the same day because he was Tyreek Hills so you know you could look at it both ways you can say that's messed up but you got also make an argument that if it was me or you we not leaving that scene you know or or you know at the very least we going to be detained and taken in but yeah man let's get into this argument let's react to this say I could have Tyreek Hill says he could've been better during traffic stop been better you know I could have let down my window you know in that instant but um the thing about me is man I don't I I don't want attention I don't I don't want to be like cameras out phones on you you know in that moment but um at the end of the day um you know I'm I'm human I got to I got to follow rules I got to you know um do what you know um every everyone else would do you know so now does that give them the right to literally beat the dog out of me absolutely not he got to go man cuz in that instant right there like not only did he do treat me bad you know what I'm saying he also treated my teammates with you know disrespect you know he had some crazy words towards them and they ain't even do nothing like what do they do to you they just walking on the sidewalk and told Jason Kimberly y roll down your Stephen A Smith agitates Kimberly Martin with his take windows put your hand on the steering wheel okay and don't mouth off at the police officer you know the police officer who's a law enforcement official who has a gun who has a taser who has a bulletproof vest and and is at complete advantage over you at that particular moment in time do everything that you can not to exacerbate the situation when Tyreek Hill was pulled over he left his windows up the officer had to knock on the window and he rolled it down a little bit and said don't knock on my window like that don't knock on my window like that don't knock on my window like that what did the officer say well if you had your window down I wouldn't had to knock on a window if you had it down and everything took off from there he could have handled things better and the reason why that's important is because times that we're living in it's not an exaggeration to say this Tyreek Hill could have got himself killed when you roll when you have that window up they don't know what's on the other side of that window you don't know how they would have reacted so thank God everybody's safe and no no no not not additional harm came to the situation but I'm very very happy he acknowledged that he could have handled the situation better because he should have handled the situation better for his own sake as well as those out there who look up to him and might want to emulate his actions now I've gotten on Stephen A Smith time after time on this channel when they say something that I don't agree with and he's right to have his opinion or he has his right to have his opinion I got my right to have mine but what he just said right there I don't see any issue with he acknowledged that it went overboard with the cops but also Tyreek heill himself came out and said he could have been better in that situation now he said some other things but he also said that he could have been better and that's responsible because you got children watching children looking up to cheetah Hill wan to be just like him wan to be the player like him wantan to drive the car that he was pulled over in all types of stuff but you could see kimly Martin's body language starting to change as Stephen A continue to talk she's a blinker and a head mover and a facial expression shower when she feels way about a topic so you could see this coming and Brewing so let's listen to what she had to uh I Kimberly Martin goes in on Stephen A Smith take do think they was very mature of tiger Hill to to um give those comments yesterday I think things can always seem clear with the benefit of hindsight however my issue lies with the fact that so many people unlike Tyreek Hill didn't have the benefit of hindsight what could I what should I have done differently o if I had not done this because they're not here to tell their story the issue here is excessive use of force I understand that you know we can talk about the window we can talk about all these things but ultimately the reason the body cam video and and what we saw on Twitter Sunday morning why affected so many of us that way is because of because of how how physical they were with him how when he seemed to be compliant how he was still treated and so I think when I when I hear especially older Generations talk about you know how to protect yourself because these are the times we're living in what that advice while I understand it it doesn't get to the root of the issue it's we have to now brace ourselves for the world that is unfair we have to change our Behavior as opposed to talking about what the issue is the world shouldn't be like that uh police officers and again I have tons of police officers and my family friends all that but they are trained for these situ ation in a way that civilian civilians are not we are we don't know what it's like to be it's Panic that is what we feel right in those moments and as a black woman that video is triggering for me to watch especially when I sit down next to other black men and watch it because you can talk about how Tyreek should have done this had he not done that phando Castile like all there we have so many names of people who don't have the benefit of being able to say in that moment I wish I had done something different because because their lives were taken and so I I get what Stephen saying but it's still even for me as a woman when older Generations tell you oh don't dress a certain way because you don't want somebody to take advantage of you on the street you don't and and it and that advice while I understand it it's not about what I'm wearing it's about how about we figure out why is somebody trying to trying to take advantage of me that's the issue not necessarily the dress not necessarily the window in my opinion yeah when we so here comes the aggression um Stephen A is simply trying to say we got to take the proper precautions to give ourselves the best chance because we already know those factors exist so saying that it should be one way doesn't negate the fact that it exists so I guess my thing that I'm saying to you all is you have to determine what's more important taking a stand for what should exist in this situation cuz sometimes it's worth it like our ancestors did for us so yes you you do take stances that could be potentially uh fatal but is like thinking about your family thinking about everything else is going off rolling your window up on the cop all that worth you not making it back home to your family I guess to each his own right some people think it is um you know some people gonna stand on how it should be um but again I don't think Tyreek he wasn't even within bounds you know to defend it's common knowledge that you don't make yourselves like he rolled his window down said don't knock on my window like that rolled it back up you don't make yourself not visible to Cops you know and I think the only reason he got away with that was he was Tyreek Hill you know I think if again if it had been me or you we got blasted in that situation um because you know you you in the car they saying they can't see you hey they they G to do what they got to do but they knew that was Tyreek Hill and they knew it wouldn't went well for them uh to do such a thing Kimberly is talk and let me address her other point she said when old people people say it's about what you wearing and all that um you know you shouldn't be attacked I don't think nobody should be attacked females that is for what they're wearing so I'm be clear on that I think you talk to some of the older women some of the things they've been subjected to they've cried out and no one helped them or they didn't believe them or Pastor did something and nobody believes them or if they believe them they want to keep it hush and they want to they telling you from that experience right they not telling you you know just don't look for people that is a different race from you no they saying this is uncles C older cousins and all kinds of stuff that that has done this um you know from my from my experience you know listening to the older people talk some of the things they went through is horrible and it be your own people that that beat done did it you know so uh her example there based off what I've heard older women say you know just wear something that isn't as inviting because you know people are crazy out here you know what I'm saying and it's just kind of precautionary more then is trying to tell you what to do it's not about what she's saying is about it's about the factors that exist out there and how to navigate those not how it should be cuz we're not in a perfect world we got all kinds of evil people around us so how do you navigate that right and it's kind of the same thing with the officers we know bad officers exist but sometimes you know you might have a good officer that uses excessive force um because again they got to make it home too they're trained and they're people but they also have to make judgment calls right because you in a real world situation it's not a perfect science so you don't want to do anything that leaves it in their hands is all I'm saying let's continue right he didn't say he wanted all of them fir Stephen A Smith and Kimberly martin continue arguing he said that one officer who dragged me out of that car the way that he did guess what he's alive to highlight it was that officer right there it wasn't all of them it was him okay now we know but what happened he was able to get through the situation I'm saying to you we can't ignore the fact that what we're asking for is unlikely not going to happen in a lot of situations most yes it will some yes it will but in a lot more cases than not what we believe should exist does not and at the end of the day I would rather us sit in front of the camera in front of a microphone on a Podium post game post practice conference or everything else rather than somebody else speaking for us because we're in a coffin six feet under because we put our because a officer that is not inclined to do do what he was trained to do we knew it all along and we still going to tagonize him anyway doesn't change the my stance on on supporting what he is saying about how he was treated with the excessive force that is my only argument here it what he said yesterday does not change how I how I watched that video and how angry I was not just for me as a black person in America but also the black men that I know that I love that that are in my family that are my friends because that is a real fear that is a real fear for so that was Kimberly Martin's take I'mma cut it right there guys the discussion uh Jason mccordi has some things to add in there Molly didn't even agree all the way with Kimberly and she got even more agitated but I wanted to put that out there man because I wanted you guys to really see that and analyze that for yourself now of course some people gonna say I'm wrong for even opposing anything that a black person has done and I'm supposed to to be black we all supposed to be black all that I just want you to make it home or give yourself the best chance to make it home are we going to see more jacked up things you can point to and say see this is why it don't matter what we do yes we will have incidents like that in the future and we will see it on camera we get to see these things on camera now where there are more incidents of this uh before this era that we live in absolutely you know when um you know back back when uh during segregation and all that imagine what wasn't captured on body cam footage back then and how they just took their word for it back then at least now sometimes we can see what really happened and some of these officers can get in trouble back then they had no justice back then um so not trying to say it's right now uh what some of the cops did and I admit that it was excessive um just plain old me had a cop come up to my car uh very agitated you know and I I think I was only doing like I ain't gonna say only but I I was speeding a little bit probably was doing like 55 and a 35 or something like that cop came up knocking on the window and said man you know how fast you were going and his voice you know he was inflecting it in an aggressive way I was like you know no let me know um he said you doing 50 about 55 57 and a 35 I said oh yeah I said my bad man you know I was trying to get to work a little bit late running behind and so he walks back to his car and and this is happened a couple times um one time I got a warning ticket other time I got a real ticket and I really didn't need a ticket at that time man I was yeah I think I probably was working at like a grocery store or something like that back then didn't really have the funds um worried about points on your license and different things so I was extremely stressed I wasn't like Tyre Hill that could just pay it off and you know whatever but moral of the story is I got to go home that day and he he said and this is the day I got the ticket he said you know just slow it down man and you don't even be wanting to hear no well wishes from them when they give you a ticket because you be like man you could have just gave me a warning if you gonna give me a ticket or or if you want to say anything positive to me just give me a warning and then I want to hear more the positive you got to say but I conducted myself properly made the officer feel at ease where he didn't have to draw his weapon and went on about my married way you know and yeah the ticket and all that stuff was stressful not making the money like that but I ended up living through that and it's a reminder for me to slow down in that area I still slow down in that area to this day and my point is I just made the officer feel at ease um again one time in high school I was coming home from work I was working at a grocery store back then and I got stopped at a light I made a right went across the train tracks went through a stop sign and the cops pulled me over again like back to back like it was literally like two minutes later they pulled me over and I could have been agitated then because I could have said you know y'all just pull me over right back there but you know I did made him feel at ease got home in my mama's car at that point so I definitely don't need to act a fool um and and thank God I'm here to tell that I'm sure some people did everything right and still got shot we see it on camera too our point in saying that you need to conduct yourself properly isn't to ensure anything it's to increase the probability that you might make it home to navigate this wicked world that we live in man um I want to know which take you guys agree with the most Kimberly Martin or Stephen A Smith beat it up in the comments let me know guys don't forget to like share and subscribe till next time peace

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