AKA patters h i the we got to stop doing I want to stop doing videos like this John Cassidy recently passed away if you're new here this is Wild Storm Wednesday every single Wednesday I bring you something from Wild Storm Productions and if you're not familiar with wildstorm Productions it's the house that Jim Lee and all that money from X-Men number one built it was built so much that Jim Lee almost took his resources from wildstorm Productions and took over Marvel Comics basically having Marvel Comics move from New York City into Los Angeles that didn't happen and when it didn't happen DC Comics bought wildstorm Productions and you know some of those characters still carry over today but we get into like the 90s side of Wild Storm Productions what we like to call the wildor universe and you all of you out there you're my wild stormers and guys come on if you're a wild Stormer leave me a comment I don't know do do the subscription self who cares John Cassidy died uh I was there I was there for his his uh his rise like where he Rel relatively seemed like he came out of nowhere and when Warren Ellis gave us planetary later John Cassidy would completely shatter the grid with astonishing X-Men all my content uh for the the next couple of days got turned upside down because I I just been thinking and just you know just like putting in the work about John Cassy and I always said we will we will do remembrance videos when they matter to me now sometimes uh you know we want to do a remembrance video to to remind people uh of the of the impact of certain individuals so there it could be someone where I wasn't there to witness the rise of their career that or the full impact of their career but it's still meaningful to the Arc of this channel John Cassidy's like right there but he's also of a time in wildr Productions I long said that I was not going to get into the authority I was not going to get into planetary the warrant l era of Wild Storm Productions which is really the real work it's what everybody loves it's all of the trade paperbacks uh you know like it it built the Warren Ellis essentially built the Wild Storm Library just when it comes with volumes I said we're not going to get into this era we're just going to do the wildstorm universe going from Wild Cats number one 1992 and all the way through fire from heaven their second epic company crossover where you know death blow gets killed but I was like now like we got we have to do something cuz he's so deeply tied to wildstorm Productions and when we look at planetary and we look at the authority both of them dropped both number ones dropped in 1999 we get a powerful idea Wildcats number one was first published in 1992 so it wasn't until 19999 that Jim Lee and Company got bucks that just sold themselves CU people were excited for them planetary number one if you need to know when you read the final page you want to read the first page of issue to this is one of our this is our longstanding baselines criterias of what makes a good book on this channel so I read yeah I had this ready to go CU you know I have a couple of these uh hard covers there's four of them the best issue planetary is in volume two of these planetary hardbacks so we you we were going to do one of these and then we were going to do you know a look at planetary number one so I'm rereading number one which is you know the like the Doc Savage issue which is fantastic and something occurs to me because in the back here you know we we kind of have let me just say maybe it wasn't this one in one of them maybe it was this I just want to show you guys and I don't care like I'm just letting this this go yeah so so in in the back of this planetary Volume 2 we have you know just a it's a it's a publishing catalog it's what's available from DC so we have a chunk we have a chunk of storm watch and and uh all the storm watch trade paperbacks would lead into the authority and lead into these so if you were a retail you were down order everything from stormwatch volume one to whatever new trade paper backs are coming out from the authority and planetary uh we call that down like downline uh ordering and as a retailer uh you know again you would kind of push your employees to get individuals uh hooked on books so if they read storm watch number one you can sell them the authority and it's it's good for business and it's not like you're doing anything evil cuz it is good material so I'm going through that list and I and I realize that it's like wow like Warren Ellis the industry cancelled Warren Ellis so that side of promoting planetary is gone right Warren Ellis is not he's not even allowed to talk or tweet he's not allowed to do anything anymore so he's not pushing it and then the whole industry because of the the activist side of of comic D Marches On they just ignore him he's canel and then they they they go amongst their day but then you would say well John Cassidy right John Cassidy is around to promote planetary because when you go back to read planetary now it's more readable than the authority cuz the authority was really like hardcore connected to storm watch and and on this channnel we we went over the origin of the authority which is wild cats aliens in Cannon Darkhorse wild stor Productions and her company crossover smack middle between stormat volume 2 issues 10 and 11 it's it's still like I said it then I say it now it's it's the greatest company crossover of all time so you would say like well Warren Ellis is you like can't he's he's he he cannot push he's not allowed to push planetary but we saw John Cassidy in the mix it's very similar to where uh if we compare it to you know a different side of the Watchmen where Allan Moore just disassociates himself with Watchman but Dave Gibbons is the you know he's the guy on the DVD commentaries in the making of specials for the Watchmen movie he's uh before Watchmen you know the making of uh hard book uh comic he you know like he wrote that it's his material it's his commentary so Dave Gibbons can can can can fight the fight to to promote Watchmen right and I'm not saying this material needs constant promotion but we need to to bring light to it every now and again you know we we can't let that light dim so you would say John Cassidy is out there right John Cassidy can promote planetary because as Time Marches on planetary really does become the absolute absolute Jewel of wildstorm Productions and their publishing profile I mean I no exaggeration planetary is the book to read but then he passes so who who's left now to promote planetary I mean we can do it here the AKA pad Army can do it which is why this channel becomes significant it becomes more significant it's it needs your attention and needs your help and needs your promotion uh this is why we call ourselves the AKA pad Army this book it took Jim Lee 1992 to 1999 7 years took Jim Lee seven years and he Burns through a giant epic superhero Universe hundreds of characters and he lets it all go away gen 13 went right from idea we gave it to a new Talent we gave it to J Scott Campbell and from there it went to an animated movie Wild Cats goes from essentially right unused X-Men characters into their own book a property no one's ever heard of into to Saturday morning cartoons and toy shelves and SNES games and right the whole the whole promotion and there there's some other misses along the way right Jim Lee lets all that go away and the focus of wildstorm Productions becomes planetary and the authority and the authority right I mean James gun is making a Superman Legacy movie with the engineer from The Authority in the movie uh we speculate on this channel that the engineer is going to be a proxy character Al Brainiac uh not not not literally within the movie Just powerwise within the movie so here we go you know like John Cassidy is no longer with us but this channel the AKA pad channel for the next couple days uh we're going to talk about John Cassidy we're going to talk about planetary we're going to do planetary issue one we're going to do planetary issue seven which is the Allen more connection we're going to do astonishing X-Men Issue 4 and if you're not familiar with that issue astonishing X-Men Issue 4 is the last great moment in next history and then we're going to get into the Captain America Marvel Knights six issue run there you can make the same argument the last time Captain America felt absolutely meaningful and significant the post 911 Arc so we're going to do it guys uh we're going to Champion this stuff we're going to move into a John Cassidy run on this channel and for wild from Wednesday we say uh goodbye and thank you to John Cassidy because I was there when these books were dropping I was there and and you you read these books in the car uh if you you know bought a lot of my books in the local shopping mall you you you read them as you were walking you went right to the food court you read them uh yeah just sucks man uh I hate videos like this but guys rock and roll

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