Wade Wilson Dead Pool Killer

hi everyone welcome to my channel I'm your host Britney and I'd like to welcome you all to the first official episode of my new True Crime podcast blazing with Brit I'm going to be dropping a new True Crime episode every Saturday so if you're in a true crime be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of that true crime tea let's get into it today we're going to be discussing the case of Wade Steven Wilson also known as the Deadpool killer because he shares the name with this guy and that's literally the only cool thing about him he's a psycho in my opinion in my opinion this is my opinion you guys in my channel okay calm down um and he's done some pretty nasty things so I've researched this case pretty extensively and I've looked at news reports I've looked at social media accounts I went to his ex-girlfriend's Tik Tok I went deep into the rabbit hole so I also watched all of his trials so what I'm going to do is just give you guys a recap of everything that I've researched and learned so let's get into it on June 12th 2024 Wade Wilson was found guilty of the murders of two women from Cape Corral 35-year-old Christine Molton and 43-year-old Diane Ruiz these murders took place within hours of each other and this past Tuesday on August 27th 2024 Wade was given two death sentences one for each ofp the murders a lot of people who saw the trial are commenting on the fact that Wade looked extremely emotional as the enti entire trial and as the judge was reading his sentence he still didn't show any remorse or any emotion I actually watched the trial and I thought he looked like a monster as well he looked pretty emotionless and cold and it was pretty transparent that he did not care a quick disclaimer before we get started we are going to be talking about some pretty gruesome details about the murders so viewer discretion is advised this podcast is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only all opinion stated are mine and mine alone and I also just want to give a big thanks to my new subscribers if you haven't already make sure to subscribe and like this video so let's take the clock back to 1994 his mother and father are both teenagers and it was said that his mom was doing hard drugs while she was pregnant with him so he was born pretty dependent on drugs he was born May 20th 1994 making him 30 years old and also making him a Taurus I thought that was really interesting because I used to like go down the list of serial killers and not many of them are Tauruses so I thought that was really interesting he was later adopted by Candace and Steven Wilson who knew his family through church and basically watched him grow up they're also the ones who gave him his last name Wilson I thought that was an interesting fact it was said that as a child Wade liked to play sports he did well in school and he even attended church and I know what you're thinking attending church doesn't automatically make you a good person but I thought I'd throw it in there for a little bit of reference on his past his adoptive parents were described as super friendly people who lived in a really nice neighborhood drove really expensive cars and even had a few nice Greyhounds like those really big dogs I thought that was cool his friends described his adoptive parents as wanting the best for him and being just really good people who you could tell had the best interest for him and they also said that Wade kind of looked like he took all of that for granted there was even reports from one of his high school friends saying that Wade one time stole his adoptive parents car and disappeared for 3 days it wasn't until around age 13 that Wade started showing signs of paranoia and mood swings he was starting to show out in class causing disruption he even got expelled from his high school for smoking pot in the bathroom and lighting a roll of toilet paper on fire I don't know about you that sounds like a good time so after 2012 as the years progressed his crimes definitely turned from more Adolescent and school crimes to now getting involved with the police his friends would say that after high school he would go breaking into cars and when asked why he did this he said even if he didn't find anything valuable he got a kick out of breaking into cars and he just liked to do it let's go break into some cars you guys this is this is what I do for fun no who does that as he got older the charges got more intense he actually got charged with possession of St stolen property and petty theft these charges were taken to court but his parents quickly got a lawyer fought against the charges and the charges were actually dropped and I was like Wow Mommy and Daddy coming to the rescue huh sounded like they were doing good in life even now they still say that they're on his side they miss their son and they're always going to be on his side they love him and miss him fast forward some years in the future it's 2018 and he start daating a girl named Kelly whose Tik Tok would serve extremely interesting if you ever have time go take a look she goes into details about the abuse while being in a relationship with Wade Wilson and I'm just going to give you the tea about the Tea Kelly and Wade meet they start dating they like each other they like doing it so they move in with each other and it's going good for about a year until Kelly finds a pipe in Wade's stuff she's not really too familiar with the drug life or addiction Lifestyles or the type of paraphernalia that you would find related to addiction so she does what anybody does when you have a question and you need an answer quick she took to Reddit and she asked Reddit what is this I found this in my boyfriend's stuff and I I hope it's not what I think it is and they're like oh girl it's what you think it is it's exactly what you think it is and your boyfriend suing crack so moving forward after she found this they stayed together but she kind of looked at him different so the relationship became strained it never got to the point of physical abuse until one one day Kelly was looking through his stuff again she was like rifling through his [ __ ] and he was getting mad he was like hey don't look through my [ __ ] she takes his bag and she runs into a room and she locks herself in the room and he's banging on the door he's bang she's like looking through a [ __ ] trying to find another pipe or whatever she's looking but I don't know what she's looking for but she's trying to find something on it Wade breaks the door down Kelly throws a chair at him and they get into a physical altercation so after that physical altercation the relationship kind of went downhill Wade would start stealing money from her he even went as far as to steal her car and her gun and Kelly even reported this to the police but nothing was done so she did take him back but this was a decision that she would later regret on February 18th 2019 Wade and Kelly got into a fight that led to Wade taking Kelly's phone and throwing Kelly in the back of her trunk with Kelly in the trunk Wade decided to drive 3 and 1/2 miles to the Florida key Wade gagged her with her own leggings repeatedly sexually assaulted and beat her at some point of all this the psychopath even bit her lower face and broke her foot while trying to get her into the trunk because he was like slamming the trunk on her foot that he actually broke her foot and if this wasn't enough to win boyfriend of the Year award he actually at some point during this road trip he got hungry so he pulled over to a McDonald's drive-thru and ordered McDonald's all with Kelly in the trunk after stopping for McDonald's Wade ends up selling Kelly's phone for crack and meeting up with a woman in Cape Corral where he then lets Kelly go and gives her her car keys allowing her to drive back home without him apparently he had this plan from the beginning because who is she who did you meet up with Kelly drove straight to the hospital she tried to get pictures of the lacerations on her wrist get a sexual assault rape kit done when she wanted to take pictures of the bruising and the scratches just to have collateral for when she wanted supress charges she then went to the police station to press charges against Wade but the police stated that they had no photo evidence from the hospital for reasons that are unclear the photographs that she took at the hospital were no longer viable or findable they just didn't exist so even though they explained to Kelly that they wouldn't be able to charge Wade with anything for lack of evidence and Witnesses which I thought was absolutely crazy especially when she had photos on her cell phone but I guess those weren't good enough although Wade was still interviewed by detectives regarding this incident his remarks regarding this incident were interesting he had admitted to tying her up he was like yeah I did tie Kelly up and I did put her in the trunk but that was because quote she was into that kind of thing like what get out of here get no one's into getting their foot broken bro come on like pineapples get out of here I said pineapples on a serious note Kelly states that after this they broke up for good which good for you girl you don't deserve that nobody does but you probably dodged a bullet over the next few months he had some pretty crappy relationships leaving a pretty bad reputation for himself as being abusive mentally and physically it wasn't until October 2019 that he got with a girl named Melissa who also went by the name of Melia him and Melissa decided to go to a club named Buddha where he met up with a guy named Jason Shephard so I've heard some conflicting stories I've heard what the news is reporting about this night and then I've heard what Wade is saying about this night he says that that night he actually had his girlfriend Melissa on the blade and for you guys who don't know that she was a prostitute she was selling her hoo-ha for him and he had her at the club and he met up with some guy named Jason Shepard who he ended up hitting it off with and reports would say that he left the bar and stole Melissa's car but Wade would tell you that he left the bar and took Melissa's car because Melissa stayed with the potential client that night he was like I didn't steal her car I took her car because she left with the dude that I sold her to for the night so I thought that was really interesting so him and Jason Shephard they take his girlfriend's car which is a stick shift that Wade cannot drive so Jason's actually driving this guy he just met is driving his girlfriend's car because Wade can't big man Wade who likes killing people doesn't know how to drive a stick so he ends up going back to Jason Shepard's house where he meets up with two women one named Christine and the other named Stephanie where he introduces himself under the alias junor so they get to Mr Shepard's house his new friend that he just met that night he ends up staying the night with Christine and Stephanie according to Stephanie him and Christine were doing some adult things together getting intimate the next morning they realized that Melissa his girlfriend's Hellcat was actually out of gas so it had to be parked there and him Stephanie and Christine took an Uber back to Christine's house when they got there Stephanie decided that it was time for her to leave and it's a little unclear about what time it happened but they know for sure a little after Stephanie left is when Wade killed Christine Wade admitted that he strangled Christine in her sleep and then tied her up with her clothing after this he left Christine's house in Christine's car which was a black Nissan Versa and as he was leaving he kept trying to call his girlfriend Melissa with no luck she wasn't answering about 2 hours go by and he's just calling her calling her calling her Melissa finally answers they get into a heated argument about the fact that he stole her car and didn't come home the night before this argument eventually got so heated that he decided to drive to the spa where Melissa was working when he got there he was frantic and tried to explain to Melissa that he really needed her to come with him and he had something really important to tell her she saw that his clothes was covered in blood and was frightened she didn't want to go anywhere with him he tried to force her into the vehicle by pulling her by her dress to the point to where her dress almost ripped off her body he sees that she's getting away because her dress is ripping so he gets out of the vehicle with the car still in Drive walks around and attempts to tackle her she said and I quote the vehicle grazed me on the side because it was still in drive so now she's on the floor tumbling with him she actually stated in trial that during this altercation he punched her repeatedly slapped her and choked her up against the wall of her work by her neck because he had been punching her so excessively she was leaking blood pretty bad he must have saw the blood and realized that he might have been going a little too crazy because it was enough for him to stop hitting her long enough for her to get under his arm and Escape back into the building of her job and lock herself inside of her room so Wade gets back into Christine's black Nissan Versa and he drives back to Cape Corral getting there around 9:30ish as he's driving he sees a woman walking on the side of the highway this woman is 43-year-old Diane Ruiz he pulls over to ask her for directions to a nearby school and somehow convinces her to get into the vehicle although later reports from Wade would say that she got into the vehicle on her own free will he didn't have to force her to do anything he said that he attempted to rob her but when he realized she didn't have any money he then attempted to strangle her she tried to get out the moving vehicle but he he strangled her to the point with unconsciousness multiple times so every time she would come back conscious he would just strangle her again until they reached the Sam's Club parking lot when they got to the Sam's Club parking lot based on what came out of Wade's mouth he dragged her out of the car but that's when he realized that she wasn't yet dead she was still breathing so he ran her over repeatedly with Christine's car until she quote looked like spaghetti and this was according to Wade during an interview that he had with Detective so because he attacked his girlfriend Melissa at her job she had actually reported that to the police and they had been on the lookout for Wade as of this time Wade ends up finding an abandoned home breaking into it and staying there until he can figure out what his next moves are going to be he ends up calling his dad and his girlfriend Melissa from the victim's phones and this was later used as evidence in court and so the US Marshalls ended up getting in contact with his father because of the whole thing with Melissa and when they did he said well yeah he just called me and he told me that he did something really bad but he can't tell me what it is so the first phone call to his dad was very vague but in the second phone call he ended up giving himself up all of the details of the crime how he did it that he murdered two girls his dad reported that on this phone call he didn't sound remorseful he actually sounded excited so he was kind of worried about his son like dude you sound happy this you're not supposed to sound happy what's going on here Wade confided in his father asking him if he could order him an Uber his dad said yes he was like yeah then go ahead send me your location so Wade sends his dad his location trusting him to send him an Uber but instead the dad sent his location to US Marshals they arrive to the location where he's at and arrest weit the dad later went on to say that he felt conflicted about turning his son in but he knew by the tone of his voice that if he didn't he would go on to do it again so you know I mean it's easy to say what you would do if you were the parent in this situation but no one can actually say what they would do until they're in that position so kudos to the dad for having The Bravery to turn in his son so when they found Wade they also found Christine's black n on versa so they notified Stephanie to let her know like hey we've been trying to get in contact with your friend we have her car and she's like you have been so have I now I'm a little worried if you guys have her car and she's not answering she's nowhere to be found would you guys mind doing a safety check and popping up at her house so they arrived to Christine's house there's no answer at the door so the police have to break in when they get into the house what they found was horrific on the floor near a room was a bundle of what looked like to be blankets when the officers unwrapped what was inside they sadly realized that it was the body of 35-year-old Christine miltton on the phone called to his father wait admitted that he strangled her to death in her sleep wrapped her up in her own clothing and then wrapped her up in a bundle of blankets attempted to take her and put her into her trunk but she was just too heavy so he would need help AKA Dad I need your help very soon the next day Diane was reported missing because she never show up to work and her family was concerned the police go and they look in this wooded area that Diane would have passed on her way to work with no luck her body isn't found so the detectives to the dots with the statement that Wade's dad was telling them and they realized that Wade must have had been involved with Diane's disappearance and that's when Wade's dad tells them like yeah he told me where I can find her body the detectives take this information and they go to Sam's Club and they're driving around and I thought this was really interesting there was actually a vulture that was circling Sam's Club parking lot which led the detectives to find Diane ruiz's body fast forward in 2019 and Wade Wilson was being charged for the premeditated murder of Diane Ruiz and Christine Molton so in all of the earlier interviews that I was listening to you can hear him Clearly say that he did not kill these women but later went on to contradict everything he was saying in different interviews with detectives saying that he did kill them and admitting to the murders and all the crimes fast forward to 20120 while awaiting trial Wade and his cmate thought of a plan to escape prison they put this plan into action they even went as far as to have a car outside waiting for them but allegedly the guards were tipped off and this plan was a no-o they got caught so I don't know who they thought they were yeah be for real at his trial the prosecution was seeking the death sentence but Wade's defense team would argue that these murders were simply the result of years of drug abuse brain damage and mental health issues in the end the jury ultimately found him guilty voting 10 to2 saying that he should get the death sentence and on August 27th 2024 just this past week the judge did just that gave him two death sentences for both of the murders of these women some people are arguing that lethal injection is the easy way to go instead of just rotting in prison and serving time he's going to get his time shortened by getting to die on death row regardless of what the news is saying there's always always two sides of the stories and recent phone calls from Wade and his girlfriend Melissa have been leaked there's phone calls coming out of him admitting that he didn't do it but after you've gone into detail about how you did it and liked it it's kind of hard to backtrack so what do you guys think do you think he's innocent or do you think that he actually is the monster that committed these crimes regardless on what your opinion is regarding the death sentence one thing is true two innocent women lost their lives because of this again and if he was still out who's to say that he wouldn't commit the crime again especially with the little remorse that he showed during the trial in my opinion this man is not sorry about what he did you guys can listen to the trial and listen to the phone calls and tell me what you guys think do you think this man is innocent or do you think he's full of crap and he actually committed these heinous crimes there are GoFundMe accounts with over $50,000 raised to get him a better attorney there was a petition that was signed by over4 ,000 people saying that he's innocent and should be given a letter sentence 40,000 people there's girls on social media calling themselves his Tik Tok wives trying to gain support and followers which I think is absolutely ridiculous this man is a monster and if you think anything otherwise then you're delusional just like he is this episode was not to glorify Wade Wilson in any way I'm not a supporter I'm not a fan I think it's ridiculous that there's fan clubs out there supporting what he does but I think we've all seen in the past with Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez the nightstalker that this is a common occurrence for women every time there's a man who is slightly attractive they go Gaga and we can all do better than a murderer and a piece of crap who murders innocent women for no reason and if you made it this far into the video be sure to like And subscribe and tell me in the comments down below what you think do you think he's innocent do you think he's a piece of crap who's lying you know my opinion so I'm not even going to go there but let's talk in the comments down below I love hearing what you guys have to say be sure to tune in next week I'm going to be going over the case of the Vigilante mother who shot and killed her daughter's kidnapper and murderer I appreciate you guys so much I couldn't do any of this without you and I'll see you guys next Saturday love you

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