Category: Sports
And that one he drives to straightway center field and the rays take a one- nothing lead jose siri comes roaring out of his slump and the rays had the game's first [music] [applause] run so you could hang your hat on the fact that he drove one deep last time and this one counts that much more you know... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] no yep no yep what is going on higher sports where we get lit and talk about bay area sports and you already know where we're at again here at the oakland a's game for the last month here of the oakland a it's very very emotional very very sad um but this is it this is the last month we have... Read more
Category: Sports
Introduction [music] hello and welcome to baseball barber cast the only baseball podcast in the world that knows aaron judge really isn't that tall it's all in your head an optical illusion i'm jake mz that's jordan schusterman you know who's really tall jose altuve tall of heart interesting yeah i... Read more
Category: Sports
Introduction [music] hello and welcome to baseball barber cast the only baseball podcast in the world that with a little bit of work and a whole lot of time could one day throw a baseball 105.5 kilometers per hour i'm jake mintz that's jordan schusterman and that's what i call real heat yeah i feel... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hey baseball fans welcome back to home run baker today's friday august 30th and these are our tops now cars of the day we got four cards let's check them out we've got card number 610 zack netto after yesterday's two-run home run versus the tigers neto became the first angels infielder to join the 2020... Read more
Category: Gaming
East matchup it's the washington nationals taking on the miami marlins with chris singleton i'm john chambi and chris a guy that's been having a huge impact for this team all year cj abrams yeah boo he's one of the pillars of this lineup and when you have a guy like that that's so consistent and so... Read more
Category: Sports
Here to the coliseum first pitch is straight ahead on route sports his hometown as we are ready to get this road trip going julio and then tay oscar hernandez is here well especially lately he's really pitched well he facility we'll do the catching now the first pitch from sears mrs overwhelming the... Read more
Category: Sports
On this episode of lock on angels i'm gna be honest here johnny did we really expect to win with jose suarez starting i don't think we did i don't think anybody did right hey what's the update on reed demur we're gonna talk about that and did you see how many people are attending angel games this season... Read more
Category: Comedy
Hey i need you to stop scrolling for just a second i need to issue an apology yesterday i missed the anniversary of the president defiling the office with the tan suit Read more
Category: Sports
What do we got today? and that is jesus lozano will not be pitching tonight. he was scratched due to elbow discomfort. that left elbow extremely frustrating. you know, i hate having to call skip and, and training staff and tell them i couldn't start today. but at the end of the day, i think that, um,... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Question for you about naji harris yes will the steelers by the end of the year regret not picking up his fifth year option well i don't think they're going to regret not picking it up but i think he's going to have one heck of a season i think he's definitely a thousand yard running back maybe he'll... Read more
Category: Sports
Playoff bound indiana fever take the floor for the first time oh what's the significance here as this franchise is back in the playoffs you know fun all day today and the ride just getting ready to start the sparks the number four overall pick in the player of the week as she has put forth year in la... Read more