Freeway| Reese Witherspoon| Kiefer Sutherland| TV Movie

Published: Sep 07, 2024 Duration: 01:43:56 Category: Entertainment

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are la la la la la la la la la la la la no a okay we've got a full four word sentence here for you what is it Vanessa Vanessa come on here we go the the um meow cat perfect you've got it now let's continue to the third word think K C followed by S think c s s think drinks drinks you got it that's it exactly drinks did it perfect um the cat drinks milk that's right very good great Vanessa Vanessa Chalker fully rewarded now hey mister I got my own place m- it's right over there in the motel you can turn right here and just get in it's cool then can I get in the car with you please sir I'll go wherever you want to go I'll go wherever you want to go come on Sir Sir well screw you too [ __ ] [ __ ] mom what are you doing what are you doing home so early it's not so early Mom how you doing Miss L don't even talk to her Chopper vaness I'm out of here okay will you give your mom my regards for me we'll do this you said you weren't going to do this no more mom listen I've had enough crap from your father all day I am real stressed out here is not my dad listen if you're going to smart ass me you can just go on home right now get out of my face right now come on get out fine fine you don't know nothing about nothing you don't know a goddamn thing about nothing Larry just let me through what's the a magic word [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you how was school you really [ __ ] care fuing [ __ ] hey me and your mama we spent the whole day in line securing rent vouchers and we could both use a little consideration you know don't bother you your own wife bring off all them strange guys for money I make her use mouthwash after oh you like that minty fresh taste H her you know something Vanessa Ls I'm getting ready to take a seriously big [ __ ] right on top of that pointy little head of yours don't be a smartass hey [ __ ] you want some company yeah okay you at the luckiest braks and I mean lucky for what else could it be we interrupt this program to go live to LA County Sheriff's headquarters where a press conference is now in progress regarding the grizzly find yesterday morning along San Diego Freeway in Torrance the two females have been identified as 19-year-old Tempest Mueller of Downey and 16-year-old Cory po Dexter of belflower both females have extensive arrest records for prostitution and we are now considering them as victims of the individual that we call the I5 killer I'll take a few questions yep I happen to be watching that Larry forget it you know you just don't want me hear about that killer out there what if he drove up right this second and snatched up mom huh what would you have to say then smart guy first of of all your mama would kick his ass and second of all that killer is all the way up in La okay Larry get your goddamn hands off my anatomy I swear to [ __ ] God what are you going to do I'll tell Mom oh yeah like she's really going to believe you you know I'm really not up for your [ __ ] today Larry in fact I'm mad as hell at you right now oh come here godam damn it Larry get your [ __ ] hands off me [ __ ] [ __ ] you hard you just beh [ __ ] you hit hard you know what I can't help you if you don't tell me what it is you want well maybe we better just forget the whole thing no I bet you like having your wiener sucked don't you yeah I guess so how come that doesn't surprise me what would a thing like that cost $30 Sheriff's Department you're under arrest let's go come on guys I didn't do anything I did nothing wrong take it easy come on where do you think you're going you're hurting me you're hurting my arm you're hurting me you're hurting my arm what's your name Miss Ramona Le bully staying at this Motel yeah I never saw that before in my life and that's what God's truth sir you tell me this brown residue isn't narcotics that's belong to me what is that speed you look like a speedy kind of gu oh come on officer please listen to me please uh my little girl she's home with me now and she just got out of children's services and I cannot afford to be busted again because they'll take her away from me they just take my B you know this pipe constitutes probable cause so we're going to have to take a look inside your motel room oh you can't do that my husband's asleep your husband know you're out here soliciting yeah give us a [ __ ] break your husband own a firearm Mona my Larry is on parole he hasn't had a firearm for a long time we're going to be real unhappy if you're not telling us the truth I am telling you the truth okay come on let's go God you're making me wish I was stay you [ __ ] Happ about that he I you [ __ ] about that cut that out right now or you're going to be hog tied please just listen to me shut your mouth now not another word Parton Larry oh yes we need to talk to you a minute hey hey what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] girl Larry take my baby away you did the daughter Larry what kind of question is that you missed her you get her out of here hey hey hey come on now she ain't my real daughter and sides nothing's going on right ow ow just who is this man do you he's my stepfather take him into the other room and I'll talk to the juven alone I got a pin in my shoulder and if you don't cup me in front I swear to God I'm going to sue the [ __ ] Police Department till there's no [ __ ] tomor you son of a [ __ ] what's your name Vanessa Lutz well kid I sure don't envy your situation here my parents is just going through a hard time as all with the finances and everything well I see they still got enough money left over to buy drugs I wouldn't be comfortable talking about that sort of thing ma'am I'm going to ask you a question okay and don't get upset either it's important okay is there some sort of sexual activity going on between your stepfather and yourself elevator up so you love so [ __ ] oh don't take my baby away oh please if you love us so much how come you don't clean up around here once in a while I do clean up Sir it just happens that I'm under a great deal of stress my sister happened to Die 3 months ago in Washington and I'm trying to get off methadone you're on methodone you please give me a cigarette I told you to keep quiet please give her a cigarette please M at me are you mad at me honey I'm not mad mom please don't be mad come over here give me a big hug come come on I ain't going to see you for a long time baby come on oh B oh I'm so sorry poop bear I'm so sorry you still love me I love you I love you more love tell his piece of [ __ ] to get his KNE out of my neck I love you get her out of here children's services are on their way oh that's just great no offense kid but anything's an improvement over this what do you think we got to do with you just leave you here I could stay with you for a couple weeks you kidding no I'm serious I mean I could do all sorts of chores where I you out messing people up well we're not allowed to do things like that you're lying no I'm not yeah you are if you don't want to all you had to do is just say it straight out I don't want to okay then hey Mrs shates guess you heard the news hello Vanessa I heard your mother might be away for a while yeah she her third arrest this year she's looking at 6 months mandatory we're holding to stepfather on multiple parole violations oh I am so sorry about all this Vanessa I can take over here now officer good luck kid yeah right come on over and roin my life again real soon didn't have to be so hard on the officer just took my whole family off to jail okay gosh I hate Pig so much Miss sheets well come on now let's go gather up some of your things you're putting me in foster care again aren't you honey I'm willing to consider any alternative you'd like to suggest but I don't know my grandma be an alternative this is the first I've heard of any grandma Yeah on my father's side My real father see and she take me in most likely you don't sound too sure actually she don't know about me yet that's not going to do us much good for tonight why haven't you been in touch with her before now because before I was born there was this bad blood between her and my mom and there must have been some harsh words spoke because my mom was supposed to thr this chemical in her face that burned her skin a little bit lovely I tried getting her on the phone once but she ain't listed if I could just get up to that stocking place I know I'd find her just like that huh yeah Vanessa Vanessa oh my God I know what I need Mich could you come in here and fold up my blanket this blanket yeah that one what the world you wrong with this old I don't know my mom gave it to me what are you doing [ __ ] sorry let me get to turn around Vanessa this is not funny Vanessa I'm not laughing M sheets I promise now if you yell loud enough Mr Wong will come and set you free he's the day manager and I'll leave the keys on top of the TV Vanessa don't do this you come back here Vanessa where the [ __ ] are you Chopper who want some of this [ __ ] for yo go get some [ __ ] Doritos [ __ ] huh [ __ ] out of here Chopper chopper with that we're totally [ __ ] just after you left the pigs came and pinched mom and Larry both and my my parole officer showed up like a [ __ ] plague to take me off to foster care again suck last time so how did you get here I cuffed her ankle to the bed that wasn't very smart Vanessa I know I know look I'm going up north and unless you never want to see me again you better get in this car right now and come with me I got to be in court next week for s if I don't show I'm going to get a year in Camp Gonzalez for sure guess I'm on my own where up north are you going my grandma's up in Stockton you got any money no sell that when you get where you're going it's from Spain I love you so much Chopper I love you too baby hey here take this I got to go by Chopper my beloved boyfriend hey P man say you [ __ ] car I know what to do with that you're having some kind of trouble yeah the [ __ ] Cocker won't even [ __ ] turn over excuse my bad language sir all right mind if I take a look at it yeah go for it why don't you get behind the wheel there and step on the gas for me again well I hate to be the one to break the news to you but this car has had it new it was only a matter time where are you headed my grandma's have been Stockton well I'm going as far as La you're more than welcome to ride with me if you'd like really mister sure why don't you grab your stuff and let's go thanks I guess we ought to call a tow truck huh nah calrs will take care of it I know my mom used to work part time for them so uh what I call you I'm sorry my name is Bob Wolverton I'm Vanessa L well it's nice to meet you Vanessa why don't you put on your safety belt we got going great what's this all about it's a psychological manual I use at my work I'm a counselor at a school for boys with emotional trouble just boys huh no girls at all I'm afraid so so how does your family feel about this trip of yours up to Stockton I don't got no family just at the moment Vanessa everybody's got family shows how much you know you want to talk about it not really I'm sorry it's an unfortunate habit of mine sticking my nose in where it doesn't really belong that's bad habit well don't rub it in okay it's just my work I see a kid who looks like they're in trouble and I start asking all kinds of questions I guess it's just become second nature is that obvious what is it may being in trouble look the offer's still open if you want you know I've always found it amazing how how much easier it is to really share something with a perfect stranger you know stuff that you couldn't even talk to with your best friend or your family yeah I noticed that that's real funny isn't it yeah it is most of the kids I work with I don't even have to press them to talk about themselves I just let them know I'm there that they can talk about themselves if they want to well I guess my biggest problem right now is my mama's in jail Vanessa that sounds like a pretty bad situation yeah but that's why I'm going to see my grandma do you mind me asking why your mother's in jail it's pretty embarrassing Vanessa why would you be embarrassed about another person's act I don't know it's just I mean I don't feel comfortable talking about stuff like that cuz I mean I think it makes me look like a like a top person I can understand that you know most of the boys I work with even the most troubled ones all they really need is just someone to listen to them yeah but you probably get so sick of hearing them sad stories day in and day out I don't I really love my work I really do I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else not ever guess I wouldn't mind talking to someone just wouldn't know where to begin why don't you begin with your mother I mean if you want to my mom is a [ __ ] thanks mister I'm Bob I can't believe I'm telling you all this stuff Mama's in jail looks like my stepfather's next Pearl officer ain't even been born yet finessa you really don't have anyone do you that's terrible oh that's just terrible my real dad was just Merchant Marino Texas but he got stabbed to death on one of them container ships by this man from Pakistan before I was born you want to see his picture I got right here absolutely that's my daddy he looks very interesting you think absolutely I think so too Vanessa your grandmother's going to be very proud when she finds out what a wonderful granddaughter she's got but I have to be honest with you I think given your present situation maybe foster care would be the way you should go right now oh Bob you don't know you know sometimes them places are okay but most of the time then people are just in it for the check that the state sends for your upkeep I take it you've had some bad experiences the last one I was in there was just old man there that everyone called grandpa and he had this disease called um wisenheimer I think it was will your brain cells run out into your pay yes it's formity Che sir thank you thanks Bob that's the best [ __ ] dinner I've had all months I wouldn't mind stretching my legs for a little while before I got behind the wheel do you mind no sure I got all the time in the world great so then foster parents some Morales I mean you would have thought a check from the state would have been enough but no they figured on me helping out with Grandpa too you mean you actually had to provide care for this man get crucial this guy was pissing his sheets nearly every night just being near made me want to puke my guts out so what happened when you refused I just started treating me like I was the biggest [ __ ] who'd ever been born and then this one night just a couple weeks after I've been placed there I woke up to see Grandpa standing over me with his Cane in one hand and his you know what in the other my God what happened told him get the hell out I take it he didn't now that's when he tried to sliping under the covers with me and I just went crazy on him what do you mean you went crazy I was pissed off cuz I couldn't see my mom and just having this perve standing over me wagging his thing in my face is just like the last straw so what did you do well got up on my knees and just slapped his Dentures half out of his face and then I dropped down on his chest and just started wailing on him beating him up so hard just swearing so loud thank God yeah so then the lights went on Mr Morales showed up in his pajamas well thank God he was there yeah right hit me so hard I had to have my jaw wire CH for nearly 3 months broke my nose too that's how come it's so big Vanessa your nose is not big it's pretty damn big is this man ever punished are you kidding pillar of society like Mr Morales n but my mom got out of rehab a couple days later so I didn't have to go back or nothing you were telling me a little while ago that your stepdad was on Parole oh yeah Larry's been in lots of pens like this one Federal place up in Illinois Maran it's just mostly for drug [ __ ] manufacturing methamphetamines stol property nothing real real bad Vanessa please don't be offended by my next question but um did your stepfather molest you oh my God you know this lady policewoman just asked me that very same question just a few hours ago and how did that make you feel like I got Daddy's [ __ ] hole tattooed on my forehead maybe this is an issue you should explore I never even told my fiance about this stuff Vanessa if you keep something like this bottled up inside it could wreck your whole life now you're scaring me that's not my intention I just think you have a very good opportunity now to get through some of the trauma and anguish you've been suffering from for such a long time do got trauma huh let's not get ourselves Vanessa I've been so anguished I can't even remember being happy Anessa you have to look this pain in the eye otherwise it could rule over every aspect of your life now I think I can help you but you're going to have to trust me you're going to have to let me in my God you're cold just think about my [ __ ] up laugh is all let's go I'm sorry you're I am BL her like a big old baby and you're just trying to help me Vanessa Vanessa just take your time take your time I was 11 him when Larry first hit on me where was your mother some stupid halfway house how did the abuse begin with my mom gone I had to all these extra Tores that I had to do like the laundry and the groceries and things like that so in effect you became the woman of the house yeah yeah and I I was so proud of myself and then this one night we us watching TV after dinner like we always do and that's when Larry told me but one of Mama's chores had always been to massage his you know what did Larry expose himself to you all through the show did Larry have an erection that's putting it mildly did he ask you to perform oral sex for him at first I mean he just had me hold on to you know what during whatever happened be on TV he didn't get around to the other thing you just mentioned for a while I guess I figured if he went all slow lo I wouldn't freak out and get him in trouble but back then I didn't even know that stuff we was doing was criminal Vanessa victims often blame themselves it's a common occurrence but make no mistake about it you are the victim really Bob absolutely I mean I was such a baby back then I didn't even know why a man want all that stuff done to him in the first place Vanessa my God you were a child you must have been so confused you know and and when he did that thing that you mentioned for the first time mhm swear to Christ I thought he was going to the bathroom in my mouth Vanessa do I have your absolute Trust I guess I trust you more than I've ever trusted anyone in my whole life Bob and I really mean that thank you the reason why I'm asking there's this very powerful new psychological technique that I'd like to try on you I think it could really help you what do you think would you like to give it a try yeah sure okay it consists of a battery of questions that are designed to trigger certain elements of your subconscious I've got to warn you Vanessa in this technique it it can be uncomfortable go for it Bob I mean if you think it's going to help me okay okay let's get started are you ready mhm a few moments ago you were telling me that you felt like Larry had gone to the bathroom in your mouth those were your exact words do you remember at that exact moment when Larry had ejaculated in your mouth did you feel as though you were somehow being transformed into some kind of a human urinal what are you [ __ ] crazy Vanessa you just have to answer with the first thing that comes into your mind it's very very important I knew I was Flash and bl no I understand that but you have to tell me exactly how you felt Vanessa you have to learn how to express your feelings out loud it feels like so sad say it out loud finess felt like I'd been transformed into a human urinal what made you feel like this having L ejaculate in my mouth it's very good Vanessa very good now tell me this and this is absolutely crucial are you ready Vanessa did Larry try to [ __ ] you up the ass oh God he tried later on Vanessa did you like it when Larry [ __ ] you up the ass piece of [ __ ] Vanessa I told you this can get very very uncomfortable we're not finished yet oh yes we are we are definitely finished now you pull on over Vanessa you can suffer irreparable damage if you break it like I give a godamn Jesus Christ [ __ ] Jesus Christ door handle you're looking for this and you just settled down I'm going to kill you woman switch your [ __ ] throat right now is that what you want me to [ __ ] do okay okay I'm stopping okay now you get down there on the floor and you get my [ __ ] car keys and you put them in the ignition you know you wouldn't like it if someone was doing that to you well you're probably right finessa I doubt I would like it if someone was doing this to me well then stop it I will stop it if you promise to behave I promise I'll behave are you that guy on the news I'm sorry are you the guy that's been killing all them girls on the freeway Bob why are you killing all them girls Bob cuz I've absolutely reached my [ __ ] limit with people like you Vanessa what kind of people am I supposed to be alcoholics the drug addicts the fathers who [ __ ] their daughters the drug addicted [ __ ] [ __ ] with their bastard [ __ ] off hey I ain't no trick baby I call them garbage people and I assure you you are one of them I am not look at you you're already a master at the manipulation of men I didn't run nothing on you so intrinsic to your [ __ ] nature you're not even aware of it when you do it stupid [ __ ] what you think it's okay to do all sorts of bad stuff to me now well that's an open-ended discussion Vanessa dealing with deep philosophical ramification something you could hardly grasp in fact take it from me a professional Vanessa you're an absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] you know maybe I ain't smart like you and maybe I haven't finished school but at least I ain't a [ __ ] hypocrite so please indulge me tell me why I am a hypocrite you act like he's all on some sort of mission but all you want to do is just get off in a Sex Type way you going to do sex to me now Vanessa I promise you if we get really really intimate you're going to be way past being offended are you going to [ __ ] me when I'm dead mister I'm a person I'm a human being yeah like that drug addict [ __ ] [ __ ] of a mother of yours well I sure we won't meet your mom Bob what you can talk about my mom but I can't talk about yours we are not here to talk about me Vanessa we are here to talk about you so get your [ __ ] pants down and tell me how your father used to [ __ ] you in the mouth please just let me go Bob God damn it get your [ __ ] pants down you [ __ ] [ __ ] what' you call me called you a [ __ ] [ __ ] now get your [ __ ] pants down you dirty illiterate [ __ ] [ __ ] please Bob I said get your [ __ ] pants down now okay okay look I got these boots and I got all them laces and stuff you're going to have to give me a minute hurry up [ __ ] [ __ ] going to [ __ ] kill you Vanessa you just settle down Bob okay you just settle down right now drop that razor out the window if you try anything I'm going to shoot you so many times you know you shouldn't just let me out of the car when I asked you to Bob you see where bad maners get you you see listen Vanessa look I just look I've h all I'm going to hear out of you oh [ __ ] to there ah Jesus Christ that's for trigging me into telling you all them things I never told my for your say ah Jesus Christ we're going to get into an accident that's cutting off on my hair you [ __ ] Vanessa look you're upset okay you have every right to be look something dark and terrible came over me I don't know what but I swear to you I wasn't going to hurt you you got to believe that you're right I'm so sure I'm serious I just wanted to scare you I don't even know why look Vanessa is obvious to me right now I'm a I'm a profoundly sick man I won't argue with you there anyone who do sex to a dead person is definitely sick Mister what do you see you just admitted that there I'm a sick man you shut up shut up okay okay okay [ __ ] Vanessa what are you thinking right now would you want to hear more of my innermost [ __ ] secrets no [ __ ] [ __ ] no I I I was just wondering what you were planning on doing I'm going turn you into the [ __ ] pigs that's what I'm going to do you know what'll happen then don't you yeah you'll end up sucking gas at sing Quinn Vanessa you just m Vanessa people like me we don't go to to the gas chamber then you'll go to the penitentiary where the MTI ear and Brotherhood will make you wish you'd never been born Vanessa the likelihood of someone like me going to prison is absolutely nil well you think they're just going to let you walk it'll be like that time Mr Morales broke your jaw you think so huh absolutely they won't take me for a killer they'll let me go free I'll send you to some new foster home probably make Mr morales's place look like some pleasant dream to you unless of course you want to play it smart for the first time in your life how do I go about doing that Bob I got some money on me I got an ATM card we can go get some more you can go your way I'll go mine I swear to God you'll never see or hear me again what do you say I like turn off on that exit up there Jesus Christ Vanessa we're in the middle of nowhere you want to get shot a whole bunch of times now do like I tell you dumbass okay okay I'm turning you think this is a game what are we going to do Vanessa drive around for 3 or 4 hours looking for a cop slapping your gums Bob who cares no one's listening pull up on that dirt road over there now Bob I know there's a lot of sick guys out there that get all hard thinking about messing women up you hell that's all you ever see on TV but when it guy goes and does that stuff for real like you was planning on doing the M act Vanessa I was just trying to scare you head your turn to talk okay I think it's only fair to let me get my two cents in you're absolutely right I'm sorry please go on now when a guy goes and hurts someone who never hurt them that makes him a criminal first and a sick guy second it's like being sick has to take second place to being crooked and Bob you're crooked you proved that to me T that am I making any sense yes there's so much I want to tell you look there's so much more to me than what you saw tonight Bob time for talks over now I'm going to ask you question and it's real real important okay what do you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and personal savior oh my God Vana you're really scaring me tell me now Bob I need need to know do you believe that Jesus Christ is your lord and personal savior yes I do I swear good that's really good oh oh God my go oh God dear God that was so [ __ ] bad but I was at a loss so I left it up to you love you with all my heart and I hope you don't hate me more than you already do please bless Mama Larry and Chopper amen on oh yeah sure thing regular yeah I think I'll have the double he man breakfast and and a large size Cherry Cola what almost look a frat get a washroom Dres 42 IU one moment please to the police help me come my please please police hi officer what's up let's go sir I did nothing wrong shut up I did nothing wrong we got a gun got a gun wow God you don't have the goddamn world got a gun you're going to throw me in back this a godamn break what would you not even going to speak to me Mr O man I bet you back it up Mr Wolverton Mr Wolverton War me wolverton's just learned that he's going to have to undergo a radical collec that's yeah there's a couple of detectives here from the sheriff's department that need to speak to as soon as we our neurologic test Mr wolton Mr wolton Mr wolton can you hear me I'm garet Wallace from the sheriff's department I know you're in a lot of pain but can you take a moment I want to show you a photograph tell me if this is the person that shot you this the person that shot you the person that shot you sure this is the person that shot you okay all right you'll be all right oh God me Mrs W and your husband gave a positive identification what happens now well you have to keep in mind this is a juvenile we're talking about what are you telling me you're just going to let her go free I say we're going to let her go free she can be incarcerated up to the age of 25 for that look at him 10 years my husband is in there with God knows how many bullets in his head and in his back she deliberately shot him over and over and over again I want her held responsible Mrs Wolverton I assure you that whoever did this isn't just going to walk away if he dies huh if he dies I think that she should be put in the electric chair gas what we use gas in California think you know what I mean detective I certainly hope that the people that are responsible for prosecuting in this case can muster just a little bit more sensitivity to the rights of the victims than you appear to have I didn't mean to sound uncaring I want that little monster to pay for this for me for my husband for the next person out there that she'll end up hurting or killing if God forbid she's allowed back on the streets again Vanessa Lotz yes sir my name is Garnett Wallace and this is my partner Mike Bri M with the LA Sheriff's Department you're that guy on TV aren't you investigating the I five murders well y'all can all just take a big old [ __ ] Cruise cuz I took full out care of that piece of [ __ ] Mr wolverton's in critical condition but he isn't dead oh yeah right I shot him so many times aren't you concerned about being tried as an adult for murder Vanessa the reason that we're here is to give you an opportunity to change your story well that would just make me a Big Fat Liar now wouldn't it look kid cooperate CU right now we're the best friends you've got yeah I'm so sure you don't believe we're your friends I believe believed you're out to ruin me look I never said I wouldn't talk I might not happen to say what y'all want to hear so you want me to talk that's fine but you got to let me call my fiance right afterwards okay okay you can fine no problem I'll talk what do you want to know did Mr Wolverton say he was the I5 killer he didn't say he wasn't I haven't said that I'm the I5 killer yeah and you haven't said that you're going to slash me dead with a razor and do sex to My Dead Body neither Mr wton said that to you yeah right after he cut off all my hair and then he called me one of them garbage people and then I asked him if he's at I5 killer and he just started smiling all proud like you have an opportunity now to clear your conscience I told the truth and truth is eternal Vanessa Lut you still haven't told us why you were walking around with a loaded pistol in the first place I was going to sell it to finding it's my trip yet you ended up shooting some poor slob who had the decency to give you a ride instead yeah except for the decency part when did you decide to rob him was it before or after you shot him look that perve owed me for pain and suffering so yeah I took his money why don't you just turn him in I wanted to but he kept saying that would be his word against mine and that he'd just get off and I would go to foster care again and aside from that I just knew that if I let him go he would go out and kill some other girl and that would have been my fault and I couldn't have lived with that never no way why were you so convinced we wouldn't believe you cuz I've been in the system and once you've been in the system once Ain't No One never going to believe you again that's just how it goes tell us about your p legal problems it's all my fault I want to hear from you okay all right when I was younger I used to have this problem with shoplifting and I got caught and the judge sent me to this group therapy session for all these little girls were supposed to be klepto how many times we arrested for shoplifting Vanessa seven times what else okay now this is going to sound bad but it's not as bad as it seems okay but I learn later that I had this problem with anger but I don't have that problem no more just answer the question back in Texas these cops said that I lit this shed on fire what you were arrested for arson yeah but nobody got hurt it was no big deal and the judge even said that I could get it expunge from my record if I was to go to these group therapy sessions with all them teenagers that are supposed to be fire bugs or something but um that judge got switched so that's why it's still there how many times were you arrested for arson three times okay what else come on Vanessa tell us soliciting just doing what came natural huh hey Mike what's that supposed to mean let's get back to the questions no uh-uh what's that supposed to mean well you think prostitution comes natural like being a [ __ ] oh what you don't like being called a [ __ ] well I don't like being called a natural born horse so there sit down no he's talking me the way that [ __ ] guy did is that why you shot him or was it because you wanted what was in his wallet I already told you why I shot him you [ __ ] skin [ __ ] come on you [ __ ] [ __ ] I'll kick your black ass all over this [ __ ] station [ __ ] man okay Mike why'd you call him his names cuz he didn't say he was sorry and I never piss him off now how got that phone call come on come on I need another quarter come on hi M Wood is Chopper there holy [ __ ] look who got beat with the ugly stick is that you Bob I can't believe such a teeny little gun makes such a big mess out of someone you out of your mind you are so ugly mom you know it's going to cramp your style with babes big time you know that huh especially Miss pris over there and hey I heard you have one of them big poop bags that's like attached to your body and all your [ __ ] comes out like lands in it you just a big old [ __ ] bag ain't you Bob you just think of me every time youty that [ __ ] thing mother quiet quiet stay there all right one more word Young lady and you're going to be gagged the people versus Vanessa Julia Lutz your honor due to the heinous nature of this crime and the defendant's obvious lack of remorse the state moves that Vanessa Julia Lutz be tried as an adult your honor my client is an illiterate child one only has to look at her to see oh I've had my look counselor and I've been listening to to and I'm going to direct the Youth Authority to prepare a report on the defendant's suitability to be tried as an adult hello there ladies welcome to Bridgewater I'm Mrs Collins and if you follow me I'll show you to your beds Venus this is yours number eight and Vanessa number 12 hello Rhonda hey Mrs Colin say hello to Vanessa Vanessa this is Rhonda how you doing I was hoping that you could show Vanessa around the craft shop later I can't see I'm on I'm on restriction what did you do this time Mrs Joiner said that I was touching one the all inappropriate Ron I swear so who did you kill makes you think I killed somebody they got you wearing one of them orange murder suits only the shooters wear them things actually I left him for dead but he pulled story I'm here for huff and pain they put you in here for that during the strip search they found this Grandma tar in my cooch you like tar everyone's way too norly for me I don't get how a person could go through their whole lives never being in the girls I just I love girls you can keep them you don't know what you're missing CH alert how many three but you only got to worry about one you C bunny I you the school oh what [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] talking to you man my 415 inmates only module 1700 break stick it in in right there this isn't going to hurt a bit sweetie and afterwards you can have a nice little nap you can remove those pesky restraints now hi honey Grandma here I am hi honey grandma grandma grandma Vanessa Vanessa Julia Lutz inmate shows No Remorse for her crimes inmate is combative refuses to accept responsibility for her actions recommendations this inmate appears to be a sophisticated criminal and an extreme danger to society and should be required to pay the penalty for her actions in a facility for adult criminals diagnosis antisocial personality disorder prognosis very poor recommendations this individual is probably too far gone to benefit from corrective behavior modification of the kind offered in a setting for juveniles hello Vanessa you think you can join the rest of of us now nobody gives me no more problems we need to put an end to the system that lets dangerous violent thugs be prosecuted as juvenal rather than as adults even when they have committed the most vicious crimes hi this is Janice Miller of inside view we're here with Mr Robert Wolverton and his wife mimie Wolverton at their home in Orange County would you describe some of the hardships you've had to endure since this ordeal began my husband's been permanently disfigured how can he ever work with children again his appearance what frightens them is unable to have sexual relations you're saying your husband is no longer capable of achieving an erection that part of our Lives is over now what makes me so angry is how that little monster ridiculed US during her preliminary hearing in the media how dare the media talk about how horrible her life is what about us psychopath she's been locked up nine 10 times why would she ever let back out on the streets again in the first place if the teenager who allegedly shot your husband were here what you want to say to her was it worth the $300 she stole from my husband are you bitter Mr Wolverton after all the wonderful letters that we received from across the country my dick may not function but I have not lost my smile no I'm not a man I know there's a lot of people looking for some real life Heroes and I think I found a few their courage is a real inspiration and now stay tuned for an unusual story about a couple of sweltering polar bears in Texas holy [ __ ] it's okay let me go get you some party punch no I ain't thirsty you're all waked out h just get all these bad nightmares once I get out of isolation I'm so happy to get out I I can't I can't even sleep at all let alone have nightmares for me it's like I get all shrunk down and I don't get what you mean it's like I get like a cat or a dog or something tell I'm just like they all are get in the hole much longer I'm just going to be like this hermit shunning all human contact scar like it's like that song says fessa people need people I ain't so sure about that Rhonda what is it that you think that you need I'll tell you back in the ho I decided all I need to live was my will and a n's good too so you don't feel so with the mar sa events you made this yeah my stepfather laer showed me how it's pretty cool huh what are you going to do with it get the hell out of here you might have to mess up some of the staff but you really feel sorry for them pap you think normal people just wake up on more side they're going to work in a prison they're perverts they last one of them and then [ __ ] get my y I'm going make they wish they hadn't do you like that I'll make out with you no [ __ ] cuz I'm straight okay you too your honor it's obvious my client is a child and very unstable it says right here nearly illiterate emotionally immature prone to impulsivity unpredictable your honor she is charged with a gruesome crime counselor please then it goes on to say she should be tried as an adult and stand trial as an adult she will thank you your honor jury selection will commence on June 8th at 10:00 a.m. are we late what are y'all looking at [ __ ] all y'all [ __ ] you chipm f and your [ __ ] Skipper wife I see here that you and Vanessa were rested together twice in a period of two years yeah we need the money we thought i''d be all grown up turning tricks on war Avenue right outside s back and shot except we got pinched in like 5 minutes [ __ ] you two were engaged in Acts of prostitution in the sixth grade he's only going to jack him off as all did you uh did you ever see Vanessa acting an overtly hostile way to an actual human being you mean like blow somebody's brains out all over the place oh you think that's funny yeah what about her boyfriend who passed away it was pretty exclusive um okay Cherry that'll be off for now thank you very much I know she's blowing it over him but what do you know she's a cold burner what's a cold burer it means her boyfriend's black you surprised aren't you you know Mike every kid we've spoken to about this Lut girl seems to hold her in very high regard You Will Wallace look at her friends outside they're the most [ __ ] up bunch of kids I've ever seen in my damn life still something just a what I got to go back to the crime scene it's 2 and 1/2 hours away from me Wallace go go go get out of your system go on diamonds on the back ladies diamonds on the back get me some jerky stay in line don't forget to wash your hands now ladies you think that little guard cute I guess yeah sort of Punky better watch out cuz it's going to get pretty crazy in here in a second you going to cut up that cute little guard gets in my way I will you're stupid if you think you can get past both them too what the [ __ ] do you care what happens to me I'm here on double murder okay in 2 years I'm going to be 18 I'm going to send the fra for 20 [ __ ] years so why the hell sh cuz two hairs I love [ __ ] better than hurry up in there ladies come on now all right d [ __ ] bra Vanessa I'm dead serious what did I say where he go he he he he went to get a a a beef treat mosquito and and and he'll be right back you can't get by the both of us shut up think about it shut up my sister Brenda thinks you're cute I do not do too that's good where's Miss Collins who told you you fat you didn't have to kill me what you didn't have to kill me I didn't kill you dirty little pervert you give me your godamn C before I cut your pecker off he sure is bloody still think he's cute the [ __ ] lame man that the [ __ ] I'd really like to go now good night everybody my homies are here Vanessa I miss you so much smell the same what happened I was playing with ketchup this is uh it's my little buy Vanessa get okay and don't you everything going be all right all right you look pretty you want think I'm sound all feminist and [ __ ] like the one thing that I learn in jail is that girls got to help out of the girls you know especially comes girls cuz if they don't they ought to be [ __ ] day I hear what you're saying okay need me drop that off anym no beion he won mine you're going to need this girl Miss K you already done too much for M oh this ain't even $20 those bombs a to gas hog be stupid you know what I really need is gun you going to give him a Qui I'll get you another one B I get you a cellular too and a beeper I get a hold of your ass watch out for the pig no I'm sorry for busting your nose that time I was just real upset that day I'm all trying to work it so I get you to put out with me later on I guess I went about it pretty dumb SK I put out for you and D the weake I only that lock good morning Mrs wton well have you found her no we have is Mrs I really don't think you're in any danger oh really well your life hasn't been ruined by this little monster has it is your husband here now Mr no he's at St John's doing his physical therapy now what the hell are you doing here I go over to the hospital and escort Mr wolton back here please why Mr wolton I have a search bar here what if you would uh just sign anywhere we be fine I'm not sending anything Steve make note that Mrs won refused to sign under the search bar I believe this so noted okay take care of the downstairs and make sure you check out the garage backyard and everything thoroughly thank you than what's this all about Mrs wolon certain evidence has come to light which we are Duty bound to investigate what sort of evidence I would prefer to discuss it in the presence of your husband if you don't mind there's uh there's a storage [ __ ] out back I'm going to take a look you wouldn't happen to have the key would you [ __ ] you didn't think so Robert wilberton correct age 32 yeah forensics is on its way Tony found some remains human animal who knows this wton are you aware your husband had mental problems those were those were children children yes just like the Lut SC we've been dying to see get trapped down in the gas chamber will you Weise up on her [ __ ] her Jesus Christ four for four hey ladies D Don chost sexo sex yeah May what s baby come on hey yeah what about now YouTu back in huh back how much depends on what you're into you suck [ __ ] sure I can do that I just want to get stuck all right you just found a SN and I'll take care of you right where you're sitting I'll pay $25 up with that let's go you're underage aren't you what is that a problem no Young people got to live too sure got that right now get them all down okay makes it a whole lot easier that way give me all your money all of it God damn it Jesus okay hey hey I'm sorry okay okay I was aiming at your head Mister okay I'm sorry now we get this over quick we'll both be a lot happier okay my money's in my briefcase in the back seat don't move it just lean over and open it up where it's laying and keep your pants where they are Mr dirty mouth okay okay okay don't swing that [ __ ] thing at me I swear to God you're dead you believe me why are you doing this cuz I'm pissed off and the whole world owes me and give me your Goddamn money where's the rest of it that's all I got you was just going to give me $5 please please please just take it okay please get out of the goddamn car right now you little pecker snot right now no you get all them panties off before I get really pissed you think I'm kidding get your ass in the trunk please I'm claustrophobic yeah I get claustrophobic sucking strange dick get in there please please I got to pee well pee in there [ __ ] I ain't kidding now dumb ass [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm sorry sir this is a no smoking restaurant you really are in dear would you care for it warm up oh thank you like to order uh what would you like chicken sh with a [ __ ] straw I'm out of here I'm dying in here I are we'll do it now will you slow down for Christ's sake you're going to get us killed there there's the exit remoo a ding in here grandma it's me it's me Vanessa hey Grandma it's me Vanessa hi Grandma Grandma wake up it's time to wake up I'm your granddaughter I'm here to take care of you forever and ever and ever why are you hiding here let me see some big ugly [ __ ] teeth you got Bob how do you like that for Nessa you like how the [ __ ] feels what did you do with my grandma do I to see your grandma what I think of Grandma you [ __ ] you killed my grandma after not all I did the grandma Naomi Naomi listen I brought you an extension card that bomb die you take a get out die let's go get out [ __ ] face sh [ __ ] die you [ __ ] die you Vanessa Vanessa [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] H more on now [ __ ] you come on oh [ __ ] get out of there get out of there holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] y'all got a cigarette e r la go oh la la la la la la la la la out

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