Forever A Terry McMillan Presentation 2024 #LMN | BEST Lifetime Movies | Based on a true story 2024

if you don't make time for love or don't love the time that you're with someone you have't experienced love I almost chose one or the other luckily love and time didn't let that happen [Music] s God how do these bills all add up at the same time that's okay Tessa here you go thank you you're welcome honey okay hey got we never had breakfast as a pop at that toaster oh well why don't you get your butt up tomorrow morning and make us all breakfast M so good Mama mhm that's what I thought clean your hair out of the sink when you're done in the bathroom I'm sick of looking at it when I brush my teeth how you know to M Nancy Drew there are four women that use that bathroom Mama tell her okay okay what is the first rule in this house the toilet is not a trash can because Mom is not a plumber that's right honey and what is the second rule leave the bathroom as you found it I clean the bathroom every week so if you leave it as you found it logic has it that it should still be clean whoa whoo that's Tim Tim you tell that boy do not honk that horn outside my house one more time or I'm going to shove that horn up his up his what mama up his nose all right which is what you need to keep out of our conversation when I'm talking to your sister I love you was gonna say ass hey hey hey hey hey I love you too was definely not going to say yes eat your food Captain Jonathan Taylor yeah I'm Jonathan Taylor thank you for your service you been service thanks a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah no but lesie I need you home tonight because I'm not going to get in to late yeah but I don't want thank you Miss will what do I owe you be on the house Carly but next time give the little woman a thrill let him guy coffees I'll throw in free burritos free mhm oh okay pause say you're back again yeah we got to do something about that I know why don't you let me hook you up with my massage guy I told you the guy's got badass hands thanks my badass is not a quality I look for a man who's going to have his hands on my body it's funny cuz that's exactly the quality I'm looking for I can't with you all right you get the coffees I pimped you listen yep get it down free yes I'm so sorry I left you for so long baby girl this thank you so much for keeping that car for me uh who knows what Tina would have done with it sold it rented it why you got my M room the table Yeah listen Johnny I I think we probably we should I think we should talk oh look at your face come on man man when I told you to take care of Tina when I was I guess you went above and beyond didn't you unbel is she here come on Tina Tina are you here I know your ass I know you there we go and your ass is out too look at you this is like a bad well first off thank you for uh serving me with divorce papers right at base I didn't ask them to do that you didn't ask him to do that no and I only took what I felt was mine after you were aband that's my mama's dining room table okay Johnny what did you think I was I'll be my keys please my lawyer says that's Community proper listen you need to do something about her I had that car before her before you before baseball give me give me the keys in my car please just hold on man babe it's his car let me just give you Keys Johnny just just take the keys thank you I'll see you at work assistant coach no no no wait Johnny I'm I'm the head coach that job was waiting for me when I got back you head coach that that bye I got the burritos you're welcome excuse me I have to go above and beyond to get this m even unbutton a couple buttons and showed her a p of cleavage oh yeah yeah she even P my chest here [Music] you go ahead and turn that ignition off for me yes ma'am licens and registration Jonathan Taylor Johnny Taylor yes sir Great River High yes Levi Ryan hey that didn't work out uh 3 years of law school but I thought this would be more fun Johnny here is one of the best athletes we ever had at the school youve played pro ball for a while yeah I'm semi semipro your registration has expired oh yeah I just got back home from my 18-month tour so that's probably why come on all right check this out Mr Taylor you go straight home no faster than the speed the it'll let you off with a verbal warning this the nicest thing that's happened to me all day don't thr pray I give people the benefit of the down okay well thank you good seeing you JN yeah man good to see you too damn I stop that girl do you guys like camping and stuff like what you see you're here with your Covenant instead Tim stop ow what are you are you doing oh my let go of why are you robbing me like literally let go don't touch me easy easy coach you're back yeah I am uh tell me your name young man Tim gunar Tim gunar yes sir starting short stop for Coach pu it last season right uh Mr Gunner I'm going to be your new head coach this season um if you want to play for me I suggest you apologize to the young lady and make uh make it very clear that this will never happen again Johnny Taylor I do not want to have to take you to J night this ma' what is going on here someone lesie uh Tim grabbed me and this man saved me you grabbed her leave now and you better hope to God we don't find ourselves in situation again I'm not leaving I'm her boyfriend no you two just broke up but mama you can't break up for me I just did Tim give me your phone now Now give me your phone it's mine for a week and you know what say goodbye to your friends because you're not going to see them for two Lon your grades are circling the drain you fell one more class and you're not going to be sitting here eating french fries with your friends you're going to be taking their order now get your narrow ass home and put your face in a book now everybody get up everybody get up everyone go home now take her straight home thank you as a mother I appreciate you stepping in as a police officer why didn't you take my advice and find your way home all my covers are here I have no food but I tell you what if you will have a meal with me I promise I'll go directly home right afterwards and wouldn't your wife frown on that oh no um my marriage is survived my last PL and uh it's so this is and my hands swell of it's hot in the desert so I can't pull the damn thing off here you try pull my finger I can't it's not coming on pull your finger okay obviously raising three girls on my own is hard enough and and yeah their dad helped out financially when he could but I needed a job that was Secure and and had benefits and so I tried out I passed the test they sent me to the academy and uh at first I just worked different divisions kind of filling in here and there and then this job opened up in a town where I could actually afford a house so I jumped right right and uh the father Lamar yeah uh he's in Los Angeles doesn't make much money drives stock cars and pona that women gave him I'm sure but uh yeah as a father he was good when he took the time and as a husband we just never really yeah so he was around 3 years the first time and then 8 months the second time the second time yeah I married him tce oh yeah I told you I I do give people the benefit of the doubt sister yeah it's it's a flaw no not always not always the cold fly here is not as good as it used to be how are the fries you know yeah uh so what else is good here I am I don't think I was good in my 20s you know Lamar and I definitely brought out the worst in each other but we really did try twice twice for the girls um and not that I'm not overwhelmed 90% of the time especially with girls but I think that I'm a better person than I used to be I have aired out all of my dirty laundry what about you do you think that you are think that you're a better person oh wow wow um I don't know how to answer that question I know that 3 days ago I had a unit of men looking up to me I had their backs they had mine but uh now I'm here and I can honestly say I've never felt more alone yeah yeah yeah Hey Taylor I should probably get home okay uh let me take care of the meal okay since you gave me the benefit of the doubt and I'll make sure I get straight home like I promised yep you should otherwise mhm okay drive safe yeah you drive safe thank you oh [Music] youres okay for real oh other here what good luck lost something in the sheets there you go thank you I actually tore the car apart looking for this this morning I would not have heard the end of it if I had lost my daughter's phone I figured as much um so um yes so are you okay so it's been a long time since I've had a man listen to me so what would you want to do it again sometime shouldn't y'all be out solving crime or giving tickets or something that was funny that was bu I'm sorry I didn't mean to put you on the spot but no it's um what' you say yeah as great as that sounds I have a lot on my plate right now and to be honest it's not a very big plate so you mean you're working with a snack plate or uh no but uh see that's the thing is you don't get to choose what's on your plate you just kind of get what you're given right yeah okay just get a beer with me you can get a beer right trust me I am I am doing you a favor yeah I should I should probably because you know it's my sure shift yeah yeah sorry all right yeah thanks see you again thank you thank yeah yeah all right Officer hold on that phone yeah yeah let me talk to her Johnny oh oh I'm good man you know me Johnny Taylor your benefit of the D has just ran out license and registration it's about time I've been racing up and down the street all week trying to get you to to do your job do my job yes pull me over so you'll reconsider going to dinner with me I know that you already said no but I don't your reason is not valid I don't care if you have kids I just want to not want to get to know you so are you going to keep all right you can write me up I'm going to be back tomorrow and the day after that and listen I'm going to break the law until you agree I think it's a strike go John yeah all right man have a good season coach [Music] why didn't we do this last year please be my new daddy my mommy beats me and no one will help because she's the police tasa let go of Johnny please I sorry coach whose wife was sleeping with the other coach Courtney what everybody know know I am so sorry daughter number two has no edit button that's fine you are right everybody does know so yeah and you must be the are you still grounded oh um yeah another couple days but um you'll be happy to know I'm seeing a new guy okay they're like tampons with her every month she okay Courtney that is enough both of you who's in charge of me tonight and do not say Leslie since you still have her phone she'll be on the landline all night with Kyle God I will not you ret no she will not because I will be back why did they call you Johnny shouldn't you have like a grown-up name okay does everything that come to your head have to come out of your mouth now most of my evening is going to be spent apologizing for your behavior good night why said good night when you're uh coming back at 11:30 you want to make it 3 weeks good night ladies good night good to meet you all 11:30 by by Johnny Taylor I thought I could just like walk back into my old life and pick up where I left off but now now I I feel like I feel like a kite in a windstorm and I don't have maybe you just need someone to ra you back in make you go grounded again H maybe that'll keep you from getting all those feeding [Laughter] tickets you're funny we funny how come we never be married uh well you met my girls yeah as I said between them and and work the plate is full wow boy well seems like you cleared some space for me so I must be the one oh yeah but the night is still young so we shall see I keep drinking I might say yes that CAU me off God 2 years since you had sex nuh-uh yeah we can go a while oh but who hears what I mean you sound like Levi sorry how many attractive single men do you think I meet how many do you pull over over the age of 20 ah no many and you know most men my age you know they don't drive like fools so you're the exception well I was inspired by an amazing and beautiful woman so I am oh look that oh well it hurt again M I like what you've done with the place yeah yeah like a a Furniture camel I can go a long time without it so oh okay is there um Furniture in the bedroom one sec one sec yeah yeah [Music] yeah see you need okay okay okay okay don't ask okay don't ask okay yeah don't ask um H yeah um well um thank you thank you for um a nice night nice oh that uh that hurts my feelings nice oh no no I just I I I am at a loss for what to say I have never slept with a man on the first date okay I have slept with a but but not in years and I've certainly never had a man have to bring me home because I told my daughters I'd be back at work you are very good at that yeah but gotcha I should okay all all right um getting a night this I I'll see you later good night thank you go okay yeah I'm sorry 2 years why why a me cuz I promise I'm I'm I'm not trying to replace you with something I'm not trying to push myself on you but I I just need to know if you're feeling what I'm feeling wait wait wait what are you what are you feeling terrified like like pit on my gut scared like like like I've lost something and I finally found it and don't ever want to lose sight of it ever so this a m teenager I am I'm I am feeling something I just don't know exactly what I'm feeling um but um why don't why don't you come over for dinner on Saturday and um we could talk about it and I don't know figure out what okay okay figure it out sat that's two days I feels really far away I know but I just have to be [Music] are you sure yes and I am feeling something something really good okay okay all right good night good night good night good night for real this time [Music] Mama this is ridiculous ridiculous girl this is way beyond that Mama you're doing all this for a guy you just met I'm going to need y'all to go ahead and set the table and all right take a deep breath y y listen I'm going to cook this up you can pop it in the freezer but you and I are going to spend some woman's LI or are you just afraid of us talking mess about your oh my God Courtney ladies report to the kitchen Moment of Truth all right sush mhm yeah take not yeah yeah move in mama can live in a seller you can have her bedro B oh that is my queue to exit out the back ladies bring it in come here I love you all right you've been promoted don't let me down I got you all right gorgeous yes have fun do everything I would do I can't tell anybody about you Levi all right look at your mama how do I look guys hot hot she does see hot almost as hot as my SIU if he wants the recipe time to call me oh my gosh by bye bye bye okay can one of you no okay Tessa can you go get the door it's Johnny okay all right okay either one of you say anything and your phones are gone I mean you probably take it anyway exactly she is really nervous about a grown man named Johnny yeah yeah it won't last she can't make a thing last a guy I mean Dad how many times have she married him twice where is exactly I mean she tries too hard just scares them facts ladies how we doing good poor foolish man they're weird so I for getet that hi wow hi you okay Mama oh these are for you oh thank you you look beautiful yeah and after sleeping in the kitchen all day how do you do it I didn't cook dinner Levi did I can't cook worth the dam I never have I never will and I don't have to eat I came to I came to spend time with you oh my [Music] God see okay yeah um girls order pizza because me and Johnny are going to take the dinner and eat at his house and I will be back tomorrow so look after tests or there'll be consequences es real consequences okay yeah she likes sunflowers not [Music] roses i c no it's not that tomorrow on Lifetime There are rules when you break the rules there are consequences that wasn't supposed to happen go you sure you want to do that nobody ever chooses me you want to be my friend I want to thank him for the fire I know it'll never go out Lifetime Movie Club watch now um uh I know we didn't expect to end up here um you want to tell me what this is about yeah uh it's a military thing and uh lately it's just been easier for me to sleep by the side you know it's okay it's okay yeah I'm going to move it right here yeah just um exactly take all that and then I'll put I'll put the matches exactly where okay yeah here we go yep all right okay okay there we go all right we got it yep okay what's out okay ready okay okay good okay yes that's okay all right [Music] it's okay it's okay it's okay sorry it's okay I'm sorry sorry I'm not okay it's okay [Music] all right boys huddle up huddle up uh we both like to thank you for trying out we appreciate it it was not easy but coach pu and I we Whittle this thing down to something we think will be good for our team now I'm not going to tell y'all not to play Club ball just because it didn't make the team it's better for us go play get better come back and try out next season Once Again thank you and for those of you who did make the team we'll see you tomorrow at practice what's up this because of what happened in the restaurant with that girl that has nothing to do with it yeah you're lying he wanted to keep you I cut you yeah you brought this on yourself when you thought you were the best player out there barely worked hard in Camp this time and kept blaming others why would I want to be coached by two losers who are screwing the same woman ooh boy what you tell this fool to get on my face before I put touch me all right guys I'll see you at practice tomorrow okay let's go and Tim stormed out of the locker room what I'm so glad she broke up with him out go in the house I got this i got this I got it get out shut the door go home go home mom we weren't doing anything sh sh I got it thank you I me at least she's sleeping hey hey hey by herself no thanks to you thank you honey this is good God why is everything such biging on do you think I'm stupid enough to get pregnant in high school one person in this family doing that is enough okay between us not you I'm [Music] sorry are you okay yeah yeah you know the worst part about being a parent going to wake up one morning and you're going to realize that she's got the best mother ever all of them are she's just a teenager she's stuck behind that phone stay here with me after what just happened I mean besides I hey I love you so much I just don't want to give the girls an excuse to girl all right okay [Music] [Music] [Music] okay a cooking house finally oh some juice how' you sleep great okay good morning good morning M good morning hey good morning you hungry morning uh I'm good good morning Mah I am more than good wow Mama child deal with it more like thank you you're welcome thank you so much heck of a waffle Johnny that down heck of a waffle you ain't too tired to get whooped now this is so sweet than you're welcome hey look at you you know you can't smoke inspired with my wife what are you doing good to see what the hell you doing out here I recruiting season decided to come through this godforsaken neck of the woods thought I'd stop by see if you were ready to have that conversation oh boy coach I should tell you right off the bat um how much they paying you to uh coach high school ball these days cuz I'll double it you'll double it wait you think I got off the interstate and drove to this dry fart of a town just to thank you for doing your patriotic service now I need an infield coach next year I want you oh man I mean I know this is a dream I I just uh I can't I can't just I got to I got to run this wow I got to run this by Carly I thought you got divorced that that that was before this that was Tina now I'm with Cari she's I'm really in love with this with this woman but is she the kind to get in the way of your dream since you were playing miners she's uh she's got daughters she's got daughters so I got to uh you know I got to run this type of stuff listen I want to hand you the team when I do if that's not in of enough than the paycheck should be I'm sure your girlfriend will see this as a great opportunity not just for you but for her and her kids too huh all right don't make me regret coming all the way up here okay right get out of here my pictures presents have youever hey look who's here hey man this guy practically lives here now mama's doing this to torture us she finally has backup here and at work yep oh my look at this this looks good girl good job you guys this looks great you actually got them to help I did marry me I miss you so Mom I can ask you a question yeah can I go to New York now before you say no this is a class, 10 well this trip is only $1,700 Courtney where are we going to get that money from me you're going to say no excuse me you know I could uh I could help chick in no no I sent her to New York and then Leslie is hitting me up for trips to Padre Island and Tessa wants to know why she can't go to Orlando no after all of this you are not paying for her [Music] trip and one of the guys got on with LAPD which means 12 hours gifts until they find someone maybe I can't move the girls this is their home plus I mean you're here I am so six great thank you what up baby thank you so much how are you doing young lady good mama won't let qu go to New York we never get to do anything I get it a rest your mother's doing the best that she can oh you're on her side what a surprise they're mean sometimes Che what should we do we need a big boat so when it storms really bad M I can put all my stuff animals on it ooh and they'll be safe a big boat huh yeah you're a cutie young lady didn't your mother ask you to clean the bathroom what is so hard about that come on stop we weren't doing it uhuh you and K will just locked up in that room together half naked please get up in there and clean that bathroom or I'm going have you what I'll give your sisters 50 bucks give them the money what do I care if I ever see your ass again I'm going to break you just went up to 60 it's my money plus you're still going to have to to clean the bathroom I [Music] hate 80 hat you now it's a 100 leave me alone you're ruining my life I stopping you from wrecking your mother's life young lady stop slamming doors you're slamming them too [Music] honey we're going to have to call Eric about the water pressure because it keeps getting worse in the bathroom my bad see I don't know how you do this an easy day easy day yeah I missed the Army when I told people to do stuff and they just did it this is the part where you want to break up with me and go back to your mattress Under the Stars oh you ain't getting rid of me that easy woman mm although um I did get a think excuse me I um I missed my period last month which is not unusual but then I missed it again this month and I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet but I feel like I did with my other three okay um when do you work Tom Tom I work the overnight the overnight yeah okay okay what what oh the girls should be here girls what are you doing girls you going to wake up I know I hope her I want to wake up pause girls wait what yeah y wait are you serious you sh sit upstairs love is patient love is kind it does not envy it does not boast it is not proud it does not it keeps no record of no wrongs I'm telling you I feel pregnant mhm okay okay okay we probably we probably are you ready for that she'll be right back I'm sure it's fine I'm sure it's fine no it's okay s hi hi Carly you're not pregnant oh okay I'm sorry baby don't be sorry do not be sorry the ultrasound showed a I want to check you into the hospital today we'll do a biopsy to see how we need to proceed [Music] [Music] Mr Taylor watch your sisters wait why can't we hear this just stay here the tumor is malignant spread [Music] [Music] I thought I was having your baby I don't feel sick you know maybe they're wrong you need to be [Music] sure make sure you're healthy for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't want and then I'm just going to come back for follow up and some stuff like that but I'm going to be home making your lives miserable then we'll know you're okay I'm going to be fine okay absolutely so can we stay up from school tomorrow uh we want to be with you uh and I want you to be with me too but it's late well all let's go let's let Mommy get some rest hugs hugs hugs oh I love you [Music] too bye Mama I love you I love you too I love you too o o oof Mom I love you I love you too baby see any I love you with everything that I am I'm counting on that and when you get better we going make that baby [Music] [Music] oh after 40 are skin hey you coming in to eat is um is Mama going to die no she how do you know the truck in front of us got blown up and it was uh the truck that I was in flipped and I was trapped inside we lost like half a dozen guys from our unit but something told me that I was going to make it home safe guess how I know think I felt it inside like in my gut when that's what I'm feeling right now your mother's going to be fine you just got to trust me get out of here and get some sleep we got a big day tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I love bear [Music] it's my turn to reel you in [Music] now Mr Taylor girls we think we got all the cancer she's going to have to do chemo but your mom's going to beat this it was hers it was poy Mom let's go hey Mom how do you feel hey Mom oh my goodness good how do you feel better oh miss you guys Mom I miss you guys we wanted to come but Johnny wanted me to himself hey wa oh my gosh you guys yeah the girls did good love it thank you baby love you oh I love you guys I love you guys [Music] dishes laundry bathrooms it's like Johnny's still in the Army and we his soldiers that he orders around every single day yeah he's making me do my homework at school so he can check it after baseball or no phone Dad I know dad hasn't been around that for a long time but you know there's a difference between a father and a dad making a baby is a whole lot more fun and a hell of a lot easier than raising one I love Johnny me too okay we all love Johnny but that's not the point it's just hard with him here we've never had a father before well you know maybe if you girls started acting more like daughters you wouldn't find it so difficult so you're saying to call Johnny our dad no I am saying oh what's the point but you know what if you two don't feel comfortable that is 1,00% okay okay but let me just say this what Johnny is doing around here is a lot different than donating sperm it's the man who's here every day loving you taking care of you that's the guy you call Dad because that title is earned what [Music] sperm oh I knew as soon as I said it oh honey oh Johnny Tess wants to know what sperm is being the man of the house would you like to feel that question yes I made your favorites for supper grilled cheese tomato soup spicy fries go get it while it's hot yay I love you dad I love you [Music] too H using her favorite food as a bright shiny object clever deflection almost had you almost well almost only counts in Horseshoes and Hand Gren that one scares me what's that you hungry no I think I'm just going to rest okay hold on get rid of the kids so you can sleep everything okay it just hit me I've never been on my have but I feel for [Music] you [Music] scary I remember when I told you how scared I was at the start this whole thing yeah truthfully I've never been more scared than right now maybe maybe that's what love is feeling your heart can be filled by someone else I am going to get well and we are going to have the best life yes we [Music] are yeah got some sleep introducing Domino's There are rules when you break the rules there are consequences that wasn't supposed to happen God check me let nobody ever chooses me you want to be my friend I want to thank him for the fire event I know it'll never go out Lifetime Movie Club watch now coach what's happening hey jump and Johnny what's the word having a piss poor recruiting season you uh 14 and three District Champs you jealous oh listen to The Big Time coach who won't take my deal uh come on now listen I'm calling to find out when I'm going to be getting that signed contract from you you know I put my coones on the line to get you 120k but I want you coaching with me next it's a dream job but uh and you know I could use that money with all our bills piling up I just uh I can't move my wife and the girls out to Florida right now look uh I appreciate the offer I just uh I can't uproot my whole family right now everything they're doing is here at school friends boyfriends job all of it so it's just it's just not the right time for for for that type of change I'm sorry man don't be sorry damn it be [Music] smart and the crow goes wild wild wild wild it's funny you guys didn't celebrate the first four that hit the floor we was just warming up we about to go pro now ain't we someone's on a ladies there somebody's about to get stabbed with a for do it will easy easy let's leave are you okay yeah you all right Courtney stop why I look at you me Officer Taylor ready for the Mean Street of easterberg in 12 hours sh are you sure you up for it yeah yeah I'm up for it Dr leafer gave me the all clear and I am so ready to go back to work I might be a little bit tired but get back into the swing yeah just don't overdo it no honey it's just Speeders speeders oh well we both know what trouble they can get you into oh mhm I was going 110 in the school zone no I think it was a nursery accident oh you guys I got to take care rest you deserve it right playoffs all right some good catch man here we go yes right give it up there we go playoffs sa playoffs congratulations coach thank you same to you yeah right all right shoot heyy listen uh Johnny um can we be friends again oh boy hey look man I'm I'm sorry for what I did it was a mistake a a big mistake Tina moved out didn't see yeah I should took my flat screen and my trunk that makes sense yeah look you suff enough hey on thanks culture yeah all right now congrats what are you doing here I thought you hated baby ball it was an important game for you and Mama's working Leslie's busy being Leslie and so I thought i' just come and support the jocks look could too besides all of my friends are paying their trip for New York and I can't stand being around them listen um I was thinking I know it's not New York okay but the state tournament is going to be in San Diego so I was thinking maybe why don't we go as a family right stay the week make it like a mini vacation have some fun uh yeah you're right it's not New York but yeah sure the beach is good all right so what were you taking us T night to celebrate your Victory or your mom just get off till late right wait are you telling me you're afraid of being little just you did didn't you yes I've accepted the fact that we're stuck with you and if you say one more thing about it I'm going to make you wish you pay for my whole trip to New York for the entire summer okay I got you yeah my little yeah we're we're all at the diner without me well your daughter's be very persuasive your daughters now too medium or large large woman always large wait where you at Coffee hello you can talk to her anytime you want okay your middle daughter she wants me to hang up on you so yeah it's frightening how quickly they change on you I love you Mama S I love you mama oh my God shots fired Officer Down on 19 now Carly don't move Tim G Carly Carly Give Me A Reason Carly hang on help us on the way Carly Carly what's happening are you okay Carly Carly what's happening stay in the car stay in the car I'm call his husband make sure they stay in the car you s me St you stop stop [Music] you [Music] okay come on come on John one second [Music] [Music] [Music] Johnny no t t look at me look at me excuse me you kill my wife me next online Life Time you for David 60 for David 60 dispatch can you hear 714 dispatch officer Carly Taylor dispatch all units clear the air standby for priority traffic zero officer Carly tayor this is a final call for Fort David 60 officer car Charlie Taylor badge number 5972 End of Watch after being fatly shot thank you for your service officer Taylor you may be gone but won't be forgotten Officer Taylor you are clear and can rest in peace we have the watch from your home when [Music] and no more shall [Music] me is that me Father me so you leaving the forest yeah I'm officially law school I only have three semesters left tell you hey thank you okay thanks for coming thanks thank you appreciate it so damn fun yeah but now it's I never told you this but Carly was lucky to have you yeah I told her after I got back from my last employee I told her I felt like a kite I was running out of string she reeled me back in and her family made me feel like I was a part of something bigger the first time in my life like she made me feel like a man I was a woman woman one amazing woman yeah yeah she was go out and find yourself someone who makes you feel safer she was lucky to have you too man thank you is that Lamar yeah lar yeah hey hey yeah I thought I recogniz you at the church on any around yeah well she always made sure there was a photo of you in the girls' room I haven't seen Tessa since she was three or four how are the girls handling this well they mother taught them to be strong and to be there for each other so they'll get through this I'm taking them with me you're taking them where to Pomona I teach at a racing school [Music] there no that's that's not happening what the girls need now is love and stability and you provide neither legally you're not their father you are just some man who married their mother I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm hey Leslie Courtney you've both grown so much yeah people grow up Dad except you dad do you know our mom died that's why I'm here to make sure that you're okay you're here to make sure we're okay well we're not so you can just I came here to see if you girls needed anything and and to express how sorry I am about your mother right well you could have just put that in the card like you did on our birthdays oh wait you didn't do that either did you all right girls that's enough that's enough you should probably leave now I think that's a good idea yeah leave and don't ever come back he he [Music] hey what you doing just uh building the kite talking to my wife she imp part anything interesting sometimes you have to let the string out until the kite gets out of the wind or you lose it forever smart wife sure [Music] [Music] okay if you have wet AMD you never want to lose I'm come in peace [Music] [Music] okay now I just handed you a gross of condoms now do you know how many are gross so when you and Les or having let me rephrase that if Leslie allows you to you use one of these every time you hear me yeah I don't care if she tells you it's okay to no you use one of these every time until you're married financially stable and ready to start a family am I making myself clear yes sir am I making myself clear crystal clear okay my daughter does not need another jerk in her life 17 and where am I supposed to tell Courtney this money came from from her mother you cannot tell her was a surprise she'll figure it out no she won't she's a smart girl thanks uh I really appreciate you uh making this this trade yeah well I appreciate you giving up this beautiful machine yeah she's a be well you enjoy thank you sir all right hey dinner again next week ladies if you're paying I'm paying you can have all my money love you love you more be good [Music] girls meet me in the back that's I don't [Music] know [Music] wow what is this my boat I wanted this to be yall's safe place if ever you're feeling bad or lost you can come here you can dress it up make it your own if you got problems you can come here figure it out or if you just want to be by yourself this is y's spot only y'alls okay bye um I love y'all so much I love you I love you and I love you but you are our dad I know but not legally Legally Lamar is your father well I'm not going anywhere with him I me we don't even know him I don't want to leave you don't have to leave you're not going anywhere I [Music] am I uh this morning I make sure the house is in y'all's name open three accounts put a little money in there so now this house belongs to you no one can take it away from you's going to stay here too but but we don't want to stay with him I know I'm almost 18 yeah you can leave but test care around I accepted a coaching job out of state so I'll be able to pay for your college it's going to be okay got your cell phone so whenever you need me just call I'll pick [Music] up but you just say you're moving out the state I had to make a deal with Lamar to make sure you stay here I had to leave it doesn't feel confident that you guys will bond with him if if I'm around so no you're giving up on us I'm not I promise you I'm not is that we're going to change that next to next to marrying your mother you are the greatest gift I've ever gotten but um but it's best for you to be here here with your friends your school your your house your mother's house what's best be was here so you can feel her you need to be here where you can feel her can you just please stay please go they said this was a friendly neighborhood but they are ghouls no matter what whenever you need me I'll be [Music] here remember where [Music] [Music] uh hello give me one look at the time you're lucky I made it at all I had finals yesterday and and you know New York isn't exactly next door does my makeup look okay had do in the car kind of looks like it yeah hi Tess hi guys he Tessa okay guys come on you have to get dressed and you still have to do your hair and we're already like 10 minutes behind people who know you know that we're probably 20 minutes ahead of schedule a it's probably your big city humor that I'm not finding you so funny right now oh real close to him God I love that man okay come on we're late let's go wait wait wait how do I look it's good you look beautiful but you look even better when you put on that Brides mid dress I picked out all right I'm getting married I'm getting married she getting married she get married get out get out okay I'm getting married getting married bye Leslie bye girl [Music] you win or lose yesterday buy him a box of condoms she must have told him about me he's been uh working overtime to avoid me I'll get him at the reception thanks [Music] girls you look as beautiful as your mother I wish she was here yeah she is I love you I love you more you ready yeah yeah I understood what they meant but I saw time differently especially after I met the love of my life time has neither a beginning or an end the true appreciation of time that's how we use it maybe you just need someone to reel you back in I'm going to be here for you for all of y'all forever because even the smallest moment I love you guys counting on that can feel like forever if you use it the right [Music] way there are rules

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