Michelle Chubb: the power of vulnerability on social media | Matriarch Movement

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 00:27:35 Category: Sports

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this podcast is produced by the brand is [Music] female T hello and welcome back to the matriarch movement podcast I'm your host Shayla olette stonechild and I'm super excited for today's episode and I know I say that about every episode but it's hard not to be excited when you're surrounded by inspirational trailblade amazing indigenous women F and two-spirited people uh today's guest is Michelle chub also known as indigenous Baddie on Tik Tok and Instagram I met Michelle actually back in November of 2020 we're at the same Bond look campaign shoot and I had actually creeped the call sheet the night before and I was surprised to see another indigenous woman's name on the call sheet so Not only was I excited for that but then when I actually met Michelle I was inspired ired by how humble she is and how down to earth she is she's only 23 years old she's swampy cre from the Buffalo Clan and she has already gone through M so much in her own journey of reconnecting to her own indigenous identity to her own Roots through jingle dress dancing and also through finding her voice and remaining authentic through Tik Tok and through Instagram she did a shoot with Dean Vogue and we go through all of this in today's episode and a little bit more this week's episode of matriarch movement is brought to you by our partners at Lou design Lou is a socially responsible fashion retailer and manufacturer specializing in sustainable women's clothing with all pieces made and designed right here in Canada you know I support women like it's my day job and Lou is 100% female-owned and female LED which is an A+ in my books finding sustainable clothing that doesn't break the bank is is literally not easy but Lou has set out to change that even better you can be sure that everyone Lou works with are getting Fair wages and we know how important it is to bridge the gender wage Gap all the clothing is as comfortable as your yoga gear but Chic enough to wear on your next Zoom call with modern Staples and playful prints that you'll literally want to wear every single day check out Lou for yourself at Lou design.com that's l u v Des design.com and get free shipping on your next order with the code Shaya shipping all one word at checkout so without further Ado welcoming Michelle thank you for having me and I'm excited to talk with you now s thank you I'm excited for you to be here and for taking the time out of your day we tried to record one before and the sound was a little off so this is our second second go uh how how have you been how's are you in Winnipeg right now yeah I'm in Winnipeg how has it been uh Co is kind of boring making it boring but it's all right yeah well like because you grew up in Winnipeg right yeah and so what was that experience like growing up in winipeg because I went there before the pandemic and I have to say like going into some stores I even felt like I don't know you could just feel like it seemed seems like there's the indigenous people and then there's like non-indigenous people and there's like complete separation and polarization and a lot of racism so did you also sense that growing up there uh yes a lot um especially in elementary school when I first started like uh young I already knew that I was different from the way I look and uh I just had to carry myself tiptoeing around people just so I can get around you because you grew did you go to school in like a predominantly white uh School uh yeah there was a couple probably like one East Indian and like a few mate te but that's about it and so now that you've um well how old are you right now you're 20 21 I'm 24 you're 24 H lot noing um 24 this year yeah 24 what what's what's your sign I'm curious Sagittarius oh Sagittarius oh you're the same as my brother um so have you do you feel like things have changed in Winnipeg or do you feel like it's more of the same um I think it changed a bit but not drastically um there's not as much racism shown in public as it did when I was younger but um there still needs to be change then here MH yeah no for sure I feel like Canada like on the outside it has this um identity of being like super polite and nice but in the reality is that we face as indigenous people like throughout our lives and even today it's just like stuff has to change um and so for you as a kid what did you do to you know how for me when I grew up in a predominantly white community I was really shy and so how did you deal with the effects of racism um to be honest when I was small um I don't know I kind of just kept an open mind I didn't really uh react too much um but I do remember being really really shy and only talking to the teachers whenever I needed help um there would be a few students that come up to me and talk to me but um yeah I was really shy yeah no I feel that it's interesting how like that kind of seems to be like a very similar narrative for a lot of um indigenous folks growing up uh and now that you have such a big presence on social media you know how do you show up there each day and stay truthful to you um I know I don't know I just try to stay true to who I am um because this is who I am if I'm showing another p uh [Music] another um Persona of myself that's not me then that's going to be pretty hard to keep up with yeah and I feel like when you show up like authentic more people relate to like authenticity than trying to be someone that you're not uh Tik Tok has really blown up in the last year and we've seen an increase of indigenous influence anwers and so what was your journey like you know getting onto that platform um Tik Tok uh there's like some highs and lows um it's pretty it can be uplifting but it can also be negative at the same time uh there's so many racist people who come on my uh post and like try to comment about my appearance or about the history and nothing Post Yeah that that's one thing that I've noticed too is like Tik Tok has more of a reach to other countries and people that actually have no idea like are not educated on the history um Canadian history with indigenous people at all and so H like how do you do deal with the haters um honestly I just block them and delete the comments there's no room for that type of exactly well like and I think like the good obviously outweighs the badad right yeah obviously that's what keeps me uh to push myself from all of the haters and so like what have been I don't know some of your highlights when it comes to Tik Tok and then maybe some of the challenges that you face oh highlights um I think my one of my biggest highlights uh was getting reached from Team Vogue that was like that was was a big one for me and like Bon look too um I was happy that they reached out to me and it was all uh good responses yeah yeah for those of you that don't know uh me and Michelle met in Toronto I believe it was when was it December December I think it was November November November okay yeah we uh I flew out to Toronto and then Michelle did to from Winnipeg and I was creeping the call sheet and I noticed her name and I totally slid into her DMs I was like yo girl you're on the same shoot as me like let's link up and she's like oh wait am I and so yeah we connected in Toronto it was very brief it was like only we only you were only there for like 24 hours right 24 hours yeah but that that was that was cool like that was my first time ever being in a campaign shoot with another indigenous person there and so I felt super inspired that I was like yo brands are finally waking up to how important indigenous representation is and how um how we have so many stories to share and to be told on like a bigger National level and so I really applaud bonluck for taking that step it was a together campaign um why do you think that it is so important for indigenous representation in Beauty campaigns and in mainstream media um because they're all over the place you see them like wherever you walk where you whenever you look at your phone you see like a model and growing up uh it was pretty hard not seeing that representation because you kind of see yourself like who am I to this world and um there like a bigger message behind that yeah no I I totally get it like I was like yeah I don't think we we had Buffy St Marie I feel like but even Buffy St Marie I feel like was the the older generation like for for us now it's really inspiring to see a lot of people begin to partner with Brands and to um share their stories I feel like that's another thing is like when because we grew up in predominantly white communities and so sometimes you feel like you're the only person that may be facing um racism or facing the effects of intergenerational trauma and all these things so even just knowing that no like we actually exist and we're still here how is the Vogue shoot for you oh wow that was like pretty fun for me um they got a photographer to fly in from Toronto and she came and took my uh photos uh she was really nice she brought her dad with her and they were really polite and they were excited to work with me what was your favorite part of the shoe um probably getting dressed up in my jingle dress and showing off and so how long have you been dancing Jingle uh I think ever since tidy pots and then for that I think four five Summers I was non-stop dancing and then after that my grandpa passed away yeah and so did you kind of pause for a bit from dancing and yeah I did I did pause for a bit from the traditional life um I went my own own path for a bit and I just found myself coming back to this lifestyle that I was introduced to before and um yeah it's really helped me what would your advice be cuz I know um like for people that may not feel connected to their indigenous roots or identity how what would your advice be for someone that's maybe looking to reconnect to their dance or to their culture um I would probably suggest going to whatever tribe they think they're from and talk to Elders uh go to ceremony uh attend Tow and they're like pretty fun Lear lot uh and I know you've learned how to make your own jingle dresses is that correct yes um growing up uh whenever I go to Cross Lake my aunties they're like twins and like whenever I would go they'll be like sum up the storm in in there they'll be sewing up jingle dresses and like they they're the ones who uh sew together my old regalas and also my brothers and my sisters so and so is there like a process or a ceremony or um like I've never made a jingle dress and so like what do you need to make one um first off uh you need to have an idea of what you want to make and how you want to present yourself with it um so yeah you have to have an idea and then also when you're making the jingle dress you have to have good intentions and um good thoughts while you're make it because it will affect how you're making it if you're doing it negatively and yeah uh smudge it out there thank you hi hi to our friends at Lou design for supporting this episode as a yoga teacher and a spiritual Revolution activist my whole being is rooted in Wellness but not just of the body and spirit protecting indigenous culture means protecting the land we belong to the fashion industry is one of the most important sources of waste on our planet but Lou has set out to prove that sustainable fashion can be the norm protecting the planet the people and the animals are values most important to Lou and I stand firmly behind them 25% of the pieces are actually made with upcycled fabrics and the remainder of the Fabrics are made with renewable materials like organic cotton bamboo modal and tensil this is the comfy modern brand you could be proud to wear don't forget to visit Lou design.com that's L UV design.com and get free shipping on your next order with the code Shayla shipping all one word at checkout how many how many dresses do you have I see them behind you right now is that yeah I have three oh sick and so how how many hours would you say goes into making one o uh I don't know um I don't know maybe I guess it depends okay okay I was like I guess it depends if you're like feeling good or if you're feeling off because you just said like don't don't be working on it if you're intentions aren't good um what is your intentions you know moving forward into 2021 I know this pandemic has each affected us differently and so I'm curious like what are your goals for 2021 um more self-care and um to be careful what I really think and say because whatever you think and say they're really powerful and it goes out into the universe and it will happen exactly there's so much power in our words and also in I believe writing things down that's something that I need to that's like one of my goals for 2021 is like yo if I want to make this happen I need to solidify it in to writing on paper um and so with Tik Tok you know how has that that been for cuz I know when you start to get more followers and increase your online presence you have more Brands and opportunities kind of reaching out like you mentioned you got teen fog you got bonlook how has it been working with uh Brands um it's really different to be honest um I never would have had thought that I would be in this position working with Brands but everything's um is pretty cool I'm prettyy happy with it and so for the folks out there who want to increase their social media presence what would your advice be um stay true to who you are use hashtags um but yeah just stay true to who you are don't be fake yeah yeah no that's so important um staying rooted and so you already kind of mentioned that you block people when you know you experience racism but do you have any other boundaries when it comes to social media I feel like as creative sometimes we are always uh pressured to constantly be creating and so do you have times off like what are your boundaries around social media look like oh yeah um I usually take breaks like once a week like a couple days um but yeah it usually uh depends on how I feel if I'm really or not yeah I think that's something good to note because I feel like social media gives you this illusion that everyone has access to you 24/7 and you're just like no dude like I actually need to take time for myself once in a while um and so like this this is the matriarch movement podcast and it's all about you know empowering other indigenous women how do you feel about the word matriarch does that resonate with you uh yes it does a lot to me because growing up I been told like oh you can't do that because you're a girl obviously a girl can do that um you just don't want me to do it yeah yeah you got done honestly yeah what does the what does the actual word like what does the if you were to define the word matriarch what would it mean to you um a powerful woman mhm and are there any matriarchs that you grew up inspired by or currently are inspired by um my aunties my my go um yeah and my mom yeah yeah the they're literally like the backbones of our community is I feel like sometimes um for me moving away to a big city you know sometimes times you forget about the people that really um got you to where you are and how to honor those people every single day uh how do you honor yourself um you know when you are feeling down or depleted or tired what are some practices that make you feel whole and complete again um I like to work out uh that's one of my favorite things I think getting into um journaling also helps uh writing down your thoughts and re uh rereading what you just uh put down just the process what you're feeling and yeah it's like hanging out with my boyfriend because he's like uh he makes everything go way totally having that like connection and that support from a loved one is so important um I know a little bit about your journey and how you talk about you know when you went on your path you kind of Lo yourself into you know the partying or the wrong scene and so what what created that shift for you to you know let that old path die essentially um I know going up I was thought um uh I always wanted to be in that uh traditional lifestyle uh since I was young and I kind of just lost it when I went into high school and I was like trying to find myself um then after high school that's when I found that crowd and I don't know it's just like in the back of your head just just tells you like you know this what you really want in life like you can change it and so when did you start to like choose a different path how old are you um probably about 21 20h yeah I feel like like even for myself I went through a pretty like darker path finding my own way and sometimes it could be a really isolating experience because you feel like you are super alone and like no one understands you and so that's why I think it's so important you know the you reconnecting to you know dancing into ceremonies and I think that's really healing and that's really powerful in itself and to be so young too and already um you know know know that you have like darker uh habits or Cycles perhaps um so what would be um you know your advice for the younger generation that is maybe going through the same thing right now um maybe reevaluate what you really want in life um because whatever you see around you is um not everything you see is uh I'm trying to find the word all good uh I I think I know what you're saying like um sometimes you can get lost in it because you feel like that's the only reality that exists because that's all you've seen in your external environment yeah yeah I feel like I'm also going through a shift right now of you know when you start to choose health healthier habits and healthier decisions that feel right for you sometimes you lose a lot of people or you lose like connections that were once very important to you and so yeah it's a hard it's a hard path I think some people don't realize like how um yeah like isolating it can be when you start to choose healthier options for yourself but how important it is too yeah because that's all you have in in life is yourself yeah yeah well and then like um how long you been with your boyfriend like a while right uh yeah for a while for four years now yeah okay wow I'm like when are you getting getting shacked I guess you're already shacked yeah when's that ceremony coming know no just H sweet uh so I I know you mentioned like a little bit of what your goals are for 2021 but what do you hope for your future like when it comes to yeah looking at 2021 do you hope to partner with more brands do you hope to um like what do you see for yourself um well every time I get asked this question like honestly I can never see it because like I never seen myself in this position before so yeah it's kind of hard so maybe like more more pushing myself yeah no I've been kind of unlearning that too because I feel like uh we get told that we need to have like a 5-year plan all the time or like you need to go to school you need to go to like get an education for four years and it's like dude like all these opportunities that are presenting itself now were never available to like um the past generation and so for me I'm like okay what am I going to do today like what are my goals and the daily actions that I need to go do today and then usually that creates like more of a ripple effect in my life um yeah know so I feel where you're coming from uh when you think of the word like indigenous futurism talking about the future does this resonate with you and how would you define indigenous futurism um I think that uh what I hear that word is like more indigenous um areas uh representing indigenous people more and maybe even having uh open ceremonies I never even thought of that that would be like super healing and Powerful yeah uh where where can people support you and where can people find you on social media uh Tik Tok Instagram that's about it and your handle's indigenous uncore body yeah indigenous baddy where where where did that that inspiration come from wait wasn't it Rihanna did you was it rih no no she's like one of my Inspirations but where I don't know just like growing up I was like kind of like that badass kid where like I uh you know those kids like people would ask people to do it but no one would do it I would be that person and do it yeah that's that's your that's your spirit name anyways long anyways long story short you can follow Michelle chub indigenous forbad make sure you check out her Tik toks her Instagram uh thank you so much Michelle for being here it's always nice to reconnect and hopefully we can like reconnect on another another shoot oh we will we will be connecting on another shoot oh yeah we can't talk about it yet just so you know there's some fire there's some baddy on the horizon I hope you enjoyed today's episode and I would love your feedback follow me on Instagram at Shaya metric. movement and don't forget to subscribe on the Pod platform of your choice and review and rate where possible I'll be back in a week hi hi thank you so much for tuning in [Music]

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