Category: Sports
The feeling for our defense coaches included to walk out of that stadium with that win on their backs i think it's you know they battled through a bunch but to go win a game on defense i think is important you know and really all three sides right jojo's catch you know that all that stuff comes into... Read more
Category: Sports
Here's what discourages me the most and we've seen this with the astros we've seen this with the patriots we've seen this with other cheaters that have gotten away with it at the end of the documentary con conor stallion says if i go back and do it all over again i would if you're jim harbaugh if i... Read more
Category: Sports
Um all right uh one more at least before we get out of here it is going to be the night cap it is going to be notre dame's visit to texas a&m um but you think riley leonard's ready to go i do okay y are you confident in raley leonard's ability in this match so uh so taylor who we had and calls a lot... Read more
Category: Sports
Count him out uh moving on oh yeah let's go the clemson tigers at fanduel sports book you can get them at eight and a half as the win total heavy juice on the over right here danny do you and not like a dion sanders do you believe but do you believe that kade kumnick garrett riley another year together... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] back here on the cover three podcast live on cbs sports network pleased to be joined by washington coach jed fish now coach the the timing of uh of the arrival was a little bit later than a lot of the coaching carousel you know the the way that these dominoes fall sometimes that happens but... Read more
Category: Sports
So in gainesville the headlines not great because you are at the center of one of the biggest stories of this late uh recruiting cycle you know these last weeks and these last months if you're talking about recruiting to somebody who maybe only watches a little bit of college football or is just kind... Read more
Category: Sports
But we begin with just like an absolute travesty for the national football league i mean what is the nfl going to do how are they going to keep their coaches when these coaches keep running off to college football because news breaks over the weekend that eric benemy longtime offensive coordinator of... Read more
Category: Sports
Probably agree on yeah the playoff team for sure so you i mean i tell you what i don't think there was a more accurate state and if they struggle again i mean i don't think there's any way you can keep alex crit but what's going on y'all bud elliott here back again for another edition of summmer school... Read more
Category: Sports
On wednesdays we like to take a deeper dive into some of the biggest games of the weekends give you it take you inside the matchup picks that's for thursday this is when you get educated we call it big game [music] breakdown we begin with the showdown noon eastern time in atlanta the afflac kickoff... Read more
Category: Sports
So have you watched biff poi's press conference yesterday yeah my uh my bs detector is going off here like crazy um we have come out of camp unfortunately uh pretty banged up we have definitely eight probably nine starters that are injured uh which is you know i'm not great in math but it's getting... Read more
Category: Sports
Probably agree on yeah the playoff team for sure so you i mean i tell you what i don't think there was a more accurate state and if they struggle again i mean i don't think there's any way you can keep alex crit but hey guys i'm bu elliot and that's adam row wait oh of the devil's den that means we're... Read more
Category: Sports
I i'm very curious what did you see like what when when you were watching that game what did you see and you know let's then let's start let's start talking about the next part how do you diagnose this and now you know what do you do moving forward have expectations changed and in what way that kind... Read more