Could Matt Patricia & Sean Desai Create Best Eagles Defense Since Jim Schwartz? | Dan Sileo

heard Darius Slay and I heard that um by the way for the record Darius Slay had no say in Matt Patricia being hired by the front office as a consultant to the Eagles he had players don't have any say the head coach in Philly has no say why would Darius Slay they probably told him about it but they didn't give a [ __ ] about it because if they did they wouldn't have hired him you don't bring problems into your locker room unless you think there's an asset why would you create [ __ ] in a locker room that doesn't have any [ __ ] it's like starting a fire in the middle of your locker room when you don't need to why would you do that and then you're going to ask the player if it's okay I could start a fire in your locker room why would you do that you wouldn't so my question is slaying Patricia said that yeah you know where cordial could this be a problem this year in the eagle locker room especially when you're playing against somebody by the way slay and Bradbury and that entire frame of how they play defense against Top Flight quarterbacks has been a failure every Big Time quarterback that they played outside of Aaron Rodgers has beaten them and with high completion percentages go back the last two years own the team owned them owned the secondary owned them from Derek Carr to Brady to Garoppolo to Herbert to Mahomes to Dak [ __ ] Daniel Jones has beaten that team in the last two [ __ ] Tyler heinecke's beating them okay could this be a problem in the locker room when you face a little adversity you see the Eagles haven't faced any adversity really in over a year except for the [ __ ] that went on in the Super Bowl and you didn't have another week to have to talk about it some players made comments about it one guy in Carolina and another guy in Detroit made comments that he didn't think the coaching staff on both sides of the ball did a good job one guy in Carolina saying I wasn't utilizing the other guy in Detroit is saying well they really didn't put us in a position to succeed parting shots and two guys that got raises these guys weren't fired they were they got raises you can say they got fired you don't get a raise consider that being fired why would the Eagles bring in Mad Patricia not Patricia is he more important than Darius Slay I say so I think Matt Patricia's knowledge of how to help Sean Desai was more valuable than Darius Slay why would you bring him in if you thought it was a troublemaking guy and thought it was going to be a Troublesome situation why because slay doesn't talk [ __ ] on people crucified Matt Patricia in the past so he's made it very clear he doesn't like him that had no bearing on him being hired that had no bearing the Eagles thought more of what he could bring to the organization like I told you what Howie does how he doesn't give a [ __ ] about Darius Slay he doesn't fall in love with his players he falls in like with them he doesn't get into that emotional scenario like look at Bob Myers for the Golden State Warriors you you want to know why I think Bob Myers stepped away from the Warriors I I think he doesn't want to have a come to Jesus conversation with um Klay Thompson or with uh Draymond Green that we got to break this thing up if we're going to succeed and we've got to continue to now to evolve because they have to evolve if they're going to maintain their position in the west and I think Bob Myers didn't want to be the bad guy I don't think Bob wanted to beat a bad guy so he resigned question Sills what flaw in the defense did Howie Roseman see from last year that led him to want Patricia's services what wrinkle does Patricia bring is he they became predictable their alignments were so predictable and their weaknesses were so predictable you got to do some more disguising here because you got less you you've got less experience I don't want to use the word talent because I don't know that yet you got less experience on your defense than you did a year ago they were too predictable your linebackers last year were terrible in coverage your linebackers couldn't cover anything up out of the backfield I was atrocious in the middle of your Zone was absolutely readable that's why all the quarterbacks were between 78 and 80 percent in completion percentage the ones that knew what they were doing and this year you're playing way better players and in my opinion you're also playing against the AFC East teams and Matt Patricia in my opinion having game planned against some of the best quarterbacks in the history of the sport the Drew breezes of the world the Peyton Mannings of the world remember he was there 17 years with Brian Flores and those guys and those three guys did a great job with defenses at times wasn't up to being a top 10 defense in New England but they made it work why they disguised a lot of [ __ ] and and for the record they're more of a press coverage defense in New England they actually have corners in New England the Eagles have center fielders and great Point JM that Belichick beats Mahomes hey isn't that funny now I realize it because the jm's take right there brilliant JM syriani and the coach except that you have right now can't beat Andy Reed but Patricia was part of a staff that did beat him and you want as many coaches that have beaten Andy Reid in Mahomes on your coaching staff as you could possibly get it's a great take that's right they know how to beat Mahomes you got to beat him there's really very few teams in the NFL that are going to stop the Eagles this year and probably when you get to the NFC title game maybe your divisional game will be tough I don't know it wasn't this past year um made your NFC game was was not a challenge because you guys did your job and knocked the quarterback out your game will be the Super Bowl again so you got to beat that guy and right now you can't beat him you don't have enough talent to beat him foreign you're not beating him that eagle team's not beating him you're not well you know what here maybe the third time maybe the third they do okay law averages you gotta and and and for the record the first time was a train wreck they ran the ball on you for 200 yards at Lincoln Financial something to Andy Reid with no running backs they ran the ball on you for 200 yards he didn't need to do anything spectacular in that first game then he took you apart systematically in the second half it was the best coaching job coming out of the halftime I've ever seen Andy Reid have it's tremendous and Patricia was brought in for that hey five star you're damn right whatever you got killed in the second half 17 up they erased it beat you good night go home second place trophy congratulations silver medal doesn't look good around your neck especially when you had the better team you're right whatever you're damn right Sill's a Slayer Bradbury Elite no both of them together are it's a great Duo it's a great Duo okay I think slave fell apart a little bit in the last six games of the season I didn't really think he played that great in the Super Bowl and he never was challenged and the playoffs in the NFC playoffs because they took [ __ ] quarterbacks on Still's acting like the eagles got blown out second half he did you had a 17 point lead in the Super Bowl has to be one of the biggest margins in the history of the game and you let it up okay and and for the record well the defense let us down well you have to get three and outs too the defense did a great job and you stopped running a ball he stopped running the ball in the second half something that you do your coaching sucked okay your coaching sucked in the second half you're making it sound like that team didn't take you apart in the second half you were up 17. oh 28 that's right the Falcons had a bigger margin you were up 17 and they come on man what are you talking about they took you apart in the second half you had defensive backs running into one another because you were trying to pass off Crossing routes with guys like Juju Smith Schuster they were confusing you Juju Smith Schuster confused you well wait till Stefan Diggs gets on the field that's gonna be interesting man who's covering Travis Kelsey on the Eagles just curious who's covering him at Arrowhead this year who's covering him who the kid from Chicago the rookie or rookie versus Travis Kelsey Travis Kelsey probably looked in his chops on that one you're playing the AFC it's the big boy table okay so Matt Patricia is an important hire this year he's I'll tell you this think about it he's the most experienced coach that the Eagles have hired in the last two years is that fair he's the most experienced coach you've hired in two years [ __ ] let me think three years siriani wasn't experienced like like um Matt Patricia who else Tracy rocker he's more experienced uh Jeff stoutland was already here um let me think on defense no he's the most experienced coach that you have hired in the last three years five years could be Devin so when you have a guideline and by the way for the record I don't give a [ __ ] about no I shouldn't say that because I want him to be good with the players because it's not his unit and how I want his influence this is what I would do I would want him if I am Sean Desai and every single defensive meeting that I have and I would want him as an observer to sit there and watch and sit there and unless the coach speaks to him in my opinion that's when he should be heard from and just have him as an ear and then when the players leave and they have the game plan on the table what I would say to Matt Patricia what do you think of the game plan here uh should we do something what do you think and then and then tell me why this game plan is not good what would you do against my game plan and then the both of you could sit there and kind of play war games with one another and you might be able to manipulate the game plan a little more and so you get to bang this off him a little bit and you get to go back and forth with it and massage the game plan a little better and to me that's an asset that's the Eagles helping their coaching staff that's the Eagles helping you see remember something Brian Johnson has siriani and Jalen hurts Sean Desai now has Matt Patricia and Matt Patricia is going to be there dude Matt Patricia is a better decoordinator than Vic fangio whoever told you Vic fangio was better than Matt Patricia Matt pitch If you hired Matt Patricia as your D coordinator I'd have been great with it he's and if you would have told me she'll say would you rather have Vic fangio or Matt Patricia Matt Patricia's got three Super Bowl rings foreign ever done compared to that guy we're not talking about head coaches sometimes that blinds people in a perception on how a guy is and who he is okay you you look at him I'm not talking about him as a head guy because most here you know why I would never hire maybe Brian Flores maybe Brian Flores because he showed me and maybe Bill O'Brien Bill O'Brien and Brian Flores would probably be the only two coaches off the Belichick tree that he's had in that building that I would hire because the rest of those guys charlie Weiss's of the world the judges they've all sucked every single coach that has come out of that building Romeo Cornell was really a Parcels guy when he got the Kansas City job so he wasn't really um a Belichick guy he was more of a Parcels guy okay okay so to me I mean Vic fangio versus Matt Patricia give me a break so Matt Patricia is important and this is how the eagles look at that relationship with Darius Slay get over it kid he's here we need him we want him we want him to help with our D coordinator it's get this think about this Matt Patricia is more valuable than Darius Slay because the things that Matt Patricia tells the D coordinator and the head coach are going to reflect whether or not this guy has a good season who do you think's more important they're putting a structured defense together some say it's going to resemble what they did a year ago what do you think Darius slays putting the game plan together absolutely not that was the rub with Doug Peterson these coaches were hired by Howie how he hired Matt what you think siriani hired Matt Patricia seriously who would tell you some dumb [ __ ] like that you think that Nick siriani reached out to demand Patricia and I offered him a job good night haven't you learned anything from the Doug Peterson situation haven't you learned anything okay some game plans matter with Patricia but they don't when Gannon was in charge Ganon had nobody they learned a lesson there was he had no checks and balances on that side of the ball Gannon there's now checks and balances Gannon wasn't put in check by anybody who was his overseer at the end of the year they brought fangio in to see what he was doing and then come to find out everything they suspected about the guy not being really focused on his job came true now you got a coordinator that's kind of a got kind of a watchdog there in so many ways keep an eye on what they're doing on that side of the bowling report to the head coach at GM this is what we're doing remember he's a consultant to the organization he's not a consultant to Sean Desai he's a head coaching consultant which means he reports to Nick not Desai that's not his job title the reason he's not on the coaching staff is because he's connected with the front office he don't answer to the side he answers to to Nick who answers to Howie that's the Eagle Way that's the Eagle Way and by the way you shouldn't be upset with that it's winning this this is how the chain of command goes in that place there's no doubt about it that that's how that chain of command goes dude there's not a chance in hell that Nick siriani has autonomy in that room to make hires big seals to be fair was a 10-point lead not 17. okay sure technically sure felt like 37. didn't really matter if it was 57 you weren't winning you weren't winning you couldn't stop it did it matter could have been 57 points it wouldn't have mattered sure 10. congratulations you had a 10 point lead in the Super Bowl and you lost it okay I guess oh man hey Philly listen but here Philly are we but under a Philly 4-4 but underline this cells you know everything you're kind of pointing out and what you're saying is so true but we're winning absolutely it's not an indictment it's an observation nobody's indicting anything here but when when when people try to think that siriani has dude siriani plays the game he's great at playing the game because Frank as I told you a couple days ago prepared him to play the game hey you know how you build up equity in that building you go along and what happens is with the winning they're going to put you in a position to win they're going to make trades they're going to make hires all you do go out there and do is you go out there and you reflect the image that we want from the front office down into the locker room see that's where the rub was with Doug Doug didn't want to give the culture from the upstairs into the locker room he wanted his own culture most coaches do remember that old saying that hey get this remember that old saying the team is a reflection of the head coach do you think this team's a reflection of the head coach or the way the organization is run that football team doesn't stand on park benches screaming at fans wearing quirky ass t-shirts and [ __ ] I get Kelsey and all that but that team has run methodically like Howie that team has the face of Howie Roseman on it not Nick sariani he's the boss okay again it's just not I'm not saying I'm not saying anything negative here okay Arthur brings a point up the team is a reflection of the quarterback who in essence is a reflection of the organization hence why he got 255. he embodies it he embodies everything that they believe in there's there's a methodical way of doing business in Philly it's why every coach has had a winning record since Andy Reid there's a reason I mean you've been how many Super Bowls now see what one uh one two three in the Lorry um Dynasty here NFC Dynasty you are an NFC East Dynasty and it's the way you do business the only head coach that had say really in the building was Andy because they were coming out of the whole Norman Bremen [ __ ] and you know Ray Rhodes Rhodes is a good coach but not good enough they were coming out of all that I mean seriously after after the whole buddy thing the team kind of floundered a little bit it flounder Ray kind of had some winning seasons and then they got Andy in there and then Andy turned it around because he came from the Homegrown tree which was the bill Wall Street chip had full power he did he did I said that he had a winning record and that was probably your biggest failure organizationally in the last 23 years he did have full power it wasn't a complete disaster though that some of you think it was he did have a winning record and won division titles did he not make it sound like he didn't win I think he had a couple double digit win Seasons didn't he wasn't like Rich Cote a double digit wins actually okay three under Lori okay was a nightmare he had 11 wins one year I get it he traded away so that again that I said that JM this is probably the worst that was probably one of the worst general manager moves and Personnel moves that they've made in the last 25 years was Chip Kelly the hired a college guy the hired an unprofessional guy who didn't know pro football and Chip's doing a decent job right now with UCLA Niners Cowboys haven't won a ring in the 21st century yeah and get this to be candid and fair Cincinnati has won more playoff games the Bengals have won more playoff games in the last 20 years than the Cowboys have they've won more playoff games in the last two years than the Cowboys have in 20. the Bengals the Cincinnati Bengals okay all right I got a list of eagles that I think who could be pro bowlers I think it's pretty substantial um and there's some new faces and names on this hit the like button keep it here on the next

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