Tyla Is Entitled & Uppity? Tyla VMAs 2024

you guys me you guys know me and holding Awards you I have not I'm not strong enough are you me yes thank you I'm sorry a snap get your tea and your popcorn because this is going to be another good one so I don't know if you guys saw the VMAs recently I don't watch award shows I didn't even know that the VMA still existed but when it's time to stock the pretty girl you're going to look at everything she's doing you're going to be obsessed with how she holds her Awards you're going to be obsessed with every little obscure award show that she goes to and I've noticed that there's this magnifying glass on women who have any form of a pedestal you're going to have more of a spotlight on you I talk about the concept of pretty women being treated like a celebrity but if you're a pretty woman who is a celebrity your scrutiny and the magnifying glass is going to be on you so much more than it would be on somebody who is not placed on a pedestal so at the award show Tyler came up to receive her award and she basically said hey can one of you guys hold this award like I'm sorry you know she even said it I saw the actual clip you guys me you guys know me and holding Awards you I I'm not I'm not strong enough me yes thank you I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry so she tells you why she is unable to hold the award she specifically said I am not strong enough please please are you able to hold for me and they said yes so have you ever noticed that when you're the pretty girl even if you explain why you're doing something people will still take that narrative and run with it and then people are saying oh well she's acting up she's trying to Humble other people and it's like if you holding an award makes you feel humbled that's a you problem and even Hal Bailey came out herself and basically said hey this is not a big deal this is no like there's no beef for anything I don't think Tylo is trying to be mean or disrespectful and so there's this tendency to feel humbled in the presence of a person who's on a pedestal just in general everything you do you're trying to Humble somebody everything you do is stuck up and then I saw people bringing up a partide saying well Tyler is used to apartheid so because she can't hold an award or because she doesn't want to you are now using apartheid to weaponize that against Tyler do you see the internalized inferiority complex Tyler didn't say anything about apartheid she said nothing about segregation she said nothing about colorism texturism featurism or thinking she's better and I also see people saying that she's uh a disrespectful Foreigner and that she has a an Indian accent so whoa isn't that interesting how we've got people in the black community talking crap about her having a quote unquote Indian accent but if you were to talk crap about people having a black scent that would be considered racist and also saying that she's a disrespectful Foreigner Foreigner to who because the last time I checked the entire world and the entire social structure does not just revolve around American social norms so this is no different than when people try to force Tyler to only claim Blackness because in America you'd be one dropped into black she's not American and so you can't expect people who are not from the United States to know all of the social cues of the United States and also just because someone comes from a country where they have different social norms than you it doesn't mean that they're an uppity person so I find the projection to be hilarious and then people are like oh well foreigners they can just be very disrespectful okay but what about her asking somebody to hold her award what about that is disrespectful because she asked for permission she didn't say oh my God can you guys hold this award for me because you're the help basically so that's what I'm saying you have an inferiority complex of constantly feeling like the help that's really what it is anybody who got mad at Tyla for that behavior that person has an inferiority complex because they feel like they're the help that's why they get upset if somebody says can you hold this or can you do this for me for a second I mean when I saw that clip I never in a million years would have thought of that as being shady because I myself have noodle arms so I can't even lift like you know 20 pounds I I know what that's like to have weak arms you don't know what Tyler's medical history is you don't know if she ate food that day you don't know if she's been starving herself you don't know if she's anemic you don't know what her iron levels are you don't know if she has something going on behind the scenes to where she can't hold an award for that long also so even if she is perfectly strong and has strong arms when celebrities come up to do their acceptance speeches a lot of celebrities have different speeches that they memorize before they get up there like they have different things that they remember like a little routine they're going to do I saw that Tyler did her little winking tongue thing um that kind of reminds me of Miley Cyrus how she used to do that tongue winky pose thing so she might have a little routine or a little acceptance speech that she wants to give so if she wants someone to hold her award I see no problem with it especially since little NS X and hii said yes to holding the award now it would have been different if they would have said no we're not holding the award and then she demands it or something then I can see how people would get upset but hie and little NSX don't have a problem with it so why should I if the people themselves are not mad at her why should I be mad at her that's what I'm talking about some people will just find a reason to get angry at anything and especially if they already view you as being better than them or being more privileged than them then anything that you do to enjoy that privilege or anything that you do to enjoy your own moment is going to be seen as you flexing on them because that's another thing even if Tyler just wanted someone to hold her award so she could give her speech and use her hands while she's talking she has a right to do that this is Tyler's moment it's Tyler's award sis this is her moment to shine so if you're presenting the award and like I said H Bailey wasn't even mad or anything so it's like if I'm the presenter and she is the star in that moment why can't we just let her be a star why do I have to get mad oh I'm holding the award then don't be a presenter don't be a presenter at award shows if you don't want to hold the cards if you don't want to hold the awards so that's another thing that's how I know that a lot of people they've never been to award shows they've never been around um highle perform forers and stuff like that because they're not thinking about it from a logistical perspective they're only thinking about it from the perspective of someone with an inferiority complex if you don't want to hold Awards do not be a presenter at an award show that's literally your job your job is to read the name of the person who is the star in that category your job is to read the name on the card and to hold the award and give them the award and if they don't want to hold the award you should have no problem holding it that is literally why you are being paid to be there at that award show if you're getting paid to be an award presenter you holding an award technically can be seen as being a part of your job so what it sounds like to me is that people are really just mad that Tyla is a star and that she's enjoying being a star and this is what I talk about all the time the psychology of the inferiority complex people they get mad when you have any form of privilege while simultaneously seeking privilege for themselves so it's like okay people who are reporting on Tyla like TMZ or whatever whoever is writing the articles on her or they're saying that she's basically kind of being a diva it's like you're getting mad at her because she is operating in Diva privilege while simultaneously trying to have media privilege yourself and trying to have publicity privilege for yourself so everybody in this world is seeking after some form of privilege so we can stop with the lies we can stop with pretending because it really it sounds like people are just mad that Tyla is enjoying her privilege of being a star and then people are like oh well hi Bailey she's too good to hold the award and it's like okay so you're basically saying that Tyler thinks she's Superior by not holding the award but Hal Bailey is simultaneously too Superior to hold the award so do you see the incredible double standard right there these people have absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever so it's okay for little nosx and Hal Bailey to be too Superior to hold the award but it's not okay for Tyla to be too Superior to hold the award so do you see that double standard as well and then I see people saying things like oh she acts like she's all that or she seems like she's arrogant but then they cannot describe any instances of actual arrogance let's look up the definition of the word arrogant having or revealing an exagger ated sense of One's Own importance or ability okay so not only is there no proof that Tyla actually is arrogant even if this is considered proof if you consider this to be arrogant okay now what who going check her this is who you made famous so do you see what I'm talking about this is why I do not take a lot of the colorism texturism featurism antiblackness conversation seriously from the black community because unambiguous black people will continue continuously make people like Tyler famous they'll continuously make people like Ice spice famous they'll continuously watch shows like baddies and love and& hip hop and Real Housewives or whatever and then they will later on complain so and so think she's better so and so treated Cleo trappa like she was the dark skinned sidekick you know they'll bring up apartheid they'll bring up segregation and all these random things as if they suddenly care so much about those things they didn't care when they were dancing to water they didn't care when they were bumping Ice spice's music they didn't care when they were laughing at light-skinned women getting beat up on baddies they didn't care during all of those instances but suddenly when you realize oh [ __ ] I just made this person famous I just made her into a star and now she's accepting Awards and now she's acting like a diva now all of a sudden the selective outrage comes out and now all of a sudden you're a social justice Warrior who cares about arrogance because that's another thing they'll try to morally police you oh so and so is arrogant and even if she is arrogant even if Tyla is arrogant let's pretend that Tyla is an arrogant entitled colorist textur featurist person okay now what she's still famous she still won the award and that's who you made famous so that's another thing I'm tired of the black community complaining about the media industry while simultaneously supporting ing that same media industry that they complain about I had no idea that the VMAs recently happened because I don't keep up with the VMAs but guess what the complainers made it so popular to where now I know that Tyla won a VMA I am building Tyler's pedestal right now by creating this video I am now giving Tyler more Fame and more notoriety and that's another thing infamy is a fantastic marketing strategy so let's pretend that Tyla did this all on purpose and that she maliciously did all this okay well she she succeeded because we're talking about it so that's another thing you make people more relevant by talking about them even if you are talking about their flaws you're still contributing to their relevance and their Fame and so I don't take people seriously anymore when they complain about a media industry that they continuously support you're complaining about Hollywood and corrective promotion yet you still support Hollywood and their incorrect promotion you're still listening to the music that comes from Hollywood you're still watching the movies that come from Hollywood you're still watching Netflix and Hulu and whatever while simultaneously complaining about it so it's like no you just want something to complain about and then people are like oh well she's a wannabe Rana so this plays into my other talking point remember how I said that whenever someone wants to humble and exotical they they can only do it by comparing you to another exotical or a non-black person has anyone else noticed that the they'll be like oh well you're not as good as Rihanna or like with I spice they were like well she's not as good as Nicki Minaj well I find it interesting that you randomly chose people like Nicki Minaj why didn't you say DOI or somebody else you know why why did you say Nicki Minaj or like why are they saying Rihanna is it because Tyla is following a similar path to Rihanna is it because she's going down the same route that Rihanna went down and you can see Tyla actually becoming like the next Rihanna and I also find it interesting how instead of people focusing on all of these super important issues that they claim are so important such as having humility and not being colorist textures and featuress instead of focusing on those things no they'd rather talk about tyla's arm strength and how she could not hold an award during her acceptance speech and then I saw somebody they were like oh well I've seen pictures of other artists and they're holding like five or six Grammys in their arms okay well people have different bodies boo some people are strong some people have strong arms and some people have weak skinny noodle arms and that's okay some people want to hold their Awards and other people don't and then I see people saying Tyler goes more viral for her attitude than her music um first of all that's false but even if she did go more viral for her attitude that means that she's really going to have a good career then because all it takes is her getting a little attitude and then you're going to start talking and she's going to get publicity and since when do you care about someone's humility when are you going to realize that life is not fair so this is what I also talk about I talk about getting rid of good girl syndrome because I noticed this rhetoric that the black community uses against uh exotical in the media so they did they did this with ice spice she doesn't deserve to be blessed with that Fame that's not God that's giving her that Fame that's the devil she's demonic and then now with Tyla suddenly oh well she's an up African and she thinks thinks she's better and she needs to Humble herself she's delusional so I find it interesting how they're giving Tyler all of the light-skinned stereotypes same thing with I spice and people love to say this thing where it's like you don't deserve the fame that you have I've notice that's another talking point against mixed race women or lighter skinned women suddenly she doesn't deserve the fame that she had you know Kelly Roland should have been more famous than Beyonce because she's prettier and a better singer and whatever DOI should have been more famous than ice spice because she's a better rapper and she looks better all these other dark skinned black women should have been more famous than Tyler she doesn't deserve what she has so it's like why is it that anytime somebody is mixed anytime somebody is pretty anytime somebody has light-skinned privilege suddenly they don't deserve what they have why and who are you to decide who deserves what and when are you going to realize that life is not fair so you're telling me that the industry that you have been complaining about for hundreds of years Hollywood you expect Hollywood to suddenly be fair and you expect people in Hollywood to suddenly be humble do you see how incredibly idiotic that is that's got to be one of the dumbest talking points I've ever heard in my life you don't you don't even like Hollywood so why do you even care what's going on in Hollywood you guys say that Hollywood is colorist textur featurist racist and anti-black so why are you supporting Hollywood why are you watching YouTube videos and Tik toks about what's going on in Hollywood so this is exactly what I'm talking about you support colorism texturism featurism racism and anti-blackness because you continuously support and watch content that comes from that industry so I don't believe you like whenever unambiguous black people say oh I don't like you know all this colorism stuff or this texturism stuff I have a hard time believing them because I'm like okay if you really didn't like it you wouldn't support it like when I was a devout Christian I didn't watch anything from Hollywood I did not watch any secular uh music music videos or movies I did not listen to any secular music I have no idea what was on the top of the charts at that time because I purposely only consumed media that aligned with my values at the time and so a lot of people who are complaining about tyla's values she's arrogant you know she needs to be humble why do you suddenly care about moral values as if you had any cuz if you truly had values you wouldn't even know who typ is right because you don't support colorist Industries or do you and then people are like oh why couldn't she hold her own award she's entitled and it's like since when is there a rule that says that if you accept an award at an award show you have to hold it the whole time you're talking no just because something is a social Norm doesn't mean that everyone follows it and I don't even know if that's the social Norm at award shows because like I said I don't even keep up with these Awards so I have no idea if they usually hold their award when they're talking or if they give it to a trophy girl or something or you know I don't know what the norm is but I find it interesting that if it's Tyla you want to police everything she does you're literally obsessing over what Tyla does with her arms and hands that's how high of a pedestal you put Tyler on and also nobody gets to decide how cocky and arrogant I get to be so like in Tyler's case you don't get to decide how arrogant she can be or how entitled she can be if she wants to be entitled she actually can she can be entitled if she wants to be entitled she can you have to learn that you cannot control other people's behavior you cannot control their personalities if you don't like her don't watch her [ __ ] bye she's not begging you to watch her she already got the award Boo the award's already hers the song's already out there she's already famous so that what you get for not being socially strategic and who you make famous you could have been spending all this time talking about area star or TS or somebody else but no instead we are sitting here talking about Tyla and to be completely honest I really like Tyla I like her confidence this is actually making Tyler go up in my book because I like her confidence I like the fact that she has boundaries I like the fact that you know if her arms are hurting she's going to ask somebody to hold her stuff I I like that I think that that's that's pretty badass I mean sounds like you know from what I saw it seems like Tyler's just a bad [ __ ] seems like she's just a very confident woman and knows who she is and doesn't give an f what the black community thinks of her so how does it feel black community to know that this is who you made famous how does that feel how do you like them apples this is who you chose you picked her over TS Arya star or you know the other women that could have been in her place right now you chose I spice you chose to listen to Nicki Minaj you chose to listen to Beyonce over Kelly Roland you chose to ignore Norman by the way who just created an album back in June you guys chose to ignore Norman but instead you want to focus on how much strength tyla's arms have at the VMAs meanwhile when Norman's album first came out it didn't even chart because you guys don't actually give an f about unambiguous monor dark skinned black women you would rather criticize and scrutinize light-skinned women or mixed race women or colored South Africans and try to force them to identify with unambiguous Blackness as you guys did with Tyler so on the one hand it's Tyler is not black and then on the next hand it's oh um she's a brown skinn unambiguous black woman like I literally saw people on Lipstick Alley trying to say Tyler is a brown skinned unambiguous black woman okay okay so then if you want us to be your representation don't get mad when we are your representation don't get mad when you're standing on the sidelines of an award show or when your music doesn't chart and we are asking people to hold our Awards just don't get mad at that this is what happens when you support an industry that doesn't support you not my fault that's not Tyler's fault and then I've noticed some people are like like oh well Tyla you know someone's got to tell her how to behave she needs a PR person or she doesn't know how to read the room have you ever noticed this obsession with how exotical behave socially well you're not being feminine enough you're not being classy enough haha that's why you're still a baby mama so it's like you're obsessed with how we behave socially and then complain about having no social status for yourself well yeah that's because if you spent half as much energy in social climbing for yourself then you would probably be on the same level as what you think Ty is and so I've noticed once again that that points back to their external locus of control they'd rather focus on Tyler's flaws than focus on their own flaws they'd rather focus on how Tyler should behave socially than how they should behave socially and then people are like well little NSX and hi Bailey they're way more famous than Tyler is when did Tyler say she was more famous than them do you see the incredible projection all she did was say hey my arms are too weak she explained exactly why she was asking them to hold the award in the clip she said you guys know how I am with a Wards my arms are too weak and honestly that's relatable to me because I can't hold [ __ ] I can't even hold three bags of groceries so yeah sometimes when people are petite or they're small or they haven't worked out or they didn't eat all day I know that if I don't eat for a long time I'm going to become shaky so it's like yeah if people can't hold their award who cares that's really my question for the people who care about this why do you care why are you so obsessed with what awards Tyler can hold and what they can't why are you ignoring Kelly Roland why are you ignoring Norman's music and then I saw this clip I don't know if this is real but it looks like Tyler might even be reading Lipstick Alley and stuff like that because if you go on her Twitter she even titled her bio and titled up African the album is out now so so sounds like Tyla I might have to do a whole series on Tyla because now that I'm seeing this it seems like Tyler is actually very good at Alchemy Tyler is very good at transmutation she knows how to transmute negative um things about herself and she will add that to her bio very similar to what we did as exotical where people were calling us exotical and preferences as like a slur to try to Humble us or whatever and then we just took it on like okay well I'm an exotical [ __ ] now what you ain't taking nothing from me and so I think that's really what people don't like they don't like when you have a combination of privilege and confidence you're not allowed to be pretty privileged and have talent privilege like Tyla and have social privilege like Tyla and have confidence oh absolutely not that's way too many good qualities that you have going for yourself absolutely not you're not allowed to have that and honestly why do some people think that you can bully someone and not get a response has anyone noticed that people love to bully mixed race women you love to bully the women who are the privileged one and then you get pissed when when we respond this channel is a response to the bullying that I personally faced in the black empowerment space as well as other women like me so you can't bully somebody on the internet celebrity or not and then get mad if they respond you can't bully someone and talk [ __ ] about them and then get mad if they siphon off your energy and use it to create more Fame and money for themselves cause and effect baby I don't believe in karma but I do believe in cause and effect so yeah when you talk [ __ ] about someone different people have different responses so if Tyler's response to online bullying is that she becomes more confident I would say first of all kudos to Tyla and also who going check her she asked somebody to hold her award who going to check her nobody and then people are like oh nobody's allowed to call out Tyler's Behavior nobody's allowed to call it out well you can call it out just don't expect it to change that's another social climbing mistake thinking that by calling out someone's negative behavior you think it's going to change no I hold unambiguous black women accountable on this channel I will forever call out problematic Behavior but I don't expect it to change so I just choose to make money off of it instead so you're not going to change your behavior that's totally fine if you want to keep calling us names or you want to keep talking crap about exotic sounds like Tyler is doing the same thing you want to call me an entitled upid African or you want to call me all these different names that's fine just know that I'm going to get paid off of it transmutation and then people are saying oh this shows that she's over sensitive I I find that hilarious oh of course the light-skinned girl is sensitive you know she's o she's over sensitive and it's like if you think that's sensitive that's fine Tyler doesn't care obviously she doesn't care that you think she's up she doesn't care that you think she's being a diva she doesn't care that you think she's being a princess she doesn't mind wearing all of those hats she doesn't mind being called that she enjoys the extra Fame you're giving her she's enjoying the extra attention you're giving her and kudos to her for doing that because it's going to help her career to go even further people used to say the same thing about Beyonce they would say that she was entitled they would say that she was snobbish that she was a fake friend that she was a hater on the other members of Destiny's Child and that she would try to like take the spotlight for herself but Beyonce alchemized the haters and she made that a part of her brand like yeah I'm a Diva that is a part of my brand now what and so what a lot of people with inferiority complexes don't realize is that delusion and being up and stuck up and a princess or whatever that actually makes you better at manifesting if you believe in manifestation if you believe in having faith if you're a Christian or something like that if you believe in having audacity that actually helps you to become more successful fortune favors the bold and clearly it favors Tyler look at the difference between the people talking [ __ ] about Tyla and Tyler herself I'm just saying and also Tyler is very good at provoking people um that's a method that I love to use here on YouTube as well I love provoking people who are already hating on me or if they have a history of hating on people of my group group I like to provoke it even more because that is how you utilize infamy to become more successful and popular the Kardashians did this you know lots of people do this Simon cowl Donald Trump a lot of Infamous people like to utilize this method because it's a way to create a stronger brand for yourself it's a way to stand out even more because people are shocked you get to use the shock value to gain publicity for yourself and then people are like oh Tyler you're arrogant like you're gonna end up like ice spice um that's actually a compliment sis ice spice is popping because everybody's talking about her see this is what I'm talking about as well a lot of people with inferiority complexes they think that success is a monolith success doesn't have to Mean winning a bunch of Grammys and being Beyonce no no success has different meanings for different people so if I spice and tyla's goal is to just be talked about they're still achieving their goal you don't know what I 's definition of success is you don't know what Tyler's definition of success is it sounds like for both of those women their definition of success is to Simply get publicity in general so you think you can destroy someone's success by talking [ __ ] about them that's not going to work cancel culture does not work especially if the person has already reached a level of Fame like Tyla you're not going to be able to say well she's arrogant and delusional and then oh okay I'm just going to go crawl into a hole now and I'm just going to quit the music industry now because random people on the internet said I'm delusional it's not going to work so that's another bad social climbing strategy from people who have an inferiority complex oh maybe if I call out the fact that she's being arrogant then suddenly it's going to help me to social climb and feel better no it's not that is a temporary emotional coping mechanism that people use when they feel like you have outshined them them basically that's basically what this whole thing is Tyler is just outshining uh the people on the side because she asked them to hold her a w no that shows what you think about Tyla that that's actually proof that Tyla is a star anytime somebody says you outshine them they're actually telling you that you're a star you're a star your presence dims my light you know your light is shining so bright it's shining brighter than mine that that's what that word means outshine it means that somebody else's light is shining brighter than yours and then people are like this reminded me of when Taylor Swift ignored Seline Dion when she got her award definitely cringe okay but Taylor Swift is a star as well so are you starting to see a pattern here pretty girl club do you see the pattern anytime other people are obsessing over the small things that you do anytime other people are saying oh you're acting entitled and spoiled and and they're like nitpicking the small things about you that's actually a sign that you're a star because that person has nothing else going on in their lives and so they have to obsess over how much arm strength you have and how you couldn't hold your award while you were giving your acceptance speech they don't have any awards that they've ever gotten in their life so of course they have to obsess over yours and then people are like oh well Tyla she's just not likable okay well once again who says you have to be likable in order to to be successful that's another social climbing mistake thinking that success comes solely from likeability you don't have to be the most likable person to be successful you just have to be likable with the right people that's really what it is especially in the industry remember how uh baby storm was like oh I spice came in and she stole my entire friend group and then they helped her to create an album and now she's famous okay so that's proof that you don't have to be likable to every you just have to be likable to those that can actually help you so I spice was smart enough to know that and it sounds like Tyla is smart enough to know that as well and by the way I believe that Arman Wiggins was the one that said she was an upid African I'm not sure if he was the first one to say that or if like she put that on her bio because of him I don't know if it was because of him or if it was because of something else but I also find it interesting how the main ones who use this terminology up or the terminology like delusional and stuck up tends to be people from the unambiguous dark skinned black community and then they will have no proof that that person is being up like what exactly did they say to where you're like okay they're up and also if we're going to start talking about people's personality traits you technically you don't know that person they're a stranger right they're just a public figure on a pedestal so basically you're just saying that because they're a public figure on a pedestal like why are you saying that you know like you don't know what somebody else is truly thinking in their minds you don't know if somebody thinks they're better than you also let's look up the definition of the word up an up person behaves in an unpleasant way because they think they're more important than what they really are okay so who gets to decide how important Tyla is her haters the internet who because last time I checked you're the only person who gets to decide your level of importance Tyla doesn't have the same external locus of control that her haters do so that's another thing like it anytime you're calling somebody else up what you're really saying is excuse me your locus of control is too internalized you think you're more important than what you really are and it's like well wait a minute you don't get to tell me how important I am I get to decide how important I think I am so if I think I am important and if I think I'm a star and I think I'm a princess and I don't want to hold my award while I'm giving my speech then I don't have to because that's the life I choose to manifest for myself that is the pedestal that I choose to manifest for myself if you don't like it get out of the award show don't Be a presenter don't watch the show don't listen to my music don't follow me on Instagram then oh what but you can't resist me and then I also see other people they started going in on her followers saying like oh her Instagram followers are fake her likes are fake like basically she's an industry plant and stuff like that okay but what does that say about you for being dumb enough to support an industry that is filled with plants so do you see how you're actually dissing yourself you've got so much to say about everybody else's flaws around you yet can't take accountability for your own stupidity if she's an industry plant then that would make you stupid for supporting an industry full of plants the more that people talk about you the more more relevant you become attention is currency people talking about you that's a form of currency anyway what do you ladies think let me know in the comment section and I'll talk to you next time stay pretty ladies

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Tyla & Halle Bailey BEEF at VMAs?! *HONEST REACTION* South African Amapiano Music 🇿🇦

Category: Entertainment

Shut the up i won a vma but then she tried to reach for it but then hi like took it away you know the vibes you know the vibes what's up guys shanab react and today we got one commenter that got my attention so i guess something happened with tyler at the vmas and she's getting hate for it so we're... Read more

TYLA Called Out The VMA’s for Disrespecting AMAPIANO 😱🇿🇦 #afrobeats #tyla thumbnail
TYLA Called Out The VMA’s for Disrespecting AMAPIANO 😱🇿🇦 #afrobeats #tyla

Category: People & Blogs

Tyler called out the american industry for disrespecting amap piano i come from south africa i represent am a piano i represent my culture guys there's a special place in hell for the vmas and the shade bar especially but getting on to them so basically tyler collected another award like she's doing... Read more

Anne Hathaway, J Lo, Glen Powell & More Walk To Stage Interviews | Kelly Clarkson Show thumbnail
Anne Hathaway, J Lo, Glen Powell & More Walk To Stage Interviews | Kelly Clarkson Show

Category: People & Blogs

Hello queen of jovia and halfway this is your walk to stage warm up yes yes yes hi what is the first thing you do in the morning the first thing i do in the morning is try to get more sleep the last concert you went to it wasn't a concert it was a rave in germany you were born right here in brooklyn... Read more

"I hope it says YOUR mother" 💀 Jack Whitehall gets roasted by his dad Michael 🔥 thumbnail
"I hope it says YOUR mother" 💀 Jack Whitehall gets roasted by his dad Michael 🔥

Category: Entertainment

I have no regrets when it comes to my producing career the only thing i wish i'd produced was a condom on the night my mother and i conceived you i really hope you' misread that i mean i hope it says your mother i mean i know people have preconceptions about posh familyes and incest but i assure you... Read more

‼️Usher SHADES Nicki Minaj with Lil Kim! Beyoncé GQ interview, Latto Clocks Ice Spice. Chloe Bailey thumbnail
‼️Usher SHADES Nicki Minaj with Lil Kim! Beyoncé GQ interview, Latto Clocks Ice Spice. Chloe Bailey

Category: People & Blogs

Now listen you guys asha is being accused of shading niiki minaj and uh we're going to be talking about this entire beyonce interview as well as foxy brown coming out with some words making people speculate that well finally she's going to be spilling the tea um you know about that man that we will... Read more

The View Host Get's Humiliated By Black Woman Who's Still Voting For Trump After Debate! thumbnail
The View Host Get's Humiliated By Black Woman Who's Still Voting For Trump After Debate!

Category: Entertainment

He objectively won the night republicans are saying it fox news is saying it and as i predicted he melted down within the first few minutes you sure did she laid traps for him and he flopped right into them on the issue he should have been strongest on border security he ended up talking about his rallies... Read more

Ep. 016 | Drea de Matteo's Kids Edit Her OnlyFans | Lost Aux Media thumbnail
Ep. 016 | Drea de Matteo's Kids Edit Her OnlyFans | Lost Aux Media

Category: Entertainment

Intro y'all killing me with this welcome back to another episode of lost ox media as always we love to have you we got a lot of stuff to talk about in this episode on today's list we got action bronson a little smidge of tony henchcliffe we got a bunch of people talking a lot of [ __ ] on tony mostly... Read more