‘Their fact checks were erroneous’: Megyn Kelly torches ABC's debate moderators

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:19:56 Category: News & Politics

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no better person in front of a camera and on air than the wonderful Megan Kelly and she was amazing yesterday in her immediate hot take on the debate well we're here a day later and it's time to talk to her from the United States Megan congrats on the way you handled it we play it we played it all on the show last night your immediate reaction and you could see your rage because you're not like me like someone who's just watching you've done this you've hosted these things before and and and you could see that you seething with rage because these people weren't just not playing Fair they were deliberately trying to kill off one of those two candidates absolutely it was a three-on-one Pyon it was an ambush and they went in there prepared to do it looking back on it now going back and you know we pulled the transcript and you you read you know all the questions and how it worked and every single time Trump tried to bridge away or didn't answer the question and tried to answer either his own sort of thoughts offer his own thoughts on something or even Meander on defending himself against one of her attacks they would bring him back to their difficult question like the question was this every time she did that she got a pass they never never once did that to her every time he said something they didn't think was true they fact checked him nine times out of 10 their fact check was BS it was made up it was a lie or it was an opinion which had no place at a presidential debate how many fact checks did they do of her none none her lies were all over the place she started the debate by saying you're going to hear a lot of lies tonight and indeed that was true but they were from her and then as if on Q in order to help ABC News in its attempt to stick the Stiletto in Trump's jugular you get CNN's Daniel Dale the official fact Checker of CNN who looks at this debate and says he lied 33 times kamla Harris one that's what the Republicans are up against in this country I mean I just off the top of my head she lied in the way she kept saying he's responsible for 2025 even though he explicitly said that he he he has nothing to do with it she lied by calling these Trump abortion bans in which he he repeatedly said he he doesn't want the federal government to have anything to do with this this is a states rights issue she knows he has nothing to do with the abortion banss in state byst state the you know good people on both sides lie about Charlottesville the bloodbath lie there were so many that you as a moderator if you wanted to get into the factchecking business you absolutely could have called her out on that in my view would have been inappropriate a presidential debate but if you're going to do it to him you have an obligation to do it to her and as I mentioned those fact checks themselves erroneous opinion Laden and totally out of place and when it's on one side now you're now it's election interference now you actually do look like a partisan hack the only Silver Lining to any of this is that I have to believe that the viewers at home watching this understood if not explicitly then on a gut level this is unfair I can sense when I'm watching an unfair fight when I watch a prize fight between two boxers and the ref keeps stepping in when the one starts pummeling the other but not when it goes the other way I know something I know one person is in an inferior position when it comes to a fair contest and I naturally start to feel some empathy for that person and actually at the same time distain for the two pummels or in this case the three of them and so ultimately today I feel like it it they could have gone so far that the backlash will be against them and kamla Harris as opposed to against Donald Trump who took the beating yeah I I also think that for a lot of people who sit and watch it live I'm not entirely sure that everyone sits there forever because these things I don't know why they're on so late I know sort of prime time works differently in different countries but it feels like this thing keeps going so late and I reckon if you were watching the first 30 minutes I just couldn't help but think that this wasn't just the team Blue World versus the team red world I think there was a little bit of an idea where like maybe just as a bloke but I was watching and watching the whole passive aggressive facial nonsense from her which was all oh he's so crazy he's so unbel oh really all of that it was like man this is not Divorce Court okay I get it you don't like him but the idea that he's just such a superious uh such a super cilious figure that why is he even here well he's here because he actually won a nomination not like you where you and your mates uh you know put Biden you know out of his misery and then you slid in and the media pretended that you're not who you are oh I I'm dying to talk to you about this more because in this contest it's boiled down to male versus female it's not to say Trump doesn't have millions of female supporters and she has millions of male supporters too but at the edges like what's making the difference in this race are the men are going overwhelmingly for Trump by some 15o margin and women are going by a 10-point margin for con Harris and I was looking at this thinking what man is looking at that saying you know I might sit it out on Election Day I I I might be busy might be too busy to get to the polls I feel like most men are watching that saying I can't wait to vote against her what man watching the oh and this is my favorite oh please please right like I feel like most men have had their balls busted by this kind of a very annoying woman and probably now more than ever can't wait to rush to the polls and vote against her you tell me yeah I I I mean to me I think I just keep thinking about it about all these little demos and all the back and forth right is that I've got to say and obviously you know I don't have a vote but we all know which way I would if I did but she became Hillary to me rather than you know this this slipin person she became Hillary she became no no no no no now I actually don't like you like not not I don't like you I find the passive aggressive thing it's it's a certain way that I would say Lefty women win arguments right which is to you know the Boomers talking you know the patriarchy in its last rattles right and and the personal attacks yeah and I and I find that stuff it just you know and then they turn around and it just I'm going to be a president for all of you no you're not you're going to be a president for the people in that room which is the media and your staff in the other room you don't care at all about the other half of the country like it was nice to see uh this morning in the 9/11 thing there all standing together and you okay maybe this this is but you didn't see that last night you saw a person who wouldn't wipe her shoe with this bloke and it's dismissive of a certain type of American a certain type of man and dare I say even the women who love those type of men mhm she couldn't stop herself with a personal attacks um you know calling him a disgrace bringing up of course the law fair which the American public has turned against and all I could think when I saw sort of net net all the insult personal insult she has hurled at him was if he had done this to her oh yeah there would be a headline everywhere about what a misogynist he is today about what a disgusting sexist pig he was in his approach to her but because she's a woman she's allowed to personally insult him over and over and over while she rolls her eyes at him well she acts like oh and then on top of it because she looked emotionally unregulated in the first half of that debate in the split screen but on top of it she wasn't openly cackling because she's clearly been instructed never to laugh again but she did laugh she laughed twice in response to his answers and one was on the economy and one was on immigration yeah he was raising the thing about what's happening in Springfield Ohio with whether people's pets are getting eaten or attacked or killed by these Haitian migrants who are all over this town and she laughed openly at him it's no laughing matter first of all there are first-person testimonials all over television and the internet of people in Springfield saying this is happening there's a city manager who says they couldn't prove it that does not mean it didn't happen and that's yet another reason why David mir's attempt to fact check this issue was so inappropriate it's a he he said they said at this point that's not the kind of thing a debate moderator should weigh in on you are not there to be a judge you're a questioner that's it who died and left him king of Springfield anyway um so so they're raising this problem about what's happening with the Haitian migrants in Springfield Ohio and her response is to laugh at it well what are you laughing at this woman Noel whose sound bite we played on our show two days ago who was an elderly woman says they're camped out on her front lawn every night to the point where she's too terrified to go outside and her husband says she has to move is that funny to you is it funny to you the Facebook post that did indeed say that somebody's cat had been stolen and that they saw the cat strung up like a deer being skinned I don't know if that's true but I have no reason to doubt it because the city manager's claim is simply we were unable to verify oh really what did you do to verify because your the other part of your statement talks about how it's really unfort this crisis is being used to generate hate and bias which sounds just like a leftwing response right I don't trust that guy as far as I can throw him anyway all of this is indicative of her disdain for the country and for actual Americans who are having to deal with this overflow of immigrants into our communities and for for regular American people who don't think this is a laughing matter right at all she she's a truly like let them eat cake kind of person just like by the way Taylor Swift who just put the cherry on the Sunday with all her gazillions me too kamla and Tim they're the ones for me and she won't have to deal with any of the consequences of their policies yeah exactly she'll fly into town for a day take your money and then see you later I also thought that look you know for a person who's apparently some wonderful 4D chess marketer um she ruined her own impact of that moment where everyone's still talking about the debate and she sort of got it lost and you know but again it's not a surprise where she ended up Landing but you know both of us can be honest about Trump and there are those moments where you started to say dude come on it's right in front of you come on man it's right in front of you now I understand it's three onone and you're you're trying to think of your answer as well as respond but what did you think about the opportunities not taken and what potential explanation there is for it is it damaging what did you think of him not Landing the punches that he needed to it was devastating it was so frustrating he ran for every bait every piece of bait it was like me taking my dog stradwick on the side lawn and throwing liver snaps and he just runs after every single one you don't have to try it doesn't like doesn't matter whether another dog's walking another like he is laser focused on taking the bait I have set for him that was Trump and her last night I mean there wasn't one trap she laid that he did not walk into so it was incredibly frustrating even on his core issues I believe there was one exchange where he was asked about immigration the question was about the immigration bill that didn't go through all right that would have been an easy pivot to why immigration is a bad issue for her not for him one line about why that bill was bad and then pivot to why why does did we get 10.4 million illegals under her and only 2.3 under Trump how why isn't that the question talk about Lake and Riley and talk about the 12-year-old girl who just murdered down by the border whose mother Trump just met he knows these stories instead he starts Meandering and she baites him on rallies and before we know it that whole thing got turned into a discussion about whether people are leaving his rallies or whether she has big attendance at her rallies it was yeah you know I I will give her campaign and her credit on one thing they clearly studied what his triggers are and she pressed all of them and they worked like a charm he was triggered by all of them he couldn't leave them alone and therefore a lot of time was wasted with him defending himself as opposed to defining and attacking her so that's number one number two once it became clear that ABC News was entirely in the tank for kamla Harris he should have let them have it both barrels yes he should have bled those two and said this is three against one that's fine that's what the American people expect of the media at this point I'll do it I'll take all of you on I understand exactly what you're doing here and you're not mad about Donald Trump you're mad about the supporters of mine at home who won't do what you're telling them to do who don't see you as the authority figures anymore and why is that because you don't understand them because you spend a whole debate trying to bring up questions about 2020 and climate change and one about the economy one about immigration where's the question about the transing of children who are just having a difficult time at home and the cutting off of genitals where is the question about inflation being at 9% for much of the Biden Administration where why didn't you bring up the 10.4 million illegals David M why are you so focused on my language around 2020 and what I did or did not say to a crowd in in a in a rally that I haven't been charged over that particular rally anyway it was he wasn't able to do it and I think it's because somebody probably told him don't attack the moderators and whoever told him that was wrong because that's part of his brand it's it's his bread and butter it's actually why in part people fell in love with Trump Republicans and right-minded independents hate the media and that was yet another opportunity lost so the where to from here straight away heard people say let's do another one he's that's generally the losers move but you know they're so of how amazing are we here my suggestion if he does one of these right okay there's the fox way of doing things fine good luck if he wants to do it I think there should be firstly um I think it should be a YouTube one and well I would give you the whole floor if they want to pick couple from the left couple from the right of from that platform then I I'd be fascinated because some different questions but what I actually want to see what I think that the undecided voters when they were talking in the focus group on CBS was really interesting is is they want to hear what's your plan what's your idea which means Town Hall no more journalist Gatekeepers it's okay human puppet can say now please welcome Michelle from Virginia but that's it right no more of this gear and you just turn around and say the problem with that is you go a a journalist has to pick those questions when when those things are hosted it's a journalist who decides who's going to ask what and then those those questions are fact checked by the media organization too like no we can't have a crazy question on this no we can't I mean so that I like the idea but it would have to be raw and no no television channel is going to let it be raw with the voters just asking exactly what they want and I understand that too because with all due respect to the American public some tend to meander some some tend to not get to the point you know it could you know as you know yeah but I I do have a thought on how they could do it first of all how about just mono Amano how about just two of them go out on a stage and have at it that's one option she would never agree to that and number two how about he just says we'll do a debate I pick one and you pick one moderator at at the same debate I get to pick one and you get to pick one mine's obviously gonna be very tough on you yours is gonna be very tough on me and we'll we'll get after it who wouldn't watch that I think that would be amazing every Network would take it but the one thing that cannot happen is another debate on these so-called mainstream channels they're not mainstream that's a lie that's a that's a Mis brand they used to be 50 years ago they're not today they are truly state-run media at least while the Democrats are in in control of the state and so I don't think Trump is going to agree to a second one um because I don't think he thinks he can get a fair shot but if it goes forward it should be I think in one of those two formats and and also I mean the reality that we've seen here is okay the debates both the debates CNN and ABC everyone ran them right so it wasn't exclusive to those media organizations so the idea that it has to be the CBS or CNN or fox or MSNBC thing reality is you say look we're going to agree we're going to rent a TV studio somewhere and we're going to do it but I completely love the idea of one of yours one of ours because you would get uh you know an even run of the dream question that she has to answer the dream question he has to answer but I got to say as well I mean again I like the town hall thing I'm just going to push back on the idea here which is that I like the town hall idea because the one person who is just missing from this conversation are normal people right some some you I don't want representatives of normal people I.E the media because they ain't um and obviously yeah I'm with you you can't just you know go raw because somebody's going to ask hey who's your favorite wrestler like I I get it but you know and and even if that's not the ultimate way they take each other on I think that he should do so many Town Halls publicly on television because it shows he's actually willing to talk to people she of course is going to hide now the other thing I got say Town Halls they they don't they don't move the needle I I'm putting aside your idea of a town hall between the two of them but like Trump Town Halls KLA Town Halls they don't move the needle people they don't make news anymore people it's like that's just not I don't think that's a very effective way of getting your message out but I do think I do think the strong ads are and the the ads like team Trump better be trying to clean up the damage from last night with very strong ads right now showing her laugh at the issue of immigration and laugh at the issue of high inflation and the economy and showing her personal attacks and yet you know we're going to take the high road and I'm the unity president you know all all that stuff there's so much Gris for the mill um because Trump if you listen to what he said he really didn't hurt himself in a lot it's not like Trump had some fall down moment that's going to be played against him over and over and over again it wasn't like that it was just he was in the Foxhole he was surrounded by enemy fire and he was doing everything he could to try to Tamp down that and now that one and now there's one from over there so that's kind of how the debate went for him but there wasn't a big uh spike the ball moment for her so she doesn't have that much to work with on the ad front but he does Megan we love you I want everyone every day watch the show you can find it on YouTube Sirius XM if you got it you don't even need a VPN in Australia right now I bet the bosses don't know that Megan love you to see you great to see you too Paul see you next week

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