Morgan’s training Academy-rebounding off the wall.

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 00:04:12 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: morgan academy
hi I'm Anthony Mor train Academy this is Jeff today we're going to go a little on scenarios okay okay and a scenario um it can happen anywhere it can happen at the bank it can happen in an alley it can happen at windco uh it can be up against your car right okay so understanding how to um take this take this training and apply it out there really really important right and and I say that to say this if um if we're standing here and we're in a confrontation okay and see the door behind them now in a situation if I push him here he gets there see that his head can bounce off the off the wall his shoulders could bounce off something's going to hurt okay yeah you got a l uh and yeah even whatever sometimes it'll be your elbows hitting the wall okay uh you're trying to stop yourself but so how we prevent that and how we start training especially as older guys you don't want to be slamming your back or your head into some wall I don't want to I and I don't either so what is the one of the strongest positions on our body or our surfaces on our body is our shoulders so on this what's going to happen you'll see what that this time when I push you'll see see how he rebounds off the shoulder I move to here okay now see he hits the shoulder now see his elbows come up and he presses through and he hits now however he picks it up after that it's going to be up to him the next the next position M which is he's going to drop lower after he rebounds Off the Wall which will set him up for like either a single leg take down or a double leg take down or just taking my ribs out okay now the so as I push As I push you're up against the wall here so see there he's low so now see he's got more power generated so when he spins into me say you're right okay he can move me better now we're doing it fairly fairly calm uh you can escalate this however you want to escalate it especially with your guys uh you can put pads on and really go for it hard but the main thing is to make sure that that when when he spins this with this this High cover on his head okay here now his elbows can be down here okay so at this point see when he spins that see here he can elbow here he's still covered okay now the one bright sight about this is that this point if he has a if he has a gun if he has a knife over here if he has a baton he's turned into me enough where he can make this a little bit more equal if there's more than one guy okay right see the knife comes out so always be considering where your weapons at where your weapons at and what you're capable of doing um and you say well how many guys pushed up against the wall he'd be surprised right he going to show you the first thing right you know and or they're going to ram you against the wall uh just so learn how to operate and fight against all obstacles walls cars we're not always going to be in here on the mat um you know there's going to be a guy slams up against your car you know maybe just with a push uh and that's just what they do yeah but um other than that um that's kind of the video for today right um please subscribe to our Channel you know we we it helps us out a lot for you guys trying to help our our our videos out help us to grow get them out there so be thankful for that know and it's a shame that all the stuff you know just kind of sets there and I would rather you know get it out and start teaching you know absolutely um anyway stay calm stay safe and see you thank you guys

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