Nick Saban joins College GameDay & did Kirk Herbstreit flip Dylan Raiola to Nebraska?

Published: Feb 07, 2024 Duration: 00:59:29 Category: Sports

Trending searches: dominic raiola
Introduction [Music] all right welcome to the Pod and uh we got a little uh Kur fuffle going on here we do we need it's February we need kerfuffles so when they need to put signing days so we have stuff to talk about um but in lie of that well let's talk about Kirk herb Street allegedly called Dylan rola's dad uh Donovan Dominic geez Dominic sorry to en encourage the QB to flip from Georgia to Nebraska now this is one of the big recruiting coups of uh December rayola was once the number one rated quarterback in the country he committed Ohio State then he was going to uh Georgia and then you know Nebraska where where uh Dominic was all American Did Kirk Herbstreit encourage Dylan Raiola to flip from Georgia to Nebraska? and his his uncle was is on the staff was always kind of the sentimental favorite or whatever uh would have been a huge get for Matt ruy wasn't getting him um obviously signs of the Bulldogs moves from Phoenix to Georgia to play high school ball in Georgia and then there in December W gets out he might consider still going to Nebraska he flips big get for Nebraska now I think he's been downgraded to like the third best quarterback or the SE I I don't know whatever highly touted prospect that both Ohio State and Georgia wanted and everybody else anyway Dominic rayola is did an interview with Rivals uh Adam gourney does a great job at Rivals and in it he States this when herb Street saw the smoke about Dylan entering nebras entertaining Nebraska he called me he said dude is this true he's got to do it his affinity for Nebraska for a guy like that to tell me and get behind me I knew he needed to do it but I wasn't going to sit here and say you need to go change that place or be part of the change of that place so when Kirk told me that then he said I've had other coaches reach out and say the place is special coach Matt rule is the special leader couple things here to be very clarifying I wasn't going to sit here and say you need to to change that place or be part so he's suggesting do uh Dominic is that he did not tell his son to flip however Georgia fans got very excited about this the idea that Kirk herb Street was recruiting for Nebraska which I think would be uh of great concern now we've not yet heard for Kirk from Kirk herb street is sat there uh sat out there Paul fine bomb no less than a teammate on game day was uh outspoken on his show today saying if this didn't happen he would have already put out a statement called in call into the show said it's to um he ought to put out a statement this is fine bom first all of all it's if it's not true and I remember Eli drinkwitz said something about herb Street on our show a couple years ago in herb Street texted me within 5 Seconds story's been out there for hours I've yet to hear anything he's not shy he's pretty flipp it on Twitter um goes on now Andy Staples of on three seems this this all could by the time you hear this there could be statements this is our problem we're just cutting edge here we're breaking I mean we're just right on the edge of important news like did a television analyst potentially helpful I mean come on but like I said it's February so Andy Staples at on three has said that he talked to Herb Street he doesn't think he did it so maybe herb Street's denying it probably the truth is somewhere in the middle I don't know Kirk is a professional long career maybe what he said was a little more reserved than what dominic rayola is saying I don't know but we have uh Angry Georgia fans we have happy Nebraska fans we have a Kur fuffle we're GNA talk about it pat your thoughts uh yeah we'll see what the actual truth is we maybe won't see maybe this will just be he said and this other guy kind of said and and who cares maybe this was inter misinterpreted yeah but I mean it would be pretty big deal I like I If I Were ESPN I would be concerned about the situation if I were Georgia I would be furious about the situation if I were Greg sanki I would not be pleased about the situation Kirk herb Street works for ESPN ESPN has lucrative contracts with the SEC Nebraska's in the Big 10 the Big 10 has lucrative contracts with Fox if you're number one guy in college football is encouraging what was the number one quarterback to go from an SEC school to a big 10 school and from you know quote unquote ESPN to Fox uh that's pretty significant again we'll see whether it's actually true whether it actually happened the thing with ESPN there are a lot of people there who try to maintain professional media standards and then there are other people that don't care very much about them and then there there are standards that do not get applied evenly to the to people and like the K curb streets of the world can pretty much do what they want without anybody sailing in to say now this journalistically could be unsound Kirk uh but keep in mind that on game day he does doesn't pick the games that he's analyzing on TV because of conflict of interests this would be a bigger conflict of interest than saying I think you know uh Auburn's going to beat Tennessee today uh so it would be uh we'll see where this goes but I I find it quite fascinating it is um even if like what you're saying about ESP and fox is right makes makes it even uh more interesting and uh more juicy for all of us but even if it it wasn't that even if it was a Georgia commit flipping LSU or something this is weird this is weird for a for a big personality like Kirk and a guy who uh I think is you know one of the most recognizable faces in figureheads of college football to uh to be intertangled inter tangling himself maybe with recruiting uh especially a recruiting flip yeah it doesn't uh something seems wrong about it and I would think maybe by the time that you're listening to this somebody will have released more uh about this I I would hope because yeah it it doesn't um it doesn't sit well you might say well where whereas this is recruiting nothing at this point will change someone's belief that he did it oh yeah okay so Dominic Rola could come out and be like no actually I was I made that up uh they could have phone records that show they never called and there' still be people believe he did it that's the problem with you know once it's out there couple things I I think it's so unusual that's why I'm I'm siding with the idea that he did not speak like this uh he didn't say it he's an experienced guy we're all in media we do not have the influence of Kirk herb street but I I used to cover a lot of recruiting in basketball and you had to be very careful and you were often in very awkward positions because parents would ask what do you think I would get to know parents and uh players and they would ask what do you think of uh this guy this coach um as any parent you know parent's going in this one time right you got one recruit and so they're looking for any inform you know no one was trying anything and you had to be extremely careful like I you don't want to say anything because you say oh he's good guy and then then they ask another oh he's a great guy oh crap no I mean they're both great like you just don't want to be involved you're just trying to get information but you're also like building up a source and you know uh um so you don't want to push any school you don't want to say anything that could be taken the wrong way at all so it's like well they're all great opportunities they're all Great Schools they you know um very challenging my guess is that what Kirk said was much much more in line with that he might have said I just think he's a smart guy who's done this for too long like one of the reasons it seems so shocking is because like really like he would call up and be like dude you got to go to Nebraska he might have said well if you go there that's a big steal or look it's a great place also I don't know that said I I do know Dominic Rola from the NFL and he's a very smart guy and he's been around the media a long time and he's done a gazillion interviews so this also is not some you know Star Struck pair and doesn't really know how to do interviews so my guess is this is not nearly as bad but um it it is an interesting it also I mean it this would be a bigger story I think or Wilder for the conspiracy T if it was taking someone from the Big 10 and putting them in the SEC because there is undoubtedly a belief that ESPN is in bed with the SEC and this is going to be this is going to be Fox and MSNBC like and I don't I just don't buy that I just don't buy that but maybe you guys do well I mean they've created the own their own potential conflict right I mean because the the the contracts are massive and they are align specifically with those conferences and so everything is people were going to read into that however they might and uh whether it's true or not I I don't know but in this instance this would this would run heavily counter to any conspiracy theories because herb Street would be going the other way and going against the company yeah um so yeah you know who knows the maybe the the most likely thing is is that raola is overstating what herb Street actually said and it was you know much more benign conversation than that but again it is also interesting that like Kirk hadn't necessarily come out and talked about it yeah that because usually as I think fine bom said today on his show I mean Kirk usually is pretty quick with those things like Dan said earlier I mean he's pretty quick to address things uh and the fact that he hasn't as we're taping this around 10 p.m. Eastern uh is is uh is interesting I don't know why rayola would um would would overdo it you know like I I surely he understands what kind of conflict that is for somebody so noteworthy such a public figure in college football uh that how how of a look that would be um but you know maybe Myer it's a mystery additional ESPN news we have a lot of ESPN news today yeah congrats on Nick Saban will join College GameDay uh Nick Sabin his uh he's unemployed there for about uh 11 days I know it's hard it's hard when you're don't have a job and trying to find work yeah trying to make ends meat make ends meat you got to sprinkle some resumés little zip recruiter whatever you got to do so congrats to uh coach Sabin he has a job uh he will uh be join on LinkedIn LinkedIn you know uh he is uh getting a job as uh on G game day he's gonna work the game day work for ESPN and primarily on game day what is his role on there this is why I'm a little confused on the show like he's got to be the primary he's got to be a primary guy like just somebody getting are they just making that Home Depot table bigger please no let's not let's not add more people to the table you can't have him just be like oh he just does a side bit for like five minutes no no no he's Nick Sabin yeah I wonder if kir uh Pat mcafe is on the way out yeah on the way out based on Pat McAfee's comments about his own bosses at ESPN it seemed to be that he may be no longer on the show I don't know that but it just based on his comments that seemed to me that might be coming to an end now the thing is is if Nick Sabin does replace Pat McAfee I mean that's like a a BMW replacing a 18 wheeler like it's just a weird like there's no similarities between those two people at all right no no none like he's gonna if he has to pick the games he like I'm not saying all right McAfee's mca's call at the SEC Championship game when he did the uh he did the whole Georgia song and then flipped his you see that one when he he he did the whole you know uh there's nothing like a drunk Georgia fan and and they're all yelling it back and then he switches and says I take Alabama that was the greatest game day pick of all time I missed it I'll be honest yeah look it up it's it's pretty good he does this whole bit and the Georgia fans are all excited then he says take Alabama do you see it Ross am I the only one no but Nick sa is not going to be doing a lot of that again it's a weird no it would be a weird replacement you know um I don't know do I wonder about his role and how much he'll be up there and do you is his role maybe in some kind of filler replacement deal for Corso you know we know that he has been getting up there and had his fair share of issues I mean look you know I think we talked about on the Pod before sometimes it's uh when I do I I don't watch it all the time but I watch bits and pieces of game day throughout the year and it's hard to watch Lee sometimes it just it's hard and uh and I wonder if Nick Sabin will be filling more of that role you know that would make a little more sense probably right right in terms of yes Elder Statesman kind of role couple of things first of all okay I just I just look just for timing purposes here so the herb Street thing with rayola went uh on Twitter at 11:53 a.m. the only thing Kirk has tweeted since then was a pair of eyeballs at the announcement of Sabin so that's it so he has not addressed it and maybe he won't maybe not but whatever the eyeballs yes I I mean I think Sabin is fascinating I think he could be great I think he could be terrible I think he could love it I think he could hate it he is extremely impatient he does not tolerate wasting of time if you've ever done live TV there's massive amounts of wasting of time I mean you sit around and sit around and sit around while they mic check and they lighting check and they do 19 other things and then finally they flip the lights on you and you go and then you stop and you do commercials and you do this and you do a lot of that then you I mean it is a lot of asking somebody who's famously impatient to be patient um so I I would like to see how that plays out I think he'd be really good because he's so smart um and hopefully he'd be fairly honest and candid I think he would be at this stage about what he sees from teams he likes doesn't like coaching moves and blunders whatever um but you know again I just I wonder if he's going to find the TV is really as much fun or enjoyment as you you might look at it from afar and say yeah I'd like to do that he's done it before a little bit right he's done it in bits of course he's never done it every week uh of a season uh but this has been kind of a a long time coming right um uh it was like the worst kept secret right that uh that when Nick Sabin uh was going to retire that he'd end up on uh on game day uh or at least with uh with ESP and there John toy of formerly now at 247 Sports wrote a book uh on Sabin the leadership secrets of Nick Sabin uh last year I believe and uh in there he details a meeting uh with uh Sabin in John is it wild hack uh Pat formerly of of ESPN uh in 2013 met at uh in 2013 in the Rose Bowl to discuss a potential role with uh with him on the show so this was kind of a long time coming he's obviously uh wanted to do this and now what's the most fascinating to me is we've got Nick Sabin on ESPN college game game day and we have Urban Meyer on Fox's big noon kickoff pretty good it's gonna be interesting yeah yeah Urban has been good yeah Urban has been good very good the only you know what they've got Urban to do it does it for Big 10 Network and then they carry it over to their big noon kickoff and and you could get Sabin I think to do the same thing brilliantly well is to just break down plays defenses here yeah you know and explain it to people so that they get it I never get enough of that and what I hate about TV is those guys are in such a rush because I swear they only get like three minutes on that yeah yeah and and it's like take your time you know like uh um it's like this is uh this is like I really enjoy this they have the NFL wise they have Dan orlovski a lot on and um ESPN and he's just great at it but he's like trying to get through the play like so fast because it's like we still got to talk about the Cowboys or something um you know it's just like hey maybe people aren't I maybe they know better than me what people are watching um but I love that stuff and I would take um there isn't enough of it yeah yeah he does it after games with his local he used to do it after games with his local like radio crew and they did it and it was it was great I think Urban does it with uh Jerry right dinardo I remember talking to dinardo about it and I'm like man that's like the most entertaining thing ever like it's great and and uh dinardo loves like loves doing with them loves loves breaking down stuff so I'm sure I'm sure we'll have a whole hopefully they will a lot time uh for Nick sain to to do that in like a segment of something sort yeah you know who's good at at for ESPN is Trevor madic uhuh and I know he's not one of their like like their number one focused guy but I always like when Trevor matage is on the on the uh shows and he talks football I always find him to be one of the best at explaining what's going on to me at least because I cover this sport I'm not going to pretend at all I know what's going on like I'm just not you know Basics but I I I do remember John Madden actually I I interviewed him at a Super Bowl at one point and I asked him I said what what do you watch when you were watching a play he said I watch the guards the guards tell you what's going to happen what's going on yeah he's he's a center yeah yeah and and so you try to try to follow that and but there's so much that happens on the line and your eyes start going to the ball and that's why I loved having when lineman who can like a Trevor matage or Cole cuck or whoever can kind of dissect some of the blocking schemes yeah I always find I'm always G for more of that so Sabin Sabin discussing anything bellich discussing anything those kind of guys Urban when he talks about different things all really good so hey you know the old morning shows are picking up we survived the chicken sandwich Wars now we got morning showell Wars I don't that's right Cola Wars also of ESPN interest perhaps and fox we have this ESPN, Fox & Warner Bros. Discovery are developing a new sports streaming service new osed I guess it's going to happen unified streaming entity uh that will show Fox Sports all everything Fox Sports puts out and fox all sports of fox all sports of ESPN and Warner Brothers discovery which owns uh the NBA TNT and um and those which have actually a lot it's not just NBA but Major League Baseball and and a few other things one streaming service you get all three of their streaming services it's a bundle it reminds me of a thing called Cable cable yeah kind of seems familiar doesn't it freaking awesome until these guys all screwed it up yep cable was great I've never gotten rid of my cable people are like oh somehow I could put together some package of stuff and save like $1.99 a month or something I I I just I like my cable but because it stuff's always changing but this would be if you do not have cable uh and a lot of people don't they cut the cord and that's fine you could get everything from Fox ESPN and uh basically T TNT TBS for uh one price now that price is expected between $45 and $55 a month um so you would not get NBC which is going to have a lot more college football you don't get peacock and you do not get CBS C which obviously Paramount which is obviously going to have a ton but you would get a lot of college football here including the entire SEC and the big noon game every week amongst other things plus all the pregame shows all the stuff I you know this is where things are headed you know you could get rid of cable you could get rid of YouTube TV you could uh I don't know you could do all sorts of stuff here but you won't have to buy all of them out it's where things are headed back to where they started yeah we just we get we get NBC and CBS to jump in then we'll be offset yeah I don't know yeah I've got YouTube TV so yeah I have to do the cost benefit analysis of of you where this is going to fit in with that because I love the YouTube TV it's been fantastic yeah I was watching Four basketball games at once here earlier tonight before we started taping um just a lot of good options there so uh I yeah I don't know I'm not smart enough to know know like where this is going to exactly end up or what's going to be the best kind of deal to put together but I sure don't want to be left out of having something that's going to show major college football games so that's going to put that that's going to be my decider I look at it as a um like they were saying as a win for for consumers I think it's like a win because it's the better option of a of bad options I mean I'd rather have one my big problem with streaming is you can't change channels as easily and I know YouTube TV you can go watch the four one of the thing I like about cable is I can change between all sorts of different stuff it's fine streaming is fine if you're sitting down to watch one game and that's what you're watching but I I I think something's going to get lost in college football I just love those Saturday afternoons when there's games on on eight nine 10 channels yeah and you can just and you know like all of a sudden you're like oh wait there's a Mountain West game going down the wire here I'll like on CBS sportset yeah and you know uh I think you you've made the joke pad about like the the fansville when you know they couldn't get the password into the streaming service and all caps like yeah but the ability to just not to have that buffering now look as the internet gets faster maybe that goes away and all that but at this point I find it a a less a less uh Superior option or a uh you know something lacking there but yeah I I mean honestly look I I did it I we we had Direct TV and when Sund NFL Sunday Ticket left Direct TV that's when I went to YouTube so but it's not it's not perfect that's for sure there I don't know whether there is one that's going to be perfect college football playoff Latest from the CFP meetings Ross what is the latest from the meetings what do you know well not a whole lot to report big surprise uh they met on Monday they're supposed to meet Monday and Tuesday but the meetings ended Monday night and with only one real significant decision which was they are going to uh the whole it's about the SMU power five Revenue distribution so they did decide to come to a compromise and recommend to the board of presidents that SMU get a portion of the power five Revenue the next two years so not the full power five a portion of it so that was really it I think you know aside from that you did have them start to enter a discussion about the future uh and I don't think it was coincidence that it came three days after the announcement uh of the SEC and Big 10 joint venture that uh they talked about the future of the playoffs starting in 2026 we know there's no contract we talked about this on Monday's Pie when I was in Dallas while they were meeting I think we taped and there's no contract Beyond 2025 for the playoff there's no contractual agreement and I think they want to get in Play Place three things before there is a contractual agreement and they sign potentially with ESPN according ESPN it's with ESPN but they're not they might not pull that trigger yet until they decide on a revenue distribution model going forward a format going forward in governance cfp governance when it comes to weighted voting and things like that going forward so they did get into it was kind of told it was like more of the tip of the iceberg um their next couple meetings will be deeper into the Future model but they did get into it a little bit I don't think there's really any big news to report except uh it's what you'd expect the SEC and the Big 10 would like more money and more control when it comes to voting Powers you know we reported it over the weekend about Greg sanki and Tony peti both expressing publicly in an interview with us on Friday uh that um there is a little question about their involvement in inclusion in the cfp Beyond 2025 if quote Greg sanki says they don't get it right and when he says it he of course means Revenue distribution format in governance these are three big things they're going to have to quote get right I hope I hope my man Kirk Schultz is still sitting out there there like the protester in tenman square back in like 1990 with his hand up in front of the tanks he he is as of now yes he is good stay there Kirk stay there make them run you over they're gonna screw this up Pat I don't care I'm with them in cause I really am but like the fact that they didn't take this they could have had this they could have had the 12 team playoff with six spots set up yep and also I mean not taking that deal a few years ago was one of the alltime screw-ups the longer you wait the worse this deal is going to get but I do understand Washington State doing what they're doing he is he is fighting is the he's using the only leverage right that probably Washington state will ever have this is it again what point do you tell what point do you tell the Big 12 all right here's the deal you taking these two and you're putting you get my vote for these for for an inclusion the Big 12 you have to take it or something like be a shame if something happened to your pretty little playoff spot Big 12 like I don't know if it comes to that I think the Big 12 along with all the other Commissioners would just say okay you know you're not going to give us your vote we're not going to give you anything so we're going to go six six the next two years and there will be a second group of five champion in the playoff that's what it'll be and then beyond 2025 then there'll be some problems for Washington State I have a feeling could be problems though for the Big 12 and the ACC then too yeah absolutely it breaks up the whole thing you impact everybody that's why I I am with I get it and I love the I love I mean it's a great image right you guys screwed us but I still can be a pain in I I love it but I also want to see this sport succeed and it's like if you give the secc in the Big 10 a reason to look around for too long and say you know what we don't need you guys or we're not going to have automatic bids it's just going to be at large and and it damages the S the ACC and the Big 12 and the Mountain West and everybody else who would get a bid that is too big of a loss for me we have to have as many things in place to try to create protections so that we have more than a 36 team High major football I I like that's the thing I get it today it's was but this is like the hill that like West Virginia can't afford to lose on and so that's why I'm like come up with you guys better figure something out quickly cuz it every time you delay play this that deal three years ago or whatever you didn't take CU you formed a an alliance that now like the ACC formed an alliance with a league that no longer exists and another League that's now aligned with the team you the league you were alliancing against well I always say it the alliance was was the the biggest failure in modern college sports history it feels like you know it just really it just disrupted so much and and not for the benefit of really anybody nobody benefited except the SEC probably the one that which is the one you were trying not give a benefit to and the Big 10 and they were just mad because they took Texas and Oklahoma which everyone was going to take it was so dumb but that deal would be a dream come true for you now make a get it's too I just I don't want to see it I just don't want to see it I want to see automatic bids I want to see as much stability as we head into an era of who the hell knows what is coming right nobody can really say oh this is this is what it's going to be want as much stability for these leagues as possible and if that means the big 12's got a crap Washington State and Oregon State and say all right hell guys are in afterall maybe they they they can they can split them send one to the Big 12 and one the AC yeah I don't know you guys the AC is already going west anywhere to go Cal this has gotten absurd Beyond absurd don't meet again in a couple we and the Commissioners will and I think they'll probably dive dig deeper into the into the model I think by that time maybe there'll be a resolution with Kirk scholz's sh's proposal um that's in about two weeks so you would think at that point they'll know either is he gonna hold out number one I feel like there's a few options here number one he holds out completely they don't give in we go six and six the next two years that's option one which again is probably not good for Beyond 2025 for them option two would be they don't concede and he gives up the vote in place of some kind of compromise which to me probably is getting the full shares of power five or maybe even more than they were supposed to get the next two years to end the contract um there's some kind of compromise there and then option three is they don't concede anything and he also concedes his vote so I'm thinking those are the options hopefully in a couple weeks at least we'll know what the result is fight the power Kirk let's go to uh breaking back right oh wait dan Pat um I think it was this year if I had to do the uh the 12 team or this year I think this year was a little weird but you'd have Liberty yeah in SMU in the playoff this year and one of those teams would have gotten in in place I believe of 10 and two Old Miss yep I would have been okay with that I would have been fine yep Bo ghost stangs he's a situational Anarchist that's what he is he's totally fine with that but if someone trims like two hours of pool time at some program is gonna go crazy I I stick up for those who need sticking up for the Olympic sports the group of five the mid Majors who don't get NCAA tournament bids you are a hero speaking truth to power you're speaking there you go all right well uh all right let's Comfort The Afflicted and afflict the comfortable there you go the six seed whoever the six seed would was would have probably loved that match up it would have been Li actually would it been the matchup that happened would it have been Liberty and Oregon something like that it would have been something Sim exactly how we want this playoff to play out we want as many good games as possible all right we're going to break we'll be back right after this all right Boston College Who will fill the Boston College job? still has a a job opening two candidates according to Bruce Feldman the athletic and fox is uh Paul Chris the sweatshirt oh former Wisconsin coach in his sweatshirt and uh think he's an analyst at Texas right now is that right yeah I don't know and then Bill O'Brien uh who uh is the offensive coordinator at Ohio State hasn't obviously new on the job but uh it's from Boston Patriots obviously coached the Houston Texans Penn State uh those are the two candidates apparently I don't know how you don't hire Bill O'Brien I I would agree with no offense to the sweatshirt I love Paul kist his sweatshirt but I mean this is the Bill O'Brien if you get Bill O'Brien if Boston College can get the former Penn State coach New England Patriots offense coin who has incredible name recognition in New England not as well as everywhere else and a Houston Texans head coach to coach Boston College yeah yeah done yeah I would do it absolutely uh I think that yes you you you could be falling into a really uh good coach at a good time who could could resurrect things there you know and that's he's uh he's not he's 54 years old I was just looking this up here and I mean he was good with the Texans you know had a lot of good years per has made some bad Personnel decisions but playoffs four times out of his six seasons seven he got fired early in the seventh one I mean that 11 and five 10 and six did a good job at Penn State under very difficult situations yeah that post Sandusky I mean it was brutal mhm oh yeah it awful and again yeah well known in New England I mean like he's walking in hey Tom Brady's coach you know used to be Tom Brady's coach it's not bad um I don't know I mean I that seems like a no-brainer to me but we will see what happens yeah he's I felt like from the very start he was kind of the first name in fact I'm a little surprised the search has gone as deep as it has I don't think there's a rush you know cuz aren't head coaches so they're doing some interviews they did they did a bunch of interviews and they had four or five candidates down Atlanta for interviews and and now I think it's sounds like back on campus for uh some final interviews um but it it just it's felt like Bill O'Brien the the whole time and it makes a lot of sense all right I'm at the Super Bowl Is the Super Bowl the new destination to go viral? case you didn't know Super Bowl this weekend San Francisco Kansas City little game out here in Vegas and one of the starting quarterbacks hailes from Iowa state is the Ames tap water the reason Brock pie went from Mr Irrelevant to Super Bowl starting quarterback Sean Play the song we haven't played in a while yeah it's a triumphant return here really [Music] does hooray we love it in it's beautiful Autumn late December brings snow GES is a safe place the crime rate is low we've got great schools the students score high we go for number one not just to get by inside at the bronze we think that's great over 357 schools in the state if you visit here you won't want to go home join us with a hoay for the awesome Cyclones it's ISU the home of Hilton magic driving with the top down by college Creek the spring is mild and the flowers shine let's hear a hoay for the w Su affable living go to La number n best city in the USA pour a glass of water when you visit our a smile the C here we go here we go all right never disappoint no it's an eternal Banger the shot at Los Angeles is always my favorite it's always my favorite why go to La where city of 30,000 they're a city of 24 million apparently in the actual vote of where you choose to live not doing so well but they make they're punching up they're punching up take that Los Angeles why go there it's more affordable here you also don't have the Pacific Ocean that's right um but you got that water so pie um anyone see this coming oh come on man come on as we know Mr Irrelevant uh he was good and those were good teams but that se year wasn't great and I mean no way no no it kind of seemed like it was like diminishing returns as it went along because he like when he got there as a freshman at is State he you know he kind of splashed on the scene the same way he did in the NFL and everybody's like whoa he's going to be a superstar and then just kind of didn't really happen which is probably just more the guys around him I would guess but like this happening Lee Harvey Oswald have yall seen this going around he was asked about it apparently I mean Dan Dan Dan is locked and loaded on this all right fire away I I I I know I I I'm getting sensitive oh sensitive my old age I feel bad for some of these players like it is now Super Bowl media week I cover a Super Bowl every year and it is even increasing Year bye it is just how can I get something viral on my phone and these guys are like circus acts it's like a circus like everyone's just poking the bear trying to get the everyone there's some somebody said on on on the internet that Brock Pie looked like Lee Harvey Oswald okay who cares even if he does a guy the internet said and he gets asked about it like how do you respond to this uh yeah and that's the thing like you are asking what you're comparing him to one of the most infamous figures in American history right you know like and they're trying to get him to say something funny or awkward or blow up at you you're all the question is I don't know can figure it out maybe he didn't know oh did he know yeah he knew come on in Iowa State education he knows who that he knows Harvey Oswald is that wisdom enhancing tap water there this is a problem only reason to ask that question is to try to create oh I got a viral moment they asked they asked I stood there with Travis Kelce Travis Kelce is the best Travis Kelce anybody else would have lost his mind this week I mean they asked him everything almost everything about Taylor Swift you know you can do a Vegas wedding who's getting a ring first like just anything Travis Kelsey Taylor and he is like the most jovial guy I mean I I yeah he's we're living a pretty good life yeah right but he's just like ah yeah he just went along with it they asked Andy Reid about this like wack job political conspiracy that I don't even quite understand it but the government somehow created got Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce together and then fixed the NFL so they'd make the Super Bowl the Chiefs would make the Super Bowl in some way so that Taylor swiftel endorsed Joe Biden I I I don't think think I'm getting the plot right sounds good yeah they asked Andy Reid that believable oh God oh God and Andy Reid's like I don't I don't really you know that's not he just he laughed because he's good imagine what's going on in Andy Reid's head when he's asked that question so maybe it's because of Patrick Mahomes Ian we've been here four the last five years right yeah like came out of nowhere seen like maybe it was like a wait a minute the lions are suddenly good this must be government intervention right they ask about they ask every like it's just and some of the guys are comfortable and they're handling it well but it is like we're just the media is just teeing off on these dudes like it's just like how can I what can I get and what are you getting a oh a a Tik Tok that'll go viral and it's like these guys are they're football players and I I get they make money and but like there like there shouldn't be the punchline you know right P I lost it I lost my marbles oh well it is it is cute to hearing you be so sensitive to their plight um but no I look I I I'm less I yeah I guess I do feel bad for them too I feel bad for the media this is what quote unquote we are doing uh you know it's embarrassing it's demeaning it's stupid uh and the thing that used to be the case I don't know if it still is but back when I covered Super Bowls like the interviews were awesome you got so much access you could actually get some really good information some big back and forth you still can you still can okay and most of it is that there's a lot of that and I'm not somebody like I wrote about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce because it's a story I'm not like oh let's just talk about you know you know run blocking schemes here none of that but I just think some of it is like a trick they're trying to just trick the guys that's the part where I'm like it's the vi it's going viral it's it's social media it's uh and it's it's unfortunate because it's um it's kind of uh you know filtered throughout our entire industry and when we see it in college as well that uh you know everybody is is trying to get a a clip that will uh will go viral and instead of putting together a great story or unearthing some new news or something it's it's some weird clip whether it's a quirky answer or or whatever and honestly like you know it it's probably really has started and ramped up you know six8 10 years ago with with the social media and it it does feel like it's at at its absolute Max I mean at the college football media Day this year there was there was a lot of that um that uh that went down as well yeah yeah I just I feel like they're getting poked and all that um uh I don't know who else in this game do you want to talk about any you have any memories of any of these guys that I mean obviously momes was this incredible Talent we've talked about him at these Super Bowls before um but you know no one really saw I don't think any of us thought he'd become who he became oh um no Kelsey you didn't think Christian mcaffrey man how good was he at Stanford oh was really good unbelievable yeah that one we saw coming Mahomes is crazy I I covered One momes games and it was a it was the Houston bowl and LSU played him in the Houston Bowl it was like I don't I don't remember the year like 14 or 15 or something and they just completely shut him down and elsu won the game like scored the most points ever in like less the less miles era which isn't saying much but they there was like 55 to to 30 and and uh kind of shut him down and I don't think anybody expected him to do what he's done it's it's really been incredible to watch yeah and that's yes Mar uh mcaffrey you certainly saw coming um the thing the guys you know what who who who have driven me crazy as a Bronco fan the fraking Chiefs just have a way of getting guys that you watch in college and you know they're good players and yet they fall to the end of the first round they fall to the end of the second round and there the Chiefs can get them Creed Humphrey you know all pro Center like he's available at like number 60 uh who else uh uh George caraus great defensive end he was available at the very end of the first round Purdue yeah that was I remember being like Oh God yeah yeah we go yeah yeah they're getting those guys and then uh who's the CHR Jones he was earlier but yeah right Nick Bolton linebacker from Missouri late second I think um and then of course Isaiah Pacheko in the seventh round it's like and you know you saw Isaiah Pacho at ruter he was a good running back he ran hard he was on bad teams they couldn't throw so everybody just ganged up on the run but get him on a team like with offensive balance and blocking and look it out yeah yeah 22 they get Trent McDuffy and then caravus you know I have this thing about the NFL draft I think it's like over they've tried to make sense of what's they've over complicated the analysis of the NFL draft yes um it's not really a thing that quite can be anal analytically done and so like a lot of the criticism of like the Detroit Lions last three drafts is that they're like well you can't pick this guy at that position at that spot or you can't do this and and Brad Holmes of the Lions is like I keep getting good players who the hell cares yeah no you don't sit back and go well I could have got Sam leaport a couple years I could have gotten Travis Kelce at a different time like do you do you you know no you got Travis Kelce don't worry about it right and and and if you pick good players you win Baltimore is the other one that always does this oh Baltimore is incredible with that incredible right you're just like oh they got Kyle Hamilton like you can't take a safety at that spot you can't if it's Kyle Hamilton yeah you sure can yeah that that's always driven me crazy well you don't need a line an inside linebacker in the second round right Nick Nick Bolton pretty damn good yeah and so you're right the Chiefs are really good at at finding guys you don't you don't trade up to get you already had Alex Smith you don't trade up to get Patrick Mahomes except you just got the best player in the league for the next you know for a 10e stretch um and yeah those teams they got Trey Smith in the sixth round did they really they're Right Guard Trey Smith the pro bowler 226th overall yeah look at that like they're unbelievable that one Noah Gray he's a good player Creed Humphrey yeah Creed humph is the like one of the top two centers or three centers in the league and they got him 60th or something 63d 63rd 21 draft they had no first round ER and they Ed up with Bolton Humphrey gray and Smith there you go each one of them 50 games well Bolton's done 41 yeah I mean and look at I mean God 2020 everybody played Edwards hair oh yeah junr you know I mean like yeah they y mcole yeah they have just they have just stuck the drafts yeah um and uh yeah it's yeah tough tough break for Bronco fan yeah watching it every year it's gon to be a good game I'm I mean I'm yeah I'm very intrigued on the game very intrigued on the game we need a little more scrap Us Media we're a little we need a little more trash talking less Lee Harvey oswal you've been staying away from the tables Dan I have been I have been okay very good yeah not far not wager to not weder wager to Penny yet we'll see might not four days to go not I was uh what about the sphere I did not climb the sphere today that was not no no there was some the group text accused me of climbing the spere I was hard at work I'm sorry I'm just focused man I'm focused look at that it's the biggest game of the year you gotta come in focused so folks look you you got two we got Dan's uh Luxor hotel room in the background here he's got two beds uh two beds double sleep I can sleep twice see my rest two different half the night in one bed then you go to the other one half the night see if it improves your mental Outlook absolutely it needs my mental Outlook needs Improvement so let's uh let's do it all right let's get to one People's The People’s Court: Dairy Queen edition Court here topic that's that's kind of been popping up on us uh secret places to deal drugs oh unexpected drug dealing wow a after the BW3s that BW3s was that in Ohio I don't remember where that was where they would not sell they would not trade fried pickles yeah for oxie or may would offer the weed nothing they wouldn't do it they would not do it B Mo well there's a Texas Dairy Queen that wishes they had employees that loyal uh [Laughter] oh got some trading going on Clifton Texas which sounds like the kind of town where the Dairy Queen's like the best uh I don't know where Clifton is I'm looking it up I'm on the case like dqs in Texas are big time oh yeah like they're they're big a group of Texas Dairy Queen employees were arrested after off officers accused them of running a methamphetamine ring from a store in the Town of Clifton uh they received a tip several employees local Dairy Queen were selling meth on their jobs it's about 35 miles north of Waco yeah that's there's nothing 35 yeah um they started an investigation deeming it of course operation blizzard oh yeah go the cops are having a they set up undercover buys at the Dairy Queen on numerous occasions uh they tained a search warrant uh they went in and uh busted uh five people two were in possession of methamphetamines uh so and uh they are uh Dairy Queen announced that they the the the accused are no longer working at the Dairy Queen I bet that's how do you get fired it's a tight tight labor market out there they don't want to fire these guys got to be a great undercover job oh a you're you're buying meth but you're also got it's probably like a little trick to it too where you gotta get like a blizzard yeah yeah so then the officer gets a blizzard and and he's doing his job right what job can you do that at that's right you're expensing your blizzards every day you're going in every day yeah yeah yeah you they make you think they they whipped up any uh meth blizzards probably swil you could get peanut buer parfait with a little sprinkling of meth over the top yeah that's right um do you uh so you know any any leniency cuz they were just you know people go to Dairy Queen looking for looking for a positive exper it's fun to go to Der Queen right let's go get some ice cream on a hot day yeah aren't they just isn't just just an extension of that um so anyway Clifton is on Route Six like out in the middle of nowhere from Waco uh it's Northwest so it's not even like on that I35 quarter it's it's out there you like by wac and cranfills GAP oh that helps yeah Pat thanks couple yeah you're out there you are in nowhere um you need some meth apparently way out there people are coming all over to get to this DQ so here's what I think though yeah like the City's population last 2010 census was 3,442 you might have to have some leniency if you're going to keep the Dairy Queen open you can't start just firing the whole staff you got to need somebody to run the blizzard machine you know and turn them upside down show people see they don't drip uh some somebody's got to run the drive-thru the cashier you got people's got to do the the chicken fingers and all that other stuff they make there you know it's not just ice cream it's so high demand it's a demanding job and if those guys were doing their job decently while they were selling meth I think you might have to figure out a way to keep them what do they what else do they have there I don't know that I've ever had anything but a Blizzard at Dairy Queen literally well they got food they got real food I figured they had food like what is this a burger place okay okay yeah all right Burgers dogs uh I think getting chicken strips or whatever I'm not eating food out of there either I don't think I ever have yeah looks they got chicken basket oh okay uh they got the burgers and sandwiches looks like uh pretzel sticks yeah uh different stuff here but um obviously the blizzard did you say the peanut parfait oh yeah The Peanut Buster Parfait it's beautiful peanut bu so is there a code that's what I want to know we're not getting enough from the Clifton police Clifton police thank you for your service we you know we back to Blue here great job great job on getting this done we don't need meth getting delt out of the DQ but can you give us a little more like was there did you have to pull up and be like I want the I want the peanut part peanut butter parfait but hold the peanut butter like was there a code was there something yeah yeah you we more details out of you guys need the extra whipped cream if you know what I mean yeah magic words all right all right that's that's that's enough that's enough don't do mathk don't do meth it's the one thing in America everyone agrees on don't meth is also called ice apparently so they could just you know that could be involved in the word through for us Sean with the Apparently allegedly good good try good Sean yeah we got one StreetWise guy on this podcast that's right Sean uh yeah no that's yeah I need a cup of ice please with my order man the meth heads around here really love the DQ what's up that might have been your hint yeah all right keep listening subscribe and we appreciate all of you we will talk to you later

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