What should the Chicago Cubs do with Kyle Hendricks? Should he be in the Starting Rotation?

there's a drive way back it might be it could be it holy cow welcome to another broadcast of bricks behind the ivy holy [Music] cow hey hey Cub fans welcome to another episode of bricks behind the IV I am your Hostess the mostess Jeff Andy CIS and you are watching on YouTube you have noticed immediately a few big changes first of all my background I'm in a different spot in the cany cupcake you still see the F thewood designs in the background but I have set up a more permanent spot in my basement and also much more importantly the great pat Erikson is joining me as co-host today oh how are you doing today doing good buddy doing good thanks for having me on it's it's honor it's a privilege and uh getting a little nervous out here down the stretch with our beloved Cubbies but yeah let's let's uh let's get going with this so for people who are not making the connection in the audio or are not making the connection with the video Pat is our wonderful Harry Cary impersonator who does the Deep Thoughts with Harry segment in some of our episodes but today he's going to be playing co-host duties to kind of talk about what's going on is you know the team has been heating up and they had a really nice week which Pat I you know what tradition for our interview is our cast but you're more than that you're part of the bbti family is to kind of talk about your Cub story and how you got into the Cubs and just talk a little bit about the Wrigley Fire Bar and Grill which is a sponsor of bbti and um what kind of things you've gotten to do with that and yeah just yeah to the audience this is it right uh on um and it's an honor to be a part of the old bbti family um think Jeff you've got a awesome thing going on here I'm just honored to be a part of it but uh yeah I mean this is a bar I had uh in my previous home in North Aurora and now this is out here in Sugar Grove Illinois probably about I'd say about 45 miles du Chicago right next to Aurora and um I've been a cub fan here probably since the early 80s I think the uh the very first Cub game that I was at which was kind of cool is I was a Cub Scout at the time and it was a a scout outing and it was I believe 82 and they announced over the PA that it was Johnny bench's last game at Wrigley oh wow so that was kind of cool and then I kind of saw some things around there and just kind of fell Park I grew up in a mixed family to where my mom grew up in Chicago so she was the Cubs influence but my dad uh grew up in New York so it was the Mets influence so so let's also just say that uh from an early I uh picked up on um how can I put this colorful ballpark language especially when my dad's going to Wrigley dressed head to toe in met stff so yeah so it was great but yeah like I said i' I've been going to Cubs gam ever since um you know I still get chills uh every time I walk into that ballp Park matter of fact this past weekend even it wasn't even a game but I took my daughter to go see Luke Bryan down there and even walking up the steps just for a concert you get the chills a little bit so it's pretty cool and um if you guys have seen you know me on there or talked uh you know some features or whatever on there before um everybody knows my favorite on there is Ryan Sandberg uh Rhino has been near and dear to my heart for the longest time um there's a photo that's uh and I can you know we can either share it on here later on or whatnot but my uncle pointed him out he was oh maybe a we as a CB and he had the big you know early 80s big hair and everything and nobody was going up to him and my uncle said that this guy is going to be huge someday so and here's little old me hanging on a fence in the old parking lot which you know where Gallagher way is now and got my little brown zip velcro shoes on and I'm just hanging there you know hanging on and just mesmerized and now you're fast forward now and I remember earlier in in the year walking through the ballpark and um it was with my son who's now down in Georgia go dogs um but you know going down there and I rean into Rhino and he looked at me he said hey Patty how's it going and I about dropped here's a 50 year old man that about drop there when my idol for my entire life for the most part knows me by name so that was pretty cool but yeah so I this is all you know memorabilia down here from oh gosh you know the 60 70s I've got everything from Duke Snider from the Brooklyn Dodgers a bunch of 69 Cubs with Billy and Ernie um all the way up the present day and you know and it's also fire because I'm my uh I've been doing the job now as a firefighter paramedic for the last 22 years 18 out in decal the last 18 and so I got some firefighter stuff up here too but you know and then I hooked up with Jeff uh we did a feature on the bar down here and um which was a lot of fun and um just kind of Blossom from there and here we are no it's it's so cool and you know I just last week we had Matt True Blood from the editor and chief at uh northsite baseball who let me run with the um the idea last year of the fan of the Week and um I found you through that I think it was through Cubs the Cubs manave group and yeah we just kind of hit it off and now you're a big part of you know what we do here and yeah super cool like how small the Cub world is and how great Cub can be yeah heck yeah excited what you brought to the Pod and yeah just like this is another new chapter of having you on as as a co-host so awesome awesome happy to be here buddy well another thing I'm going to put in the uh the description of the podcast you did recently have a feature on Marquee uh for the firear and Grill how how did that come about so what happened was It was kind of along the same lines as you and I hooked up uh Marquee was they W they were to start a feature on various Cubs man caves and so I reached out and I got a hold of a couple people over at Marquee and didn't hear from them again and I figured hey you know it's it's Marquee Sports Network they're busy they've got so many different things so many irons into fire and then lo and behold out of nowhere um Matt over at Mar he said Hey listen we really want you know I've seen the photos I've seen your Facebook page everything else we want to squeeze you in before spring training in 24 so this was probably in the winter of 23 and um towards the end of the year and so I said yeah absolutely guys are always welcome fast forward and they came out here they set up cameras um and we did a whole huge uh interview with them out here um you know we kind of walked through took very ious photos various things as far as stories how the bar came about favorite memorabilia how I acquired memorabilia yada yada yada and and what was kind of cool is they literally were squeezing it in because down here in the basement they had these special bags for all their cameras and I turned to Matt I'm like oh these are pretty nice he's like yeah these are the bags that need to go on the bus I'm like what are you talking about he's like as soon as we're done here they're going on the bus to Arizona so we're literally squeezing you in at the 11th hour but we wanted to get you on so yeah so that it was really awesome they spent you know a few hours out here and um it was a big honor uh to have them feature this out here I mean this is just this is a little basement bar that you know the neighborhood takes advantage of the fire department guys they take advantage of my college buddies take advantage of but just something that I created because like you Jeff you've got so much cool memorabilia what's the point of keeping it in Xerox boxes and storage areas and crates and everything you want to put it out if for anything at the end of the day it's for yourself or your family to just sit around and look and like hey that's cool or hey that's cool I remember this and that and it's just blossomed from there so yeah so when Marquee came out it was really cool and it's actually still on the Marquee page and it was awesome it was awesome yeah I was I was I was so excited when I saw that and you told me about that like there's very few people in this world who deserve those types of H and you're definitely one of them and stop it was so cool like the CEO Marquee and yeah no I agree with you about like having a space you know I talked about this in other episodes like I like other kids dreamt about you know what they wanted to be when they grew up and I dreamed about the space for my Cub stuff since I was like seven and like what I want I wanted bricks and I wanted like fake Ivy draping the brick walls and I wanted a marquee and I wanted a scoreboard and like all these like all my favorite features ballpark had to be there and like yeah I think you know something that's a kind of phenomena of of the pandemic is a lot of people kind of like lean back in the hobbies and um people refer to these as like Nostalgia rooms and it's like when I sit down here like I just can like do a quick Spin and just get like just millions and millions of hours of dopamine just like I'm looking behind you there's a few pieces I see behind you that I'm kind of envious of but heck yeah yeah and I um you know i' was able to kind of still carve out a corner for my love of other things like a big Star Wars guy and um big Lego guy still and ner alert I'm still I'm a child at heart and uh it's it's been something cool to share with my kids too because this is a space that you know the best TV in the house and in this day and age we all need to be a kid at heart yeah exactly it's uh abolutely in this day and age I mean and and I've got I mean I've got other stuff I mean I'm Blackhawk stuff I've got stuff from my kids were at Disney and all kinds of stuff but you like I said in this day and age with the world being so upside down it's awesome to have a spot where you can just go and just relax and look around and just kind of take you back to the good old days and that's basically what this does and that's what being on this honestly that's what being on this podcast brings me to also because it's like hey you know I could sit down with you Cubs baseball which is the biggest thing I love doing and you know it's it's awesome it's awesome so how about you guys in the audience if you're watching on YouTube do you have a CB fan space you want to share maybe this offseason we can feature some fan spaces and do some video tours since we're a video podcast leave your information in the comments and we're happy to come out or just do a video tour and future in the podcast is our fan of the this coming off seon but it wouldn't be a bricks behind the I episode if we didn't do the box score Blitz in which we have changed up the format which I only get 60 seconds through recap all the important things that have happened since our last episode so all right I'm going time you all right three a two a one play ball the Chicago Cubs played the Miami Marlins and the Pittsburgh Pirates on the road three games a piece Cubs took two of three first Marlins losing the Sunday game and swept the Pittsburgh Pirates with an absolutely breathtaking final game in which they they came back down 10 to3 to win the game 14-10 the Cubs offense was on fire this week being the top baseball offense this week based on a extremely high walk rate for the last six to seven games best offense in baseball in that stretch but guess what we still have a player of the week Christian Beth cour barely gets beaten up by seya Suzuki just because seya had more at bats he had a 293 weight to run his creative plus with three home runs nine runs and S RBI this week's pitcher of the week Porter hot he had three games in which he got two wins 3.2 Innings pitch seven strike outs really moving only two walks really big part of his Bullpen and that is the box score [Music] Blitz well as you can tell by the box score Blitz the Cubs absolutely took advantage of a lighter schedule which is exactly what they needed to do and as Lance Browski said when there were 41 games left the Cubs needed to reach potentially the 80 seven win mark to keep their chances of being in the postseason alive and that means about a 666 winning percentage for the last 41 games and they exceeded that this week they only have one loss in their two series versus the Pirates and the Marlins that Sunday game vers the marins which you know you can kind of throw that one out a little bit and the offense wasn't as Lively but I mean the rest of the week the Cubs offense top in baseball in the last six games by a wide margin 63 runs in six games it's it's over 10 runs a game 178 way to run trade plus and a 424 on base which not to toot my own horn but we did have an episode a few weeks ago go check it out of the three things the Cubs needed to do to make the playoffs and one of them obviously was win but one of the things I said they needed to do was walk because they hadn't been walking as much as they did this week LED baseball with a 13.3% walk percentage and then was second in baseball in K rate at only 16% so they're getting on base and they're slugging so this is exactly what I think we thought they potentially could do this season and right now they're doing it and yes like we're we're at the wire but like hope is thin but you know hope is all we've had for a majority of our fandom well I mean yeah I mean that's it's like small ball and you've heard that terminology for decades get on get around get in and that's what the Cubbies need to be doing right now they need to stop swinging for the fences they need to start playing a lot of ball find those holes play those shifts if you see the guys doing shifts I also kind of it's almost like the beer league softball you see the guys playing a shift try to smack it to the opposite field do whatever you can but play that small ball to get on get around get in and I I did remember that past episode and I will give you Kudos but who would have thought maybe item number four on that list would have anything to do with Taylor Swift and the the candle I what's going on and who would have thought that Council was a Swifty nobody knew that but AR we all a little bit they're doing it I mean they're they are doing everything right right now and I and I'll be honest with you the other day when they were down 103 and the 7th um I was driving into work and I was like oh this well this is over and the next thing you know it's holy cow they're they're they're plating the tying and the go-ahead run from Beth and court but these are the games that we need to do I I kind of sat there earlier today and I was kind of thinking about all right what do the Cubbies need to do going forward for the rest of the year and if you look at the Braves all right yes we also have to jump the Mets but if you look at those Braves right now they're limping into this they're they're leaking oil pretty bad out of the ship okay now granted they may plug because they're the Atlanta Braves they always seem to do that okay but a realistic record for them could be around 500 all right so let's hypothetically say that if they go right around 500 then you're looking at the Cubs are going to have to go probably 20 and eight y now is that far-fetched is that that a pipe dream it depends on who what you think but I mean look at yesterday they're down seven runs in the seventh inning they come back to win so anything is possible at this point I think and Jeff you know I'd like to get your input on it too but I think that they need to do a minimum of a 20 and8 record the rest of the year and I think with this schedule going forward I think that could very well be feasible depending on what these other teams are going to start doing along the way yeah the Cubs got um they have the end of their easy stretch here um you know going into the next episode they have three in Washington and then they come home for three vers the Pirates and you know this Nationals team is a little better I think than their record they've got some young players that are really interesting that I think is going to kind of add a little more fires I don't think these are they beat the Yankees the other night um so they're not they not they're not as pushovers um you know I think their Bullpen and their rotation isn't necessarily as strong as some of the guys that they've seen of late but yeah I I definitely remember going into Washington last year when they were worst team and really BL in those games like losing three one run games and like missing the Playoffs by one game like that ended up kind of mattering and now oh% there's a weird like kind of inverse situation going on I keep thinking that in my brain of like last year early in the year we BW vers Nationals were like now we're kind of getting like this Redemption tour of like oh we're going to Washington again can we take care of business and yeah I I'm also a big believer in like the the non stats like momentum feel swag and that win the other night in Pittsburgh the other afternoon is such a big momentum Builder like just the never quit philosophy and you know I think as frustrated at times we can be with Council and like his very like I would say just like his demeanor he's just very he's not he doesn't overreact he doesn't underreact he's just kind of there and like he you know pulls all the levers and I think he's done a pretty solid job this year but like this team has continued regardless of the record to just perform like and yes it hasn't been what we've wanted most of the time but here we are they have a shot they know what they need to do yes there's it's a long shot but yeah 20 and8 the rest of the way they do have a stretch after and we'll maybe we'll focus on it next week's episode um they play the Yankees the return of Anthony Rizzo mhm respect and then they go out west play the Dodgers and then they get the Rockies which like games and cores are always weird but yeah Yankees Yankees Dodgers for six like that's probably that is the toughest stretch left of the season and like I think you got to go four- two there and oh easily yeah and I think that's G that could be very tough especially the good news is that Sunday night that Sunday game is a 120 and and then they fly out west to play a 910 game 910 Central which um maybe I'll do a watch along that week since 910 games are easier as a dad because they're posted time yeah I think you're maybe I'll join you why not hey there you go maybe we'll we'll schedule something out we'll do uh we'll do a live broadcast on YouTube but yeah I I think the Cubs can do it I think like and I know like a good portion of that is straight up delusion but if you're not mildly delusional as a Cubs fan I'm not sure you're really a Cubs fan because delusion is all we had for a majority of my fandom and a lot more of your phandom oh 100% oh yeah oh yeah and making the playoffs yes I'm not saying this team and we can if they get there we can have a different conversation is like super well constructed to like dominate in the playoffs but like just get in like it changes the narrative going into the off season that's all you need yeah just Chang change the Nar you just need a shot y yeah you just mentioned something too about you mentioned something earlier about Council too and and I think that council's mentality is starting to also spill over in the ball Club I was running errands earlier today and I was listening to the score uh Bernstein and Hol show and they played the clip uh that uh T TM Mack was playing last night when she interviewed Beth and Court postgame and you would think you know seven RBI just came over to the team would be a static you know blah blah blah blah blah and he said something that really resonated with me that I also think is spilling over from the team's mentality as a whole and from council's mentality as well is he answered every question is we play to 27 ounce he said the other team's going to play to 27 ounce we get it but we played a 27 outs because T-Mac was asking hey you know at what point you know even when you guys were down 103 in the seventh inning at what point did you even think that you had a shot or that you guys were going to keep pushing and keep pushing and all he kept saying over and over again is hey we're given 27 oce and we play until the 27th out and I think if they keep taking that mentality going forward in addition to what we talked about earlier with the small ball mentality and yeah we have been getting the big bombs Swanson all of the sudden is W up you know we've been getting a lot of the big hits and that's great but if we take that 27th out and the small ball mentality I think and again maybe I'm delusional maybe it's too much Biser I don't know but I think we've got a shot to do this yeah and fangraph says I'm at a 3.3% chance of making the playoffs least you can do is level with me what are my chances not [Music] good like it's is reasonable because you know the Cubs have no tie Breakers with the teams in front of them because they lost all the series with the teams in front of them so they have to beat these teams outright and yeah it's it is frustrating to be in this moment and think about you know the large amount of blown saves and just like getting three or four of those back like we're having a completely different conversation at this moment they're you their expected win losses 71 and 63 which would have them you know about a game and a half out out of the wild card spot um but yeah I do want to uh shift gears to something else um that I'm going to be focusing on in an article for North baseball you can check out but speaking of shifting gears and speaking of memorabilia from earlier cannot have an episode without thanking our sponsor Wrigleyville Sports Wrigleyville Sports has been around since 1990 they are my favorite place to get Cubs mobilia in rville they are jent to rickley field and you can get right off the red line walk in the store order a custom Jersey and likely have it ready for game time to wear into the ballpark how do you like that service and if you've been listening long enough or watching long enough on YouTube you know we have a discount code so at checkout use code iv10 and that'll get you 10% off of your order and thank you so much to Wrigleyville sports for continuing to be such an awesome partner but another transition and this one is just as sloppy as the last one Kyle hend uh Kyle Hendricks has been if you can see in the background you've seen the background of episodes I have an autograph J he hanging here my son is named after Kyle Hendrick um that was the deal after the Cubs won the World Series I got the name our child and he is named after Kyle Hendricks he has been my favorite Cub since the moment he made the major league team he is such an Old School pitcher east west north south pitching pitch ability is really how I would Define his way to get through a lineup he's never had a lead velocity at one point he had one of the better change UPS in the game it's not quite there anymore but Kyle Hendricks got hit pretty hard you got an early lead versus Paul skin in the game the comeback game the great comeback game in Pittsburgh starting at 11:35 Central on Wednesday this week but he got hit pretty hard and gave up a bunch of runs and in that situation generally you start to wonder man like should Kyle Hendrick still be pitching in this rotation and generally it's tough It's a tough call because I have first of all I'm going to caveat this that I have a lot of emotional stakes in this in this discussion because of what I just said I'm a huge Kyle Hendrick guy they have been a his Defender early in the year when he was not bad not that great and he went on the iil which people thought was a phantom I which could have been and he came back and he was you know solid and you know I felt very vindictive when I said I'm I wouldn't bet against Kyle Hendrick but I'm starting to wonder just kind of looking at his velocity and how it compares to his career averages and how it compares to the Major League average and you know I have some data that I'm going to dig into and write an article for North Side baseball I'll put a link in the description it should be out tomorrow as well Al Hendrick's velocity his pitch mix all those things have not changed his har his average exit velocity people are not hitting him hard he's in the top 2% in major league baseball this year he was in the top 2% last year the issue is I don't know if his pitches look competitive to make League hits because they look so much slower than what they're used to seeing yep and I think so and it's it's not there's not data I don't think that's necessarily supports that but is there a trend in his decline in ra and the rising average fastball in Major League Baseball because you got Paul skes on the other side of the house throwing 99 to 102 in game as a starter in like that can get that way to the sixth or seventh and we've got you know Kyle Hendricks up there he at one point capped out probably at 91 in his career but yeah the everything that is getting hit that he's getting hit more there's more balls in play and the ex of Vost a lot of them like he manages contact it's just they're dropping in everywhere and then when he does make a mistake when he loses his command which seems to happen a little bit more than he used to like he doesn't have anything that's necessarily tricking anyone with velocity he cannot leave a pitch over the plate it's just not not something he can do if if you were if you were Craig Council that what would you do with Kyle Hendrick well you know and kind of piggybacking on what you just said too this kind of almost almost reminds me of towards the tail end of another professor the Cubs used to have good old 31 Greg Maddox and mad dog got a little little lit up maybe not necessarily as bad as Henrick did or is doing right now but he was starting to get towards the end of it and and I and I think in my personal opinion I think that he used able to he never really had the velocity but he was accurate as far as painting Corners as far as making the movement and everything else like that and I think that movement is starting to go away so if I had to put on the old Craig Council hat right now I mean first of all you have to look at the pitching rotation overall now granted one two three we're good okay we're solid on that when you got steel tie on and imaga you're golden there you're four five obviously we're gonna have to kind of keep messing around I mean I even looked at the box scores for the next game for the Cubs and it's still to be determined in Washington so who knows but that being said I think you just need to for this year August you know right now August 29th 4:30 p.m. you need to start looking ahead as far as what is going forward as far as your fourth and fifth starters what do you have available now if the Cubs had the luxury of having a good solad four and maybe a decent maybe not necessarily a salad but a decent fit starter then yeah I would put him probably into the bullpen I do think that he is still a a v a very viable pitcher I don't think he's got the stuff to be a starter anymore and I hate to say because I'm like you Kyle is one of probably one of the nicest guys I have ever met um as far as with the Cubs organization but the problem is is that it it's every athlete and I don't care what sport it is towards the end it's very difficult for that person to kind of realize when it's time time and I think he's kind of going through that right now um and I would kind of start to see all right what are your fourth starters what are your fifth starters if you do need to put him into those spots because you don't necessarily have a volatile fourth or a volatile fifth or um you know you need a good start uh coming up because of that stretch of the 20 and8 that we're talking about or whatever and you you you don't really have a good starter at that point then maybe you do throw him out there again but you also have to do put again putting my Council hat on from this point forward you also got to remember if you're marching out Hendrick for a possible start you have to you better damn well make sure that your Bullpen ready to go because at that point you may only get three or four Innings out of the guy so you better make sure that he's not going out there on a day where the night before you absolutely exhausted your Bullpen and you don't have anybody in there you know that's what you need to really make sure that he's got the back end covered if he is going to start but it it's a very touchy subject and you know I I hate to say it I mean this might be the final harah for him now will he get a job as far as a pitching coach I I would be I would be remiss to say that it would be silly if he didn't because the knowledge that this guy has is unbelievable but I think that as far as pitching is concerned it's just going to have to be pick and choose when when he's going from this point forward yeah I agree I think the Cubs Health situation pitching wise doesn't lead to the the calls like from Arizona Phil to release him and his contract expires this year I am interested in like what his decision will be and if he's going to hang it up if he realizes this is it I don't know if I could stomach him wearing another uniform but I also am not sure like he is a viable pitcher in or starting pitcher in Major League Baseball and at this moment he is important depth as the Cubs try to kind of you know piece this thing together and they're not in an immediate playoff position so there is no reason to cut him at at this point so yeah I just don't see the value in getting rid of Kyle Hendricks but I do see a likelihood of like a way quicker trigger maybe he's an opener maybe somebody is an opener and Hendrick comes in after um like like we we see like a Nate Pearson come to start a game and then they bring in Hendrick maybe he's a little more effective after seeing some high velocity instead of you know having like having the big difference of going from you know Elite fastball down to you know East West soft stuff and get like two three Innings out of them and maybe that's what it is but yeah Jordan Wix has had some rehab starts we'll see it'll be interesting if maybe he's the one that's activated m is part of the the rotation plan for Nationals this weekend ayen wineski still hurt obviously you know Ben Brown still hurt there's you know there's not many options U maybe the Cubs give a shot excuse me if there's an absolute need to Caleb Killian he's been you know stretched out and starting down in Iowa and has you know had mixed results in the major leagues but you know the stuff plays and you know the Cubs are running out of time with him I believe he has you know he's rle five eligible after this season so he needs to be add the roster if he's going to be retained and if you don't know if he's a starter or relever you kind of need to figure out what he is you don't want to kind of let him go and have him Blossom somewhere else um right but yeah I think the Cubs have some some options one of those options is not to get rid of Kyle Hendricks and yeah the guy deserves if this is it to me he deserves like the David Ross treatment the the treatment like he's the last member of the 2016 team he's done so much for this organization he is just been like more than anyone ever thought he would be in a return for Ryan Dempster you know he was the afterthought in that trade and you know I remember when that Trey went down looking this guy up and reading about his change up and I got into higher end baseball analytics because of how Kyle Hendrick talked about tunneling and that that became my new like my new favorite thing was Pitch tunneling because Kyle Hendrick like put it on my radar and it's yeah yeah just such a cool dude seems like he's like a really nice like levelheaded guy and just a cerebral actual pitcher in an era of like throw it as hard as you can so it's yeah you don't see a lot of that kind of pictures anymore yeah I'm not ready for it to be over I don't blame you I don't blame you but that's a perfect transition to that's all we have for this week on bricks behind the ivy if you did not notice I'm going to back up a little bit what I'm wearing a bricks behind the ivy t-shirt Pat is wearing a bricks behind the ivy zip we have bricks behind the ivy merch on Etsy so go check out our Etsy store if you are a true brickhead you will rep the Pod so buy some stuff today there's t-shirts coffee mugs Zips sweatshirts backpacks holidays are coming let's go exactly they make great stocking stuffers let's go it's almost Grandparents Day Grandma and Grandpa to trick or treat throwing a shirt there you go so check it out today if you have not subscribed to the podcast on YouTube please do we are at 75 subscribers and inching closer to that 100 subscriber Mark which would be such a huge day for bricks behind the ivy if you are listening to this on the audio podcast make sure you are subscribing there you are reviewing the podcast there to help our reach and thank you so much for listening and continue to share bricks behind the ivy with all of your friends and until next week we will see you guys later and let's hope the Cubbies stay hot and make this thing super interesting down the stretch go cups let's go woohoo we are so excited to announce a brand new partnership with bricks behind the ivy yakie r Roasting Company this is started by three College friends at my amazing Alma moer Val pra University yagi Road Roasting Company is a specialty Boutique coffee roaster centered on ethically sourcing and meticulously roasting some of the most special coffees in the world a lot of life's most special moments happen over coffee which is why Yi Road ensures that the coffee in your mug is as special as the moment you're experiencing look for yagi road on the web at yagi road.com to order some FES freshly roasted coffee today and guess what there is a link in the description of this podcast to order some of that amazing coffee I had some the other week when I was in BPO meeting up with my friends over at yaggi road and it was so good thank you so much yaggi Road roasting company for becoming part of the bricks behind the ivy family

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Category: Sports

[music] n [music] [applause] [music] hey chicago what do you say it's the chgo cubs podcast and it's a w night we are in the winers lounge luk stm cody delmendo and ryan herrera with joey running the ones and twos celebrate 18 runs and i will admit it did feel a little bit long even though they scored... Read more

Kyle Hendricks' strong outing not enough, Chicago Cubs fall to Twins | CHGO Cubs Postgame Podcast thumbnail
Kyle Hendricks' strong outing not enough, Chicago Cubs fall to Twins | CHGO Cubs Postgame Podcast

Category: Sports

[music] three [music] [applause] [music] hey chicago what do you say this is the chgo cubs podcast oh boy we're back happy monday night if you're tuning in live with us here on cho sports youtube hit the like button for us that's the least you could do after the game we just watched hit the subscribe... Read more

Michael Busch and Cody Bellinger help Cubs beat their former team | CHGO Cubs POSTGAME Podcast thumbnail
Michael Busch and Cody Bellinger help Cubs beat their former team | CHGO Cubs POSTGAME Podcast

Category: Sports

[music] hey chicago what do you say it's the cho cubs postgame show podcast it is early in the morning and we are up for you right after the game cubs pound the dodgers you saw that kyle henri on the mound for the cubs and the cubs offense comes out to back him 10 runs 16 hits i believe and a win over... Read more

Pete Crow-Armstrong and Cubs offense shutout by Paul Skenes and Pirates | CHGO Cubs POSTGAME Podcast thumbnail
Pete Crow-Armstrong and Cubs offense shutout by Paul Skenes and Pirates | CHGO Cubs POSTGAME Podcast

Category: Sports

[applause] [music] [applause] [music] hey chicago what do you say it's the chgo cubs postgame show podcast luke stuar cody delmendo hopefully ryan herrera joining us from wrigley field before the end of the podcast kevin wells running the ones and twos and a five nothing shut out lost to the pirates... Read more

Chicago Cubs STUCK in the standings thumbnail
Chicago Cubs STUCK in the standings

Category: Sports

Two really bad months have hurt the cubs just like it did in 2023 you are locked on cubs your daily chicago cubs podcast part of the locked on podcast network your team every day you are locked on cubs part of the locked on podcast network your team every day alongside sam olber i'm matt cozy sam and... Read more

Chicago Cubs release reliever Hector Neris, promote Jack Neely | CHGO Cubs Podcast thumbnail
Chicago Cubs release reliever Hector Neris, promote Jack Neely | CHGO Cubs Podcast

Category: Sports

And i did have one question for you cody what was your favorite part of the hector nerys era uh when he almost blew the save against arguably the worst team of all time or at least that me and you have ever seen um and then went postgame and said that he's the best that was my favorite part of the hector... Read more

Jaw-Dropping: All 27 Outs of Cubs No-Hitter! | MLB Highlights thumbnail
Jaw-Dropping: All 27 Outs of Cubs No-Hitter! | MLB Highlights

Category: Sports

Mentioned is outstanding record 19-6 are the cubs when he's a starting pitcher he himself 11 and3 with a 3.14 a popup go one out third parades nice scoop but a drop the end of it by michael bush and brian reynolds is a and billy miller missed the call he didn't see that ball pop out of uh michael bush's... Read more

Jordan Wicks and Chicago Cubs can't sweep Los Angeles Dodgers | CHGO Cubs POSTGAME Podcast thumbnail
Jordan Wicks and Chicago Cubs can't sweep Los Angeles Dodgers | CHGO Cubs POSTGAME Podcast

Category: Sports

[music] hey chicago what do you say it's the chgo c postgame show podcast it is bright and early or dark and early take your pick it is early and the cubs have lost a frustrating game to the dodgers that really they had no business even being in anyways uh luke stuck cody delmendo ryan herrera with... Read more

Anthony Rizzo Returns To Wrigley To Face The Chicago Cubs thumbnail
Anthony Rizzo Returns To Wrigley To Face The Chicago Cubs

Category: Sports

Two superstars and one cub alltime great visit wrigley this weekend let's talk about it you are locked on cubs your daily chicago cubs podcast part of the locked on podcast network your team every day you are locked on cubs part of the locked on podcast network your team every day i'm sam olber a lifelong... Read more