The Horrific Crimes of Nicholas Rossi

Published: Jul 28, 2024 Duration: 01:16:11 Category: Entertainment

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Start hi guys so as a starting point if any of you have time to subscribe to my second Channel Tales of tragedy I'd appreciate that there'll be a link in the description secondly this is a case I've been desperate to cover for a while because it's so bizarre with so many twists and turns I was ready for it to be resolved but as I get to in the video it's likly to drag on for years so I'll cover what's happened so far and it's wild seriously buckle up for this one anyway on with the video Nicholas Rossy is an American serial intro rapist career criminal domestic abuser fraudster and as pure an example of a narcissist I think I've covered on this channel who in January 2020 was wanted by us authorities for Stringer crimes announced that he had terminal cancer a month later his widow who claimed her name was Louise said that he was dead and relay this information to Media outlets in his home city of Providence Rhode Island however almost 2 years later and 3,000 Mi away a man suffering from covid was admitted to a hospital in Glasgow Scotland his fingerprints and Tattoos match those of Nicholas Rossy but this man said that he was Arthur Knight an Irish orphan who'd never been to America he was married to a woman called Miranda Knight who parroted her husband's claims and they appeared on camera in bizarre and unintentionally hilarious interviews with Rossy sitting in a wheelchair despite being able to walk using the Ock mask he didn't need need he used his media appearances to play the victim and claim that this was a case of mistaken identity as shown by this clip and I would like to go back to being a normal husband but I I can't because I can't breathe I can't walk uh people say that's an act let me try to stand up let me try to stand up exactly please exactly what happened next was a bizarre 2-year fight to prove Arthur kn and Nicholas Rossy were the same person and extradite him to America to face Justice including two rapes which he committed over a decade before which just part of a horrifying pattern of violence against women that crisscrossed the United States and extended to the shores of the UK welcome to evil among [Music] Nicholas Rossi us as a starting point I need to say that Nicholas Rossy is a man who used at least 13 different alyses throughout his life in order to tell his story I use some of these names including Nicholas Rossy Nicholas aldian and Arthur Knight depending on what I'm discussing but they're all the same person his purpose for doing this was to cause confusion but I want to lessen this for you guys Nicholas Ross is the name which appears most frequently news articles so I use that one predominantly he was actually born Nicholas alvan on July the 11 1987 in Providence the capital of Rhode iseland the smallest state in the United States which lies in the northeast of the country his parents were Diana and Jack Alan the Disturbed man that Nicholas Rossy became is firmly rooted in a dysfunctional and horrific childhood Ross has claimed his father was a psychopath who had regularly beat his wife and killed the family dog in front of the children of which there were three including two younger siblings Joseph and Deandra as will become clear it's impossible to take much of what Rossy says seriously he's compulsive liar so we have to turn to other sources to verify his statements withu his claims about Jack they actually seem true Jack was a career criminal and extremely violent man he had convictions for rising bad checks obtaining money by deception selling cocaine domestic violence against multiple women and breaching protective orders including against Diana in 2001 a m Jack dragging Woman by a hair into a mobile home screaming they called the police and when they arrived they were confronted with a battered and blooded woman who identified herself as Jack's girlfriend she also disclosed that he'd beaten her before this instant this woman sought a restraining order adding to the long list of women that Jack aldian had abused then had to be barred by the court from contacting this was long after Jack and Diana divorced in 1990 and it appears he floated in and out of his children's lives in between spending time in mental health hospitals or jail the influence of Jack on his son's development can be seen the parallels in their offending clearly Jack taught his children that others were merely there to use and abuse and rules inly to them by 1994 when Rossy was just 7 years old he was uncontrollable in fact all of the children were this was the year that Diana who worked as a waitress and in nightclubs met man called David Rossy who was a renowned angelbert hum impersonator for those scratching their heads angleur is a British singer who has had a career spanning almost 70 years and who was especially big in the UK and the US in the 1960s and 1970s anyway there was an instant attraction between David and Diana and they began dating Diana was reluctant to introduce David to the children because they were out of control he believed she was exaggerating but when he met them he actually found that she played down the situation he later stated quote they destroyed my house ripping things off the walls throwing things out of the refrigerator my first depression of Nikki was the ad mental problems it just got worse with every day he would urinated his brother's bed just to get his brother in trouble jump out of Windows and run away in his underwear Diana said this is why you don't get involved but I stuck with it I thought they needed a father in addition to this Rossy was smear feis on the walls he clearly wanted to destroy and was completely defiant he would act in any way simply to break rules even if by doing so it would be detrimental to his own life he was also a pathological liar I would lie about everything and anything even if again it actually caused issues for him in the long run David Stu with Diana and they married in West Valley Inn near Providence in 1996 but Ross's Behavior continued and became worse as the years went on David ler reported quote he just wouldn't listen in school he hit the mother hit the grandmother all the time hit his siblings I used to have to hold him down and he'd be spitting at me when he was around 10 years old Rossy was committed to mental health facilities firstly Butler Hospital and then Bradley Hospital a specialist pediatric facility here he was diagnosed with PTSD and ADHD it was also noted a showing trace of narcissistic personalities disorder or MPD MPD is a mental health condition I've covered numerous times on this channel the number of symptoms and intensity experienced by someone with MPD varies depending on the intensity of this condition these symptoms can include having an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and requiring constant excessive admiration expecting to be recognized a superior even without achievement believing they are superior to others they can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people with them looking down on those they consider unimportant exploiting victimizing manipulating and abusing others including their closest Associates for example friends and family in order to get what they want this is often accompanied by pathological lying and underpinned by a lack of empathy for others becoming impatient or angry when they don't receive special recognition or treatment and lastly reacting with Rage or contempt and trying to belittle other people to make themselves appear Superior as you'll see Nicholas Rossy taks all of these boxes and is clearly an example of a severe case of MPD however this is not what made Rossy so dangerous it was the fact that he was intelligent cunning and Charming he was a practice manipulator from a young age and had aspirations of being someone in the world regardless of what he had to do to achieve this and who he had to destroy to get there as a child he said he was going to be on the cover of Forbes one day Rossy returns to the family home after psychiatric care but his behavior continued it was during a family holiday to Disney World Florida in 1999 the David finally snapped during the trip Rossy age 12 by this point was causing Terror to the family and other guests pushing in line and telling people to [ __ ] off he began to hit his mother and David then beat up his stepson he later recalled quote I hit him so hard I broke his nose I broke his jaw was I proud of it no but I couldn't take no more David was arrested and charged with assault but this was dropped when evidence regarding Ross's Behavior was presented to the court David and Diana separated soon after this I want to play you a short clip of David recently speaking about his former stepson and he doesn't mince his words what was your first impression of Nikki Daddy had mental problems really yes even at what when how old we have been at the time maybe he was he just got worse so every day there was something with him he would urinate on his brother's bed just to get the brother in trouble yeah jump out windows run away in his underwear I said Diane he needs mental help there's a hospital in Providence called Butler go help him they couldn't handle him they threw him out they threw him out what did he do that might him another kid not listening urinating on beds wiping feces on the wall he was he was just unbelievable like I said he's a devil's spor just before Christmas 1999 Nicholas wasi was taken into foster care and spent the majority of his remaining childhood in the care of Rhode Island's department of children youth and families or DCF Rossy was baned from care home to care home during this time he claimed to have been the victim of physical and sexual abuse he began writing letters robbing shoulders with politicians in the state who believed his heartbreaking tales and while still a teenager he began advocating for the rights of other children in care stating that the DCF was broken he was given a job in the road Island House of Representatives at the age of just 14 years old with his role being to inform lawmakers about his negative experiences in care which would allow them to shape reforms to be clear Nicholas Rossy didn't give two shits about children care if they had any money he would have robbed them of it it was about being in the halls of power having the influence of politicians and therefore making himself feel more important he also gave him an opportunity to manipulate and blackmail people into handing over money one of the politicians we crossed paths with was Brian G kougan who at the time of meeting Rossy in around 2000 or early 2001 was representing Rhode Island's 64th District pair became close and soon after Brian and his wife agreed to give him to Ross's requests to be forly adopted it got as far as the court hearing to formalize the adoption but the judge actually stepped in and wared Brian of what he was potentially getting himself into the judge told Brian that the authorities didn't have any information to corroborate Ross's claims and in fact it appeared he was the abuser not the victim whilst in care the judge specifically said to Brian quote there's something really wrong with that kid he would try to undermine you and turn your family upside down Brian himself heard Rossy threatening a social worker with him telling them if they didn't do what he said he would accuse them of sexual abuse this was a repeating pattern with Rossy with Brian stating quote the kid swindled a lot of people he got certain reps to give him money and sometimes he threatened them he knew how to play the you touch me card he'd say I'll tell people you raped me you assaulted me when Brian cgan changed his mind the fell away and Rossy turned on him Rossy bounced between care placements including ones in Rhode Island Nebraska and Florida until 2005 when he was 18 years old at which point he was discharged from the responsibility of DCF up to this point everything I've spoken about Ur but Nicholas was he was a child it's clear he was already an incredibly manipulative deceptive vindictive and vicious Predator when he became an adult floodgates appeared to open the true evil of Nicholas Rossy was revealed through engaging in a crime spree of Staggering proportions which have not only crisscross the United States also span continents within physically emotionally and sexually abusing multiple Escalation women moving forward I'm going to focus predominantly on Nicholas rossy's violent and sexual crimes however keep in mind he continued to scam and K people in person and online throughout this time and I mentioned some of these offenses were relevant so how many women Nicholas Rossy has abused and raped is not known and likely never will be his childhood have made him used to moving around and he criss-crossed the United States settling in one area before causing chaos and then moving on so the true extent of his crimes is difficult to quantify it seems that some of these moves were linked to him following previous foster parents but it seems that generally he knew that committing crimes are cross the breadth of the United States will make it more difficult to link him to his offenses and stop him as we go along I'll number the women he's victimized so you can see the true extent of his offending so recently A woman has come forward indicating that rossy's campaign of sexual violence against women began in 2007 when he was 19 years old during this year a woman who's referred to by the pseudonim Samantha in media reports received an email from Rosy which contained a fake Harvard acceptance letter the had quote unquote accidentally sent to her it's not clear whether the pair knew each other but they were both from Providence although Samantha was located in a dorm room at her College in Massachusetts at the time which is one of the states adjacent to Rhode Island this fake letter had the desired effect it led to contact between Samantha and Rossy and he used his superficial charm to his full advantage to get us agreed to go on a date with him Rossy traveled into state by train and met with Samantha and she recall quote everything just seemed so perfect he was super gentlemanly and very well spoken and super kind and everything like that he was fun to talk to I know now that everything he did was incredibly scripted and out of a Playbook then went to dinner and back to Samantha's dorm room to watch a film together it was here that Rossy began to change Samantha stated quote he kept pressing me to sex saying things like oh I just spent so long on the train just like guilty me basically and I was just trying to play it off I said no I refused I was like I don't want to do this he wouldn't stop he wouldn't let it go it got to the point where I was sick of hearing it from him then I very specifically remember he threatened me he said something like you're going to agress it if you don't I was like I don't know what that means I don't know what that means but I don't want to find out what it means Rossy then pinned Samantha down and raped her the next morning she was in shock I was desperate to get Rossy out of her room she even agreed to give mbat Providence and they stopped us a drivethru on the way Samantha said quote I remember thinking how [ __ ] up is it that I'm buying my rapist breakfast right now she felt that she wouldn't be relieved if she went to the police and after sending Rossy a message Sly raped her she blocked him from contacting her again soon after this inent Nicholas Rossy moved to Ohio with a couple which include sholan and her husband who became de facto foster parents to him supporting this young man whil he found his place in the world they were originally from Providence and it's here where they'd met Rossy several years before Rossy would later repay their Hospitality by taking out 22 fake credit cards with a coup's names and racking up $2,000 in debt in January 2008 when Nicholas Rossy was 20 years old he was studying at Sinclair Community College in dayon also a student there was Mary grabinsky clearly Rossy was using the campus to find victims and selected Mary and he reached out to her via Myspace Mary had a boyfriend and she made this clear but said that she was open to making new friends the par greet to meet at the cafeteria and after a brief meeting Rossy offered to walk Mary to class when there was no one around she stated quote he pinned me up against the wall and put his hands down my pants I said please stop can I please leave let me leave but he starts touching himself and unzipped his pants he said shut up [ __ ] I'm almost done and then ejaculated on the wall behind me I was 19 Mary managed to escape and bumped to attack her later that day he was begging her not to report him to the police and giving the most feeble excuses Mary remembers quote he said I'm sorry you're are beautiful I couldn't help myself despite rossy's please Mary did go to the police and he was arrested convicted of sexual imposition and public indecency and placed on the sex offenders register for 15 years as if Nicholas Ross's Behavior was not evil enough he tried to sue Mary twice in 2009 in 2013 both suits were based on rossy's claims that Mary had damaged his reputation and caused him emotional distress and humiliation in the 2013 case he presented a post in Myspace in court as evidence which was entitled I a drunky [ __ ] which was supposedly written by Mary to her boyfriend at the time of the assault claiming that she'd made up the allegations because she didn't want to admit that she cheated and jeopardized their relationship this was proven to be a fake post created by Rossy the cases were thrown out but the trauma that Mary felt was drawn out for years things got worse in 2014 this sick monster wrote a deranged essay entitled my personal 9/11 in which he castigated Mary and equated her reporting him for sexual assault to the worst terrorist atrocity on American soil part of this red quote I the victim and Mary grabinsky is the perpetrator I victimized every day of my life I've spent the majority of that life trying to make the world a better place lobbing for foster care reform Universal Health Care educational system improvements and other courses my life has effectively been ended by Mary's evil Act of Terror Mary's bravery would actually lead to the doubtful of Nicholas Rossy as his DNA was taken as past arrest her assault this would help link him to a further rape which occurred just months after Mary's ordeal this was one of two they committed before the end of the year the first of these occurred in September 2008 by this point Rossy has scurried across the country I was living in the state of Utah in the Western United States the victim is a 21-year old woman who has not been identified yet but we'll call her Kate Kate and Rossy had met online and dated for a few weeks however he' beaten her from day one and had borrowed money from her on September the 13th Rossy L Kate to his apartment in the city of Oram on the pretense of paying her back the money he owed he locked her in the property and raped her Kate was only able to escape when Rossy was distracted she then went to the hospital and spoke to the police to report the offense a sexual assault kit was completed as part of her examination in nether November or December 2008 Rossy was dating a twin 6-y old woman from Salt Lake City who all called Laura she was again someone he met online approaching her VI Myspace the relationship moved quickly with the pair buying wedding rings within the first few weeks they then had a violent argument as the shopping center and Laura fled to her car and locked the door with Rossy hammering on the window he then threatened Laura saying she didn't open the door he would call the police and accuse her of assaulting him Laura opened the door and when there was turned back to his apartment he raped her she would not report her AAL to the police until years later Nicholas Rossy returned to Rhode Island in 2009 when he was 22 years old within months he began dating kimbery who within weeks had broken the relationship off and was then stoed by Rossy she went to the police to make a report stating he bombarded her with messages including calling her a psycho [ __ ] between July 2010 and May 2011 Four Women F complaints about Rossy all sighting abusive Behavior one of these Stephanie sayat that Rossy had forced her to withdraw money to pay him back for a dinner he bought her because she refused to have sex with him she was then forced into being recorded saying that she quote could not pursue legal action that the money she gave him was for therapy for him due to her violent actions and her sexual addiction however in amongst these women Rossy got married on the 5th of November 2010 not much is known about this woman who will called Chloe but the marriage only lasted 6 months with her fining for divorce in May 2011 chlo then went to the courts to get a restraining order against Rossy citing violence and abusive behavior and she also reported he was stalking her it's important to point out there's clear crossover in rossy's relationships if you can even call them that he was likely in multiple relationships at any given time but abusing multiple women was also looking his next victim despite having a criminal record Being A registered sex offender and having multiple complaints loged with the police about his behavior Rossy went back to trying to influence policy regarding the treatment of children in Rhode Island's care system he would frequently speak to committees and continue to rub shoulders with influential politicians in 2011 age 23 Nicholas Rossy brought a civil suit against Rhode Island's department of children youth and Families claiming that he suffered years of abuse whilst in state care he represented himself which gave him further attention and recognition which he desperately craved in 2013 the suit was settled out of court for an undisclosed son that is believed to have been in the region of $70,000 Rossy began living the High Life driving around everywhere and in aines and paying enormous restaurant bills who his friends Ross he was in a relationship around this time with philipper and had been bragging about his step father's role as an angelbert humperdink impersonator and he thought an introduction would impress his partner this was David Rossy the PE had barely spoken over the last 10 years but he agreed to meet for dinner in an upm Market restaurant in Providence DAV later recalls that when his former stepson went to the bathroom Philipa turned to him and said quote Mr Rossy please help me he responded what's the matter sweetheart came that Philipa then said that she was trapped in an abusive relationship with Nicholas Rossy you couldn't get out David said that when Rossy returned from the bathroom he said quote if you touch this girl again I'll beat the [ __ ] ass of you this was the last interaction the pair had in early 2015 Rossy was again back in the state of Ohio and met a woman through the church called Catherine hecken them the pair entered into a relationship which moved quickly and by October 2015 they were married the marriage only lasted seven months during that time Catherine was subjected to constant abuse some of which she recorded here's a clip of her talking about the trauma she experienced which includes recordings of Rosy abusing her I felt very robbed I've I always wanted you know my dad to walk me down the aisle in a white dress to be a celebration with family and friends to then be able to go on a honeymoon and just really feel that love [Music] then we went home home being Nick's um house before a [Music] marriage something in him just changed now we're married he believes he has me and he can treat me however he wants stop I'm sorry you [ __ ] you are ow ow ow [ __ ] you you let me out I'm sorry for yelling then let me out Nick thrived off controlling me he took my phone and locked me in the bathroom the longest time was about 2 days I did not have food just running water there were so many times where it would get physical I had a black eye a knife to my throat I didn't even feel safe in our own bed we took control there too in subsequent interviews Katherine has stated that she was raped repeatedly by rossie she's also reported a detail which shows how prolific and predatory this man was she stated quote when he was out I was down in the basement trying to clean up and I found he had a bunch of boxes there was a ton of journals written by Nick it looked like they had different entries from different universities across the states I remember one from Idaho it said the girl's name her class schedule her life and dislikes it also said she has a boyfriend who doesn't like me don't approach her issues with her boyfriend it was very creepy there were probably about 15 to 20 all full of women's details I only looks about four of them that was enough I keep waiting for some of these women to come forward I think he was using these journals to try to see if he could spark a romantic relationship with them if they had money even better he was just away to find his next victim Catherine got a protective order Rossy continues to victimize her for the next 2 years before the divorce was finalized in 2017 this included removing all the property from the house early in the relationship Rossy borrowed $52,000 from Catherine to set up a community project which went straight into his pockets which he never paid back Catherine had to go through years of therapy to begin to come to terms with the trauma she sof up the hands of Nicholas Rossy taking a break here as well as stealing likely north of a million dollars Rossy had abused at least 12 women in the space of around 10 years raping four of them and these are just the ones we know about he had crisscrossed the United States committing crimes in at least four states Rhode Island Massachusetts Ohio and Utah all of this was before reached his 30th birthday this story would be terrible enough even if at this point I said that this evil man was caught and sentenced etc for The Saga of Nicholas Rossy is just getting started in 2017 authorities in Utah Fleeing the country began working their way through a backlog of untested sexual assault kits DNA from one of these from the rape of Kate on September the 13th 2008 the City of Orum was found to match a DNA of Nicholas Rossy an investigation was started but it wasn't until 2020 that an arrest warrant was issued for him but by the time this arrest warrant was issued Nicholas Rossy was long gone authorities were later able to determine that he' flown out of the US on an American Airlines flight Bound for Dublin Ireland on the 4th of June 2017 he then made his way to London and began looking for his next victim a woman he could abuse rape and control who provide him with bed and board and money he went back to his tried and tested method of internet dating sites and social media and it was here contacted a woman in her mid-30s called Michelle Minar Michelle lived in Essex a county in southeast England and she was a single mother to a 10-year-old boy with special needs and a 7-year-old girl Michelle invited Rossy to meet her and he turned up with all of his belongings and moved himself in as he' done time and time again the abuse began immediately the relationship lasted only 5 weeks and within days Rossy was trying to control everything he Ed I Michelle's daughter unfortunately it's clear why as she would have been his next victim with regards to her son Rossy Dem minded that he'd be moved out of the house into a care home because quote he'll never be able to contribute to society he also stole Michelle's daughter's pocket money and tried to blame it on her son when Michelle refused sex she was raped eventually Rossy fled and Michelle went to Essex police and reported the rap that the man who committed it was named Nicholas Al Verdian the name he was using at the time they began an investigation but I've been unable to find out whatever happened in this case he's not been charged with this offense with the time of recording Rossy then moved to Bristol it should be pointed out the was able to move so freely because he was still scamming people online sometimes raking in tens of thousands of dollars from individuals and organizations it was impal that the Persona of Arthur Knight emerged where he Meed important character in this story Miranda Arthur and Miranda Knight and The walls close in night Nicholas Rossy appears to have lived in Bristol a City Southwest England from approximately 2017 until May 2021 it was here in 2019 that he began dating a woman called Miranda Knight it's important to point out that by this point he was going by the name Arthur Knight or to give him his full title Dr Nicholas Arthur Timothy Knight brown but he shortened this Dr of what who knows Rossy claimed to various people in his fake British accent that he was educated at Cambridge Harvard and Princeton that he lectured at Bristol University I'll use the name Knight occasionally moving forward but if it's not obvious by now this is indeed Nicholas Rossy Miranda Knight is an enigma and her role in this case is still unclear specifically how much this woman know and how complicit was she in what happened next there's almost no information on Miranda but those who knew her have come forward to comment from this it appears she was a mosaic artist who exhibited her work a Galleries and craft fairs around the west of England she studied art at both the University of Portsmouth and the Southampton Institute for fashion design she was a free spirit who apparently offered prospective clients Color Your Castle and color your wardrobe consultations as well as color x-rays to discover your inner color Consciousness a defunct website had pictures showing her unique fashion sense and included statements such as quote I believe in harnessing the power of color to energize or calm ground or uplift and shape the quality of life Miranda was also a devout Roman Catholic at least one friend has said that she was quite lonely was somewhat naive a person likely to be taken advantage of by others at the time that she began dating Rossy she was apparently working BQ advising customers on pain color schemes it's clear that Miranda was lived repeatedly to the media police and the courts the only question is why which is something we'll Circle back to later Miranda claimed in one interview that she and Arthur Knight met at the Victorian Albert Museum in London in 2012 when they struck up a conversation about art however she was apparently in a relationship at that time but when they met up again in Bristol in 2019 through the church she was then in a position where they could date whether any of this history is true is unknown the pair began dating and they married only months later on the 22nd of February 2020 at St Nicholas church in wit chur Bristol it was a very strange Affair there was almost no one there and specifically no friends or family of KN this is because the co to Miranda Arthur n told her that he had no family because he was an Irish born orphan it's important to highlight the timeline of their relationship and to point out at this early stage that Miranda has repeatedly stated that our husband is Arthur night and not Nicholas Rossy that she had no involvement in helping the latter Escape Justice whilst the pair were dating over the Atlantic the FBI were looking for Nicholas Rossy not because of Any violence or sexual acts against women but because of him defrauding Sharon Lane and her husband the couple in Ohio who had taken him in after he left the care system and who he defrauded to the tune $200,000 how Rossy knew that the FBI was searching for him is unclear but regardless he had no intention of facing Justice and decided he needed to disappear for good in January 2020 Nicholas Rossy The “death” of Nicholas Rossi reached out to a number of media outlets in Providence insisting that they report that he was now terminally ill with cancer he claimed he was living in Ireland when in reality he was living in Bristol the media were also contacted by a woman who claimed to be rossy's wife and called herself Louise Nicholas Rossy was claimed to have died on February the 29th 2020 and this information was relayed VI a number of phone calls and emails from his now Widow Louise when the Providence Journal asked a proof in the form of her death certificate she refused to provide this an obiter appeared online memorializing Rossy shortly after his death and I think you can tell who wrote it it begins quote Nicholas Alan's Battle For Life ended on February the 29th 2020 the children and families in the care of the Road Island Department of Children Youth and families for whom he inspired and led through turbulent government transgressions have lost a warrior that fought on the front lines for two decades further on it said at the bedside were Mrs aldian their two children an extended family his last words were fear not a run towards the Bliss of the Sun at the time of his passing the room was filled with the sound of the end credits for the 1997 film contact by composer Alan sylvestri a film and score which H special meaning for Mr aldian Mr aldian was a devout Roman Catholic in keeping with Mr Alan's wishes his earthy remains were crated with his ashes scattered at Sea it continued Statesmen and States women in the House of Representatives and Senate joined with Mays across Rhode Island in homage to a man whom they acknowledge as one of the most vocal outspoken constructive advocates for reforming Rhode Islands dcyf and the child care system and a fighter in spirit but a peacemaker in practice for two decades his name when uttered in memorium in the House and Senate chambers and City Halls throughout the ocean state was a fitting tribute as those were the spaces where our Verdian labeled as a warrior for those without a voice for two decades commenting on not just issues surrounding the department of children youth and families but also Business Health Public Safety and education clearly most of this is [ __ ] Nicholas Rossy has spent two decades raping and victimizing women across the United States unfortunately part of this last statement is true Ross's passing was acknowledged on the house floor and he was prayed for his contributions to child care reforms I still unclear how it seems politicians he interacted with knew nothing of his history Louise called various agencies and organizations in Providence in order to organize memorials for her dear departed husband many of these phone calls were actually recorded So Nicholas Rossy was apparently dead this was such a piss poor attempt of Faking his own death it was seen through immediately by multiple people Nicholas Rossy couldn't get out of his own way someone using the same login details for rossie was editing his Wikipedia page in late 2020 long after his reported death removing anything negative about him checks were undertaken in Island where Rossy was meant to have died but there was no record of his passing the Providence Journal investigated the death of Rossy and in early 2021 they received what they described as an incoherent and rambling nine-page email apparently from his widow Louise criticizing his sexual assault victim Mary grabinsky the police and the judge this was clearly written by Rossy and showed his obsession with this incident and his pathological grievance towards Mary as she had dared to report him to the author ities people who read the obituary who knew Rossy were convinced that he'd written it himself it was around this time that the warrant was issued for his arrest in Utah for the rape of Kate on September the 13th 2008 in the city of oron after his DNA was found to be a match Ohio will also after him for failure to abide by the terms of his Sex Offender Registration the FBI will ask the convince about rossy's supposed death they spoke to his attorney who said that he moved to Ireland when when they spoke to others they found that he told people he'd relocated to Canada Germany and Switzerland the intricacies of the FBI investigation have not been revealed but they knew that Nicholas Rossy was not dead and they at the very least were aware of his General location this is likely because they were able to trace him electronically whilst he carried on scamming people online to find his lifestyle they knew that he'd moved to Scotland in May 2021 and were coordinating with police Scotland to track down and apprehend this very dangerous man during this month Nicholas Rossy or Arthur Knight as he was calling himself was living in a flat in The Woodlands area of Glasgow with Miranda the reason for this relocation is unclear but likly because he was trying to escape crimes he' commissioned in Bristol or elsewhere in England Arthur Knight was a well-known character in the area he was a man who insisted on being noticed a news article stated quote he drank in local pubs dressed in flamboyant clothing and made out of friends and neighbors that he and his wife Miranda had L A lavish lifestyle but were now settling in the city to have a family the article also said he had a perfect English accent there was no trace of an American twang he spoke as if he was an aristocrat he showed me pictures of his big house in Bristol and the nice big cars out front nitus also said to have walk with a limp he used a walking stick whilst always being dressed immaculately in suits this is the hilarious thing about Nicholas Rossy his narcissism meant he had no ability to blend in he would not degrade himself by pretending to be one of the Riff Raff he had to be superior to everyone and so he pretended to be an aristocrat taking on the Persona of a caricature of an Englishman in his dress voice and demeanor it may be a surprise to some of you but most of us over here don't speak or dress like Arthur Knight I think Rossy had seen D and Abby or the crown one too many times it would have stuck out like a sore thumb anywhere especially in Glasgow due to overwhelming evidence that Nicholas Rossy was still alive the FBI petitioned interpo to issue a red notice which they did instructing police forces worldwide to arrest him so that he could be returned to the United States within the red notice were photos of Rossy and his distinctive tattoos to allow identification the co pandemic would lead to Nicholas Rossy falling into the lack of authorities and bring to an end a two decade long crime spring that cross continents and ruined countless lives but he wouldn't go Capture and Scottish Legal proceedings quietly in October 2021 Nicholas Rossy contracted covid and became extremely unwell he was submitted to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital under the name Arthur Knight he ended up in intensive care in a coma and on a ventilator for 18 days again it's clear that he was being trapped by the authorities and officers from police Scotland attended the hospital and showed staff the red notice which included pictures of rossy's tattoos it appears that Rossy had tattoos removed on his lower but not his upper arms and these were recognized by medical staff who pointed them in the direction of Arthur Knight when Nicholas Rossy woke up he found police officers standing around his bed I love to imagine his shock when he saw them on December the 13th 2021 Arthur and I was arrested on suspicion of being Nicholas Rossy who was wanted for rape in Utah his fingerprints were taken and those of Arthur Knight were found to be a perfect match to Nicholas Rossy on December the 23rd 2021 Knight appeared in court via video link from hospital and was granted bail the prosecution indicated there was concerning information that Arthur and I was planning to flee the day after the baale hearing he left the hospital despite being expected to be there for weeks and he and Miranda hold themselves up in their flat on Jan the 20th 2022 Arthur I failed to attend a course appearance as mared into prison but was re-released on Bale in February 2022 during this bow hearing he insisted on being referred to as Arthur Knight and claimed that he was not Nicholas Rossy each and every time he appeared Arthur Knight was in a wheelchair hooked up to an oxygen machine neither of which he needed national attention fell on this strange case and Arthur Knight always Whi arounded by his side was filmed attending each hearing and also gave a number of bizarre and frankly hilarious television interviews I'll play some of these clips for you we were once a normal family but thanks to the media our lives have been interrupted and we'd like privacy and I would like to go back to being a normal husband but I can't because I can't breathe I can't work people say that's act let me try to stand up let me try to stand up exactly exactly what do you say to to someone who believes that that you are Nicholas alian I am not Andrea I am not Nicholas althy and I do not know how to make this clear what do you say to people who say these are crocodile tears he's putting on an show this is all an act oh and that's a l blue that's a right low blue [Music] please stop stop it I can't [Music] help please you have a today sir some help at the oxygen mask is not oygen going into your I am trying to function Rel an abuser would all of you like to see a video of this woman jany assaulting and abusing me in hand in front of cig Johnson I need oxygen I can't breathe now I'm not on any Oxygen someone just can you move your arm please so I can get to it this woman assaulted me in my own namee and a video which I will provide for your evidence you did and you insinuated that I my wife with you you intimated that I was unfaithful to my wife with you come let's get that I was to my wife with you and it's all on recording show on video and audio recordes with my wife and Away R Miranda what do you what do you think of this situation that again basically everybody here and the authorities in the United States say the person you're sitting next to is not who you say he is and that he's a a Serial liar someone who faked his death and also a Serial sex offender in the United States well I I know my husband inside out um I've been with him a number of years now and I think a husband and wife you get to a very close level that you know everything about um each other and you know uh characteristics and how you act together what I read about this Nicholas uh Rosie Rossy whatever his name is is that he he from what I read it's uh he he's done some pretty terrible things um and how he acts and he seems to have done them over a number of years over his life and he seemed to do it consistently so since my husband and I have been together um he has been a gentleman he has been kind um you know he he doesn't show any characteristics which frighten me make me feel uncomfortable um I'm a pretty strong woman um and you know I've been through uh you know different long-term relationships in my life and I know what to look for and I think when you make that decision to marry someone you have to make sure that you know that person inside out um and the ab absolutely after free Comas too and from what I read about this this Nicholas um Rosie is that you know he's he has um a history of you know sexual assaults and things like that around women and I think you know if you have that type of tendency you can't hide that I think that comes up time and time again and my husband has shown sort of no Tendencies at all that ever would that's ever frightened me so you know I'm know my husband very well all I can say is to be in this situation is quite bizarre that's all I can say you know I went from in September my husband catching covid in hospital free Comas which um in itself has been so distressing uh so traumatic 5% chance absolutely and I um could have almost have been a widow you know and that was told to me time and time again and the sheer number of times that he went on a ventilator meant that his survival rate was just going down and down and down so to come out of that and for my husband to be a covid Survivor to then be met with this bizar story this International story which is pretty crazy we're just a normal couple average couple with two dogs um you know doing very normal normal things in our lives and to be in this media storm is pretty horrendous and to have press at your door really scared to go out for a pint of milk and you know because of the press intrusion it's been very very hard but together we you know we're GNA fight it together because you know arur is my husband I love him very much and you know he's not he's not this person there's no way and just finally I know I know I asked you this before you can't show me your bicep further up your arm you're that what was that I'm sorry I can email you photos they or I can show them to you live if you're into that sort of thing okay so you can't right you you you can't you're saying you're not going to roll up your sleeve to show me right now I'm saying I can show you live if you're into that sort of thing or I email you photographs later it's up to yourself well if you can do it now sure that would require undoing my oxygen mask removing my Blazer sht and to be fair it would be extremely difficult because ala can't can't walk and I literally have to lift him up so it's very difficult because he can't wait he can't Lo there on his feet over the next 18 months Arthur and I tried every trick in the book to delay proceedings including not turning up and having himself readmitted to hospital due to ill health again luckily he was his Own Worst Enemy on one occasion when told that he would be discharged he ran at hospital staff and tried to attack them contradicting his pathetic claims in court he was too ill to walk unaided doctors said there was nothing wrong with his lungs he didn't need to wear an oxygen mask as shown by the fact that during one trip to court his oxygen tank detached and rolled off down the road but Knight appeared not to notice in amongst his pantomim over in Utah Laura who Rossy had raped in November or December 2008 in Salt Lake City had reported her attack to the police a SN now who was wanted for two serious sexual attacks against two women the cour quick got sick of Arthur Knight and in July 2022 6 months after his inore arrest his bail was revoked he was remed into hmp Edinburgh where he continued to destroy his own story here he was aggressive kicking doors and trying to attack staff showing no indication of any physical disability as his delaying tactics failed arthon Knight's demeanor changed he was no longer as Jal when he was welded into court now handcuffed a prison staff his statements in court were ridiculous he claimed and brace yourself for this they didn't have tattoos before his coma and that he must have been tattooed whilst he was in hospital also fingerprints were apparently taken by employees at the hospital passed to a corrupt member of law enforcement in Utah who then passed this to Intero who changed the Fingerprints of Rossy on file to match his in terms of his DNA matching that of Rossy Knight claimed this had also been doctored to make him seem like a guilty man Miranda I also gave evidence in court recounting her [ __ ] story that her husband was Arthur Knight an Irish born orphan who had to the best of her knowledge never been to the United States on the 2nd of August 2023 a ruling was made in edra Sheriff's court that Arthur Knight was in fact Nicholas Rossy and that he should be extradited to the US here is part of that ruling is of course to deny that he's Nicholas Rossi the man who's the subject of the extradition requests who we know was born in the USA and is a US citizen Affidavit of Miss Johnson at paragraph 34 and who the court has already found him to be and he continues to maintain that he's an Irishman adopted at Birth long resident in the United Kingdom and who has never set foot in the United States he has with medical professionals and in court avoided questions about his childhood and upbringing I conclude because that is a canvas on which he has not yet chosen to paint although he has asserted various psychiatric ailments which ultimately could not be established without the history that he has chosen not to to share I conclude that he is as dishonest and deceitful as he is evasive and manipulative those unfortunate facets of his character have undoubtedly complicated and extended what is ultimately a straightforward case this was appeal up to the highest court in Scotland but they reaffirmed the ruling and on the 5th of January 2024 Nicholas Rossy AKA Arthur Knight was flown out the UK to Utah to face Justice US Legal proceedings Nicholas Rossy faces two separate sets of Court proceedings one in Salt Lake County and the other in Utah County legal proceedings in Utah County began on January the 16th 2024 you can see how this first course appearance went number 36 State versus Rossi 6768 are you Mr Rosy are you Mr Rossy to take [Music] that is that a yes having a um I think I'm gonna have to have the jail restate what he said having a really hard time hearing him what is it my name is Al wa he says his name is Arthur Knight brown brown Arthur KN Brown I can't hear want to have him State his name and dat Sor yeah we can't hear him at all can you ask him can you please state your name and date of birth here get a little closer lady my name is Arthur night brain my datea birth is 22nd of the 11th 1996 okay I don't I think we're having a a problem with understanding who this person is I don't this is not number 36 your honor we've got him as Nicholas Rossy but he's saying his name is Arthur Knight Brown oh that's one of the AKA looks like your birthday we're having a really really is it July 11th 1987 no lady it's 22nd of November 1986 22nd of November 1986 yes ma'am your honor Tamar bosquez for the state um this individual has been extradited um and he has not admitted his name or birth date accurately and so I don't be successful on that today either it's also known as objection my lady that is complete aay and I would ask your ladyship that the prosecution should calls for why they pred to Mr Knight appealing in the Supreme Court Mr Knight I'm going to appoint a lawyer for you there's a no B warrant in this case so we're going to set it for detention Hearing in 10 days and I'm also ordering that you not have any contact and if we can have the it the alleged Vic name protected oh okay yes well how is he supposed to know who not to have any contact with we're going to have to get the N contact order form given to him personally okay all right so I am ordering that you not have any contact with the person who's going to remain confidential until you get a copy of the no contact order so hopefully that makes sense and when you get the order you can see who it is um I'm also ordering that you be given a copy of your charge it is a first degree felony from November 1st 2008 Yes from November 1st 2008 so you'll get a copy of that your next hearing will be in front of Judge Lawrence January 26 January 26 one o'clock judge Lawrence and that will be a detention hearing your honor before we go would the court ask uh the bayth if defendant has been fingerprinted and photographed as part of being booked under this otn number I'm not sure but if the court will if the court will uh send notification to our reg department they can follow up make sure it's been done okay I will make that order I am ordering that he be fingerprinted and photo thank you okay Mr n we're finished I have I have an attorney l l okay well your attorney can show up at the next hearing and then we'll vacate the appointment of a legal Defender we haven't been notified of any hearing we'll give him the information he can relate to his attorney about the next hearing thank you thank you have a good day by next is number 24 State versus Markle Rossy then refused to attend a court hearing a week later the judge warned the reasonable force would be used to ensure his attendance at the next hearing on the 6th of February 20124 since then he has engaged in each hearing well to an extent he clear reverted back to his almost Panton character that's left people baffled given the weight of evidence against him proving that he is Nicholas Rossy and not Arthur Knight with his appalling English accent eventually the wheels of Justice rolled on and on the 14th of May 2024 Rossy decided to represent himself in one of his rap trials despite warnings from the judge as shown by this news report Al Verdian again claimed in court today in Utah his name is Arthur Knight Brown the judge asked him repeatedly if he indeed wanted to represent himself in the case strongly urged against it calling it unwise I feel that I would be best to do that not only because I've been living this horror for the past two years but also because I want to get out of jail and is that still what you want to do it's not ideal but it is what is necessary it's not what's necessary all you need to do is ask for a lawyer today and I can appoint one to represent you you could have got a lawyer for for free but he decided not to when cautioned he'd be representing himself in a case that could send him to prison for life aliv Verdian said he's willing to take that risk he told the judge he has studied some law in England the judge then asked him to attest to that under oath and he did aliv veran also said he' study up in the jail library on Utah's laws the next hearing there is June 11th I'm Brian Crandle at bc10 news I want to wait until the sensing hearing happened before making the video but I'll likly be old and and firm when that role around as I have no doubt as they talk about in a moment he will delay delay delay potentially for years to come but this is definitely a case to keep an eye on as the story of Nicholas Rossy is far from over and I imagine there'll be many more twists and turns before the final chapter is Nicholas Rossi: A profile written in this section I'll Focus mainly on Nicholas Rossy we'll also talk about Miranda Knight as she is in some respects just as interesting a character as the main focus of this video the beginning of the video I referred to Nicholas Rossy as as pure an example of a narcissist as I've ever covered on this channel I stand by that statement this is not a clinical term but I couldn't think of a better way to encapsulate just how self-absorbed this man is even the worst people I've covered on this channel appear to have some periods of relative normality in their lives between crimes but in the case of Nicholas Rossy it appears that every second of every day and every breath was solely focused on getting attention as well as controlling and manipulating others in order to get what he wanted in order to truly understand Rossy we need to look at the facade what was actually behind this projection that he was so desperate to present to the world so started with what was truly behind the mask as I've stated before narcissism and Associated behavior is most commonly a reflection of insecurity and self-loathing it's a shell that the sufferer created in order to move away from how they truly feel about themselves I believe that you can use the extent of someone's narcissism as a gauge of the depths of that actual despair in the case of Rossy there was such a deep dark hold inside of him he was never able to fill it everything begins with his childhood Jack his father was clearly a monster abusing his mother Diana and potentially killing a family pet in front of the children who was also a Comm man the impact of ja's behavior on the children kep be shown by how Rossy essentially became a carbon cop of his father Jack Tau his son that when there to abuse you get what you want through violence and that others were only in the world for you to con there were clearly No Boundaries in the home and the children began disain violent and aggressive behavior from a very young age Rossy was never all Compassion or empathy and therefore he has no remorse for anything he's ever done in his life however underneath all of this was a very traumatized and likely lonely child who felt no one cared about him although Jack was clearly an absolute bastard he was the only father Rossy had and him coming in and out of his son's life would have likely made him feel unloved unwanted unimportant and unnoticed I think early on Nicholas Rossy resolved to never feel this way again in order to get as far away from how he felt as possible he determined to be rich and in a position of authority everyone would have to pay attention to him then as the years progressed he convinced himself who was entitled to these things that he was Superior to everyone else his way of building a protective shell around his fragile ego by convincing himself of the opposite of how he truly felt this is why H graci himself into the road Island House of Representatives he wants to be associated with the political Elite for his name to be spread far and wide and for committees to be hanging on his every word but he also needed money he needed money to wear the finest suits to eat the most expensive restaurants and so like his father taught him he borrowed and extorted money from Representatives manipulating those who likely went to Ivy League colleges and came for money would have bolstered his feelings of superiority here he was a poor kid from Providence getting one over on the elite however all of this was for one goal and the most important feature of Nicholas Rossy he did it so people would notice him he is pathologically incapable of not being the center of attention in Ross's mind if no one is talking about you then you don't exist and he cannot handle this it reminds him how he felt as a child and so everywhere he went he made sure that people are interacting with him or talking about him moving forward to his pathetic attempt to fake his own death this need for attention and adoration bleeds into his whole plan and is the reason why it was doomed to fail Rossy is unable to get out of his own way he couldn't help but write of obnoxious Orbiter which was clearly a red flag and edit his Wikipedia page after his supposed death to make himself sound as important as possible and delete anything critical when he was actually on the Run rather than blending in and keeping his head down making himself just a face in a sea of millions he created this pantoon C of Arthur Knight and made sure everyone knew him this caricature of an English gentleman who stood out like a sore thumb and that was the point yes he wanted to escape the law but he also needed to be noticed this is why he would have always been caught he couldn't help himself when he was caught Nicholas Rossy was in his element people were paying attention to him yes he drew everything out to avoid being taken back to the US to face Justice more importantly so as many people as possible noticed him he had a grin plast on his face on many occasions loving the attention him being in a wheelchair and wearing an oxygen mask was all about attention making people feel sorry for him when he felt this was waning he would add something else at one point he was pictured wearing a yamika claiming that he converted to Judaism whilst in prison this was just so people would ask questions and be interested in him again showing that everything about this period of time was speci attention it's the fact there were several occasions where Arthur and I called press conferences in his home to reveal bombshell evidence and when no one showed up he was indignant he knew he was caught red-handed but what was he going to do admit he was who everyone thought him to be of course not if Rossy dropped the facade then he would just become boring another run of the male criminal his called proceedings would likely not even make the papers he couldn't handle that that's why he'll never admit to who he is Arthur and I will attend each and every call to Prem the US for years to come just to keep this show going I could have predicted that he would have eventually ended up representing himself this is in part him showing off his intellect but more importantly there's no way that he would let the defense attorney take the spotlight from him the attention has to be all his and he will delay this case for as long as possible to draw this out he knows when he's eventually convicted he will disappear from the public Consciousness and would just be another prisoner he's terrified of this and would do whatever he has to do to delay the inevitable Nicholas Ross is far more fearful of being forgotten and being insignificant than a lifetime in prison with regards his behavior towards women specifically again much this stems from his feelings of inadequacy he's a typical domestic abuser someone who believes that if he doesn't control his Partners they'll abandon him because they may see that behind the layers of [ __ ] lies a deeply Troubled Man and so with each and every woman he came across he sought to control them as soon as the relationship began trying to turn them into an empty shell who would never question him or leave him he felt entitled to treat these women any way he wanted if they dared defy him the punishment would be severe and often including rape this was about getting sexual gratification but was also about asserting his dominance showing these women that he owned them and would do whatever he wanted to their bodies he could not stand even the slightest hint of rejection take the example of a woman who refused him sex after a date a think that is common instead of walking away licking his wounds and moving on he forced her to take out money from an ATM and Records some degrading video where she had to say that she was the abusive one and he needed the money for therapy this example as well as his obsession with trying to destroy the life of Mary grabinsky years after he sexually assaulted her also demonstrates his art contempt for women he wants to degrade and humiliate them and this inevit be FedEd to his behavior yes he wants to control his Partners but he also wants to punish them for simply being female a gender he clearly despised if Nicholas Rossy could make dollar from these relationships then great but again this is about filling the deep dark hole of emptiness inside of him again he is one of those horrific men who have covered time and time again on this channel whose behavior is based on a contradiction where their dependence on being in a relationship but utterly despised women mean they move from coupling to coupling horrifically brutalizing each and every one of their part Partners it's clear from the journals that Catherine heckum found during their brief marriage that he was stalking and tracking other women who was planning to approach I imagine there was almost no period of time from his youth until his final arrest that Nicholas Rossy was not in a relationship likely several at any given time to ensure that if one woman left him he would have others to fall back on this means I'm convinced that the 13 women I've covered in this video who we abused are just the tip of the iceberg of his true number of victims he's an extremely dangerous man who thankfully will likely never walk the streets again with regards to Miranda Knight she's truly an enigma she stood by her husband and pared his lies to both the media and courts however what did she know the answer to that is everything when Rossy was apparently dying of cancer the pair were living together and when he supposedly died there were phone calls made to organizations in Providence relaying this news to the media from his widow who called herself Louise some of these calls were recorded a Scottish reporter who interviewed Miranda got her hands on them when she heard Louis's voice she knew it was Miranda the voice recordings were also forensically examined by experts who determined that in all likelihood Louise was Miranda so she must have known that Arthur Knight was in fact Nicholas Rossy in order to make these calls so she knew exactly who he was therefore everything she said were lies and everything she did was in order to to help her husband Escape justice so is she a villain in this case I considered the issue of Stockholm syndrome a victim forming a bond and eventually sympathizing with a kidnapper or abuser but rejected this I think that Miranda Knight is another victim in this case as to why I think that look at Nicholas rossy's Behavior with every woman he ever came across instantly he began to abuse control and dominate these women raping and beating them quickly placing them in a position where they were terrified of him thinking that he didn't act this way towards Miranda I believe is extremely naive he needed her to achieve an objective to escape Justice in the US and so I imagined he pulled out all the stops to completely destroy who she was and turn her into basically a robot who would do as commanded I imag brutalized this woman to achieve this as quickly as possible marrying her so quickly was a way of keeping his hooks in her so she couldn't escape him but don't believe for a second the Ross's disabled Arthur Knight performance carried on when the cameras were not rolling andag he was striding around threatening and raping Miranda telling her the next stage of the plan and that if she didn't do exactly what he said he would kill her Miranda apparently continues to support her husband so why does she carry this on I think the answer is likely because she fears there's a possibility he could get away with this during the Scottish court case they could have believed him and with regards to the rape cases he faces now they could could be thrown out if this happened even though the likelihood is extremely small and he was released from prison he would come after her or potentially she carries it on because he's threatened he will get someone to harm her from inside prison I wouldn't put that past him I don't think some level of emotional dependency on the relationship on the part of Miranda cannot be discounted but I think ultimately she has been complicit in everything because she's been coerced into doing so I would hope that any contact between them in prison including phone calls and visits are being strictly monitored try and catch the abuse I suspect continues to this day that way others can step in and save her from the situation I wouldn't be surprised if in years to come Miranda Knight doesn't speak to the media and tell a very different story about her life with a monster that is Nicholas Rossy so what's your thoughts on this case I particularly interested whether you think that Miranda knew that her End husband was Nicholas Rossy and if so why she helped him avoid Justice if you like the content then consider becoming a channel member by clicking the join button you can also send a oneoff donation to support the channel using the thanks button please like share subscribe take care and I'll see you in the next one

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