It's Back! The COSTCO's P & G (Procter & Gamble) Sale for September! Our Favorite Sale!

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:16:55 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: procter and gamble
hey there Stephen Peg from loves to travel thanks for checking out our videos always appreciate when you watch what we do uh yeah heading up to Costco because it's your favorite sale of the year and we teased this the last couple of times you've been up here the PNG sale right for the month of September and guess what what it's starting August 26 even though the dates on the sale for Costco is August 28th the PNG sale actually starts a couple of days early so if you want to take advantage of the PNG sale you can early we're going to go over some of the items not all of them because there's a lot of things that are owned by PNG um so we're going to go over some of the items here real quick uh we'll do another video when the sale actually starts before we get into our video though love for you to hit that subscribe button if you've not already done so get that Bell notification button below so well that'll notify you when our next video goes up please hit the like button too uh that helps us out immensely a little bit of traffic going down this way isn't there oh watch out for that guy backing up I'm going to take that parking spot by the way uh hang tight we're going to get parked head on on Costco go check out the PNG sale that's upcoming let's go over how the PNG sale works all right first of all it is on PNG products we are at vix DayQuil NyQuil because it's one of the ones we always get how do you tell it's a PNG product you check the back of the box one of these still say PNG let's see manufacture by right here y so this is a PNG item right there are 70 items that's going to be on sale this is one of the ones we always stock up on this is how we save money and overall with the savings I did the calculations we could save almost up to 29% based off of what we buy right so you have to spend $100 multiple transactions $100 for the sale period right and then after that you get a you get a Costco gift card back right right for $25 so my question is there some of these things you can actually double dip on because not only will it be part of the PNG sale but it's also going to be on sale right so this one is right now 23 29 mhm but it is how much off I think you said $5 off right here is the ad so I'm going to show you the ad so this is how you double dip so that's going to drop that to1 1829 plus it's going to go into the $10000 that you need to buy Proctor and Gamble products when we we say PNG we mean Proctor and Gamble and there's a lot of things there that you don't realize is owned by Proctor and Gamble a lot of people think laundry soap and maybe you know like Vick snel but no there's a lot of stuff and we're going to go through some stuff so so this is the set that we buy the LI mix DayQuil and nightquil severe liquid and which we'll stock up because you know we are going to be in flu season Y and this is when we stock up yep here's another procur and gamble product that you may not have known it was owned by Proctor and Gamble this is Olay advanced moisture body wash it's a three-pack $15.99 right now 450 off when that PNG sale starts um so you're going to get that for $1.49 now is this part of the PNG sale but the sale doesn't start until the 26th correct the sale starts the 26th to the 22nd of September for the p and sale it starts two days earlier than the regular sale sweet but the PNG items are will be on sale on a 26 yep Gillette is another Proctor and Gamble product that you might want to take advantage of Gillette ultimate protection clear gel um this is the deodorant the sticks for $16.99 right now the sale price is $4 off that so that drops that down to $12.99 again $100 in PNG products and you get 25 bucks back in a Costco gift card so this is one of those ones you can double dip on so that's double dipping mhm the other way I triple dip is I have the executive membership which I get 2% cash back and I have a rewards credit card well that means you can quadruple it right and that'ss 2% back so overall I would already save 29% not counting the savings so the next one over here is also o spice this one right here this is another Proctor and Gamble product that you didn't know it was a PNG product this is the Swagger deodorant aluminum frees a four pack you can pick it up for $15.99 right now $4 off when the sale starts at it drops it down to $1.99 unfortunately this isn't the Pantene that we use but Pantene another Proctor and Gamble product this is the 10in one multitasker shampoo uh you can pick this up for $12.99 right now how much off $3 off drops it down to $9.99 when that sale starts uh and you can stock up on these you don't have to buy just one I like to call this actually a stock up sale on stuff that you'll be using uh pretty much all winter long you a lot of people have different ideas about when you replace the tooth brushes my dentist always says use a new new toothbrush about every 3 months I get a new one every time I go 6 months but we buy these too um and we bought them last year when during the PNG sale this is the Oral B $15.99 for eight toothbrushes you're going to take $5 off and the PNG sale drops it down to $10.99 so basically just a little over a buck of toothbrush but again you're going to be double dipping right so you add up that to the $100 that you need in Proctor and Gamble products to get that $25 uh gift card back from Costco now can you question can you do it just once or can you do it multiple times twice twice so you can do it twice you can get two $100 uh purchases to get two $25 gift cards back and this one will go in the cart when the sale starts a crust complete Advanced toothpaste you get five of the 8.2 oce tubes $4.99 right now sale price $4 off and that would take it to $10.99 right and that is addition to everything else right and so we this will go in our cart when the sale starts this is what we use here's another thing you might want to pick up this is the locer mini mix wafer cookies it's a 282 pretty much 282 oz bag $ 1179 what's the price tag off it it's going to be 380 off let me see if I can do math hold on uh 38 7.99 and there's 80 of them wow so that is about 10 cents a piece and it's great to give away For an upcoming holiday in so here's my here's my thing if you're I I loved sugar Wafers when I was growing up I mean I would as you can tell I like you know sweets um but I love sugar Wafers these are really good but it's portion control on this one because it takes time to open each individual pack and think about it rather than having a big pack of sugar Wafers and eating the whole thing like I would do you know us and choc yeah but unfortunately about the only thing I'd eat in that would be the M&M's or the milky ways but I know you like Twix I could eat everything else uh the Mars variety pack it's a 30C count box $27.99 right now oh that's a interesting price off $720 yes $20.79 for that box of candy that's going to work out to be about 66 cents a piece which is a lot cheaper than you're going to get it out of the vending machine I don't see it in our pizza place yet but there's something interesting in the ad okay that is that gordino yes Chicago pizza we actually have G gordino here um and it's really really good pizza I've not had their frozen pizza yet yeah three pack for $69.99 $20 off gordino Pizza Is Amazing by the way just so you know um I don't know if we'll get it here or not I just I I mean I really do like it when it's fresh out of the oven from gordino interesting I like bananas I like chocolate I like peanut butter all three together interesting the Reese's chocolate peanut butter banana a 20 o bag for $9.99 we just had to mention it because it was something different that we haven't seen I might try this you know it's not a proctor and gambled product but it is going to be on sale uh different sale dates by the way 2 days later for the regular Costco sale on the PNG sale this is Sunny D $33.99 right now for the 30 um of the 11.3 ounce bottles how much off it's going to be $5 off so that's going to drop that down to $88.99 which is considerably less than 50 cents a bottle I think we bought this last time it was on sale we didn't couldn't I guess I guess couldn't wait for the PNG sale cuz we were almost out uh bounce fabric softener sheets 2 160 packages for $189 right now um the sale price is going to be $2 off you said 220 off 220 off so that'll drop that down to a 869 for that and that's included because it's a PNG product right it's included in the um the kickback that you're going to get from the PNG sale so you know you don't have to buy them all at once you could buy the whole month from 826 to 922 over multiple receipts right and then you basically redeem it and get a cost shop C back but you redeem it online at correct well there's a link there link yeah and then well it's you could do it on the app too yeah we'll explain that as we get closer we did uh we did a uh kind of like a mass cleaning of the house because we had our uh son have his a party at the house a couple months ago so we went through and we used all our swiffers a lot of them a lot of them just to to clean up afterwards a Swiffer Duster heavy duty a one handled in 17 out refills $769 right now and then when it goes on sale you take $4 off of that down to$ 1369 this is another one of those PNG products keep in mind there's a lot of things under the PNG label the Proctor and Gamble label that you can use to add up to that $100 right including what's next to it we got Swiffer dry cloth here's another one this is also $17.99 but that's also going to be how much off it's going to be $4 off drops that down to $13.99 for those and you get 50 of those dry cloths in there and there's also the Wet jet which is $879 right now is at $4 off too that is also $4 off drops it down to $479 and you get 54 of those uh uh wet refills the wet cloth refills for your Swiffer as we uh roll through a few of the PNG products here's another one Mr Clean the Magic Eraser a little known fact that was actually me and makeup haa no just kidding uh you get 15 of those in there the extra durable pads for $479 that's going to be 380 off I'm not doing the oh I guess I can't they'll be down to $1.99 for a price tag okay I it's actually $10.99 but that's right you're right $10.99 unfortunately not every Proctor and Gamble product is going to be on sale but it's still going to be counted towards that $100 Price Right For example the Bounty 24.99 right now that's what you're going to pay for it because it's not on sale but that $24.99 that goes towards the $100 and that's a whole quarter whole 25% of that $100 you know me in toilet paper math I don't do it or very well at all um charman is part of the Proctor and Gamble sale so if you use the blue or the red charman that price that you're going to pay for this will be part of that $100 that you're trying to build up for the receipts do do the math because if it's more than 25% off when it's on sale it's better to buy it not counting towards that $100 H interesting cascade pods the Platinum Plus pods for your dishwasher that's going to be uh part of the PNG sale $22.99 right now is there a sale price there yes $5 off so you're PID $17.99 for that that's actually a really good price for that and that goes towards the PNG sale so you can double dip on that actually kind of it almost triple dip because you're getting it on sale and it counts towards the uh $100 doesn't it there are quite a few of the tide product the PNG part of the tides uh we're going to touch on this one right here but there's quite a few of the tides that are going to be on sale this is the H liquid uh laundry detergent 152 loads 170 o $24.99 right now and you're going to take $5 off during the sale that'll drop that down to $1 199.99 and yes it does go towards that $100 PNG receipt that you're trying to build up this is new in our Costco it finally is here yeah a lot of people are talking about Pok balls and we're going to get one you're going to get one I'll watch you eat it um fresh Pokey how much is that per pound it's um hold on 2099 per pound yep you're right 20.99 per pound so if you like Poke Balls this is actually cheaper than going to the restaurant and getting Poke Balls Halloween has arrived I mean yes it's still August but they've got a lot of Halloween decorations but they finally brought in the Halloween costumes and it looks like they're going to be various prices for the different ones that you want to get they do have girls and boys costumes uh if you want to get a costume I do like the firefighter costume that they've got on that side they've got a lot of princess dresses as well yep here's the firefighter ones just check your prices cuz there's a bunch of different prices for these looks like it looks like that that one that whole rack behind you honey is $31.99 and the Rack you're filming right now is $29.99 so check your prices but yeah you get a Halloween costume they're here so if your favorite things this is my favorite jacket and I buy multiple ones of this when it's on sale and when it's on clearance this is what I call my fall layering jacket $24.99 is the price right now it's going to be $5 off so it's going to be $19.99 now that I'm thinking about it we actually should do a whole video just call it our favorite things Costco yeah at Costco and this is one of the things it's your favorite things it's funny because I actually buy most of my clothes at Costco which is really weird well because it's good price I mean I get a lot of shirts here the the shirt I've got here is a Costco shirt so is what it is they got good prices here have you noticed one of the things here at Costco at least our Costco anyway there's nothing there well there's nothing at this table but I'm noticing that most of the tables are switching over from uh from Summer to Winter right I'm seeing a lot of hoodies I'm seeing a lot of sweats um so they're bringing all the winter stuff in now the best time to buy spring clothes is in the fall right the best time to buy winter clothes is in the spring but they're bringing all the winter clothes in right now so the spring clothes they're going to be on clearance here soon Poke Balls normally how much would you pay for a poke Bowl normally um about that for one serving that's probably two servings in there yeah this is two serving this a lot of Pokey that's a whole pound of pokey uh runs about what you say $20 a pound right so but they make Pokey fresh here daily kind of like you go to Sam's Club and you get your sushi and they make the sushi there daily they make Pokey here daily so if you like poke bows go to your Costco um again the Proctor and Gamble sale the PNG sale starts in just a couple of days take advantage of it and take advantage of the double dipping look for the sale prices because there's going to be sale prices on practor and gamble products and if you buy PNG products and you add up to $100 in PNG products over the life of the sale then you can send those receipts and actually upload those receipts and get aund or get a I'm sorry a $25 gift card back from Costco and you can do it twice right uh explain to people what they really have to do just do it quickly because we're going to do another video on it we'll do it on a future video but we'll do it when we come out went by and we'll show you how to do it yeah show you how to upload those uh those um those receipts and get that that $25 back on $100 PNG products thanks for watching this video though kind of a prequel thanks for watching it appreciate it trying to save you a little bit of money here at Costco haven't hit that subscribe button below please do so get that Bell notification button below as well that'll notify you when our next video goes up please hit the like button too that does help us out thanks for watching have a magical day

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