Category: People & Blogs
For 20 years they were fighting isis i defeated isis in four weeks i got rid of isis 100% 100% of the isis caliphate and we had no wars and we stopped wars we weren't getting along Read more
Category: Sports
Black of ghana it was quite unfortunate black of ghana ofh last analis on gh of it has come to an end people have begin to realize you could see say he's talking out of emotions point of our national team and the lowest point asking we've been descending on the graph so if you draw a graph of the black... Read more
Category: Sports
Giants just gave that one up with the way they rush here's one wide open and dropped by cd lamb oh man this is set up nicely and they've got the rookie he's turned around in the back field corner the got it touchdown l what a catch here's lamb makes the catch turns up field first down at the 40 25 rush... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Mr musk has your ignorance and ego cost ukrainian lights vladimir putin calls you outstanding what do you call him sir mr zuckerberg as elon musk got too close to vladimir putin [music] yesterday Read more
Category: Sports
Bill carroll z6u media and i am at it again working my way through that watch list couple more weeks to go before the season begins i'm going to try to give you two players per day until we get to college week zero right i'm going to start with hunter brown once again this a player that i believe is... Read more
Category: Sports
Cowboys progress on a deal with lamb all right so got good news finally on cd lamb according to clarence hill according to sources which is clarence hill cowboys are making progress on the deal with lamb nothing has been agreed to consummate but the team has increased the offer to lamb above 33 million... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Trump bragged how proud he was to get rid of roie wade over he took credit for it he said there has to be punishment for women exercising the reproductive freedom his words not mine he described the do's decision as a miracle maybe it's coming from that bible he's trying to sell whoa i almost wanted... Read more
Category: Gaming
All right guys so i do want to apologize for doing this a little late i've just been extremely busy but now uh let's take a look at the ps5 pro announcement uh we're going to have mark cery as you can see up here anyway let's take a look i did press play right yeah yeah hi i'm mark i'm excited okay... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
And they were buying it too and i stood up to china like never before bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars when no other president had gotten literally 10 cents from china i brought in hundreds of billions of dollars from china never happened before nobody else literally Read more
Category: Entertainment
It's gna be a good fight because mexico against puerto rico but this time i have a little bit extra motivation because i have my to the stre you understand what i'm saying when you to guadalajara say you have to check in what say but i people nueva york and people telling me this guy berlanga he was... Read more
Category: News & Politics
You need to hear this if you're a news enthusiast a tragic event has just unfolded in ukraine and the world is watching yesterday a russian missile attack hit pava ukraine targeting a military educational facility in a nearby hospital the attack resulted in 51 confirmed fatalities and over 200 injured... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Wir gehen nach warms nach dem groΓbrand beim chemieunternehmen rΓΆ haben heute brandermittler das gelΓ€nde begangen noch immer ist die ursache fΓΌr den brand unklar zumindest die gute nachricht verletzt wurde niemand nach firmenam gaben haben kunststoffapparate und leitungen in einem produktionsbetrieb... Read more