Category: People & Blogs
[musik] kejenakaan dan kerandoman maxim maxim po yang biasanya dikenal sebagai sosok tenang dan menjaga citra terlihat lebih santai dan bahagia bersama luna maya maxim bahkan berbagi video lucu di tiktok di mana ia berpura-pura memperlihatkan monster mitos yang ternyata dirinya sendiri muncul di belakang... Read more
Category: Music
[music] how many special people change how many lives liveing strange Read more
Category: People & Blogs
All you do the intro yes sir all right on the tuesday episode who [ __ ] knows uh what's up youtube we are back it's been a minute we're a little behind right now uh if you guys haven't been keeping up with with mango on twitter or the stream or myself we have been traveling a [ __ ] t for the last... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Beetle juu often pronounced beetle girds or beetle juu is a red super giant in orion and one of the brightest most massive stars visible to the naked eye about 1,400 times larger and 100,000 times brighter than our sun beetle juices vivid red color and prominent position have long fascinated astronomers... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Tapi ketemu tapi ada gak size-nya bun oh iya juga su kayak gitu oh iya benar eh itu celana kgo pendek nih ya ah dia suka banget nih ini banyak banget tah tah akirnya k dia beli sepatu kenapa aku harus cari kamu jauh-jauh beli semua say tapi selalu k enggak ada gitu sepatunya habis gak muat bun gakemat... Read more