Category: Gaming
Things won't be the same after this uh where's our hall this is better slo data bank imperial clearance codes operational planning base schematics and sl's personal collection of blackmail on almost every ranking officer in the empire files his i b friends have no idea he's been collecting hey you said... Read more
Category: Gaming
Director b i understand there has been a security breach it's a personal matter not when you've been so careless with critical imperial intelligence you have outlived your usefulness to the emperor jaylen the empire accepts your terms jaylen rex Read more
Category: Gaming
Star wars outlaws is officially coming out guys it is sitting at a nice 77% on metacritic let's be real though that's what's expected out of a ubisoft game this game is probably going to bomb it seems like a lot of the reviews are average and for a regular game a regular run-of-the-mill third party... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hello there luner squadron and welcome back to the channel and welcome back to the world of outlaws to star wars outlaws we are in the greatest hive of scum and villainy we are in the cantina on m eand andreas i can think of no better place to start our first gameplay video when it comes to star wars... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro [music] the day of reckoning is upon us as star wars outlaws is officially here there has been a lot of talk about this game will it be good will it be bad or will it be somewhere in between well thanks to ubisoft we've had early access to star wars outlaw for the past week and combined we have... Read more
Category: Gaming
Okay so i've been playing star wars outlaws for over a week now and i wanted to discuss all of my thoughts about the game in a spoiler-free video for all of you guys now obviously there are mixed opinions on star wars outlaws some people are 100% getting it some people are still unsure and so i'm hopefully... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So today is supposed to be one of the biggest days of the year for both ubisoft and massive entertainment as star wars outlaws has come out today and the review embargo has been lifted so the mainstream media and gamers alike are casting their reviews across social media unfortunately this game is being... Read more
Category: Gaming
Ubisoft is screwed guys they're in trouble their shares are falling at a fast rate and this is already a historical low for them in over a decade the stocks are plunging to its lowest and this is right after star wars outlaws just came out guys one of the main games of this year that was supposed to... Read more
Category: Gaming
Things are not looking good for ubisoft their stock is at a 10year low right now guys and this is coming right off of the launch week for one of their tent pole games this year star wars outlaws it's freaking star wars how is this possible well we all know that ubisoft has been slipping as of late into... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro hello there the nerf squadron and welcome back to the channel today we have another very exciting star wars outlaws discussion as earlier this week we posed a question to all of you via poll when it comes to open world games like star wars outlaws do you care more about the quality of the open... Read more
Category: Gaming
This is star wars outlaws we're here on xbox series s be sure to like the video subscribing is great as well so this is the apparently first open world star wars game outside of galaxies where you dive into the shoes of kes who is basically a han solo type character who keeps kind of accidentally throwing... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Introduction bonjour à tous c'est absolut et bienvenue dans cette vidéo dans laquelle nous allons aborder le cas du nouveau jeu vidéo star wars hl en provenance des studios de massive et édité par ubisoft donc avant toute chose je tiens à les remercier pour l'envoi d'une clé qui m'a permis de jouer... Read more