STAR WARS: OUTLAWS Full Gameplay Walkthrough [PS5 4K 60FPS] - No Commentary

[Music] [Music] hungry [Music] so finally zeric bash is [Music] here each of you represents some of the most powerful criminal organizations in the Galaxy pikes Crimson Dawn Huts it's a golden age for the Underworld the Empire's Little Death Star gets blown to pieces and the law is distracted by a rebellion that won't quit it's an opportunity to make [Music] millions but to my surprise one of you sends a spy into my own house when I thought we all could share this Feast enough SLO I didn't come all this way to listen to lies while your zeric bats skim off our spice [Music] sles you know my brother was heir to the family fortune he's gone now you remind me of him he always came first even at dinner if he'd finished his meal he'd just take my plate all I could do is watch him chew go hungry what is the point of this if zerich bash wants Partners forget it been done doesn't work Partners weren't you listening I'm starving it's time to [Applause] [Music] eat I know buddy just give me a minute [Music] this will work [Music] right d faric where is it all right all right let's get you some food [Music] [Music] I'm saing for the mons you're leaving a lot of money on the table don't know the crew don't like it if you change your mind let me [Music] know so bam that for me no but this is ah my data Spike yeah and it's broken some scrap rat was selling it in the Square says he found it in six kin Turf and now you're going to say messing with the sixk is a bad idea it's going to get you killed that's another way of putting it you've got no crew K and you keep going in alone with high-risk scores that just go sideways you want it done right you do it yourself I get it you've hit some bad luck bad luck I'm out of Marx I'm broke and I live in an attic why don't you stick around the broken hoof tonight fix yourself some dinner let me set you up with something small an easy hustle or you could just give me that job on your pad there nice try then I got plans take some credits for the data Spike I'm good then I'll put it towards your rent I said I'm good Bram oh no [Music] [Music] we're not getting anywhere with a busted data Spike come on next let's see pren then we break into kle Tarsus and steal the forged identic cards from their safe with any luck I'll get us send a shuttle to the core worlds huh all the merchants are out for the Kento cup next shipment is coming in we'll get your C there's preent [Applause] [Music] come on I just need my data Spike fixed is z Peis because the forge identic cards in that Vault are the only way I get off this planet I'm done with Kanto good only options I got here are six skin or prison at least someone like me has a shot at a decent score maybe even see the core worlds pren you help me one last time and we never talk [Music] again let's get some credits [Music] something catch your eye [Music] hey see you around bye [Music] see what they've got nice lift next quity Item B some faders I scavenged enough parts to pay off the six kin [Music] hey you what I haven't stopped you want that next nice job Nick hey sneak over and get [Music] back did something call to you [Music] [Music] thanks always a pleasure vocabulator [Music] hey get [Music] [Applause] him get in there next okay let's go see pban hey you want a little scratch next okay pran I have the [Music] credits all right let's test it out okay okay now we get that identic card from Club Tarson there our ticket out of here next and then before you know it [Music] rich you wouldn't believe the junk they just throw away I found two perfectly good converters in the allat NY go fch good job buddy [Music] busy night you're not getting in K club's already got enough rats really [Music] funny come on next we'll find Our Own Way [Music] in oh looks like we can fit through there okay no going back now [Music] [Music] [Music] hang on NYX we're going up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do your thing NYX just like I taught [Music] you hit that button for me Nyx [Music] here we [Applause] are delus is at the casino tonight he's got a father racing in the cup you been to the casino at casual we come here all the [Music] time we're close the identic card is in the boss's office no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the next ship must do at Sunrise bring the ship down in the desert and Mar Street here we'll start the auction as soon as they arrive good [Music] boy hey so I'm k and you're going to let me through you're not on the list oh my uh my friend pran put me on the list prean should have paid more H listen do you know who I am boss wants to see me boss is at the cup go away before I stop finding this funny there's got to be a way past [Music] him B is complaining that crying pets are getting into the office look the I was going to clear them out if I lost my key card I'll be find it [Music] after he there [Music] key card for the storage room Ran's PL set the vents in there lead to the office [Music] f [Music] [Music] okay let's pick that lock grab the identity card and disappear [Music] [Music] look at that here they are oh come on prein your plant didn't have a pressure switch it's K fic bad [Music] okay okay we got to get out of here it wasn't supposed to go down this way what have I done [Music] NY attack okay n let's try to stun them [Music] [Music] I got her what this isn't [Music] over come on what's going on what are we going to do NYX I never counted on getting caught [Music] okay okay we got the identic card uh the hook we'll be safe there we we lay low for a while we we don't leave the attic yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on back to the conina it's the only place we'll be safe no brim good that's a conversation I don't need [Music] [Music] bem I don't want to talk about it you thought you could just walk in there and steal the most valuable scan docks in Kanto I told you K six kin will have your head [Applause] hey B we know you're here let's make this easy you say nothing you do [Music] nothing no come on she's not here [Music] liar you think I want my bar blasted up like this done with that kid in fact I'll help you find her hey I think she's out here no you'd slow us down let's [Music] go RM it's nothing your leg it's nothing this is a new crew I risk whatever it takes you finish this job score alone is enough to buy you a damn shuttle off world it's what you want right time to go k for [Music] good I I'll come back no you [Music] won't sick skins all over the place we can't let them see us next cave where is she so it's true she hit you guys just tell me where she is I don't know I mean I heard she has that place above the Cantina you see her you come straight to [Music] us here [Music] take [Music] very pre there we know you help K they caught up with pren you want to live I guess I'm not the only one who needs to get off of Kanto okay brm's data pet said the contact name is denian they should be just ahead where is [Music] she Mount up where you from [Music] [Music] you're local yeah but I never get to see it like this looks like a fun town you're not from here who's the mark the boss named SLO runs a Syndicate called zerich bash they're new they're rich and rumor has that they' got the underworld scared which means security enough but if Fortune for us if you can get to his Vault password override you and your little friend there better be as good as Bram [Music] says here stop [Music] go make us all [Music] rich denan how are we kicking this off when you're in position we'll attack the main entrance your job is to sneak in disable their security and get to the Vault you guys don't mess around when hit a Crime Boss like SLO you have to mean it enjoy the view ni one way or another it's the last time we're going to see it hope Ram's okay taught me so much and look how I paid him back I think I can swing across [Applause] hang on to me NYX we got to climb denian I see a tower up ahead could be my way in you're the thief we're in position and waiting [Music] [Music] don't look down [Music] niy denan I'm looking at the Mansion uh exactly how rich is this SLO guy he's top five out of rim for sure SLO built zerich Bash from the ground up and that ain't cheap it's his own personal criminal Empire other than that nobody knows anything about him you sure know how to pick a mark you want to get rich you have to go where the money is Kanto really does look a lot different from up here huh NX can't believe we might finally leave this place it's I don't know well we wanted a shot at the big course this is it okay denian I'm in position starting the fireworks get inside whoa I'll sound the alarm I bet you can see that halfway across this way start looking what do you see Focus concentrate all right your guard out we need to stay out of sight I need to get their attention don't worry I gotar nicest place we've ever robbed huh [Music] keep ey all right your guard up don't let your guard down something's wrong pay attention someone around next [Music] okay some help me this ain't over stay ready just in case you're not allowed here [Music] he's not breathing start looking Denon I'm in take the turbo lift it's the most direct way to spo's Vault okay energy barrier has to be getting power from somewhere NY find me that generator NYX the door what is it with Rich guys and old [Music] ships that should do it [Music] H Blaster burs what happened in here cameras we got to avoid them n uh there's a turbo lift and of course it's got a barrier I thought this place was supposed to be secure it is whoever it is they won't make it past the front anybody sent a message to SLO trust me he knows [Music] [Music] what's going on up there who attacking us better H getting payback hand just stay at your post if they call I'm going out there sure hero see something what got something bud this ain't right huh hey get away from there go get him buddy okay that should have shut the barrier down all right is hold on hey they're coming for us we need more blasters wait what [Music] go come on bal's waiting [Music] denan I'm in the turbo lift move faster K how long before kto police get here this is Loo's place they're not coming yeah just more as Eric bash huh H there it is the vault [Music] [Music] we got Blaster fire and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay danian I disabled the security you got a clear path get to the Vault we'll clean up out here and meet you inside [Music] whoa hi yeah um I need to get in denan I'm at the vault door and there's this Droid you've met the TTL good password is grandio of course it is hey come back I know you're in there Grand uh hello The Vault I guess this is what real money looks like let's get it open [Music] huh you're not Zer bash what is this where's my cash uh use a hand here I did everything right the code was good aara did you find it no the stories of B SL andard B they're all true we've got to go you'll get paid once we're safe you have our word wait nobody move you either pay me now or just pay me where're the Rebel Alliance so Windows closing join us and fight the empire for the future of this galaxy what's it pay we don't have time for this wait eyes open k here we go for luck picking the marks half the game see they don't even know we exist you're a little young for a thief uh uh [Music] I where are you I messed up watch it hey [Music] welcome back [Music] kiddo now what was your lesson can't trust someone's always going to be there that's my girl [Music] okay I can explain you must be SLO your friends abandoned you friends what friends how long have you been part of the Rebel Alliance oh you're serious what do the rebels want with zerak bash listen I don't know any Rebels but I I know people let me go I get answers we solve this together you're going to have to do better than [Music] that he doesn't get out of here alive always there when I need you Nyx you would mean that okay okay how do I get out of here we have an in on the AL the Mansion has been breached there's got to be a way out di hide [Music] don't make a sound I want the death mark on her now I promise a fortune for whoever can bring me her head there'll be nowhere in a g he can hide please don't be a trash shoot that's two jobs gone sideways next this is Way Beyond bad luck [Music] ah look it's that Old Ship new plan Nix we're going to steal it and fly out of here yeah sounds risky to me too still doesn't Fe what was huh what's that hey you can't be here hit that [Music] Barrel don't let her get away I can't just IGN hold on them take them back no [Applause] [Music] it's RoR ah they won't stop coming we need to [Music] go just like flying us Peter right next nope that's not it sorry [Music] that's [Music] fun on got it barrier's down here we go [Applause] wa okay a little close almost there out of here [Music] no no no no no work you piece of sprag toara I'll take anywhere [Music] no we're okay we're okay [Music] [Music] [Music] ah we made it [Music] somehow come [Music] on huh hello [Music] h h [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry I'm sorry I uh I thought you were one of them huh lots of new friends [Music] today hey we we don't have to do this we ar leaving without them that worked good work handling those Bandits who are you and what do you want okay you're mad about the pipe I didn't think anyone survived the crash but you did so now I'll help you I don't need help I'm getting out of here how you're an offworlder and this ship of yours isn't going to fly anytime soon but lucky for you I'm a mechanic how many credits are we talking I mean a few mostly for parts but good news Tashara is a great place for someone with your skills there's a pike under boss named gorak talk to him and he'll give me work got it that speeder and your ship will get you to Mirana City easy if my ship's gutted when I come back I'm going to hunt you down Waka my name is Waka I'll hunt you down Walker wow [Music] nice W this us some kicks okay we're alive we fix the ship get to the core worlds and land a big score are those Bandits come [Music] on I don't have anything just leave me alone you alive back there buddy I know what are we [Music] doing you there the comms are working yeah hey these Bandits are still after me persistent get to Mirana that's Pike Turf you'll losing there and uh what do I call you it's K all right K you'll find gorak upstairs at McCall's it's the most popular Cantina in the city so you can't miss it wow look at this place must be Marana [Applause] all right Waka What do you get out of this I don't trust charity charity do you know what this baby is it's an EML 850 a custom job checked the locks and even found a name the Trailblazer the Trailblazer so so this ship is special ah you don't get it just get me some new fuel injectors with those at least we'll be able to fly all right all right figure it out you looking for anything in particular need a special [Music] part take care we do ship [Music] upgrades doing if that's what you're asking no Contraband here I'll be the judge of in the bread incident was closed today the was let me see some identifications oh uh yeah sure your torn Valerio nup that's me [Music] mhm all right move along trade experts assure importance that prices will stabilize within a month the Imperial broadcast glad I got that fake identity card yes here are my scan dos is everything okay we'll find out you know the rules no X go fetch [Music] look at me like that again and I'll smash your face in try it but the jup don't get you the P senal will do you think would be more forgiving hey you're looking for a we in with the pikes hey I need to talk to gorak you don't look like a pipe and you're not getting up there without an invitation hey vip's only help [Music] [Music] well there we go all right let's go see gorak H that looks like an underw this is Governor thoron City not yours drag them out and tell the governor the payments will not increase I don't know you what you never make new friends I have enough FRS yeah but you don't have to pay me to hang out with [Music] you she's funny H Walker sent me he said uh you might have some work ah what a disappointment hey wait what's your problem smart enough to get into my sweep careless enough to use Walker's name you're new to this world come back when you're [Music] not what a waste of time good boy [Music] stealing from a pike under boss first day easy name's Dona I'm a broker for every job on this Moon not many syndicates where I'm from hey this is legitimate business meragana is special kid Empire keeps this Cantina neutral but beyond these walls it's War you want to survive know the players look there the Pikes have the most say thanks to gorak cutr political they pay up to play favorites with the Empire then Crimson Dawn hungry for gorak's Kingdom crafty sneaky unlike the huts with them what you see is what you [Music] get out here you live and die by your reputation that said a friend needs a little something stolen from gorak's private base some information he'd hate to get out and who's hiring me to steal from the top Syndicate in town sorry kid interrupt that's all you get tell your client KES is in cute desperate but cute [Music] [Music] okay f borax base is in the Bike District find the back entrance slice the terminal in his Tower steal the file marked S1 good luck who wait are you the one who hired me hello okay hey Waka thanks for the help you almost got me killed ah guess gorak still remembers me just tell me how to get into his stronghold it's in the pike District the main entrance is next to that imp checkpoint at the city entrance that place is full of opportunities for someone like you but if you're on the Pike's bad side then won't let you just walk in I'm sure I can handle it I just need a couple of days you know how it is I had a bad streak I'll win it all back by tomorrow all right distract him NY tell you what I'll pay half get out hey you were right they uh won't let me in there's another way vent around the corner nearby okay if they see you I know I know it'd be bad hand it over my wife will kill me it's her know your place it's done come on [Music] [Music] just I've been told you arrived there's a way in on the second floor Terrace it will take you where you need to go uh okay how long have you been watching me right your help is impossible we find here it is good to be [Music] the Huns are slipping we just have to be ready for the taking the mark n it's showtime as long as I get my commission what am I doing here my it is good to work for someone with connections back on [Music] obadia this city is wild no one would even dare my name will be known across the Galaxy someday CH [Music] us contins everywhere all [Music] clear what do you see soon I will be running [Music] things someone around ni quiet as us got something bud I'm getting hungry this looks like the way in we'll be okay n yeah this place now how do we get up [Music] there uh okay that lowered a turbo lift [Music] [Music] NYX get that button over there oh all right this will work [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] okay what can we do here n NY hold this for me okay good boy ni let's go ah you doing okay buddy we just got to do a few jobs like this before we hit it big all right [Music] [Music] this Pike operation looks huge it must have a sweet deal with the Empire there's a tower that energy barrier might be a problem though okay NY we can go out now if we got to you a fight who a fle ofar Destroyers I see Pikes you have got some trouble ahead someone nearby what we did on Kastle we can do here with the wildlife there's a demand I could use a new Blaster just a couple more go [Music] n set that off is the they're headed our way okay guess there's another one of these things [Music] nothing Ming here strange grenade out get her search over there secure the area we lost one come on search the [Music] area everything huh nothing so strange strange huh no one here she I think we lost [Music] her no we have the chop shot sming yes and perhaps there are more opportunities in this city than we are missing we should be worrying about Crimson DA they are nothing for now the moment they gain a foothold there will be bigger problems than missing opportunities what do you see de it who cares if they saw watch out ring me alone calling for back loock this way down [Music] [Music] okay files got to find a terminal a [Music] [Music] oh no this system has an alarm the file's just a spotchka recipe did I get played fine I'll make this worth my while ooh encrypted file [Music] [Music] and you're sure this channel is secure Mr sha pleas overthrowing someone like GAC takes time if I couldn't secure a channel I'd be long dead and call me tlac well tslac I'm oldfashioned if I'm going to stab a friend in the back I'd like to meet the person handing me the knife of course governor and there's the alarm well at least we got something do not miss what we get into [Music] buddy they've blocked down the elevator okay uh okay we can [Music] [Music] climb don't worry next the uh next job will be better [Music] [Music] it is quiet there's whoever triggered that alarm is inside seal the doors everything's locked down not b of the job what do you think should been blasted you will die for this better than nothing [Applause] [Music] whoa uh watch your step next I got this i got this [Music] pleas declare all I think we're good ni can't believe we pulled that off Wala how fast can you fix that ship I know I know you want to get off to Shara but fuel injectors don't come cheap you get paid uh maybe you know anyone who'd buy proof that some Pike is trying to overthrow gorak uh gorak would just leave my name out of it Crimson Dawn gorak will not be pleased hey you did you [Music] here gor's favorite spot recipes did I pass your client's test why don't you ask her yourself meet Thea of crimson Dawn you the one I was talking to before you pulled it off guess I shouldn't be surprised I heard you stole something much bigger than this a ship someone's favorite ship someone important I I uh I have no idea what you're talking about recognize her because zerak best showed up with one of their best asking a lot of questions yes a death mark from zerich PES what did you tell them nothing for now you work for us again it stays that way the Pikes are on top here and Crimson Dawn is making moves [Music] [Music] you want to uh make a move one of gor's men is planning to betray him [ __ ] up named tisl Shar really hey look at you playing the game you're learning here some fuel injectors for that ship you don't have these should help you get off toara so you know everything huh just the things that are important to us you'll be hearing from me soon so try to stay alive oh and uh one last thing yeah bram's leg is healing nicely thanks you're an our world now okay keep sharp bu I got those fuel injectors time to go that was fast what's the rush the Trailblazer needs time attention no rush I just uh want to keep moving fine go see if you can find more work hearts that she needs ain't cheap I'll talk to Dana but it doesn't have to be perfect just make it work [Applause] so Dana got more work for me maybe you got an ion Blaster I need someone to hit a stash for me but you'll need one to get inside I can mod my blaster been doing it for years just need the parts you know what I got a contact a pantoran named Belo owns a pawn shop nearby I'll tell him you're coming really I mean thanks Dunka yeah yeah you get that Blaster working call me and K I'm not the only one who give you work take a breath ask around there's always some action to find out here [Music] KS the Huts need a job done and you seem like a good fit who is this come to Ma's find out hey you Belo Dana sent me ah yes I heard you were coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] great and uh got any ion energy converters for blasters you knew around here those aren't legal only syndicates have Hardware like that oh okay right W I need a a a black market part for my blaster uh you're going to have to steal that either from the Pikes or Crimson Dawn if they trust you they'll let you walk right into their Turf but if they don't I got to keep it quiet I got [Music] it I'm sure what just what you're looking for please I'll do better we don't do second chance you need it we've got it probably hey you come see what I've got listen to yourself you're stuck in the pth Just Like Father seriously we both know the sh is better this must be Crimson Dawn [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] territory why is it always me [Music] hey Wala uh where would Crimson Dawn stash their blaster parts I heard they got a big safe house full of stolen gear if they got it that's where it'll be isn't forever so much to do so much to do all clear what do you [Music] see someone nearby [Music] here I feel like there b down here understand there [Music] carefully we're clear just perimeter secure defend around next must be the safe house I'll keep so much to do so much to do all this standing around is making me [Music] hungry got it [Music] hey does work your info was good I have the part you got a workshop or something I can use I'll do you one better there's a workbench on the Trailblazer I got up and running I've also moved her to a proper dock at a settlement called J's hope somewhere nicer more comfortable uh okay Che defend [Music] [Applause] [Music] anyone could be out [Music] here [Music] you nice to see you real professional just a be [Music] I only sell the best already tried finest shop in the Govern Authority demands to suspend operations in this sector [Music] and now the local news I'm CA BR res around here too all the speeder upgrades you need right here are [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we appreciate it take it easy ready to go [Music] I guess this is life for us now huh ni we're on our own like really on our own it was a death Mark but we can lose it just need to make enough to survive the land SC so big nobody can hold us back ever we set for life [Applause] attention we found our stolen supplies at a pirate Camp an assault team is on its way to recover Imperial property stolen Imperial property huh how can I say no [Music] ready ni don't us hope okay so this is where wak brought the Trail Blazer still willing to defend the latests whoa check out the ship Nick waka's been busy Waka you did this all yourself uh-huh it's hard work but it'll all be worth it when she hits the atmosphere and Soares uh yeah you ready for those fuel injectors yet no no soon hold on to him for now pricey Parts can disappear around here there's the workbench [Music] haven't done that in a while Duna my blaster's good to go you going to give me that job now yeah Foo mentioned you'd stop by I'll send you the location of the stash get inside and take what's in there all right I can do that good find me in J's hope when you're done want to Lo your CH let's drive [Music] h this is the location dunk has sent me oo that capacitor looks dead guess this is why I needed the ion mod there we go oh I guess I'll just take these then hold TI [Applause] [Music] I'm not giving you any credits find a way to fix it on your own Empire is lying to you [Music] Duna hey uh here's what I got some sort of tracking transponder bunch of credits too keep them wasn't after those anyway Huts didn't want to pay tribute so now instead of their little cash this transponder will eat them straight to me remind me not to get on your bad side don't worry I'm good to those I can trust which is why I'm going to give you a tip a tip like more money no something better I got some friends who could help you out get you a better slicing rig that speeder of you you'll have to track him down yourself but that should be enough to get you started thanks I mean information is more valuable than credits right you know you can keep those little Revelations to yourself talk soon [Music] K okay I'm ready for those injectors bring them to me and then we should be able to fly finally all right I'm on my way okay hey got the fuel injectors here perfect let's get them installed all right fuel injectors are good just give me a minute to get her ready for takeoff this looks like it's seen better days it flies kind of you got another job for me how do you feel about Crossing imps not good Kate tell her not good I thought that's a no no around here that's why we pin it on the Pikes and how do I know Crimson Dawn won't burn me after I pull this off you don't but that's the game we play and yeah I play it better than most you just have to sneak into an imperial station and delete some data easy in space no she's not ready yet I'll be fine I was talking about her we'll get it done [Music] there she can fly now but the hyperdrive is still on the FRS oh so I still can't jump guess the core worlds will have to wait huh ship looks fixed up AO was right SLO put a death mark on me okay okay we just got to figure something out before zerich bash finds US you're sure it'll fly Waka she will she probably will all right let's get moving [Music] [Music] [Music] okay coordinates incoming got him take it easy on the controls okay appreciate the ship right I I got it ala these coordinates aren't for the space station first you'll need a way in we disabled the shipment Freer on route to the station they were hauling sansana sansana like spice not until it's processed pick it up and pose as the delivery let's put all this junp out here thank the solar winds for that but don't worry this ship can handle anything there's the ship blast the cargo loose uh-huh get us close while I fire up the tractor me that's our Mark drop the cargo or die Raiders just what we need need it don't let them hit wela I know we have to fight I can't get the cargo if they're firing on us just protect the Trailblazer [Music] this is our lucky day two ships to gut more of them oh come on we were stealing this [Applause] first wow this thing can move right now let's get the rest of that cargo there got it perfect we now have Sana on board I'll um put the space station coordinates in we'll be fine we'll be fine [Music] so this is what we're breaking into yeah just don't do anything suspicious you know what I'm going to disable the ship's weapons just in case [Music] [Music] traitor you are in unauthorized space turn around and prepare to be fired upon negative negative our Darius G-Class Freer ran into some trouble had to switch to this ship for your uh cargo delivery of Precious Minerals precious very legal minerals follow the tie ES got into Docking Bay 3 submit for inspection inspection at least we're in right K I tried to warn [Music] [Music] you trer you are here in unauthorized space turn around or prepare to be fired upon negative negative our Darius G-Class Raider ran into some trouble had to switch to this ship for your uh cargo delivery of Precious Minerals precious very legal minerals follow the tie escort into docking Bas 3 submit for inspection inspection at least we're in right AA what are we stealing anyway nothing you're deleting Debs every Syndicate in mogana owes Governor thordan money the records are on that station so I find the Data Vault delete the pike DS and thordon thinks they've messed with his record wipe the data frame the Pikes Crimson Dawn comes out on [Music] top why do I feel like lra's using us because it's Crimson Dawn she is [Music] [Music] okay this is a lot you know it's not too late to just hand over the cargo and get out of here no I need parts to fix my ship and this is how I get them we're doing this we have to so you want me to just what distract the imps will you find the Data Vault oh great idea wer I'll sneak out in the cargo elevator all [Music] right open up 50 we need to see that delivery before you move on what did I get us into next let's just sneak out and find a floor plan unseen the next job will be better this up gorak will be hearing from us gorak and governor thoron do you hear me remember the Pikes are of our guests no one hello there welcome to the trail bler good cover yes I hear you have a sensitive shipment for this station you know there's a reason this ship succeeds when others fil you see this that's reinforced dur steel planting and the deflector Shields they're well named because uh they deflect you understand right yes now about the shipment here it's easier to show you come inside check out why can't I talk to th done personally the governor's a busy man you know the price fortification [Music] [Music] we're in terminal will have a floor plan then we can find a Data Vault [Music] [Music] [Music] I understand increasing our credit flow but is the risk really worth it you could always request a transfer you I've considered it but but you're getting used to the life the extra money affords aren't you what can I say Thon makes it very get that termin difficult Le come on they're all there because we can't have Pikes just wandering around this station yes which is why we don't this is a TI distract him [Music] Nix what is [Music] [Music] that okay dat of Vault date of Vault in the maintenance Bay all right let's get that door open hey K the officer's inspecting the goods you found the files no keep her busy I was just thinking the Pikes run Mirana maybe instead of deleting their debts you frame Crimson Dawn tell gorak everything and get a big reward double cross AA think about it what's stopping her from cashing in on your death mark [Music] hey I never told you about my death Mark word gets around K oh wait she's coming back ni put on a sh this way catch that thing huh what was that they see me n we're pinned [Music] down what the [Music] take extra care we have an inspection coming up soon you don't have to tell me twice I still remember the last time still can't believe we have to dump that [ __ ] neither can s [Music] [Music] okay guess it's time to go search there [Music] that was close I got into a fight with had to call my whole Squad to take him down uhhuh combat drills again per [Music] my squad took down a w he once took all of us and [Music] [Music] the Blaster [Music] quietly time to distract them [Music] n let's break the alarm [Music] someone nearby hey NY the button over [Music] there need a distraction NYX this [Music] [Applause] h [Music] [Music] checkpoint clear command's counting on me I have they're after Us's in they won't quit do your duty now come on any for the Empire I'm not getting through [Music] [Music] the floor plan said the data vault's here somewhere can I get over there thanks push that button sir I'll ey ask me they're no better than Common Street trash y [Music] it's showtime buddy get it out of here what are you [Music] [Music] no change [Music] over out the perimeter over got something bud [Music] my and I were once pied out by our [Music] MH what's that go put on a show next what's that whoops huh [Music] all clear what you think they'd replace us with droids than terminal what was that [Music] huh the Data Vault okay let's wipe some [Music] Debs come on come on these files are impossible to understand what are you one of thon's guys wa uh yes no you are an intruder and if you don't want me to sound the alarm you'll get me out of here I'm sorry you are BOS knck I'm tur's bookkeeper fancy name for a prisoner I thought prisoners were usually in you know cells they call it creative punishment it's what get for being so smart all the governor's bribes GBS Shady Deals they all go through me okay we got to hurry this up just pick who you want to pin this on uh let's help each other then scrub some records for me and I'll get you out of here do dat easy what [Music] it all right boss knock WIP P the peg dead you have on record someone wants to get gor in trouble H Brave sure stupid maybe I'll WIP them and meet you in my extraction Cruiser extraction Cruiser I've had a long time to plan this intr get it one from the tun behind [Music] you okay bosck what do I do call the cargo elevator [Music] you did it Intruder it's moving great and my name is k yeah [Music] whatever hey so extraction Cruiser is acting up any there's a bu on the back that should give her power search let's take a look distract him Nix let's go this is a restricted area leave there you good yes yes follow me I will lead us out of here Chase it away you're going to drop this energy barrier a what I thought you had this all planned out I do and I plan for you to drop this energy barrier stand down if nothing K get back here the imp's not buying it what I've locked a Trailblazer down but they're trying to pry her doors open hurry up I'm coming I'm coming anyone piped visitors coming through today yes yeah yeah let's go see the scale of our operation keeps them line I'm all for it Governor th knows what he's doing Patrol unit reporting in all clear door is closed need you to open it yeah I got it BOS knck again [Music] wouldn't it be faster if I carried you what I'm not leaving my stuff here hey the other door didn't open you sure you pushed the right button I'm I'm learning as I go here bosck wait okay here we go who hey hey hey what you do I'm falling I don't know what happened I I pushed a button find me Intruder you have to get down here hey so how'd you end up here of you were cly G from theak Gods iner someone's coming bosok you there uh-oh I asked what you're doing here you know this is why you going to get that promotion you can't Nick we're spotted we got more bucket heads [Music] rer we need more Troopers what the anyone these energy barriers don't have a terminal find a way to take them down Intruder nice trick now let's [Music] go go ahead and call me up from the next terminal all according to plan yeah no [Applause] Flawless did that work beautifully scanning contents for delivery cargo not recognized authorization from hanger control needed sounds like you need to override the cargo authorization hm I heard where's the hanger control Bay up ahead move Trooper there's a possible Intruder near the cargo bay all quiet over here Showtime ni hey get behind you what this is a warning [Music] ah we're not getting through that hanger with all those Troopers maybe we can get them out of [Music] [Music] [Music] here all right then okay one oh huh the Storm Troopers are clearing out down there this is our chance next let's get back to the ship you okay NYX we'll be fine buddy you stop uh hi there forward walk up drop the cargo ramp let us in who's us just open the ramp something's wrong it's jammed I'll fix it I'm going if you want to live through this you'll get that thing open it's not my fault I told you she wasn't ready just figure it [Music] out there's a lot of Troopers out here I get it just don't let them hurt the Trailblazer get that blaster there is an intruder moving through the [Music] station to go [Music] fire ran down get that cargo on board [Music] [Music] Ander oh no no that was our way out then we'll make another [Music] one hang on tip use the boosters get us out of here they're locking Us in K we can make it we're out we're good not yet we aren't TI are still on us oh we need to get away from this station fly back through the debris field Tai's hated in [Music] there understood [Music] all right see that Imperial comms relay we get over there we wipe its data the GS forget all about us right okay guess I'll need to take out these ties [Music] first they're shooting at using weapons can't slice that relay with these Ties on us I'm on it TR place just been hit come on that's it we've lost them we did it we did it who's this guy in the jar uh bosno bosno bosno good yeah great get close to the relay and I can wa the system just need a few seconds [Music] uninterrupted attention Pilots cancel the search okay are we good we're all clear let's get back to Marana quick sh [Music] [Music] you all good back there bosck oh yeah been a while since I felt a rush like that you guys do this a lot so is this guy joining our crew or we're not a crew and no he is not la [Music] the ground should be good now all right lra better be [Music] [Music] impressed news I'm two members of the clear how's it going I'm a little busy right now yeah you good at Sak what uh yeah I'm from Kanto bite good I got some high rollers looking for a challenge at my calls go take their money [Music] see what they've got great Nick you feeling this one you get it done uh yes there's something else what is it thon's bookkeeper is on my ship he's looking for protection knows every deal the governor's made in meragana that is unexpected I'll send a contact to pick him up right away so do I finally get to hear all of crimson Dawn's Secrets just one the Bounty Hunter who's been chasing your death Mark her name's Vil and she's got a rep huh guess that means I have a rep too in this line of work it pays to be anonymous what up oos knock's getting picked up and I got paid what's the next part you need I can't stay on this Moon any longer yeah yeah one thing at a time here before we get fixing the hyperdrive you need to upgrade your speeder what why just trust me you need to find a mechanic to help you out uh aren't you a mechanic yeah a busy one ask around you'll find someone H Dana had a contact hey Duna you said you knew someone who could mod my speeder right sure did bartender A J's hope knows the mechanic so start there J's hope great I'm glad you're call K you're starting to get a rep which means more work I got a nice curated list of jobs here for you I'm not the only one lots more people will hire you now oh uh thanks I'll stop by PES come see me at Mall's is that a threat a peace offering hey I'm looking for someone who can rig my speeder trouble with the winds huh is it that obvious CEO roak is the best bike modder on this side of the hiyan but she's not keen on the strangers that's okay neither am I she hasn't been around lately maybe her friends in kadua know where she is kadua yeah yeah that's uh just outside mogana it's a wind fishing settlement right wind fishing obviously [Music] ready to go oh [Applause] they're coming for us [Applause] [Music] [Music] attention we found our stolen supplies at a pirate Camp an assault team is on its way to recover Imperial property stolen Imperial property huh how can I say no attack ni attack get down do it Follow My Lead Nick attention assault troops I want a full sweep of the camp finish off any remaining Pirates and find those stolen supplies I bet they won't even notice if some of those supplies go missing good job let's check that out yes sir area secure I keep this channel open let's get him don't let her Escape what [Music] the should be useful here we are now I go feel like going for a ride we got ourselves a nice little Hall h Nick [Music] we're too fast for him [Music] Nick let's hope that bike moners around here huh wind fishing that must be kadua this isn't working flip it the other way why you think I haven't tried that hey this is kadua right maybe what's an off worlder like you doing here I'm looking for CA roak why you Empire uh no no I I heard she can rig my speeder CEO left we don't know where she is can't believe you're still protecting her after what she did well I'm not she's living Cliffside near J's hope got it J's hope tired of walking next [Music] you does this mean you don't want to work with me [Music] are you CEO I need to kick up the power of my speeder I don't work with offworlders anymore but you look like you're out of options got a name right sorry it's k k VES I can help you K but if you want a real kick I'll need a part an atmosperic accelerator the imps have one in their wind Harvester I mean why don't I just steal it for you then oh yeah then take these they'll power down the turbine and that's your way in all right sounds good I'll take care of it and meet you back [Applause] here I'll send the coordinates hold on mix [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] go go [Music] wo look at this ready [Applause] next hey CEO how do I use those um mag disruptors just secure them to the circuit panel near the turbine guess I could have figured that out oh and they're low capacity so the charge might not last all right let's go next we're going too slow those charges didn't really last pass the turbine but now my exit shouldn't be a problem for you though I mean you are really good at this no yeah I am you'd just think there'd be an easier way to get an atmospheric accelerator actually I only made the one it's in the converter room at the top of the Harvester the Empire sto it I to them in exchange for some offworld parts I didn't know they'd use it to divert the winds and cut off our Farmers well the good news is they won't have it for much longer could have used a few more of those me disruptors Showtime next way to go h [Music] [Music] the a h I'm fine really why do I get the feeling you didn't really need this thing to boost my bike well I could have used something off the shelf but this accelerator will give you a much stronger kick I'll be the judge of that out h [Music] all right ni I guess we're doing this h [Music] that must be [Music] it I have your accelerator it looks like this place can't run without it I told you it have some serious kick and hey with the winds back to their natural of course you'll have a way out hang on tight [Music] [Applause] whoa NYX you hanging on back there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] why did I tell you CeeLo easy I never should have made this at least now it'll be used for something good good is a bit of a stretch well well I like you a lot more than I like the Empire where's your speeder I'll just juice the repulser here and you're all set bet it's strong enough to ride double now oh really I meant your little pet there yeah me too that's what I meant thanks I should go see you around okay [Applause] is [Music] now this is more like it okay Waka my theater's been modded nice meet me at the marketplace Cantina it's uh more private than the calls I'll fill you in there [Music] [Music] about take a look you won't regret it hey thanks all sales are final [Music] enjoy you look like you need [Applause] do some shopping hey with the nav computer and your repairs how much am I going to owe you okay we're friends we'll get to that I wouldn't call us friends you will because I just found you an EML 850 compatible nav computer and uh since I know what I'm doing it's free what's the catch no catch there's this old W Beed in amberine and it's loaded with compatible parts it's not stripped already look I mean we tried the winds picked up and not all of us have fancy Speeders then part of it collapsed and sealed it off can't I just like boost one off a pike Cruiser or something not possible Trailblazer is a custom job off the shelf Parts won't cut it you're lucky I even remember this wreck even luckier that I have a plan I just just to need a class 11 power core and where exactly am I supposed to get that all kinds of places like uh you know Imperial compounds we barely made it out of that space station alive you trying to get me locked up I'm just trying to get your ship fixed you're welcome and uh don't die all right [Music] come on there's a faster way [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes sir the Empire prevails Happ something's off today okay stay quiet but I'm at that Imperial compound Walker good now remember class 11 power core it' probably be near an engineering area but somewhere a little more secure maybe look for an office a smaller room I what the I heard a story about a crimon dawn agent infiltrating one of our battalions we need to be careful you're right put that away Beat It group the position do your duty yes sir after them [Music] [Music] rep ni put on the show come on just shoot it next the terminal [Applause] [Music] fight I can remember still get scared okay let's go [Music] huh what the need the distract him Nix I like ship come on ni they're up all units the suspect is dangerous and now a top priority keep her in range and await reinforcements don't give them a [Music] chance train here we go ni get that Ben open atten attention the threat threat has escalated The Fugitive is extremely dangerous maintain engagement and weit reinforcements Imperials aren't going to stop where is she position out and search where is she I think we lost him help me don't let take her out for six all troops focus on eliminating The Fugitive neutralizer [Music] death Troopers have been deployed stay where you are and do not get in their way don't worry buddy we're going to figure this out okay then this looks like an engineering [Music] area strange what's going huh let's do this no one escaped yes sir come on fire and will secure the area stop her that's a power core n do your thing continue the search he too dangerous class 11 perfect no get away close in over there has arrived [Music] he's ready Nick get the B [Music] buddy defend this position [Music] how many of them are [Music] [Music] there h [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's move next let's go command track in the fut she's hiding from us she has to be eliminated continue the search here we go man [Applause] you can't catch me [Applause] let's drive [Music] [Applause] we have received a report of The Fugitive Cru spine Mountain okay that's bad going to have to find a console to deal with it I've heard death Troopers are the best the Empire have I'll need a data key to get into their Network how much you want to bet that officer's got it understood we'll stop it silence squeaks only okay attention units dangerous fugitive is moving through your sector keep looking she's got to be taken out you won't get [Music] me you Maxim for are we have reports of an armed fugitive in your sector when you find her blast her they see me next [Music] get we're pin mix get him ready next if walk us right this part means the Trailblazer will take us anywhere we want and a big score be up for Life we've come a long way from the workers dist buddy it's all way up from here [Music] so this snap computer it'll be pretty easy to find right you just need to get through the Maze of hallways climb through some ancient rubble and hope the whole thing doesn't cave in on you oh easy then we need to pick up the pace hey I think I'm at some kind of tunnel only way through is with that spear [Applause] [Applause] waala I'm here what do I do all right install the power core and hit the capacitor with your Ion Blaster module with the core in place the door should open right up core goes here I guess let's power up the core he was right wow look at this place Waka I'm in amazing right these Republic Cruisers were something special nav computer will be on the bridge so good luck [Music] [Music] how how's it going I mean a hyperdrive doesn't really need a nav computer to work right as long as you don't mind ending up in a black hole no oh great and I'm guessing the bridge is still further in hey if it was easy to get to that computer would be gone by now [Music] [Music] this thing is huge how am I supposed to figure out where the bridge [Music] is w a wao [Music] a whoa was this the ship's reactor [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wo w [Music] f [Music] [Music] looks like the weight of the bridge is shut maybe if we get the reactor going [Music] [Music] [Music] W I need to get powered to the ship somehow I I think I'm at the reactor H that's your best bet it's probably a multi-step activation from bottom to top if it works at all [Music] all right that should warm it up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay reactor's up now let's see if it'll power the rest of the ship okay I think we got to climb up to the [Music] [Music] [Music] top hey I think that actually works that should get us to the control room [Music] [Music] [Music] wer I think I'm almost there uh that's great yeah you okay huh oh yeah uh just fixing the Trailblazer hurry it up okay huh pretty old [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] got to be a way to get that lift to come down turbo lift works too looks safe Maybe [Music] this better be worth it [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] Wala I made it huh oh yeah perfect nav computer will be in the console [Music] okay I can't pry this open I think it needs authorization [Music] all right authorization granted just grab the KN computer and those are zeric bash agents how did they find us [Music] [Music] [Music] watching [Music] get him Nick go hide Nick something's not right about this NYX let's grab it and go now this looks like a nav computer don't be mad K I mean I knew what she needed I know what she's been through I'm the one who fixed her you're going to kill me for a ship for the Trailblazer zerk bash wanted you alive but I can't afford any Loose Ends neither can I fail right if this is about SLO ship or the rebels it's just a big big misunderstanding I don't care at least hear me out this run no good double crossing my you just after my shift come on this way uh look you uh got the wrong person Zer B found us this is bad I knew we were here too long come on [Music] on okay okay let's just take a second here enough just come quietly who are you run [Music] I said [Music] run whose Droid was that no no no we need to get out of here NY keep running we'll we'll jump to anywhere else if the ship's even there this can't keep happening from now on it's just you and me Nick like it should be [Music] [Music] [Music] ready for to search f for [Music] we need to get out of here she'll be here any minute I'm sure you hear that ni K vest we need it last who are you saving you was hard I'd rather not kill you you have a name Jaylen VX and I hear you got into Cero's mansion without [Music] these where'd you get this it's what I do Secrets contacts credits I'm the one who brings them all together J faric this really is leros Mansion isn't it mhm and the schematics for a safe filled with 157 million credits worth of unmarked bescar ingots and I get you inside uh-huh you got a droidsmith to shut up that gatekeeper enough explosives to blow through that chromium time lock and don't forget sl's amped up security since your last little visit you'll need two slicers to get in get in how about getting out if it wasn't for NX I'd be in the ground you'd need an enforcer you'd need a whole crew that's right with half the prize to split however you like this job it's a death wish well you're already dead Okay SLO runs the most lethal Syndicate I've ever seen and he wants you gone you want to live push back Rob his fortune buy your freedom that easy there's a reason people like me don't push back on people like SLO survival exactly and I for one am tired of fighting for the scraps left by Rich overdressed tyrants like SLO this is our chance you and I can break him together you really don't like this guy I'm just trying to tip the scales for People Like Us K what do you think I'm in nd5 has a list track them down get our crew oh and don't stab me in the back Andy's program too make sure that doesn't happen Galaxy's yours you believe that I believe if you follow the plan no one gets hurt [Music] wa are you ready for [Music] [Music] [Music] speee we do ship upgrades how's it going [Music] [Applause] great [Music] choice so uh what are the rules here how do we make this work you don't betray Jaylen and I don't blast you so you're my babysitter if that is what you want to call it fine with SLO after you you clearly need protection what's sl's problem he runs a whole Syndicate who cares about one stolen ship you broke into his Mansion hit his vault and stole his ship I imagine SLO wants you and whoever you work for to disappear for good with me on board you might live long enough to complete the job this time uhuh just uh stay out of my way all right now let's go okay whenever you're ready kest do you have more business toara okay time to [Music] go your hyperdrive is offline oh yeah this snap computer will pick that can you look it up for me fine it'd be hard to recruit a team without one oh right the team uh I know a droidsmith on AA what do we do about the others JB's left you a list of contacts and I've plotted their coordinates if you want to recruit your own droidsmith I can tell him other than that there's a heavy we could recruit on Tatooine and a safe cracker on kajimi which is where I recommend going first but it's your [Music] choice spooling up the [Applause] [Music] hyperdrive time to jump here next treats oh boy [Applause] [Music] kest isn't working alone before I built zerich bash my family built ships on corellia did you know that I did not this model the EML 50 inconspicuous virtually indestructible perfect for the underworld but they were expensive dur steel plating alone cost a fortune there was a BX command un fortunately there were other ships that could do the job for much less I just need more time I hire you because you are one of the best hunters in the outer rim then I tell you someone broke into my private vaults and stole one of the last EML 850s in the galaxy and you assumed she was working alone do you know what happened to these [Music] ships destroyed repurposed scrapped do you understand I'll find her I just need [Music] so this is kajimi huh looks cold and dark that's the least of our problems the ashika Clan's been running the underworld here for decades but Crimson Dawn is looking to seize control Queen ASA is determined to destroy them well then let's just get the safe cracker before that happens I'd move quickly through the nebula it's swarming with Smugglers and spice Runners hey I'll fit right in no you won't rookies stand out on Kimi I'm going to talk to my contacts down there see if they have any work for I can find my own contacts you can try [Music] we looks like you've run into trouble hang tight [Music] all right not bad look [Music] ank's the best safe cracker in the outer rim we're not getting into sl's Vault without her she's also drowning in debt to the Asa yeah H maybe she should think about cracking some saves we've got a welcoming committee welcoming committee thoughtful of you that wasn't me watch your back [Music] K I'm heading out good oh my jacket's not warm enough this NY you better curl up close hey there I'm KES you uh must be the ASA cartel right we are a clan your ship is an EML 850 designation Trailblazer a smuggling vessel in our records oh you've heard of it well I'm just looking for someone her name's ank what is is your business with ank well uh she owes me money like a lot I'm here to collect you are a liar you are working with Crimson Dawn what no no I mean if I was with the dawn you think I'd just show up on your Landing Pad ship scan complete nothing of Interest guess that means I'm free to go right I mean sounds like you've got Crimson Dawn spies to find you are clear to go but do not lie to us again oh yeah I won honest hey nd5 we're clear for now just uh don't give them a reason and lock down the ship this is not my first time on kajimi yeah okay I think I'll check out the Cantina see if anyone's heard anything about ank ank's a regular at the doac refactory it's in the thieves quarter right nearby you hungry [Applause] ni hi I'll have the dur dance [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] too fancy you first you liking the [Applause] [Applause] larva nice to have something hot and [Applause] cold oh you're supposed to wait for it to melt hold on ni pull [Applause] harder there we go okay buddy [Applause] yeah you're okay a who heel [Applause] all right all right you [Applause] win so good we'll find that on Kanto bye now hey Nix easy on the ice next time by the way be careful in that Cantina it's crawling with mercenaries you don't want to get in a fight with someone who carries around a Blaster Cannon right or maybe they help me out with some heavy weapons so this is kajimi City long way from home isn't it come on NY Maybe got some good snacks here no jobs right now now leave me alone quit whining no I swear I'm ready to pack up and hit the road this place has gone downhill since the queen let the empire in this used to be a free the empire was bound to come here sooner or later the clan didn't have to invite them in oh it's okay buddy people around here are just tense [Applause] [Music] hey is ank around ank what she owe you credits too good luck why what happened well the asiga finally caught her got a couple million credits to pay off in the factory at her age with a debt like that she's in there for life huh that complicates things hey if she gets out tell her she's got a tab to [Music] pay hey ind5 looks like ank is trapped working in some asiga Factory I think I'm going to have to break her out if they catch you they'll lock you up as well you got any better ideas is no find the factory schematics First Slice into a terminal in their district and see what you can learn I don't see any good options there are Stormtrooper patrols on the landing pad they'll search us and seize the weapons never had to deal with the Empire on Kimi before Oh what a mess I think we have to turn around and call this job a bust no way I'm not walking away from this many credits and we've got a reputation to uphold where in the nebula's debris field good all [Music] right Queen ERS the gates any action at the track today wony the hyperhopper the crowd's getting Lou I feel good about this one here we go preparations for the nextar [Applause] underway and there go the no surprises here just space charg the can hardly believe what they're seeing takes the [Applause] win that was certainly something what happened stay T next race coming [Music] up St hands are making [Music] get [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I don't understand crimon all right got to be a terminal here somewhere where I can look up ank should look for a building with a radar dish on the roof [Applause] [Music] sneaky time little guy okay [Music] [Music] oh w [Music] okay careful now let's see what we can [Music] find huh [Music] [Music] [Music] yes okay okay nd5 I didn't find anything on the factory but I found something else anything useful looks it's like Crimson Dawn stolen some Relic from the asiga clan that's why they're scanning all the ships in the Spaceport they must have known it would keep the queen distracted well I'm sure the queen would appreciate if I got it back to them just got to find out where Crimson Dawn's hiding the Wellspring it's a private club in the thoral district that was fast not three [Music] H let's see here [Music] h [Applause] on [Applause] you look like you might need something D you take [Music] care I'm going to do another sweep Crimson Dawn's playing with fire there's no way to to getro be a reaction but the Dawn I heard the pot's going to be huge tonight hope one of us wins it you know I once played a hand with Sky Gus thems before they hit it big of is she's fine H that should be the Wellspring we shouldn't be here the ISA could come at any moment you're such a coward Crimson Dawn's taking over and there's nothing the ASA can do about it doesn't mean it won't try got to keep quiet [Music] [Music] NX all right NYX nice and quiet now let's get that Relic I'm paid to fight not to stand around someone around next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's got to be it feeler up buddy this could get tricky [Music] at least I'm almost done here Life's too short to not spend [Music] credits take down these guys don't stop I'm here throwing explosives got you just you and me [Music] now keep at it they send it [Music] over back down get it nowo should open a door here somewhere stop her I can still take [Music] down keep it she's gone okay should be good now what you stop that no good need to shut down Security First anyone leave me [Music] [Music] [Music] down all right then [Music] [Music] all right let's get this thing out of here that's our exit why is it always me [Music] nobody better hang on we got to move [Applause] [Music] next get that Blaster St shooting nice one Nick charge St up shoot her I need do you copy no NX you're the best [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] nd5 I've Got The Relic thing should I be concerned about how you retrieved it uh no I'm taking this to the queen she won't see just anyone K don't get your hopes up easy things fa here h [Music] [Music] the ASA basically run kijimi got any tips for meeting the queen be aite back away okay listen I've found your stolen Relic and I'm here to return it to the Queen the ban PIRA give it to me no offense but I want to give it to her myself you may pass N5 guess who's going to see the queen they must want this Relic bad good work you should be terrified what why they may proceede you as the thief oh right uh I'll be fine a lot of security here Crimson Dawn knew what they were doing hey easy the ban p who are you kavas uh your majesty she was asking about the bomb maker but I also got this Relic back for you from Crimson [Music] Dawn our expansion has made us vulnerable mother it will make the hive stronger we don't need the outer rim our place is here we have decided okay so relic's back you going to let ant go now the bomb maker she is essential to our expansion but the hive also has great use for a thief like you work with us and we will let ank Go free father we got a deal then great I'll just leave you two to talk this [Music] up K I'm going to the ship inventory and I found something you could use come see me all right the ASA are warming up to me I I think the queen rewards loyalty keep it up some items are waiting for you K right [Music] nd5 what's this a hollow tracker used to belong to Jet Cordo the former owner of the Trailblazer Oh I thought SLO owned the Trailblazer you're not the first to steal this ship K here there's a holis inside take a look hello this is jet Cordo it's almost time to do this job but first we need some precautions that thing you're holding is a holot Tracker trade League members such as myself use them to find vaults to store a Contraband but I've taken a couple of those vaults Off the Grid no one's going to find them but us just don't lose that holot tracker in the discs because we don't don't want anyone else to find these vaults and take the score I have spoken huh why it shut off looks like the holid disk is attuned to Tara you're going to have to go there to reactivate the device it should guide you to Jet's Vault H all right should be easy let's see what jet left behind all right what have you got for me these are module Parts compatible with your blaster your vm19 is crude but highly customizable it's not crude it's vintage once installed this conductor will let you release a powerful explosive bolt you can use the workbench to build the module [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it fits H let's just hope it works if it doesn't it'll be due to your inexperience and lack of tactical yeah yeah I get it I've scouted some locations where you'll find the module useful all right thanks for the heads up I should get back to finding ank okay I've received a message from the air to the ashika throne this is Chris if you truly want ank meet me at the Kini City Cantina we have much to speak about sounds like crisp wants to make a deal maybe but it's rare for the ashika to defy their Queen we have also received some job offers from the ashika clan one of them comes from Dona who's left you a message here on the ship all right might be worth checking out the SM must be responsible but where what have you gotten X [Music] huh mercenary in the Cantina could ask the bartender about [Music] it hey uh weird question maybe uh is there a mercenary around here we got a lot of mercenaries kid how about one who likes big guns yeah that narrows it down but you might want to talk to Rooster she's been brooding in that corner all week causing trouble for my customers you'd be doing me a big favor if you got her out of here [Music] thanks keep hearing rumors that black son and Zar f are looking to expand to [Music] k a she [Music] that's not ink who's this this is Kira Queen of the Crimson Dawn Hive cave s theas told me a lot about you sounds like you made quite an impact on Tashara okay look just get me ank and I'm out of here you have not been paying attention the Queen's never going to let ank go she sold out the asiga to the Empire and ank's weaponry is the reason the deal even exists only way to get her out put krisk on the throne so our Hive can finally be free and why are you here same reason you are recruitment look I'm not really into politics or taking down queens and I definitely don't like people spying on me then do it for your safe cracker this will take you straight to ank inside the ASA weapons Factory get her out then let's talk what makes you think I'll stick around I trust you'll do what's best for you okay you don't hear or no a lot do you I don't [Music] [Music] are you rooster I heard you're good with weapons loud ones most people who hear that leave me alone yeah well I need some expertise you just stick with your little Blaster there hey look hear me out I can pay listen I'm out of the game Empire destroyed my ship confiscated my weapons so now I'm here I don't need company I mean I could get your weapons back where'd they take them no idea they're marked but I dumped the tracker in an asteroid field got no chance without it well I've got a ship you're young you got your whole life ahead of you mine's in the other direction just leave me be okay your [Music] call and D there's an asteroid field in this system right it's on a smuggling route to the nebula why I think there's something worth looking for out there want to make some credits [Music] don't die I've given you free passage to the weapons Factory my people are expecting you sounds good thanks hey Andy hey andy5 I have a key card to release ank got it from some Crimson Dawn leader Chris is working with Kira that's troubling what you've met her jayen and I went to an auction she hosted it did not end well hey N5 I picked up a quick job ah yes I'll see about finding similar work for you as well talk to me if you're interested oh sure thanks a you were kave V uh yeah chrisk told me you'd let me through you were expected krisk told us you would be here proceed all right I'm at the tunnel good I had your speeder delivered Ah that's so thoughtful of you we have two crew members on the line I need to mitigate risk oh great [Music] HOH what happened here looks like some explosives went off all right I'm here good a in Assembly Hall five the key card will get you in but you'll have to bypass the guards on your own what if uh blasters go off they're loyalists to the queen I have no use of them as long as we're on the same page [Music] got something bud this Factory is enormous it was once the pride of the asiga clan where we built our blasters from the traditional schematics what's it used for now the queen made a deal with the Empire now our forges are used to build explosives for their the war against the Rebellion ah can see why you wouldn't like that the queen has traded our independence for profit and needless expansion but enough talk an is expecting you you don't have much time I key card has been stolen sir stolen how is that possible my memory B because it's EXA theion that is the only logical expanation find it or we'll turn you into sh yes sir [Music] Jaylen better be right about ink don't want to get mixed up in this for nothing so you're behind schedule there she is just have to find a way in that's not my job see something late I've been subordinate it's on your record push that button n [Music] [Music] you must be ank hey uh yeah I'm KES I'm putting together a crew I'm working with jayen bra uh [Music] no what just slow down a second hey [Music] for not really [Applause] [Music] someone [Music] nearby H day ni hit that Barrel just leaving you want we find no threat here we find no tread here there is nothing here move get him ni come we are destroy the so much for going quiet ni we will secure the area St here we're pinned down [Music] reinforce our distract them Nick the high will prevail a good job Nix [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've got your stuff here uh some kind of good luck charm that's a su kid what was that so you blew it up this thing really hey next that one oh uh sorry [Music] Hank there's been an explosion Evacuate the premises get them out of here and send reinforcements [Music] what are you doing here finger don't go but the bom maker why down the rail [Applause] [Applause] [Music] they're coming our way greenon [Music] Kaku still in one piece [Music] what about your Ps [Music] def attack for Aika [Music] Clan hey uh don't I know you AK div hey hold this [Music] open how's that it's not even moving that fast all right all right let's find a way to get to ank we will there that was lucky they're escaping stop the cargo lift uh ank time to return the favor they stopped the cargo lift can you find the override wait what [Music] ink oh I know stay sharp ni you know I think you'd be a good fit for the Kanto job Kanto ah that [Music] uh that's the [Music] plan so uh are the bombs on that sled secure I mean there are a lot of boes going on here okay still alive want [Music] CH hey tenter [Music] here's your lucky [Music] charm what you don't even know what's in the vault 157 million in unmarked credits pay off all your debts easy he virtually impenetrable that's why we need you uh this will be the first one twice it was better when Jaylen pitched it you're staying to take down the queen I don't I don't get it Jaylen Ang's out she's doing a job for Kira from Crimson Dawn Of course Kira is making a bigger play on kajimi than I thought uh-huh so you got a second option sorry K it's got to be ank this is just her style she can't focus on two things at the same time yeah I can see that stick with her once an's finished with Kira she'll be looking for the next big rush and that's us exactly earn her trust show her where a serious outfit [Music] oh by the way K I sent a package to the Trailblazer some supplies that'll help you close the deal all right I'll take a look thanks [Music] Jaylen I see you managed to break out an since you're still here I assume she turned you down yeah well right now it seems like she'd rather work for you do what's best for you k you ask me that's helping ank finish this job I'll send you the coordinates just in case hi hello is this K who is this how did you get on this channel I'm Mayu the queen requested you for a job let us meet uh all right [Music] [Music] f spe [Music] [Music] K you made it I'm just here to make sure that ank gets through this alive a te then I realized I have no idea what you get from this I could tell you a story about growing up on corellia and seeing the same tyranny here that I lived as a young Thief but there is no money in that story the Queen's handed kajimi to the Empire which means no room for anyone else I help krisk save the hive and Crimson Dawn gets in on the market it's a bet and I like Chris's odds everybody wins right [Music] I'll shut him down got it it'll be good practice for your little Heist tell Jaylen I say [Music] hello come on next this place is huge Hold On Tight ni looks like we've got a long climb ahead hey and5 you think krisk is wrong to work with Crimson Dawn as opposed to the queen making deals with the EMP yeah doesn't seem like the ASA are free in either case no and I don't think Chris realizes she's not the one in control K we're in position what's your progress still making my way through this cave just be careful we need those turrets shut down or the hive future is lost right no pressure so andd this uh hi thing how does it work it's the foundation of molito culture everyone obeys the queen and puts the Clan's needs over their own oh that's it yes did you think the queen controls them telepathically what no of course not looks like the walls right above just a bit further [Music] h [Music] [Music] go got something Bud that looks nice huh [Music] n n over [Music] there go to one [Music] look at that there hold [Music] up okay this should be the wall time to prep the explosive detonators in place b i team a buet okay walls down that explosive pack a punch sent G only to you a is the path clear that that joker it's clear then we're moving in go shut down those turrets k he [Music] [Music] all right ni nice and quiet now let's not raise any alarms chrisk I'm in now I just need to find the terminal good we're approaching the courtyard when those turrets go down we'll Seize the Throne what's going on why don't we get up there and fight Queen's orders we can't leave this place vulnerable but we must be they could get down here any [Music] moment job me jum on the ni get that terminal someone around next [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see something an energy barrier got to be a way to shut that down hey you we will je of col what do you [Music] see hey NYX the button over there [Music] [Music] [Music] got something bud [Music] [Music] hold that open for [Music] me that should do it no one just got to St the terminal [Music] [Music] okay chrisk turrets are down then we will move through the courtyard and Seize the Throne Room right uh and I'm gonna head out FY who was that kids let me guess you're going to blow a hole in a wall all right on my way death to [Music] outside together they won't TST attack we're P next what's wrong I don't even know [Music] I thought you said life was too short for long fuses cover okay okay I I'll see what I can do a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we apart there's an intruder come on all right take care of the area these guys don't stop all right we can take fire fire go take them out we got this watch out get here to help there she is [Music] I tells me there is aach in the C yeah uh crims and Dawn are making some kind of move return in the throne room I need you to retrieve me the origin St how do I do that it's embedded in the pry system just release it and bring it to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that's the origins TR so what would Crimson Dawn even do with this I mean right now I'm holding it oh thanks we're uh getting there so you're in hey N5 we got ank is there a problem uh well I didn't expect Kira to pull something like this Kira started a Syndicate War to play out her Rivals against each other this is what seizing power looks like K dang fic syndicates imps even those Rebels they just use people it's like they can't help themselves yes do what you need to get out with ank but don't trust Kira to have your [Music] back there it is you hold the design of a thousand Generations all planned out by our ancestors and with you out of the way the hive will finally have the future mother you insolent child Crimson dawn has turned you against your own they will tear our clan apart and leave you the scraps our future will end with me no you did this you started us down this path chaining our future to the Empire I serve no one and you leave me no no choice the origin [Music] strand I hope you know what you're doing you are making a terrible mistake The Hive will never survive you don't speak for the hive [Music] anymore hey [Music] wait I speak for the hive let's go next [Music] [Applause] [Music] look I know things got out of hand I didn't sign up for an execution and how did you think it was going to end this is what it takes it doesn't matter does it it was all about weakening the hive and setting them against each other the Galaxy isn't a playground K it's a prison and if we want freedom we have to be prepared to make some tough choices and that's what to to free people like me or just hand you the keys I used to be like you but my eyes were open to the truth of who pulls the strings of the Galaxy you might think today didn't matter but when the war is truly over you'll realize the cage has been broken and you'll finally see what real freedom feels like lady Kira the Vermilion is ready for you you're valuable to the fight K you just don't see it yet take care out there and good luck [Music] you've got some items waiting for you K [Music] okay we just got a nod from Crimson Dawn take advantage while you're still on their good side how long will I stay on their good side that's up to you you settling in ank well uh let me know if you need [Applause] anything oh that's good how's he going to pay for that [Music] [Music] Dona left that message let's hear what she wants okay got another job for you I broke her to sail between the Pikes and AA for an exotic by Valve a clam but now I hear the Pikes are going to sell it to Crimson Dawn instead problem is I don't get paid unless the ASA get the product go break up the deal and bring that scary Droid with you I'm sure seeing him will help if you're in I'll send you where the Pikes and Crimson Dawn are going to meet should we leave now then no I don't need your help I'll be fine you stay here and just tell Dana I'm in [Music] K Jaylen tells me he would like to talk to you on the hollow projector in the cockpit all right thanks for hey andy5 with everything you know about the syndicates you ever thought about joining one no would you seems like steady work you can always join the Rebellion that's funny why not the Empire Control the Galaxy many find it fulfilling to be a part of a larger idea okay you were a soldier it make a difference to you when you were fighting for some cause it did not I was merely following orders which was to kill people who were fighting for a Cause right I was very good at it yep got it let's get out of here [Music] [Applause] [Music] calculating hyperdrive coordinates punch it [Applause] [Music] wow it's so green that's right you've never been somewhere of this verdict you have I've been to every biome you can imagine and if you [Music] what was that a transmission 20 Cycles old maybe more from who what it say no idea we can't listen to it without a decoder module Pike Fighters nearby stay sharp okay up fire direct to high fighters are coming to assist Pilots interceptors are on their way they're right behind me understood a [Applause] attention squadrons we sent aanti CR to your location don't CL I'll go we got ties out there got it careful Ming understood [Music] Target locked copy [Music] [Music] la ah Kea there's a l hidden in its jungles smuggling Wildlife trafficking Rebel activity aren't they friends of yours K sure and I owe them after our little runin on Kanto ah you're all using sarcasm excellent we need a gifted droidsmith to get past the gatekeeper you say kad's our guy I believe you the record he doesn't what does a petty criminal from Koby know about Droids no he knows all kinds of things like how to remove a restraining bolt without detection he's got the spike that can erase protocols if you keep talking I'll be forced to blast you and K I don't need help I'm not broken going to head out all right a wanted cargo ship carrying a dangerous criminal has landed in Jaylen hey nd5 told me things got tough unle Jamie yeah we got ank but it was messy could have played it better you're not the first to be misled by Crimson dawn kir has been shaking up the whole underworld we just have to keep keep moving forward yeah yeah right okay good job out there is now under the galactic tank K started the alkazar it's a Cantina owned by a local gangster named sural newat if your Droid Smith friend is as good as you say he is s will know him anything else you can tell me about this guy serat is a Smuggler he uses the catacombs under the city to move his merchandise he's also a psychopath and word is he picked a fight with the Pikes and Mira uh thanks that helps you won't thank me after you meet Sarat hey Nix Check this out let's go [Music] again all right actually never mind [Music] name s Gotto age 7 uh 19 sir what field were you interested in applying for ship need a tuneup hey there [Music] [Applause] just remember we don't do [Music] refunds the never seen the kid soas Empire might as well be handing out buy got a prime offerer for someone like you they careful out there you're behind on taxes citizen I don't owe you anything you pay the SAT traps and they pay us see how this works but my charop doesn't nd5 I'm seeing a lot of Imperials here worry more about the threats you don't see the syndicates are locked in a struggle for control of AAS lucrative Black Market tread carefully K just ignore them [Music] ni do that recruiting out of the Cantina interesting choice the Empire sees potential in all sorts of people take me for example I was recruited out of a Backwater settlement couldn't even spell my own name I take it you can spell it now now I've got an important role making a difference you should sign up quick before we close recruiting for the season this is your best chance at real opportunities really wow who could say no to Opportunities you could be part of something bigger and if you already have Blaster train training you'll get a signing bonus this is the best decision you'll ever make you won't regret it yeah I bet if you're interested you can sign up at The Landing Pad you can't miss the [Music] line if you're here for the Saar tournament you're too to late what no I need to see your boss go ahead you'll find sirat in the back thanks this place big on saach some high roll is in town so every chance in Mirror wants to take their shot good to know hey Jaylen you there I'm about to meet Sarat but I need some leverage here why don't you offer satat Spice in exchange for information on your friend oh yeah uh that could work consider it an investment watch yourself in there you dreaming if you think those high rollers would ever come on I'm pretty good at Saar I can run with the high rollers you don't get it the player you never [Music] my [Applause] St properly prepared for mon [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] hey just need to see Sarat sure good luck oh cff who is he someone who betrayed me get out wait I've got something that can make you very rich I just need some information what kind of information I'm looking for a rodian named gik just need a location keep talking I've got two shipments of Sana spice it's yours if you can tell me where gik is I see deal your you'll find your rodian at an imperial research station unless the hot cartel has already killed him what why what did he do you can ask him he only has himself to blame it's my brother what the man in the table he took my eye but I took everything else yeah I see the resemblance hey nd5 Jaylen I've got a lead on gik he's working at an imperial research base he's Empire we should call this off kque didn't get a choice it was prison or enlist anything else we should know he's also made some enemies on AA but I'll take care of it make sure you do K cuz this has already cost me enough for the record this is a terrible idea got take [Applause] so that's the only red tree I've seen on the planet wonder why hey nd5 Sarat mentioned theque might have problems with the keep moving Nick they're headed for us okay what was I saying hey nd5 Sarat mentioned theque might have problems with the huts on AO any idea why I've seeing a lot of chatter about the Empire decimating that really doesn't sound like a de one second oh really okay here we [Music] go what's the thought you were saying the Empire changes people K remember that tell me K does your Droid Smith have experience with TTL Gatekeepers sure I mean a droid's a Droid right hardly the y7 models are notoriously shickle yeah yeah I got a taste of that de's always had a way with droids I'm sure he likes them more than people I don't disagree Attention our SK fir pirate salty has been sent to recover stering Imperial property sounds like a chance to support some nice contraband [Applause] okay is the climate event in this future seems good I kind of like a little rain people from Desert World good to know I don't mind it you'll reconsider after it's rained for three Cycles straight my brother [Music] [Music] there's the base but I don't see any Huts next I hope G's okay oh w why isn't this thing turning on that holis is calibrated to dasara it won't work anywhere [Applause] else Imperials travel up ahead ni [Music] see something do we have any officials coming in I hate VIP [Music] Duty what was [Music] that deam proceed in sector leave the are immediately all clear someone around next report back for deef calling for reinfor back me [Applause] [Music] [Music] dck hide take I've made pull up in a work somewhere all the maintenance facilities are located in the Su levels there we go go put on a show buddy not letting up Hold Steady until movements arrive Target trouble take them out by any [Music] [Music] [Music] means ni we're spotted death Troopers incoming wait for orders and not engage [Music] are you [Music] kidding get away keep [Music] pushing forward [Music] the will come on they won't quit oh come on the get to [Music] cover take them down destroy them [Music] okay think we lost some Nicks what do you see wreck that terminal [Music] next all maintenance crew report to your Superior officer is [Music] Roger that we're sweeping the area per we're spotted next the alarm [Music] shields in the way [Music] again repent down let's attack [Music] we are te knowledge opening look out [Music] all right search Target is nowhere to be found I hope kad's close this might not be my best idea [Music] [Music] hey defent [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] oh wao a d frck I think you're going to know someone's coming [Music] now what's out ni it's not my fault I swear how was I supposed to know the Viper with no access to Syndicate I'll fix this I just need some more time I'm not controlling that Viper you have to believe me we got to kill the power to that turret come on next [Music] next the button push it [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] [Music] I don't know what the Empire wants on a but the viers they use for project for don't have what it takes I found the T commission unit and got my hands on some old clone wars parts from ton if I could work up something special people post me somewhere closer to home what did you do [Music] good that did it I hope okay could you better be close come on N we want that turbo lift [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] G long time no see get many visitors is that kave couldn't be there's no way she would show her face here I got a job the kind we used to dream about back on Kanto well I'm done dreaming K look where the last one got me I know you got enemies enemies I got a problem with a gatekeeper Droid Let's Make a Deal you have a ship I got a ship and a BX series [Music] Commando original parts how would I know ask him yourself okay okay I'm in great just like the old days right [Music] can we leave now yeah let's do that there's a turbo lift that will take you to an auxiliary exit you're not coming with me I can still use my credentials to get out now there's just one little um Viper Droid problem to take care of before will on this job of yours does it have anything to do with why the Huds want you dead let's just save the details until we've both made it out safe okay the Garrison is going to do a full security sweep okay I've unlocked the rear access hatch get yourself out of here we'll talk come on next [Music] we got an in this doesn't look [Music] good they won't quit these guys don't stop get him get me I can sign up for [Applause] this come on [Music] buddy get her a fire [Music] well hey [Music] [Music] ni set that [Music] off they're not letting off [Music] [Music] get that blastro [Music] come on I need help [Music] [Music] it's showtime buddy de [Music] enough of these pings disgusting good we'll report back put it on in the morning that the hard [Music] way no one told me about a can't wait to get back to the [Music] Garrison all that open for [Music] me Roger what's happening better investigate ni blow that up [Music] nothing here nd5 I found G and he's in good jayen spice has been delivered to Sarat I advise that you find out why the syndicates are after your friend and then fix it oh I'm going to find out he's always had a talent for getting himself into trouble I am in no way surprised in the meantime I have moved the Trailblazer to sashen to be closer to your location hold on n all right kadik how do we fix this Droid problem can your speeder go over water uh if it's shallow we got to deal with that first my friend them in wexley can get you a hydro Repulsor he's got some family in sashin Village ask around there K sirat contacted me sounds like he has a job for you oh that's a surprise [Music] hey I'm looking for a freelancer what do you want I heard you do some freelance work yeah the hot inter all right I'll see what I can do [Music] not you why not private game oh no I don't want to play uh serat newat sent me to make sure everything okay around here no gangsters oh no I mean I mean I'm not with Sarat I don't even like the guy he tried to kill my friend once don't care hi rollers only high rollers why didn't you say so I won the saac Invitational at the Kento Grant yeah took down M Mazo in three hands just get inside you got [Music] it looking for someone yeah yeah uh some big time saach player any idea who it is ah you don't want to play with those guys they're washed up you know I was at the Kanto Grand I don't remember seeing your face oh yeah uh you must have just missed me no no I would have remembered you Cavs Lando calisan so what you a bounty hunter or something here to take me in take it easy my rap sheets even longer than yours then what do you want you're in with Crimson Dawn right well I lost something at their subach table on kajimi and I want it back if this is about me and Kira we didn't exactly leave things as friends you don't need to be in the Inner Circle V just get dealt into the game do this for me and I'll show you a few tricks of the trade throw in some credits and you've got a deal he I can't say no to a charmer like you [Music] [Music] inter with Imperial ready ni you want to follow those kakens Nick whoa we can find whatever that is later all right lead the way buddy take it easy n don't want to get hurt [Applause] I can't see a thing all right all right I hear you I'm coming [Applause] stay quiet Nyx finally no more long grass okay I'm going to have to check you for bugs when we get back H nice view let's see what we have here [Music] let's get m than [Music] [Applause] oh really thank for doing no mercy looks like scratch Mark want to check that out next take them okay let's next take them down you can't be here are you kidding okay still alive [Applause] wait something could be in there next watch out oh you little come back ni next okay let's go before whatever lives here comes back let's see what you got [Music] whoa whoa hold [Music] tight hang on buddy wao there's a whole village hidden in the jungle I'm not detecting any guards or Sentry posts no security checkpoints in fact a very limited presence of Technology sounds nice hey offworlder come over need something I've seen how you handle the terrain you're not too bad on that speeder but are you up for a real challenge not today you POS but no one in town seen ton for days he's not in the shop either where did did you say ton I'm looking for T wexley I'm his aunt tzel this is my partner Shireen who are you uh name's K I need a speeder mod you work for Sarat uh no no what then you run with the Pikes is that it do I look like a pike I just need a mechanic sorry K tensions are a little high around here Ton's dropped off the hollow map again he's probably off scrapping he says he's off scrapping what if he's in trouble again I could find him where's the best scrap around here there's an old junkyard out by the lake you could try there I will thanks for over here I want to talk hang on tight [Music] [Applause] It's s got door [Music] [Music] [Music] ready to go [Music] [Applause] attention I have reports the suspect was seen an aar's gift get in there and arrest her [Applause] [Applause] hang tightness please I don't have anything left anyway want MO Qui take her out shoot them go hide this [Music] it's over look if you're here with me off Strat gu's already cleaned me out it's okay it's okay I'm an old friend of gad's my name is k Gad never talked about you yeah he wouldn't but he told me you could mod my speeder uh yeah yeah of course I've got every part you could want I mean mag fins aftermarket sensors booster coils how about a hydro Repulsor oh uh no you just said every part I could want I mean I could slap the Repulsor on there now that's no problem but without some good dur steel struts it' Shake loose in a day or two and you don't have the struts not since satat guys came through they took all my best parts to their Island I tell you what why don't you get that Repulsor hooked up now I think I can get those struts hello is anyone there satat shuttle's going to be somewhere out on the lake good luck okay let's drive woo this thing works great H it I just hope it doesn't give out over the lake [Music] where's that shuttle I need to get a better look so why do the syndicates want you dead anyway my research I sort of invented a new kind of Viper Droid for the Empire it's faster smarter and uh can hunt your back what why would you build that I didn't go to a core World Academy like the rest of these people I had to prove myself I just proved myself a little too well now my weapon is loose and I'm at the top of everyone's hit list but gik I got a ship I got a job we could just go it's not just the syndicates it's killing good people I cannot leave things like this okay okay let me uh sort out my speeder then we'll fix this together thanks Kate [Music] [Applause] that R is huge think there's anything good left inside [Music] [Music] [Music] ready to go C H there's the [Music] shuttle nothing's broken I think feel like going for a ride [Music] [Applause] hang on tight I hate being out on this island no action out here hold that I got what me [Music] dang fic the shuttle's getting away I've got to go after it we're going too slow uh t the speeder's making a weird sound okay you're going to have to move fast come on you're all right you can make it just a little bit further let's roll ni andd I'm tailing a cargo shuttle leaving the lake any idea where it's going I have it it's on a landing C Inland Kevin something just clanked like really cled that was the hydro Repulsor slipping into line you need to stay off the water until I get it fixed uh I'm almost up the shuttle what do these Doris steel struts look like do you know know what a regular Str looks like uh yeah like that but [Music] thirst going [Music] got waku ch [Music] [Music] T I found your strength that's incredible think you can make it back to meor yeah no problem I'll meet you at the speeder [Music] doc let's drive let's hope the struts are still here this beer mod better be worth it can't tell anything about my Viper droids if you can't even kept around the plad trust me it's necessary on Nick [Music] I think we're clear [Music] ADV that suspicious Behavior may result in questioning and possible arrest I can't believe you lost the left St [Music] stand on the Deon about the parts all done it's no balabala but it'll get you where you need to go nice work hey satat guys aren't messing around if you're going to run a shop like this all on your own I'm not afraid of Sarat I'm just saying with these syndicates you got to watch yourself or at least get some backup I'll think about it thanks K you ever need anything fixed you you know where to [Music] come ready next monsoon season is coming if you are unsure whether your home is [Music] [Applause] bque I fixed up my speeder now how do we stop your viper Droid from terrorizing the AKA underworld we don't at least not by ourselves but I've Got Friends in the jungle who might be able to help what kind of friends are we talking about the reliable kind I'll send you the coordinates while I head to the Imperial base my credentials are in burned so I should be good on my own okay how's it going with your droidsmith uh great good pretty pretty good right well if you need some extra help I've sent something to the Trailblazer thanks Jaylen I'll handle it come you're a long way from a market no one finds what they really need at a market my name is schuma and I know two things one I've been to more systems than you and two I have something you want okay Shima I'm okay let's see what you got enjoy hold on ni [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] reliable huh where is everyone someone had a rough Landing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you did I just got ambushed by the Empire all the way out there okay okay let me make a call than good Shield's too strong seriously it brought [Music] more move inside squ take down those vipers Rebel what is the thinking take them down [Music] over Shield won't break take them down let's do this keep going [Music] [Music] are you all right seriously gik you're the last person I expected to work with the rebels good thing he does otherwise you'd be dead the Viper droids are getting more aggressive we need to launch our assault uh assault you're going to infiltrate the base while my team blows open a path to extract the asset sounds fun except last time I worked with Rebels I got a death Mar save the Galaxy yourself I'm walking told you we couldn't count on her J please the only way this works is with you and the rebels I agreed to help clean up your mess not get in the middle of someone else's War this is everyone's War listen forget the rebels g i lots of people are going to get hurt because of what I did you want the trit Smith this is the deal I got to go don't leave me hanging here you better be serious about that escape path I don't know how things work in the Underworld but we don't leave our people behind you have no idea who gets left [Music] behind the base is down a canyon to your West if you keep heading that way you should eventually find it got it be there soon hold tight [Music] [Music] K I have a personal question oh uh all right sure what is the significance of the casino sh my assumptions you don't intend to get with it uh it's uh it's the last thing my mother left me when I was a kid a toen a reminder at the end of the day it's just me and Nyx I see that was all yeah okay we're ready to launch our assault are you in position not yet we'll get up and don't raise any alarms in that base we need the element of surprise typhoon Squadron out typhoon Squad you got to be kidding me watch your St over I will never question again I don't around when you need him NY hold this for me okay [Music] kadik I'm in okay follow the tunnel it'll lead you to the listening post where the base defense grid is we need to shut it down before the attack perimeter grid is at Green and our forces are on high alert excellent if those Rebels show up again they're in for a nasty surprise what over you've been [Music] St this sector's dead nothing to report I'm getting in my location over [Music] a all clear here the workmanship on our Cruis okay then this rotation is always [Applause] dead let's break the alarm but need someone to reli me soon all clear continuing Patrol Nick let's put on a show it's controlled by the Imperial Security Bureau highly restricted careful you don't want to get caught by these [Music] guys time to distract them n somebody just blasted what's [Music] up all [Music] right what's that sorry h [Music] I'm at the listening post I think all right shut down the base defenses and our friends will have their way in uh your friends kadik I don't care how poor the recording is I want the rebels Destro round up the entire Village if you have to [Music] h what [Music] okay it's down all right I already used my credentials to get inside you should be able to get to me now [Music] [Music] I'm almost there where are you in a maintenance room outside the Viper Droid lab hurry up before someone notices [Music] good you made it the alfid is just through there so what now we blow it up no I've got a better idea we're going to reset its protocols get it working for the rebels then it will flip the rest of the Viper Droids that thing must have 30,000 protocols how are you going to wipe them same way we sliced the slots at the Kanto Grand you're going to reprogram a combat Droid with your jackpot Spike I call it the Freedom Spike now it's got some new features oh may do you this way I'll follow once it's safe St make sure you clear out the lab we don't want any eyes on us [Music] all right distract him NYX what is that thing get away from me [Music] nothing there get cover [Music] ni it's clear all right I'm coming in so we deal with this Droid get the syndicates off your back and then you're good to join the crew right no more surprises I promise typhoon Squadron we're here copy that we'll punch open and exit just get us that Droid need you to pull down that containment field K I got it Fields down uh I think your friends are here I'm in assistance keep those off there's backup hey andd I'm going to need some backup here we're I hear plaster fire uh yeah uh I'm in a hidden Imperial base in a canyon in the jungle just look for the explosions okay this is the last time we contacts Intruder spotted fire hey I know you hey you [Music] stop okay I'm here but I can't get in uh all right let me get that door open [Music] all right then I've got troopers on me [Music] come on I do not intend they won't [Music] wi we good still in one piece 95 scaring me a little buddy it's nothing we should keep [Music] moving ad we're taking a lot of fire here we need your viper Droid okay okay someone has to hang back with me while I wipe all this data I'll do it okay get that Viper Droid the hanger [Music] don't worry I sealed the door get to the hanger [Music] huh not bad gque it's [Music] [Music] working it's okay fire watch out Shield's in the way do this come on a we're pin out keep it up okay not back [Music] you ready wiped everything I could find they won't be using my plans again you sure you won't stay uh our fight is somewhere else yeah in a ridge guy's Mansion you've got all the Firepower you need just don't turn your back on him moment you leave the Empire is going to throw everything they can at you we'll shake them if you don't we never met the fate of the Galaxy could depend on it man you guys never stop talking huh w [Music] [Applause] [Applause] really are a fully functional PX incredible maybe you could save the assessment for when we escape the Empire hang on everyone here to assist Target's almost in range cop that than copy right on [Music] target to all Pilots we are deploying a to assist [Music] you attention we sent a crer to your location understood TI fly carefully I hear you engaging [Music] understood dtive we ready to com en [Music] [Music] inputting hyperdrive [Music] coordinates time to [Music] jump hey look buddy I was thinking you don't want to be here I don't need a babysit why don't I just drop you off somewhere until we're good to do the job I do not think that is what jayen had in mind so just tell him you're still here I am sensing that you are attempting to cross jayen should I call you no no no uh never [Music] mind whoa are those pip ships and Huts the Pikes have been buling in on their territory looks like tensions you know it'd be nice to visit a planet that isn't a war zone once in a while you okay B hang tight PR for [Music] combat hold on ship is ready to [Applause] attack acknowledged run while you can grab onto something Eyes On Target Kitty [Music] hostile pipes in our vicinity okay you have no chance K the Pips are firing US missile targeting us careful you're near some hug vessels PR looks like the Huns are after us incoming missile [Music] [Applause] la so who are we looking for names hos are heavy her he once took out two Imperial squads using nothing but their own weapons I like this guy I cannot confirm the validity of that story he's a legend with a blaster ND and we need him if you want any chance of getting out of Leo's Vault alive H was recently arrested by a smalltime sheriff for looting vaporators not very legendary with his rep he probably planned it possible what you don't trust jaylen's people I don't trust anyone ah not even me that's [Music] fair you called okay how's your friend gque doing he'll be ready for the job good you know if I'm being honest I wasn't sure about letting you bring your own people on to this job but you were right it worked out yeah I just wish we didn't draw so much heat getting him out of there a little unwanted attention is inevitable in our line of work all I ask is you keep getting away in one piece hey that's a plan I'll talk to you later hey N5 I'll see you later nd5 all right then [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you've got some items waiting for you K hey not bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold on next I've put us down near where hos was arrested should be able to find the sheriff got a deal great is the Town supposed to be this empty don't know but keep sharp you look hey I'm looking for a guy named hos you with the Huts I'm with myself then you picked a bad time [Music] heard you were coming qua kaka's Elder not anymore Sheriff Quint now Sheriff joy that makes two of us you're a few days too late he's gone a u m on his no he was hitting my town I stopped him had him in my cell then he escaped disappeared wasn't worth my trouble after [Music] thata I'ma you aren't taking anything from these people CH Dr No Jama [Music] [Music] oh nice good teamwork we're not done that'ss are like sun roaches there's always more of them guys really hate you huh you're get used to it let's talk in my office follow me you deal with that a lot around here any excuse the Huds can get they come after us oh well good thing you're here then I do what I can [Music] so you have H's head too Bounty Hunter it's Kay and I just want to talk to him that's the last thing I'd want to do with that man but I appreciate your help appreciate enough to pay me back Sheriff I'll tell you what I told the other bounty hunters hos was Rob in our little slice of paradise so I cornered him at a deserted moisture Farm nearby he'd been HED up there for a while that's where I'll start better hurry jab put a lot of money on that rat nd5 hos escaped the sheriff said to try a nearby uh moisture Farm let me check yes there's one nearby I'll send you the coordinates it seems like this guy's got a lot of enemies an inevitability in his line of work [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] uh think I'm here what exactly is this place it's all the people here survive you want water you farm it from the atmosphere huh hos you here I just want to talk [Music] that looks like you think it's hos door stuck we need to get the power on smell something Buddy think you can hold all that open for me got something next [Music] there power's back hey Ki no hos just a dead Bounty Hunter and a transponder if it still works it'll be tracking hos [Music] all right let's see if this transponder actually works jeez go not [Music] good not bad still in one piece [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey nd5 is this uh a normal end game for People Like Us hiding on some desolate Rock stealing from small towns to survive if you have a death Mark or two which most certainly does Long die or disappear so his plan was just to stay here for a perhaps it seems he did not have enough crits to disappear comfortably yeah I guess he's desperate that could be good for us though [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no h but he's got to be close [Music] uh NYX I think we're being watched h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa whoa whoa I don't want any trouble just looking for someone [Music] Okay Okay I uh I wish I knew what that meant [Music] [Music] H sorry what oh R thinks you're here for me only reason they let you pass if you're hos then I am Jaylen V said you'd be good for a job but it seems like you're busy no no no if it's jayen I'm in and I'm the best there is all right okay some Bandits took these tuskin Craig Dragon Pearl they think I'm a good hostage but I'm not because then those guys kick me out so you go get that pear back and I'll be free for your job yeah where is it a cave one with the bhones outside it's crawling with those scum scers best there is right you know it partner keep your com link open yep I'll walk it off okay go R someone else [Applause] [Music] take them out she's making for it stop her they see us next them watch out this ain't over glad that's over andy5 I might die in a cave okay don't don't you want to know why because H is in the cave yeah close [Music] enough get ready n [Music] BL get her keep it going come on get you what you're P for come on get down what this isn't [Music] over what do I do [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] hello you getting the Pearl uh yes what is it oh it's a stone it's pretty you got to kill a CR Dragon to get one which is no easy task they tend to be worth a lot of money but I I mean I'm worth more you're used to people walking out on you huh no no just seeing if a rookie needs a hand and uh the tuscans are weighing their options over here what' you say your name was again k v just tell them I'm working on it you got it k b see you soon [Music] ah that must be it no problem right [Music] next I can tell someone's lurking [Music] around something's out there something's up still can't believe those tus having attacked this place it's that girl doesn't mean as much to him as we thought oh it does they just think there's still a crate Dragon living here you back right I mean all those bones out there what are you scared the setup is perfect it means we have more time to sell that [Music] better keep an eye [Music] out all right one great Dragon Pearl that's a first I ever ran with h tell your uh friends I got their Pearl back we'll do partner hey we'll meet you near the cave should be a back exit just in case [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you're actually alive Jaylen sure knows how to pick him here we [Music] good she says I can go as long as you uh pay my tab your tab yeah at the Cantina tell her I don't want you anymore worth a shot all right meet me at Docking Bay 94 in Moss Eisley and we'll get off this rock you don't want to know what the job is you're paying I'm in easy see you there [Music] [Music] kid time to go NY you know K it occurred to me the odds of someone like you getting into sl's Vault are 10,8 7 to1 why would you attempt that what do you think no one was going to make life easier for me and Nyx got to take what you want and what is that I want to not end up like Hos look you get it the Galaxy is rigged against people like us the only way to survive is to be willing to risk everything so your plan is to run forever no I don't know it's better than dying all right I see [Music] help we're being hit by Pirates they came out of nowhere and we're out G anybody please we need assistance get them out of option wait what you hav P it together lux's holding out hey I'm k i I heard your call for help I'm glad you did I hope you got some fight left in you K because there's more [Music] coming let's give those little feet a rest that seems like a rough Planet into five into the Spaceport town all siiz me Pirates there would blast you dead just for looking at them they just need to get to know me well you can ask around the Cantina the mender might be able to make an introduction pirate Gunslingers huh maybe they could teach me a trick or two [Music] [Music] this sector is under Imperial jurisdiction [Music] [Music] [Music] once the Empire sucks of dry any my Rebel once ran before we can shoot [Music] [Applause] back nd5 I'm at rocking Bay 94 is the ship prepped it will be are we picking something up someone hos is going to meet us and then we can to get out of here good I've already got sand in my [Music] servos not here of course he's going to make me wait come on where is this guy hos you coming huh oh yeah yeah just finishing up some business at the Cantina it be there later I'll go check on him he [Music] hey has some Syndicate been asking around here about some death Mark they're chasing you mean zerich bash this hos guy better be worth all this [Applause] [Music] sh yes sir I'll keep an eye [Music] out saach hos we have work to do who's a loser now the legendary ass as always now P up don't have it easy is that yours it's dressed up W bre no what the hell are you doing it's yours let's go me you don't touch anything this whole place is rigged you watch and you learn uh-huh the rich pay a fortune for exotic pets they can show off or eat hey little one where are you headed you're welcome now go run free almost there wish I could slice like you if you just focused you what is happening [Applause] [Music] go what about you you want both of us killed go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's wrong with you you let your feelings get in the way of the score have you learned nothing look at me I'm keeping him hey she's up so when do we uh get the hell out of here where is he all this over that stupid little p all right I guess it's being sort a jabber but you'll never [Music] I'm coming ni nd5 tell me where Jabba's Palace is now okay sending you coordinates did you find hos forget hos he lost ncks I'm getting him back from Jabba the Hut yes you've never met Jabba I don't care I've had dealings with him before he is extremely dangerous k I said I don't care n is family you wouldn't get it I see there's a back entrance to Jabba's Palace near Moss Eisley it'll at least give you a chance but okay it's risky I get it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that TR p yeah o doesn't have anything I got to go in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Applause] [Applause] that's jav's Palace it's huge [Applause] [Music] okay just got to get inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for for soon [Music] [Music] ch [Music] coola he you [Music] chaga take your something [Music] [Music] over there Aku [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's the U now N5 I found the back entrance I'm going in and if you do not come out I will don't underestimate the Huds [Music] K can't trip any alarms I'm coming [Music] buddy I can't do this without you NX [Music] there [Music] a [Music] [Music] look out a [Music] [Music] [Music] just how big is this place [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] that strange reads that Lord [Music] Jaa that guard has the key [Music] soon be branch [Music] [Music] Haku that ches D fck would have been easier with NYX where'd she go I got to find NY before she hurts him [Music] [Music] where are you next [Music] [Music] he have you found him not yet this place is huge what does Jaba even want with n recalls are very rare K and Jaba is a collector in my estimation you'll find NX amongst his menagerie of creatures he better be [Music] okay he has to be here what's with the bones I thought Java just collected creatures [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get put to [Music] oap [Music] [Music] get [Music] [Music] please be okay NYX please be okay n you here N I hear you I'm here n hold on Buddy hold [Music] okay okay let's get you out of there NX are you okay okay I'm here I'm here now I know never going to happen again okay buddy come on let's get out of here nd5 I got him is he hurt no no I don't think so wait were you worried about him make your way out quietly if you're found no one will be able to save you okay [Music] [Music] oh Jaba right look don't try anything I got a whole crew surrounding this okay we skipping that [Music] part so when are we uh erasing my bounty no but W much you know that's funny that's that's what I was going to [Music] say we had a deal She's Mine P me up we can take him better you than me a he deserve that right let's move take them out and get to the door so we're running then yes v We R it you long way out of here uhhuh and you're taking me with you uh-huh and you're going to let me go after we escape we're going to the hanger my ship's there so that's a no how do you know your way around this place syndicates will think the same using one crime Palace you've seen them all huh good to know what was that I have a guess if I'm right we need to move now she's right here over render now [Music] [Applause] down take them down no come on get that blaster for me next it sounds like it's getting closer yes smart as always keep [Music] running there's the way out well Vil it's been fun but you know no this is an over yet no oh so [Music] close move wa what the hell is [Applause] that wait fail so I what on my own [Music] hello how did what are you doing I'm finding a way out distract that thing while I get the door open not doing anything blasters aren't going to do anything to this thing we need to hit it with something bigger above us we'll still C my work move F yeah he hated that now lead it towards the go can't even scrash that [Music] thing enough [Music] get [Music] him again how about a wow great job K I'm a little busy Veil The Rails are jammed can you get it working again I can slice the controls but my HTI is Rusty hold that thing off until I get it work oh sure no problem this should be it if by it you mean more bad guys yeah that was it I thought P thing was trash no that means door you need uh third key know what I have a better idea I finish finally you w live [Music] for this is pointless carefully watch your a come on break already wow great job okay what slic the things on the ccle you need to Route power power the for to get it back up and running hey how about we trade places no get him what exactly am I looking for here a power capacitor I I guess it'll have a lever that should restart the system we're almost through go faster n I'm counting on you got back on that door's ready to break okay get ready to move deal oh come on this ain't Fair it's there we can fit through Phil you did it go oh come on haard upon you [Music] [Music] I'll do the talking exalted Jaba let's start over we apologize for our slights against you and beg for your [Music] grace for Grant [Music] [Music] and in terms of getting [Music] paida deal [Music] the best team compound is under Imperial control what does Eric bash have to do with the empire [Music] hey I I can handle this alone I don't need her [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] okay we're grounded Fortuna made it very clear that if we try to leave we won't get far he also mentioned something about a Rancor uh yeah can you patch me through to Jaylen one moment come on there's a faster way I assume you've got some good news for me k h out he's dead that certainly makes it hard for him to be useful I'm also in bad with Java he won't let us off planet and somehow I'm stuck working with that Bounty Hunter who he I mean be fine f Dead We adapt get back in Java's good graces get off P to we and we'll figure out what to do next all right yeah right okay good besides I caught up with indy5 i' do a little something on your ship oh uh thanks Jaylen you're working with fail it's a long story hang on tight V I found a Recon point how' you get my coms I scanned your frequency the second we escaped that pit not letting you get away a third time now maybe have board Sunfire so we can get this done yeah we're definitely blocking her coms after this [Music] seriously let go come on you ready ni [Applause] you know since we're grounded this could be a good time to work on the ship I was thinking we could use a new turret hard to come by these things but you might be able to find something at the Moss eely Market [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you are you showed up yeah well I figured working with you was a little better than running from that slug my whole life just get in there get the info on the mall and get out I'll find our exit that's it feels like I'm doing most of the work here Vale I could tell Jaba you died on the job but you need my bounty accidents happen okay okay all right let's do this yeah I'm fine really [Music] last [Applause] checking in nothing to report huh we should investig hey what are you doing here looks fine to me I'm telling you people [Music] appreciate sector status unchanged [Music] I was boring for this I can't stand another day on this rock [Music] what was that hold clear let's look into hey you're not supposed to be here I have they're coming our way some crossbow me we're pinned down how many of them are there [Music] [Music] I tet code 163 asstive is your highest priority reinforcements are coming keep the pressure on I'm attracting a lot of heat must we're okay we lost our suspect stop [Music] searching this place is like a [Music] maze command I found the Fus ready ni get that bar mix all unit eliminating The Fugitive is a top priority Hold Your Position we sending [Music] reinforcements I think we're clear the suspect is gone canel are you in uh I'm in but I'm not like in in can't believe I understood that I'm ready at The Hanger when you're done my what K I'm going dark what why just do your job and I'll do mine uh okay why do I have to spend my whole day dealing with criminals e [Music] St [Music] [Music] this has to be the place oh hey what this is your final warning all right the Intel Java ons will be here and got it names operations this should make J happy uh Veil Zer B is working with the Empire I want to know about it you're just about aboutand you're not even one of us why are you here I'm on a personal mission from SLO that's funny so am I hey what happened I was about to ask you the same thing you must have triggered the alarm get to the Rend point now huh she's a good [Music] liar okay crossing our way out of this we got to go NY get to the turbo lift andd veils up to something does that surprise you no I guess not I I suggest keeping your blaster ready already done Fire come on Nick they out for us [Music] attack stop you're not letting off a I have the target I can't get a shot through these guys don't [Music] stop fail you good it'sit down let's move right behind you here we go get ready to jump more Troopers watch your South Fest you worried about me now just drive fire bath [Music] [Music] there we go more Speeders we got this we got this take them down they're blocking us through this time go [Music] [Music] go they're falling back we got this we got this all right there's a way out [Applause] ahead we did it we lost them maybe that was too easy that was not easy Fortuna told me to meet jaas people in masalo let's be careful so you uh going to tell me what really happened back there with your little friend I don't know what you're talking about I'm talking about your boss making a deal with the Empire stop guess he doesn't trust you as much as you think that's [Music] enough what are you doing [Music] H you think there's anything left in these old mines andd this it looks abandoned I'm sure that's the point hand off is at the top of the hill keep your eyes open I'll watch your back uh-huh I yeah looks like it you know jebo was right when we're not trying to kill each other we make a pretty good team no answer something's wrong hey yeah we're here where are your guys amateurs we lost them she's right [Applause] clear bib hello nd5 are you faric something's jamming [Music] us something like that deal with the whole next B and work grab that FL okay okay we can do this keep focused they won't let up that easy how many of them are there it's the Empire they make up for skills numbers getting bad you got this back plan right just keep firing oh that worked you surrender now [Music] stay behind cover why you worried I'll die kind of they won't quit they just keep coming what the hell are we supposed to do you're hit I'm not getting out of this hey we got [Music] this yeah [Music] okay nice to see you two get along come on let's [Music] [Music] go ah sler roll when he sent you in his stad just as I had hoped the agent I planted in your ranks is dead I presume unnoticed I expected you to catch him long ago and now I see the cracks in your [Music] organization no to make you an offer for tuna work with me and I can help you take that Palace for yourself one day paga tell me what you know about kave yese hey uh thanks buddy yes good you're lucky friends like that are rare so uh we doing this you know I'm not really in the mood but start running I'll be back for you k bet let's k b Fortuna just sent us a message he has a job for us and I found a lead that might help you improve your skills Crimson dawn has a job for you their contact wishes to meet in the bes saach parlor thanks I'll follow up and one more thing our running with jaam and that he is looking to collect past debts I would deal with this myself but he specifically mentioned your name now we just need to find the best lcer in the Galaxy we have several candidates initiate project Deadfall today x 3 9 4 10 D 5 7 [Music] cascading systems failure best guess he needs a compound regulator but he's a museum piece okay what's happening I can't see I hate to have to say this but isn't he programmed to blast you if we go against jaylen's Plans this is your chance no try again okay there's an old factory from the Crone Wars we need to talk to ton now [Music] okay hey Jaylen hey I have been wondering what exactly happened on Tatooine to get that Hunter off off your back what andd didn't tell you all the fun details andy5 didn't know them so I'm curious H well she needed my help I chose to give it I think she respects that k v making friends in the most unlikely places good skill to have on our line of work so you get any leads on a new heavy with the way you've been handling yourself lately I'm wondering if we even need one yeah uh thanks Jaylen [Music] [Music] any affiliation with a Criminal organiz isable [Music] w you must ass let's go acknowledged k [Music] Jaylen We Made It Off Planet good replacing our heavy is one thing but finding a new you not possible thanks on the bright side I worked it out with that Bounty Hunter maybe I think huh trust is a trap K now I've been chasing down a lead for a second slicer I'll keep an ear out for some muscle maybe we don't need two slicers I can do it myself even you can't be in two places at once I'll take care of things on my side K you focus on yours yeah okay thanks [Music] hyper drop get ready ready for combat punch it [Music] lost them [Applause] [Applause] [Music] la [Applause] [Music] okay we're landed [Music] [Music] to inome sources values G just tell me this Factory is closed I wish I could only T knows where it is you're wasting your time K when my systems fa fail jayen will provide you with the capable replacement just just save your energy okay so uh what do we do if ton can't help him not a whole lot K nd5 is an old Droid he needs a compound regulator from an original BX power cord please continue to talk like I'm not here it's enlightening this is it listen kid just tell me where I can find k v how about you just walk away instead K well this should be an easy death Mark aha have you met my battle droid you think zerich bash is afraid of that rust bucket hey indeed you almost clipped me BX command for Duty a working BX unit I've only seen them in pieces he's not going to be working for long his power core is failing and I heard you know where we can get a new one well I was trying to keep it a secret but come on I'll show [Music] you you'll find the factory through the catacombs you wouldn't believe half the stuff I find down there I don't know who decided to build meor on top of of a graveyard o I don't like you when you're busted so the way to the factory starts in your basement why do you think I bought this [Music] place now it's almost monsoon season so my usual way is flooded but hey you'll figure it out right uh we have to thanks ton so what do you think's buried down here don't tell me you're scared of the dark what I'm not scared this uh there was always a million lights in canite uhhuh stay close [Music] Okay okay I see a power conduit it it should point the way to the factory okay I trust you [Music] [Music] here [Music] okay now how am I supposed to get up there this was built by separatists the factory cannot be far [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on next let's drop that ladder H that did it nice one k we're coming up what do you see [Music] dead end not for us I never leave home without my Fusion [Music] [Music] cutter over here [Music] [Music] is [Music] hey hold this [Music] open okay here we go the Sero lift is Clone Wars Tech can you get it working [Music] gque are you sure that lift console still works and nope look at that it ched out just means you'll have to find another way to power up this turbo lift there should be an auxiliary console down below [Music] h h okay let's look here this is it [Music] gque powering up the auxillery console okay be down in a minute just patching up some rusted converters uh you want to hurry that up I don't think I'm alone down here hey I hear Blaster fire are you okay I'll let you know if I TR those are Saku beasts oh well they're dead now B1 unit 275 respond B1 unit 699 respond B1 unit 888 report on your status they're gone andd we got to keep moving yes I knew that I will power up the gate looks like the Republic found the factory proximity alert get off what's wrong Andy come on let's keep moving let stop shooting there's nobody here I got this we're okay he's in transport stasis uh sure but that control panel's fused I'll find another way to get through that door door here you might need my Fusion cutter you ever used one of these before I saw enough of them in the S stretch yeah good point I will see what I can do for nd5 I [Music] think you can open that NY NYX you're up all right then okay I'm going to cycle nd5 out of stasis how do we know he won't attack us when you turn him back on I'm not strong enough to carry him are you fine wake him up [Music] KY what happened how long was I out don't worry about it just stay with gik [Music] okay the factory can you imagine all the f parts inside the hybrid droids you could build yeah I can see why taming kept it secret I was assembled in a place like this that's what we're counting on hold tight while I get that door open [Music] NYX hold this for me okay [Music] oh what do we got here you did it K the gate's opening meet you inside really hey gik I'm trapped a little help here I'll get you out hold on all right let's go it's incredible okay are you seeing this there's got to be hundreds of droids down here it's kind of kind of creepy and there's only one Droid down here I care about right now right I'll focus is that the command mother good de [Music] [Music] wa how big is this place okay there's no power for this turo lift just anything in here still work K it's time to contact jayen my internal systems are shutting down kadik can you do anything he needs a stable power source you need to use a console and get this lift working okay okay I'm I'm on it okay need to get power to this console there's one generator running just got to find a way across that assembly room and fire up the other [Music] two what have you got next [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] h [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I think I can stabilize him at least for a little while just do what you can okay one more generator [Music] [Music] a [Music] okay here you are [Music] [Music] h [Music] whoa okay gque the lift's up and running I can hear someone else down here K we were followed I can defend us what if you malfunction again and blast me instead no you guys keep moving and and I'll check it out [Music] [Music] this isn't good zerk bash must have followed us in [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing there up two ahead third got it can't [Music] [Music] let wait a second just leaving hold up I'm warning you we're in trouble fight I can still take you out come on Nick get the cover get him [Music] ni okay catch up to Theon [Music] ah you got to be kidding me and this was supposed to be a secret base you need to get out of my way you know I came here looking for your help but uh looks like you might need mine no I think one death mark on my back is enough now let them go okay this may be the last BX Factory in the outer rim Jedi infiltrator detected alert General gas what do you need the Huds captur one of our teams they're going to sell him to the Empire you help my friends and uh I'll help yours you cross me again I'll sell you to the emperor myself deal [Music] [Music] there's a repair bit you can use while we look for the par I need to hook him up to the factory power as quickly as possible hopefully that's still works remember we need a compound regulator and it has to come from a BX power core come on big guy when are we leaving my team's double cheing our Intel on the Hut's location we have some supplies should think about while stocking up maybe check in on your Droid make sure it's got what it needs his name is nd5 right sorry there's an old delivery turbo lift we use as an exit when you're ready head to the [Music] surface if the Empire gets their hands on our friends Sor has a plan what if it doesn't work the imps are going to find out where this base is then we're dead too have a little Faith hey vess my first take on you was mistaken denian if you had told me on Kanto you were trying to help a friend things might have been different I'm not interested in talking about [Music] it that was fun to watch they're a big reason I have a death Mark how's Andy I have hooked him up to factory power but I don't know how long it will keep him functioning do what you can I'll be back as soon as I help these Rebels [Music] is [Music] okay asara I'm on the surface where are you on my way to her territory I'll meet you there yes you will tired of walking ni okay I got to admit I'm a little surprised to see you go so far out of your way to help a Droid okay and I'm not surprised at all that the Hut got the jump on you my team got kept to trying to buy weapons to use against the tribute convoys H let me guess the Huts figured out that Rebels are worth more as prisoners than customers I should have seen it coming okay wouldn't made that mistake she was my sister and she died at the Battle of Scarff I'm sorry never heard of it the Empire Mak sure of that callus was a hero and when she needed my help I wasn't there that's why I'm a rebel now hey assara what is it K something's been bugging me since your crew left me for dead yeah sorry about that how did you end up in one of sl's faults well uh SLO is a man with a lot of resources and I thought I could liberate some for the cause yeah sure but why send you you're clearly not that good at it okay uh where was I yeah sure but why send you you're clearly not that good at it maybe but I do know people who are like you and the Rebellion needs everyone that can get if we're going to beat the empire [Music] okay asara I'm in the tunnel territory I'm just up ahead scouting at our Target oh come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] you made it good we're not too [Music] [Applause] [Music] late my team's just down there heading to the cages we're lucky the Huts haven't made the exchange yet I'm guessing they're worth a lot to the Empire those are my friends okay and n's mine stay of sight while I do this the last thing we need is to turn those prisoners into hostages yes sir I'll scope out an Escape Route for us G [Music] Yoku hey there I swear we've met we're pain Nick [Music] [Music] fix the Blaster that's it [Music] [Music] take that the water [Music] come [Applause] on SHO [Music] [Music] okay Sara the cages are open just in time the Empire is here that's not the empire that's Z back I don't okay but get my team out of [Music] [Applause] [Music] there stop it's pin down get [Music] over get him go go [Music] careful get them hurry [Applause] no get [Applause] him get over okay looks like the way is clear why was it zerk bash and not the M my guess ever since we hit him sl's been targeting Rebels trading us for influence now okay you hold up your side of the deal time to hold up mine you saved a lot of good lives today you could save a whole lot more you know what I realized about you rebels what's that I got a death Mark a half dead Droid and a crew without a heavy and all you want to talk about is how I can help you you're just another Syndicate taking what you think is yours we found the BX regulator but it doesn't look good we're on our way is nd5 okay we should hurry how steady are your hands uh perfect that one hook it up to the couplings quick but not too [Music] quick okay you've got it backwards [Music] Andy it's a miracle he lasted this [Music] long Kad let's go k k you going to start talking the casino job went bad what do you want me to say heard gek stri that dealer droid's protocols but it panicked triggered an alarm you knew still got a few contacts in the cbpd gik made a mistake you think I wanted him to get picked up you left him behind K now he has to choose prison or the Empire easy gque knew the risks okay I work better Al always have that sounds like Rico not you I'm done [Music] [Music] talking you're okay did I hurt you even if you did you were broken no it's me without jaylen's restraining bolt functioning I'm just a battle droid infiltrate in terminate nothing else that was you I told him not to Secrets contacts credits I'm the one who brings them all together hey K we need two slicers right well here's the best of the best not her a ship a crew big job in the works I always knew you could do it I'm just here to make sure you finished strong look okay I get it but the score comes first we need her you need her and that death Mark's not going anywhere good to have you back old friend well looking forward to catching up kiddo [Music] why are you here Jaylen said you needed Firepower and uh rebellions are't cheap so [Music] [Music] hey ank hi an what do you want K I want her off my ship no I mean once we pull this off and you're richer than most of the Galaxy what do you want what who cares you you can't answer I want my cut and Rico gone you want to be free k and to do that you need to stop keeping score with some ghost and start seeing what's right in front of you she left me with a blaster and a casino chip Jaylen I was 12 okay how about I tell you a secret H I was born rich secret if you hadn't hired me you'd be a mark my family built ships on corellia we were wealthy powerful and we hated each other then the Empire came smelled weakness tore us apart hate turned to murder and here I am the last survivor and I only have Andy 5 to thank for that well at least you live my family's hatred destroyed her future K now your mother is one of the best slicers I've seen and she wants you to pull this off more than any of us even me it's your crew what's next you know sl's Mansion better than any of us so it should be no surprise we'll need his master key of passcodes always kept on his person I've got wordy's brokering some deal between zerich VES and the Empire's intelligence outfit the ISB Infiltrate The meet get the key and regroup with the crew on Kanto and then we pull off the greatest Heist the galaxy has ever seen K Rico has secured a Landa shuttle I'll send you the coordinates and be careful I'll be back Andy I'll be here [Music] K I am sorry for what Jaylen did he should not have contacted your mother what that restraining bold make you apologize for him too no I am simply disappointed there's nothing we can do it's his job his crew you should know that more than anyone yes I do I see you still have my blaster you know that power pack is after market it overheats easy I fixed that years ago oh what else have you um been up to yeah we're we're not doing this you're right we should focus on the job SLO meeting with some imps on an ISB station tightest Security in the Galaxy but it's our only chance to get close to him with this ship we can get in grab his master key and get out unseen we uh no no me and Nyx got this can he pilot an imperial shuttle can you I know I'm the last person in the Galaxy you want to sit in a shuttle with this job needs two slicers what were you going to do wing it I've been winging it my whole life worked out so far this time it won't just don't get in my way sure but once we start this we have to see it through so you [Music] ready yeah I'm good let's get this over with great after you [Music] [Music] told you this would work the ISB is hunting Rebels not stolen shuttles Big Talk Rico I'll celebrate later nothing to report [Music] this is just like all times huh H is it better find the floor plans before you cut and run I was just saying never mind okay let's uh find the meeting place grab the key and cover our tracks together uh-huh there that's the terminal the guard I got it back standing nice one kiddo now help me slice this [Music] [Music] looks like SLO is meeting with some important ISB official on the upper levels that's our chance the conveyor your way up I'll keep it stopped for you what you're not coming you need eyes and ears I'll guide you on comms and turn off any alarms from here so I'm doing all the leg work while you hang back look k something isn't adding up about all this there's so many zerak B agents here I want to keep an eye on things [Music] hey the conveyor is moving again I thought you were handling it the backup override kicked in but I'm on it relax easy for you to say there's a maintenance hatch up ahead on the floor take it oh hang hang on you got company get past him and stay out of sight [Music] all right just keep moving through the maintenance passage you sure this is the way is Leer's meeting TR me at least a little here k k bad news when the conveyor reactivated one of the Vipers CAU sight of you can't trust someone's going to be there for me huh how much did they get not sure but they're heading into the data extraction Hub same as you you need to get to it first and wipe it or the whole Heist is going to I know what's at stake [Music] hey hold this open think you can hold that open for me what [Music] [Music] keep going you should be close [Music] hey I'm sorry about that back there it was my mistake it's I'm fixing it the Vipers are connected to terminals they're sliceable thanks some of those droids are still active don't get spotted again spent a lot of time around vipers I'm good huh you'll have to tell me about that one later you think I'll be up for promotion this [Music] time Kira is planning something big did you hear she just met with Princess hey be quiet you don't know who's listening we in the middle of the day [Music] clear report for debriefing next this doesn't help me at all what is that go away [Music] go next time I [Music] [Music] [Music] more [Music] [Music] Combat Training again deathing command off all right there got it the recordings of me are gone nice work kiddo all right there's a turbo list at the far end of the room I sent it down should bring you right to SLO what's the perimeter over so uh you find anything about Zer bash and that terminal why they're so close to the Empire it seems like they're using Viper droids what's left of something called project swarm to verify Intel but I haven't figured out why I've been focused on you yeah thanks okay when that turbo lift opens look for a way into the ISB meeting room it's going to be tough to get that key without being spotted next help we can do [Applause] this opening a door for you left to the turbo lift take it on it this cure is so much better than what we thought at [Music] training the sector is clear checking in nothing to [Music] report I see a vent on these schematics it'll get you above the room I'm in the vent now what hello Imperial Big Shots here I don't know who they are but they came alone okay I have to go stay out of sight no matter what what go where hello we so we're back to winging it of course we're better off anyway we can find SL on our own I had on and then the Empire got that sounds like Veil she's more connected than you on I thought I was just hunting the thief that stole your favorite ship best it mixed up in something bigger [Music] I expected more from one of the most expensive bounty hunters in the outer rim I'm out are you stop now I recoup my losses I'd say your miger fortune on NEOS should cover it how could you possibly you're mine there finish the job [Music] [Music] well this is a surprise the emperor has my report zerak B Syndicate is infiltrated the underworld into the farthest reaches of the Galaxy we are on the verge of uncovering the Rebel Network this is an unqualified success for the ISB [Music] zerk bash has not found a single member of the Rebel Alliance that's nonsense without Rebels zerich bash is a failure you director Bara are a failure failure the ISB has created the most groundbreaking intelligence Network the Empire has seen and accomplished more in weeks than the entire Imperial Army an army whose mindless show of force allowed a rebel Fleet to escape from ha it is the ISB that will win this war I'm so close Lord Vader then I suggest you find some Rebels director the emperor is waiting [Music] [Music] ready my ship now [Music] k k what do you see I I'm not sure I I can't kiddo I on the score yeah okay we got a big problem SLO just met with someone who I don't know he he just tore the room apart sl's Imperial he's an ISD director did you know what not that crazy this is bad get back here we're in over our heads what about the master key SLO is gone at least we can fck it out with our lives no if you want to run fine but I'm getting those codes if this is Leo's base he's got to have a a bedroom or or a safer something give me a second but keep moving if he does it'll be close you should be right outside now doors are sealed though run on a separate circuit got it I'll find a way through I think I found his private quarters you're on the right track but K I can do this I got it all right [Music] there carefully door's open I'm going in and I'm on the cameras you're still clear move fast k no way they don't notice this I [Music] there we go I I think I think I found it the pass codes are raw data but I'm removing his permissions for you yeah I see them replicating the base codes onto a data card but he's going to see our footprint in the system can you get to the main terminal on the bridge that sounds heavily guarded you can do this kiddo besides we're dead if we don't makes sense I once got P down for 6 hours before the bombers came in Rebels ran pretty fast after that careful ni stay out of sight hey I I see the terminal but there's like a 100 officers in [Music] here attention all units your presence is required in the briefing room for a an Emergency briefing move out at once that got some of them back wow that accent ah good enough stay off the comms you're Jam the [Music] frequency cop stay alert get that terminal [Music] [Music] [Music] okay then [Music] okay I just gave you access all right uploading now who should we pin this on Rebels they already hate them right yeah they always want to take credit for everything oh and I found you a way out sending coordinates could open that vent at the terminal okay you okay okay isn't the word I'd use but we're making it work just remember it'll all be worth it this job is how we tip the scales take our little piece of a galaxy that's rigged against us talk later Jaylen [Music] [Music] fire [Music] [Music] [Music] careful more Troopers get upstairs just open the door [Music] n need a distraction someone deal with that do you want to get [Music] blasted I can't stand those things [Music] am I going the right way uh-huh you're almost there director Bara does not tolerate failure regardless of when he landed his shuttle must be primed for takeoff at any moment I don't want excuses I want action [Music] hey I see you meet me down here there wasn't an easier way you want easy or safe you surprised me K you've changed a lot my life didn't just stop when you left for what it's worth I was I thought it was for the best I mean look at you you didn't need me okay I I heard you and I don't ask questions [Music] [Music] I'm not going to get blasted doing this am I why you think I led you this way this place is fully automated no one here to shoot at either of us good because this is a lot harder than it looks better than getting blasted kiddo be good at that running a lot of jobs her stopped just moved on to bigger ones yeah that's the life all right final stretch let's get out of here you know we uh you you did okay this worked out yeah felt like old times the good ones [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's go for the Rebellion right H like they could pull this off [Music] told you not to come back K was I supposed to listen looks just like I remember it no need to change it if it's right you okay sure just saw some things that uh I don't know what we're walking into just tell them what they need to know we got a problem zerk bash it's an imperial front SLO ISB ISB Imperial Security Bureau the Empire's intelligence outfit God eyes everywhere and a hell of a l carry than Troopers for cot it's not just us that's dead it's everybody we know walk away now you say goodbye to 100 57 million credits you knew didn't you would you be here if I told you Doric no butter that's a peach H so now you're scared Hank you lost everything and here's a score that means you can start again and how about a few million for next Imperial to just vanish and rebellions need a lot more than hope especially when they're [Music] losing okay K the reason we're all here is because you proved it could be done you've seen this Vault with your own eyes and this is your one shot at Freedom no SLO no death Mark no more looking over your shoulder what do you think K last time I tried this I realized Security's weak spot is the hanger these codes get us access to the ventilation system sl's vaults are blocked by those energy Gates nothing a Paras slicers can handle as soon as the gates are down these automated turrets kick in I'll secure our exit through the casino and hide in plane sight tt8 l Droid protecting the vault is the best money can buy but that matter h Vault protected by chromium time locks can't be sliced once we get the safe we just need a quick exit what about the old kosur no Maps exist but with a transmitter a pickup can find us nd5 and I will be at the landing pad with the Trailblazer and then it's straight to Freedom okay let's tip the scales [Music] hello [Music] ni tell me that's a fresh Bowl I don't think he cares so uh how's your leg it's fine K and sixk think you're dead I made my peace with them by fixing a couple of races in their favor I thought you were out of the game I still have a few connections yeah you think Brad makes money off this place could at least update the menu been a little busy paying off someone's debts right and besides I'm sure you'll be out of here in no time Rico hey I've looked after K in my own way yeah how's your leg easy B well that was fun it was a long time coming listen brim I owe you we owe you I guess for everything you owe me rent and to make sure you're breathing on the other side score or no no [Music] score so did you think we'd ever get this close to pulling it off I calculated a 30% chance that you'd get me killed that's not bad I'm 93% that I'd be forced to shoot you right sorry to disappoint yes well the job's not done yet are you ready or do you want to speak to the crew before we go uh I'll go talk to them last chance right let me know when you're ready to go what's the occation smart would have lik one that drink with my sister parents for me last time I saw them I was being shipped off to join the Empire now that I'm a deserter I can't I can't ever go home what about you okay I uh I I guess we've never had anyone to [Music] lose okay I'm ready what are you going to do with your cut hot oil bath I don't get a cut what how's that fair I'm a Droid with a restraining bolt and property of Jaylen V it doesn't have to be like this we could use kad's Freedom Spike don't K we pull this off I'm rich you're free everybody wins stop I am loyal to Jaylen only Jen deviate from the plan and I would be forced to eliminate you no no that's not you talking it doesn't matter K now let's go we're wasting time made something [Music] here's where we find out how good jaylen's plans are it's never exactly like it is in the hollow is it okay once I take down their security we override the axis hatch and get inside there's the Mansion first off is that security building we'll take down the outer defenses from there stay out of sight I'll clear the way to the security building I'm coming with you k no you're not this has to be done [Music] quiet something's out there [Applause] [Music] keep your eyes open Showtime ni they don't pay me enough for [Music] this I can take anyone now I'm aing TR r [Music] distract him n Go put on a show [Music] next nothing new right [Music] no it was [Music] de founder move it yeah yeah he's looking let's out I'll give the alarm hit the alarm got us Sur down let's [Music] go okay gque security building's yours I've got just a Droid to take it down down [Laughter] a I'm so proud of that little come on we got to hit them before they realize what's happening that all you got you can't take us all go go go going [Music] down I'll back you up oh no grenades loaded fireing take them out take him down she's here this too fight get that hat open assara copy that team leader come on opening the hatch okay get ready cracking the seal nice work there's no chatter on their coms okay let's keep it that way sealing the hatch behind you see you at the casino and remember you're the only way we're getting out of here good luck K okay we need to kill the power to these fans I'll find a way to shut them down [Music] wow hey hold this open okay n see anyway to shut down these fans that should do it it's a labyrinth in here so stick close to me [Music] I'll shut this one down too uh I don't know K those pipes look pretty corroded k k I'm fine I'm fine we're in one piece do you know where you are close to the hanger we'll cross it and meet up with you on the other side so keep going stick to the plan Hanger's just ahead [Music] okay how are you doing everything all right a little busy right [Music] now SW something was here wreck that terminal ni we're almost out of the vents I think I see the way out [Music] [Music] it's fine relax found the exit we're leaving the vents dead and jumpy don't get lazy now yeah see something [Music] okay this is turning into a record seven slices so far of course Loo's codes make this a lot easier after this you'll be so rich you'll never have to slice again you don't get slicers at all kid M that's 8 personal [Music] best quiet n they still haven't seen us never mind okay we're coming out of the vents I Ting her with one of their roids told it to start a maintenance cycle it's bypassed all the security logs for us got to admit it was half clever look at you two I'm on my way just stay looking [Music] still doesn't feel right don't like this looks fine but stay close need a distraction NYX okay all these old lifts need is a little boost [Music] okay you don't know how happy I am to see you okay so I took a little detour but now we need to push onto the Vault the longer we take the harder this gets we did lose valuable time to your little accident we still got enough or did you want to waste more time arguing about it huh I like this gu come on we got some serious slicing ahead of us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay Rico you ready always are you we have to compl our light at the same time because the moment the barriers drop the turrets Will Blast us he [Music] [Music] okay barrier and turrets down well done I've never dual sliced with someone before no one's been good enough to keep up until now woo nice one the gatekeeper Droid is ahead I'll be ready I just want to talk well good news for you I work for SLO now I know all this is a front for the Empire come on we both work for the ISB no need to make this complicated let me in now why' you ruin it with a question like [Music] that that's more like it gatekeeper droids are ADV best but not Advanced enough now here's hoping this time we open the right ball okay let's get into that Vault I'll plant the charges [Music] Rico you're up Zero's codes will let you slice that door and that's a lesson for you K never use the same codes twice SF how did they know we were here they were waiting for us they're not letting [Applause] up not good [Music] [Music] [Music] really okay KN out take oh sh the you don't [Music] really cross them Hunters bring me that blaster take them out okay oh [Music] now get him [Music] I have to thank you I've never had a chance to claim my own death M Come and Get It fail blaster [Music] anything you're waiting for no I've decided is this a joke hilarious isn't it 20% 10 I'll take everything you have it's yours 15 done do you really think you can get away with this ank anytime now how could you know us D your lives are over your family friends gone there's nowhere in the Galaxy you can hide from the [Music] ISB last thing I need is a dead ISB director but I can get there [Music] you coming I'll buy you time all Zer brush is about to come down on you get ready [Music] K casino's just ahead okay ank G it's time to split up what we didn't talk about this Leo found my face in the casino security logs I step in there instant [Music] alarm okay fine but we'll meet you both back at the Trailblazer K how we doing I'm seeing you 7 and A2 minutes behind maybe it's because we just ran into SLO he was there that guy was way more paranoid than we gave him credit for but we got the goods assara are you there I infiltrated the security room the Homing Beacon's been planted you should be getting a nice strong [Music] ping smell something Buddy okay that was loud okay we're going to want to see this oh zerak bash is empty in the casino smart there goes walking out the front door hey it was a good plan they want to fight we'll give them a fight well it's nice one of us is excited about this we're nearly there I can't believe we're almost out 95 how's our ride coming your ride is [Music] here oh come on looks like our Lu just ran out then we make our own assara hold them off Rico let's open those generator panels hey you're back is something there it's sliced first panel's open k blasted we got Hunters I can keep slicing open those panels it's going to take time you need this keep us all alive sure we got [Music] it oh no almost the barrier sliced okayy I've opened the generators blast them gra the B buddy [Music] got take them [Applause] out we need those barriers down now picking up a lot of cont pressure coming take it down [Music] [Music] slicing the last barrier going to need a minute this one's Sigma encrypted someone actually knew what they were doing let's [Music] go any more time to slice this haven't seen Dynamic encryption like this before okay cracked it okay time to do your thing you don't really want to do this let [Music] go get ready to run Nick be careful here we go Nick come on really [Music] everybody to the Trailblazer now take them down [Music] a [Music] things won't be the same after this uh where's our Hall this is better SLO Data Bank Imperial clearance codes operational planning base schematics and sl's personal collection of blackmail on almost every ranking officer in the Empire files's ISB friends have no idea he's been collecting hey you said the Rebellion gets access and nobody gets hurt is there anyone in here not stabbing me in the back SLO spent millions of ISB cash on zerak bash he wanted to use underworld networks to hunt the Rebel Alliance he failed but somehow still managed to build one of the most powerful syndicates in the Galaxy you want zerk bash I have the Codex I have a sar's rebel Network unlike SLO I'll give the Empire everything they ever wanted while making millions What's your deal with SLO just tipping the scales K you'll be free to go once he has zeric bash No More Death Mark that's the deal and aara okay deals changed nd5 [Music] hey come [Music] on you didn't keep your eyes on the score [Music] kiddo it's not me okay okay [Music] hey [Music] Brown hey kiddo hi yeah I don't really do speeches but here we are truth is we both know you're not cut off for this kind of life and this that's all I am stick with me you're going to get yourself killed you're a good kid K just remember in this galaxy you can't trust someone's always going to be you can keep the room until you get things all figured out I'm good [Music] just for a few days that's what you [Music] need until I figure it out [Music] come on come on S [Music] where are [Music] we you're okay do you think he'll fit in there how did you find me R we took her shuttle and came as fast as we could and now that we got you we can get out of here thanks both of you but I'm not going anywhere ND is still under jaylen's control he was jaylen's enforcer long before we came into the picture and without him you'd be locked up in some Imperial lab and you'd be a prisoner on Kimi yeah yeah we lost but ND is the only one that can't walk [Music] away take this and stay out of sight ank want to plant some surprises TWA do to this you find him Ram this in the restraining bolt and nd5 is free and now you and I find the bridge what about the army of Buckethead surrounding [Music] us get moving scum e see stay close to me what no you stick close to me I've got the Blaster what time is we can't look like we're lost where are the turbo Liv how am I supposed to know I was never assigned to Star Destroyer watch that keep watch just to walk up to nd5 with the freedom spike it should strip that restraining bolt off right unless it malfunctions or you can't get close enough what if he recognizes your walk I get blasted so glad we worked this out I'll father report when I get back rodian scum are original [Music] no change over my leg is killing me you'll Blaster nothing to report say again I think my conss are busted Trooper where are you taking this prisoner uh just uh standard transfer sir there's no transfer on the schedule in fact I don't even see a record of this prisoner orders come straight from the top sir I sincerely doubt that look I just do what I'm ordered you want to cause a problem sure take it up with the ISB the ISB ordered this oh yeah you should contact them I bet they'd love to hear why their prisoner is being held up maybe they'll poke around too see what you're up to no no need for that proceed Trooper those rations did a number on me nice job it's just like dealing with the Kanto police there's a control room can you access the ship's terminal we need to find nd5 sure how are we going to clear it out I got it St as sight for a second C [Music] here we'll update it changes okay the camera can you shut it [Music] down okay no one's watching there's still going to be an officer in there sure I I'll take care of them 44 we're on you were assigned escort Duty and the vip's shule has already doed you're going to give this ship a bad name come in TK4 they're getting good at the Stormtrooper thing kind of scary actually just bring up the ship's plans accessing its day to cour any way to hurry this up okay you're not going to like this SLO what is he doing here it says he's been called in for a conference how much you want to bet jayen and N5 never going to be there if I can get there in time I can join his escort that is a terrible idea I'm a Storm Trooper to SLO I'm invisible unlocking the door get to that turbo lift before it [Music] [Music] leaves you've been relieved tber what I didn't hear anything stop wasting my time you've been relieved of your post now move of course sir I'm [Music] leaving I've never seen such a disorganized ship that's always how things are run uh afraid so sir disgraceful I despair for the state of the Imperial your [Music] Fleet the goal the sheer Audacity Of it to think anyone would dare summon me from halfway across the Empire this better be of Paramount importance or someone is going to suffer yes director [Music] I'll escort you to the bridge sir I know the way I don't need menials to hold my [Music] hand Direct barer I understand there has been a security preach it's a personal matter not when you've been so careless with critical Imperial intelligence you have outlived your usefulness to the emperor jayen the Empire accepts your terms Jaylen Rex nice cape let me guess the fur was your idea coordinates to the rebel base set course for AA [Music] friend the TS Lord Vader drives a hard bargain in exchange for the aan rebels and the return of some very sensitive information you really haven't figured it out yet the terms jayen the Empire is giving me zeric beses and you you told him that were're Brothers felt like a detail you have no idea what you've done I know exactly what I've done the clone wars were over our factories were set to build thousands of Destroyers for the Imperial Fleet we would have been the richest family on Corelli I did what I had to do you accused us of plotting against the emperor and for what a promotion we had everything SLO you had everything I was your father's mistake you had a place at the table I had scrapped and you never let me forget for one second that you were the favorite I was the air but we we family now you owe me an Empire so I'm taking yours you remember nd5 don't remember that scar on his chest who you sent to hunt down and kill every last Bara you always [Music] dead I really thought I'd feel something [Music] so much for tipping the scales huh all this for some revenge on your brother uh you should know okay no one hurts you like family if you're here for the Codex I'm here for Andy and him I guess you're kidding well then come and get them [Music] run gque things went real bad nd5 saw me and now he's trying to kill me okay uh I'll find you the fastest way to the hanger no I I won't get tired I Won't Give Up get away from me K and never stop running only one way to go [Music] I'm totally lost kadik you're close to engineering just follow the power cond wits and there will be a turbo lift ahead okay got it K it's okay to leave you had your shot as long as your Spike works I still got one more chance you should have listened to Rico I gave you a clean slate you could have started over you don't get it I don't want to start over I want my [Music] crew gque where am I according to the ship's plans you're looking at the primary and secondary power cores for the deflector Shields how much power are we talking there's got to be enough to St to be ex dryed right ND 5's components are shielded but it's enough to stop him at least tell me how you need to cyle up both cores they will trigger an emergency discharge through the central emitter understand so I turn on both cores lure him to the middle and it stuns him close enough [Music] h okay good for you for getting out of the Escape pod but you should have run now I can only hope nd5 doesn't finish the job before I get there [Music] there's the emitter looks like I need to set up the Trap from the console nothing happened something's interfering with the cores kadik I'm at the first core fire it up we want as much power as you can get I'm unlocking it he's going to survive right he's at top of the line battle through a k but he's an old one no [Music] guarantees locked out maybe I can switch on the cores using the manual [Music] controls I told you I find [Music] you I know you're here you can't win Kade I heard that okay first course up K it's pointless nd5 is my Droid he's always you're wrong am I doesn't look like it's [Music] here you're trying to overload the deflector cores why uh just trying to scramble offensers you were lying K I'm just trying to save us both K you shouldn't have come you know I can't fight jaylen's orders come on Andy I had to try now your death will be on my concience this only ends One Way Jaylen has won andd I know you don't want to do this what I want has not mattered for a long time you're still talking to me that that means you can fight it the bolt doesn't work that way K the bolt is absolute okay I can hear Blaster fire and that means you're close and so is the end [Music] [Music] where did you come from I anticipate the next move I can't even control it I was created to hunt and Destroy you're more than just a battle droid K if you believe that you're fooling yourself run I never look back enemy in [Music] sights you're making too much noise K I will find you eventually get out of here k me mad I resent in having to save your life trying to kill me with honesty now I see now you are different K you deserve to survive that will not happen if you keep doing what you are doing I can hear hiding won't work you can't stop [Music] me I'm begging you p i here UK there you are g i fired up the second cor too much interference got to low him into the middle Run f okay Andy here I am you win I won't fight anymore but I know this isn't you jayen I told you [Music] to I'm sorry K me too Andy K I didn't think you had it in [Music] [Applause] you they made those BX units tough blaster [Music] no not bad I'll take this you okay never better good cuz I can't breathe in this [Music] thing I'm going to thank you K but I'm not going to apologize I did what I had to do I never asked assara look the Codex can save a lot of lives you took on the most powerful force in the galaxy to save a friend I'm just trying to save [Music] mine next the button push it [Music] gik can you hear me oh okay you're alive I've got a Sara and N5 here and we could really use that turbo lift got it there's one state ahead I'm calling it for [Music] you there's the left and there's the storm SCS no [Music] away back up when you look out K storm in The High Ground a [Music] fire targ come on [Music] Shields to [Music] [Music] J this bu Shield won't break okay well we get out of here we got to one re on a key start you know I'm not liking our chances [Music] either those death Troopers are getting CL get on that lift now [Music] [Applause] [Music] get him there [Music] good work Buddy [Music] [Music] targ grab me the B to [Music] Ni no the left is here SAR we need to go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay nd5 S I can't believe you put this on uh yeah yeah can we please just get out of here [Music] they're not going to run out of Storm Troopers we got to go them in there's too many of them we got to get back to the Trailblazer okay an anytime now not mess around uh come on [Music] ND fire up the hyperdrive on K base do you [Music] read K base respond Danel you need to evacuate e drives online ready to jump Sor you're breaking up say again the Empire knows where you you are can you hear me diverting power to deflectors deflectors are you [Music] serious keep [Music] trying a distress Beacon calling in some favors I hope [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm reading three Battle squadrons of Tie fighters okay I'm going to see what this Old Ship really made of enemies on our tail Keo base do you read we have a star destroy moving into bombardment position danan can you hear me nothing is getting through why isn't this working I'll try to boost the signal better not be stealing power from the deflectors Den Koo base do you read [Music] Target you're taking damage she you're being kicked K come on try again [Music] K I can't get through to the base they got to have a Cham blocking Communications Kade for the message to reach the rebels You Must Destroy it I hear you Sigma Squadron backup has arrived here we go k that Imperial cruiser is jamming our Communications Let's Take It Out target your PRI on their weak points on our left we lost Shield wa that's the ground [Music] trouble I lost control why have I lost control we're not to sorry acknowledge Dani did you get out now okay not bad but not enough what now someone's answered the distress Beacon fighting next to Rebels I didn't see it in you we all make mistakes right Kira but that codex could be very valuable to the future of the Dawn and this galaxy word spreads fast we got a deal good and tell the rebels to keep their distance the dawn protects their Investments that's ukuk not [Music] them how about we get moving before they change their minds agreed [Music] the rebels are evacuated but event Star Destroyer P be fire on the factory the damage to mirror will be catastrophic I hear you we need to find a way to stop it can we even hurt that thing not the those Shields okay you need to destroy the shield generators turbo laser [Music] neutralized okay denian tell me straight do we stand a chance against this thing there's always H I'd say H20 Empire oh how that OD turn down got it nice shooting turret destroyed good keep at it they're right behind us rson Donn how does it feel to fight the empire in the open decided to work the hang on you're being [Music] KCK weapons have overheated Shields are down the reactor is vulnerable got it signal our friends that we're starting our attack trailer you should learn to fight like Crimson Dawn yeah how would Kira do this if Lady Kira was in command there it goes be careful my fault [Music] we hit picking up internal explosions in a chain reaction the Revelator ion drives never thought I'd see this me neither so [Music] I let's get out of here look just saying what I've pull from the Codex Jaylen was right we can't dip the scales against the empire oh you're serious we got lucky taking out the Star Destroyer for no money is lucky we could euse you okay I think I'm done being used just be careful out there oara what about you that's too bad I think I got the job lots of droids and casinos Troy UB pwa and safes to Blow To Pieces okay you two have fun but I'll baill you out when you mess it up I figure I owe you one so are you picking up their tab or am I [Music] you still want your room ah just keep the lights on Bram as long as you [Music] need was wondering when you'd show up just here for my 20% 10 but how about something better I thought the Codex was lost in battle to everyone else I figure there's enough secrets in there for someone to start their own business just don't forget me when you rule the underworld could use a partner already got one but hey I'm easy enough to track down right [Music] [Music] so where do we go next anywhere we want Andy w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for [Music] [Music] the best ler in the Galaxy caught for using March credits Jaylen Brax was clever wasn't he I see you read my file 10 crews in 9 years no home no family and absolutely no attachments except for one you have any idea what this is cheap bet at the Fier track a tracker strong one too custom build I'd say at least 10 years old whoever built this wanted to know exactly where their Mark was at all times makes sense you can't trust someone's always going to be there but that's what makes it matter when they [Music] are not bad poor an imperial I'd say this one needs a bit more time to think about what she's done on me Trooper [Music]

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