Beta 8 of iOS 18 came out yesterday so in this video we are going to see how the latest Beta of iOS 18 is going on the iPhone 11. So first we are going to see how much the last Beta weighed on me. Let's see it here then we can see that Beta 8 weighed approximately 250 meg, let's confirm it here in the update or here in the configuration, rather we can see that it is already updated, let's also look at the battery. How would things be here because we are also going to do a small battery test here we have a condition of 99% the last charge at 100% F 13 minutes ago just disconnected practically then all the applications closed all the applications updated to their latest versions 100% battery let's see how it would be in terms of performance Then later we will see the results we have in the antutu and in the geekbench so we can see that so far it is behaving well. In the same way the iPhone 11 has almost had no problems with iOS 18 in the first betas we did have something like Lake slowdown But well now almost not so let's look at it here how it behaves Let's go now with Facebook we can see that the applications are opening quickly let's wait for it to load the content here let's look at some RS here then sliding quickly We can see that it is behaving quite well. Let's slide over here, we can see that we don't see any obstacles or lakes, something that previously did happen, not so much, but it did happen a little if we come to look at the stories. Here we can see the stories well, and we can see that it is behaving quite well. well let's leave it there and quickly Let's go with Instagram ready we can see that the loading time of each application is not too long at that moment since the phone is hot for some reason with the previous Beta Although well I didn't make a video with the Beta 7 but with Beta 6 and Beta 7 it almost didn't heat up Or well it did heat up but it kind of cooled down quickly let's see if with this Beta it also happens like that then we see that here on Instagram it is behaving very well we also see that the content is gone load fast Let's enter here in some profile of these profiles anyone let's watch more videos here we can see that the performance is still good Let's go now to watch more videos here let's enter now in another profile let's enter here to watch more videos we can see that it is behaving well everything loads quite quickly Let's go back now we continue sliding here we enter another profile we can see that the performance is still quite good Let's go now with x well there it almost got stuck when we left Instagram let's scroll or swipe here on the main page of It is behaving quite well, we go back, although the phone is already hot, the overheating problem seems to be getting worse before. We slide and we see that it is still behaving well. We enter another profile here. Well, we look at more posts by AC here. It loads quickly, as you can see. Let's go now with Twitch on the iPhone 11. It seems to me that it is still performing well in 2024 with its latest iOS 18 update and we are getting closer to the final version and we even have an event for the new iPhone 16, let's now go with the Speed test Ready We already have it open Let's go with tiktok here we are looking at the opening time of each application well then we already have tiktok open we continue sliding here we see that the videos load quickly the content loads quickly in general we are going to look at more publications here make a profile anyone We continue sliding here on the home screen we enter any other profile we continue sliding well we see that it is behaving quite well we return to the home screen we now come here another profile any one we continue watching more videos we take out the comments we can see that it loads everything quite quickly we get comments loading fast we go again for the home screen we continue sliding we now enter another profile anyone we continue watching more videos here we get comments we can see that it still has good performance we continue sliding well it behaves well Let's go now with shaking Ready We already have it open we can see the performance of the iPhone 11 Continue being quite Well, let's go here now to look at my blog but it's too hot I think that of all the betas that I have tried, this Beta 8 is the one that has heated up the phone the most Let's go now with Netflix Ready We already have it open Let's go now with Spotify So we quickly open applications and stress the processor a little on Amazon Ready. We already have it open, we can see that it still has good performance. We are going to enter some random publications here because that way we are going to test the 4 GB of RAM that this device has. so we enter here in another publication so we quickly slide we see that it is behaving quite well but it is too hot Notice that the brightness has already started to go down we enter another publication here but it is too hot of all the betas that I have definitely tried This is the one that has heated up the phone the most So let's leave it there Let's go quickly with eBay let's see how long it takes eBay to open Ready We already have it open let's look at some publications here to continue testing the RAM we enter this publication from here Well, we slide , let's look here if we notice any drop in frames, like some slowdown or something like that, well, we see that it doesn't. Although we're more or less going to look at another publication here, we slide like that's where it more or less wants as a medium. get stuck let's look now here well over there we see that the frames want to fall a little bit let's put it like this But in the same way the performance is still quite good Let's go now with MercadoLibre but it's definitely very hot so Ready We already have it open let's load Here we are going to slide different publications. In the same way, I am showing you how this iPhone 11 with ius 18 V 8 is working and you yourself are going to draw your own conclusions because there are people who are doing very badly and there are other people those that are doing very well in my case on the iPhone 11 I consider that I am doing quite well with iOS 18 Let's go now with another publication here we slide well we see that it is behaving well we are still with 100% now we are going to open some little games I open these games mostly to test the RAM because if I don't open these games the other applications don't close So when we open these games we see which applications have been closed Which applications are still open Notice that the frames drop there at that moment the phone is quite hot well So let's leave it there let's go quickly with Temple room 2 I remind you that these parts of the video are uncropped so that you can see how long it takes to open each application at this moment it is downloading configuration now the game is directly loading In other words, it's getting too hot and it still doesn't cool down. Let's give it [Music] Play well. Then let's leave it there. Let's go quickly with the Subway game. If you have an iPhone 11 with ius 18, let us know below in the comments How You're doing in terms of performance and battery. Let's give it Play. I ask you to leave your experiences because, as I said, there are people who have a very good experience with iOS 18 and there are other people who are not going to look at the battery. Well, we're still continuing with it. 100% So we already have those three games open And notice that they are very simple games, very light and all that and the other applications that we are going to see which have been closed and which are still open So now we go from back to front and we are going to look What applications have closed what is sub source Temple Run 1 and 2s open Let's go now with Mercado libre open reacting quickly Let's go now with eBay open also reacting quickly Let's go now with Amazon open too although it's kind of refreshing But anyway it's exactly how I left it so it's open Let's go with Spotify open Netflix open Well what is tbl closed what is tiktok open and well I realized that the vast majority of applications are left open Let's go now with spe test open what is Twitch open and notice that the applications are reacting quickly so Well , it seems that Us 18 Beta 8 has improved in terms of performance. Let's go now with It is Pinterest open what is YouTube open also reacting quickly you can see it here Let's go now with Snapchat and it is also open in terms of battery Well we already have 99% the brightness continues to go down because it has definitely gotten very hot from all the betas I have tried This It is the one that has heated up the phone the most, look here you can see it. Look, it practically doesn't move. Let's look at the brightness more or less well, be like here because notice that this is where you can already see that it goes down a little, but notice that Nothing is noticeable here, let's now look at the animations, we see that it is behaving quite well, the animations continue to do well, there are no obstacles and so far I see that the applications are still open [Music] well, let's take a look with some games is still open Temple room 1 is still open Temple room 2 and it is still open what is the good subor This is something that had not happened before because after I opened these very light little games and everything but several applications always closed on this occasion they were only like two applications that closed and we already have a 98 percent battery So now we are going to look at the results we have in the antutu and in the geekbench so here Beta 8 today in the first lant tutu test we have a score of 8681624692 [Music]
a little bit lower so let's stick with the first test Although in some versions it got a little louder because notice that here This was with Beta 6 and here it gave me a score of 921,600 869,000 91,000 like this well, that's why I almost don't always trust the scores but rather prefer how to use it the way everyone else does by opening applications seeing how long it takes for the applications to open then returning to the applications to see What applications have been closed What applications are still open and we can see that this Beta 8 is behaving quite well, it definitely feels like it has improved a lot in terms of performance Well then, right here we are going to set a timer for an hour and let's go quickly with the Subway game sorf So let's look at the battery How things would be more or less I remind you that this is how I always do the tests in case you suddenly want to go and look at the previous versions then brightness and volume we are going to leave them the same two as half of this icon I have what is the airdrop only Bluetooth WiFi contacts turned on I do not have simcar that may influence a little but not too much. In the same way for that we leave the bluetooth turned on so that it compensates a little So we are going to be with this I play for an hour and we'll go back to see how much battery life we have left. Remember that we are at 98 [Music] by. and at that moment the first hour of arc with the subor game has just passed. So let's see how much the battery has left and we already have an 82 per but the overheating definitely got worse because before it didn't feel as hot as it is in this moment now then we'll go another hour let's put another hour here and we'll go with the Asphalt game this game in itself because it consumes a lot of battery So let's see how much we have left and at that moment the other hour of being with us ends up passing the Asphalt game So let's go Let's see how much the battery has left and now we have 59 percent. Let's now look at it here from the configuration But I'm telling you that this overheating problem got worse before and quite a bit with the help of 18 Beta 8 because it is really hot. Let's look at the brightness. Notice that the brightness has also gone down, that's just because to overheating Notice that it is more or less like here look that there where you can see that the brightness drops but up here trust it Notice that you don't see any change so the last 100% charge was 2 hours ago what consumed the most battery was the subor and the Asphalt the antutu well I had done it before but it has not yet been updated here So now in conclusion in terms of performance it is going very well and I honestly believe that this is the best Beta that could have reached the iPhone 11 or well the best Beta that ius 18 has had in terms of the battery I think it was before It's getting worse too Well well, in the same way as you already know later we are going to do a complete battery test from 100 to zero with different applications and different games If you have iOS 18 Beta 8 installed on an iPhone 11 let us know below in the comments How are you doing in terms of performance and battery any questions any questions let me know below in the comments subscribe Give me a like and thank you very much for watching Oh [Music]
Let's see how ius 18 goes on the iphone 11. we already have the rc version or the final version for the people who have betas, so let's see how it would work on the iphone 11. let's first look at how much ius 18 weighed on us. device we can see that it weighed 6.12 gb something that must be taken into... Read more
Let 's see how the eighth beta of ios 18 goes on the iphone the eighth beta of ios 18 weighed me. we can see that it weighed approximately 227 megabytes. let's now confirm it here in the settings. we can see that it is already updated. we are also going to do a small battery test, so let's see how things... Read more
[âm nhạc] xin chào các bạn chào mừng các bạn đã quay trở lại với hoàng kiến con cùng với sự kiện ra mắt iphone 16 thì apple cũng đã tung ra cho chúng ta hai bản cập nhật bản cập nhật đầu tiên đó là bản ios 18 rc bản thứ hai là bản ios 17.7 rc cả hai phiên bản này đều hỗ trợ từ iphone xs đến iphone 15... Read more
यह है कि इसमें बहुत सारे ब फिक्सस हुए हैं और उसके साथ-साथ बैटरी में काफी इंप्रूवमेंट आई है तो आपको अगर आपका फोन सात साढ़े घंटे चल रहा था तो आधा घंटा तो आराम से चल जाएगा क्योंकि हीटिंग प ना बहुत सारे बक फिक्सस हुए हैं और हीटिंग का इशू कम से कम होने का कोशिश की है तो आप प्लीज अपडेट में जाके यह बीटा 8 वर्जन जो है वो अपडेट कर लीजिएगा और यह लास्ट अपडेट होने वाला है इसके बाद जो अपडेट आएगा वो सीधा आईओ 18 का आरसी वर्जन होगा रिलीज... Read more
Apple released ios 18 beta 8 the same update as public beta 6 just released earlier for registered developers as far as features are concerned if we use search using the spotlight option dark mode icons are applied to many app icons compared to previous bas even app descriptions are provided at the... Read more
हेलो दोस्तों वेलकम टू चैनल और आ 18 का जो बीटा वर्जन 8 है व लच हो चुका है और यह वाला जो वर्जन है यह प्रोबेबली लास्ट वर्जन होने वाला है तो अगर आपके पास आपने बीटा प्रोग्राम के लिए अनरोल किया है तो आपको यह वर्जन जो है डाउनलोड इंस्टॉल करना चाहिए इसका जो बिल नंबर य लास्ट का जो रिलीज हो चुका था बीटा सेका और इसका सेम ही है और इसके साथ-साथ जो नया मॉडम अपडेट है ना वो कुछ नहीं आया है मतलब मॉडम अपडेट जो पहले वाला था वोही अपडेट है तो... Read more
All right it's time for another ios 18 video and today i'll be going over the new changes in ios 18 beta 8 that was just recently released so this update actually does not contain that many new features uh it's primarily a bug fix update uh because we're at very very close to the final relase release... Read more
[müzik] arkadaşlar hepinize merhaba bugün sizinle birlikte ios 188 beta 8 güncellemesini inceleyeceğiz geçtiğimiz bir ya da iki betayı maalesef ki kaçırdım bir tanesinin çıktığından biri haberim yoktu bir tanesinde de yani gerçekten ekran görüntüsü dışında alabilecek hiçbir teknolojim yoktu o yüzden... Read more
So the iphone 12 is one of those iphones that did end up getting ios 18 and in some ways in my personal opinion ios 18 did kind of save the iphone 12 and it's very interesting because with these types of phones you would never think that a device like the iphone 12 would still be kind of relevant i... Read more
Introduction la beta 8 d'ios 18 est sortie hier le mercredi 28 août et dans cette vidéo on va faire le tour un petit peu de tout ce qui change avec cette nouvelle beta comme je vous l'aiexpliqué dans ma précédente vidéo sur la beta 7 d'ios 18 et bien les prochaines betas s'il y en avait puisque ce n'était... Read more
Привет это видео для тех людей которые хочет купить iphone 16 или iphone 16 pro я вам сегодня расскажу что нужно знать перед покупкой этих телефонов конечно же главной особенностью этих устройств являются фишки искусственного интеллекта apple intelligence но на секундочку это не эксклюзивные модель... Read more
Well everyone the iphone 15 pro has now officially been discontinued and it's very interesting because i kind of feel like the iphone 16 pro it's a good upgrade coming from the 15 pro for sure but i was still very very happy with my iphone 15 pro and i honestly if i wasn't reviewing these phones all... Read more