that night was a horrible night in Central Park there were almost 40 teenagers who were roaming the park and beating people up and and um I ended up being attacked and beaten uh bound gagged and raped my name is Tommy Springfield and I'm better than you if you're new here click that like share subscribe hit the Bell click all so you can get notifications every time I do these type of videos so if you look all over the channel you will see channel is all over the place I do all sorts of types of things but today I decided to go down the rabbit hole of the Central Park 5 why cuz for the last few days it's been a democratic conventional and they br on the Central Park 5 you know to make Donald Trump look bad and all of that so I figured let's let's look down the rabbit hole I looked up everything I got confession videos I got videos from the cops I got videos from everybody but then I said to myself that's a lot of work that's a lot of work but then I found my good old buddy Uncle Larry Uncle Larry is currently the number one video on my Channel with a million plus views it's the biggest video on my Channel today so why not let Uncle Larry talk about the central part five but I have a few questions you know they say Donald Trump is racist and it was a racial situation did you know the leag cop was black did you know that same black League cop still stands on what he presented to the da today did you know two of the five were actually seen and arrested at the scene of a crime of beating another teacher damn near to death yeah Stop Believing the Meer media but I know you don't know me enough so let's get into this video you probably didn't watch the emies the ratings were and I'm sorry forgot to tell you I'm 420 friendly over here if that offends you I'm sorry and I hope you could continue to watch but if not I appreciate your view thus far awful well I watched them so you didn't have to and here's what happened but most importantly this is for the men that we know as the exonerated 5 it's for Raymond Yousef anron heaven and King Cory wise thank you so much it's an honor it's a blessing one slight problem the Central Park 5 were guilty of course that's not the conclusion that Ken Burns reached in his documentary but you'd think their spidey sense would go off for a thousand different reasons that they didn't know where the crime had taken place they were in some other place when it did it was an incredibly bloody crime scene there's nothing of the crime scene on the boys there's nothing of the boys on the crime scene they didn't know each other they spent all this time in prison not asking for parole I mean when they went up for parole not saying I did it so they could get out earlier and when the in film I have to say and Charlie you know this is a kind of um polygraph yes you read it after a couple of hours we go in and we let you decide and you see these were good kids that they hadn't done it and then there's the Ava du TV miniseries called when they see us which makes the same claim innocent men railroaded by a racist criminal justice system is my mom here it's just us you and us who you in the park with I don't know names I just got lost where did you see the lady what what lady the female charger was severely beaten and raped every black male who was in the park last night is a suspect I need all of [Music] them now neither Ken Burns nor Ava du interviewed the lead detective in the case his name is Eric Reynolds but I did before he get into that so as you know these young boys they was charged with raping the part and the the the lady accused she didn't point out anyone she she can't remember what happened she can only remember up until 5:00 that day up until you know to a couple weeks after she doesn't remember the incident she doesn't remember anything so she never fingered anyone but let's go further and see why Donald Trump won't change his mind and he stands 10 toes down on what he said hey Larry thank you thank you for having me on and because I stopped this this is Eric Reynolds the cop and one of his lead detectives in the case really appreciate the opportunity to talk about this and set the record straight well you were there that night why don't you tell us what happened well to begin with I'm listening to Ken Burns and it's it's it's astounding to listen to him fabricating what went on that night Ken Burns I I I you know I could never watch anything that he's produced anymore with any amount of confidence that he's telling the truth that this is an honest portrayal of what's happened now detective you were there that night did you and your partner arrest uh the people that became the Central Park 5 all five of them we had what happened was we were looking for the group of teenagers who were Wilding who were were rioting MH I mean and that's the best way to describe it they were rioting in the park We Came Upon 20 to 30 of them after they had assaulted the um the teacher John llin and beat him so badly that both of his eye sockets were shattered and his skull was was um cracked he wasn't even able to identify who it was that that beat him because he couldn't see his head looked like it was dunked in a bucket of blood wow we captured five of the 30 that we observed because the group of course started running when we went to apprehend them and two of the five were Kevin Richardson and rayon Santana part up the Central Park five now listen to what you heard listen to what you just heard see the media ain't tell you this these are the things Trump knows two of the Central Park 5 Kevin Richardson and Raymond Santana were caught on the scene beating a school teacher nearly to death beat him to a bloody poke so there you have your first clue these guys are not innocent this is the part of the story they don't talk about but they thought they had them on the Central Park 5 so they didn't charge them with beating this teacher they started the Central Park 5 remember they were caught first for another crime so did these two telling the rest of the ones did these two say the rest of them that there let's continue and and just so that you understand as we observe the group we observe we watch he watched the cop watched and remember it's two cops we listen Raymond Santana with um Steven Lopez leading the group they were they were he I could see them turning around and addressing them almost as though they were leading the pack and as they were walking up town up up um up Central Park West M um once we arrested them now you have to understand something we arrested them before the jogger was even found the jogger was still in the Ravine she was she was by herself in a [ __ ] by a stream basically dying did you hear what he just said that's a bombshell did you hear what he just said they were arrested before they even found the victim to the Central Park 5 they were never arrested for the Central Park 5 they were arrested for the first crime of beating the teacher to death and they were caught by the police and if you didn't know you know everybody say oh it's racist so when they say it's racist you think white cops are running around pitting stuff on black people this is the lead detective he is black he is black and he is saying with his own eyes he's seen two of the dudes from the Central Park 5 lead a mob and beat a teacher half to death so this is why Trump is still standing on what he said because he knows these dudes are guilty but let's watch oh and did I mention that the lead detective in the case Eric Reynolds is black and what about those alleged civil rights abuses a detective as you know you were accused of of forcing the confe uh confessions you're you're accused of not giving the boys opportunity to be with their parents not giving them food and water not allowing them to use a restroom uh Linda ferin has been characterized as a racist and I want to give you an opportunity to address some of these distortions were they really denied food water bathroom facilities access to their parents Linda fisin was the lead prosecutor in the case and she wrote an op-ed piece about this miniseries called when they see us in which she said it was full of lies she said the uh many series portrays the suspects of being held without food deprived of their parents' company and advice not even allowed to use a bathroom nonsense if that were true that would have been brought up at the hearing where where they determined the confessions were voluntary it says that the uh film suggest the only evidence that they have against the suspect is their forc confessions not true uh one woman testified uh that one of them told her he held her down uh probably thinking that hel holding her down meant that he was exonerated from crime uh she was wrong there were blood stains and dirt on some of the other five Linda ferin said there were statements made by more than a dozen other kids who participated in the park Rampage fingering the five and regarding the uh claim that uh Matas Reyes solely uh was there all right so you heard what he just said there was other evidence against these guys other guys in the park their black friends as we know to happen all the time we stab each other in the back in the hood all the time other black dudes told on them other Witnesses testified against them there were other pieces of evidence they had dirt on them they had blood on them and people let because one do confess she never said one person raped her she was ganged raped by multiple person so how can one person confessing and say oh I did it free Five Guys when she was raped by a group of maybe 30 men but one guy confesses I did it by myself and yes because they don't be wanting problems with black people they know we crash out over the dumbest stuff we crash out over things that don't even make sense but there was other evidence and he's going to speak on the guy who confess let's go he said well if he said he was solely there and the jury heard that they probably wouldn't have convicted them uh regarding raping her or being involved in the rape of her but they were also involved in attacking and insulting other people so the other charges should not have been vacated the second lead prosecutor Tim Clemens believes that matus Rey is a complete liar and doesn't believe any of the charges should have been vacated the lead uh officer on this case is my guest retired New York detective Eric Reynolds he's been on the force about 20 years detective correct detective again when you when you uh uh you you watched the documentary that Ken Burns did your and your reaction to that documentary was what oh it's it's a complete farce Ken Burns himself said that he made the documentary for one reason and that was to force the city to pay the lawsuit to pay the Central Park 5 money and that's it that's why he would not show the city the outtakes from the from the um from the filming that he did because he didn't want to see he didn't want people to see the contradictions he didn't want people to see the lies he didn't want people to see that they were clearly involved in the attack on Patricia Miley aka the Central Park jogger all you have to do is watch the videos watch the videos in their entirety there's a website called Central Park 5 jogger attackers. they have the videos there watch them all I'mma stop it there for a moment just to show you what he's talking about oh oh that's not it a freak is it now I ain't got it and that's how we go that's how we go I ain't got it this is the website he was just talking about you know and if you want to stop being lazy and do your own research like he said you can watch all the videos here man all the confession videos are right here you can see if they look sleep deprived you can see if their parents is there you can see you know truth about what happened in Central Park in the also pres in the right now are detective a Roy and Detective from the uh police department before I go any further just ask uh I'm an assistant district attorney in New York County I'd like to ask you some questions about what happened in Central Park on the night of April 19 1989 before I ask you about what happened let me just ask uh sir could you please give your name my name is and what is your relation to this boom so as you can see that's his father but social media told you these kids asleep five and they didn't eat and their parents wasn't there that's the father right there of that guy let's see this guy silent to refuse to answer any questions do you understand yes anything you say may be used against you in court do you understand yes you have the right to consult a lawyer now before any questioning and have a lawyer present during any questioning do you understand if you have no lawyer cannot afford a lawyer a lawyer will be provided for you now free of charge the 4 question you understand having been advised of your rights are you willing to tell me the truth at this time about what happened at Central Park on the night of April 19th 19 9 before I go any further I just want to say there is another gentleman here in the room the man over here who is that man what is your name Kevin Kevin and Sir could you please just state your name and address PA Richardson and are you Kevin Richardson's father yes so as you can see that's his father in the room and I'm not GNA go through all the videos but they there you can look at them but just remember the media told you they were sleep deprived they didn't eat they didn't have no parents there it's all lies I just showed you some of the lies Larry Elder is showing you the lies let's get back to the video look to see if they sleep deprived look to see if they're deprived from going to the bathroom look to see if they get their rights read to them their rights are R right and as you can see those are the same guys I just showed you from the same same website that you can go do the research stop letting main media be your answer to all your questions to them at the beginning their parents are there they're not they're not you know uh being kept from going to the bathroom or any of the nonsense that's um that you've been fed by Ken Burns Sarah Burns and AA I also understand detective that uh the daughter of Ken Burns worked with one of the lawyers filing the lawsuit against the city absolutely she worked for the for their attorneys if if you read the book because I I read I read her her book which is is just total nonsense one of the things she blames their conviction on is the PanAm lockerby 103 bombing what the hell does that have to do with the Park five a terrorist bombing of a PanAm flight over Locker B Scotland he Pally ridiculous um another thing she mentions is how the uh you know she creates this idea that New York City was the the south of the you know in the 1980s it was it was the 50s segregated Jim Crow south Mississippi yeah yeah patently ridiculous patently ridiculous I don't know where she came up with this um you know it it's it's I I I I just can't I can't believe how this case has turned and remember to all the people who want to say oh it was racist and all the people in New York was racist remember this is a black cop but I know every time we have a black person who becomes successful every time we have a black person that doesn't agree with the masses of the black he's a sellout he did this he's part of a secret group he gave up his butt cheeks they got dirt on them we always make excuses first is the white man holding this back and then when blacks become successful and say no they ain't holding this back it's you on they sellouts we ain't never going to win cuz everybody in the black community is just excuses after excuses after excuses but let's get back to the video around and people believe the lives that they're being fed by Ken and Sarah Burns and by AA du I'm talking by by the way Linda fairstein never walked into a Precinct and demanded that the te this go and round up every black man in Harlem I laughed out loud when I heard that I was like You' got to be kidding me and I had to rewind it just to hear to watch Felicity Huffman mouth those words and and I was thinking oh my God here's the Felon ficity Huffman is a convicted felon doing this um you know betrayal of of um Linda fairstein which is a total farce he wasn't even in the precinct the first day and was there evidence beyond their alleged coerced confessions detective we just got a phone call from someone who says both of us are wrong because of the lack of DNA that links the uh five to the to the rape of the Central Park jogger to that you say what detective okay then watch the videos watch the confession videos the all of the defendants say the exact same thing they were unable to get an erection to perform sexually when they were attacking her and if you think about it you got 20 or 30 13 and 14 year olds in the middle of Central Park in the middle of the night beating the life out of this woman they don't even know how can you perform sexually under those conditions look at the videos they say it each one of them says the same thing they could not get an erection and you wouldn't expect them to under those circumstances only one person who was with them could that was Matas Reyes the one who raped his mother who was a serial rapist who raped tortured andur mured a pregnant woman in front of her children of course he can complete the act because he's a psychopath so Matos Rees is the guy he 13 years later confessed to this now he was part of the group he was with them but 13 years later they ran into each other in prison and all of a sudden he fell so bad and he wanted to confess to it but here's the problem she was gang raped by multiple people or tried to be gang raped by multiple people because all the guys claimed they couldn't get an erection so one person saying they did shouldn't freed everybody else multiple guys humped this lady but what I do know in Springfield there was a case where uncle was a serial killer and his nephew was charged with killing his baby moms but in jail they were together and then all of a sudden the uncle that was a serial killer said he killed the nephew's baby mama and then the nephew got out of prison or was getting out of prison so it's not farfetched for guys to run into each other in jail and help each other out because he's disinhibited he doesn't have a conscience he doesn't have the ability to feel any type of compassion or any type of remorse for anything that he does and you can find his uh uh confession on the internet I actually do got that too you know what I'm saying but you know me I have problems with finding stuff I got it over here see that's that's his whole confession that's him right there so you can go on the internet but it's an hour long he full of [ __ ] he don't really remember [ __ ] but so just to show you stop believing the main media get on the internet Google stuff look up stuff find out for yourself stop saying oh Donald Trump wants to Central Park 5 to be in prison yeah cuz they criminals and he thought they did it when you think someone did it you have a right to think they should go to prison folks come on let's be real but enough of me talking y'all know me and trust me enough to talk I'm gonna give you the facts so yes he was able to complete the act the others weren't and they say as much when it happened detective on the video detective what about matus Reyes saying that he acted alone he's a pathological liar he's a psychopath M Rees said that he had proof that he did it by him self he claimed that he knows something no one else knows that she had a fanny pack and a Walkman that he took from her no one else would know that and we didn't know about it except for when Michael Armstrong did the reinvestigation of the case he found in court records notes taken by a detective from I just got to say this this kid was 17 had done rap his mother raped the pregnant girl in front of her kids and killed her this kid at 17 was already sicking that's crazy Carrie Weiss Carrie Weiss in 1989 on April 20th said that when he was attacking the jogger there was another guy named Rudy that while he was raping her took her Walkman and took her fanny pack MH this is this is documents that were made in 1989 that were provided to the court so in 1989 Carrie Weiss knew about the Walkman and knew about the the fanny pack and Reyes claims no one else knows it but him uh detective also uh Linda fisin in her oped piece for the Wall Street Journal said that there were blood stains and dirt on the clothing of some of the five also Seaman on the shirt of one of the other five that's correct it was pubic hair so as you can hear there was dirt there were blood there was semmen on the Central Park pie you know I'm saying stop believing the social media and as the as the black cop is going to say this pubic here there's everything bro stop thinking you know oh Trump wanted them to go to jail cuz Trump knew a lot of this information listen uh detective also uh Linda ferin and her at piece for the Wall Street Journal said that there were blood stains and dirt on the clothing of some of the five also seen on the shirt of one of the other five that's correct there was pubic hair there was blood there was semen there was grass the idea that there was no physical evidence on the five is a lie it was a lie perpetrated by Ken Burns and by Sarah Burns there's also medical evidence which conclusively shows that she was attacked by more than one person and the Doctor Who so there's medical e evidence that shows she was attacked by more than one person you know there was other evidence against these Five Guys so let's stop with the old Trump wanted them to go he and if you listen to Trump he just said if if if if if if these guys did it if they did it I wanted them to go to prison he wasn't sure treated her who was interviewed by Sarah Burns Dr Robert Curts gave her almost an entire day interview provided her with the medical records and at the end of the day she would not include his what his interview in her documentary and when she was asked about it by a reporter she said specifically I know Dr Curts believes what he saw and that you know that she was attacked by more than one person but I don't believe it so I left it out wow so this is one of the producers of the podcast I mean of the the movies and documentaries and what he said Is She interviewed the victim all day had the medical recors that's the victim you can find her tell her story on YouTube I I can show you that too but what she said is one night um after work I had you know gotten home from work you know a bit after 8 o'clock at night and I had to go running and I would you know go in Central Park and sometimes I would go with other people but a lot of times I just went on my own and I went on my own and and that night was a horrible night in Central Park there were almost 40 teenagers who were roaming the park and beating people up and and um I ended up being attacked and beaten uh bound gagged been raped and from the beating I suffered a traumatic brain injury and um I have no memory of it uh because of the brain injury I'd say Almost 100% of people who have a severe brain injury have no memory of the actual event and depending on you know where they're hit and how they're hit the extent of the Amnesia before it you know varies and then also afterwards so I have no memory for uh you know about five o'clock from that evening till about six weeks later but she's on YouTube you can find her her name is Trish Millie and what she says is that she doesn't remember anything from the incident until a few weeks after the incident she doesn't have memory okay this is a fact this is something that she said to a reporter it's out there all people have to do is just look for it and Detective the case of Linda Fein back to her oped piece she says that these boys excuse me were not charged with rape they were charged with acting in concert and the jury was informed that she was attacked by several people and that the people that attacked her and raped her got away that's correct M when Elizabeth Leo gave her um her summation and when we tested the DNA and by the way all of their lawyers fought against them that's another thing you know people oh Donald Trump wanted them wanted her them to go to jail for rape just the cop the lead investigators and they never were charged with rape that's another misconception the main media to you they never would charge with rape you just heard them say it she was attacked by several people and that the people that attacked her and raped her got away that's correct this is something that she said to a reporter it's out there all have to do is just look for it and detective in the case of Linda Fein back to her oped piece she says that these boys excuse me were not charged with rape they were charged with acting in concert and the jury was informed that she was attacked by several people and that the people that attacked her and raped her got away that's correct when Elizabeth Leo gave her um her summation and when we tested the DNA and by the way all of their lawyers fought against us testing um the DNA which was in its infant at the time it came back to someone who was not apprehended which is not uncommon you have a gang rape you don't get everybody I saw 30 kids there at least a large number of them got away we did not get everybody we knew we didn't get everybody Elizabeth letterer in told the jury told the judge the defense the public that we have DNA from an unknown suspect somebody that participated in this rape got away and when the jury which was very diverse which had blacks whites gays we had somebody who was with the NAACP we had somebody who was a I believe who was a minister or a priest or something they listened to the evidence they convicted them on the evidence they looked at the vide tapes several times more than once they looked for the coercion they looked for the sleep deprivation they look for all the lies that were thrown that's being thrown at people right now and they did not see it and that's why they convicted them so the confessions were not coerced you can actually watch them on YouTube the boys were not denied access to food to water to their parents to bathroom facilities they were convicted of evidence Beyond Jesse confessions they were convicted of acting in concert apart from that burns and du they nailed it I think they think all confessions are sort of like this one now you charge me with this and I'm beat it okay let's get back to the truck finally Donald Trump who also believes that Central Park 5 was guilty was asked whether or not he has changed his mind here's what he said people on both sides of that they admitted their guilt if you look at Linda fisin and if you look at some of the prosecutors uh they think that the city should never have settled that case so we'll leave it at that did you really think Donald Trump was going to change his mind on Larry Elder and this has been the Larry Elder show for Epic Times so as you can see that was the story behind Central Park 5 these dudes were guilty don't fall for the main media hype the evidence is there I gave you the places to look for the evidence you can go back and watch over the video you don't have to believe me you can Google and please let's stop saying oh junk bases he wanted them to go to jail if you're going back then and look at what Trump said if these guys are guilty if these guys are did this if these guys he never said they did it he said if and from what we just seen and the evidence that out there they were guilty and they never were charged with rape like I always say man thanks for watching if you a supporter of the channel much love and respect and I salute you and much love goes out to you and you and you and you and if you one of them haters out there cut the [ __ ]

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