Play Like A Pro: East Lake Golf Club 2024 Tour Championship

what's going on guys welcome back to the channel for the culmination most likely of the PGA Tour series because today we are playing East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta Georgia course designer is techbud on this one and I have a little background information on my phone um I'm going to read out here but the reason why I say that is because this is the home of the Tour Championship uh basically the biggest culmination of the uh PGA Tour uh year in the um the schedule basically the uh their entire tour schedule for the uh for the year but this is going on from August 29th to September 1st so um massive purse and basically kind of bragging rights for the uh the winner of the uh the tournament for the year but um I took a picture I didn't know this so today hasn't really exactly gone the way I expected I uh tried to come out here I was planning on playing this one second but the first one that I uh first course that I had planned playing which I've been looking forward to is a newer course available on GS Pro for whatever reason there was a big log Jam I think with the GS Pro server so it was taking forever to download these two courses luckily this one finished I had to uh pull an audible and play a uh another course that I wasn't planning on doing um but before I came out I looked at both of them and if you go on the Sgt website and you click the little scorecard thing um next to the the courses it actually pulls up the entire scorecard and it has um like the designer recommendations for the uh the fairways the wind and it tells you the difficulty the stimp and like the designer and all lot stuff and also they give you a little background so it says located in Atlanta Georgia East Lake Golf Club is a home course of legendary golfer Bobby Jones and is the oldest course in the city of Atlanta the club is not only historic but philanthropic as well proceeds from operations more than 20 million to date support the East Lake foundation which has helped transform one of the nation's worst public housing projects into a thriving Community since 2005 East Lake has been the permanent home of the Tour Championship the culminating event of the PGA Tour playoffs for the FedEx Cup which only with only the top 30 players on the points list qualifying each year so again um pretty big event um debated be one of the biggest I know it's not technically a major I don't believe um those major tournaments always get a lot of eyeballs but um this is basically technically as the name implies like the championship Super Bowl of the uh the tour for the year so um we're going to give it a go and wasn't really planning on playing out here um walked yesterday on course so kind of fatigued from that just played an audible course uh before that 18 holes so this is the second round of today and both yesterday on course and the first round today didn't go super great so trying to uh man's expectations back here a little bit so this could get pretty ugly kind of quick here but we'll see if we can piece together a halfway decent round playing the furthest back te's like always in the uh course recommended settings besides I turn the wind off but the stims are I believe 13 pretty pretty firm and fast you would expect for a uh TOUR Championship type course and um the fairways a firm and the greens a firm so got to keep that in mind but for the rundown um I link there's a link uh down in the description uh Amazon link I'd appreciate if you guys check that out do any your any of your Amazon shopp and click that link first I also usually pin a comment down in the comment sections with that uh same Amazon affiliate link great way to support the channel at no additional cost but garment approach R 10 behind me on DIY level stand cway super fast balls 5x4 hitting Ma it's holding up pretty good better than expected for what I paid for um 5x4 hitting Nets and GS Pro over here running on my gaming laptop so without further Ado um highly anticipated round here for I not really me but um pretty much the entire year leading up to this the entire series that I've done and then the PJ tour Pros I'll definitely be watching but first hole here at East Lake par five 505 take a look at the flyover it's always nice when the uh there's no naming issues and uh the name of the course here within GS Pro is the same as the actual course so I can uh kind of keep things consistent versus like some of the DPC I wonder for like search results and stuff it's a little bit tougher people know what they what they're called and what to look for with GS in the Gs Pro Community but for the average person like I remember couple couple times ago I played like uh DPC south Breeze instead of TPC South Wind so something like that people are kind of confused like what is this course but here we go 505 up 12 water to get get over furthest back teas probably isn't the best uh best suited for me right now the way I'm hitting it but see if we can get over that water at least in the Fair Way towy pop up to the right sit 148 on the ball speed 104.6 a kind of a soft bounce despite How firm these Fairways are but locked out a little bit these trees but we're in the semi rough so it's only 1% so basically second cut almost the Fairway leaves us with I'm assuming either a four hybrid or a three-wood um 239 up another 10 yards see it's going to have to be three wood see what we got up here at least we kept it dry we are kind of blocked out so I'm going to have to bail out over here to the left into towards this bunker um there's still that tree there maybe then if I go here maybe four hybrids a better choice go right there had some diet coke before resetting things here right between first round and second round did a little mental reset hopefully just piece together a few good holes get kind of back on the horse here of some better swings and some better scores and uh hopefully finish today on somewhat of a high note but frustrating round yesterday on course and frustrating first round here on the simulator today but that's all going to change right now that was pulled left but all right not actually a terrible type of layup shot I didn't hit that very good by any means but um um Garmin had that as a slight draw that was more of a pull pull draw at least at started left that almost felt like it was going to fade back a little bit but in any event we're in I guess you would call this a fairway bunker we're in the sand 43 yards up about 2 yards so 45 and then this is going to play anywhere from 5 to 10% so anywhere from two to four yards or so I'm thinking 56 play this as about a 50 yard shot you guys have to check out that first round should be the video right before this it was uh Pine Hills I think it was in Plymouth Massachusetts local courts that I've actually played here uh played in real life a couple times um there was one hole in the back nine I scolded my 60° like three times back over the green so trying to uh despite just talking about that maybe speaking that into existence trying to forget about that a little bit and uh not have that happen again but let see here with the 56 trying to go for about 50 yards little bit chunky should be all right though may need to sit a little bit all right par I think to start it off caught that a little bit too good I mean by too good I mean I swung a little bit too hard at it um Carry from the Garment was 64.5 so basically 65 yards that was a little that was about 15 yards too much of what I was looking for there but we got it to work out of that bunker so oh and that actually I know it gets cut off by the video but that actually played um closer to that was almost like a green side bunker despite not really being that close to the green that gave me 86% speed out of there so um that's probably why I hit that too hard but ended up working out but I thought that was going to play Closer to 5 or 10% but in any event par on the first even through one second hold Par 3 189 up seven brings us to 196 going to go six iron we'll see where the pin is and what's up there looks like it's tucked kind of front middle-ish right it's front right so we're going to aim out here I will be very happy with somewhere between an under under par round is not in the cards for today but I'd be happy by the end of these 18 holes if I'm somewhere between even and five over that's the goal six iron here hit it pretty hard oh it's staying right where we aimed to that was just a dead street that was actually a decent swing unfortunately I should have I was anticipating more of a fade there actually not a terrible shot it was a decent miss all things considered I'll take that got some work to do now though but it's funny too I came out here I hit one single pitching wedge on the Range before and I flushed it so I was like all right I'm good to go and then first couple holes I was bre my iron really good and then it went downhill pretty pretty pretty quick after that but we've got 21 I got to remember firm greens and firm Fairway so I could probably almost get away with like half of this and let it roll out so 10 to 15 yards a carry should be pretty good it's going to come out a little bit right and we're on a down slope so it's going to roll out even more so we'll aim here problem is with that PIN tucked where it is looks like there's a down slope there too there's a way to pull up the heat map I don't know how to do that I don't want to start pressing buttons and get get all messed up but it could if I hit it too good and pass it it could roll right off the green so better to be a little bit short here and take the bogey but um 60° going just for the bottom of the net that's got to go I chunk that too but like I said it's on that's a bogey not messing with that possible false over there one over through two third hole par 4 372 take a look at the flyover grab a drink check the camera make sure we're still rolling I was spraying the driver all over the place yesterday on course probably 75% of my shots were pretty significant slices to the right I hit 1280 that was a baby draw but that was about it hopefully throughout the course of this round find the middle of the club face a little bit more o look at the weather up there at this course looks kind of gray looks like there could be that was like we had really severe thunderstorms come through last night that's how the sky looked here and uh lookss like they could be in uh Georgia as of this playing this round looks like there's some uh thunderstorms over there in the sky maybe looks kind of ominous basically a top down the middle it's going to work out I swung kind of hard at it and I'm surprised it's going that far that barely got off the ground that was the very very bottom of the club face what I get out of that like 240 260 220 carry from the Garmin 240 in the game must have been some down slope and luckily that significant roll out from the firm Fairways surprised we haven't got that much out of that pretty poor strike but we are in the rough with 111 left down about 3 four yards um it's going to come out right honestly the three four yards that'll uh compensate for the um for the ru so right in the neighborhood of that uh 111 number going to go approach wedge swing it pretty full account for a m hit anything on the green I'd be pretty happy with Healy pop up oh that was about two yards away from being really good that sucks all right bunker shot 60° and we're on a Down slow this is fun so 10 yards up a little more than a yard I got to launch this really high and land it really soft let see if I can do it it's tough getting it with a down slope how short sided we are sliding this club under that clean to be able to launch it that high and have it land I got it up but we'll see sit yeah a little bit too much I kind of drop kicked it a little bit another boogey I think two over fourth hold Par Four 475 daily today when I'm not striking it good can't be giving myself those difficult shots to try to pull off miracles up 20 yards into this one oh boy narrow Fairway too swung harder but still low on the face kind of a lowline drive up the middle and just DED into the rough 233 on the carry from the Garment 224 in the game we only got 227 out of it jeez Louise we still got 246 left and it's up this 3-wood hasn't been my friend today I mean I have to hit itly I could just te it up again if I had that same driver swing and still not even get there but we're going to have to try to actually hit a decent 3-wood here hit one good one yesterday on course but today I just haven't been able to hit it this is barely going I mean we're in the deep rough too jez all right 0.0% chance this comes even close to the green but going to swing hard and hack it out of this deep rough low launch is going to fade get going nice 152 yard 3-wood from the deep rough penalizes you even more too realistically deep rough obviously you want to be able to hit a three-wood there and GS Pro is much more accurate and realistic so it penalizes you hitting it that that was a low launch out of there I only got 75% of the speed out of that and 56% spin the lower spin helps for a little bit of roll out but rally I should have hit something more Loft out of there leaves us with 94 up five so 99 total go here and try to feather in 100 yard just shy of that approach [Music] wedge decent contact we'll see nope didn't put enough on it game of inches here folks I didn't even feel like that bad of a strike but now we're again kind of short sided out of a bunker at least we're on an UPS slope this time it's going to come out left 14 yards up about two so we're at 16 and then the green side's 25% so another two yards on top of that so probably need in the neighborhood of again I got to open the 60° up launching Highland it's soft but 14 15 yards a carry something like [Music] that got it to work not the best strike again that was chunky I hit behind it it's tough cuz you open the club up I think you expose more of the bounce so it's really hard to slide it under there clean caught the mat first but we got that to work three over through four fifth hole par 4 448 down 14 yards a lot of uh elevated and hitting up and down off these T's so far wonder what uh Bobby Jones his uh best score here is at this course probably low 60s if I had to guess maybe even high 50s I don't know depends if they kept uh the way a lot of these courses seem to be going with the pros hitting it as far as they do they ke seem to be keep uh extending and extending and extending the uh the t's and the uh the course length that historically people have played but that's the whole reason I guess they're going to those reduced flight balls possibly I don't know if that's set in stone but I think that's the plan going forward within a year or two little bit better there better launch and of course of course that was a no read probably won't be able to do that again that's unfortunate and then I do that I'm sure that will register yep get through that told you expectations were low what do we get ourselves into over here 216 out of the deep rough I'm going to aim over here and I'm just going to hammer a four hybrid we catch the tree we catch the tree but deep rough is 21% so that's like another 40 yards try to maybe play this back in my stance a little bit do a little bit of a uh kind of a s off I definitely hit it low but it started left not the day I should have just hit that regular not the day to be trying to pull off hero shots and experiment doing stuff that I'm not used to 95 yards with that four hybrid 193 carry from the Garmin and we got 100 yards less than that from the game leaves us with 121 and we're still in the deep rough so down about 2 yards it's going to come out right I don't love how this is tucked over there um so 119 and the deep rough is 21% so that's like 24 yards I'm going to go choke down nine iron thin but it was straight we'll see stay there all right bogey I think brings us to four over maybe a uh more realistic goal here would have been five over for each nine not five over for the round but four over through five basically buggy golf going here folks um six hole par five 510 up 23 yards dog leg right around these trees by the looks of it where are we going to aim I got a two-way miss going so who knows where this is going to end up just going to have to aim kind of down the middle out to the left a little bit try to get around those trees but could be a uh today the Miss has been mainly with the driver's been low on face so that'll probably happen but who knows if it's going to be a low on the face duck hug pull left or a low on the face big spinny slice or a spinny pop-up slice not too bad though 4.7 we got around those trees that was launch better 107.6 151.90 up on it more I guess kind of [ __ ] my shoulders more up in the air a little bit better speed and distance there what do we get out of that 269.50 all right leaves this with we're in the rough 131 up 20 it's going to have to be a 3-wood I guess aim there it's going to come out right I gave it a healthy hat caught a little bit heavy on the map but it's up there right into the bunker but 227 on that and it was pretty significantly up I would think that would be in the 140s on the ball speed considering we got that out of it yeah 146 96 on the club that actually wasn't HP horrendous two halfway decent shots in a row see if we can make it three halfway decent I mean we're greens side almost pin High On a par five hdden three granted we're out of a bunker but it is enough up slope we got 17 yards up a little over a yard so we'll call it 18 and then 25% so it's like 4 yards so like 22 total lame here and looking for the neighborhood of about 18 of carry I think kind of scooped it up in the air but that works birdie I think we got one back three over seventh hole par 4 486 down 21 crazy slope here usually I associate those Southern courses I kind of associated somewhere of Florida how flat Florida is as a state when I've played in Florida in The Villages um generally everything is pretty flat not the case here in Georgia all right another good drive or not even good just not horrendous would be nice for right kick left all right pine straw 273 thanks to the down slope on that leaves us with 2117 out of the pinestraw down six yards H punch for iron not even too much of a punch just a lower flighted if I could do that should take my own advice and not try to do anything special but I'm just going to try to hit this hard and should come out lower anyways from the four iron but it was definitely low all right another green side bunker but I almost pulled that off that was close to what I was looking for right idea I think at least 60° greenside bunker 23 yards uh we're on a down slope up a little more than a yard so 24 and then it's like an extra 5 yards so like we're looking at 29 total so probably fly this in a neighborhood of 25 might work might need to go just a little go all right we escaped again par hitting the 60° just a little bit better here on the second round and my better I mean at least I'm not just skulling it back and forth over the green like I did on the first one but I've kind of been able to escape a couple times out of these bunkers these aren't the easiest shots in the world but I'm pulling them off three over through seven eole par 4 449 thinking I just I'm sure as a lot of you every one of you can relate just wish I had more time so I could space these rounds out better but between scheduling and weather and everything else wish I could be able to come out here here every single time really really looking forward to playing and really feeling like I'm at 100% but tough trying to fit everything in all the time all right don't love that water on the left so we're going to aim up there uhoh that was left it's fading though all right this will work out definitely started left 106 150 think my body is loosening up a little bit here driver has been a little bit better but helps when you're not skull thinning it off the T box and you're actually getting it towards the middle-ish of the face and getting it up in the air what was that 272 leaves us with 176 left where's the PIN unfortunately this is kind of an in between number um probably going to be a seven iron and I guess we'll go there I'd rather be flare it to the right and be in that bunker versus aiming too far left not having it fade back and ended up in that water still could definitely happen if I pull this but seven iron here Struck it clean it's going to fade more than I want way more than I want felt like a pretty solid strike I'm surprised that actually faded that much could have been a slight misread but came over the top of the club face open I guess it's possible Gman had that a 10.4 club path out to end didn't feel that that exaggerated and, 1500 Sid spin for the Garmin that's pretty significant that didn't feel like a Mondo slice but take the garmin's word for it and once again we find ourselves in a greenside bunker so 20 yards even more of a down slope this time unfortunately 6.2 down really got to launch this high it's going to come out left so 20 yards up about a yard and a half so we're at 21 plus another four 25 total need about 20 in the air drop kicked it again pushed it right get in there wow we escaped again pretty poor strike again but we got away with it better be lucky than good and and not exactly the shot I wanted but that was the shot we needed so hanging it three over onto the ninth we go Par 3 227 not much to write home about with the slope on this one so what am I going to hit that's a really well struck four iron type of distance but those are few and far between where is the bailout I mean there is room and the pins in the front I could probably hit four hybrid which I think I might do kind of splitting hairs I mean very low likelihood I get 227 total out of this four iron but there is a lot of room uh luckily it's not like an island green where you have to fly it all the way there so there's a lot of room short I could hit the four iron and probably just most likely come up short but we'll see and I'll at least give it a chance with the four hybrid chance we come up long if I really Mash this probably won't happen but chunky pop up left that's going to be short let dry though nice uh sub 194 hybrid Chun Central I wish I really do miss that country couple eat mat that I have that hitting strip was really nice cuz you could put the one it's basically that's a gold standard of a mat better quality all around but it's only a hitting strip I could cut out a section but one of the main things I miss I was thinking I probably should on the course I would have teed it up slightly wish I could put this isn't quite thick enough to put a tea directly into it but leaves this with 39 up four in the rough doesn't look like a rough but so I guess maybe we're in the rough um 43 and then 6% another like two three yards we'll go 56 don't hate it Oh I thought that was actually going to be pretty good I was trying to just play it a little bit shy in my 50 yard shot I think the rough may have hurt us there I'm curious oh no I didn't put enough on it anyway sliced it so Garmin only had that 37.8 took too much off of it felt pretty good off the cff face but another bunker shot up soope at least this time is going to come out left 11 yards we'll aim there um up almost two so we're at 13 plus 25% that's like another two so we're at like 15 10 yards in the air how does that come up short and it didn't even stay on I'm shocked I was able to leave that short 15 ft we're on the green this could be a really wony shot here so 15 16 ft that's like 5 yards so I need to land it about here this may take a couple tries all right first one didn't go that's the problem I mean the fact that the Garmin can't even read anything like sub 10 yards is pretty impressive but something like this is so delicate there's not enough Club speed coming through for the Garment to even register it but that's it bogey or double maybe double sucks we're a piecing together some scores there but just like that from three over to 5 over to the back nine we go 10th hole par 4 426 we're in the trees here getting a little bit of stuttering on my end here on the gameplay from GS Pro hopefully you guys aren't experiencing that too bad on your end not the quickest in the world but wasn't terrible 106.8 152 baby draw from the Garmin this should roll out maybe 280 285 286 take that not take that we will take that all right see if we can follow this up one of the better drives today especially with this round 140 up 8 where's the pin all right going to go just pretty full and smooth nine iron oh I toe chunked it going to be short right we may be setting a world record here for greenside bunker shots this is unbelievable I think it's been almost every single hole we've been in the greenside bunker and we got another short-sided 10 yard bunker shot 10 yards up a yard greens side bunker so 1113 total if this comes up short drop kick there that's going to be me long left wow it just stayed luckily I think that took a soft first bounce par I almost shanked that that was a pretty horrendous shot but we got that to work that was lucky all right par there 5 over through 10 11th hole Par 3 216 down five 211 total water in the front another bunker which is calling our name um let's try the four iron five would get there it would be a good five number but not striking it very good right now so four iron be a little bit safer I think that's a chunky pull left bounce right might have to start switching over to Old Man Golf and going like soft hybrids I'm striking these irons right now you guessed it another greenside bunker shot 24 yards on a down slope's going to come out pretty far right so aim here 24 another five yards from the bunker going try to fly this about 25 that's going to be too much Mullan though at least that would have been out but I kind of scold it I don't think it red right just a straight no read never know sometimes if it advances like a foot and you lose a stroke but take two that was cleaner why didn't I do that the first time and it's short too clean bogey six over 12th hole par 4 385 this round's getting away from us here short of Par Four though GS Pro really needs to add another song to that their menu I always have that GS Pro theme song stuck in my head lost it up the right but it was hit relatively hard 106.5 151 flying into the rough and sitting 257 into the rough deep rough that is 127 up six out of the deep rough so 133 and then the deep rough is 21% so it's another 26 yards need like an eight iron out of here I think which is kind of crazy for 127 but I do that right 127 up 6 133 and then usually just go 20% versus 21 cuz it's easier to do the math but 10% would be 13 and then double that 26 this still might come up short too on how I hit it better strike I can press that a little bit better oh come on come back come back come back not going to do it car really close to a birdie there better eight iron shot kind of stayed covered the ball better with my chest kind of stayed down and threw that a little bit better Silver Linings here six over through 12 13 to par 4 434 yards be curious what you guys put up if you're playing along with these courses I know the subscriber Outdoors is the username outdoors and then a bunch of letters and numbers he usually plays along let me know down in the comments if you play this course what te's you played and what what score you shot high on the face should get some extra carry on it but well I've moved away from the low on the face strikes now we're in the neighborhood of too high on the face at least that one I guess if I had to pick I'd rather have that but not too high where I started to leave Sky marks that wasn't that high it was still on the face but 107 148 253 273 total not too shabby for M hit 160 up six go eight iron again down chest over the ball down and through it a little bit chunky a little bit toey should be on the green though get lucky nope not bad played that right to about my stock number right about 165 total with the eight that was better again keeping my chest over the ball I think I saw yeah 164.524 hole par five 548 strange lately I've been playing pretty decent on course I don't know if I've been back here um since I played I played last week um I played nine holes with my dad and Uncle Tony um and didn't play great I think I shot like a 41 or a 42 something like that and then on the way home Steve from Florida that was with that trip asked if I wanted to play another nine so I went to another course around here which is tougher it's not it's not a super long course but it's narrow and the greens are always super super firm and I went from 41 42 whatever I shot at uh it was GD the first round and then on the way home um ended up shooting one under at that course which I was pleasantly surprised at but I don't know if I mentioned that and the reason why I was thinking that is I've oddly felt more comfortable in playing better golf on course lately than I have back here which is kind of strange usually it's the complete opposite but so far like I was saying I think it was the first round all these simulator rounds are definitely paying off because so far this summer um definitely had by far my best summer of golf on real on the on course for score-wise real life golf but um career lows on nine I shot uh two under probably about a month ago on nine holes and then last week I shot one under so there's hope I'm capable of it but just going to get to the point where I can do that consistently low on the face started left fade back right this isn't going to be very good 253 into the deep rough luckily that was a pretty poor spinny slice to the right but luckily we're in a decent up position where we're not completely blocked out we're in the deep rough and we got a long long way home 292 down 10 um but if I can just Hammer a three-wood up here right about there I mean 292 down 10 and then the deeper up is 21% so that's like 60 yards almost in addition to this so we're going to get nowhere near close to the green but if I can just get this back out hack it out back out into the short stuff and maybe have like a eight or and nine iron into this oh heli left what it was a no read I hit it relatively hard I think I got to line this up more towards the toe I've been off the heel all day long with this well that was off the toe but I topped it well we're going to have longer than a uh ad iron into this but we are in the short stuff if it stops yikes talk about overcorrecting about as far off the heel as I could hit it that first one and then that second one was about as far off the toe as I could hit it both low oh maybe not 147 actually I can hit almost like a choke down nine come out left on the down slope we got about 148 total I'm actually just going to go pretty smooth nine not going to try to get inside that inner circle just play it towards the green a little bit chunky but at least I stayed down and through it stay there par I think if it sits still rolling still rolling I know I can fast forward it but I did that one time and it kicked me out of the round so car at least I figured out one little thing with my swing with I know I have to do it but these last couple have been confirmation of staying more down and through it that's been working out a little bit better with irons at least so if I can find those just those little nuggets throughout the round where I can take that into the next one six over still 15th hold Par 3 1 198 with a lot of water could to contend with so I'm going to look at this fly over with you guys almost in island green it's about 75% covered with water pins front right so we are definitely going to play favor this left side in the middle of the green considering there's a bunker over here we're going to go there what is a 198 yard carry Club I guess five 198 total is better for a six but I don't think I can carry it that far especially the way I'm hitting it so we're going to go five iron hopefully if I come up long that bunker catches it uhoh that's right that's going to be wet not even close and I think I have to R it and hit it again unless it lets us drop where we crossed that five over goal all right let us move up a little bit oh not even now we're in this is even worse oh I should have realized where I was now we basically have the same exact shot but I'm in the deep rough so that's 21% and it's not a great lie it's on a significant down slope I don't know if we're getting out of this that was a mistake I don't know I I pressed it way too quick I just pressed drop right away I should have looked if I could have ret it that was a Monumental mistake now I don't even know what to hit four hybrid I think we got to do some math on this 193 up a yard so 194 but the deep rough is 21% so that's 40 yards I don't know if I'm getting this I might have to Tee It Up I'll try it a couple times man I hope this stays dry it's going to come out way right and we're on a significant down slope good example of what not to do here this needs to be a four hybrid for the record books this is tough this is tough now we're too now we're getting further away from the hole 206 we still in the deep rough I think yeah all right I'll take another couple chances I may just have to either pick up the ball on this hole or te up honestly I'm going to aim out here again I'm going to hit three wood this time this is a first it's still going to miss right into the water that's about as hard as I can swing at that all right I'll drop it in I got to te it up there's nothing in my bag that can get there 208 deep rough at this point I'm going to tea up my driver you guys can trip me in the comments I think I have the settings to log log 10 which I think is like a 10 over car or something like that I've never even gone that bad but I'm teing up driver it's either that or like there's literally nothing in my bag deep rough I need we're at 208 and then 21% is over 40 yards there's nothing in my bag that carries I barely sometimes even get my driver to carry 250 so there's nothing this may even come up into the water short depending on how I hit it there's nothing in my bag I can hit off the deck that even comes close queue up the circus music that Benny [Music] Hill all right if you guys look this is my ninth shot on a par 3 and I've moved over to driver and this is my second driver attempt that's still wet that's short right again at this point it's just driver practice it's coming out so low out of this deep rough I like what are you supposed to do here what's next option re hit I'm just going to keep hitting them it's going to be the same result if I pick it up or if I just max out on the score so I don't know how it's coming out so low I mean obviously those first driver was horrendous that one wasn't hit particularly good either but they just coming out dead and low and we're only getting 73% and 56% of the spin which is probably why out of this deep rough still going to be short I mean what am I swinging these at 108.9 I'm swinging at at 109 150 that was still low in the face but I'm swinging hard at these and it's not even coming close I think we're getting close we're at shot 10 plus eventually it's just going to pick my ball up basically this is speed training at this point not kind of kind of happy with that 109 low in the face left 107.1 not even halfway there can I hit 110 on the club speed 11 11.6 153 ball speed how are we getting further away from the hole how am I 232 now well I got my 110 pretty happy about that at least that's I'll take that as a high note 249 carry from the raw from the Garmin 153.7 111.6 on the club speed all right that's enough before I break my driver 103.9 first time I've had to do this on the channel how do I uh drop ball I'm gonna have to pick it up shot options concede all right we got a 10 13 over we still got three holes left I don't even know if I can swing anymore all right at this point I should probably just end the video but 13 over through 15 16th hole par 4 442 I just exhausted myself with those almost 112 though on the club speed and like I've said I think the garments garment reads Low so that could have been in the neighborhood of possibly 115 120 being generous I guess at this point scorecard is more than blown up at this point I'll just try to swing hard again 108.3 152 why don't I just do that every time I've said that before in the past sometimes when you really swing hard out of your shoes you kind of let instincts take over instead of trying to like guide the ball sometimes you almost hit it better when you swing really really hard and just let it fly 268 on that 172 up nine 181 got seven iron swinging that hard though this is going to mess up all these other shots I don't know if be able to make contact with this chunky chunky dunky that's going to be well short hey look at that another bunker all right we have entered into get through these last couple holes as quick as possible not going to do a ton of math just going to try to get it close 20 yards call it about 25 it's going to come out left probably going to be a little bit short but oh it was long speed golf luckily there's only two holes left so 14 over 17 hole par 4 410 what would you guys have done in that situation like I was swinging I literally swung that at 111 and it just there was zero chance even with teeing it up there's just nothing I could hit to even get close to that green I mean I would assume unless you're bracing out here I would assume you guys would just have to pick the ball up too unless I I mean I couldn't I don't I didn't really explore a ton of different options but I don't think I could even have laid up short left there was some room over there but it was kind of like SE like I said 75% island green it wasn't really a ton ton of options there all right can we get up to 110 again played those last couple pretty far up in my stance seemed to work out oh 109.2 154 I hit that kind of low on the face too surprised after playing yesterday and already playing 18 today back here I'm even able to get up towards that that number kind that's kind of kind of surprising myself here definitely a uh silver lining for for a round like this 147 out of the rough going to aim over here and just hit a nine this is going to be the quickest two three holes I've ever played on GS Pro thin but all right bar 18th and final hole 14 over we're uh just a just a few Strokes off of our five over goal I said I even said even through five so 14 over through 17 18th hole par five 5 94 final fly over of the day final t-shot of the day unless I find myself in another situation like that part part three see if I can I'm going for 110 again on the club speed just for this point the video is already long enough just for the Curiosity Factor I've been wanting to do this let's see if I can find one quick prov1x I know this spins a little bit more than the regular uh Pro one but a firmer ball I'm curious if I swing hard at this if I can reach curious what the what the ball speed will be on this been planning on doing a video of like what I play with those cway super fasts which are firmer than super softs but still pretty significantly softer than what this prov1x is um if I can swing it around 110 and I'm going to try to hit this pretty hard um we'll see if the Garmin if I can get it up to about 160 on the ball speed let's see how how much firmer this thing actually is how much distance and ball speed I'm leaving on the table using those callaways ah it was low on the face only 149 105.6 maybe not as much as I thought granted that was a pretty bad M hit but I'm kind of overpowering some of it with swinging so hard put that ball back in the bag after oh boy 303 on a down slope three wood this is not how I anticipated today going got a chunky but feels kind of good playing it that far up of my stance that's what I used to do when I first started playing got 249 out of that somehow maybe I need to start cheating the ball further up in my stance it's going to generally speaking from what they say the further you play it up the more if you think of the Hulu hoop of the Swing further you play it up the more you're going to possibly catch it going from out to in exaggerate the slice more versus if you really want to hit a big big draw or a big hook you play it further back in your stance so if I cheat it up a little bit more I'm going to bring that big spinny slice more into play but if I can get some extra speed on it playing it just a little bit further up with the driver in for example like with that 3-wood not that that was even that great that was 139 on the ball speed 97 I don't know maybe something to play with 56 out of the bunker I'm just going to hit kind of a hard 56 and hopefully if I get this on the green we'll wrap this video up pretty quick not a ton to look at score-wise almost shanked it that's going to be right that is the most fitting way to end this one bunker to the other not even going to look at it I'm going to hit a 20 yard shot we'll see what happens after I hit it all right well this is not going to be a fun one to edit and watch back but we'll take a look at it so from East Lake Golf Club we'll see if the pros any of the pros do that but um from East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta Georgia course designer on this one was techbud shout out to techbud and all the other designers great job on this one per usual um home of the Tour Championship going on from August 29th to September 1st um despite my better judgment and my ego I don't really want to post this but I am going to edit and post it so you guys will be seeing this abysmal round especially that uh 15th but we ended up with a 15 over 87 so kept it under 90 little bit beyond our uh goal of five over but 41 on the front wheels came off on the back with a 46 one Birdie on number six the rest were pars bogeys and much worse um take a look at the stats eight pars one birdie seven Bogies one double zero double plus that's not right we had a 10 um longest drive 287 average Drive 278 average ball speed 150 best ball speed 152 28 putts five sand saves I was getting escaping at front nine out of some of those bunkers which I was kind of happy about hour and 13 minutes 28% greens regulation 29% Fairways that sounds about right nine handicap on this course granted I mean obviously it's the tour championship course it is a tough course but that was uh pretty bad this may go into the list of uh having to redo this one when I'm playing better but I'm going to wrap this one up uh don't know why you guys would enjoy that unless you like to see me struggle and I guess that was pretty comical on that uh doing my little speed training session in the middle of the round on the 15th hole to get a 10 after I conceded and uh teed up my driver multiple times and still couldn't even get it over but I did hit uh what was it 111 point something on the club speed that's uh promising and I had a couple in the neighborhood of uh 109 110 so at least that's the Silver Lining but um hopefully you guys enjoyed me making a full cool out of myself especially on that hole and the back nine but um like always appreciate all the support you guys show the channel check out those Amazon links don't forget to like comment and subscribe and I'll see you guys at the next course

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