Robin Hood 2 (2025) Movie | Keanu Reeves, Taron Egerton, Eve Hewson | Fact And Review

[Music] e e e e e e e e Hello friends how are you guys friends this is not a movie this is a full detail review and fact video about this movie if you want to know about this movie then you must like this video because in today's video we will tell you what is its story which actors and actresses have worked in this film the director producer cameraman of this film is going to talk about them in detail we will talk about the post-production pre-production budget and filming of this film The starcast of the film will also give details about The Supporting Cast and production guys if you want to know about this movie you must watch this video you will find all the details of this movie in this video what is the story of this movie If you like this video then share it with your friends and subscribe our Channel Robin Hood 2 is an upcoming American action adventure film will be directed by autobar first and written by Ben Chandler and David James Kelly from a story by Chandler it is a quasi contemporary retelling of the Robin Hood 2 Legend and follows his training by John to steal from the Sheriff of Nottingham the film will Stars Taran Editon as Robin and features Jamie Fox Ben melon Eve hon Tim Minchin and Jamie Doran in supporting roles if you're a purist about Robin Hood 2 then you probably won't go for Robin Hood 2 it's a let's retrofit legend for the kids movie and it's not shy about its fast INF Furious action and attitude makeover tendences battle scenes fought with bows and arrows really are battles in which the arrows land with a force of bullets destroying on contact the cast is all fresh-faced youth Idol sexiness as tendon from the kingsman films playing the sort of boy band Robin Hood to a high schooler might hang a poster of in her bedroom even how on who you heard it here first has the stuff to be a major movie Ester more on that in a moment as a supremely sensual and spirited Marin takes her command as from no man and jamad on and from the Shades of Gray films as Marin's onus scraggle be the boyfriend you know a movie is about pretty people when Jimmy dor and is cast as the unsexy boring guy beyond that theme movie treats Robin Hood 2 as a th Century Dark Knight a mystery Avenger known as the hood with Robin of loley as his Bruce Wayne Alter Ego fat duality of course is built into the legend but it plays here as a knowing knockoff of superhero culture the massof poor folk Robin is fighting for her like something out of a Yad dystopia living in the dark squalled midst of thema they toil at each day and in case that isn't enough for you the movie is an origin story none of the new Robin Hood 2 takes place place in Sherwood Forest it set in the castle Corridor San teaming streets of notingham a vast medieval village where Robin an aristocrat who returns after fighting for the British in Arabia learns that his family estate has been seized by the dastardly Sheriff of Nottingham Ben Malone Robin also loses his squeeze Marin who was told by the sheriff fath was killed in battle that's why she's now with dorin's will the movie is about how a broken dude turns himself Freedom after youth degradation of a legend Robin Hood 2 is no classic but if it sometimes seems like it's trying to be boss lum's Robin Hood to more power to its movie is a diverting live wire step for my it's to the spirit of what Robin Hood 2 is about than the loggy Kevin Cena version or the Dismal Russell Crow version that both those films in different ways so failed to conjure the devil make hair lighter than air rambunctiousness of the Robin Hood to Saga Maybe sign that it's finally time to stop telling this story with the same old tropes it's not as if anyon will ever match the The Adventures of Robin Hood 2 anyway in fat madly colorful swashbuckler Errol Flynn had the Majestic mirth and Airy pluck o leaping Rascal guard and his Spirit was contagious for some reason Cena and Crow both played Robin Hood 2 by tring on mlum the new Robin Hood 2 at least brushes you against the heart of the story The Dashing flippancy of a valorous Outlaw and The Duel of wits that unfolds between Robin and the Sheriff of Nottingham Taran Editon plays Robin with a twinkle and he's es Isley Goodwin Robin of lley posing as the sheriff's Ally plays mind games with him is like a debonaire corporate C who knows how to exploit his boss's weakness and the sheriff gives him plenty to work with Ben melon's performance is nothing short of Sensational his look is daringly out of period the long leather coats of a downtown fop a neatly parted haircut out of the S and he speaks with a slight lisp of anger turning the sheriff into an arrestingly logical fascist with a backstory of childhood pain that morphs all too convincingly into adult sadism melon is all icy control until he starts fulminating at which point you can't take your eyes off him the director Auto baos who has worked in series television this is his first feature knows how to deliver the lavishly staged action Goods but he alos faceoffs on a human scale characters we know pop up here and there like tuck Tim Minchin who is still taking confessionals in church and is all sheepish long-haired Millennial self-doubt so so do actors like f Mar Abraham who has a delectable time as the Cardinal Who's In Cahoots with the sheriff Abraham's scowling satire off religious hypocrisy is justed enough to give glimmer of Timeless while of magnetic energy as Jay and the proud Arabian who loses his hand and son in the Crusades then stows away on Robin's military ship and fors a mutual Ellie beneficial Bond within Fox brings hisin a raw Fury that ignites the movie and then of course there's Mar and Eve hon who is Bono's daughter has a romantic presence expressed through a Timeless gaze she holds the screen with the kind of electrifying Radiance you're either born with or you're not she Roots this youth Rabel in something recognizably heartfelt making a stirring case for the people to join Robin's cause yet beyond that Houston simply hasset at the end the film nods toward a sequel set presumably in Sherwood force with a pretty damn good Twist of villainy and the presence of an actress like Houston is one reason you actual all want to see it the title of this film doesn't really leave much to the imagination it's another one of thwi though moments that seem to be becoming increasingly frequent in modern film making Robin Hood 2 is clearly a pretty old tale and it's not even new or underdeveloped in cinema Robin of loia has been played by by everyone from Errol Flynn and Kevin cenor to a cartoon fox and we all at least a smidge familiar with M Aaron and the villainous Sheriff of notingham so it follows that the only logical reason tter to the Quint philanthropic Thief perhaps anly comedic term or a socially motivated Caper or even just a gripping Thriller sadly this iteration of Robin Hood 2 isn't much of any of first forget what you think you know the narrator begs us at the beginning of the film this proves impossible as the film rolls on as a pale imitation of Robin Hood 2s of Years Gone by at least visual there are a few attempts at Innovation this version of Nottingham looks a bit gritty a bit dark a bit menacing to be honest it's at least a little reminiscent of the Birmingham portrayed in pey blinders also directed by Auto baath not least in its industrial ra Revolution s design but even Hera there's just not enough exploration and explanation to make things tick the narrator informs us that he doesn't know what year the action is said in which is just as well give that the set design is decidedly more contemporary fan historians suggest the th Century would have looked that W you don't get much context for Nottingham's apparently prolific coal mine is just the beginning of unresolved plot points and story elements that just don't quite gel bst's work on peaky blinders is renowned for its slick realism and it does shine through in a few of the many many action scenes but elsewhere Falls flat along with a script that seems partly too Kinto combin genres into something new and partly devoid of new ideas Robin off Luckley Taran Editon is a big man about town until he's dispatched off to fight in the Crusades upon his return He discovers that his home has been loh High's love Marin Eve Houston has fallen for while Scarlet Jamie Dornan and all of noting him is under the thumb of the evil shriff Ben melon naturally Robin and his Pals have to take back control off their City Robin Hood 2 on the big screen has typically included at least a little bit of Joy think Allan Rickman Sensational sheriff or even Jolly frier 2 in Disney's cartoon but there's not much to go around here presumably the idea was a grown-up Robin Hood to for themodern film goer but the result is an action movie with no excitement a love story with little in the way of Rance and no Artona part of the reason it's so disheartening how bad this film is he's Charming funny likable and charismatic deserves so much better than this and the equally dire Kingsman th action scenes are variously well done the film is over sated with them and there's only so many times you can watch someone slow motion firing arrows through the air before you start stifling yawns Jamie Fox an absurd Jonna soldier from the Crusades who stows away with Robin to a foreign land and then proceeds to educate Robin Wan's political system and Tim mentioned Fri tuck are both hugely underused while melan's villain asff isn't really given much to work with and there's lots of pontificating to rooms full of of notingham madees for no apparent reason Houston gives it her all as the only named female character in the film though she's clearly there to function as the love interest and not much besides the story off Robin Hood 2 has been told and retold over and over over again throughout all forms of media for centuries in the modern Hara there have been numerous film and television adaptations of the Legend All of which follow the same basic premise yof an English Lord who returns from the crew Crusades to find his family house in ruin he then turns to vigilantism armed with a bow and arrow to take from the rich and give to the poor the English folk tale has been passed down since death Century though the story dates back as far as the T8 century and has Enchanted listeners throughout the ages now a new retelling of Robin Hood 2 is hitting theaters with another interpretation of the classic tale Robin Hood modernizes the classic story with some new ideas that don't always work but the tale of an outlaw hero is boy B Taran edan's charm Robin Hood to Follows the young Robin of lley ederton who lives a good life as the Lord of a Manor and who falls in love with Marie Houston when she tries to steal one of the mana's horses toget to her neighbor however Robin is drafted to fight in the Crusades and leaves the manner in Marian's hands after years of fighting in the war Robin breaks when he sees his commanding officer guy of jborn PA Anderson ordering prisoners be killed seemingly for the fun of it Robin attempts to save one the son of another prisoner but guy puts an arrow in Robin and sends him home to England once he returns he learns the sheriff of nodding and benan seized the lle manor because Robin was thought dead and Marin was thrown out upon visiting nodding hammerin quickly realizes times are extremely difficult for the commoners as the sheriff is taking all their money for his war tax which ostensibly funds the Crusades Robin also learns tharan married another man will Jamie Doran when she believed Robin to be dead for ated by Marin having moved on and enraged by the sheriff's actions rabini is approached by the man whose son he tried to save in the Crusades who goes by John Jamie Fox with John's help and training Robin becomes a local vigilante known as the hood who steals from the sheriff and gives to the commoners all the while keeping pieces the Lord returned from the war to learn more about the sheriff's plans but when Robin and John discover what the sheriff is truly up till they realize they'll have to do most than simply thieving they'll have to SPO okay a revolution directed by Auto bathos pey blinders Black Mirror from a script by newcomers Ben Chandler and David James Kelly Robin Hood 2 will not outdraw comparisons to die Richie King Arthur legend of the swords of Tenley Robin Hood 2 is a grit and more modern take on a classic story that focuses much more on style and action and historical accuracy but there's something to be said of the way Robin Hood 2 reflects the particular time in history in which it's being released this is a Robin Hood 2 story that focuses greatly on the fact that the rich in society the upper classes tend to stay in power by stpp on the throats of the lower classes by leak reaching money and resources from those lesser off this Robin Hood 2 is concerned with leading a Evolution that sees the redistribution of wealth in Nottingham those themes get muddled at times in the movie by the Romantic through line with Robin's true motivations for his actions a little and clear but the idea that his vigilantism and his love of Maran are inexplicably linked works for the most part as long as the viewer doesn't think about it too hard in addition to tapping into the modern unre rest between the glasses in society Robin Hood 2 also brings the fl's inspiration MC book superheroes full circle by delivering a compelling vigilante origin story given the popularity of superheroes in Hollywood over the last decade movie airs have seen a great deal of origin stories play out Robin Hood follows that formula to the letter that means Robin Hood 2 has a training montage Editon gets the requisite of shitless hero scene and the movie plays up his dual identities of course while Robin Hood 2 is one of the oldest vigilante Stories the fact that BOS movie clearly takes inspiration from Modern super superhero films may not work for all fans of the outlaw Watcher but for those who have wanted Marvel Studios to release a Hawkeye movie or DC to do a green arrow movie bsts Robin Hood 2 provides realistic archery action that puts what we've seen from Superhero archers to shame admittedly they there are moments in the second act where the action gets a bit lost in Ba's directing but thual archery is skillfully showcased it all comes together in Robin Hood 2 as the superhero movie some fans have been waiting for that's not to say there aren't weak moments in the script which fears into ham fisting the movie's message into the dialogue or contriving scenes to move the story forward but these are counteracted with the performances of the films leads ederton easily has enough charm and Charisma topple off the various sides of Robin needed for this movie to work he can play the loic man the outlaw Archer and the pompus Lord though he struggles a bit with that last one largely because he's actually too Charming to come off pompus and because it's clear Robin is meant to have trouble with that role as well Editon also has an exceptionally strong Supporting Cast with Fox as the mentor to Robin and melon as the foil eny of Robin their performed performances are equally as charismatic as editan helping to elevate theil further Houston is given more to do as Maran than other actresses who ha portrayed the character and she excels in the role the main cast is rounded out well by Doran and Tim mention as frier tuck but they aren't given quite as much to work with in the script ultimately Robin Hood 2 is a fun if not altogether necessary reimagining of the classic story that Taps into modern themes about masses is rising up to hold those in power accountable for their actions these themes strike a very important chord for our current moment in history but Robin Hood 2 also finds a balance between those themes and giving theat law vigilante a compelling origin story that fits right in with the super Blockbusters popular in hollywoodhood it's a little too closely to the origin formula of superhero movies especially since movie agers have seen so many in the last decade the third act takes the stor in ad dire Al when script and ning Movie experience with enough new ideas to set it apart from past adaptations off folk tale some cool archery action and a Charming as hell lead in edon's year has seen a small handful of movies as bad as autobath revisionist knew Robin Hood 2 but none off them not mile nor the heart time murders nor even denish dua's death ofation have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing else this accidentally hilarious goofy train wreck of an origin story most definitely haste the courage of its convictions alas the film isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions are dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them up in the first place this year has seen a small handful of movies as bad as autobath as revisionist knew Robin Hood 2 but none of them not mile nor the H time murders nor even dinish du's death of a Nation have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing just this accidentally hilarious goofy train wreck of an origin story most definitely has the courage of its convictions alas the film isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions here dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them up in the first place brace yourselves for an edgy modern but not modernized retelling of a really old myth that opens with a voice over instructing viewers to forget history forget what you believe forget what you know before launching into a wner blockbuster so derivative that other directors should receive its residuals G your loins for misguided attempt toer fit off the public domain that takes its one big idea what if we marketed th Century Class Warfare T Millennials and leans into it so hard that the movie starts to feel less like Robin Hood 2 than it does a castra driver Dale spin-off for Bernie Bros it's always fun to watch a Shameless product off capitalist Machinery try and sell itself on socialist ideals Robin Hood 2 is ridicul as from the moment it begins though the Charisma of its cast past and the absurdity of its action are in order sustain interest for a while the first thing you have to realize about this new Riff on an age-old hero is th that's basically just Batman minus any of the compelling back par for the course in a movie where everything could be described as basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backer played by Kingsman star Taran Editon a talented actor whose cocky mischievousness the film mistakes for Annex character young Robin is the most eligible bachelor in the entire Kingdom a loaded orphan who lives in a giant keep above a mining town Robin spends his time dressing up as a thief and perfecting his Assassin's Creed cosplay as he skull around the local barns Dosh Rob from the rich and give to the poor unclear he mostly seems interested in stealing Hearts Marans most of all leave Houston as Anonymous here as she was exceptional on the Nick alas right after things get romantic Robin receives a draft notice for the Crusades literal ISO meon Nails a piece of paper onto his door that says draft notice in big letters which would feel wrong even if it was how people became Crusaders which it most definitely was not it's the first of many regrettable instances in which BST a capable lad known for directing the pilot of Black Mirror anies and one of py blinders tries to superimpose a modern gloss over medieval times when Robin's leaves Gotham and gets ambushed by archers in the desert BST shoots the action like it's an incoherent deleted scene from American Sniper arrows tear through theand like bullets as the English Fighters Scramble for cover in a shaky cam Massacre the Iraq War parallels subious that you have expect Robin to complain that he was sent into battle without an exit strategy to that and perhaps it's appropriate that the special effects look like they from this year has seen a small handful Al movies as bad as aob bst's revisionist new Robin Hood 2 but none off them not mile nor the hot time murders nor even denish du's death of a Nation have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing else this accidentally hilarious goofy train duble aov an origin story most definitely has the courage of its convictions a last theil is isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions are dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them you've in the first place brace yourselves for an edgy modern but not modernized riddling of a really old myth that opens with a voiceover instructing viewers to forget history forget what do you believe forget what you know before launching into to a wannabe Blockbuster so derivative that other directors should receive its residuals guard your loins for a misguided attempt to profit off the public domain and that takes its one big idea what if we marketed th Century Class Warfare to Millennials and leens into it so hard that the movie starts to feel less like Robin Hood 2 than it does a castrated Riverdale spin offer Bernie Bros its ow ways fun to watch a Shameless product of capitalist Machinery try and sell itself on socialist ideals Robin Hood 2 is ridiculous from the moment it begins though the Charisma of its past and the absurdity of its action are enough to sustain interest for a while the first thing you have to realize about this new Riff on an ageold hero is that he's basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backstory par for the course in a movie where everything could be described as basically just Batman miny of the compelling backstory played by Kingsman star Taran ederton adelent at actor whose cocky mischievousness the film mistakes for an actual character young Robin is the most eligible B bachelor in the entire Kingdom a loaded orphan who lives in a giant keep above a mining town Robin Spends His time dressing up as a thief and perfecting his Assassin's Creed cosplay as he skulls around the local barns does he rob from the rich and give to the poor unclear he mostly seems interested in stealing Hearts Marin most of all Eve Houston as Anonymous here as she was exceptional on the Nala's ride after things get romantic Robin receives a draft notice for the Crusades someone Nails a piece papers onto his door which would feel wrong even if it was how people became Crusaders which it most definitely was not it's the first of many regrettable instances I enwi bore a capable ladn for directing the pilot of Black Mirror and sees in one of pey blindest trees to superimpose a modern gloss over medieval times when Robin unit L Gotham and gets ambushed by archers in the desert BST shoots the action like it's an incoherent deleted scene from American Sniper arrows tear through the sand like bullets as the English Fighters Scramble for cover in a shakam massacre the Iraq War parallels so obvious that you have expect Robin to complain that he was sent into battle without an exit strategy to that end perhaps it's appropriate that the special effects look like they from the idea of course is that time is a flat circle and the powerful will always Prey Upon the dispossessed unless someone Rises up to even the score the same thinking has underpinned several other films baz lumens the great gats becomes to mind as a recent example but here it feels silly and strained things andly get worse after Robin returns to England with a stowaway in the hold of his ship a sahin fighter Jamie Fox in Hadis spirting Magicka L black Mentor Ro whose son Robin had tried to save from secution Marin thinking Robin died in the Crusades has taken up a job at themine where she feeds the laborers while wearing full mascara and a series of leather jackets that she appears to hav stolen from the set of Gossip Girl her only memorable line a stolen quote from a first century Jewish scholar is that because screenwriters Ben Chandler and ofid James Kelly couldn't be bothered to write their own generic pepper talks or is it a knowing illustration to how past can wrap around the present let's generously say that it's both and then there are the men in Marin's lie the first up is a two-faced new crush played be Jamie Doran and the only thing you need to know about his character is that naming him Harvey Dent would ha violated copyright law meanwhile the sniveling and corrupt Sheriff of Nottingham Ben melan acting with a bumper Lanes up is up to no good conspiring with the Catholic church and against the common people while fear-mongering about foreign Caravans in Arabia and the law and order here heach it's enough to remind you how much scarier Donald Trump might be if he were a dashing middle-aged man who could actually string a few sentences together without embarrassing the entire race naturally just a few training montages later Robin becomes the leader off the hash resistance he calls himself the the hood and inspires the underclass to rise up by shooting a volley of arrows at everything that moves edan's archery skills are Mighty impressive but they're augmented by chintzy effects and obscured by set pieces so erratic that it's hard to understand when they began let alone why they're happening even for viewers receptive to the m Ridiculousness at work Robin Hood 2 is too messy to enjoy there's nothing wrong with a fury horse of through a mind and and a [Music] long why over by the time y can even tell it's underway there's no flow to the combat no sense behind the stunts and no reason to invest in any of the empty noise around them Robin Hood 2 just strobes between boredom and absurdity so fast that it starts constantly providing both at once by the time melon threatens to boil someone in their own piss you'll be too bored to care if he actually follows through spoiler alert he doesn't there's unmistakable relevance to any story that reiterates how those in power the wide establishment need to be at the for front of the fight for change ofon in the movie says what we are born into is not always who we are ionely this anti-establishment action SEO weren't so totally in love with the establishment it claims to despise ionely it weren't so desperate to be the foundation of a Cinematic Universe that it treats Little John meeting frier tuck to mention like they're in the post-credit scene of a Marvel movie like you're supposed to get a chill down your spine at the sight of a homicidal more befriending a manic clergyman chandel and Kelly go to incredible lengths to set up a sequel but even more incredible is how the film genuinely seems to believe that people might want to see where this story goes next British nobleman who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor is now so so iconic and so familiar F any filmer ker who wants to spend exorbitant amounts of money to tell it again had better at least try to contribute something new to the character's Legacy auto Baur new rendition starring Taran Editon kingsman the Golden Circle as the title character appears to have taken that challenge and thrown it to th e ground and stepped on it a few times just in case this new Robin Hood 2 evokes a few modern storytelling Styles and has a charismatic new cast but offers no interesting perspective on the character his adventures it may very well be the first Robin Hood 2 movie without an actual point listen the narrator tells us at the beginning forget history forget what you've seen before forget what you know the narrator even claims that he can't tell you what year it was because he simply can't remember it's as though we're being told this story by a high school dropout who's filtering it all through half half remembered CW superhero shows and he's getting all the good stuff from the first season aferro Robin of lley has a pretty good life he's Rich he's powerful he's reasonably beneficent and he's in a long-term relationship with Marin Eve Houston the Nick but his life falls apart when he's conscripted into the Crusades a military conflict half a world away which was one of the most brutal conflicts in world history but which for the purposes of Robin Hood 2 mostly exists to inconvenience him the sooner we win this war Robins Captain shouts the sooner lley gets what he want to his swee whole platoon of soldiers if they didn't all seem to like Robin we'd probably assume their leader was trying to get Robin knifed in the back but instead they embark on a deadly campaign in the Middle East walking into a bombed out city with long bows drawn as if that never puts a strain on your arms The Crusade sequence in Robin Hood 2 is probably the film's most interesting part because bar is so eager to drop Arles between the Middle Ages and the present that reality falls apart and the enemy winds up firing giant crossb gattling guns it's fair to say that that's probably not how it actually happened but at least it's something we have never seen before Robin winds up nearly getting killed by Yahya Jamie Fox but then earns yah's respect when Robin tries and fails to save yahya's son from being executed by Robin's own and Robin is sent back home in shame and Yahya isn't far behind but when her returns to England things have changed Robin was declared legally dead yo his house is in shambles and Marian has remarried to Young Union organizer and political up incomer will Tillman Jamie Dornan who's not called will Scarlet yet for reasons the sheriff Ben melon Woody player one is bleeding s taxes so Robin and Y I can a vigilante campaign to steal all the stolen money and give it to Marin then Maran tells Robin that that's a stupid idea and that he should give it to the poor instead so that's what he does UT bathur Robin Hood 2 then proceeds to dip into all the big Robin Hood 2 bullet points with small heists Big Heist Rubin pretending to be a cat but actually being a hero Marin getting kidnapped you know this drill the film has a decent flare for action except for Robin's seemingly indestructible horse sand metal suits of armor that are somehow immune to he but none of the chase scenes or fights have clever ideas behind them so they offer us nothing that other better Robin Hood 2 movies haven't shown us before the design philosophy of this new Robin Hood 2 is almost impossible to make out it's tempting to say that it takes place in AR Grand Fusion of the modern and the medieval since melon's wardrobe seems to consist of designer suits but there's no consistency to the costumes or the production designed so instead it comes across as halfhazard and Confused the in life things saving this Robin Hood too from utter pointlessness is the cast all of whom make the most out of very little Taran Editon has a natural charm and shifts comfortably between Rish heroism and eyebrow raising smugness melon adds more depth to his Sheriff ofenham than the movie arguably requires so that when he Reveals His history of childhood abuse you genuine start to feel bad for him and kind of wish he was the protagonist everyone in Robin Hood too would have been perfectly cast in any other Robin Hood too but this is what we got instead it's a conventional tread with slightly different window dressing and a disappointing sequel tease that plays it more like the season finale of swiftly cancel TV a show then the setup for an exciting Blockbuster series the newest film titled simply Robin Hood to this one starring tan Editon as England's favorite socialist Thief isdom dumb one might even say dumb as balls but there's an alchemical quality to its utter hapless stupidity one born of its absolute commitment tth most insane it is a terrible film yes probably but I know without asen's hesitation that I'd much rather watch this before either the last two serious feature film versions of the Robin Hood 2 stor glum Robin Hood 2 and S vacuous Robin Hood 2 prince off thieves or for that matter before a great many other films said in the European Middle Ages which is where is suppose we must place this new Robin Hood too on account of it specifically Inc corporating the Third Crusade Fen it in but this film takes place nowhere in our Earth's history which is part of what's kind of snazzy and marvelous about it it has a Fearless love of completely inexplicable indefensibly chrismo the sword had been more self-con ident and less self- serious andalo was made by space aliens considered solely at the surface level we had mostly the same ingredients as those two and several other versions of the story Robin of Loxley a minor Noble Inn aing Hampshire is drawn into the Crusade eering which time his family property is seized returning to England he refashioned himself as an underground fighter against the established power structure initially just to reclaim what's his be eventually he finds himself Swept Away by the moral righteousness of his new work robbing from the rich even as heos is as a particularly snobbish member of the upper class to worm his way back into the community like Prince of Thieves among other modern incarnations of the tales he accomplishes most of this with the help of a displaced more named Yaya Jamie Fox though given the inability of the English to pronounce his name he goes by the translation John commoner Marin Eve Houston who met Robin when she was trying to steal one of his horses is in love with him fos has taken up with Firebrand revolutionary will Jamie Dornan believing Robin to have died meanwhile a Sheriff of Nottingham Ben melon plots with a corrupt Cardinal from Rome F Murray Abraham to continue defrauding notingham miners working quite undetected by the English king whose presence is only due s glancing glenc at any point mostly the same ingredients and the second the film trees to apply them they descend into chaos this Robin Hood two presence among other such surprises as a moist little gen so politically radical will Scarlet an Asher of Nottingham forming a religious dictatorship under his personal control a giant found ring molten iron from its severely Gothic that feels more like like a stage from a Final Fantasy game than anything typically imagined in medieval England it also includes multiple explosions both the usual kind usual and the odd tendency of of arrows which when fired into almost any surface land with a thick pow noise and geysers of dust Ander brist flying up from them it's all without so much as touching on the incredibly insane design mentality in both the costumes by Julian day and sets by Jen and Vincent puos which perhaps started England sometime in the century prior to but absolutely do not end there there's a sort of old fashioned futurism in the costumes which are sleek and gray and all made up of sharp lines and I don't even know how to describe the sets other than to reiterate that they're more like video game levels than any space in the history of the real world at any point this is decidedly all inspiring glider B and I confess only slightly to my shame that I devoured all of it theil has committed is the thing and it demonstrates that fact very early honorin sojourn in the holy land is filmed exactly in the fashion of a s Iraq war movie with bows on the superficially replacing assault rifles that the same tense medium shots of people darting down beige alleys with the camera darting up and around to look for the same snipers and ambushes the same ragged handheld cinematography and I repeat the same explosions as bullets ricochet off Stone buildings only the bullets are in this case arrows it's saw preposterously wrong that it swings all the way back to right I mean why not film medieval warfare in the style of amidan combat film it's not like the film spends even a fraction of a second lying about its intentions and completely unrestrained anacronismo piece in a completely imaginary time frame is a bolder aesthetic Choice than many other films if baz lumon liked war movies more thanan musicals I can absolutely imagine him making something like this good or bad Rin Hood 2 is above all things sincere maybe even terrifyingly so it believe us in its fantasy nightmare setting and its Ultra contemporary attitude which among other things enables Editon to give his loosest most charismatic performance to date just the same as it believes in its indeterminate politics it's a let's retrofit the legend for the kids movie and it's not shy about its fast in Furious action and attitude makeover Tendencies the battle scenes fought with bows and arrows really are battles in which the arrows land with the force of bullets destroying on contact the Cy all fresh-faced youth vital sexiness Taran ederton from the kingsman films playing the sort of boy banned Robin Hood to a high schooler might hang a poster of in her bedroom Eve Houston who you heard it here first has the stuff to be a major movie star more on that in the moment as a supremely sensual and spirited Marian who takes her commands from no man and Jamie Doran from the Shades of Gray film as Marin's Earnest scraggle bearded boyfriend you know a movie is about pretty people when Jamie Dornan is cast as the unsexy boring guy Bion that the movie treats Robin Hood to as a th Century Dark Knight A Manger known as the hood with Robin of lley as his Bruce Wayne alter agaat duality of course is built into the legend but it plays here as a knowing knockoff of superhero cultur masses of poor folk Robin is fighting for are like something out of a Yad dystopia living in the dark squalled midst of the minds they toil at each day and in case that isn't enough for youth movie is an origin story none of the new Robin Hood 2 takes place in Sherwood Forest it set in the castle corridors and teeming streets of notingham a vast medieval village where Robin an aristocrat who returns after fighting for the British in Arabia learns that Family Estate has been seized by the D also loses his squeez Moran who was told by the sheriff that he was killed in battle that's why she's now with Doran will the movie is about how a broken dude turns himself into a freedom fighter but go Ahad object all you want to this pure leeching after youth degradation of a legend Robin Hood 2 is no classic but if it sometimes seems like it's trying to be boss Lumen Robin Hood 2 more power to with the movie is a diverting live wire L one that for my money gets closer to the spirit of what Robin Hood 2 is about than the loggy Kevin Cena version or the Dismal Russell Crow version that both those films in different ways Sur failed to conjure the devil make hair lighter than air rambunctiousness of the Robin Hood to Saga may be a sign that it's finally time to stop telling this story with the same old tropes it's not as if anyon will ever match the The Adventures of Robin Hood to anyway in fat madly colorful swash Butler Errol Flynn had the Majestic mirth and Airy pluck OA leaping Rascal God and His Spirit was contagious for some reason Cosner ancro both played Robin Hood 2 by tring on the glum the new Robin Hood 2 at least brushes up against the heart of the story The Dashing flippancy of a valorous Outlaw and the D wi that unfolds between and the plays Robin with a twinkle and he's especially good when Robin of lle posing as the sheriff's Ally plays mind games with him he's like a Deon a climber who knows how to exploit his bu's weakness and the sheriff gives him plenty to nothing downtown F A neatly parted haircut out of the S and he speaks with a slight lisp of anger turning the sheriff in tone arrestingly logical fascist with a backstory of childhood pain that morphs all too convincingly into adult sadis a melon is all icy control until H starts fulminating at which point you can't take your eyes off him the director aut BST who has worked in series television this is his first feature knows how to deliver the lavishly staged action Goods but he also do face offs on a human scale characters we know pop up here and there like tuck Tim minen who is still tacking confessionals in church and is all sheepish long-haired Millennial self-doubt so do actors like f Mur Abraham who has a delectable time as the Cardinal Who's In Cahoots with a sharei of Abraham's scowling satire off religious hypocrisy is just pointed enough to give off a glimmer of timeliness as for Jamie Fox he's a bell of magnetic energy as Jay and the proud Arabian who loses his hand and son in the Crusades then stows away on Robin's military ship and forms a mutually beneficial Bond within Fox brings hisin a raw Fury that ignites the movie and then of course there's Marin eveon who is Bono's daughter has a romantic presence expressed through a Timeless gaze she holds the screen with a kind of of electrifying Radiance you're either born with or you're not she Roots this youth Rabel Rouser in something recognizably heartfelt making a stirring case for the people to join Robin's cause yet Beyond that house and simply has it at the end the film nods toward a sequel set presumably Inwood Forest with a pretty damn good Twist of villainy and the presence of an actress like Houston is one reason Walkley want to see it the title of this film doesn't really leave much to the imagination it's another one off those WS that seem to be becoming increasingly frequent in two is clearly a pretty old tale and it's not even new orer developed in cinema Robin of loley has been played by everyone from Arlin and Kevin Cosner to a cartoon for and we all SCH as smid familiar with maid Marin and the villainous Sheriff of Nottingham so it follows that the only logical reason to turn to the quintessential philanthropic Thief is if you've got a spectacularly Innovative new take on it perhaps An uproarious Li comedic turn or a socially motivated Caper or even just a gripping Thriller sadly this iteration of Robin Hood 2 isn't much of any of those forget what you think you know the narrator begs us at the beginning of the film this proves impossible as the film rolls on as a pale imitation of Robin Hood 2s of Years Gone by as at least visually there are a few attempts at Innovation this version of Nottingham looks a bit gritty a bit dark a bit menacing to be honest it's at least a little reminiscent of the Birmingham portrayed in pey blinders also directed by Auto baathist not least in its Industrial Revolution s design but even here there's just not enough exploration and explanation Tomic things tick the narrator informs us that he doesn't know what year the action is set in which is is just a swell given that the set design is decidedly more contemporary than historians suggest the th centur would have looked that we don't get context Fromm apparently KN is just the beginning off unresolved plot points and story elements that just don't quite gel bst's work on peaky blinders is renowned for its slick realism and it does shine through in a few of the many many action scenes but elsewhere Falls flat along with an rpt that seems partly too Keen talk combine genres into something new and partly devoid of new ideas Robin offly Taran Editon is a big man about town until he's dispatched off to fighting the Crusades upon his return he discovers that his home has been luted his love Marin Eve Houston has fallen for will Scarlet Jamie Dornan and all of Nottingham is under the thumb of thievil sheriff Ben melon naturally Robin and his Pals have to take back back control of their City Robin Hood too on the big screen has typically included at least a little bit of Joy think Alan rickman's Sensational sheriff or even Jolly frier tuck in Disney's cartoon but there's not much to go around here presumably the idea was a grown-up Robin Hood for the modern filmgoer but the result is an action movie with no excitement a love story with little in the way of romance and an historical epic that's no more epic than it is historical Taran Editon is part of their assen it's so disheartening how bad this film is he's Charming funny lickable and charismatic he deserves so much better than this and the equally dire Kingsman too though action scenes AR variously well done the film is oversaturated with them and there's only so many times you can watch someone SL motion firing arrows through the air before you start stifling yawns jamy Fox and absur and a soldier from the Crusades who stows away with Robin to a foreign land and then proceeds to to educate Robin on England's political system and Tim mentioned frier tuck arabo hugely underused while melon's villainous Sheriff isn't really given much to work with and there's lots off pontificating to rooms full of notingham natives for no apparent reason Houston gives it her all as thean line named female character in the film though she's clearly there to function as the love interest and not much besides the story of Robin Hood 2 has been told and red over and over forms of media for centuries in the modern era there have been numerous film and television adaptations of the leg of which follow the same basic premise of an English who returns from the Crusades to find his family Vigilant is with a and Ted listeners throughout the ages know a new retelling of Robin Hood 2 is hitting theaters with another interpretation of the classic tale Robin Hood modernizes the classic story with some new ideas that don't always work but the tale of an outlaw hero his boy be Taran edan's charm Robin Hood to Follows the young Robin of lley Editon who lives a good life as the Lord of a mana and who falls in love with Mary and Eve Houston when she tries to steal one of the mana's horses togive to her neighbor however Robin is drafted to fight in the Crusades and leaves the Manor in Marian's hands after years of fighting in the war Robin breaks when he sees his commanding officer guy of jborn Paul Anderson ordering prisoners be killed seemingly for the fun of it Robin attempts to save one the son of another prisoner but guy puts an arrow in Robin and sends him home to England once he returns Helen's the Sheriff of Nottingham Ben melon seiz the LLY matter because Robin was thought dead and Marin was thrown out upon visiting Nottingham Robin quickly realizes times are extremely difficult for the commoners as the sheriff is taking all their money for his war tax which ostensibly once the Crusades R also learns thator when she believed Robin T I'll be dead frustrated by Marin having moved on anden rage by the sheriff's actions Robin is approach by the man whose son he tried to save in the Crusades who goes be John Jamie Fox with Jay's help and training Robin becomes a local Vigilant known as the hood who steals from the sheriff and gives to the commoners all the while keeping up appearances as the Lord of Loxley returned from the war to learn more about the sheriff's plans but when Robin and John discover what the sheriff is trtr up to they realize they'll have to do more than simple thieving they'll have to spark a revolution directed by autobath pea blinders Black Mirror from a script by newcomers Ben Chandler and David Jamesy Robin Hood 2 will no doubt draw comparisons to guy Richie's King Arthur legend of the sword certainly Robin Hood 2 is a greedy or more modern take on a classic story that focuses much more on style and action than historical accuracy but there's something to be said of the way Robin Hood 2 reflects the particular time in history in which it's being released this is a Robin Hood 2 story that focuses greatly on the fact that the rich in society the upper classes tend to stay as wise to Bing on the Thro to the lower classes by leeching money and resources from those lesser off this Robinhood to is concerned with leading a revolution that seiz the redistribution of wealth in Nottingham those themes get muddled at times in the movie by the Romantic through line with Robin's true motivations for his actions a little unclear but the idea that his vigilantism and his love of Marin are inexplicably linked works for the most part as long as the viewer doesn't think about it too hard in addition to tapping into the modern unrest between the glasses in society Robin Hood 2 also brings the folk characters inspiration of comic book superheroes full circle by delivering a compelling vigilante origin story given the popular ID of superheroes in Hollywood over the last decade movie aor have seen a great deal of origin stories play out and Robin Hood follows that formula to the letter that means Robin Hood 2 has a training montage ederton gets the requisite of shirtless hero scene and the movie plays up his dual identities of course Wilder Robin Hood 2 is one of the oldest vigilante Stories the fact that BST movie clearly takes inspiration from Modern superhero films may not work for all all fans of the EMP Archer for those who hate Studio releas Hawkeye movie or DC to do a green arrow movie bsd's Robin Hood 2 provides realistic Archer reaction that puts what we've seen from Superhero Arch to shame admittedly there summons in second act where the action gets the actual all comes together in Robin Hood 2 as the superhero movie some fans have been waiting for that's not to say there aren't weak moments in the script which veers into ham fisting the movie's message into the dialogue or contriving scenes to move the story forward but these are counteract Ed with the performances of the films leads edonis has enough charm and Charisma to pull off the various sides of Robin needed for this movie to work you can play the Lovick man The Outlaw Archer and the pompous Lord though he struggles a bit with that last one largely BOS is actually too Charming to come off pompus and because it's clear Robin is meant to have trouble with that role of swell ederton also has an exceptionally strong Supporting Cast with Fox as theor to Robin and melon as the foil enemy of Robin their performances areally as charismatic as Editon helping to elevate the film further hon is given more to do as Marian than other actresses who have portrayed the character and she excels in the role of main cast is RO under out well by Doran and Tim minen as Fri tuck buty aren't given quite as much to work with in the script ultimately Robin Hood 2 is a fun if not altogether necessary reimagining of the classic story that Taps into modern themes about the masses rising up to hold those in power accountable for their actions these themes strike a very important chord for a current moment in history but Robin Hood 2 also finds a balance between those themes and giving Outlaw vigilante aing origin story that fits right in with the superhero Blockbusters so popular in Hollywood Robin Hood 2 perhaps sticks a little too closely to the origin formula of superhero movies especially since movie ow have seen somon in the last decade but the third act takes the story in a different direction although there are moments when the script and directing struggle to deliver a blockbuster worthy of ox so that this movie isn't quite worth seeing in a Mach the performances of the cast help smooth smooth out the rough edges Al Toge the Robin Hood 2 is an entertaining Movie experience with enough new ideas to set it apart from past adaptations of the folk tale some cool archery action and a Charming as hell lead in Editon this year has seen a small handful off movies as bad as Auto Bathurst revisionist New Robin Hood 2 but none of them not my nor the high time murders nor even D's death of Antion have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing else this accidentally hilarious goofy train wreck of an origin story most definitely Hast the courage of its convictions Al last the film isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions are dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them up in the first place this year has seen a small handful of movies as bad as Auto bsd's revisionist new Robin Hood 2 Buton of them not mile nor T he have time murders nor even dennish DOA death of a Nation have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing else this accidentally hilarious Goofer train wreck of an origin story most definitely has the courage of its convictions alas the film isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions are dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them up in the first place brace yourselves for an edgy modern but not modernized relling of a really old myth that opens with a voice over instructing viewers to forget history forget what you believe forget what you know before launching into a w to Blockbuster so derivative that other directors should receive its residuals G your loins for a misguided attempt to profit off the public domain that takes its one big idea what if we marketed th Century Class Warfare Tom Millennials and leans into it so hard that the movie starts to feel less like Robin Hood 2 than it does a castrate driveraleigh been off for Bernie Bros it's always fun to watch a Shameless product off capitalist Machinery try and sell itself on socialist ideals Robin Hood 2 is ridiculous from the moment it begins though the Charisma of its cast and the absurdity of its action were enough to sustain interest the thing you new Riff on an age old hero is that he's basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backstory power for the course in a movie where everything could be described as basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backstory played be Kingsman star Taran Editon a talented actor whose cocky mischievousness the film mistakes for annual character young Robbins is the most eligible bachelor in the entire Kingdom a loaded orphan who lives in a giant keep above a mining town Robin spends his time dressing up as a thief and perfecting his Assassin's Creed cosplay as he skulks around the local barns Dosh Rob from the rich and give to the poor unclear he mostly seems interested in stealing Hearts Marans most of all leave Houston as Anonymous here as she was exceptional on the Nick alas right after things get romantic Robin receives a draft notice for the Crusade is literally someone Nails a piece of paper onto his door that says draft notice in big letters which would feel wrong even if it was how people became Crusaders which it most definitely was not its first of many regrettable instances in which bstd a capable lad known for directing the pilot of Black Mirror and seeson one of P bers tries to superpose GL and Robin's unit leaves Gotham and gets ambushed by archers in the desert BST shoots the action like it's an incoherent deleted scene from American sniper arrows tear through thesan like bullets as the English Fighters Scramble for cover in a shaky cam Massacre the Iraq War parallel suus that you have expect Robin to complain that he was sent into battle without an exit strategy to that and perhaps it's appropriate that the special effects look like there from this year has seen a small handful of movies as bad as autobath first revisionist knew Robin Hood 2 but none of them not mile nor the hap time murders nor even dennish du's death ofan Nation have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing else this accidentally hilarious goofy train wck of an origin story most definitely haste courage of its convictions alas the film isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions are dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them up in the first place brace yourselves forign edgy modern but not modernize retelling of a really old myth that opens with a voiceover instructing viewers to forget history forget what you believe forget what you know before launching into a wannabe Blockbuster so derivative that other directors should receive it residual Scourge misguided attempt to profit off the public domain that takes its one big idea what if we marketed th centry class Warfare to Millennials and leans into it so hard that the movie starts tofa less like Robin Hood 2 than it does a castrated it's fun to watch a sh of of its cast and the absurdity of its action are enough toss stain interest for a while the first thing you have to realize about this new Riff on an age-old hero is that he's basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backstory power for the course in movie where everything could be described as basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backstory player be Kingsman star Taran Editon a talented actor whose cocky mischievousness the film mistakes for Annex character young Robin is the most eligible bachelor in the entire Kinga loaded orphan who lives in a giant keep above a mining town Robin spends his time dressing up as a thief and perfecting his Assassin's Creed cosplay as he skull around the local barns Dosh Rob from the rich and give to the poor unclear he mostly seems interested in stealing Hearts Marines most of all leave Houston as Anonymous here as she was exceptional on the Nick alas right after things get romantic Robin receives a draft notice for the Crusades lital aomo Nails a piece of paper onto his door that says draft notice in big letters which would feel wrong even if it was how people became Crusaders which it mostly was not it's the first of messy regretable distances Robin Hood 2 is an upcoming American action adventure film will be directed by autobar first and written by Ben Chandler and David James Kelly from a story by Chandler it is a quasi contemporary retelling of the Robin Hood 2 Legend and follows his training by John to steal from the sheriff of notingham the film will Stars Taran Editon as Robin and features Jamie Fox Ben melon Eve hon Tim Minchin and Jamie Dornan in supporting roles if you're a purist about Robin Hood 2 then you probably won't go for Robin Hood 2 it's a let's retrofit the legend for the kids movie and it's not shy about its fast INF Furious action and attitude makeover tendences battle scenes fought with bows and arrows really are battles in which the arrows land with a force of bullets destroying on contact the cast is all fresh-faced youth Idol sexiness tendon from the kingsman films playing the sort of boy band Robin Hood to a high schooler might hang a poster of in her bedroom even how on who you heard it here first has the stuff to be a major movie eser more on that in a moment as a supremely sensual and spirited Marin who takes her command as from no man and Jadon and from the Shades of Gray films as Marin's Earnest scraggle be boyfriend you know a movie is about pretty people when Jimmy dor and is cast as the unsex boring guy beyond that theme movie treats Robin Hood 2 as a th Century Dark Knight a mystery of venger know as the hood with Robin of luxley as his Bruce Wayne Alter Ego fat duality of course is built into the legend but it plays here as a knowing knockoff of superhero culture the masses off poor folk Robin is fighting for a like something out of a Yad dystopia living in the dark squalled midst of themin they toil at each day and in case that isn't enough for you the movie is an origin story none of the new Robin Hood 2 takes place place in Sherwood Forest it's set in the castle Corridor San steing streets of notingham a vast medieval village where Robin an aristocrat who returns after fighting for the British in Arabia learns that his family estate has been seized by the dastardly Sheriff of Nottingham Ben Malone Robin also loses his squeeze Maron who was told by the sheriff fa was killed in battle that's why she's now with doran's will the movie is about how a broken dude turns himself to Freedom after youth degradation of a legend Robin Hood 2 is no classic but if it sometimes seems like it's trying to be boss L's Robin Hood two more power to its movie is a diverting live wire that for my it's to the spirit of what Robin Hood 2 is about them the loggy Kevin Cena version or the Dismal Russell Crow version that both those films in different ways have failed to conjure the devil make hair lighter than air rambunctiousness of the Robin Hood to Saga may be a sign that it's finally time to stop telling this story with the same old tropes it's not as if anyone will ever match the The Adventures of Robin Hood to anyway in fat madly colorful swashbuckler Errol Flynn had the Majestic mirth an Airy pluck over leaping Rascal guard and his Spirit was contagious for some reason Cena and Crow both played Robin Hood too by tring on mlum the new Robin Hood too at least brushes you against the heart of the story The Dashing flippancy of a valorous Outlaw and The Duel of wits that unfolds between Robin and the Sheriff of Nottingham Taran Editon plays Robin with a twinkle and he's esed eally goodwi Robin of lockly posing as the sheriff's Ally plays mind games with him is like a deboner corpit c who knows how to exploit his bosses weakness and the sheriff gives him plenty to work with Ben melon's performance is nothing short of Sensational his look is daringly out of period the long leather coats of a downtown fop a neatly parted haircut out of the S and he speaks with a slight lisp of anger turning the sheriff into an arrestingly logical fascist with a backstory of childhood pain that morphs all too convincingly into adult sadism melon is all icy control until he starts fulminating at which point you can't take your eyes off him the director Auto BST who has worked in series television this is his first feature knows how to deliver the lavishly staged action Goods but he also do faceoffs on a human scale characters we know pop up here and there like tuck Tim Minchin who is still taking confessionals in church and is all sheepish long-haired Millennial self-doubt so so do actors like f marur Abraham who has a delectable time as the Cardinal Who's In Cahoots with the sheriff Abraham's scowling satire of religious hypocrisy is just did enough to glimmer of timeliness while of magnetic energy as Jay and the proud Arabian who loses his hand and son in the Crusades then stows away on Robin's military ship and for a mutual Ellie beneficial bond with him Fox brings hisin a raw Fury that ignites the movie and then of course there's Mar and Eve hon who is Bono's daughter has a romantic presence expressed through a Timeless gaze she holds the screen with the kind of electrifying Radiance you're either born with or you're not she Roots this youth rabble Rouser in something recognizably heartfelt making a stirring case for the people to join Robin's cause yet beyond that Houston simply Hass it at the end the film nods toward a sequel set presumably in would force with a pretty damn good Twist of villainy and the presence of an actress like Houston is one reason you actually want to see it the title of this film doesn't really leave much to the imagination it's another one of fos we though moments that seem to be becoming increasingly frequent in modern film making Robin Hood 2 is clearly a pretty old tale and it's not even new or underdeveloped in cinema Robin of Loxley has been played by by everyone from Errol Flynn and Kevin cenor to a cartoon fox and we all at least a smidge familiar with M Aon and the villainous Sheriff of noting him so it follows that the only logical reason toter to the qu philanthropic Thief perhaps Anor isly comedic term or a socially motivated Caper or even just a gripping Thriller sadly this iteration of Robin Hood 2 isn't much of any of first forget what you think you know the narrator begs us at the beginning of the film this proves impossible as the film rolls on as a pale imitation of Robin Hood 2s of Years Gone by at least visual are a few attempts at Innovation this version of Nottingham looks a bit gritty a bit dark a bit menacing to be honest it's at least a little reminiscent of the Birmingham portrayed in pey blinders also directed by aut baathist not least in its industrial ra Revolution s design but even Hera there's just not enough exploration and explanation to make things tick the narrator informs us that he doesn't know what year the action is set in which is just as well given that the set design is decidedly more contemporary thanan historians suggest the th Century would have looked that W you don't get much context for Nottingham's apparently prolific coal mine is just the beginning of unresolved plot points and story elements that just don't quite gel bst's work on pey blinders is renowned for its slick realism and it does shine through in a few of the many many action scenes but elsewhere Falls flat along with a script that seems partly two Kinto combin genres into something new and partly devoid of new ideas Robin offley Taran ederton is a big man about town until he's dispatched off to fight in the Crusades upon his return He discovers that his home has been lwh High's love Marin Eve Houston has fallen for will Scarlet Jamie Dornan and all of notingham is under the thumb of the evil shriff Ben melon naturally Robin and his Pals have to take back control off their City Robin Hood 2 on the big screen has typically included at least a little bit of Joy think Alan Rickman Sensational sheriff or even Jolly fry or 2 in Disney's cartoon but there's not much to go around here presumably the idea was a grown-up Robin Hood 2 for the modern filmgoer but the result is an action movie with no excitement a love St with little in the way of romance and Epal epic noic is arton is part of the reason it's so disheartening how bad this film is he's Charming funny likable and charismatic deserves so much better than this and the equally dire Kingsmen th action scenes are variously well done the film is over sated with them and there's only so many times you can watch someone slow motion firing arrows through the air before you start stifling YNS Jamie Fox an absurd jna soldier from the Crusades who stows away with Robin to a foreign land and then proceeds to educate Robin Wan's political system and Tim mention Fri tuck are both huge underused while melon's villain aeri isn't really given much to work with and there's lots of pontificating to rooms full of of nodding and Native eser no apparent reason Houston gives it her all as the only named female character in the film though she's clearly there to function as the love interest and not much besides the story off Robin Hood 2 has been told and retold over and over again throughout all forms of media for centuries in the modern harra a have been numerous film and television adaptations of the Legend All of which follow the same basic premise an English Lord who returns from the crew Crusades to find his family house in ruin he then turns to vigilantism armored with a bow and arrow to take from the rich and give to the poor the English folk tale has been passed down since the century though the story dates back as far as the th century and has Enchanted listeners throughout the ages now a new retelling of Robin Hood 2 is hitting theaters with another interpretation of the classic tale Robin Hood modernizes the classic story with some new ideas that don't always work but the tale of an outlaw hero is boy B Taran edan's charm Robin Hood to Follows the young Robin of lley ederton who lives a good life as the Lord of a Manor and who falls in love with Marie Houston when she tries to steal one of the Manor's hes toggy to her neighbor however Robin is drafted to fight in the Crusades and leaves the Manor in Marian's hands after years of fighting in the war Robin breaks when he sees his commanding officer guy of jborn Paul Anderson ordering prisoners be killed seemingly for the fun of it Robin attempts to save one the son of another prisoner but guy puts an arrow in Robin and sends him home to England once he returns he learns the sheriff of nodding in benan seized the lle Mana because Robin was thought dead and Marin was thrown out upon visiting nodding hammerin quickly realizes times are extremely difficult for the commoners as the sheriff is taking all their money for his war tax which ostensibly funds the Crusades Robin also learns that Maran married another man will Jamie Doran when she believed Robin to be dead frustrated by Marin having moved on and enraged by the sheriff's actions rabin's approached by the man whose son he tried to save in the Crusades who goes by John Jamie Fox with John's help and training Robin becomes a local vigilante known as the hood who steals from the sheriff and gives to the commoners all the while keeping pieces the Lord returned from the war to learn more about the sheriff's plans but when Robin and John discover what the sheriff is truly up to they realize they'll have to do most than simple thieving they'll have to SPO K A revolution directed by Auto bathos pinky blinders Black Mirror from a script by newcomers Ben Chandler and David James Kelly Robin Hood 2 will not outdraw comparisons to die Richie King Arthur legend of the swords tanle Robin Hood 2 is a gritty and all modern take on a classic story that focuses much more on style and action than historical accuracy but there's something to be said of the way Robin Hood 2 reflects the particular time in history in which it's being released this is a Robin Hood 2 story that focuses greatly on the fact that the rich in society the upper classes tend to stay in power by stepping on the throats of the lower classes by leak reaching money and resources from those lesser off this Robin Hood 2 is concerned with leading a Evolution that sees the redistribution of wealth in Nottingham those themes get muddled at times in the movie by the Romantic through line with Robin's true motivations for his actions a little and clear but the idea that his vigilantism and his love of Marian are inexplicably linked works for the most part as long as the viewer doesn't think about it too hard in addition to tapping into the modern unre rest between the glasses in society Robin Hood 2 also brings the FL inspiration book superheroes full circle by delivering a compelling vigilante origin story given the popularity of superheroes in Hollywood over the last iate movie erors have seen a great deal of origin stories play out on Robin Hood follows that formula to the letter that means Robin Hood 2 has a training montage Editon gets the requisite of shedless hero scene and the movie plays up his dual identities of course wild Robin Hood 2 is one of the oldest vigilante Stories the fact that BOS movie clearly takes inspiration from Modern superhero films may not work for all fans of the outlaw Watcher but for those who have wanted Marvel Studios to release a Hawkeye movie or DC to do a green arrow movie bathos Robin Hood to provides realistic archery action that puts what we've seen from Superhero archers to shame admittedly they there are moments in the second act where the action gets a bit lost in Ba's directing but thual archery is skillfully showcased it all comes together in Robin Hood 2 as superhero movie some fans have been waiting for that's not to say there aren't weak moments in the script which veers into ham fisting the movie's message into the dialogue or contriving scenes to move the story forward but these are counteracted with the performances of the films leads ederton easily has enough charm and Charisma too off the various sides of Robin needed for this movie to work he can play the lovic man the outlaw Archer and the pompous Lord though he struggles a bit with that last one largely because he's actually too Charming to come off pompus and because it's clear Robin is meant to have trouble with that role as well Editon also has an exceptionally strong Supporting Cast with Fox as the mentor to Robin and melon as the foil enemy of Robin their performed performances are equally as charismatic as Editon helping to elevate theil further Houston is given more to do as Maran than other actresses who hate portray the character and she excels in the role the main cast is rounded out well by Doran and Tim mention as Fri talk but they aren't given quite as much to work with in the script ultimately Robin Hood 2 is a fun if not altogether necessary reimagining of the classic story that Taps into modern themes about masses is rising up to hold those in power accountable for their actions these themes strike a very important chord for our current moment in history but Robin Hood 2 also finds a balance between those themes and giving theat law vigilante a compelling origin story that fits right in with the super Blockbusters super popular in hollywoodhood to a little too closely to the origin formula of superh hero movies especially since movie agers have seen so many in the last decade the third act takes the [Music] storp Movie experience with enough new ideas to set it apart from past adaptations off folk tale some cool archery action when a Charming as hell lead in edon's year has seen a small handful of movies as bad as autobath revisionist knew Robin Hood 2 but none off them not mile nor the hardtime murders nor even denish dua's death ofation have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing else this accidentally hilarious goofy train wreck of an origin story most definitely haste the courage of its convictions alas the film isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions are dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them up in the first place this year has seen a small handful of movies as bad as autobath is revisionist new Robinhood too but none of them not my nor the heart time murders nor even denish doa's death of a Nation have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing andel's this accidentally hilarious goofy train wreck of an origin story most definitely has the courage of its convictions alas the film isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions say dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them up in the first place brace yourselves for an modern but not modernized retelling of a really old myth that opens with a voice over instructing viewers to forget history forget what you believe forget what you know before launching into a w a blockbuster so derivative that other directors should receive its residuals G your loins for misguided attempt topper fit off the public domain that takes its one big idea what if we marketed th Century Class Warfare Tom Millennials and leans into it so hard that the movie starts to feel less like Robin Hood 2 than it does a castr driverdo it's always fun to watch a Shameless product off capitalist Machinery try and sell itself on socialist ideals Robin Hood 2 is ridicula as from the moment it begins though the Charisma of its cast past and the absurdity of its action are in ort to sustain interest for a while the first thing you have to realize about this new Riff on an ageold hero is th is basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backstory par for the course in a movie where everything could be described as basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backster played by Kingsman star Taran ederton a talented actor whose cocky mischievousness the film mistakes for Annex character young Robin is the most eligible bachelor in the entire kingom loaded orphan who lives in a giant keep above a mining town Robin spends his time dressing up as a thief and perfecting his Assassin's Creed cosplay as he skull around the local barns do Rob from the rich and give to the poor unclear he mostly seems interested in stealing Hearts Marans most of all Eve Houston as Anonymous here as she was exceptional on the Nick alas right after things get romantic Robin receives a draft notice for the Crusades literal so meon Nails a piece of paper onto his door that says draft notice in big letters which would feel wrong even if it was how people became Crusaders which it most definitely was not it's the first of many regrettable instances in which BST a capable lad known for directing the pilot of Black Mirror anies in one of py blinders tries to superimpose a modern gloss over medieval times when Robin's unit leaves Gotham and gets ambushed by archers in the desert BSD shoots the action like it's an incoherent deleted scene from American Sniper arrows tear through thean like bullets as the English fighter has Scramble for cover in a shaky can Massacre the Iraq War parallels subus that you have expect Robin to complain that he was sent into battle without an exit strategy to that and perhaps it's appropriate that the special effects look like there from this year has seen a small handful UL movies as bad as aob BST revisionist knew Robin Hood too but none of them not M nor the Hat Time murders nor even denish du's death of a Nation ha been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing else this accidentally hilarious goofy train duw walk make off an origin story most definitely has the courage of its convictions a last the is isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions are dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them you in the first place brace yourselves for an edgy modern but not modernized riddling of a really old myth that opens with a voiceover instructing viewers to forget history forget what do you believe forget what you know before launching into a wannabe Blockbuster so derivative that other directors should receive its residuals G your loins for a misguided attempt to profit off the public domain and that takes its one big idea what if we mark marketed th Century Class Warfare to Millennials anons into it so hard that the movie starts to feel less like Robin Hood 2 than it does a castrated Riverdale spin offer Bernie Bros its owl ways fun to watch a Shameless product of capitalist Machinery try and sell itself on socialist ideals Robin Hood 2 is ridiculous from the moment it begins though the Charisma of its cast and the absurdity of its action are enough to sustain interest for a while the first thing you have to realize about this new Riff on an age-old hero is that he's basically just Batman minus any of the compelling back story par for the course in a movie where everything could be described as basically just Batman miny of the compelling backstory played by Kingsman star Taran ederton adelent actor whose cocky mischievousness the film mistakes for an actual character young Robin is the most eligible B bachelor in the entire Kingdom A- loaded orphan who lives in a giant keep above a mining town Robin spends his time dressing up as a thief and perfecting his Assassin's Creed cosplay as he skulls around the local barns does he rob from the rich and give to the poor unclear he mostly seems interested in Ste stealing Hearts Marin most of all Eve Houston as Anonymous here as she was exceptional on the Nala's right after things get romantic Robin receives a draft notice for the Crusades someone Nails a piece of papers onto his door no which would feel wrong even if it was how people became Crusaders which it most definitely was not it's the first of many regrettable instances ey and which bore a capable lad known for directing the pilot of Black Mirror and sees in one of peaky Blinder strees to superimpose a modern gloss over med times when Robin unit L Gotham and gets ambushed by archers in the desert BST shoots the action like it's an incoherent deleted scene from American Sniper arrows tear through the sand like bullets as the English Fighters Scramble for cover in a shakam massacre the Iraq War parallels so obvious that you half expect Robin Tain that he was sent into battle without an exit strategy to that end perhaps it's appropriate that the special effects look like they're from the idea of course is that time is a flat circle and the powerful will always Prey Upon the dispossessed unless someone Rises up to even the score the same thinking has underpinned several other films baz lumens the great gats becomes to mind as a recent example but here it feels silly and strained think andly get worse after Robin returns to England with a stowaway in the hold of his ship a sahin fighter Jamie Fox in had a spirting Magicka L black Mentor Ro whose son Robin had tried to save fron secution Marin thinking Robin died in the Crusades has taken up a job at feine where she feeds the laborers while wearing full mascara and a series of leather jackets that she appears to ha St stolen from the set of Gossip Girl her only memorable line a stolen quote from a first century Jewish scholar is that because screenwriters Ben Chandler and ofid James Kelly couldn't be bothered to write their own generic pepper talks or is it a knowing illustration to how past can wrap around the present let's generously say that it's both and then there are the men in Marin's lie the first up is a two-faced new crush played be Jamie Doran and the only thing you need to know about his character is that naming him Harvey Dent would ha violated copyright law meanwhile the sniveling and corrupt Sheriff of Nottingham Ben Millan acting with a bumper Lanes up is up to no good conspiring with the Catholic church and against the common people while fearmongering about foreign Caravans in Arabia and the law and order here heox it's enough to remind you how much scarier Donald Trump might be if he wear a dashing middle-aged man who could actually string a few sentences together without embarrassing the entire human race naturally just a few training montages later Robin becomes the leader off the hash resistance he calls himself the the hood and inspires the underclass to rise up by shooting a volley of arrows that everything that moves edan's archery skills are Mighty impressive but they're augmented by chintzy effects and obscured by set pieces so erratic that it's hard to understand when they began let alone why they're happening even for viewers receptive to the m Ridiculousness atw work Robin Hood 2 is too messy to enjoy there's nothing wrong with a fury horse through mind and a long way why over by the time y can even tell it's underway there's no flow to the combat no sense behind the stunts and no reason to invest in any of the empty noise around them Robin Hood 2o just struges between boredom and absurdity so fast that it starts constantly providing both at once by the time melon threatens to boil someone in their own piss you'll be too bored to care if he actually follows through spoiler alert he doesn't there's unmistakable relevance to any story that reiterates how those in power the wide establishment need to be at the Forefront of the fight for change of soman in the movie says what we are born into is not always who we are I fly this anti-establishment action SEO weren't so totally in love with the establishment claims to despise ion it was so desperate to be the foundation of the Cinematic Universe that it treats little JN meeting frier tuck to mention like they're in the post-credit scene of a Marvel movie like you're supposed to get a chill down your spine at the sight of a homicidal Mo befriending a manic clergyman chandel and Kelly go to incredible lengths to set up a sequel but even more incredible is how the film genuinely seems to believe that people might want to see where this story goes next British nobleman who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor is now so so iconic and so familiar fat any filmer ker who wants to spend exorbitant amounts of money to tell it again had better at least try to contribute something new to the character's Legacy auto BF first new rendition starring Taran Editon kingsman the Golden Circle as the title character appears to have taken that challenge and thrown it to th e ground Dan stepped on it a few times just in case this new Robin Hood 2 evokes a few modern storytelling Styles and has a charismatic new cast but offers no interesting perspective on the character of his adventures it may very well be the first Robin Hood 2 movie without an actual point listen the narrator tells us at the beginning forget history forget what you've seen before forget what you know the narrator even claims that he can't tell you what year it was because he simply can't remember it's as though we're being told this story by a high school dropout who's filtering it all through half half-remembered CW superhero shows and he's getting all the good stuff from the first season afro Robin of lley has a pretty good life he's Rich he's powerful he's reasonably beneficent and he's in a long-term relationship with Marin Eve Houston the Nick but his life falls apart when he's conscripted into the Crusades a military conflict half a world away which was one of the most brutal conflicts in world history but which for the purposes of Robin Hood 2 mostly exists to inconvenience him the sooner we win this war Robins Captain shouts the sooner lley gets what he wants to his whole platoon of soldiers if they didn't all seem to like Robin we' probably assume their leader was trying to get Robin knifed in the back but instead they embark on a deadly campaign in the Middle East walking into to a bombed out city with long bows drawn as if that never puts a strain on your arms The Crusade sequence in Robin Hood 2 is probably the film's most interesting part because bar is so eager to drw herles between the Middle Ages and the present that reality falls apart and the enemy winds up firing giant crossb gattling guns it's fair to say that that's probably not how it actually happened but at least it's something we have never seen before Robin winds up nearly getting killed by yah Jamie Fox but then earns yah's respect when Robin tries and fails to save yah's son from from being executed by Robin's own man Robin is sent back home in shame and Yahya isn't far behind but when her returns to England things have changed Robin was declared legally dead yo his house is in shambles and Marian has remarried to Young Union organizer and political up incomer will Tillman Jamie Dornan who's not called will Scarlet yet for reasons the sheriff of Ben melony player one is bleeding in taxes so Robin and y m aren a vigilante campaign to steal all the stolen money and give it to Marin then Maran tells Robin that that's a stupid idea and that he should give it to the poor instead so that's what he does order Bathurst Robin Hood too then proceeds to dip into all the big Robin Hood two bullet points with small heists Big Heist rubbin pretending to be a cat but actually being a hero Marin getting kidnapped you know this drill the film has a decent flare for Action except for Robin's seemingly indestructible HSE sand metal suits of armor that are somehow immune to he but none of the chase scenes or fights have clever ideas behind them so they offer a nothing that other better Robin Hood 2 movies haven't shown us before the design philosophy of this new Robin Hood 2 is almost impossible to make out it's tempting to say that it takes place in arran Fusion of the modern and the medieval since melon's wardrobe seems to consist of designer suits but there's no consistency to the costumes or the production design so instead it comes across as half-hazard and Confused the and life things saving this Robin Hood too from utter pointlessness is the cast all of whom make the most out of very little Taran editin has a natural charm and shifts comfortably between Rish heroism an eyebrow raising smugness melon adds more depth to his sherff offham than the movie arguably requires so that when he Reveals His history of childhood abuse you genuin start to feel bad for him and kind of wish he was the protagonist everyone in Robin Hood too would have been perfectly cast in any other Robin Hood too but this is what we got instead it's a conventional retread with slightly different window dressing and a disappointing sequel tease that plays it more like the season finale swiftly cancel TV is show than the setup for an exciting Blockbuster series the newest film titled simply Robin Hood to this one starring tan Editon as England's favorite socialist Thief isdom dumb one might even say dumb as balls but there's an alchemical quality to its utter hapless stupidity one born of its absolute commitment Toth most insane it is a terrible film yes probably but I know without asin's hesitation that I'd much rather watch this before either the last two serious feature film versions of the Robin Hood two story of spum Robin Hood 2 and S vacuous Robin Hood two prince off thieves or for that matter before a great many other films in the European Middle Ages which is where is suppose we must place this new Robin Hood too on account of it specifically incorporating the Third Crusade Fen it in but this film takes place nowhere in our Earth's history which is part of what's kind of snazzy and marvelous about it it has a Fearless love of completely inexplicable indefensibly chrismo the sword had been more self-confident and less self- serious andalo was made by space aliens considered solely at the surface level beh mostly the same ingredients as those two of and several other versions of the story Robin of Loxley a minor Noble in N aing Hampshire is drawn into the Crusade eering which time his family property is seized returning to England he refashioned himself as an underground fighter against the established power structure initially just to reclaim what's his be eventually he finds himself Swept Away by the moral righteousness of his new work robbing from the rich even as heos is as a particularly snobbish member of the upper class to worm his way back into the community like Prince of Thieves among other modern incarnations of the tales he accomplishes most of this with the help of a displaced more named Yaya Jamie Fox though given the inability of the English to pronounce his name he goes by the translation John the commoner Marin Eve Houston who met Robin when she was trying to steal one of his horses is in love with him fos has taken up with Firebrand revolutionary will Jamie Doran believing Robin to have died meanwhile it's Sheriff of Nottingham Ben melon plots with a corrupt Cardinal from Rome F Murray Abraham to continue defrauding notingham miners working quite undetected by the English king whose presence is only Jew since glancing glenc at any point mostly the same ingredients and the second the film trees to apply them they descend into chaos this Robin Hood two presence among other such surprises as a moist little Jan so politically radical will Scarlet an Asher of nodding him forming a religious dictatorship under his personal control a giant found raging molten iron from its severely Gothic that feels more like a stage from a final fantasy gain than anything typically imagined in medieval England it also includes multiple explosions both the usual kind usual and the odd tendency of of arrows which which when fired into almost any surface land with a thick po noise and geysers of dust and a bris flying up from them that's all without so much as touching on the incredibly insane design mentality in both the costumes by Julian day and sets by Jen and Vincent puos which perhaps started England sometime in the century prior to but absolutely do not end there there's a sort of oldfashioned futurism in the costumes which are sleek and gray and all made up of sharp lines and I don't even know how to describe the sets other than to reiterate that they're more like video game levels than any space in the history of the real world at any point this is decidedly all inspiring gliderol and I confess only slightly to my shame that I devoured all of it fil is committed is the thing and it demonstrates that fact very early honorin sojourn in the holy land is filmed exactly in the fashion of a s Iraq war movie with bows on the superficially replacing assault rifles the same tense medium shots of people darting down beige alleys with the camera darting up and around to look for the same snipers and ambushes the same ragged handheld cinematography and IAT the same explosions as bullets ricochet off Stone buildings only the bullets are in this case arrows it's so preposterously wrong that it swings all the way back to right I'm in why not film medieval warfare in the style of amid and combat film it's not like the film spends even a fraction of a second lying about its intentions and completely unrestrained anachronisms setting a period piece in a completely imaginary time frame is a bolder aesthetic Choice than many other films if baz lumon liked war movies more than musicals I can absolutely imagine him making something like this good or Badin Hood 2 is above all things sincere maybe even terrifyingly so it believe us in its fantasy nightmare setting and its Ultra contemporary attitude which among other things enables Editon to give his loosest most charismatic performance to date just the same as it believes in its indeterminate politics it's a let's retrofit the legend for the kids movie and it's not shy about its Fast and Furious action and attitude makeover Tendencies the battle scenes fought with bows and arrows really are battles in which the arrows land with a force of bullets destroying on contact the Cy's all fresh-faced youth Idol sexiness as Taran ederton from the kingsman films playing the sort of boy band Robin Hood to a high schooler might hang a poster of in her bedroom Eve Houston who you heard it here first has the stuff to be a major movie star more on that in a moment as a supremely sensual anped Maran who takes her commands from no man and Jamie Dornan from the Shades of Gray films as Marin's Earnest scraggle bearded boyfriend you know a movie is about pretty people when Jamie Dornan is cast as the unsexy boring guy Bion that the movie treats Robin Hood 2 as a th century Dark Knight a Mist anger known as the hood with Robin of lley as his Bruce Wayne alter agaat duality of course is built into the legend but it plays here as a knowing knockoff of superhero culture with masses of poor folk Robin is fighting for are like something out of a Yad dystopia living in the dark squalled midst of the minds they toil at each day and in case that isn't enough for youth movie is an origin story none of the new Robin Hood 2 takes place in Sherwood Forest it set in the castle corridors and teeming streets of notingham a vast medieval village where Robin and arist ocrat who returns after fighting for the British in Arabia learns that Family Estate has been seized by the dastardly Ren also loses his squeeze Moran who was told by the sheriff that he was killed in battle that's why she's now with Doran while the movie is about how a broken dude turns himself into a freedom fighter but go ah had object all you want to this impure leeching after youth degradation of a legend Robin Hood 2 is no classic but if it sometimes seems like it's trying to be boss Lumen Robin Hood two more power to it the movie is a diverting live wire live one that for my money gets closer to the spirit of what Robin Hood 2 is about than the loggy Kevin Cena version or the Dismal Russell Crow version that both those films in different ways so failed to conjure the devil make hair lighter than air rambunctiousness of the Robin Hood to Saga may be a sign that it's finally time to stop telling this story with the same old tropes it's not as if anyon will ever match the The Adventures of Robin Hood to anyway in fat madly colorful swash Butler Errol Flynn had the Majestic mirth an Airy pluck oer leaping Rascal guard and his Spirit was contagious for some reason Cosner and pro both played Robin Hood 2 by tring on the glum the new Robin Hood 2 at least brushes up against the heart of the story The Dashing flippancy of a valorous Outlaw and the D wi that unfolds between and the plays Robin with a twinkle and he's especially good when Robin of lle posing as the sheriff's Ally plays mind games with him he's like a debonaire climber who knows how to exploit his his weakness and the sheriff gives him plenty to is nothing sure to us downtown fop a neatly parted haircut out of the S and he speaks with a slight lisp of anger turning the sheriff in tone arrestingly logical fascist with a backstory of childhood pain that morphs s too convincingly into adult sadism melon is all icy control until H starts fulminating at which point you can't take your eyes off him the director aob BST who has worked in series television this is his first feature knows how to deliver the lavishly staged action Goods but he also do face offs on on a human scale characters we know pop up here and there like tuck Tim minen who is still tacking confessionals in church and is all sheepish long-haired Millennial self-doubt so do actors like f Mir Abraham who has a delectable time as the Cardinal Who's In Cahoots with a Sher of Abraham's scowling satire of religious hypocrisy is just pointed enough to give off a glimmer of timeliness as for Jamie Fox he's a bellof magnetic energy as Jay and the proud Arabian who loses his hand and son in the Crusades then stows away on Robin's military ship and forms a mutually beneficial Bond within Fox brings Hines a raw Fury that ignites the movie and then of course there's Marin eveon who is Bono's daughter has a romantic presence expressed through a Timeless gaze she holds the screen with a kind of of electrifying Radiance you're either born with or you're not she Roots this youth Rabel Rouser in something recognizably heartfelt making a stirring case for the people to join Robin's cause yet beyond that house and simply has it at the end the film nods toward a sequel set presumably Inwood Forest with a pretty damn good Twist of villainy and the presence of an actress like Houston is one reason you actually want to see it the title of this film doesn't really leave much to the imagination it's another one off those that seem to be becoming increasingly frequent in 2 is clearly a pretty old tale and it's not even new or underdeveloped in cinema Robin of loley has been played by everyone from arolyn and Kevin Cosner to a cartoon FKS and whe all schools as to smid familiar with ma Maron and the villain a Sheriff of Nottingham so it follows that the only logical reason to turn to the quintessential philanthropic Thief is if you've got a spectacularly Innovative new take on it perhaps an upro Ledic turn or a socially motivated Caper or even just a gripping Thriller sadly this iteration of Robin Hood 2 isn't much of any of those forget what you think you know the narrator begs us at the beginning of the film this proves impossible as the film rolls on as a pale imitation of Robin Hood 2s of Years Gone by as at least visually there are a few attempts at Innovation this version of Nottingham looks a bit gritty a bit dark a bit menacing to be honest it's at least a little reminiscent of the Birmingham portrayed in p blinders also directed by Auto baath not least in its Industrial Revolution as design but even here there's just not enough exploration and explanation toic things tick the narrator informs us that he doesn't know what year the action is set in which is is just a swell given that the set design is decidedly more contemporary than historians suggest the th Century would have looked that we don't get context for apparently PR KN is just the beginning off unresolved plot points and story elements that just don't quite jail be dst's work on peaky blinders is renowned for its slick realism and it does shine through in a few of the many many action scenes but elsewhere Falls flat along with the rpt that seems partly too Keen top combine genres into something new and partly devoid of new ideas Robin offly Taran Editon is a big man about town until he's dispatched off to fight in the Crusades upon his return He discovers that his home has been luted his love Marin Eve Houston has fallen for will Scarlet Jamie Dornan and all of notingham is under the thumb of thievil sheriff Ben melon naturally Robin and his Pals have to take back back control of their City Robin Hood 2 on the big screen has typically included at least a little bit of Joy think alen rickman's Sensational sheriff or even Jolly frier tuck in Disney's cartoon but there's not much to go around here presumably the idea was a grown-up Robin Hood for the modern filmgoer but the result is an action movie with no excitement a love story with little in the way of romance and an historical epic that's no more epic than it is historical Taran Editon is part of their arson it's so disheartening how bad this film is he Charming funny lickable and charismatic he deserves so much better than this and the equally dire Kingsman too though action scenes AR variously well done the film is oversaturated with them and there's only so many times you can watch someone SL motion firing arrows through the air before you start stifling yon's Jamie Fox and absur and a soldier from the Crusades who stows away with Robin to a foreign land and then proceeds to educate Robin on England's political system and Tim mention frier tuck arabo hugely underused while melon's villainous Sheriff isn't really given much to work with and there's lots off pontificating to rooms full of notingham natives for no apparent reason Houston gives it her all as thean Li named female character in the film though she's clearly there to function as the love interest and not much besides the story of Robin Hood 2 has been told and over and over all forms of media for centuries in the modern era there have been numerous film and television adaptations of the legend HS of which follow the same basic premise of an English L who returns from the trades to find his family has he then a Vigilant is with a B [Music] [Music] and Ted listeners throughout the ages know a new retelling of Robin Hood 2 is hitting theaters with another interpretation of the classic tale Robin Hood modernizes the classic story with some new ideas that don't always work but the tale of an outlaw hero is boyed be Taran edan's charm Robin Hood to Follows the young Robin of lley Editon who lives a good life as the Lord of a mana and who falls in love with Mary at Eve Houston when she tries to steal one of the Manor's hes togive to her neighbor however Robin is drafted to fight in the Crusades and leaves the Manor in Marian's hands after years of fighting in the war Robin breaks when he sees his commanding officer guy of jborn Paul Anderson ordering prisoners be killed seemingly for the fun of it Robin attempts to save one the son of another prisoner but guy puts an arrow in Robin and sends him home to England once he returns hels the sheriff of nodding ham Ben melon seized the lofly matter because Robin was thought dead and Marin was thrown out upon on visiting Nottingham Robin quickly realizes times are extremely difficult for the commoners as the sheriff is taking all their money for his war tax which ens once prad and also learns thator when she believed Robin T Obby dead frustrated by Marin having moved on anden rage by the sheriff's actions Robin his approach by the man whose son he tried to save in the Crusades who goes be John Jamie Fox with Jay's help and training Robin becomes a local Vigilant known as the hood who steals from the sheriff and gives to the commoners all the while keeping up appearances as the Lord of Loxley returned from the war to learn more about the sheriff's plans but when Robin and John discover what the sheriff is trtr up to they realize they'll have to do more than simple thieving they'll have to spark a revolution directed by autobath pea Blinder Black Mirror from a script by newcomers Ben Chandler and David jamesly Robin Hood 2 will no doubt draw comparisons to guy Richie's King Arthur legend of the sword certainly Robin Hood 2 is a greedier more modern take on a classic story that focuses much more on style and action than historical accuracy but there's something to be said of the way Robin Hood 2 reflects the particular time in history in which it's being released this is a Robin Hood 2 story that focuses greatly on the fact that the rich in society the upper classes tend to stay on the thr lower classes by leeching money and resources from those lesser off this Robin Hood 2 is concerned with leading a revolution that sees the redistribution of wealth in nodding him those themes get muddled at times in the movie by the Romantic through line with Robin's true motivations for his actions a little and clear but the idea that his vigilantism and his love of Marin are inexplicably linked works for the most part as long as the viewer doesn't think about it too hard in addition to tapping into the modern unrest between the glasses in society Robin Hood 2 also brings the folk characters inspiration of comic book superheroes full circle by delivering a compelling vigilante origin story given the popular IDE of superheroes in Hollywood over the last decade movie aor have seen a great deal of origin stories play out and Robin Hood follows that formula to the letter that means Robin Hood 2 has a train Montage ederton gets the requisite of shirtless hero scene and the movie plays up his dual identities of course wild Robin Hood 2 is one of the oldest vigilanti Stories the fact that BST movie clearly takes inspiration from Modern superhero films may not work for all all fans Archer for those who hate Studio release a Hawkeye movie or DC to do a green arrow movie bsd's Robin Hood 2 provides realistic archery action that puts what we've seen from Superhero Arch to shame admittedly there summons and second act where the action gets the act all comes together in Robinhood too as the superhero movie some fans have been waiting for that's not to say there aren't weak moments in the script which veers into ham fisting the movie's message into the dialogue or contriving scenes to move the story forward but these are counteracted with the performances of the films leads edat tonis has enough charm and Charisma to pull off the various sides of Robin needed for this movie to work he can play the Lovick man The Outlaw Archer and the pompus Lord though he struggles a bit with that last one largely BOS is actually too Charming to come off pompus and because it's clear Robin is meant to have trouble with that role aswell ederton also has an exceptionally strong Supporting Cast with Fox as demor to Robin and melon as the foil enemy of Robin their performances arqui as charismatic as Editon helping to elevate the film further hon is given more to do as Marian than other actresses who have portrayed the character and she excels in the role of main cast is RO under doubt well by Doran and Tim Min as Fri tuck but the aren't given quite as much to work with in the script ultimately Robin Hood 2 is a fun if not altogether necessary reimagining of the classic story that Taps into modern themes about the masses rising up to hold those in power accountable for their actions these themes strike a very important chord for a current moment in history but Robin Hood 2 also finds a balance between those themes and giving Outlaw vigilante acing origin story that fits right in with the superhero Blockbusters so popular in Hollywood Robin Hood 2 perhaps SS a little too closely to the origin formula of superhero movies especially since movie ow have seen somon in the last decade but the third act takes the story in a different direction although there are moments when the script and directing struggle to deliver a blockbuster worthy of ox so that this movie isn't quite worth seeing in a Max the performances of the cast help smooth out the rough edges Al Toge the Robin Hood 2 is an entertaining Movie experience with enough new ideas to set it apart from past adaptations of the folk tal some cool archery action and a Charming as hell lead in Editon this year has seen a small handful off mues as bad as Auto Bathurst revisionist knew Robin Hood 2 but none often not my nor the hardtime murders nor even D Do's death of Antion have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing else this accidentally hilarious goofy train wreck of an origin story most definitely haste courage of its convictions alas the film isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions are dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them up in the first place this year has seen a small handful of movies as bad as Auto BS revisionist new Robin Hood to but none of them not mile nor te the have time murders nor even denish DOA death of a Nation have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing else this accidentally hilarious Goofer train wreck of an origin story most definitely has the courage of its convictions allas the film isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions are dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them up in the first place brace yourselves for an edgy modern but not modernized relling of a really old myth that opens with a voice over instructing viewers to forget history forget what you believe forget what you know before launching into a w to Blockbuster so derivative that other directors should receive its residuals G your loins for a misguided attempt to profit off the public domain that takes its one big idea what if we marketed th Century Class Warfare Tom Millennials and leans into it so hard that the movie starts to feel less like Robin Hood 2 than it does a castrate driverdo for Bernie Bros it's always fun to watch a Shameless product off capitalist Machinery try and sell itself on socialist ideals Robin Hood 2 is ridiculous from the moment it begin begins though the Charisma of its cast and the absurdity of its action were enough to sustain interest the thing you to new Riff on an age old hero is that he's basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backstory power for the course in a movie where everything could be described as basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backstory played be Kingsman star Taran Editon a talented actor whose cocky mischievousness the film mistakes for an actual character young Robbins is the most eligible bachelor in the entire Kingdom loaded orphan who lives in a giant keep above a mining town Robin spends his time dressing up as a thief and perfecting his Assassin's Creed cosplay as he skulks around the local Barnes Dosh Rob from the rich and give to the poor unclear he mostly seems interested in stealing Hearts Marans most of all leave Houston as Anonymous here as she was exceptional on the Nick alas right after things get romantic Robin receives a draft notice for the Crusade us literally someone Nails a piece of paper onto his door that says draft notice in big letters which would feel wrong even if it was how people became Crusaders which it most definitely was not its the first of many regrettable instances in which bstd a capable lad known for directing the pilot of Black Mirror and season one of Pik bers tries to superose mod or many and Robin's unit leaves Gotham and gets ambushed by archers in the desert BST shoots the action like it's an incoherent deleted scene from American Sniper arrows tear through thesan like bullets as the English Fighters Scramble for cover in a shaky cam Massacre the Iraq War parallel suas that you have expect Robin to complain that he was sent into battle without an exit strategy to that and perhaps it's appropriate that the special effects look like there from this year has seen a small handful of movies as bad as autobath first revisionist knew Robin Hood 2 but none of them not mile nor the half time murders nor even dinish du's death ofation have been more in denial of their own Badness if nothing else this accidentally hilarious goofy train wreck of an origin story most definitely haste courage of its convictions alas the film isn't smart enough to recognize that its convictions are dumb and it doesn't have the goods to back them up in the first place brace yourselves foreign edgy modern but not modernized retelling of a really old myth that opens with a voiceover instructing viewers to forget history forget what you believe forget what you know before launching into a wannabe Blockbuster so derivative that other directors should receive it indidual gour misguided attempt to profit off the public domain that takes its one big idea what if we marketed th centri class Warfare to Millennials and leans into it so hard that the movie starts TOA less like Robin Hood than it does the castra it's Al fun to watch a sh of cat of its cast and the absurdity of its action are enough toss stain interest for a while the first thing you have to realize about this new Riff on an age-old hero is that he's basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backstory power for the course in movie where everything could be described as basically just Batman minus any of the compelling backstory play be Kingsman star Taran Editon a talent Ed actor whose cocky mischievousness the film mistakes for annual character young Robin is the most eligible bachelor in the entire Kinga loaded orphan who lives in a giant keep above a mining town Robin spends his time dressing up as a thief and perfecting his Assassin's Creed cosplay as he skull around the local Barnes Dosh Rob from the rich and give to the poor unclear he mostly seems interested in stealing Hearts Marines most of all leave Houston as Anonymous here as she was exceptional on the Nick alas right after things get romantic Robin receives a draft notice for the Crusade lital aomo Nails a piece of paper onto his door that says draft notice in big letters which would feel wrong even if it was how people became Crusaders which had mostly was noted the first of messy regretable distances [Music]

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