[New Episode] Judy Justice Season 3 🎬 MS Client Sued by Aide 🎬 Judy Justice 2024

case 31-15 Brocket versus Carell all parties please come forward caregiver cyanne Brocket is suing her former client Katherine cillo for unpaid wages verbal assaults and lying to her employer Miss Brocket it's your claim that the defendant owes you money because she refuses to sign a time card for you and your vocation is you are a home health aid paid by the state how long have you had a home health aid since 2018 I believe that you indicated in your answer that you have MS yes I do how long have you had Ms since I was 42 I was diagnosed with it how old are you now 65 a while long time I walk to keep it try to keep my strength and muscles going in my legs good for you yeah how long have you had the home health aid the service was provided to me by um disability through Social Security and that was since 2018 and when did the plaintiff take you on as a client from February 23rd to March 24th when I terminated her and which time cards of hers cuz you have to sign a time card correct I get an email that says a time sheet has been submitted by cion Brockett so the first two weeks I approved which I even did with hesitation because she wasn't doing the work that she was hired to do but you signed it it's electronic signature okay but you didn't fire her after two weeks because she kept promising that she would make up the hours to me how many hours a day was she supposed to spend it was five hours a day five days a week and she would come and sit down on my sofa and she would start texting and receiving phone calls and talking and then one time she said oh access didn't pick up my mom I got to go I'll make this up to you later and she got up and left don't speak so that was one time that was one time okay and another time she was texting a lot I go there's work that needs to be done that you agreed to do and we need to get it done and she goes oh I'm having a birthday party for my niece and she showed me a picture on her phone of a cake with the Chanel the two C's on it and she goes I'm paying for this for my niece I got a lot of planning to do for her party so I have to go and I said but what about the work that needs to be done she goes why could always come on the weekend and do it so she never did do the hours okay so that's two times out of two weeks and that's Monday through Friday yes well that's the first two weeks what happened in the second two weeks well I had to go to the pharmacy and I said I needed to pick up my medication and then I went into Pharmacy to get my medication she stayed in the car and I went and got back in the car and she came and dropped me off she said she had to go to her next client and I said it hasn't even been 45 minutes and she said yeah well I'll I'll be back tomorrow and then she didn't come back the next day and I was calling her and calling her and she didn't even answer her phone okay Giver cyan Brockett claims her former clients Katherine cillo owes for unpaid wages now what time is she due at your house she was supposed to be there at 9:00 from 9 to 2 is that correct that is correct are you telling me that you always got there at 9: yes I am every day that you were there every day until March 24th when she asked me to come at 9:30 which was a Friday why did she say to come at 9:30 because her and her friends were going to walk at Apollo Park and that she wanted to exercise and be with her friends so instead of coming at 9ine could I come at 9:30 do you remember that I remember that conversation and that particular instance but I did not ask her to come at 9:30 because my friend would leave to go for her walk at Apollo park with some other friends at 6:00 in the morning so I was going to be back at 9:00 and I even told her I would be back at 9:00 and I was back before 9:00 and she never came at 9:00 what time did she come at 9:30 I was still waiting for her and then I got a call from her I guess it was about 9:45 and she said that she came and she had been been there and she waited over a half hour for me and then she left and I asked her why did you leave when you're supposed to be with me 5 hours a day anyways and I told her I was back and she told me that I wasn't back and I was did she have access to your apartment no she was waiting outside in her car according to her okay and I have text messages to prove it was not 9:00 it was 9:30 and she didn't get back until 10:00 okay if she got back at 10: how far do you live from her house I wasn't even at her house I was at another client's house in the same senior living and she knew that so all she had to do was call me and I would have been at her house on March 24th you say Katherine texted me your first name is Catherine yes and said she was now at home I told her it was not my job to wait around for her right well it is your job if you want to get paid for that day I'm not asking to get just a second so you're not asking to get paid for that day no I'm asking to get paid for the other days that I worked up until that day okay well the 24th but you left on the 24th yes so what days are you asking to get paid for March 16th to March 23rd would you show me a calendar how many days was that during the week the 16th of 2023 would have been a Thursday Thursday so so the 16 17 so that's 2 days the 20th would have been Monday the 21st Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 20 3D Thursday 6 days you were asking to get paid for six days yes which you were actually present I was actually present and working now the first two weeks you've described to me two events that happened within the first two weeks in the second two weeks that she worked for you and we're really talking about six days only in the next two weeks because that's all the days that she actually worked do you specific days that she wasn't there she's saying she was there and she never did any of the work that she was hired to do well that's a different story then you should have fired her but if she was there she was there when she was there she was talking on the phone and well that's okay I mean a li yeah yeah but she was at your house talking on the phone yes okay now show me how much you were paid per hour at that time we were paid 1725 per hour as of January 1st we got a raise to $ an hour 1725 is what you were earning at the time you worked for her yes ma'am all righty Sarah Rose you have your computer app yeah we're going to do 1725 Time 5 how much 8625 8625 time 6 517.5 5750 okay now punitive damage for malicious Li to employers yes she called IHSS the company that pays us and said that the reason why she refused to on my time sheet was because I left the country okay I exp I'd like to see proof of that I don't have that proof well then you don't get paid for that she also verbally attacked me on May 19th okay so I'd like you to tell me what happened on May 19th on May 19th she caught me outside in gardens 2 which is in the back and not part of her section and up into until this time I had never seen her back there so she was stalking me and found me and she called me a liar a thief and a fraud and a okay and I could not do anything about it and I was embarrassed because she did it in front of my employer your honor that's a complete lie I walk my dog and I have a map here of the complex and I was walking going I do the big circle just tell me what you said to her I didn't say nothing to her she came out and she told me I want my money and I turned around and I said get away from me she goes you're going to pay me you're going to be sorry I'm going to sue you you're going to pay court costs I'm going to make you pay for my attorney I said don't talk to me and get away from me and I kept walking I never stopped I never stalked her okay I also reported the incident to the office where she lives and she has more than one incident I don't know that either that's not true sh I know that she has to give you 5750 because where whether you were useless working for her or not your body was there and if your body was there for 6 days 5 hours a day you're entitled to be paid 5750 judgment for the plaintiff thank you this court is a journ um because I didn't kiss her butt that seems completely crazy considering she never did anything you know I didn't do what she wanted I didn't jump I didn't wait outside my car in the Freez cold risking my health and the demands of uh the job of an inhome support worker is to help with task around the house and she never did any of them so I don't know what was crazy about that never work for her again I think that the defendant was really miraculous she's had Ms for 42 52 6 almost 25 years yeah she walks her dog she walks around the big circle little circle then she really just needs a few extra help with a few F prob a little extra help with moving things cleaning things around the house that's that's it lucky lucky that she lives in a country that has a good government yeah so the car was stolen yes we were separated at the time he knew I was coming back to drive across country CU we were arguing a lot did you have any indication that she was leaving you yes so while she was away for that one week yes her car was stolen yes this is Judy Justice Aaron Dean is suing her ex-husband Dennis Dean for an unpaid car loan and negligence Court come to order all rise have a seat please hello judge case 3122 Dean versus Dean thank you you're welcome Miss Dean it is your claim that the defendant owes you for a car that was stolen as a result of his negligence correct your honor okay so let's start with you and Mr Dean were married for the first time in what month and year July of 2013 you and Mr Dean were then divorced that is correct your honor in what year December 12th 2019 you and Mr Dean were remarried this is correct what month and year October 1st 2022 and you separated again and that marriage was annuled in what year August in 2023 now you purchased a car correct in what month and year October of 2019 while you were married we were separated at the time we were not living together but you were married correct so this automobile was purchased during the course of your first marriage that is correct do you have a copy of your divorce decree yes I do and does that divorce decree award you the automobile yes your honor it does I'd like to take a look at it so you were awarded in the divorce the Jeep Cherokee correct that is correct and then you remarried October of 2022 that's correct your honor the Jeep Cherokee which is the subject of this case was stolen on what date from what Dennis told me that car he realized the car was stolen on December 19th 2022 while you were still married correct now you were remarried in October of 2022 yes and where did you live in Pasadena what address 780 and you both lived there together yes had you lived there before during your first marriage no had you lived there while you were separated yes when you remarried and you were living at 780 was the plain of living with you yes so she moved into your residence yes so far is that correct Miss Dean that's correct your honor and you had no other residents no so you moved into 780 that's correct Mr Dean until what date did Miss Dean live at 780 month and year January of 2023 that is false your just just okay I'm not asking you anything okay January of 2023 and what happened to in January of 2023 sir she moved uh back east east to where uh North Carolina while we were still married okay the car was stolen in December yes December 14th December 14th so several weeks before she left yes tell me the circumstances surrounding the car being stolen first she was going back East yes and she asked you to take her to the airport yes just a second did you drive her to the airport yes I did on what date it was a week prior to the car being stolen which was December 7th 6th or 7th she asked me to take her to Mr Jean M when you took her to the airport what car did you take her with in the Jeep Cherokee did you have another car yes I did why did you take the Cherokee because it was big enough to put all her luggage in so she asked you to yes okay now when you left for the airport where had Mrs Dean spent the night before at our Residence at your residence together yes and what was the reason that she was going back East to visit her friend in Houston before she went to visit her friend and you were living together as a married couple yes had she given you or did you have any indication that she was leaving you yes tell me about that um we had prior uh disagreements as far as where we wanted to live she wanted me to move back East she wanted to have another child which I didn't feel comfortable with um did you have a child together no who has children we both do from prior relationships yes yes okay so you had been arguing yes it was just oh okay you had been arguing the night before she left you were still sharing the same residence yes so you took her to the airport in her Jeep yes at her request because it fit all the luggage and then after you took her to the airport what did you do with the Jeep I parked the Jeep in I gated parking in my residence how long was she away about a week when she was coming home who picked her up at the airport I was supposed to and did you pick her up at the airport no I I did not because uh she said that she wasn't coming back because her car I told her about her car being stolen and then I told her that I once I found out that it was stolen I uh got a police report done so while she was away for that one week yes her car was stolen yes and it was stolen from where under the Gated parking of my residents it was in the Gated parking yes okay do you have a police report yes I do I'd like to see it there it is yes police report okay so the call was stolen that's correct your honor now I got the dates and I got everything and the car was stolen and uh the car was stolen due to his negligence no you say negligence the car was stolen out of a gated area first of all even if it was stolen as a result of his negligence you you don't get your money Dean claims her ex-husband Dennis Dean is responsible for car payments after the vehicle was stolen due to his negligence let me ask you this question I'm going to maybe phrase it differently my husband is trying to be helpful and there's a leak in the faucet in our kitchen that has just been redone MH and I said well I have to call somebody to fix this little leak it's dripping and I don't want it to get any worse and my husband said you don't have to call anybody I have my toolkit right here I'm going to fix it he's a lawyer he doesn't know about Plumbing but he goes under the sink and he Jiggles and jiggles and turns things and there's a flood and it not only floods out the kitchen but it floods the apartment below and I say get out I don't want to know you anymore you're always doing things like this you think my husband's responsible if the house is in my name get out of here can I explain my situation and what happened your honor please you can so now you have about 2 minutes to tell me your theory of the case when he did take me to um the the place I did tell not the place to the airport to the airport I did tell him not to move my vehicle not to drive my vehicle he moved my vehicle because he has an unregistered vehicle that is in uh the previous divorce decree and he uses that vehicle he switches out his plates to drive that vehicle to and from work told I told him not to move my vehicle because I know he likes to move that car so he told the police officers who rides back and forth the street doesn't see it true and when he moved my vehicle he left the keys inside my car my car cannot start without a push start so he took out the the garage the garage opener and the reason why is because they were doing maintenance work at his apartment complex at the time where the gate was left open overnight that's how my car got stolen because the lady who did take my car she had access to get inside of it and the keys were inside my vehicle to where it she was able to steal it think about my husband who I'm fighting with all the time fixing the sink and causing a flood in an apartment or a house that is mine I can't sue him but it sounds to me from what you tell me that you knew he had been playing around with license plates while you were still together that's what you just told me that's what he does no that's not true listen to me sir it may not be true but that's what you just told me sent text messages so it's true that's what you just told me that's correct your honor okay you have no case against him it's it's unfortunate that your car was stolen and it was found I understand but it was found total total total yeah well that's not his fault case is dismissed we're done this court is a Jour I told him not to drive it I to move my car cuz I know that's what he did he did it anyways my car got stolen I didn't leave the key in the car actually I had put it in my bag and took it upstairs but uh she just went with that cuz that's all she had on um I just hope that I'd never have to see him again I just want peace and just be left alone and get back to my regular life can you imagine how the courts would be flooded with lawsuits if married people could sue each other for negligence be more backed up than it is right now oh it would put a complete stop to the justice system yeah anyway I don't even think that in this case he was negligent I mean there was debate as to whether or not he left the keys in the car that could be viewed as a little bit negligent but they were married couple who cohabited together until a couple of days before the car was stolen and the place where he lived evidently which was under construction somebody left the gate open well that's the person who she ought to sue for leaving the gate open which allowed her car to be stolen sure not her husband agreed ridiculous he gave you a dog correct and then then took the dog back stole the dog back yes I object he was just watching the dog for me he had the dog for 4 months feeding it taking it to the vet why would I give him a $110,000 dog I don't give a rat's behind dog is good it's my dog I don't give a rats behind do you understand this is Judy Justice Anthony Williams is suing his family friend Michael Bowers for stealing his French Bulldog Court come to order or rise have a seat please hello judge hello K case 3103 William versus Bowers thank you you're welcome Mr Williams your case is relatively simple one it is your claim that Mr Bowers who you knew gave you a dog correct and then took the dog back stole the dog back yes took the dog back and refuses to return him it's a mail dog yes the defendant says you were just supposed to watch this dog temporarily because he breeds dogs and he and his family were moving and they moved into a place where they couldn't keep dogs but then he could keep dogs and he says right now he doesn't even have the dog whose name is Gizmo because he breeds dogs with a partner and the dog has been at this partner's house for breeding for how long it been a few months now ever since I got the dog back from Anthony you have to know something I know something about dog breeding and I know that a male dog doesn't have to to stay there during the course of an entire breeding of the 63 days that it takes to justatee a puppy cuz I know that you modified your answer and your modified answer to his complaint is I don't even have the dog and I can't interrupt the breeding of the dog which takes months and that's baloney so I want you to know that I know that's baloney yes you're um we was breeding a dog with multiple dogs so we have a boy dog and he had we have three females so he breeding one it was like a process we just kept them together that's why they now you're going to get them back do you understand yes you your friend's name Logan Jean Pierre Sarah's going to find him telephone number I have it in my phone get it get ready Miss Rose oh it's going all right 678 now put the phone down now tell me where he lives because he's your partner so you have to know where he lives in nor Cross Georgia okay Sarah Rose sure would you go give this fellow a call sure and find out what the status of Gizmo is sure okay now I'm coming to you Mr Williams yes so while Sarah's getting that information this is what your case is about according to you we contacted you he said can you take care of this dog do you want this dog we're moving and we can't keep the dog you said yes when did that happen he called me on April the 12th of 20 2023 and you knew the dog what kind of dog is it it's a French Bulldog how much is it weigh I think when it's 28 lbs so that's called a Frenchie they're small dogs they're Frenchy they're small dogs do you have a photograph yes I see it and you knew Mr Bowers how he's a family friend um I'm calling in regards to Michael Bowers and a dog how many dogs did you have on April 12th 2023 I have two dogss that I own myself males or females both of them are males and your partner how many females does he have I don't really know the last time I saw it was two there when was the last time you went over there I was over there a couple of weeks ago cute how old is the dog he's two years old okay when for the first time did Mr Bowers indicate to you that he wanted the dog back he said he wanted the dog back for breeding uh that would have been July but he was only supposed to have the dog for two days just a second so for full four months you had the dog yes ma'am now tell me what happened in July can I go back a little bit before that um the defendant when he delivered the dog to me the dog was in bad condition I had to bathe the dog I had to take him to get his nails cut he had no shots so I had to spend hundreds of dollars taking him to the vet to get a shots and I have the paperwork from the vet I have shots for the dog the dog already had shots before he got there oh I'd like to see that also your honor I got extra shots for the dog uh cuz when I I spoke to the vet for a French Bulldog since they have uh smashed them faces just a just one second you asked Mr Bowers to take Gizmo then because you had the other male how many female dogs do you have these are from 2021 the dog was just born in 2021 that's the last shots that we had those are puppy shots my business partner does the shots himself he does a lot of you know this is not going to farewell for you I don't think not that I'm prejudging okay so tell me what happened so now you took care of the dog cleaned the dog up brought the shots up to date and and uh also he was a two-year-old dog when I got the dog he was not housebroken at all to be a 2-year-old dog okay so it's clear if the dog wasn't housebroken the dog was kept created most of the time is that right yes ma'am okay and the person with whom Sarah is now commiserating on the phone he also keeps the dog created because the dog wasn't house broken yes ma'am that's a yes dog is for business purposes I don't care what the purposes are I just want to know how long this 2-year-old little French bulldog has kept in a crate is what I asked you by the way I have to get some stuff in here so that you understand how business this is you come from Georgia correct yes and we flew you here yes and I assume you want us to fly you back back yes and when you're here you're going to get an appearance fee yes and you want that right yes got and so we're going to listen to whatever I tell you correct yes perfect cuz otherwise you might have to learn to love sunny California so you can earn a bus ticket to go home no got it yes yes you're honor and you know I don't say anything that I don't mean yes your honor so you had the dog for four months and then you called him and what I gather is you wanted the paperwork for the dog well just that's what you said you wanted the paperwork for the dog because you wanted to breed the dog yes and after that call he said to you I want to come over and pick up the dog because I want to breed the dog once more correct and you let him come and take the dog correct he supposed to have him for two days after the two days did you have any communication with him yes um actually the defendant sent me a text message on July the 21st that he wanted to come pick the dog up okay uh he was supposed to have him for two days may I see the messes two days I sent him a text message saying okay are you bringing Gizmo back today oh he had a lot to say okay sit down for one second Sarah Anthony Williams claims his family friend Michael Bowers refuses to return his French Bulldog Gizmo Michael says Anthony watched the dog but never owned him before I read this which clearly says morning Mike that's you yes your Anna you still bringing Gizmo today that's July 23rd and then July 24th he writes again hey Mike you bringing Gizmo today and then you answer him and you say no they probably be done today so I'll bring him tomorrow yes did you bring him no the reason why I didn't bring him is not his dog to bring he was is watching the dog for me okay now let's hear about yeah uh so Logan had a lot to say he is actually the papered owner of Stitch Gizmo yes and they um purchased the dog uh in March of 21 they went 5050 on the price which was $5,000 um they each paid $ 2500 from a friend of Mr Jean Pierre's in New Jersey but said that he was in his care for maybe a week or two the reason that they were asking him to watch the dog is because uh Mr Jean Pierre had five dogs in his home three females and already had one male in the home uh with three females in heat so to have two males in the house would have been a little Rowdy so they had the plaintiff take Gizmo for that period of is that what they told you I've never spoken to this other gentleman that she's spoken about but when I spoke to the defendant go ahead he said that he felt comfortable with the plaintiff taking the dog when the defendant presented it to him seemed like a good enough guy like he would take care of him had a nice house and he is the registered owner yes he said he's the only one he has his last name he's the only one with the AKC papers he believed he forwarded a picture of it to the defendant prior to coming here today fine so from what I gather he has a $2500 investment in this dog M plus whatever shots it was and they've used the dog for breeding oh twice I asked how many they spr him he said twice twice so now I want you to do the following Sarah I'd like you to call him back oh great this is a unique situation because I can't resolve this with a third party would you ask him if he is made financially whole will he agree to allow Mr Williams to take the dog which will be used strictly as a pet you prepared to do that otherwise I may not be able to resolve this sir do you understand that's why I'm so I do want the dog back the only thing is the do you understand which means that you're going to have the dog neutered and he will be a pet yes that that's totally fine okay find out and by financially whole you're referring to the 25 2500 that he said he invested I don't care about him may I say something youor yes if you like give me an order and we go back to Atlanta and I have to pick the dog up I don't trust that the defendant will hand over the dog I just I you're going to get the dog from his partner well you're H I have other teex messages of the defendant promising to bring this dog back to me because you know at this point to see them yes at this point you know I never I'm a dog person and I love the dog I don't believe you sir why would I give him a $10,000 dog that could just give back just a second that don't make I believe so you don't give you give a dog to somebody you say could you watch my dog for a week and you have a partner so if you have a partner and you living situation prevents you from keeping the dog it's going to be for a longer period of time excuse me I have a lease that prevents me from having dogs I don't don't care if you have a lease or something from the pope it makes no difference I believe you that you said you couldn't keep the dog for a while so that means I just give up ownership of the dog because you never had ownership of the dog sir the dog belongs to somebody else yes I do me and me and him co-owns the dog he says that he owns the dog we co-own the door we got a oh good that makes it even easier for me may I have that please that's the business license that we have together yeah you answer his question you Mike you're going to bring Gizmo over you're going to bring him back let me know please you're coming back tomorrow and you finally answer him he is but he is still with my friend right now he going to bring him back soon the dogs just made it and then Friday August 18th he says to you what's up with Gizmo every day he's writing to you what's up with Gizmo when are you coming coming back with him and you say to him Friday August 18th yeah I'm bringing him back before the weekend is over good I miss him how do we do no dog he does not wish to relinquish his rights to the dog he thinks that even if the plff is correct in his more monthly caring for the dog as opposed to what he said which was a few weeks uh nothing compares to the years since March of 21 that this third party has owned the dog and cared for him and made him a part of his family so he's just your honor they don't care for the dog the dog is just left in cages like I said at the time that I got the dog I had to bathe him take him to the vet get his nails cut so let me ask you this question Mr Bowers your partner says the dog has been with him for most of the time between the two of them for most of the time within the partnership of either Mr Bowers or the third party well you can't be house broken in one place and not be house broken in another place either you keep the dog in the cage or you don't e the dog in a cage or a crate me personally when he's with me I don't have him in a cage I don't believe in cage that's not true you just you just told me you did true Whitney can you go back I thought he said when I asked him about crate do you keep the dog in a crate he might sleep in a crate but he's not there all day long the dog wasn't house broken sir the dog was house broken you just taking his is worri for the dog was house broken it was at my house all the time your honor to say something just a minute she at the beginning the word was crate not cage crate he did seem to care for the dog and even when I mentioned the $2,500 and making him whole financially he did not seem to waver in the slightest the plaintiff said he is not housebroken at all to be a 2-year-old dog you said so it's clear that the dog wasn't house broken the dog was kept crated most of the time the defendant said yes ma'am okay perfect Anthony Williams is accusing his family friend Michael Bowers of stealing his French Bulldog Gizmo Michael claims he only asked Anthony to temporarily watch Gizmo Mr Williams yes this is my conundrum I'm prepared to rule today and I'm taking at face value the fact that he and his partner co-own the dog do you understand M I cannot order the partner to relinquish the dog to you I have no control if I had the partner under my jurisdiction if you had in fact sued the partner I may be able to but I can only rule on his ownership of the dog which I am prepared to do today this is the first that I'm hearing about the co thought that right that I assume that this is the first you're hearing about it right and for me I feel like for me to be made whole of course I would want the dog back like I said I don't trust him to giveing it back but I feel like the only way that I can be made whole is for him to pay to get me another dog if I do not get Gizmo back no you're going to be made whole by paying all of your bills for the time that you had the dog because you did that with the understanding from him that the dog was going to be yours so economically you'll be made whole now emotionally if you can't be made whole because you're not going to get the dog back I can't order the dog back from the legal owner but he has to hurt some he don't have any proof that I said he he had he have the door Mr Bowers I think you better quit while you're ahead sir you acknowledge the fact you did that he had the dog for four months do you want me to read that back to you because my leas agreement does not allow me to have dog I don't give a rat's behind about your lease agreement or any of your personal problems do you understand if there was in fact a misunderstanding between the two of you he suffered by treating the dog as his own feeding it taking it to the vet having it groomed and because of your misrepresentation he's going to be made whole now you can make your case to a judge locally where you come from in Georgia why you should have this do but I can't make a decision without having somebody here who is the titled owner of a property now I want you to tell me sir what your vet bills were uh I think you yeah maybe I know that paper you was do anything for because this case was like very emotional I had to take off work from this and I do have paperwork from my doctor um you know so cuz I was worried about the dog the dog is good is my dog that's but he wasn't good when you gave me to me he was up to date with everything he was up to date on shots but I'm looking for something here in your paperwork I have 368 257 your honor and I also have uh paperwork of everything I brought the dog off of uh Amazon his monthly flea and TI everything I have on here must be at least $1,000 there if not more that I've spent okay well I'm adding up the vet bills now vet bills now also total very close to $1,000 can I say one other thing you you know even if I was not to get Gizmo back I still would want control to go over to this address because the that's very very easy sir the defendant showed me videos of the conditions that the dog are standing in and when I see indidual they were cages in someone's garage of dog stacked on each other so they're not taking care why wouldn't you do that before I I didn't know they address they'll do that okay once you get animal control Sarah will be more than happy to get on and indicate to animal control that in addition to you I would like to see your report okay if Animal Control control takes any of these dogs what I am going to indicate is that the American Kennel Club should add your name as co-owner of the dog that will prevent his partner hopefully that I've made this adjudication your name is to be added as co-owner which means he can't sell these puppies without your permission do you understand tell that to your partner do you understand yes your honor perfect in any event we're going to issue that order to the American Kennel Club if that's where they're registered I'm awarding you $2500 in your lawsuit against the plaintiff which covers all of your expenses and $500 for your aggravation and bringing you here it is absolutely appalling to me when I have a vision of these adorable little creatures that have no life at all except to breed and I kept in such a way if it's true that is so cruel and unkind all for the purpose of a buck yes very very sad to me and I will do anything in my power to make uncomfortable a person who has chosen to do this as a business yes ma'am and not taken care of their creatures appropriately so that's my judgment and then I leave it to you what you do in Georgia to see if you can get Gizmo home okay thank you okay good his court is a journ I feel like it's strictly a business them they don't care about the do it was just about the money it was business on my end and it was pets as well but we bought it for business but then we fell in love with the dog so that's what happened the dog needed to not be crated um he just needed to be loved A family and trained and well taken care of and the most important thing is not sitting in a cage all day dog is not neglected he don't have no proof of that he just have he say she say he never even been there well I'm glad that judge Julie saw through his lies and all the mess I'm happy that I brought the case Judge Judy and I'm satisfied with the verdict I hope is it all works out what I would hope happens as a result of my ruling today happens which would be that the American Kennel Club would add the plaintiff's name as owner of the dog because as between the plaintiff and the defendant I believe that the defendant led the plaintiff to believe that this dog was he was giving him the dog because he couldn't take care of it anymore because of his lease sure so as between the two of them the people that we had here today I believe that the defendant gave up his interest in the dog so I've just taken away from the defendant today any issue that he has no rights in to this dog in a business okay now hopefully the AKC will do what want him to do who knows things may get interesting when they all Return To Georgia yeah we shall see Cecilia Morrow is suing her ex-boyfriend s Rodriguez for stolen property and assault Court come to order all rise have a seat please hello judge case 310 Moro versus Rodriguez thank you you're welcome miss morau you and Mr Rodriguez met you began a friendship could you give the dog to your witness please you met the defendant at your place where you were both working became friends shortly thereafter you began dating and in May of last year you moved in together yes did you move in to your apartment to his apartment or was it an apartment that you got together as a couple yes we got it together who was on the lease it was both of us in October of the same year four five months later you broke up yes and your lawsuit is about what happened at the breakup and as a result of the breakup according to your complaint in October the day that you in fact broke up you had a fight with Mr Rodriguez he put his hands on you he assaulted you you left the house and when you left the house you left and went and stayed with your parents yes you claim that Mr Rodriguez has some property that belongs to you yes in the house and that the assault that took place was serious enough that you should be compensated for it despite the fact that there was no police involvement in this correct yes ma'am and there were no hospital records or no doctor's records yes ma'am because you didn't go to the hospital or seek any medical care correct yes okay the defendant says that there was an argument you did in fact break up after you broke up you came to his house and there was an argument and you did in fact assault him he denies that he assaulted you at all at the beginning of October when you broke up and he says that when you left you agreed that he could keep the two corgis that you had together in the apartment this is one of them and that was in October and sometime in December this is his complaint you called and said could you take the dogs for two days he said okay because there was a threat and you haven't returned the dogs he would like the corgis back correct correct now this is one of the corgis where's the other he was too big to fit on the plane he's uh he's at home okay so when were the corgis purchased her I got of March of last year and the other one chip I got in June of last year so you had one when you and the defendant moved in together yes is that correct correct is this the one you had when you moved in together yes so all the dogs were purchased after you live together yes who were the dogs purchased from her I got from Petland in Frisco and the boy I he found on Craigslist he found the dog cuz you wanted a second dog yes who paid for the dog at Petland I did is that correct that's correct is the dog registered yeah and that's this dog yes sir this is part of your complaint you want this dog back yes ma'am you need to purchase the dog correct correct the dog is not registered in your name correct correct why would you think I would give you this dog because the entirety of um our relationship since we bought fatty I was the one taking care of her in the morning so I would wake up 6:00 in the morning or whatever time it was take her out whether it was freezing cold hot raining who cares and who cares of course but also I have uh here pictures where she once after the breakup she was stating that she can't keep the dog the dog's not worth the money if you have statements that suggest that she gave you the dog I'll read them but on its face the fact that you walk the dog in the morning or in the afternoon or at night has no relevance to this whatsoever well I have the messages where she's saying that the dog is you know not worth anything I need to get rid of her is bad she's telling me to come pick may I see those please yes your honor here you [Applause] go what are you selling who's selling something she is stating that she wants to sell the dog that chip that is the other dog yeah well one she bought answer in her name so that's definitely hers and also that's fatty right yes yes and Chip sir so it was about both of them from the day we broke up you know I kept the dogs because she couldn't keep them she couldn't take care of them she left them in the cage all day and I also have evidence where like you know her family members are throwing cheese at her face you know mistreating the dogs show me dog looks perfectly happy to [Applause] me oh you can press play what was that big piece of cheese that was thrown in the dog's eye that was my dad from Tik Tok who did that to my dad he he has a Tik Tok account he it's a trend on Tik Tok to throw it on babies faces and and dogs that's terrible it's a trend it's stupid yeah it's a stupid Trend I didn't partake in it but why would I leave this dog in a house with a stupid person who takes out that stupidity on an animal to put a thing up on Tik Tok that's absolutely outrageous we take care of them they're they're fine no you don't what's wrong with you why would you even think that that's reasonable Cecilia moral has accused her ex-boyfriend s Rodriguez of assaulting her and stealing property s is counter suing for the return of two corgis and claims he was the one assaulted why did you leave the dogs at his house for two months it wasn't two months straight it was probably like a week or two straight it wasn't a week or two what do you mean straight you had a fight in October yeah we were um co-parenting I guess with the dogs because I was working and so was he so we couldn't are you telling me after you broke up yes how could you be co-parenting with somebody you mean you would go to his house and get the dogs or he would bring them to your house he would he would come to my house to pick them up and and drop them off and it would same way with and he would see you yes he would see you yes did you have conversations with him nothing important well I want you to tell me after you broke up how did you arrange that you would co-parent for the dogs there wasn't really an agreement it was just I'm busy can you pick him up yes and then same not true no right this argument that you had in October when you broke up you want to tell me about it and then I'm going to get back to the dogs so he assaulted me he punched a hole in a TV he bought the TV but still he he punched it because I told him if he was going to put his hands on me then we're actually done but he punched the TV instead and I actually I have pictures of what he did that night I don't care if he punched hole in the TV it's his TV yeah he punched holes in the in the apartment that we were staying at as well you're still in the apartment yes your honor he's still there did you take her name off the lease yes your honor I don't care what he did to the apartment Madam he's still in the apartment he's going to have to pay for any damage let's move you didn't call the police as a result of whatever incident happened in the house you said he got mad at you he accused you of cheating that's what you said in your complaints he came in he jumped up on top of the bed and then he choked you and then he hit you you have photographs of that yes I do I'd like to take a look at them I'm just going to take this I don't know what this is from clearly shows that something happened in her mouth I'm not exactly sure what she has two marks that she's showing me now did you hit her in the mouth no your honor you tell me in your own words what happened the night that she came home and you accused her of cheating so the night that she came uh home you know I told her I'm like what are you doing where did you go she starts trying to make up excuses I show her messages I'm like okay you're lying to me you know I don't appreciate it she starts going off I start going off you know just a verbal argument but and just like how she assaulted me no no no no no she touch you that night she pushed me tell me how that took place so that she pushed you she's a very angry person and no no no no no how it came about that she pushed you well started arguing back and forth about how she wasn't doing anything wrong and I told yes you are and now you're fighting verbally back and forth yes and she pushed you she put her hands on your chest show me how she pushed you show me on your roommate how she pushed you go ahead and and she just starts like throwing like SL trying to slap me and and at that moment that's when I I pushed her over and I told her do not put your hands on me just a second so you pushed her over yes to defend myself just to you pushed her over all right so this is your problem sir you said nothing happened that night you said in your answer nothing happened that night I have a copy of the police report that I reported I'm going to look at it in a second now you say here I never assaulted Cecilia we have plenty of arguments during the relationship but I've never assaulted her she has a tendency to blow things out of proportion I have never put my hands on a woman in my life well that's not true you just told me you did as self-defense just you didn't say that here you said I've never put my hands on a woman in my life would that be considered assault in self no no no that's not what you said okay now I'll see the police report okay so what you did is you came home after you were drinking for the night that's what you told the police that you night of drinking and you had a fight he wanted to know where you were she said the argument became physical the defendant here grabbed her and pinned her onto the bed while he laid on top of her holding her arms down proceeded to take his right hand and bruised and cut her lips she was dizzy but did not lose Consciousness it was not because of the alcohol she had previously consumed Cecilia said she eventually left the room and went to sleep just a second so after this incident when he allegedly hit you causing this injury to your lip you went back to living with him yes yeah I'm breathing this thing and I said well she said she was assaulted she left she went home and she went to live with her parents but you didn't you went back to sleep and then you stayed with him because this incident the one that you just described to me happened on September 10th and you went to the police on October 24th yeah then there was an incident on October 19th she said you had another argument but he did not strike her because she threatened to leave if he did instead he punched holes in the apartment she decided to leave after that and no longer is living with him okay now l later on in the month after the 19th because now I am not considering what happened on September 10th cuz he went back to live with him between September 10th and October 19th did you share a bed that's a question yes every day no four days a week no 5 days a week you were living together until the 19th of October where did you live well we had couches as well as a bed so we weren't always sleeping together I don't believe you okay good so I'm not even considering the 10th of September later on there was an incident where he says you assaulted him you came to his house well he was living now you were living at your parents house right yes and you came to the house what date was that it was like two days after two or three days after the breakup was the breakup in October yes your honor it was October 12th October 12th got her you tell me what happened on October 12th did you go to his house I can't remember she was living with me she was living with you until that day October 12th I moved out October 31st I was still living with him on that incident that happened on October 12 we broke up and that's when he punched the I have pictures right here I heard punching the ho in the wall I'm not interested he still lives there he's going to have to fix the hole in the wall no I'm saying that's why we broke up cuz I told him if he put his hands on me then but he punched now talking about his allegation that you assaulted him I did not touch him that is false that's a counter claim that you have then I have to figure out what to do with these dogs so I have pictures and I have messages where she I want to know when it happened and where let me show you no I want you to tell me when did it happen and where it was a day or two after I had left which might have been October 14th or 15th and she was upset cuz I had already picked up fatty cuz she asked me to she text me I want my stuff back I want the dog back and I told her I was like no if you want you already filed the lawsuit against me let's just go about it the legal way I told her do not show up at my house which I clearly have messages where I State not to show up and in those messages she threatens to murder me find me and kill me at that moment I told her if you do not leave I will call the cops and in that second she lashed out grabbed my neck and scratched my whole like neck and my shoulder and that's what date was that so October 14th or 15th and then you went to the police on October 24th for the first time yes is that correct yes okay can I see your photographs please [Applause] did you report this to the police I called the police at the in the incident that's why she attacked me just a second did the police respond the police did respond they did not want to take a report Kevin would you show this to the plaintiff [Applause] please he pulled a gun out of me and that's why I brought her as my witness because she was there and saw everything that happened that night Cecilia moral claims her ex-boyfriend s Rodriguez owes for an assaults and personal property s is counter suing for the return of two corgis and says he was the one assaulted now did he pull a gun up before this happened I want you to explain exactly how it happened the reason I went to his house is because I I noticed on my credit card that he spent $600 on a PS5 he's 22 by the way what is a PS5 a console for gaming with those kids play fortnite yeah okay so he spent money from your credit card yes okay had you contacted him about it where you I have yes okay and he took my dog as well and I she is my ESA animal I can't be separated from her that's not true she is my ESA animal she's what my ESA animal emotional support animal it's registered with the with the government do you want to see the I'm not interested okay do you work yes I do I'm a I'm a realtor as well as a financial adviser do you see a therapist regularly I need to that's not what I asked you do you see a therapist regularly no who did you get to write the letter for you that indicated that this Corgi that you left behind is an emotional support animal that's a question I Madam look at me it had to be a doctor correct yes it is it had to be a doctor yes what's the name of the doctor I have't no no no no no the answer is you don't know offand the name of the doctor is that right yes does the doctor live in the area where you live no how many times did you personally visit this doctor not once it was registered through online the answer is never yeah so you're trying to tell me that I should look at a certificate that's some doctor gave you online that you needed a support animal when you are not in any psychiatric care and haven't been the doctor never examined you but for a fee pay attention for a fee wrote you a letter so that you could make this an emotional support dog now I want you to tell me in what month May and I have the registration if you want to take a look at it I don't want to take a look at it at all it's nonsense you know it's nonsense and I know it's nonsense now there are several reasons why you get these nonsense online from close the cover before you strike doctors that will attest to the fact that you need a therapy dog in order to survive there are several reasons for it you want to take it to work no what was the reason there has to be a reason yeah I'm really smart I know really smart it was so we didn't have to pay the the pet deposits so when we got the apartment there you go so it was a fraud no but just a second so it was a fraud so you committed a fraud so you didn't have to pay a pet deposit for your animals when I asked you you want to read me back the answer when I asked her do you see a psychiatrist and she said no but I need one and you knew you needed one in May when you had to pay the pet deposit I you two people are really cute is that what she said yes yeah okay Mr Rodriguez the plaintiff owns the dog she owns the dog she paid for the dog it's registered in her name the fact that you were a good caretaker I can't help you with that the dog looks as if it's in pretty good shape believe me if the dog didn't look as if it was in pretty good shape somehow I would find a way but right now the dog looks as if it's in pretty good shape I'm directing the plaintiff however that in the event that she has to remove the dogs from her parents house where she's living that she's precluded from selling them or giving them away until she gives you an opportunity to take them I'm also directing you because I assume you live with your parents and I assume your father's going to be watching this or I would tell him when I got home that the judge called you a I will you can tell them that I will and I suggest to you that if you want to own a pet I've had pets all my life you have to protect your pet from morons yes whether they be little children who are morons or adults who have nothing better to do than to make Tik Tock videos using somebody else as a fall person frightening as far as the assaults are concerned I find that you both assaulted each other on two different days there's no question in my mind that you assaulted him and there's no question in my mind that as a result of her pushing you and you have a temper you have a temper because I know that you broke some of the things in your apartment that you did in fact do something in her mouth it didn't remove her teeth but clearly whatever you did to her face caused her lips to hit her tooth which caused it to have a bruise on it anything else that I have to consider yes all the furniture that I left at the apartment did you have a moving company come and move stuff for you that's either a yes or a no I read the papers you did on what date did you have a moving company come it was November 1st when you hired the moving company did you give them a list of things to move yes and did they move the list of the things that you gave them to move yes correct and they moved them yes so that part of your case is dismissed it's over she's keeping the dogs and we're done here case is dismissed this court is a Jour that's what happens when you get in narcissistic relationships people manipulate you I was with them since I was 15 I'm 19 now honestly I was pretty upset with the uh with the outcome of the dogs I haven't talked to him since in months this is the first time I've seen him in Forever she kept coming back I mean I don't like him I don't want him ever done means done man what's done is done I was so surprised when I found out that she was only 19 not a real stable place in your life to be getting a dog and let alone too when you're not settled you know I think that's so unfair for dog owners when they're not settled and you know it's just there's an immaturity I think what you're saying to me is there's an immaturity problem is when you're immature you don't realize that that it's a mistake because an immature person is making a mature judgment what I actually found I mean it was stupid it wasn't as if did something horrendous to the dog but frightened the dog by throwing this square of cheese at its eye well I've seen the trend and it actually did start on babies throwing slices of cheese on baby heads in high chairs what is happening to the world what's happening somebody thinks that that's funny to startle a baby or to startle a creature in in order to make somebody else laugh yeah you know the world we live in today if morons want to do that let them stick a broomstick someplace and take a tick tock picture of it on themselves on themselves why choose some other living creature I don't understand that with you I would build more jails Jessica Scher is suing her ex-boyfriend Sam Branch for unpaid rent and the cost of an eviction cour come to order arise have a seat please hello Jud hellin case 3106 shackler versus Branch thank you you're welcome schleker Scher okay you and the defendant lived together for 25 years reason that you never married no any reason waiting for financial things to come together and that was quite a weight yeah H in any event this 25y year relationship ended badly and it is your claim that the defendant stayed in an apartment that you had lived in together I believe your name was the only name on the leas but you lived there as a couple together for how many years I lived there since I was 6 years old uh my parents were actually the ones on the lease and when my father passed away in ' 07 we moved back in we were out in our own apartment moved in took over the rent because the rent was more reasonable and the apartment probably better yeah okay and the breakup was an acrimonious one and it is your claim that the defendant stayed in the apartment yes with one of your children yes my son and that he didn't pay rent in the apartment for several months and because your name is on the lease the landlord brought a case against you for the unpaid rent correct that's primarily what you're suing for primarily because the other part he's not responsible for part where you had to go find and you went and found the more expensive apartment well one of you was going to find the more expensive apartment is this a rent controlled or stabilized yeah the place that I was in I was still grandfathered in at 2000 yeah so it was a rent stabilized grandfathered in you were there together not you the two of you for 25 years no I was there with my family he moved in with his son in ' 07 but I was there with my brother and my parents I was Liv just a second I thought you were together for 25 years we were but I was in that condo for 39 years since I was six how long did the two of you live together since 2007 for 16 years but you were in a relationship before that so you lived together in that apartment for 16 years okay tell me the day that you moved out of the apartment when you had this argument May 30th was the first day that I left and I stayed at my mom's house and in my car and then went ahead and moved out and got my my own place July 1st so July 1st is when I removed all my belongings had you stayed there at all in the month of June no is that correct I think there might have been a week in June well if you think that she says no she says no and what you may be she wasn't there your son was there yes he was all of June you were there yes I was you were there June what about July were you there in July yes I was what about August yes I was what about September yes I was October yes I was when did you move out out I moved out in December December what I believe it was around the 15th so you were there the month of December cuz you don't do half months you were there the month of December when was the last month that you paid rent I was paid up until September 1st so it was August so you have one two three four months rent that you didn't pay right why well when Jessica moved out the property management came to me with 3 weeks to go in the in the month saying that they were going to raise the rent $750 well you're no longer grandfathered and under her parents or grandparents or whoever lived there so they were going to raise your rent 750 yes and they were going to raise it starting what date September 1st so you said I'm not paying the increase no that's not correct so you just didn't pay anything no um I I well that's what I said when was the last time you paid rent you said September 1st so I'm just curious if he was going to raise your rent by $750 is going to make it $2,750 and you said I'm not going to pay the increase no I agreed to pay the the increase we filled out a new application okay great so when did you stop paying the increase we didn't pay the increase okay so you didn't pay rent and I'm asking you why I had a heart attack you had a heart attack on what date August 20th when did you sign the new lease we didn't sign the new lease we filled out an applic application yeah okay after your heart attack on what date did you go back to work it was careful because it's very easy to verify three weeks after so you went back to work sometime in September yes and you didn't pay October November and December no why here here's what I the reason I didn't we filled out an application for a new lease we agreed to pay the new rent after this he comes to me and says now we need another $3,000 for a security deposit in all this time I have 3 weeks to come up with all this extra money on on top of the the regular rent I I I couldn't afford it okay and then they evicted you I assume they didn't evict me you just left my my name is on eviction are you still in the apartment no so you left in December on December 15th that's what you told me a moment ago yeah but you didn't pay any rent October November and December any yeah well that's no excuse for that you're living in an apartment you're not paying rent it's not reasonable for her to pay rent in her apartment where she's now living and your apartment you find that reasonable no I I didn't think it was reasonable the way they I I didn't I wasn't given reasonable time to come up with the money neither was she you had a fight she chose to just she chose to leave because that wasn't working anymore so you have two choices either you leave or she leaves without getting into all the bad stuff of what happened which I don't think is absolutely necessary this is just a question of morality and Justice so you each had your own obligations she had to move and find the new place to live that was going to be more expensive than where you were I assume she paid rent you chose not to pay rent how is that fair how is that balanced sir she didn't pay no rent the no no no no she's going to show me proof that she was on the lease during that period of time the landlord is going after her for the rent money she's going to show that to me Jessica Scher is suing her ex-boyfriend Sam Branch for unpaid rents and the costs of an eviction now I'm going to ask you the question again does that sound fair and reasonable to you no it didn't sound fair and reasonable that I wasn't given a a suitable amount of time to come up with $5,000 that's between you and the landlord what does that have to do with her don't have nothing to do with her but I'm not can I see the notice that you got from the landlord yes the there's the eviction against me with all the documents you need this is not a sign judgment that's not the Judgment it's not signed I think that's the copy the lawyer gave me so yeah I might not have the sign copy with me well you're supposed to bring a sign copy with you okay okay there's no question the rent was due there's no question that the eviction proceedings were for money so that whatever monies are transferred will be transferred to the owner of the condo because that's to whom it is owed correct the property management company yes ma'am okay the second part of your lawsuit is that damage is resulting from eviction and abuse what is that about it it was the difference of the rent from the condo to the new place because I was forced out okay with police and everything else I was out a lot of money that's not his problem somebody was going to be forced out of this apartment either you or him but I'm the one that had to call the cops and I have police reports and he's the one that was abusive I had no other choice but to leave my family's home well it was your family home you lived like a family for 16 years you weren't hospitalized as a result of this incident correct no ma'am you didn't see a doctor as a result of this incident correct no you don't have any photographs to show me as a result of any injuries correct no physical injuries ma'am what you are complaining of is that he would talk to you incessantly wouldn't let you sleep right I read it unfortunately more than that ma'am there was no physicalness between the two of you that I read here there was yelling spitting throwing things and picking up the bed that I was sitting on and slamming it down and you know just anything putting physical hands on me to avoid the police well he's not paying for your new apartment and you're not going to pay for his new apartment anyway the resolution of this case is easy $663 and the check will be made payable to Property Management okay thank you very much we're done thank you this court is a journ I don't call it living for free you know if if you're going to treat me like I'm a tenant then you got to you got to treat me like a tenant you got to give me a 30-day notice I do feel Sam owed me some money for everything that I had to spend leaving the place you got to give me all my all the stuff that comes along with being a tenant instead of just skipping away I wouldn't have had to leave if it wasn't for his abuse so better to Part Way time to take care of me you were right when you said you lived together for 16 years she kept referencing it as her family home which I understand the history and she lived there since she was a child but when you live there with your partner for 16 years that becomes your shared family home like you said someone was going to have to leave and someone was going to have to pay more rent so you know at the end of the day someone was going to have to leave right and the landlord the person who was supposed to get the money will get the money because they're the people who were out the rent yeah and he had an obligation to pay rent he just knew he wasn't responsible for it legally and they couldn't go after him for it so he just didn't pay it can't do that it's not right case number 3107 Murphy versus beer all parties please come forward Jennifer Murphy is suing her car renter Lindsay beard for Mis payments and damage to her vehicle Miss Murphy several years ago you were planning to go out of the country when were you planning to go out of the country December 2018 and you had a car at the time a car that you were making payments on yes that had a loan on it yes and what were the loan payments every month they were 37568 and what year car was it it's a 2013 13 so it's 11 years old now mhm and in 2018 you made an arrangement with the defendant who you knew how my sister's client she needed a car you were introduced you made an arrangement with her in 2018 to rent your car that you both acknowledged for 37568 a month 37468 and it was in 2020 it was in 2020 yeah the date was January 5th 2020 is that the date you made the arangement yes and is there a contract for the L of this car I'd like to take a look at it please here you go oh [Applause] sorry okay so let's read the terms of this agreement first one is payment of 37468 by Isel now with regard to that provision of the lease agreement you return the car on what date and I I picked it up on October 24th 2023 MH so she had the car two and a half years more like three and a half years and in those three and a half years you were out of the country yes part of your claim here is that she failed to make several payments MH she says she has all the payments M have you gone over the payments with each other so that you can check your accounts no I mean I have the my printed zel from my bank bank and she has a spreadsheet that she was filling out each month that she received a payment you have that I do yes yes and you acknowledge that that I had sent her the spreadsheet each month I also have the emails of the zel payments and I am missing the eight payments from her so I'm curious never that I'm not curious you're going to go outside with my clerk and you're going to go through these you don't expect me to go through three and A2 years of car payments do you now if you don't want to waste my time we can acknowledge that they were either paid or we can move on to the next action what's your pleasure I don't believe they were paid okay Sarah go deal with them math is not my strong suit and this kind of nonsense is not worth my time go figure out if there were any Mis payments that they can prove will you please yeah thank you Jennifer Murphy claims to defendant Lindsay beard rented her car for years and damaged the vehicle Sarah okay so there was a total of 11 missed payments that the defendant had no proof that she had paid however there were months that the plaintiff admitted where she paid more or double to make up for missing months which she credited in the spreadsheet that I looked at so there were a total of eight missed payments not including those you know makeup payments that she had made did you total that I did totaling to $2,997 44 thank you okay and I'm reading the lease so that was the first thing so on that you owe $29.97 lesie will not drive more than 2,000 miles per month there's no problem indicated in your petition about that so that she's complied with the terms of this lease we'll keep up with all regular maintenance of the vehicle you have any proof that she didn't do that well beside my car when I got it back it was not in very good condition you left the 3 and a/2 years the car's 11 years old it's she had to have she had to have changed the oil periodically if she had a 3 and 1/2 years you know the fact that your car is now older and it was driven by somebody else three and a half years there's certain amount of wear and tear on a car and things break down unless you have a mechanic who's going to tell me that she did something to the car which I ass are you a mechanic no no I also have all the records of me going and doing that not necessary she it's her burden of proof absolutely um it's good that you have the paperwork as a defense that you took care of the car uh will carry full insurance coverage did you do that there's no allegation that you did not will not allow other persons to drive the car there's not a allegation in here that she didn't let other people use the car violation of this caused for immediate termination and that's it so so far I have $2,997 now she returned the car because he came back to the country MH okay on what date did you return the car uh I picked it up on October 24th 2023 and where did you go with the car immediately I went back to my house to your residence uh-huh okay did you take the car out again on October 24th no when was the next time you took it someplace on October 26th I took it to the dealership why to have it inspected I just a second okay my question is why did you take it to the dealership because if you drove it home m and there was something wrong with it you would have taken it immediately to the dealership if you found something wrong with it you didn't take it to the dealership the 24th you didn't take it to the dealership on the 25th why did you take it on the 26th just to check it out no I did noticed things immediately wrong with it what for one the AC wasn't working the car wasn't locking what does that mean the car wasn't locking when I used the fob it wouldn't lock it was doing nothing it was doing nothing but you were driving with it it was just that electrical thing that wasn't open and Clos did you put a new battery in the fob I oh no that's the first thing I do when it doesn't open it doesn't close these things go you take it in cost $5 you put in a new battery and you close it and then it locks it's not as if the car didn't work mhm okay what else uh the door sensors weren't working as well I don't know what that means the door sensor it looks like my car door is always open on the electrical component so like there's just a lot of weird electrical things going on with it you have any proof to demonstrate to me that she caused any of this problem so I found out she had a DUI while she was using my car and she lied to my sister about it telling her that I knew about it that she had told me about it but I had no idea we but she didn't keep it a secret she told your sister she did tell my sister and that's how you met her yes so if she told your sister she wasn't keeping it a secret from you well she didn't tell me either I don't care she wasn't keeping it a secret mhm she told the person M who actually brought the deal together well she lied to my sister also just a second okay I'm asking you a question proof that this electrical wonking MH was her fault um well I had seen in the court documents on her DUI that she was ordered to install an IID an ignition interlock device which she did on my vehicle had an installed and uninstalled and in that you have to cut the wiring to know if you have to what what kind of work do you do I'm a yoga instructor well unless you're a car mechanic you're not going to testify as to what they have to do when they install a piece of equipment by the way just tell me what month and year you had a DUI um it was February or March of 2020 but you had the car for three years after that I did yes listen listen to me three years after that and she is correct that you had to have a machine installed I had to have the in lock yes okay that if you breathe to something if your breath smell KN all the engine wouldn't start yes it's connected to the battery okay and you did have that installed how long was that in the car almost the entire time I had the car after after getting arrested so about a month later after me getting the car I had to have the insulation put in okay and when did you have it taken out actually three or 4 days before she picked the car up okay and who took it out for you the same company that put it in okay fine I'm just telling you that Miss Murphy because if you think that you can prove a case of negligence against a company it's not her she neither put it in or took it out got it she owes you $2,997 and she owes you that for the Mis payments that she can't prove she made that you say on your spreadsheet she missed and that Sarah confirmed anything else no good thank you very much we're finished it this court is a [Music] journ currently my car is dead it's not operating because of the electrical damage there was no damage to the car I do think it's the wiring and I I know it hooks up to the starter because we've been researching it she's saying the battery but it's the starter and it it did render it inoperable I mean I watched the guy do it they go in through the panel they connect it to the battery and it's done in 30 minutes my car is my car no one's going to be borrowing it I'm just glad it's done really trying to keep me on my toes there I know math is not your strong soup but you also pass that Jean down to me so I find it interesting that you just Farm out all the math skills over here well first of all you're the clerk I'm the judge yeah how am I doing it I'll do it all day long all day long and you figured it out I did would have probably taken me a lot longer oh man yeah no it was good I mean you don't have it here you don't have it doesn't exist so made it easy Maria Gonzalez and her son noi Ramirez are suing Maria's daughter's ex fiance Michael Cortez for wedding cost and Van ISM to No's card Court come to order arise have a seat please case 3108 Gonzalez RZ versus Cortez you're welcome you're Miss Gonzalez yes I am this is your son yes you're honor that's your daughter yes your honor your daughter and Mr Cortez were engaged to be married that's correct how old is your daughter she's 28 and you sir 27 how did you meet uh we had met on a dating app uh back in October 2020 okay when did you become engaged it was sometime in 2022 uh it might have been around April did you give her a ring I did your honor they were engaged in September 2022 that sound better I believe so yes okay this is what the case is about Miss Gonzalez it is your claim that wedding PL started to be made you were paying for the wedding and he broke off the wedding and broke off the marriage future marriage and you believe he is responsible for the non-refundable deposits that you put down on venue and maybe music flowers I don't know what that's part of your claim you sir are her son her brother and it is your claim that Mr Cortez vandalized your car yes your honor Mr Cortez denies that he vandalized jakar so I will hear your proof with regard to that Mr Cortez says that there is some proper your harassment allegations don't reach the level of harassment sir but you claim that they have certain property that belongs to you yes and I do have a text message from Kristen Ramirez uh stating to one of my friends that she has my property and has refused to give it oh so that will make my job much easier when I get to your counter claim okay so miss Gonzalez you started to plan a wedding what happened was they came in and they spoke to Kristen's father and myself they announced their engagement and so we congratulated them we said we would pay for the majority of the cost but that we did have some things that we wanted them to pay for that's okay so at the time I wasn't too familiar with Michael and so just as precaution I did ask him if uh he would be okay if he broke off the engagement that he would re reimbursed for the venue because the venue is something that is not always reimbursed did you ever have that discussion with her no I can't tell you how many weddings that I've made Miss Gonzalez children grandchildren made and paid for I have never had that discussion with any of the future spouses if you break it off you have to reimburse me for down payments it was I never I never just the way that he was acting it made me feel like I need need it that reinsurance I don't believe you actually at all because if I if I as a mother you have two children yes I do I you have two children if I had certain reluctance about either the character or the commitment that one of my children's future mates have it wouldn't be about returning my money I would sit down with my daughter and say you know I'm not getting a great feeling about this guy I have a feeling he's going to slip and if I had a feeling I was going to slip and if you wanted to extract that promise to him should have put it in writing because it doesn't make sense to me based upon my own personal experience that that's not the way a new marriage starts with by the way if it doesn't work out you're going to pay me back for this right right well my my means are limited so so it is yeah and so what we did was we had an agreement we asked just a second show me of we verb show me I'm telling you I don't buy it but I'm going to listen to him and I'm going to listen to any proof that you have okay see any proof that you have where he committed to paying for the wedding in the event that he broke up the engagement yes sh okay she just told me that you said to her at some point I will pay for your non-refundable stuff if something happens tell me your version of it so what she said is not true what happened was on the night of October 1st uh I had gone to her house to speak with Kristen my girlfriend at the time I wanted to talk to her about a prenup my witness here just a second you wanted to talk to her about a prenup why prior well earlier in the year Kristen made demands towards me saying she wanted to buy a house but she only had $200 in her savings account and I had 40,000 so she was expecting me to make the down payment and at the time I had savings I have two cars I have a master's degree um she was kind of expecting me to provide for her and at the time I did not feel that was fair you mean that you were going to use your cash M to buy a house yes that was going to be in both your names yes and you wanted a prenup so that you would get whatever you put into the house out of it is that what you're telling me yes uh because at the time uh she was pretty much telling me where we had to buy the house it had to be within a certain just a second would you sit down a minute and let your sister stand up yes you are you're Kristen yes your honor okay Kristen I want you to tell me about this house business you had no money I don't have savings but I had a job but you don't have money you don't have savings he had savings you were living with your parents you discussed with him buying a house we did in the future it wasn't about buying a house we had to have some form of living situation when we get married that was the expectation and that's what my mom discussed with him too was that it wasn't him needing to buy a house then and there and in a certain area we just needed to be able to live somewhere because we're getting married how are we going to live in like our well you you work you just told me and he works so you find an apartment and you each contribute to the rent and the expenses yeah is that what was the intention yeah and we're both on the lease agreement and I did pay half or I paid as much as I could did you live together we lived together and then my brother also um offered to be on to um kind of help with cost too so it was kind of help with cost you mean he lived there he also took up the spare bedroom well that's would be a yes he he lived there yeah so I have a copy of the lease it's myself Maria Gonzalez and Christen Ramirez at the time okay so you're on the lease yes I co-signed for him because he was hesitant in getting and securing a housing we had less than two months your honor to for the wedding and I was very truthful with him and I told him you cannot live in our house you need to secure housing that was our agreement in the beginning that you would be responsible for housing I never said anything about um buying a house or anything it's just you got you got a butt you got a butt out of your children's business you have a 28-year-old daughter what are you giving him instructions for because your honor he wasn't doing anything he had um a room well that's but that's up to her right that's not up to you I mean your daughter's almost 30 why is that up to you when she's she's got a fiance she's got to figure out what she's going to do with it what did you have to do with that when we were discussing the the wedding we did say this were these were the expectations you were to have a place for them to to stay um it didn't matter where they were going to say I never said anything about you have to buy a house or you need to get an apartment or anything it's just a stable what other expectations did you indicate to him that you were expecting that he pay for the wedding license and he paid for his clothing that that's the only thing that we ask you mean for his for the license and for his clothing for the wedding exactly okay Maria Gonzalez and her son noi Ramirez claim Maria's daughter's ex fiance Michael Cortez owes for wedding costs Michael is counter suing for the return of property and personal threats okay you were telling me a story and let's get to it rather quickly because what day is it today Wednesday Wednesday something about sushi for lunch on Wednesday so you went to the house to discuss a prenup yes and what happened originally at the time me and Kristen agreed that we wanted to do a prenup and this was something that she discussed between myself and my dad a year ago uh at the time Kristen was the one who wanted the prenup uh because she was going to inherit a house yes what house were you going to inherit um I just want to correct that I did not discuss a prenup with a father when we discussed the no you f you discussed it just the two of you it was between us and my therapist there was a breakup your honor in February and it was between them okay we're going to forget about these wedding costs I could see the handwriting on the wall a long time ago you should have too would you tell me forget it not happening I do have messages that he was offering his his Mercedes for payment reimbursement for the weddding I do have take I'll take a look at that would you mind telling me what happened when you went to the house to talk about the prenup that's what you were in the middle of yes so we had discussed about wanting to do a prup and uh we agreed and then about 20 minutes later the mom came in to the apartment started blowing up on me saying how dare I make her daughter work how dare I make her daughter pay rent how dare I force her to sign a fora okay Kristen you remember that discussion it was not do you remember the discussion yes all right just answer my question he very easy okay things are common sense you were having a discussion with him about a prenup originally you wanted a prenup because of an inheritance that you anticipated what inheritance did you anticipate I anticipated my father giving me a house and is that what started the prenup discussion no did you ever discuss that with him no not till that night I'm talking about that night do you remember that discussion yes did your mother come in dur during the course of that discussion at any time we went to his apartment uh to our shared apartment it was he came in me and my mother he had left our house to the apartment so he went to the apartment and you and your mother went to the apartment and do you recall what your mother was indicating to Mr Cortez as regard to the expectations she had or the two of you had with regard to what he was going to do to take care of you yes and what did your mother say she sat him down and she said that the way he had been acting up until this time was not acceptable that it was originally stated that if he was having cold feet we gave him multiple times if he wanted to postpone the wedding that he could and he kept saying no I want to keep going with The Wedding Date even after we had broken up and he wanted to come back and my mom reiterated to him that he was supposed to pay for the venue if he forfeited the wedding and she was discussing with him the verbal abuse that she saw she witnessed leading up to this event because he knows I have really bad anxiety and that she did not like seeing him use that against me when it came to me driving when it came to me trying to find a better job when it came to like trying to provide for the family I tried my best as much as I could and that's what she discussed with him on that night it had nothing to do with all these ation it was just I needed help being able to speak for myself because like I don't know if you can say I'm shaking like I need help sometimes in order to help myself and that's what she was here for he wasn't buying it do you understand it's too bad you said you had proof in writing that he somehow someplace agreed to pay for the deposits that you had I'd like to see what proof you have of that yes ma'am just show me yes ma'am don't show me anything other than that just show me that yes ma'am now the first one is just a second who wrote this Michael Cortez no he wrote it yes and he left it in my mail October 13th 2020 I paid for the down payment for a home for me and Kristen both names on it I would be putting down 40 to 50K if we have kids it'll go to them to compensate for the wedding I would be willing to financially support Christian if she needs to focus on herself whether it's bills or rent I would be willing to help in addition I would pay for a new wedding I don't know what that means your honor I never wrote that letter this correct I never wrote it or signed any letters he placed that in my mailbox Kevin would you go over this give him this pen and I want you to write the following I don't want to throw away okay that's all yeah he wrote it well this is a very nice letter I don't know why you would deny writing this letter this is a very nice thing he does not say he's going to pay for a wedding he said he would pay for another wedding no a new wedding on the text messages that he just a second now I'm going to read the text message this is nothing except a very nice letter from him no doesn't say here that he's going to pay for a wedding he wants to make it work out he would love that so much I can offer my Mercedes since the front bumper is fixed and valued at 10,000 I would be willing to do couples therapy with Kristen pay her bills and do everything I can to make it right only if this is what Kristen wants I'll even sign contract so we are all in the same page but I understand you don't want me in her life and if she feels the same way I want my pictures taken down tonight so this does not support your argument if you're not going back to me because of the money I can give you the bz it's worth $10,000 what's that about I'm not too sure your honor can I ask you a question Mr Cortez yes these emails suggest to me that you were very much in love with the plaintiff's daughter yes and you wanted to make it work yes and how did it not work what happened the night of October 1st when the mom blew up on me she made all these threats towards me about legal action physical harassment and is that when the wedding was called off yes he says that I threatened him I did not threaten whether you threatened him or not you went there with your daughter I did and at that point after this discussion after these emails which I see and his because he clearly felt strongly for your daughter that's when the wedding was called off yes that well he didn't walk away yes he did he left he left that day that night after our discussion he took everything out of the apartment and he left your honor he left a note that said I'm sorry with his wedding ring on the pillow on the on the bed fine I would too don't get involved if your daughter's getting married and I wouldn't do it if your son's getting married either it's none of your business stay out of it keep your nose out of it you can sit down now stand up Noy yes you were living in the apartment with Mr Cortez that your mother co-signed for for when your sister was supposed to get married and blah blah blah blah blah you went to live with him yes your honor and you say that something happened to your car on what date did something happen to your car it was the 27th of November of October November if you don't speak that's your problem you get too much involved in your adult children's business Maria Gonzalez and her son noi Ramirez are accusing Maria's daughter's ex- fiance Micha Cortez of refusing to pay for deposits after their wedding was cancelled Michael is counter suing for the return of property and personal threats okay November 27th yes your honor when had you seen your car prior to seeing it damaged that morning uh I have pictures right here if you'd like to see them I would but first tell me what the nature of the damage was it was um you um scratch into the trunk of my car and my back right tire was slashed and whatever do you have that the defendant had anything to do with that we don't make enemies like we don't have enemies he's the only person is what you're telling me you have no evidence to support your accusation that he keyed your car we do not have video footage now I didn't ask you for video footage I asked you for any evidence somebody saw it he admitted it some okay well then you don't have a case you understand that right yes what did he owe you $11,000 for the $1,000 was for the damage to the car did he ever acknowledge that he would give you $1,000 no you honor oh then he doesn't owe you anything okay I can deal with that quickly I have a counter claim the counter claim says that they have property of yours what property do they have christener rire had sent a text message to one of my friends claiming that she has my property I don't know exactly what all she has she's refused to talk to me just a second yes you can sit cuz your case is dismissed you actually understand that because you have no proof that he caused any damage to your car Kristen stand up please before I take a look at the text that he has what property if any do you have that belongs to him um I'm is not an answer let's go what property do you have that belongs to him I believe he left a birth certificate at my house where is it it was in um the safe in my room so you have his birth certificate what else I'm not too sure what else he left in there he's the one that put them in the safe he says he has a list which I will look at that you sent to someone of items of his that you have and I'm asking you before I look at the list what other items of his do you have other than that I have no idea I have a okay now I'll see the document that you're referring to she's going to give you back your birth certificate okay I have it it's going to be this message so far I don't see what it is right uh it's not listed in there uh she just acknowledges that she has my stuff she kept she's going to give you back your birth certificates a sort of misleading sir yes your honor now we're going to get back to one other little thing that's knowing at me before I finish this case so with regard to your belongings she's going to return to you within five days make sure it's sent and doesn't get lost in the mail do you understand any paper she has that's in safe including your birth certificate do you understand yes okay fine now I just want to get to this mercedesbenz what was the Mercedes-Benz that you were offering for sir I can turn over the Mercedes-Benz I want you to give tell me something that I can believe you H her I'm not too sure I do have a receipt from the wedding Vue uh that I emailed they said that even if she were to cancel she is well they accommodate with rescheduling so it's not like she's out of all her money she's just got to find another group I mean she could always throw a birthday party no she can have another groom you still haven't given me something that I believe with regard to the mercedesbenz you mentioned it several times to be honest your honor I'm not too sure okay well you know I usually don't like to split the baby in half but it seems to me as if that there is some evidence that you agreed to participate in the event that something happened with the venue and I don't necessarily think that you are 100% responsible for the breakup of this relationship I think there was a lot of problems and interference on both sides how much was the venue the non-refundable venue cost $750 okay Mr Cortez yes while it's usually not my practice to leave anybody happy that comes into my courtroom I like what when everybody is miserable when they leave yes H but she had $7,000 worth of expenses as a result of this wedding and I actually think that it's fair that you each pay half of that so I'm issuing an order for $3,500 for the plaintiff she's going to return all of your papers and documents that she has this case is now over this court is a Jour the mom made all these threats and harassments towards me and that's exactly why I left the wedding he's not mad enough to be my daughter's husband this is a woman that I was going to spend the rest of my life with and she let her mom ruin the relationship I feel that God gave us a blessing and removing the this piece of trash out of our Lives I want to move on with my life so as long as I can get out of my hair I'd be happy with that there is someone better than for my daughter out there tell that was very sad not legally sad it was a socially sad case because I think he really legitimately cared for her I mean the letter that he wrote and he clearly wrote it I don't know why he would deny that he wrote it there a little forensic testing out there of your own yeah a little right a little you're right a little forensic testing I know particularly closer but it looked right but it was a really kind letter yeah he did in fact talk about the Mercedes this was before he left he said I don't want there to be this fighting back and forth because evidently it was clear that this was not the first breakup that they had and it was very sad and she I think actually cared for him a great deal yeah Mama too many hands mama got in the way she was trying to be very protective of her daughter who clearly has an issue or two but she was clearly trying to be protective and went a little overboard listen if I were a young guy and he's actually a year younger I think than his ex- fiance I would be worried about that that lady being in my life on a per basis yeah getting so loaded that there was a brawl they attacked me I was held down by the throat she was like a pit bull one she was like coming at me and I hit her I had been struck in the face so many times I had fainted who is that is that your sister yes she is their witness lovely this is Judy Justice Whitney McKibbon is suing her former friends Lily Sparks and Allison Wilkinson for damages from an assault Court come to order allise have a seat please hello judge case number 3110 McKibben Sparks versus Wilkinson thank you welcome Miss mcgibbon these two young ladies were friends of yours yes they were one of you was celebrating a birthday who was that oh that was Allison it's my birthday what birthday Allison it was my 31st birthday and how long have you all been friends Lily and I have been friends off and on since the second grade Allison and I have been friends for almost a decade married single I am I have a boyfriend but married any kids you're Lily yeah four children what kind of work do you do um I'm an area manager at a delivery station in Oregon must be busy oh yes yeah I manage around 100 to 120 people a day and what about you Lily do you work outside the home not currently no not with four kids right yeah they stay at home they keep keep busy M Allison what about you I work at an oral surgery office I'm an office manager married single married no children so you have three smart employed with women celebrating a birthday who all had too much to drink unfortunately but it resulted in a very unpleasant weekend where you allege that you were assaulted by these two women which required substantial medical treatment for you involving one of your eyes yep when was your birthday April 24th but the night of the incident was May 6th 2023 and you got an Airbnb yes where who arranged it Whitney did at Rockway Beach how many women went Whitney uh it was myself the two on this side or three on this side and then also another um woman named Grace she's not here today so I believe there was five in total and you've got there on May 6th May 5th we got there fth yes about what time um I had arrived to tillamuk in around uh 12:30 I sat on the beach by myself and waited for the rest of in what state Oregon when you went and sat on the beach alone on the 5th were you drinking nope no what time did your friends arrive uh I believe around 3 uh Allison and my sister arrived together in the same vehicle who was that is that your sister yes she is their witness lovely what's your sister's name her name is Ashley okay so now tell me what happened the incident happened on the 5th um so it happened on the 5th into the sixth correct uh so we had been drinking um when did you start drinking I believe we started drinking around 4 or 5 uh we had a few on the beach and then we went to the Airbnb which was like a block away we ended up drinking more in the Airbnb got what were you drinking uh tequila yeah exactly and what about you um I arrived late around 7:30 um at the time I had arrived the tequila botle was already gone and so you didn't arrive until 7:30 that's correct by the time 7:30 rolled around everybody was pretty smashed oh yeah okay go ahead so we had been sitting in the hot tub there was a hot tub there so we had all just been sitting talking having fun while in the hot tub there was a discussion to go to a local bar to have another shot of tequila don't know why we needed that but we all agreed that we would do it okay so you decided to go to a local bar what time did you leave so I didn't actually end up leaving with them like I said we were in the hot tub we all decided to go to the bar um they had gotten out of the hot tub first to go shower off and get dressed and ready so waited till they were out of the shower I took a shower myself came out to the living room where they all were standing Alison Lily my sister and Grace I had a towel around me still dripping wet just got out of the shower um they were all ready to go they're like come on let's leave I am dripping wet and naked like give me a moment to get rest I attempted to look through my bag to get clothing out wasn't really able to do that since I was inebriated I had Grace help me get clothing out um she was actually holding I don't remember if it was underwear or pants that she was holding for me but like you know like a toddler like here get in um at that point Allison and Lily started berating me saying oh look how pathetic you are you can't even dress yourself you are a child things like that so to that point I got upset um I started yelling hurtful things back at them don't remember exactly what I said but I know that it was enough to make them uh very upset with me ended up getting in a fight they attacked me I was held by the throat and I believe hair was being pulled it got broken up I gathered my things I went to the neighbor's house Allison Lily Grace and Ashley all went to the local bar my plan was to sober up at the neighbor's house and leave for the night I did not want to be there any longer I did not feel safe how did you know the neighbor if this was an Airbnb so this was just somebody that was also there uh the next door house was an Airbnb as well that was being rented out for the night or the weekend um so the Neighbors when we were in the hot tub they were outside of their house like smoking a cigarette or something and we had an interaction and we were hanging out with them so that's how I kind of knew them and that they were there so I just went in and knocked on the door and I said hey like my friends and I just got in a fight I don't feel safe over there can I hang out with you guys for a few hours until I'm sober enough to drive myself home um to which they agreed and we you know hung out about an hour into us hanging out we heard faint screaming outside of the door which was Allison um yelling Whitney I know you're in there you need to come out at first I told the neighbors they asked me do you want me to open these neighbors men or women there were it could be two or three men and one woman but they how old were the men I would say probably in their 30 late 30s you didn't know anything about them before this weekend I did not no and so you felt comfortable going over drunk to strangers house yes I felt more comfortable to be than staying alone in your own Airbnb yes because I felt they were going to come back and hurt me again so I wanted to remove myself completely from the situation okay so you went and hung out with these people for about an an hour before Ashley came back correct go ahead um she continued to scream and yell they finally opened the door to which she completely changed her composure and was like Whitney please come back you know you don't know these people I told her I don't want to come with you because I don't feel safe and she said well you know you are intoxicated with these people do something to you and I said yeah you are right you're my friend I'll come with you but I don't want any else to happen like we fought it's over I want nothing else to do with it when you were at the neighbor's house did you have anything to drink I had water to drink did they have anything to drink um I believe they were drinking like seltzer water were they smoking anything uh cigarettes they had cigarettes you know how long they were there for like the weekend or I believe they said they were there just for 2 days so I believe it was a Saturday that they were there so they Saturday two men and one woman correct you know anything about them I didn't really gather any information about them which yeah very very odd of me to do but um you know like I said I felt safer whatever I you felt you weren't feeling anything Whitney McKibben claims her former friends Lily Sports and Allison Wilkinson assaulted her causing permanent eye damage Lily and Allison say Whitney was the one who started the fight go ahead so I walked into the front door with Allison I remember stating I really don't want to be here I don't want to be here and then I was attacked Again by Lily I was pulled down to the floor by my hair and was held Again by the neck and was repeatedly punched in the face in the head until I lost Consciousness um when I came back into Consciousness my sister had told me to run cuz she had ripped them off of me I ran back to the neighbor's house I asked them to call the police the police came the police offered um to take police came you took an ambulance correct okay let's put a period there for a minute okay Lily it's 7:30 you arrive at 7:30 they're already out of the hot tub yeah so when I arrived they were not in the hot tub we all decided to go in it together okay now pick it up from there okay we went to the hot tub um and spent maybe an hour and a half in there and then then we decided to go celebrate Allison's birthday at a local bar we went into inside we were getting ourselves ready and she's correct as we were about to leave she's standing there naked there was no towel around her um and she's screaming that she doesn't want to go she thinks we're all fake friends and she wasn't very happy with us at that point and so us three went into the car to sit and wait while Grace was trying to calm her down and then it was taking a while and so I went back in to try and help and Whitney started really screaming at me calling us friends bad moms and I looked at her and I said I feel sorry for you Whitney and that's when she got extremely mad at me and she lunged at me and tried to fight me um and Grace was in the middle of it Grace caught a fist um in her jaw and then that's when I think Alison and maybe Ashley at that point they saw something in the window and they came to help and Whitney just wasn't stopping that's when her hair got pulled all of our hair was being pulled she was like a pitbull and finally we got that to kind of settle down and we let so we went to the bar at that point and then I can't tell you exactly what time we returned I want to say it was before 10:00 it wasn't very late Ashley looks up Whitney's location she sees that she's at a stranger's house next door and we're concerned and okay stop for a moment Ashley tell me what happened with your sister let's start with this fight that happened when you were all getting ready to go to the bar and your sister came out of the shower so if she was yeah what no towel screaming about how she was naked and didn't want to go she was also screaming at everybody else that there were fake friends and bad moms and all these things I got sick of it cuz everybody was yelling at everybody so I just left now then you went to the bar together and then you came back you tell me what happened when you came back to the house when we came back to the house I was helping my friend Grace she was in the bathroom and sick um and wasn't much drink yeah yep definitely so I was helping her and then I heard the fight break out and so I went out there and pulled everybody apart from each other and told Whitney to go your sister was injured sent her out and Away sent her where did you send her she went to the neighbors she went back to the neighbors she went back to the neighbors and you called the police from the neighbors I believe my sister called the police and the neighbors called the police as well tell me why you called the police because I was tired of all of the fighting and they were really hurting each other who started the fight I can't tell you who started it cuz I didn't see who started it so I don't know aside from your sister initially who became aggressive well I think Lily was angry and Ally was angry and justifiably I mean I would be too angry because I didn't want to get more inebriated weird okay I was perfectly happy to leave you you can sit down out for a second okay you want to tell me your version of the events yeah yes your honor when you drink that much sometimes you kind of lose the ability to make a good decision just kind of escalated I think and we were all pretty emotionally charged at that point just from yelling and being so loud to be frank I don't think she really remembers I have some things that might help you remember if you like we have the police report also the I'd like to see the police report it's right here and here's also a Facebook post that Allison made the night of while they were sitting at the bar the police reports said Lily stated that Whitney kept trying to attack her and pulling her hair you stated you punched her in the face right you say prior to that there was hair pulling how was that precipitated at the time she got hit Allison and her were in the kitchen and I was sitting on the couch and Whitney something happened in the conversation where she directed her attention to me and she started screaming at me and started approaching me really swiftly screaming and I thought she was going to come what was she screaming I don't know exactly what she was trying to ask me a question or she was trying to get my attention or something and she came very quickly and I told her to get get out of my face twice not what you said I said get out of my face twice and on that second one she was like coming at me and I hit her and lot of it was lot of contact there was no repeated punching it was I think one single punch well you admitted to the hospital I was yeah I'd like to see the full Hospital report from the night of the okay oh yes that's all I'm interested in um I also have an after care summary from the Portland emergency room where I went the next day as well you just want the tillamuk one okay I want that one I believe that's all of it I'm looking for the doctor's write up on you the one in Portland where I live Madam I don't care what happened the next day when you were sober I want to know what the emergency room doctor how they describe your situ situation when you arrive were you sober were you drunk were you coherent were you incoherent the next day doesn't help me Whitney McKibbon is accusing her former friends Lily Sparks and Allison Wilkinson of assaulting her during a party Lily and Allison claim Whitney assaulted them first okay abrasion of multiple sites alcohol intoxication and then you have an orbital flood fracture and ecosis of the left eye mhm okay getting back to the police report Whitney stated they came back from the bar and were knocking on the door of the neighbor's house trying to get her to come back to the house Whitney stated all she remembers was them beating her up Whitney mentioned she felt like she was ganged up on Whitney mentioned she doesn't know exactly what happened but they got into a fight I was able to take photographs of the scratches on Whitney's neck arm and black eye Whitney mentioned that she didn't want to press charges because she didn't want to ruin Lily's life you remember I can't even say do you remember saying that to the police because you don't remember I also five times I had been struck in the face so many times I had fainted actually so um I was checked at the emergency room I had a CT scan because they felt I might have had a concussion can I ask you a questionin bed if you remember speaking to the police do you remember telling them that you p somebody's hair out of their head I do yes okay and was that before or after you got punched I believe that would have been during trying to get them off of no no no no no no I was saying while she was punching me I believe I was pulling their hair to defend myself whose hair was pulled all of ours no I have a photo of my hair was pulled she was pulling all of our hair and this is the amount of hair that was swept off the floor anybody want to tell me anything El I don't have to see the rest of your medical records would you like to see the photos of my many scratches marks my ey sure I'll take a look at them thank you and if I could mention she stated she punched me once that does not look like one punch unless she's the Hulk well these aren't punches these are when you're rolling around the ground believe I was also kicked repeatedly terrible it's really hard for me to wrap my head around five young productive clearly educated women getting so loaded that there was a brawl but Whitney it's clear that you were the most loaded of all I could have been I mean you have a super responsible job mhm you flee a house drunk and go to a stranger's house where there are three men and one woman crazy your friends clearly were concerned enough about you they could have said listen let her go stay there she gets raped that's her problem if she gets beat up if she gets murdered that they tried to get you to come back I believe for your own safety and nothing else because they're I agree and you were still severely under the influence of alcohol and there is no question in my mind that you got the worst of this fight M they may not have been severely injured but you precip itated this fight you just got the worst of it that's I don't believe that in gives them permission to strike me multiple times it does actually actually if you precipitate a fight and put your hands on somebody else grab their hair they can use whatever outside of a weapon it can escalate to The Next Step you can't go and get a gun and shoot somebody but your actions precipitated everything that happened that night because you were too loaded I disagree yeah I don't disagree with you and so what I'm telling you is when you have a fight a physical fight no weapons involved somebody is going to always get a little more hurt than somebody else does that right though does it make it right no but it doesn't make it a lawsuit the case is dismissed we're done thank you very much this court is a [Music] j i don't believe it was right I was assaulted quite terribly I'm really grateful that this is all over with I was struck multiple times until I fainted it's shocking to hear the wise that she's stating about us but you know that obviously the judge saw right through them we're not friends anymore never again I will never allow those women into my life especially my sister I just wanted to be able to speak to the truth of what happened yeah no friends and Tequila do not mix don't have a reason I think to ever talk to her again well it's a good lesson about getting too inebriated and then trying to bring a lawsuit afterwards I think it's tough I mean no one deserves to get those sorts of injuries the photos obviously show that she was severely injured but it's not a lawsuit like you said someone in a brawl always ends up getting the brunt of it and just because you get the brunt of it doesn't mean that you have a viable lawsuit especially when you were the aggressor it's a good lesson Sarah but I'm always amazed these were five yeah substantial young women you know I like my wine never enough to punch someone in the face never enough to become that aggressive most people do not even to be in a position as the plaintiff was where she has a a super responsible job she's in charge of other people to risk going into a stranger's home where there are three unknown men and one woman there for the weekend is total just a so lack of good judgment frightening it should be a lesson to everybody you know have a limit yeah be able to say no more this is it Danielle Flores is suing her former friends Priscilla Ortiz and Jessica agari for false arrest car damages and emotional distress Court come to order AR rise have a seat please hello judh Cas 3102 Flores versus Ortiz agu thank you you're welcome oh my God this is a like a series like a 10-part series so I have to try to simplify it Miss Flores you and these two ladies used to be friends correct and between the three of you you have seven children um Al together about yeah and the three of you have been friends for a while and on September 1st of 2022 the three of you along with your boyfriend were hanging out at whose house my house with all the children yes and you had to go out for a little while of course according to what you said I don't know where tell me where you went I went to see a friend she needed me there was some urgent I was gone for 30 minutes so you went out for a little bit and when you came back according to what I read you found that your boyfriend and these two gals M were drinking yes and you and the boyfriend sort of got into it correct excuse me sorry um it's incorrect that she was only gone for 30 minutes let's say she was gone for 2 hours it was 2 hours great good guess they was gone for 2 hours so you were drinking for 2 hours and not just H we started at the pool okay and you threw him out yes and the two of you left as well one of you took the boyfriend home with them that's me that would be you mhm and when you brought the boyfriend home with you according to you he was upset and you wanted to console him yeah well you consoled him MH I bet he's now your husband yes and then on September 25th Miss Flores was at a local bar the bar that Priscilla and I go I don't want you to shout out anymore do you understand that's it doesn't help you that's fine she was at a local bar and after she arrived you two arrived is that correct yes had you ever been to that bar before this is the first time why did you pick that bar because it was far from my city about 20-minute Drive I figured somewhere a little farther so I won't bump into the girls and end up bumping right into to them so what you're saying is you did not know that this was a place where they frequented yes okay who takes care of all your little children when you're out bar hopping at this very oh sorry I'm just asking a question I that's a name who takes care of all your children when you're out bar hopping at night I have a co-parent so at that time it was my co-parent that was taking care of my children and what about you who my family which family my siblings my older siblings live at home with my dad so he's home with them anyway after you were there for a while the two of them came in and according to you you decided to leave that there was some bad air in the air and you decided it wouldn't be a good idea you went to leave and according to you they followed you outside yes your car was parked there right in front Okay so now I've set the stage now you tell me what happened when you left the bar um I didn't really want to continue staying there after seeing the girls I felt uneased um before I left I noticed the girls were getting rowdy um the security then asked them to leave um the girls I did see in the corner of my eye walking across the street as security was yelling at them leave or whatever they were talking about so were they outside or they're already going outside out pushed outside yes by security correct yes okay and you're still inside yes just from my own curiosity why didn't you stay in the bar when they were pushed out why did you leave I felt uncomfortable I could they weren you understand my question yes the threat was gone they were now outside the bar why don't you stay in the bar I wanted to leave only the reason being is because it was getting closer for me to pick up my children I felt it was best for just me to leave and I was really not having fun what time was this this was about was getting close to midnight so probably about 11:30ish okay so now it's midnight and how old are your children my daughter's 10 and my son is five and they were with whom the co-parent my ex-husband and were going to pick them up at midnight no I was I would make sure I picked them up in the morning but I wanted to go home rest and so forth I so you weren't going to pick your children up you not right away no that's okay so there was no urgency for you to leave at that moment yes just setting the stage for where we're at so now you're outside and you go outside and your car is parked right in front yes keep going um I went outside to leave I open the driver door as soon as I open the driver door Priscilla Ortiz jumps right in front of me and the vehicle that would be you yep mhm not yep oh yes your honor better sorry I was confused I said what are you doing she goes you're not leaving you're not going anywhere as soon as that was said I see in the corner of my eye was Jessica and I felt other people around me I then felt people pushing me and tugging me and there is ongoing traffic right there I was very scared and then I had um on my purse it's a cell phone my debit card and so forth and I have a key Little Weapon for self-defense I do carry with me that Little Weapon I had and I told Priscilla stay away from me and I had it right in her front go stay away from me she lunged after me and I did stab her with it then how many times for my understanding twice at least I don't think it was any more than that she didn't have a weapon no she did not but I had prior restraining order before that she has been taunting me before that I don't care she didn't have a weapon you're right and you stabbed her yes as a matter of fact you stabbed both of them yes okay okay so now you stabbed Priscilla at least twice correct where had you stabbed her I believe on the back so she was still active doing what yelling at me she was yelling at you yes okay and what did you do when she was yelling at you I backed up and I told let me leave get out of my way I want to leave as I opened the driver door Priscilla came right between me and the car and just and then she started yelling at me say you're not going anywhere yes and so then I backed away cuz other people were P me back then Jessica came and lunged at me and that's when I lunged at her and I did hurt her and then I was trying to leave the situation the girls were in front of me and I squeezed through and jumped into my vehicle cuz the door was already open after I seen Jessica what you stabbed only one when did you stab the second one when I was being pulled I stabbed but I didn't know was Jessica at the time but I did stab some as I was being pulled back you stabbed her in the neck yes Danielle Flores claims her former friends Priscilla Ortiz and Jessica agari oh for car damages and emotional distress Priscilla and Jessica are counter suing for injuries received when Danielle stabbed them then you get into your car correct and I got into the car I drove uh before I drove off the car was going back and forth I looked in the back window I noticed that someone was breaking my windshield wiper breaking the front of my windshield wiper who was that it was Jessica's uh cousin or niece she was there she was breaking the windshield wipers and so forth and then I drove off I drove two streets away and I called the police on myself so what are you suing them for somebody else damaged your car I have recordings of Jessica opening my driver door and kicking the steering wheel okay I would like to hear that recording okay [Music] you could see [Music] all I just want to know where her I don't see anybody kicking your steering wheel kicking the inside of my car if you no I didn't see anybody kicking inside of your car you want to play that again maybe I missed it it's right here you see Jessica she's moving a lot she's actually kicking the inside of my the inside of my uh vehicle okay and then she gets out correct okay and so I want you to show me the damage she did to your steering wheel yes cuz then you say you drove away so you clearly drove away and the car was functioning let me just get this clear Miss Flores by the time she went in and kicked your car yes and then she got out of the car and you got in and drove away you had already stabbed both of them with a weapon which neither one of them had when one of them tried to prevent you from leaving by kicking your steering wheel am I getting this right yes you are your honor that's funny so let me understand this you had a confrontation with two unarmed people you stabbed them both you suffered no phys IAL injury they're going to show me because I had seen photographs in gear of their injuries one required 13 stitches one required several Staples as a result of being I got 30es and you think that was okay I was self- defensing myself after previous events of them constantly harassing me your honor don't care restraining orders against them they kept harassing me listen to me you can't use a deadly weapon against somebody because you feel as if you're being harassed but the first first thing that was clear is if they had been harassing you and they were told by Security in the bar to leave for whatever reason because nothing happened in the bar cuz you felt uncomfortable you just felt uncomfortable that they were there so maybe they were Rowdy who knows but then they were escorted out of the bar mhm and instead of you letting this situation sort of resolve and staying for a half hour until they left you decided to leave at the exact same time as they were escorted out or moments thereafter CU you wanted to get home and take a nap before you had to go pick up your children early in the morning am I getting that right you are yeah yeah get out of here you have a counter claim yes yes and your counter claim is for being stabbed yes your honor I would just like to know there was a trial on this yes against her against her was it a jury trial well we weren't really involved in anything for it we got like phone calls but they pretty much told us like you don't need to go to court because there's nothing to do other than we already have your statements did you have a lawyer cuz you were arrested for assault you had to be arrested for assault this was serious physical injury I did one of them was in the neck you know but for the grace of God it could have fit an artery could have been dead what happened with that case when you were arrested it got dismissed I want to see a certificate of disposition I want to see what happened this where's dismiss those were the ones that were for a dismissal I have to know more about this I have the police report of that no I don't want the police report I want to know what happened in court that caused it to be was it dismissed did you take a plea and do community service to well what happened they dropped it because I had a restraining order and previous events with Jessica and prisilla where does it say that here when we were at court they didn't show up multiple times the court last didn't get my uh release until November I was out on or until November 22nd okay I asked you to show me a picture just for closure for the vehicle Kevin would you just show me pictures of the steering wheel that she wants to show me yes they're all in there I just steering wheel no who wants to tell me what happened um your honor we were not escorted out of the bar um the night everything happened on September 25th so we were just in the front of the bar we were not escorted out did anybody asked you to leave no nobody asked us to how come you decided to leave you had just gotten there we didn't leave at all you didn't leave no nobody asked us to leave we didn't feel any type of way of being there fine so now you're at the bar mhm and and so um we had gotten our drinks and we were already there for a while until we noticed that Miss Flores was there and so once we noticed that she was there we still you know we're just like come come come come come faster and then so we stayed and towards the end of the night which was already past 1:30 almost 2 is closing time so we were still right there and we were right there by the front of the bar when Miss Flores had walked past me she had mumbled something and then I had asked her what she mumbled somehow we were going around her car and no just you at the bar how do you get around her car when you're in the like she mentioned she was parked in the front so she was leaving follow me carefully Danielle Flores is accusing her former friends Priscilla Ortiz and Jessica agari of damaging her car and creating a false arrest Priscilla and or counters suing claiming Danielle stabbed them multiple times she was leaving she was leaving passing you in the bar yes correct and she was leaving then she said something to you mumbled something under her breath yes you said what did you just say to me blah BL she's still leaving she goes outside yes did you follow her outside no yes did you I don't want to hear you did you go out after her we were already in the front I don't understand what you mean in the front well because the front of the bar has an inside and outside and the front has where you can you know kind of hang around so that's where we were but we were not escorted out we were not I didn't ask you whether you were escorted out I'm trying to get a timeline right now she passed she said we were escorted out and we weren't did you understand what I just said to you I'm past that yes right now all I'm dealing with how much of this whole mess and getting stabbed was instigated by the two of you that's what I'm trying to figure out how much of it was your responsibility of getting involved with her because doesn't look like the kind of person who would just take out a knife and stab you so now we're outside and I want to find out how you got outside she was going outside did you follow her to her car how did you get to her car we were already outside you don't answer my question I'm going to dismiss your case do you understand that yes that's easy for me if something doesn't make sense it's not true you said you were at the bar she passed you you were sitting at the front clearly towards the entrance because you said it was half inside half outside so she was passing you on her way out she mumbled something to you as you were at the bar yes you said what did you Mumble she's going out to her car mhm how did the two of you get to her car uh by from the bar by walking right after her yes don't speak right after her mhm so that you followed her out of the bar yes okay why why because she mumbled something and I wanted to confront when she mumbled and previously we're already having altercations well then that would be make you very stupid okay that would make you very stupid to follow her out after you had had many altercations you had been in the bar for a while everybody's drinking you followed her outside she was leaving what about you we were still inside Priscilla goes and follows to where she's going with the guys that she was with and then he starts to kind like go towards Priscilla to grab her who sort of goes to Priscilla the man that Miss Flores was with who was following her out of the bar yes so he goes to prevent her from following her out of the bar at that point that would be a yes well cuz they're both arguing with each other that's okay yeah she was following her out of the bar yeah but she was just sitting there yelling at her they're both yelling at each other and then he they wouldn't have been yelling at each other if she hadn't have followed her out of the of course I'm right so so so now they're yelling at each other they're yelling at each other and to me there's no reason for him to put his hands on her so when her cousin and I saw that we went up to confront him we're like hey you need to leave her alone because they've had altercations in the past so we were like hey you need to leave her alone stay out of it and then everyone starts arguing them two are arguing we're arguing with the guy and then everything gets moved over to her car and then that's when everyone's yelling at each other and then out of nowhere she strikes me and then there's so much going on I looked down and I felt wet and I just touched myself my hands covered in blood my outfit as you could see in the video was covered in blood I hadn't touched her we were arguing but I have the police report here where she states that she did not have any injuries and then her just a second she didn't have any injuries and there was no cause for her to stab either one of you based upon what I saw based upon what she told me there was lot of verbal screaming back and forth and screaming back and forth but there was nothing that I heard or saw that suggested that in self-defense she took out a knife and stab the both of you absolutely nothing so miss Flores your case is dismissed where you're asking for damages to the steering wheel and on the counter claim I'm awarding the defendants $10,000 as they request I have no idea while they dropped this case either your lawyer knew somebody or the judge was taking a nap but you there is absolutely no basis to use a deadly weapon I was self-defending myself I have restrain her she keeps even to this day listen to me honor listen to me your honor please I don't care if you have restraining orders Madam don't you understand you cannot use a deadly weapon when somebody is yelling at you people that you know people that you have a history with you can't use a deadly weapon and nothing in the story that you told me gave you reason to pick up a knife and use a deadly weapon the history that you may have with them yes is an entirely different thing please let me please explain what happened previously to these events and the ongoing harassment that Priscilla Still Still taunts me listen to me if she taunts you restraining order file a violation of the protective order okay that's what you do you don't stab them I have it for selfdefense I was so scared of them that's my judgment your case has dismiss $10,000 on the counter claim we're done this court is a Jour I do feel scared to this day of how she torments me as well as her family members we were all friends and then she's just not a good person that we wanted to be associated with uh with Jessica the fact that she did follow me outside the vehicle I know a weapon was not a a a choice to have but it was something that I felt unsafe with because of the constant of them um harassing me prior to this event I just looked down and I was covered in blood and I just I just started freaking out definitely no more seeing each other I hope with definitely with the relocation within the apartments it will be a better peaceful environment for me and Priscilla um and definitely go from there Justice was served she didn't deserve glad she to take advantage of us again I don't think I would have granted the defendants all of the money that they were seeking in their counter suit because in her story when she was laying it out to you she admitted that she knew that there was a restraining order against her held by the plaintiff you mean the defendant the defendant so the second that they entered that bar and then realized that the plaintiff was there they're under a legal obligation to leave and you did not leave so therefore I I think that they obviously no one deserves to be stabbed you cannot just stab people that is not something you can do but but they were under an obligation they were under a legal obligation to leave not to say they should not have been compensated for being stabbed under the circum she had no she had no basis except that she said she had prior harassment there is a proper course of recourse for when someone violates a restraining order none of which includes stabbing them in the neck stole the keys to your car and your car correct I was out for maybe less than 2 minutes I had noticeable issues and got worse and worse and I had to get a tone because the way he drives there's videos of how he drives what an idiot this is Judy Justice Sean Spencer is suing his friend Sierra Coya for engine damage after Sierra drove his sports car without permission Court come to order all rise have a seat please case 3989 Spencer versus Coya thank you you're welcome Mr Spencer how old are you 19 who is this this is uh the person who evaluated my car the mechanic how old are you I'm 18 your honor this is your claim Mr Spencer your claim is that the defendant took your car without your permission and for sort of a little test drive or a joy ride and she blew the engine on the car that's your claim the defendant said it's absolutely not true she didn't do anything to the car she does acknowledge that she took it for a test drive she said I did nothing to the car the car was perfectly fine when I brought it back yes you are okay so tell me on what date you were hanging out and your car was taken by the defendant it was September 28th your honor what kind of car is it it's a 2013 Scion FRS two-seater sports car so the car is 11 years old correct how long have you had it I've had it since May May 25th of this year correct or yeah 2023 who'd you buy it from I bought it from a neighbor how many miles does it have on it now it has 140,000 Mi how much did you pay for the car I paid 12 Grand you paid 12 ,000 for a car that had 140,000 miles on it correct it's a sports car okay where'd you get the $122,000 from uh some of it's through a loan through my mother and the rest was in cash where'd you get the cash from jobs or so you saved up correct okay so tell me what happened in September uh so it's September 28th we were all hanging out for a couple of hours where this is up in Palmdale just off 49th Street at a friend where were you at a friend yeah it was one of the friends that we were hanging out with how many people were there five of them me make six so six total my girlfriend's birthday was the following day so we're going to hang out throughout the night up until midnight what time had you gotten to your friend's house uh roughly like 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. what time did you get there I got around 300 p.m. okay now tell me what happened with the car uh we were all hanging out in her room at the place in Palmdale uh my keys your friend's room yes correct my keys as well as wallet and phone were all on a desk we're going to head down to Canyon Country Santa Clarita and just before leaving the defendant had punched me in my stomach and kicked me ran off stole the keys and then out of nowhere she came and she punched you in the stomach and kicked you where like just somewhere like in the side I was on a bed and then she had hit me and I turned over and she had kicked me and then ran off you mean from nothing you didn't have any incident with her no no not at all she's rather physical and has been in Pre we physical how uh just punching hitting pinching you're talking about playfully uh not because otherwise you wouldn't hang out with her I don't necessarily like to but it's a friend group that everyone else I enjoy being around so I kind of just sort of deal with it if you will so now she's punched you in the side and kicked you mhm and then what uh she then proceeded to take my keys and run out of the house by this time three others were out of the bedroom and starting to get out of the house house just a second so you were alone with her on the bed so we were all getting ready to leave uh three people had already left the room what was left in the room was me my girlfriend and the defendant then and you where were you all I was on the bed and my girlfriend was on the bed she was standing just in front and and then she proceeded to hit me kick me so what you're telling me is she leaned over she punched you and then got her foot up and kicked you someplace yeah got her foot up on got her foot up over the bed and kicked you it was like hip level think I believe that I don't and then she took your keys and ran out of the house correct she ran okay now tell me how you got the keys to the car um he had them laying on the desk we were all just messing around and hit him or kick them I would you just tell me don't tell me what you didn't do tell me what you did I grabbed his keys and I went out of the house so when you say you grabbed his keys and went out of the house you took the call without permission yes I did why it's like a it was a sports car so it was like I wanted like an experience of like driving it it was supposed to be as a joke I didn't mean it in a harmful way I don't think you meant it in a harmful way but you took his car without permission yes and I apologized for it and you said it was okay and forgave me when did you apologize directly after I took his keys and took the car when you brought it back yes okay so you didn't apologize before you took it you took it and it was about what time 900 p.m. okay 900 p.m. and you've been hanging around for a while so you've been hanging around since 3: so you were there between 5 and 6 hours yes anybody doing any drinking no anybody doing any smoking uh nicotine yes okay but nothing other than that no okay so now it's 6 hours later and you took the car where did you go with the car up and down the street I did not leave the neighborhood I was out for maybe less than 2 minutes did you hit anything when you traveled no not at all okay and when you came back he must have been annoyed yes he was okay so he's waiting for you outside yes now Mr Spencer she took your keys she acknowledged that she took your keys without your permission you went following outside after her I assume by the time I was making it outside she had started the car and started to back out okay so you were there just a second so you were there when she backed out of the driveway I was there as she stopped getting out of the driveway and she was going forward she was in the process of taking your car not returning it correct in effect she stole the keys to your car and your car correct okay so now you're standing out in front of the house in front of your friend's house waiting for her to come back correct how long were you standing there waiting for her to come back uh it was rough careful 3 minutes 3 minutes correct so she didn't go very far no now did you see the car uh it's not an answer sorry you saw her pull off pull away with the car for the first 200t until she turned onto a new Street 200t you saw and then you saw 200 ft when she was coming back cuz she was at for 3 minutes so you just stood there so she didn't go maybe she went around the block once right okay and then she brought the car back and what did she say when she got out of the car she say she apologized to you yeah I was infuriated with the fact that she had taken the car because it wasn't the first time she had tried to do this this was just the final time that she finally went through with it and then when she had come she had say like I'm sorry this and that because she could tell I was really mad and at the time I was just like it's okay because the next day was my girlfriend's birthday I was trying to not keep the mood down and really just mellow if you will now you said you were going to hang out someplace that day where were you going to hang out we didn't have any specific plans 9:00 at night where did you go uh after that we ended up driving down to Canyon Country okay but my car just just a second you drove down to Canyon Country country my car did not make it Sean Spencer claims his friend Sierra Coya owes fur engine damage after she drove a sports car without permission okay you got into your car with your girlfriend correct and how far did you get a couple miles so you drove it a few miles yeah probably about four now how long did it take you to drive the car these four miles did it take you 10 minutes uh I would say more like 5 to six 6 minutes in 4 miles that's going pretty fast how fast were you going I think it's 55 there I was going 55 so let's say you were doing 55 M an hour and then what happened uh that whole 6-minute Drive I could not get much power out of it it wasn't working you were traveling 55 M an hour that's power yeah but it wasn't like it wouldn't get there as quickly it was having noticeable issues there was sounds I have a video of the sounds as well that was taken after that 6-minute drive and it had started the second I got in the car and got worse and worse that's why I pulled over took the video had all that okay and I had to get it towed and did you have it towed to his shop I took it to one shop first it was a friend of my mother's uh he gave us a quote for 7200 and that was not in our budget so then I ended up taking it to him okay and where did you find him uh this is my uncle who also works for La what he's my uncle he's your uncle correct stand up Sir is he your mother's brother no he's your father's brother correct okay you have a shop sir or do you do this as a sideline I was a mechanic for 20 years and now I'm that's not what I asked you I asked you whether you have a shop or is this a sideline sure I run a shop what kind of a shop the LAPD Central Division police and what do you do for them I'm an automotive supervisor so I supervise all the mechanics in charge of 1300 and did you in fact fix it I didn't do it personally I diagnosed it and had one of my guys repair it I didn't have the time to fix it you had one of the guys from LAPD do it yes where did he do it at his house how long did he have the car at his house about 2 weeks did he present you a bill or did he present your nephew with a bill well we bought the engine from um an importer and so with a bill I just had uh him buy the engine from them and then we just paid him just a second so you bought the engine secondhand yes and how much did you pay for the engine 45 20 25 and how much did you pay to put the engine in 700 500 that was for the labor okay now you heard so you have a certain amount of expertise I assume yes based upon what you told me what was wrong with the engine it had a a piston that had contacted a cylinder head and bent the valve um so it had low compression in one cylinder how does that happen over revving the engine over revving uh when like if you to put it in a drastic measure if you're on the freeway going 70 and you're in fifth gear and you stick it in third gear what what's going to happen your RPMs shoot up and the engine has too many RPMs and it's not made to have that many RPMs that's why there's a red line on your tachometer you're not supposed to go over that the mechanics can't function that and it over revs and comb makes contact with each other when that happens to the engine does the engine seize well it bent a valve and so the valve just stays at the bad angle to where it can't seal the combustion chamber in the cylinder and so that one of the four cylinders doesn't make full power anymore but it has power you can drive it's still drivable yes and it could go four miles you could probably drive it across the country but yeah you get poor gas mileage check engine light would be on and you'd have noisy it'd be noisy because it ultimately stopped because your nephew drove the car about 4 miles at 55 miles an hour when I saw it the car was still running just making a horrible noise and I don't know if it stopped on him or if he stopped it because of the noise did you stop it because of the noise yeah I started to stop and then as I was slowing down I probably hit maybe 2 m an hour and as soon all the lights came on in the dash and then it seized forend like the next 10 feet okay and Mr Spencer prior to the 28th of September had you had any mechanical difficulty with the car never you had never taken it to a mechanic or anything else on it no okay it had no reason so the evening of this event was the first time you would heard this kind of a noise in the car correct didn't hear it when you got to your friend's house okay COA is that how you pronounce your name Miss Coya so let me tell you this this is the decision that I have to make you can have a seat sir thank you for assistance it is very hard almost impossible to say for certain that you cause damage to his car I don't have to find that as a certainty that you cause damage to his car I can look at circumstantial evidence now if he had given you permission to take his car and you drove it and four miles down the road when he's in the car the car starts to act up I would have said you know what I really can't tell whose fault it was he's traveling 55 miles an hour you took the car because you've been hankering to take that car and have a test drive for a while according to him which I believe because you stole the keys and stole the car that's what you actually did so it's a very easy decision for me yes but he did end up they did go to Ventura they did drive that night to Ventura and he was speeding that way and how do you know because the way he drives I there's videos of how he drives your problem is you stole his car yeah and he admitted into Tex that he was low on oil and the engine seized because he had no oil in it may I see the text that she's talking about who's a friend that was there with the group well you explained to what happened with the car now you can stand up Sir you understand what I was telling her that if I couldn't make a determination as to what caused this problem with the car the fact that she took the car without permission makes my life easy you would agree with that yes but you would agree with the fact that if there was some other basis for the car to have malfunctioned it wouldn't be her fault yeah could the car malfunction as a result of being low on oil there's millions of reasons a car could malfunction yet was that well I'm not talking about Millions I'm talking the problem with the engine a lack of oil can't make the Piston hit the valve well so let me read you what he said to his friend I had sent that text after the first mechanic had so first you're right every cop knows me now so when they pull me over they only give me speeding tickets of 60 M an hour what happened so it was low on oil and the engine seized up ruined just about everything it's beyond repair in order to fix it it needs a new engine and then the labor and parts put in it which is about $88,000 from what I've heard scrapyards only offer about $1,000 for the car and he says damn I'm sorry does that sound familiar to you uh s of yes yeah John Spencer has accused his friend Sierra Coya of driving his sports car without permission and damaging the engine Sierra claims Shawn drives recklessly and damaged his own engine why would you drive a car that was low on oil uh the first mechanic that had it looked at that's what he said but I drained the oil so it was low on oil and the engine seized up that's what the first mechanic told you yeah yeah well that wouldn't be her fault correct right however it wasn't in need of any oil and I check it on the first of every month okay I had it serviced well this was four months you understand do you understand say you you get what I'm saying to you you have any other texts for me to look at yes I have these two and then the the videos of him speeding he speeds but I'll look at the video anyway cuz I like to look at pictures it's and then I also I don't know what this has to do with anything that they were speeding on the way there oh so the drive from Starbucks to Chick-fil-A you read the Chick-fil-A yeah yeah these are other new y yeah was supposed to be like 45 minutes this is on September 15th you following this sir yeah so the drive from Starbucks Chick-fil-A was supposed to be like 45 minutes we did it in 15 it's impossible but okay that's just him talking yeah cool 109 miles for me the entire way that's my buddy's truck we all rode in his truck so that's him speeding that's not me you rode in his truck correct just a minute so when this is every cop knows me now that was me that was yeah every cop knows me now so when they pull me over they only give me speeding tickets for 60 I it was a joke because I had gotten a speeding ticket my first one a couple weeks before I got it at 2:00 in the morning after a closing shift for 60 and a 45 now I'm going to take a look at the video [Music] how did you get this video uh he sent it to the group chat he sent it to the group chat yes what an idiot and there's multiple videos what an idiot it seems like they're all going about 50 mph and it says 93 I mean I'm not saying he doesn't speed or anything but they all have their brake lights on semi trucks can't go 93 he's going the same speed so I don't know where that speed m is coming from he sent it on a group check about his own car Common Sense would say that truck isn't going 103 M hour what truck the semi- truck on the right of him that's going the same speed as him are you making an excuse for that you can look at the video If you think that's accurate then that's fine but I'm just looking at his I how he's going weaving in between cars you think that that's reasonable no do you know that when I am on a Parkway and I see a like that weaving in between cars all I say is I hope they kill themselves alone and don't take anybody else with them he shouldn't have a car he shouldn't be driving a car you shouldn't be stealing the keys to a car so it's going to cost you $7,000 or $6,000 to fix the car yeah that's yeah she's going to pay a th000 for stealing it you're going to pay the rest got it got it perfect that's what that's what happens because unfortunately morons like you usually don't go alone they usually take a family of four with them so this one's going to cost you you understand yeah I don't care you don't mind that do you perfect yeah judgment for the plaintiff cost you $1,000 to take a joy ride we're done this court is a [Music] journ I think it's unfair she stole the car and broke it it was a good decision I did apologize and I accept I I did what I did was wrong when the car broke down the dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree The Sounds were loud and clanky he even drove to Ventura for 2 hours after that was speeding the wholeway there there's only the one video of me speeding and it's inaccurate like I didn't think of it as stealing I thought it was like a joke I didn't really mean to like steal it or anything it's good running no problems nothing the mechanics did a great job fixing it well I'm obviously not going to do it again keep it under 50 I thought it was ridiculous it was it was funny to me do you know how Furious I get Sarah when I'm driving on a Parkway and I don't drive myself on a Parkway anymore I just don't have the reaction time I don't have the reaction times that I did and I feel a little tenuous I like to drive in local streets where I know where I'm going but when I'm on a Parkway and I see these cars weaving in and out speed limit is 55 so you're going 75 or you're going 80 but you're weaving in and out you're coming up on cars they don't know that you're there you I know that you hate that I know that you do because you know when you it tenses everybody else up when you pick up a newspaper and you see what can happen car can flip over if you're going too fast somebody could be fixing a tire on the side of the road and I really just pray that if something happens they go alone I know I know so this kid is Bound for trouble yeah he's the police pull me over now and they only giving give me a speeding ticket for 60 well that means he's been pulled over for speeding numerous times cuz the police know who he is I say to myself I've been driving a very long time and I'm not saying I've never speeded 10 miles maybe 8 mil over the speed limit but I've never been stopped for speeding here's a kid who the police know by his first name yeah unbelievable anyway he slows down okay so you're crossing the street he honk the horn at you you flipped him off he gets out and know he he starts to get loud that's when he pulled out about an 8 in combat knife Dumb and Dumber next day is when we really had an altercation oh so this is just an appetizer this is Judy Justice Lucille Chon is suing her neighbor Seth Kaufman for damage after Seth attack her car Court come to order all rise have a seat please case 3105 jaon versus caufman thank you you're welcome misson you are here today because you believe that the defendant is responsible for damage that was done to your car your car that was being driven by your grandson yes this is the grandson yes they had some altercation and one or both of them may have gotten a little bit injured during the course of the altercation but what took the most of a beating was your automobile yes were you present during that incident not while the incident was happening but I did come out later on well I'm not interested in what happened later on because the defendant's position is that it was your grandson that precipitated this whole problem and he was merely reacting to what your grandson had done so since you were not a witness to any of this I'm going to have you change places with your grandson okay this I'm sorry tell me your name my name is James AA James yes how old are you James I'm 19 years old what do you do uh I'm a plumber your first name Seth how old are you I'm 22 years old what do you do I'm a cook where at a senior living in uh Oceanside both working Hallelujah moment a 19 and a 22y old who were actually employed congratulations thank you how do you know him I didn't know him until this altercation happened and I found out he was my neighbor okay this incident happened on I think it was September 15th so you live next door to each other I believe he lives in in the apartment next to mine yes how long have you lived in your apartment about 6 years but I haven't always stayed with my grandmother and that's where she stays and I stay with her currently could you speak a little slower and try to keep the hair out of your eyes when you're talking to me yes thank you on September 15th where were you living uh with my grandmother in Torrance and is that where you live as well yes it is prior to September 15th you didn't know each other I didn't not at all okay so why don't you start out by telling me what happened on September 15th starting out with the time my first time uh interacting with him I was crossing the street to go to work with Channel loocks boots and other things with what with like Channel loocks pliers for work I had those in my hand along with boots and um other things that I needed and uh as I was almost going to finish crossing the Street he started to honk and um I flipped him off because okay so he was driving yes so you were crossing the street yes he was driving were you walking slowly just a second Seth so he was walking slowly very very slowly very how very very slowly just listen to me listen what I want you to do is who is this oh that's my girlfriend this your girlfriend I want you to stand between your girlfriend and the desk right here right there now I want you to walk in front of your bench and show me how fast he was walking probably about this like no that's not true yeah that's not true now go back and I want you to rethink this again Seth I want you to rethink it do you understand yes you know how old I am nobody crosses the street like that sir unless they're looking to irritate you and you hadn't even had any contact with him before that so he wasn't walking backwards now show me how he was walking probably both that's okay that's better now go back did he have the right of way um um is not an answer he he did not all pedestrians have the right of way sir it wasn't on a Crossing uh Garden so he was crossing in the middle of the street yes between the mediums explain that to me there's a uh a median between the uh Street on Aria and it was uh like walking off of there no like crosswalk or anything what time was this about it was in the morning I think about 10 a.m. okay so you're crossing the street wasn't fast enough for him he hunk the horn at you you flipped him off yes okay let's go from there and then when I flipped him off uh he he got very mad and he's he just tell me what he did don't tell me he got mad that is his state of mind just tell me what he did you flipped him off did you say anything no I didn't at that point he was in his car with the windows up um okay was he alone he was with his girlfriend at the time that would be you yes do me a favor please Kevin yes take her outside this way okay so he's with his girlfriend you flipped him off now so he Parks his car in the middle of the street he stops in the middle of the street yes and uh he gets out and he he starts to get allow he's like like you need to learn some respect and um is that what he said to you you have to learn some respect yes he said like um something along the lines of I'm going to teach you some respect or you need to learn some respect because I had flipped them off and um just a minute so far Seth listen to me you're driving your car with your girlfriend he's walking very slowly you hunk your horn at him he turns around he flips you off you stop the car is that correct yeah but not yeah not yeah that's a yes yes ma'am he's yes ma'am is even better Lucille Chon claims her neighbor Seth Kaufman damaged her car during a fight with her grandson James okay you stopped the car did you get out of the car yes because I was just a second you stopped the car when you stopped the car you stopped the car in the middle of the street I pulled off to the side put was it in a parking Lane yes listen was it in a parking Lane that you pulled over yes okay so you pulled over into a parking Lane and got out of your car yes and uh put on my emergency uh lights as well well what was the emergency think about that for a second I want you to tell me what the emergency was um um is not an answer it's not an answer you're right ma'am uh he was yelling obscenities at me so I yell obscenities back no no no he wasn't yelling obscenities to you sir he flipped you off he left out the part where he also the OD obscenities at me you mean after you hunk the horn at him what did he say uh along the am not along the line I want you to think about what he said you know I got a crystal ball here I want you to think about what he said and you can tell me nothing makes me blush uh he basically just said not basic basically it's a filler word what did he say am I allowed to curse ma'am here cuz it was it was uh curse words are you allowed to say it I said to you I've heard everything okay uh he basically said I was aor basically not basically what did he say he said I was a he said I was a he said I was a lot of things now just a second now he said all these things to you while he was crossing the street and flipping you off yes H not I'm going sure I buy that my friend Seth I think that he may have said those things to you after you stopped and you started to argue with him but all that didn't happen you're driving in the driving lane you hunk your horn cuz you're a little impatient which is sort of stupid but you're only 22 and he flips you off you pull off to the side this all happened very fast yeah do you understand common sense that's what it's the world is all about you pull off into and then you get out and then you start back and forth with him no judge cuz he actually did start yelling opties when I had my windows down he mentioned the fact that my windows were up they were not they were down because it was a hot day so I could him yelling the obscenities cuz it was when he started flipping me off it was yeah so why don't you just keep going what difference it make to you if he calls you a couple of names you're in the car with your girlfriend what difference it make you keep moving ego I guess ma'am well you can call it ego you can call it the stupid Gene you can call it whatever you want but you don't pull over in your car cuz somebody calls you a name after you act like a jerk and hunk your horn at them as they're crossing the street and get out of your car okay so now you're an idiot now let's move forward so now you're yelling at each other next uh after that he said we could fight no no look here sorry he said we could fight so he said to you you could fight yeah we both no no no not we both I want to know what he said to you he's crossing the street he's got things in his hands according to you he says to you do you want to fight yes yes he and and I agreed I and you said sure I want to fight yeah it's mutual combat Dumb and Dumber go ahead so he said do you want to fight you said sure this is all because cuz he honked your horn cuz somebody wasn't walking fast enough in front of your car you know how stupid that sounds pretty stupid yeah I'm I'm aware it sound stupid now coming out of my mouth here again yeah yeah you know all you got to say is I'm a work in progress yeah I am okay keep going after he agreed to that you agreed to fight with you yeah he agreed after that when it was just me and him my girlfriend was trying to tell me like just stop we can I just leave which I should have listened to her I understand that yes um was she still in the car uh no she had come out with me to like try to disolve the situation okay so you you know she's out someplace now where she can't hear what's going on here which is why I had her escorted from the courtroom so she's going to tell me that when you pulled over she said do not get out of the car don't get out of the car yes that sounds like something I would say to my husband when somebody cuts him off and he pulls off and goes running out of the car say you're 90 years old what who are you going to fight with go ahead you know but sometimes you don't get smar sometimes the work in progress just gets stunted keep going after that uh when we both agreed to to fight fight and your girlfriend is telling you trying to stop me yeah trying to stop me from doing everything uh that's when he pulled out about an 8 in combat knife that was completely camouflag uh wish I had a picture of it but it was it was about that big big enough to hurt me basically like I don't care what size a knife is a knife is a knife is a knife it could be an inch long I agree a knife but yeah it was a pretty big knife and then um after that when we were just yelling at each other I didn't leave after he pulled out the knife cuz I was kind of like I can't believe you pulled out a knife on me I was just shocked by it uh a neighbor came over and started trying to break us up as well um and so did my father my father came over because he just so happened to be outside and tried to stop us too so that day it got dissolved like the whole situation and the next day is when we really had an altercation oh so this is just an appetizer yes of what happened the next day which was September 16th yes so now your father is there your girlfriend is there you're separated yes then you saw each other again the next day correct take it from there now you saw each other the next day what happened the next day so so far we don't have anything except did you you take out a knife on the 15th that's an answer yes or no no you did not no you did not have a knife with you yes I did you did where was it in my waistband so it was there yes okay and visible yes okay and what kind of a knife was it a camouflage knife What the how big about this big um okay and who else was out there he was there with his girlfriend and his father came to sort of break things up and it was broken up and you got back into your car and drove off yes so far correct yes let's go to the next day so the next day um I was sitting in my car in front of the apartment that I live at you mean your grandmother's car yes and I noticed that he was um like on the median that he was talking about on Aria he was he was already crossed on that side and he was with his girlfriend and uh he had noticed that I was sitting in my car and he had he had already had his knife out and he came up to me and and he tried stabbing me he stuck his knife in the car already yelling before I could even acknowledge his existence he came up to me yelling upset and uh he he what was he yelling he was like what's up he was like what's up what happened yesterday like what about yesterday you called me what what about now cuz he had a knife now and I guess the day before he felt like he didn't um so he came up to me with a knife and uh immediately stuck it in the window tries poking me and as I tried to get out he K he kicked the door about five times while I was trying to get out crushing me and also shutting the doors I'm trying to get out and um by the time I get out what were you trying to get out for to not get stabbed cuz I couldn't pull off because he on the left side of my car and that's de side I needed to go on the road so I couldn't drive off unless you ran him over yeah and I didn't want to kill him he had a knife he was stabbing you yeah you could have killed him Lucille Chon and her grandson James are accusing their neighbor Seth Kaufman of damaging her car during a fight with James okay keep going so um at that point I got out and I followed him okay just a second so then you were able to get out of your car because he walked away he didn't walk away well then cuz you say you were following him which means that you were behind him which means he was walking away no he uh he was facing me and I was facing him and I I was kind of like walking him back around my around my car cuz I was trying to run like go to my gate and get inside instead of driving off well why didn't you drive off now he's away from the car why didn't you just drive off I just didn't want to get stabbed I wasn't sure what to do it all happened very fast you so you didn't want to get stabbed you got out of your car yeah and I was trying to pretty stupid right yeah I was trying to avoid hitting him with the car go uh he was parked in the fire lane and he there was no cars in front of him he could have pulled off of here no not could have could have would have should have just tell me what happened I was walking across the street me and my girlfriend were actually having a little bit of a a spat my girlfriend and I oh my girlfriend and I you're right uh we're having a little bit of a spat she was leaving I was going across the street to go uh like talk to her you know like settle things down so you having a fight with your girlf yeah little uh ver location what were we having exide about I don't even remember something small and stupid probably and then while I was walking across the street I heard James from his car who put down his window start yelling at me again more obscenities you're you're a you're this you're that so I thought he wanted to start stuff again and it it seemed like he did so I walked up I started talking to him like do you want to fight again the exact same thing I said the day before and the exact same thing happened he pulled out a knife that he had in his waist band and yeah we just kept yelling at each other back and forth my girlfriend again tried to get in between us and stop everything that was going on okay so what you're saying to me that he instigated what happened on the 16th of September by shouting at you when you were crossing the street to talk to your girlfriend exactly and then you came back to the car to confront him as to why he's calling you names again exactly and then from inside his car he took out a knife the exact same knife yes the exact same knife and what did you have nothing now you knew he had a knife from the day before yes I did so why would you go over to his car unless you you yourself had some sort of something to protect yourself with I didn't really care about protecting myself I was just more Angry than anything and that does sound stupid but it's the truth I was just really upset with the fact that we could have had mutual combat the day before that which we both our adults we agreed to could have done that but he wanted to pull out a weapon when there this all started cuz he wasn't walking fast enough across the street yes this all started because he wasn't walking fast enough across the street yes mhm how did Mrs shone's car get damaged uh when I was trying to defend myself from him he like I said he had a pretty big knife I was just he says that he was following me no no no no no no no no no I asked you a question he did not damage his own car he did not you damaged his car how did you damage his car and with what uh uh what I guess my body when I was trying to defend myself I I didn't even realize it happened until uh it happened uh yeah but we're going to I'm going to see pictures of it I assume do you have photographs I assume I'm going to see pictures of the damage to the car I do not have photos of their car no they do oh yeah so as far as you're concerned you don't know exactly how their car got damaged not exactly did you break a window that's what they told me I did no no no you were there I was there I don't remember doing that though I I I don't did you break a windshield I believe it was the back not window but the you know the little tiny part that's connected to your back window in the back of your car one of those tiny ones not the window but the little glass part over here a little glass part that's usually called a window yeah what about holes in the car holes holes would there be any pictures of holes in the car I don't think so no okay and would there be any marks where there was any kicking to the car there shouldn't have been no ma'am you don't remember kicking the car no I don't do you remember what kind of car it was uh BMW okay now let's go back now he's with a girlfriend pick it up so he's September 16th you're in your car sitting in the fire lane did you hear what he just told me yes is that accurate um no it's not he he damaged my car when I had gotten out of it we went to the to the back and that's where I had to go to go to my gate and um go to your what to my gate inside of my apartment and his girl his girlfriend was screaming to just stop everything cuz the day before it was something traumatic I'm sure for her as well already and um it was the same like uh calling each other that and uh so we were just standing there across from each other on the sidewalk and then uh he he back because he's close to my to my car so he uh kind of back hands it and uh he does that to the to the trunk and uh his hand goes through the glass so it cuts him and uh the back of the car is has a hole in it can I see the photographs of the [Applause] damage oh well that would be what we call a look like like a 2-year-old that would be called a window what I want you to do is I see the broken window what I want you to do James is Kevin is going to give you a pen something that will show up on this and I want you to make a circle as to where you allege there's damage to your car you Grand mother's car other than the window I believe there was one more picture in the stack that showed the door that he kicked well I'd like to see it [Applause] okay what's the damage here to like a like a scratch like a line across and what was that made with I think with the knife okay good now Kevin would you go and bring in Mr Kaufman's girlfriend what is her name Kyla he attempted to to slash her with a knife cor no you were taken into police custody they tried to charge me with soul with a deadly weapon who this the first time you ever spent time in jail of course not it's clear to me that your grandson has some growing up to do this is Judy Justice previously on Judy Justice M Khan you are here today because you believe that the defendant is responsible for damage that was done to your car that was being driven by your grandson yes my first time uh interacting with him as I was almost going to finish crossing the street he started to honk and um I flipped him off and the next day is when we really had an altercation I was sitting in my car he came up to me with a knife and uh immediately stuck it in the window tries poking me he kicked the door about five times while I was trying to get out how did Mrs shone's car get damaged uh uh so as far as you're concerned you don't know exactly how their car got damaged Now Kevin would you go and bring in Mr Kaufman's girlfriend what is her name Kyla and now the conclusion Lucille Chan is suing her neighbor Seth Kaufman for car damages resulting from a fight with her grandson now you can sit down I want to talk to Kyla you can sit down Kyla what's your last name Ste s t e e d how long have you and Seth been a couple um going on two years now he has bad temper um sometimes sometimes we're going to go back because you were driving in the car with him yes pl's grandson was crossing the street where were you going um I don't really remember think probably to the store like to get something to eat it's 10:00 in the morning yeah mhm you live together um no well yes what just a second that's either a yes yes or a no or a sometimes it's never a maybe it's a yes where do you live together I live in his car you live in his car yes and where does he live he lives with his mom how long have you been living in his car a good minute I'm not sure a month a a week six months I don't know I don't can't think of the time do you ever go to his mom's house sometimes you ever stay over at his mom's house sometimes okay so I want you to tell me what happened on September 15th when the plaintiff crossed the street um I don't really remember um yeah I can't really remember where do you come from where do you live now in what county city um Oceanside California yes how old are you 22 so I'm going to try to refresh your recollection so that we can start okay because not remembering doesn't work for me okay this young man was crossing the street you're driving with your boyfriend in his car where you sometimes live you're a passenger he's a driver he's crossing the street your boyfriend hunks the horn he flips him off okay your boyfriend pulls over into a parking Lane puts on his hazards according to him what do you say to your boyfriend I just F I think I just follow him and to go get back in the car basically that's what you told him so far so good get back into the car Let It Go when he pulled the car over did you tell him to let it go and just go Um I think so um think I just remember I don't remember okay you've been with him two years correct yes and the place where he lives his father also lives is that right yes what's his father like um he's a pretty nice guy did you ever see Seth with a knife no does he have one not that I know of does he have any weapon not that I that you ever saw no what about his father his father have a weapon mm ever SE not that I know of now I want you to go back to the next back in your memory to the next day this is the day after this incident happened in the street and ultimately his father was there between you and his father you got him to separate and you all went on your Merry way yes on the 15th now I want you to think back to the 16th which is the day after okay you and your boyfriend were outside and you were having an argument yes and you walked away from him and you went to the median in the street yes okay what was the argument about um I had did something to upset him what did you do I was talking to another guy that he saw or that was on a text it was on a text okay and so he was upset yes where had you been right before you got outside if I'm not mistaken I think that's when we were at his dad's house inside his dad's house so you were at Dad's house and if not it was either in his dad's house or outside in the car okay was he yelling at you um what was he saying to you I mean I could understand him being pretty upset I mean after all he lets you live in his car remember right and now he sees you talking on the phone what he said he sees you talking on the phone to texting probably another guy yes and he's angry yes and he has a little bit of a temper that you've seen occasionally I would say that that's probably true right you saw the day before so you started to walk away yes and did he follow you yes he did followed you and what was he saying as he followed you I don't remember I think he was trying to get me to leave what do you mean you were already leaving yeah or I I really don't remember I don't I'm pretty sure he was trying to get me to like not be around him anymore so what was he saying to you and was he saying it in a loud way or in a quiet way um like medium like not so loud but like still loud so he's following you into the median and then you're there so you actually saw everything that happened where was the plaintiff's car I think it was across the street yes and so you saw his plaintive score now he's coming out after you and he is angry yes go ahead I want you to tell me next about what happened in the confrontation between Seth and James and the car okay do you understand yes don't say I don't remember okay let's go I I really can't remember would you have remembered better if you were sitting in the courtroom and you heard him testify would you have remembered better yes that's why you weren't here Lucille Chon claims her neighbor Seth Kaufman owes for car damages after fighting with her grandson James now tell me what happened I don't remember I remember you do understand Seth you do understand Seth that because she can't remember you're going to pay for the damage to the car you do understand that I did not understand oh well I'm telling you if she is so intimidated by you that she can't tell me oh you think that she can't that she can't tell me what happened on September 16th that she can't tell me what happened on September 16th and she's your witness you're going to pay for the damage to the car do you understand I want you to be clear about that Kyla if you can't remember he's going to pay for the damage to the car okay you understand I understand now do you have any memory of what happened on September 16th other than the fact that he was angry that you were texting with another guy um I remember crossing the street and then next thing I know is I hear yelling so I turn around and they're going at each other what does that mean tell me yelling at each other just yelling just yelling okay and so you now you have to watch them they're yelling at each other I get in between them cuz they're yelling at each other you walked over to where they were yes and phys basically put your body in between them okay was James in his car or out of his car um I think he started off in his car and that's correct I don't remember how it started but he had somehow tried to get out I guess he my boyfriend kicked the door and then that's when he grabbed like he had got out eventually and then he had a knife in his hand um James did yes and that's when I kind of backed up but I was still trying to tell Seth to like let's just go and leave it alone smart and after that it kind of just ended the cops had came um okay good now you can change places with each other okay now I'll see an estimate for the damage now they have to put a window in the car and take out a dent what happened when the police came James um when the police showed up they arrested both of us and separated us almost immediately mhm and uh I'm not sure where they put him um but they put me in the back of a cop car and then what happened and then I was taken to jail and um they tried to charge me with um soul with a deadly weapon but they realized soon that I was a victim and they dropped off don't tell me what they realized you were arrested at the time of your arrest you had the knife with you um it was in the grass somewhere you had thrown it in the grass yes okay so at the time love this job so at the time of your arrest despite the fact that he told him that you had a knife you disposed of the knife so at the time that the police came you had no knife yes great love this okay did you have the window now you can sit down well just don't sit down you can stand next to your grandmother he did not cause $4,000 of damage to your car Madam you had to have the dent taken out maybe two and you had to replace a window which is a big deal do you know how much that was I haven't replaced it I haven't I can't afford it the window still broke and the dents are still in the car and there's also a scratch right around the car and I don't know how that happened there's more than two DS there's about four or five DS in the in the door yeah I wouldn't let him drive the car anymore do you let him drive the car anymore H he has to get to work and I can't always take him so the answer is you still let him drive the car yes so you drive the car and you leave it outside with a broken window well we have the window coverboard so that does the rain doesn't get in there and we're using the my car right now we very seldom use the BMW now it's parked in the back Sarah could you please find there the cost of fixing the window if you can sure so you disposed of the weapon before you were taken into police custody will you ultimately let go um yes after 3 days so you spent 3 days in jail yeah did you see a lawyer I don't I don't believe I did public defender you had to have been arranged it was a public defender well that's a lawyer oh I wasn't quite sure that the person was a lawyer or a public defender I don't know the difference to be honest public defender is a lawyer who does it cheaper but I want a lawyer I don't have a lawyer I have a legal aid I see for a tint glass but it doesn't break out besides taxable parts and labor but it doesn't break out for see if you can look up replacing a BMW small window Sarah okay see if you can find that cuz that's what he's going to do actually I think there's a line item here rear door stationary vent glass remove replace $133 at the very bottom the last line item if you want to just take a look and then there is an additional tint glass here I'll just circle it I circled it for an additional 75 you run may speak mhm he also put a dent in the back of the in the trunk with his knife he didn't have a knife he did have a maybe maybe but so far I have no proof that he had a knife I know he had a knife okay I know he had a knife that he was smart enough to to dispose of before he was arrested do you understand I understand that very good Lucille Chon claims the defendant Seth Kaufman refuses to pay for car damages after starting a fight with her grandson James what I'm telling you is he was smart enough to dispose of his knife before he was arrested do you understand if the police had found the knife on him probably would have been a whole different story was this the first time you ever spent time in jail no no of course not immediately prior to this incident when had you been in jail before uh about a week for what uh domestic violence against whom uh my ex-girlfriend great what happened with that case she attacked me so I smacked her once and then uh some neighbor saw and called the cops mhm now that was about a week before immediately prior to that though that was either the domestic violence and then a assault with a deadly weapon two things yes the only time that you've been arrested yes really what about you well I didn't get arrested that day they no no no prior to September 16th when had you been arrested immediately before never never i' had been detained before but You' been what detained where they' sit you on the curb and stuff but never arrested me and my girlfriend were having a spat outside we got detained cuz the neighbor said we were too loud but we weren't arrested we were just talked to told the quiet down and then we all went on our way okay so I'm going to tell you this miss shakon you got to stop thinking that he's an innocent victim do you understand yes he's 19 years old right yes how old are you 74 ever been arrested no I'm 81 never been arrested 26 never been arrested I don't even have to go on this side you got the gist of what I'm saying to you he's 19 he was arrested twice within one week doesn't that tell you something we several times yes talked about what about him staying out of trouble and just concentrating and working which is what he's doing now okay and he did um he did have the money to buy that car he had worked a whole year putting money away to for the down payment on the BMW and so he's very responsible and also on the police report it was mentioned that they believe he he hit the window with the back of the knife and that's how he cut his hand oh I'd like to see the police report please before I make a decision about how much your grandson is going to contribute to fixing the car because both of these characters acted inappropriately you would agree with that Miss shakon wouldn't you yes perfect so that they should both bear the responsibility one it's really dumb and [Applause] dumber also the same police officer who arrested you this time arrested you in the the domestic violence case yes let's read on how come neither one of you told stand up over there did you tell the police that he tried to stamp her with a knife yes I did how come in all this conversation that we had today so far we've been at this for 40 minutes I never heard from you that he tried to slash her with a knife uh I didn't want to talk out a turn and I was waiting for my turn to talk you idiot there was a few things you're idiot so far so far I have to tell you what you've told me about yourself that you got out of your car because someone disrespected you right that you went over to him because whatever because you had a big fight with your girlfriend about something else that you told me the most important thing that's in this police report is your claim that everybody else denies that he attempted to slash her with a knife correct that you forgot to tell me yes okay let all forget didn't have the time to more okay I'm finished with this case I don't have to read it anymore it's clear to me that your on Cross Your Hands sorry it's clear to me that your grandson has some growing up to do first you should get him take the hair out of his eyes he'd be more successful he could see where he's going second thing is he's going to pay for half the damage to your car and at most the damage to your car is $11,000 so he's going to pay 500 cuz all I'm charging them is500 do you understand yes we're done thank you very much judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of $500 this court is a j goodbye I'm happy with the judge's decision uh I think that James was equally if not more responsible for what happened that day than I was so I'm glad that she made him at least pay for half of it I respect that I respect the yeah her I should have been better about my anger I don't need to lose my temper like that I mean as the judge said you know I could have murdered him those are her words I think that I was acting a little bit stupid those two days the next day I thought about it a lot like I didn't need to do any of this I was simply going to work I don't instigate fights people carry guns a lot of people carry a lot of other illegal things that they can just use on you at any time so my words were I don't want to fight you and when I showed him his my waistband with the knife he don't want to fight anymore either basically just got to check my ego just keep doing what I want to do this whole thing could have been avoided if two young men just checked their egos a little bit got way out of hand for literally no reason no reason walking SL a little too slow to cross the street I think that it's a very deep pathology those three young people is a very sad pathology not sure what her issues are but the 19-year-old looks like butter could melt in his mouth until he opens his mouth and he's clearly got his grandmother sort of a little B Boozled what started off is two young employed people thought it was going well it went South fast yeah looks like a job won't save everybody but you know better be unemployed in a nice person employed in going down a very negative path yeah all three of them yeah all three of them very sad great your brother asked you if you wanted to come and live with him yes ma'am things started to get sticky he likes to yell and scream I told him is basically that he needed to move out how did you respond to that not well and your reaction was to hit him ever heard of the old adage that fish and companies start to smell after 3 days this is Judy Justice Steven shuffler is suing his half brother Jonathan duset for damages from an assault in a moving vehicle Court come to order all rise have a seat please Kevin hello judge case 3101 schauffer versus duette thank you you're welcome Mr Schaffer the defendant is your much younger half brother yes ma'am how old are you 40 and you sir 23 and from what I gather from the papers your mom died three years ago yes ma'am and you were living with her at the time no I was not um I was actually staying in my own rental place in the same hometown of Unice Louisiana were you working yes ma'am okay did there come a point when you stopped working yes ma'am when was that it was shortly after my relocation to Arcadia Florida and I was out of work for several months so you relocated shortly after your mom died in in Florida is that where your brother lived no he uh lives on South Beach but also in Florida yes and when you moved to Florida from what I gather from the papers things didn't go well for you you lost your job and your brother asked you if you wanted to come and live with him at least temporarily yes ma'am you would say that's nice of him yes ma'am and who does your brother live with his best friend Ivan and Ivan was okay with it yes ma'am so in what month and year did you pack up your things from Arcadia and move in with your brother I actually do not have an exact recollection of AD and time this November of 2020 so right in the middle of Co mhm what kind of house does your brother have house apartment it's a condo how many bedrooms one where did you sleep on the sofa so it was clear then that you're a grown man he's a grown man he's got a roommate I assume you split the costs of the apartment with the roommate he's my partner do you split the costs no you don't who pays the rent he does he pays the mortgage and and everything so he pays all of the expens fences by the way how was your partner with your brother moving in uh he was happy with him coming I mean cuz you know he thought it would be good for me and that it would be good for him cuz where he was living before he was not living in very good conditions and not with a very good person and from the day that I met the person he was living with before I said he's got to go like I didn't want him there anymore you know so when the opportunity presented itself I I asked him to come live with me and he came okay so you were staying on the couch there's one bedroom and I assume that you weren't contributing to any of the household finances I have a monthly rent of $300 so you pay them $300 a month yes and when did that start it was about a year and a half after when I had picked up my first job on okay so you lived there rentree and they covered your expenses for a year and a half nice but then what I gather from reading these papers things started to get sticky because I assume you knew that this was not a permanent arrangement sleeping on a couch you knew that yes ma'am that's not the way you know you live in a one-bedroom apartment sleeping on the couch was supposed to be temporary and I gather things got a little testy because you ever heard of the old adage that fish and companies start to smell after 3 days ever hear that yeah yes ma'am yes ma'am well now we're into your third year and you both acknowledge that there was some arguing in the house after a period of time yes ma'am yes ma'am between the two of you yes M ma'am what what about his partner his partner was not involved in the argument my partner would he wouldn't tell him anything but he would come to me anytime he did anything that he didn't like I would have to hear about it okay he's your brother you take care of yeah got yes ma'am so there had been one such argument and then from what I'm reading you had a doctor's appointment yes ma'am and there had been a little episode maybe the night before or the day before so you thought maybe it would be a good idea for your brother to drive to the doctor's appointment where you could have a discussion with him yeah yes ma'am and that was on the 15th of May of 2023 yes ma'am so you want to tell me what happened that morning and getting into the car because it is your claim that your brother assaulted you and physically injured you during the course of that car ride to the doctor that's what this case is about yes ma'am okay um I was a little upset with Johnny because the night before he was yelling and cursing at me with the door open and some of my neighbors came outside and they were like they were looking at us and they were like what you know what's going on and that became kind of common with him because he likes to yell and scream I'm a very soft spoken person I don't yell and scream even when I'm mad I stay very calm and you know my partner was complaining to me and we were kind of at odds with each other because of of this over the last few years I mean when he comes home he doesn't even talk he just goes straight to his bedroom and closes the door like my partner does oh like he didn't even wasn't even talking to me he was you know very angry with me because of this cuz he blames me in a way for how he behaved okay Steven shuffler claims his half brother Jonathan ducet assaulted him when he was driving resulting in a permanent scar so you going to a hematology appointment did you ask your brother to join you or did he he wanted to come he insisted on coming because he didn't want to be left home alone and he usually would accompany me to the doctor's office anyway like he would most always come with me even if we were not arguing uh it didn't make a difference you would almost always come with me um and so we we started driving and um when we were in the express lane uh and there's no way to stop in the express lane uh because there's no shoulder he started he when he opened the door and was saying he was going to jump out of the car no but you were arguing before that what I was telling him I told him is basically that Ivan had had enough and that I had enough and that he needed to move out he needed to go back to his his family in Louisiana or he needed to make some other Arrangement because I couldn't take the stret anymore I had health problems at the time is that what he told you yes ma'am I just couldn't take it anymore because the stress how did you respond to that not well tell me what you did we were having a discussion about what had happened the night before after he had talked about him and Ivan having an issue with me I mean at the point of I wanted to go with him to the doctors to smooth this over and more or less it was to the point where he was just verbally berating me at at that point and it was did he tell you that both he and his partner wanted you to move and find a suitable place to live yes and when he told you that and you reacted badly did you try to open the car door yes ma'am it was only ause though I I just wanted him to to stop that was in your mind that it was only a ruse you asked him to stop your brother said can't stop here it's in an express lane you're on a highway yes ma'am so you going at least 50 60 M an hour on Parkway and you went to open the car door I'm going to ask you at that point you're pretending but he doesn't know that you're pretending to open the car door I want you to tell me what happened Mr duet well when I opened the car door in order to make an attempt to have him cease the verbal beating that he was giving me he reached over and in my perspective I thought he was violently grabbing me and I acted on impulse how did he grab you by the shirt by the hair elbow so you're driving so I assume his right hand grabbed you like this is that right and grabbed your left elbow yes ma'am and your reaction was to hit him yes ma'am so you took your right hand and hit him where did you hit him between his eyebrows did the car stop no kept going yes ma'am for how long I imagine it was hardly 15 to 20 minutes before we got him to the hospital well you got him to the hospital because he was bleeding yes ma'am profusely do you have the hospital report sir yes ma'am I'd like to see it because we already then have the fact that he put his hand on you in all probability to stop you because he thought you were going to jump out of the car your reaction was to punch him that's what happened not so crazy unusual there's a bad cut there was that just from your hand or did you have a ring on or something that's a pretty bad cut so that's pretty powerful it was it was my knuckle bone no that's a pretty devastating blow you're lucky you could drive yeah well this clearly Mr du said an assault on your brother and he was clearly injured that's what the basis of this case is when did you move move out almost 2 months after when did he move out a few it was a few months later it was like maybe in October the beginning of October or September September or October when did you file this case a few months ago like um in October I think I I filed it with the court just a few weeks ago actually I I thought you meant with with you guys is what you're saying that you filed this case to appear before me in October and then you filed it in court some time more recently yeah in January the beginning of January in court yes ma'am do you have medical insurance yes ma'am okay so the medical insurance covered most of your medical bill yes ma'am was there any payment beyond that um I had to go to Pensacola to visit a plastic surgeon that I'm friends with to see if there was anything he could do for me I went to see him twice and um basically he gave me silicone gel to put to put on my on the scar um he's a a good friend of mine and um so I didn't he didn't charge me anything okay you don't see it really as you get older you find that you look at yourself a little less or you put the mirror a little farther away you don't see these little things otherwise you would have nightmares and be up all night so you stayed home for a couple of months how was the couple of months that you spent before you moved out after the assault I felt terrible I assume that you did where are you living now in West pal Beach good with whom uh shelter is that the shelter that you moved into when you moved out of e condo yes ma'am are you working yes ma'am tell me what the shelter is like Mr duet just very nice people generally keep to themselves I keep to myself and have your own room I share a room with another person there is it okay yes ma'am you see a doctor regularly yes ma'am weekly weekly yes ma'am weekly through the shelter yes ma'am okay I also see it therapists weekly through the shelter that's what I was talking about oh my bad okay all right good so it sounds as if you're in a reasonable place now yes ma'am okay good so you acknowledge how badly you felt after this assault it was really an unprovoked assault he was probably trying to pull you back so that you wouldn't hurt yourself CU I have a feeling that your brother loves you a great deal but you're probably better off out the side of somebody else's social situation by yourself whether it's yourself at a shelter or hopefully someday in a place of your [Music] own Steven shuffer claims his half brother Jonathan ducet assaulted him when he was driving resulting in a permanent scar in any event you understand Mr schaffler that I'm going to issue a judgment in your favor but it's not going to be a crippling judgment against your brother I think that he understands that what he did was wrong you're entitled to a monetary award you had some pain and suffering certainly you understand what his situation is Judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of $1,500 we're finished thank you very much this court is a Jour I caused my brother unnecessary suffering I at least he got a little bit of something for it as opposed to the hell and grief I gave him he needed something to happen to him to get him to be to see reason and behave himself you know cuz he's kind of out of control um a lot of pain bleeding everywhere and it was not good I wasn't verbally assaulting him or berating him I was just telling him you know you really need to leave my house you need to go because I can't deal with you anymore and the drama that you make and the trouble that you cause you know I just want him to know I love him and I'm sorry I I don't know that if that he's changed his mentality or his way of thinking and behaving I mean he says that but he always said he always would tell me that and then he'd go back to doing the same things right after only time we tell yes there is a chance to put the relationship back together I felt so sad for both of those Brothers clear that the defendant had has issues his brother seems like a very nice young man and really tried very hard to help his brother one incident though can turn it all sour you know I really don't think it did Sarah the defendant said he felt terrible I said how did you feel for those two months he said I felt terrible he knew he had just lost it for that moment yeah and I'm sure that they love each other seems like he's on the path to getting the help that he needs and getting on the right track though so that's at least positive to see sad but I think he has a supportive family I still think that he's supportive of him sure which is very mature very grownup and for the defendant very lucky yeah case 3093 Scott versus Scott all parties please come forward Tanisha Scott is suing her niece Sierra Scott for travel costs from Sierra's negligence Miss Scott this is your niece is she your sister's daughter or your brother's daughter my sister's daughter how old are you 47 how old is she 27 now so this is what the case is about the family was planning a trip to Disney in Florida yes how many people were going uh seven people not including the children seven adults yes tell me who they were my mother my mom's friend my aunt my husband and myself and did you invite your aunt to go with you yes when was it that you invited your aunt when she was included in the planning in the original planning which started when April 2022 okay so this is what the case is about you were supposed to find the least expensive flights for a few people yes not everybody I soon just my aunt and my mom this Aunt yes and your mom and you did in fact do some investigation mhm and when you thought you found the right Fair there was a three-way call to the airline yes you were on the call yes you were on the call yes and the airline was on the call yes and you purchased tickets to go and you purchased tickets on what date I purchased the tickets you all purchased the tickets cuz she used her credit card yes good what date um can I check my evidence absolutely you're on I'm sorry it doesn't tell me the purchase date okay on what date were you on this three-way call and the tickets purchased if I'm not mistaken I think it was like December 3rd of 22 and this is what happened after the tickets were purchased you were on you spoke to the airline you gave them your credit card number and they told you how much your fair was going to be it was just you and my son son you and your son so you purchased two tickets yes purchased two tickets and when you purchase tickets on an airline if I'm not mistaken the attendant who is helping you gives you the date that you're going confirmation number I don't know whether they assign you your seats tells you certainly from where to where you're going all of those things are confirmed on the phone that's what happens when you call the airline yes and you heard where you were going you're 40 7 years old and the airline tickets that you purchased were going to Fort Lauderdale instead of Orlando what that's where she said we were going I didn't know it was for her son's birthday she told me that we going to Fort Lauderdale that's why the tickets was purchased the fort out you were taking your son to Disney correct yes Disney is in Orlando Orlando so if your niece who's 27 says we're going to Fort Lauderdale to Disney what you say is Disney is not in Fort Lauderdale Disney is in Orlando that's what this case is about you were on the phone you purchased the tickets then your niece said to you we really have to fly into Orlando there's a change fee and this is what the change fee is to change the tickets from Fort Lauderdale to Orlando you said ultimately you pay the difference I'm not paying it was your mistake that's what happened yes that's why we're here you didn't go and you're suing for what you spent on the airline tickets and your contribution to the Airbnb yes and that's not happening okay if the reason you decided not to go is because you didn't want to pay the change fee well that was your fault you listened I mean I don't think that there's a person around who thinks that Disney in Florida is in Fort Lauderdale it's in Orlando she may have gotten confused but you shouldn't have been confused you were taking a teenager to Disney right yes okay so you have no case Mr fact that you invested in tickets and you didn't want to pay the change fee you wanted her to pay for you that's unreasonable okay got it yes good J dismiss we're done you this court is a [Music] Jour I feel like my niece was responsible for those tickets granted that I mean she said we was going to Fort letter that I didn't book it was for your son birthday party so see that was a mistake I didn't know I've never been to Florida I've never been to Disney World before the judge said it was my for so it is what it is I just take the loss and now I know not to just deal with nobody else and book my own tickets there's nothing I can do there no money I can return it was all out of my hand so I'm glad that she has the satisfaction to know that she can get nothing from me that would just move on in the kids just you know be okay by you the most surprising thing about that whole case was that people still call to make plane reservations I don't think I can't remember the last time I called to make a plane reservation you said on forever I just do it online do most people do it online I know I haven't made a plate reservation in a very long time yeah I would assume so make it online maybe it diminishes the problems like this like we see here when you book to the wrong place but hey for everyone out there Disney World is in Orlando foree spee fore fore fore [Music] speee fore spee fore speee foreign

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