Judge Judy Episode 9969 Best Amazing Cases Season 2024 Full Episodes HD

23-year-old retail salesperson Kelly postmus for unpaid rent unpaid loans and the value of a dog Kelly is counters suing for the return of her property order all rise y this is case number 35 on the calendar in a matter of loan versus postumus POS have been sworn in judge you may be seated folks have seats Mr Len it is your claim that the defendant owes you for rent some money that you loan to her and is responsible for your puppy being lost she says that you owe her money because she stole stuff from her storage unit so you're going to explain the situation to me starting with how she came to live in your house okay um she uh married a good buddy of mine she moved in they both shared a room for 500 a month and so you had a friend yeah who married her yes and he was your tenant yes okay when did he move in beginning of September September 1st with his wife yes that's the defendant yes then what happened well actually they moved in and then they got married like a week later and then uh he paid $430 and then he left uh September 26th he took off um he ditched her and then um she ended up staying because she had nowhere to go so I let her stay St and then uh so I'm I'm asking for rent money tell you let's move on so you let her stay yes and did you have a rental arrangement with her yes what was the arrangement um well first of all when they when they were married together it was 500 a month and then you know without if it's just her it's 400 a month starting in October uh yes did she pay you in October uh no did she pay in November NOP she never paid any R just a second just a second didn't pay you October didn't pay you in November when did she move out uh she moved out January 8th did she pay you in December no and she was just your tenant yes no romance no nothing like that uh she tried to uh L L me into a relationship but but you resisted right fine I just want to know this is just rent yes and she's staying in her room and you got your room well actually she uh wouldn't leave me alone she was like a tail I guess no no no Mr loen listen to me sir I have to find out if this is a pure tendency relationship or if something happened because that's part of her defense so she did not only stay in her room but sometimes you shared a room right okay when did you start sharing a room well she didn't have a bed so I had an extra bed and she stayed on that for a while and then she jumped in my bed when did you start sharing a room sir uh we started sharing uh October 4th okay now now you want to tell me about these loans that you claim sir she came up me to me at work and asked to borrow 60 bucks uh and she her and my my uh roommate Angie uh went out and got cats it was surprise so I gave her the money she comes home with the cat when um I'm not sure on the exact date what else and then um I gave her she asked stop playing with the cards sorry she asked uh I brought a couple hundred bucks to her in cash when I'm not sure for what miscellaneous stuff I'm not even sure before or after she was sharing your room on October 4th after what else um and then I gave her I she was she went on house arrest for a few weeks and uh I paid for all the house arrest what was she on house arrest for that I'm not exactly sure she uh she was I would call her an honest person so what else she um wanted to borrow a couple hundred bucks to go Christmas shopping for her three kids and I wrote a check for the to the bank and uh I got a receipt and a check saying that uh I got the 200 bucks from my bank to to loan her oh this better pick up Mr loen let's go um and then I also gave her 30 bucks for uh she needed uh to get diapers for her kids and then uh I also gave she ordered Chinese food one day at work and uh and I went out and uh picked up the uh Chinese food and then I paid for it and of course she never paid me back for it and then uh on November 1st she uh cleaned out all of her or cleaned out her room and I had to pay uh six bucks extra for garbage and then uh when she finally moved out I had to pay another four bucks to get rid of some more stuff Judge Judy maybe he'll am I allowed to step in here for a minute no she let me stop you Mr Lo cuz I'm really getting very bored and if I'm bored bird is bored with your six bucks and your four bucks and your 20 bucks me 23 bucks from October the 4th until she left in January did she share your room yes well not not the whole time half the time about that yeah forget it can you say these words no I'm not interested could you repeat those words to me yeah no I'm not interested no I'm not interested um I'd like to call my witness she can verify that she would not leave me alone I asked her several times to leave Mr loen you don't ask us several times to leave you call the authorities and say I want this person who's trespassing in my house out of my house you have no lease with her she had no right to be there but you can't call the the police to come to your house to evict a trespasser who you're sleeping with that's a problem do you work for a living yes I do what kind of work do you do I deliver pizzas for Domino's Pizza okay if Domino's Pizza calls somebody and says we have a free we have an offer you get a 12in pizza with nine toppings for $6.99 and somebody doesn't like pizza you know what they say no I'm not interested but listen to me Mr loen you don't eat the pizza and then say no I'm not interested do you understand my point that's a good analogy yeah good Judge Judy continues in a moment would you tell me what happened with the puppy I I bought the dog for $150 the next day she threw a Halloween party the dog disappeared jet had taken her to court and sued her for the puppy chew and later today I started crying and I was screaming I was saying you know stop and he said shut the f up and get over it listen Miss Campbell get over it real cases real people Judge Judy Jed loen says his relationship with roommate Kelly postemus quickly turned romantic now he claims she owes for unpaid loans rent and for the cost of a puppy now Madam yes you say that he took stuff out of your storage unit yes what was your stuff doing in storage it was after I moved out of his house I placed it all in storage did he have the key to the storage unit actually yes when we first got it he put it in his name so he's the only person that had a key what was in your storage unit I had everything my bed my crab my table um my TV my PS2 my VCR all my clothes my kids' stuff Mr loen did you take any of the stuff out of the storage unit that belongs to her H it's a bunch of junk in her storage did you stop pay for the storage I signed the lease and I was on it for I got a month free and then like a month later we uh went and got it arranged so it was in her name you went together right now when you went together did you check the storage unit I don't even look in there you went down to the storage unit with him and had put in your name I met down there and just answer my question no not with him you met down there yes did you look in the storage unit at that time he wouldn't give me the key he wouldn't let me go in there I had he had bought me a car just just a sec if you went and put it in your name and paid for it then they'll give you another key your honor the lock that I originally had on there he went and cut it off and put his own lock on and he had bought me a car and he told me the car I had moved to Illinois and he told me he wasn't going to sign over the storage until he got the car back so that day he went down with his mom got the car and I have an sign agreement here saying that once he got the car he would sign it over give me the keys he wouldn't take take anything or nothing out of my storage and the next day he came over signed it over but he didn't give us the keys other than the fact that he had the key you have no proof that he took anything out of the storage unit is that right yeah all right now I have my witness though that knows everything that was in storage I have I don't care he proof that he took stuff out of storage why didn't you pay him any rent um I did actually pay him rent when I was working at dominoes I signed over two checks to him one was for 350 and one was for 400 the best item on your agenda is this puppy yes right what happened with the puppy well I I uh wrote a personal check which I got the uh the check right here and uh um she was my witness she uh she lived with me at the time would you tell me what happened with the puppy I I bought the dog this uh October 30th for $150 the next day she threw a Halloween party who she Kelly yes she threw a Halloween party and the dog disappeared where were you I was working what happened to the puppy actually somebody took the puppy from the party we had but he wasn't working he was there and Angie that's sitting over there it was probably about 3 months ago she was an ex- roommate too Jed had taken her to court and sued her and sued her for the puppy too this is the third person were you sued for this puppy not for the puppy it was for the cat takes all kinds Mr loen you have no case you ate the pizza sir you ate the pizza and Madam you have no case cuz you can't prove to me that he took anything out of your storage pictures goodbye have a happy life it's been nice spending the morning with you bye might I excuse you may step out she's uh scandalism doesn't pay anyone anything I got pictures of everything being damaged my entertainment center is totally scratched up I mean just everything that was in there I never touched her I never broke anything she made it all up and her junk wasn't worth anything anyways everything was going fine between me and him and then all of a sudden his parents are like if you don't choose her or us you're never going to see us again so that's when he kicked me out and now the next case all parties in the matter of Campbell versus Mason step forward please 16-year-old Katie Campbell and her mother Kathy Campbell are suing Katie's former friend 17-year-old Tim Mason and his mother Tamara Mason Katie says Tim cut her hair against will miss Campbell this is your daughter yes and you're suing on her behalf is that right yes and Miss Mason this is your son yes and you're defending the suit on his behalf because you are how old sir 17 years old all right so I'd like all the mothers to sit down please I'm going to make short work of this Miss Campbell it is your complaint that the defendant assaulted You by cutting your hair off yes and you want him to pay all sorts of Damages because you wanted to be a model and it took you 5 years to grow your hair and that was your crowning glory and he made a mess of it when he cut it is that right correct is this the young lady that you were with when he cut your hair yes all right you step up here let's do this very very fast real cases real people Judge Judy 16-year-old Katie Campbell says former friend 17-year-old Tim Mason cut her hair against her will Katie says it's been a serious setback to her modeling career you wanted to get your hair done yeah she was just going along for the ride right was her where were you going to go to get your hair done he was coming to our house he was just a friend of hers okay and he wants to be a hairdresser no not at all you just want to be I don't want nothing to do with hair they asked me as a favor I do my hair every once in a while pull it through a cap and they asked me to come over to do it out of a favor what were you going to do for this young lady fix Katie's mess up of her hair dye color or cut color color so he was going to color you now why would you let him color your hair he was a friend of hers friend of whose my sister's mine now did he color your hair yes he did good and then he cut your sister's hair right tell me how that happened well um he cut my sister's hair I he colored my sister's hair and then he pulled me into the bathroom and he he had how did he pull you you're bigger than he is well he he said come to the bathroom and I said okay what are we doing and he's like well I'm going to feather your hair and I said what does that mean and he pulled out like a comb that he had in his own bag and he said I'm going to feather it and I said well I don't know what that means you're not cutting my hair if that's what you mean and he said said no I'm not cutting your hair and he he repeatedly said he was not cutting my hair and I said I said okay then what do you mean by feather it and he said just trust me so he sat me down in the chair and you know he took like a tiny eat little bit off the ends and I said well that's cutting my hair and he said no I'm just going to take the dead ends off so you know so it'll grow faster and I was like well I don't know so he took all my hair into the back kind of like a ponytail and he took the comb and he just hit it like really hard right in the middle and like in a matter of seconds it was all gone and so then I started goodbye he all gone and so I started crying and I was screaming I was saying you know stop stop and then he then he finished it up all right yeah give me your version I came over Katie picked me up met me at a specific uh location to go to a supply store to get bleach for her hair um and a couple supplies I asked Katie okay how are we going to do your hair she said okay we'll buy extra kit for mine just in case I like Shell's hair how it turns out so we uh she bought all the products we bought it for her I brought this comb and I says okay if you wanted to do your hair feather it whatever this is what I got uh this is a Feathering uh texturizing comb um it is used to texturize and feather hair it does not use to uh chop off big amounts of hair so would you just tell me how come you cut her hair tell me what happened she asked me to cut her hair and where did she ask you to cut her hair at her sister's apartment in the bathroom where in the bathroom yes how did she get into the bathroom we walked into the bathroom both of you walked in you didn't pick her up you didn't pick her up and carry her there did you no no willingly huh will we all willingly went to the bathroom had you know she had Kool-Aid we were all having a good time her I was playing with listen son Campbell get over it get over it you were playing around with your sister she was letting some unprofessional teenager do stuff on her hair whether you let him whether he was acting like an idiot or not you have choices your choice is you don't go to the bathroom you don't sit down you don't say I don't understand but I don't understand what Feathering is what's Feathering is it going to cut my hair you say don't touch my hair it's my crowning Glory I did then you leave I tried and he pushed me back down and he hit my arm down too when I was trying to stop him and he said he said shut the f up and get over it you know it's done and done but it was already done yeah when he was doing it and then he's like I need to fix it and you know this is my career I've been growing it out and you know so what do you want me to do what do you want me to do I don't you all put yourself in this situation the three three teenagers put themselves in this situation he certainly doesn't have any money to pay you why should his mother have to deal with that I want to tell you something if you're not a professional hairdresser if you're not licensed you're not supposed to be working on on anybody the only your only redeeming trait right now is that you are 17 and you are not of age where you could really lose the ability to practice this kind of career permanently you understand that mhm I mean is this what you want to do as a professional I doing it for favor I don't want nothing to do with hair nothing so that I don't understand why you would even take somebody else's head I they didn't have the money to get it done she says oh I saw you know your friend Mr Mason listen to me very carefully if you don't know anything about hair if you don't profess to know anything about hair and don't indicate that you know anything about hair why would Shelly have her sister do the same thing on her hair that you did if you know nothing about hair if you don't profess to know anything about hair do you understand I understand it doesn't make any sense unless you suggest that one of them likes you one of them has a crush on you Katie asked me to homecoming did she yes when in the beginning of the fall and I wasn't able to make it is that right your honor he's gay and he said that he you know he said he would go as a friend yes he said would go as a friend because she didn't have a date and she didn't want to miss the only dance cuz she she's doing internet so did you go together no he ditched me for it he didn't show up even more reason not to invite him over to your home right well he apologized anything he had a message on things that he has no business taken care of which means he that somebody who has absolutely no training do anything to you because aside from many everything else you could get hurt not just your hair which grows back you know whether it takes six months or a year your hair is going to grow back right what other thing you're using bleach on your head you're using CTIC materials you're letting some schlam over you who has no Talent take care of you very foolish your case is dismissed that's all goodbye parties are excused you may step out charges and an unpaid bill for Internet service come to order all rise joh this is case number 88 on the counter in the matter of white acre versus Wells f up this morning judge you may be seated Miss whiteo was the defendant a boyfriend of yours who was living in your house yes he was how long did he live in your house about four months and you were living with your parents yes and your claim is that he ran up some bills while he was living there correct and in addition to the bills you also have an IOU that he signed correct the defendant says he doesn't talk much about the bills in his answer but he says he was forced to sign the IOU under duress so first let me take a look at the bills then let me take a look at the IOU you're going to tell me a little bit about why he came to live with you and what the bills were for and then I'm going to hear all about the duress down everything so while I'm looking at this because I can usually do a couple of things at one time as long as they're not too hard can you tell me why he came to live in your house um he came to live with us uh 17th of October in uh 2001 um we had uh been dating when we both lived in Seattle I had to return home to California and he had to return to Syracuse we had been communicating in between then letters emails phone calls and um we both thought that each other was the right one you both thought what each other was the right one and well we aren't but go ahead okay and so he came to live with me and it was only supposed to have been until um about the middle of January things had had to iated so much by then that he moved out the next month and while he was there what kind of bills did he run up um when he arrived he had virtually no clothes I ended up taking him to mvin and he spent about $150 there on clothing for work well what did you tell him about that expenditure um when he he he came to me and said um would it be all right if I went and got some clothes and used your credit card I'll take over the payments and I said well I actually owe some money on my credit card so why don't you just give me the money and he said okay and he never gave you the money he ended up giving me about $150 of what he owed and that's it in two payments all right well what else cuz I see a lot of little charges here um he $15 $3.57 he actually paid some of that money well what didn't he pay um he he paid um two things virtually when they were put on my credit card one was his uh cell phone bill which was $53 and another one he gave me partial amounts of money the $80 for uh cable internet Bell what's $103 in interest that's how much interest um he's been acre this interest more or less since um October going to read something to you I Seth Q Wells do agree to pay summer whiteacre $343 17 cents in credit card charges and then you crossed out I assume you crossed out I do further agree to pay 6% interest calculated each month until the end of April when the above debt will be paid in full did you cross out the interest part take a look no she crossed that out I did not cross it out that is your signature yes it is then Here We Go sir it's your turn talk to me about this duress basically we were she was in the process of taking me she was moving the last of my stuff to my new apartment and we had been discussing the relationship in the end of the relationship and it basically got to the point where she was really upset and out of control like literally I was not explained to me out of control basically she was she was crying and yelling at me saying that it was you know I needed to accept my part of the responsibility for the relationship and her speed was increasing and I car yes I was in the passenger seat and I literally did not feel safe under the situation and it she has actually been in this in the same mindset before and I felt the same the same feeling of being unsafe with the way she was driving he chooses to bring up I'm sorry and I mean I couldn't I come will you get to the IOU please yeah well she handed it over to me saying you have to sign this and she was this is when she was where was it when she handed it to you it was in her hand and she handed it over to me we were in the car she was driving yes and she's crying yes and she hands this over to you she looked over and handed it to me is that when you gave him this in the car yes it was in the car uh-huh go ahead so you signed it while she was driving right I I basically felt that if I did not sign it then it would have escalated and I didn't know to what point now now you sign it yes did she calm down yes she did and were you still holding it yes I was well I after I signed it I did hand it back and she took it back while she was while she was driving while she was driving MH correct and hysterical yes does that sound right to you not really I was upset I wanted him to stand up and say yes I I am responsible for these charges he chooses to bring up relationship issues in the car I'm not interested in relationship issues I'm talking fear I don't see how he could have been afraid um he is quite a bit larger than I am he doesn't have the car behind him he could have overpowered me at any time I wasn't afraid of you no no no I was afraid of look Mr Wells Mr Wells you signed the IOU yes pay the lady the money $343 17 cents pretty exact amount are these your charges yes then what are we here for Judge Judy continues in a moment at worse you're paying for your own clothing clothing that I assume you're wearing yes she's not getting any pleasure from it she's not seeing you when it when you're going out for dinner and later today I've trained of people at that school I've never had an incident like this that's a pretty nasty email from a businessman real cases real people Judge Judy summer whiteacre says ex-boyfriend Seth Wells owes for credit card charges and bills while they live together Seth says he was forced to sign a promisory note if they're your charges who cares whether you were forced to sign an IOU under Jess part of them were was already paid for she gave you credit for what you paid for sir right what I paid for was is part of that list it's not the clothing the clothing she had said and I I said you know it'll be a while before I get you know my first paycheck and be able you know to pay you back and she said don't worry about you don't have to it was the beginning of the relationship and you know when everything is like wonderful and happy and I said okay she said you don't have to don't worry about it and I said are you sure and she said yes so you're saying to me these are your charges but it was a gift the clothing yes was a gift yes the rest of it was not which I did pay $150 but there's more charges here than $150 sir that's I'm not exactly sure how that's been it's been increasing every time she talks to me so I'm not sure what she's it's always a new amount I don't know all I know is I can't be bothered with the two of you anymore we're talking about $343 17 at worst at worst you're paying for your own clothing that's the worst scenario clothing that I assume you're wearing is that right not today necessarily but you're wearing it yes she's not getting any pleasure from it she's not seeing you when it when you're going out for dinner no don't make a big deal of just pay the money put a period say anara and goodbye does that sound right yes judgment for the plains of $343 17 that's all are excuse you may step out I broke up because she had cheated on me she got bitter because I broke up with her and now suddenly you know now you owe me this now you ow me that he's the biggest loser I could have ever found in my entire life and he can't own up to his mistakes and now the next case all parties in the matter of Parker Cru versus bumper step forward Le 20-year-old student Britany Parker and her friend 19-year-old student nil Marie Cruz are suing boxing coach Jada Bumpus for a refund of the money they paid for boxing lessons right you two ladies go to college is that right yes and you decided to sign up for some boxing l lessons for exercise with the defendant one of you paid in full $150 which one was that and you are Britney Parker and Miss Cruz you didn't pay the 150 you paid 100 yes and you told Mr bumpers that you would be giving them another the other $50 when you came back MH each of you took one lesson and then you decided not to continue for whatever reason and you want your money back yes Sant says no way aside from everything else you stood them up for about four classes is that right yes ma'am okay when was your first boxing lesson November 7th was a Wednesday do you have a contract with the defendant um we didn't sign any contract but we had receipts was there any conversation about the 10 lessons how many lessons you were supposed to take within a certain period of time we figured that we'd do it every Wednesday and Friday at 4:00 and he was supposed to be there on Friday yes did you go no I called them at 7 that morning cuz I had a family emergency that sprung up um on Thursday so I had to be home what kind of an emergency well well not well what kind of an emergency Miss Parker my family was going through a divorce well my parents were going through a divorce at the time and I had to attend to my mother's needs the following Wednesday did you show up 4:00 yes we both did did you take a lesson no why not cuz he wasn't there why would weren't you there Mr Bumpus because the class was scheduled for 3:30 to 4:30 was the agreement it's it's 4:00 is very conveniently they've come up with this time it was scheduled from 3:30 to 4:30 and we agreed that it' be twice a week because I gave them a big discount I usually charge 250 for 10 private 1 half hour sessions the college students I charge 185 because they're college students when when Britney Parker called me it was 7 weeks after septe September 11th attack business was slow I said I'll give you a $25 discount if you sign up right away for 160 she said well I got a friend that wants to sign up well what if for two of us sign up I said well you bring me 300 bucks and and uh the two of you can sign up does that sound right um all but the time I'm not sure if it was on at 3:30 or 4: so you're not sure well it's been a while this was back in November I well if you're not sure then he knows then it was it 3:30 whatever time it was if it was 3:30 that we're supposed to meet him that's what time we were there you don't know that at all so did you call him when he wasn't there yeah I called him right away when we were standing at the gym waiting for him did you reach him nope voice uh left a message on his answer machine when did you next contact Mr Bumpus I finally checked my voice um my email that day or night and I found the emails that he sent me um over the weekend after the Friday class that we missed well can I see those emails yeah I have them all here the first one is the introduction to his program no I so about three pages long Mr Bumpus I'd like you to take a look at this email please and tell me if you recall sending it Okay this may be it looks it it's it was a message that you sent sir I have the yeah it looks like just okay so let me get the time frame correctly give me that back please time frame is they come in and they start and they take one boxing lesson on Wednesday November 7th they were supposed to come back on the 9th for another lesson and didn't show up right right right you didn't show up MH now he's entitled to be paid for the ninth when you didn't show up he was waiting there for you he says he didn't get the message you didn't reach him may have called him in the morning but you didn't reach him is that right no no but then come Wednesday he says you're supposed to be there 3:30 and he indicates that in the email he'd like to see you between 3:00 and 3:30 but on Tuesday sir the day before Tuesday you've already sent this rather nasty email can I explain it well you sent them you sure can but let me tell you what you said you said in the email the price of my classes is$ 185 you bargain me down on the premise that you would each give me $150 then n Marie showed up with only a hundred promising to bring the rest on Friday without an utterance from her you called at the last minute and claimed that the two of you would be seeing me the following lesson tomorrow Wednesday and then you write in block letters wrong I can't and won't do business like that neither of you have shown an ounce of Integrity in my dealings with you unless you can assure me that you give me $10 and N Marie 60 the original charge of 160 then I won't give you classes until you meet your obligation period so you change the contract from 150 to 160 in here I expect to hear from you by tomorrow morning otherwise don't expect to see me that's a pretty nasty email from a businessman go ahead they lied number one she didn't call and leave a message at my house at 7:00 in the morning I hadn't left when I got back from Amherst my tape machine at 1:20 in the afternoon I just said to you sir she has to pay for that lesson no but I'm just saying no listen to me they have to pay for that lesson okay they stood you up if you say you made the trip they're going to pay for that lesson but that that doesn't explain this kind anger was the anger is now she had the family emergency as she presented but it was numari who didn't have my money she was going home because it was like Veterans Day weekend now the story has changed that she had family problems even know she had family problems that's what got me so upset because it was a game because we had gone over a two we period for them finally getting them to meet me I don't have time for games I've trained hundreds of people at that school I've never had an incident like this I I can't believe that sir when you deal with college students that you haven't had an incident like this not like this I haven't tell you this is not this is not bizarre it's two college girls one decided to go home for Veterans Day weekend the other one didn't have the other 50 bucks you however Mr Bumpus and I'm not excusing that they were a little irresponsible and they didn't you know they didn't respect your time but I took away the anger in a future conversation I don't care whether you took it away or not this said now I'm changing the contract it's not 150 anymore now it's 160 well you've already got a lot of their money far more than you've invested in the boxing lesson sir far more well that's a matter of what you think value is I I tell everybody that signs up with me the the first class really is what you're paying for the rest are free because you learned so much in that first class um they learned uh things that they wouldn't have learned in 6 months in the average boxing gym and that's the bottom line just figure this out $150 divided by 10 lessons equals $115 a lesson per person numerically I understand yeah that's my job here I'm not really good at numbers but that's what is comes out to $15 a lesson for one hour Miss Parker paid you $150 she took one lesson she missed another lesson that she had had scheduled and I don't find there's any valid reason because I think that this is all lot of baloney this other reason that you gave me which means that Mr Bumpus owes you if you canceled $120 and the reason I say that is Mr Bumpus in his email to you changed the contract from 150 to 160 and he can't unilaterally do that so Mr Bumpus has to refund to you madam $120 and he has to refund to Miss Cruz who only paid $100 and who also for no valid reason skipped a class when he was there waiting for you he's entitled to be paid for his time he's got other things to do with his time and you're entitled to $70 Miss Parker I don't know what statute you're looking at that says you're entitled to treble damages which you're suing for triple the 120 and uh the 93a messages law you're not going to get it you have to act responsibly but that's under the law that's why I had legal advice to do that all right well your legal advice was wrong you have to behave responsibly in order to Avail yourself of a claim that is punitive against him punitive against him giving you triple the amount of Damages that you're suing for and you two girls did not act really responsibly you know you have to start to Value other people's professional time and his time is his money so you have to act responsibly you are entitled however to a refund in the lessons that you didn't take because Mr Bumpus changed the terms of the contract that's all excuse the father of her baby 23-year-old pipe fitter Travis Burke for the return of personal belongings Travis says he took what was his order all right y case number 89 on the calendar in the matter of Peno versus Burke thank you you're welcome par the Miss warning judge you may be seated Miss pen you and the defendant lived together for a brief period of time yes you also have a child together yes and when you separated it is your claim that the defendant kept some property that is rightfully yours yes defendant says that when you separated you split the property you took some he kept some and everything was split fairly when did you start to live together we started living together in May in May of 2001 yes ma'am and you have a baby yes when was he born uh February 1st of 2002 and when did you and the defendant cease living together July of 2001 so you were a few months pregnant at that point I found out I was pregnant at the end of June on July 13th I found out I was about 6 and 1 half weeks pregnant that was my first ultrasound okay now what is it that you claim Mr Burke has that belongs to you um I had purchased purchas a PlayStation 2 with about $3 $400 worth of games with a console an extra controller an entertainment PlayStation very important for people who are expecting a child what else did you purchase um we purchased um an entertainment center I had purchased an entertainment center now that's a very interesting word that you used Miss pan you said we purchased an entertainment center yes I understand that it was on my credit card on my Best Buy account and those the two things entertainment center and playst there's other there's other thing like what um I had purchased a car stereo for a car that I had purchased because Travis didn't have a car so it was too hard for me to get up and have to take him to work and then have to go to work as so so so so so yeah so so I purchased a car and I had put a new stereo and speakers in it so and when we had broken up I had asked him for the car back and he refused to give me the car back I had reported the car stolen and then he went ahead and returned the car because he knew I had reported the car stolen and when he had returned the car he had returned the car stripped to the stereo stripped to the speakers and had locked all the doors didn't leave me with a key and I had to pay $150 to have a key made for the car now what else was purchased that you did in fact take with you when you separated because that's his defense right well everything else that I had taken with me I had already had when we moved in together I had my computer desk with my computer and my bed what did he purchase he didn't purchase anything for the apartment he came to the apartment with a couch Mr Burke you say she got the TV and the DVD player that's stuff we had bought together did you take a TV and a DVD player yes ma'am you did yes who purchased that I did you mean you put it on your credit card yes ma'am who paid for it I'm still paying for it to this day and you mean he contributed nothing no to the TV and the DVD player no I've made all the payments on my credit cards in what month were they purchased um to be honest with you I don't remember I they're on the receipts the dates are on the re moving into the apartment together we went shopping she did have a Best Buy card we bought a refrigerator TV she had bought me a DVD player before the stereo and everything for the car all gifts PlayStation 2 there wasn't $400 worth of games all that stuff was considered gifts bll the stuff for the apartment wasn't gifts but the other stuff personal items to me why does she need to buy a stereo for me just a second are you playing with me or what no all right a refrigerator isn't a gift I said the stuff for the apartment was not considered a gift okay PlayStation is for the apartment an entertainment center is for the apartment a TV is for the apartment a DVD player is for the apartment when you talk about personal gifts for you talking about underwear there's a difference between underwear or you buy your husband but that's not what she buys me well maybe not how much you pay in child support $380 a month since when since the Judgment was last month the Judgment was made on May 2nd your honor and there has not even been one check that I have received yet I had called his work this week and they said that they would be taking the first payment out today so so far you haven't paid anything no that's the wrong no he has paid um when the baby was first born before um we went to court he did pay when he felt like paying okay let me see your bills I want to know what you took out you took the TV yes you took the DVD player yes ma'am you left him the refrigerator I did not leave him the refrigerator when I moved out I only had two friends and my mother to help me no no no I'm asking you you bought a refrigerator that stayed in the apartment yes it had stayed in the apartment cuz I couldn't move it when I came back to move it it was gone why were you going to move it because I was moving out um two days after we broke up I was driving to go get my oil changed which was I wanted listen to me was he working at the time that you were living together yes ma'am and you were working yes ma'am what kind of work do you do I'm I now lay gas lines for what were you doing then working in a machine shop okay and what kind of work were you doing I'm a far technician okay were you earning similar money I was earning double to what he was earning and were you putting all your money into the bank into a joint account you had a joint account no we did not have a joint account how did you work the out the bills he paid half I paid half half the credit card bills half the credit card bills he never paid half the credit card bills have been run up on plastic surgery and other items for herself before we were together I'm talking about after you it together I'm talking about how much money you when those bills came I paid half of them he paid half the utilities and half the rent do you have any checks with you to show me that you paid I know it was a cash transaction I didn't know this was going to come to this a year later right you know we were together and it was that's how relationships work right and all of this stuff was purchased at the time that you were living together yes okay now what did you leave with when I left TV VCR yes what else the DVD player DVD what else my bed my dresser were those things that were purchased those were things that were purchased before we were even together I'm not talking about those things the TV vcr and DVD player you purchased when you moved in no the DVD player and the TV were purchased while we moved in okay what else did you leave with that was all that I left with while we were living together that was purchased while we were living together okay plus a PlayStation yes a refrigerator yes ma'am and what else did you get say you got entertainment center entertainment center okay the car stereo forget the car stereo listen if you had to buy a car you didn't have to put an expensive stereo didn't it come with a radio had the St FM radio turn it on you hum he asked me with your bills with your bills you don't need a a stereo and I'm not entertaining stupidity Judge Judy continues in a moment she made a comment the other day you know I bought these things for you to try and make you happy when I was with you why would you say that if you wanted them all back she bought him for me is a gift and later today I bought a bag put horse Mon on in it I did see her car and I shook the horse manure onto the trunk of the car and I got in my car and and I drove away real cases real people Judge Judy Jessica Peno says the father of her baby Travis Burke stole her personal belongings okay now I want you to tell me how much the TV and the DVD player were the TV was about $500 and the DVD player was $189 and the PlayStation I believe the receipts in there in PlayStation $300 refrigerator was $542 I believe and the entertainment center was $130 you sure about all those Figures it's all in the the receipts I'm it came to $129.99 I believe okay and the VCR you say you had before Oh yes okay so $500 plus $189 $689 that's the property you got you got PlayStation and the games plus $542 plus $130 $972 so let's say all these bills were paid she got 6689 worth of merchandise you got 972 worth of merchandise the only problem is she's still paying off the credit card how much you paying off on the credit card I had to get a bill consolidator because I had to go to on disability because I almost lost our son twice so um I have a de consolidator that pays approximately $102 $4 depending on who the Creditor is and then they automatically take something out of my account well it's clear that you only liveed together for two months so these bills could not have been paid off in two months on all the things that you bought is that right that's correct total is $1,661 for all the items together you know she made a comment the other day you know I bought these things for you to try and make you happy when I was with you why would you say that if you wanted them all back she bought them for me is a gift Where is the PlayStation at my house and the refrigerator at my brother's house at your brother's house what's it doing at your brother's house his uh garage he needed a refrigerator in there do you have a refrigerator we have to rent one you're on it good what about the entertainment center I don't know where that is he sold it I've moved a couple times it oh well it was only worth $130 anyway it was nothing big right yeah I just changed my mind about the money Court will draft an order that within 5 days you are to deliver to her home PlayStation and all the games as well as the refrigerator that you get back from your brother within 5 days of disorder do you understand that way she's paying for it and she has the use of it clear perfect thank you Char our excuse you may step out don't get mixed up with this one because she'll screw you over bad he's done a lot of bad things to me he's cheated on me it's an ongoing battle now we have a child together so I'm just doing the best I can if it isn't with my son it's something else and ni taking him back every single time she won't go get a job she won't go do anything to better herself I've done you know as best as I can with what's been dealt to me we've tried to work things out for a year now you know off and on I hope that we can get along for our son nothing but friends so that my son will see a nice loving environment and now the next case all parties in the matter of Hardy versus beaten step forward please groundskeeper Robin Hardy is suing Judy Beaton for dumping horse manure on her car Judy admits she vandalized the car but says Robin intentionally spooked her horse all right Miss Beaton I think we're going to start with you because you seem to acknowledge that you did in fact touch in some way the plaintiff's car and you're going to tell me why you did that tell me when this incident happened and where you were yes your honor it was March 12th I was riding my horse on um this road I have photos if you'd like to see them yes it's a very narrow windy road with no sidewalks or sidebar to get off of the pavement and I was almost back to my barn I have to travel on the road about 100 y from the trail to the barn so I was just about to the driveway of the barn when I hear someone beeping in back of Me Two Times very long honking my horse kind of caved in the back and took off down the road at a quick pace and I wasn't ready for that you know and I was almost toppled off and um I turned and I saw someone with a black car and I yelled at the person I said what are you crazy and the person yelled back at me person was the plaintiff yes I said something like what are you a freaking idiot and she said get out of the road and pass me very close as she passed me she cut the wheel hard almost hitting my German Shepherd dog who was in front of me and sped off down the road I tried to get a plate number but I could just get a few initials so that was it and I went back to the barn and I untacked my horse and put my horse away I was really upset about it you know my heart was pounding and I've broken several bones on my horse before and I have four children at home to take care of so you took the saddle off your horse and what did you do I got a bag grain bag here and I put horse monor in it and I started to drive home thinking I might run into her car or her because I thought maybe she was going to walk her dogs that were in the car at the reservoir down the road so as I drove home I did see her car it was the only car in a parking lot marked DPW Vehicles only so it wasn't very hard to find it and I pulled in next to it and I took out the bag out of my car here it's a paper bag it's not going to cause any damage and I had horse Manor in the bag and I shook the horse Manor onto the trunk of the car and I got in my car and I drove away go ahead okay first of all I do not have a trunk of a car and I find it ridiculous that she'd be driving around with Horsemen who were looking for trouble tell me what happened okay I was driving down the road with my dogs to take him to the res for a walk and I was going around a corner and I seen the defendant in the middle of the road I've had horses I know horses will spook if the wind blows so I stopped She didn't notice me so I beeped real lightly two quick beeps and she turned around she didn't move she turned around and screamed what are you an fing idiot so I slowly went around her and I yelled back to you know get up get to the side of the road over I yelled I went to the resz walked my dogs came back and my hood windshield was covered with horse manure flipped out that was flaky that flaky horse manure that she has there or was it other kind of horse manure it wasn't that flaky what was it it wasn't wet fresh horse manure um it was more like that yeah but not quite as dry and fluff and so what did you do I called the police they came down they help and your windshield was covered yes and with the with the blades out the wiper it was packed in there so that night actually I had to go somewhere and uh I put my heat on you could hear all the horsemen who were in the engine spitting out at me I mean I was really upset about it how did you find her I went to the stable the next day cuz you figured it was her yes and I went there and seen her with her horse and told her she stated it was not her she's a school teacher she has two kids she wasn't even there at the time she doesn't have a German she a dog and then the next day I went back there to tell the property owners you know what people are doing I seen the nephew and he told me that she was there and she does have a black do okay so she ultimately fessed up that it was her exactly okay what kind of damage was done to the car other than the M I have pictures would you like to see those yes okay the dents right here it's kind it's black so it's hard to see it's right there there's two pitches there with the dent on it and the third one is just a side profile of the car to see the condition do you get an estimate on fixing it it's hard to see yes can I see the estimate please yes in fact I went with the lowest estimate I tried to be so reasonable with these people okay anything you want to tell me yes shuana the reason I didn't admit that it was me the next day of bond is because she brought her husband with her and they both came walking at me with scows on their face wanting to know who this girl was so I denied it because I was at the barn by myself and I said if you do find this girl I said what do you want from her and they both said almost in sync we just want an apology then as the days went on it went to $1,100 for a new hood $685 it went down there was several estimates that's what happens when you have estimates so actually I went to the police police because she was relentless to the owners of the barn showing up wanting my name and address I had given her my cell phone number that day at the barn because I wanted to take it off of the owner and let her deal with me cuz I figured she would find out that it was me and I would be the one okay so you finally fisted up why did you go that extra step I'm just curious I was just very upset and I I don't know I was sorry after I did it but it was too late wrong thing to do go ahead so we actually had a conference call your honor with the Wilmington Police Department to settle this cuz it just went on Poli report I'd like to see it it went on and on for days and maybe a week and a half and I I just want it to be over so officer from Wilmington Police Department it's a first paragraph you're just a minute go ahead I had to go and file a no trespass order against Robin because she wouldn't stop going to the barn and the owners were pressuring me to get rid of her because they were busy they have children and they didn't want her constantly stopping over there so I filed a no trespass order against the barn address not my address and um when I was at the Wilmington Police Department he asked me if I would be interested in settling this and I said yes the next day he called me at home and we were both on the phone with officer and we talked and I said you know I didn't damage your car I may have put the manure on I did not Dent your car it's soft I didn't do it oh but you when you put the whole bag on the car in order to get it out it dented the hood it may have been very light stuff that was poured on it but when all of it is in a bag and you fling it on a hood in order to spread it around caused a dent caused a dent and you have to pay and it was a stupid thing to do miss Beaton so you have to pay for stupidity judgment for the plaintiff and the amount of $685 that's all parties are excused you may step out what can I say I think it's outrageous that school cheeses drive around with Horsemen I said I want you to listen very carefully put on your listening ears Mr Anderson I said Miss Co was a girlfriend of yours correct uh yes and you knew her for a long time but got into sort of a more committed relationship around 2003 sometime according to you Miss Co in 2005 you loan the defendant $2,000 correct now you want that money back that's right Mr Anderson says never any discussion of paying you the money back it was a gift correct she gave you $2,000 when Mr Anderson it was proximately September of 2005 were you living together at the time uh yes we were what was the money for well it was um some fines that I had occurred what kind of fines uh through the court system what kind of fines they were for DUI conviction how much were the fines approximately $900 did you pay any of the fines sir I had paid some previously and those were the remaining balance how much did you pay the total fines were about $2,800 is this the first DUI that you would had uh I had two within a short period perod of time that's why the fines were so high yes ma'am so you paid 19 $2,100 yes you paid $ 2,100 the DUI sh I assume that you have something that's going to indicate that that's not the case I'll look at it in a minute Miss Co so why did you need the $900 from Miss Co um I currently had no license and I had to pay the fees off to uh acquire my license again so so I needed the money to pay off the fees to get my license to drive okay and with the hours I was working it was tough on Megan to get me to work and back from where we were living so you must have said something to her you have to said something to her because otherwise she'd have to be Clairvoyant to know that need was fully aware she'd have to be Clairvoyant to know that you needed $900 so that had to come a point when you said to her something like I need $900 to pay for the rest of the fines well we were in a committed relationship at the time I don't care committed relationship I'm talking about word spoken words I understand that so there's going to be words exchanged knowing how come you're not driving well I'm not driving because I well that's what I want to know Mr Anderson that's what I that's what I want to know sir yes I want to know what the conversation was what you said yes and what she said Megan knew of my circumstances don't tell me what she knew I want to know what Megan knew because of words being exchanged to each other I want the words I had told Megan that I had received two DUIs in the past and I still owed an amount of $900 that I had to pay to acquire my license and she said to you and it came to a point where she told me when I was eligible for that that she would help me pay for those fines now what did you say to her that I said that that would be great I could use that then I could get a car and I could get my license and she said fine yes and that's when she gave you the $900 that's when the $900 came into play for the fees yes and what was the other money she gave you apparently she paid $1,000 for a 1983 GMC Jimmy what do you mean apparently what does that um I've never seen a receipt or a bill of sale for it well who got the Jimmy I drive the Jimmy the registrations in my name how did you get the car sir uh Megan knew somebody who was selling the vehicle and she told me that she had given the gentleman $1,000 for the 1983 Jimmy okay I never saw a bill of sale and how did she give you the car he drove the car to my house I looked at it and said okay you know not a mechanic or anything didn't look under the hood didn't do any of that you know looked at it it was in you know good condition for a 1983 had low miles it's like all right $1,000 that's a good deal you know the book value is 1,500 bucks no that's not a problem so I she gave me the keys went down as soon as I could with the fees paid and got my license and got the car registered under my name okay and that's the money yes so it's $1900 approximately $1,900 yes go all right let's start with the DUI convictions and the fees you were dying to tell me something I have receipts for the payment of the fees and um it's over $900 I paid went and paid myself in cash went to the courthouse for him cuz he had no Transportation um do you want to see them their seips no I believe it he says that you paid them also um it was never a gift to him it was fully intended to be alone I did it to help him out so he could get his license so I would not have to drive him around just tell me the conversation Madam and September he was eligible to get his license back and so he was in the mix of trying to get his license back he had these DUI finds uh that he needed to pay off so I told him that I would loan him $900 plus dollars to pay off his DUI fines and he would to pay me back in monthly payments and with his January of 2006 tax refund okay did he do that no so he didn't pay you back in January 2006 when did you and Mr Anderson separate January of 2006 tell me how that came about well Mr Anderson's continuous to drink excessively and black out prob pretty much assault me and pretty much say rude things to me it pretty much came to the point the last night I was there that I had to sleep in front of the door so he would not leave and drink and drive again okay so the fines you paid and what about the car how did that come about he needed a car I told him I would loan him $1,000 and he to pay me back the same way as a DUI how did you find the car uh my friend was trying selling his GMC Jimmy it was $1,000 I asked him if I could buy it from him for Ryan and he said yes and you gave him a check I gave him the check and he gave you the keys he gave me the keys and the title and the title and then you drove it home or did he drive uh Nathan drove it home the owner and where was Mr Anderson Mr Anderson was at the apartment okay tell me what happened when you drove up I was like here's the GMC Jimmy what do you think of it I think it's a great car for $1,000 I don't think you're going to be able to find something uh better for $1,000 and he agreed with me pretty much what he said mhm was he working yes working full-time just a second September October November December he was working full-time he now had a car right how much of this $1,900 did he pay back to you zero that's because it wasn't a loan that's because it became a loan when you decided it was over because if it was a loan he would have paid you $50 a month $60 a month $100 a month $25 a week he would have paid you back something between September and January he made excuses as to why he could not pay me back he couldn't going to school then you should have thrown him out what you did with the car was you spent $1,000 on a car and then you came home and surprised him that's what you did you didn't take him to buy the car you didn't show him the car before you purchased it you purchased a car for ,000 and you came home and said I got your wheels so that you could drive yourself to and from your job so that I don't have to do it anymore and if the romance hadn't been over he wouldn't have paid you back anything we continued to have conversations after January of 2006 on the telephone I have a witness hearing me speak to him I have a letter stating all the information from the banker of the transactions I did having conversations payments and B he's going to testify as to what you said to him on the telephone as into the payment arrangements that we have discussed payments on the phone and he makes excuses every time why he cannot make a payment to me he was supposed to also pay me with tuition reimbursements from his work he always made an excuse he had other bills to pay so forth and so forth and that is why I took it a small claim a year and a half later a year and a half after you laid out $1900 well I told him that he had the chance to pay me at a quarter after a quarter of a year then I would take him to small claims after the romance is over Madam is not the time to say now you have 3 months or four months or five months I mean I'm sympathetic with you but you were in love with the guy and you thought your relationship was going someplace and you wanted him to have the means to get to work so because I did him a favor I shouldn't get paid back a loan that agreed we had a verbal agreement listen I have to make a judgment as to whether or not you who are sharing a home and having an intimate relationship with somebody has said to them this is a loan you will pay me back in January out of your income tax returns this is a loan I am giving you $1,000 towards a car but you go and buy the car purchase the car you come back you show him the car and give him the keys that's not a loan for a car so miss Cole what I'm telling you is I have to make a judgment I'm simp sympathetic with you I'm sympathetic with you you're at $1,900 and if he had any moral fiber he would pay you back but if you gave him this money in September and from September to January he was working full-time and made absolutely no attempt to pay you back a nickel not $5 and you tolerated that I have to assume it was not alone period your case is dismissed that's allo which of these two young men is your son Anthony the first one how old are you Anthony 16 how tall are you 61 what do you feed him Pasta Pasta which one of these two young men is am I going to grill today Sean Miss B Cordon this is your son whose name is Shan yes ma'am Miss veto it is your complaint that Miss Bon Court's son drove your son's dirt bike without permission got into an accident and damaged the bike you believe Mrs bonc Court should be responsible for fixing the bike Miss PC Court said that her son did have permission to ride the bike that he was injured that you're just lucky she's not suing you for the injuries because he broke an ankle is that right and your son gave her son permission to ride the bike so that's it shouldn't be here Anthony yes Anthony when were you riding the bike when it was running what date was the last date before this incident you have to look down at a piece of paper no what date May 8th and where were you on May 8th we at a track in Brockton riding and is it a track where they just have dirt bikes yes who was there myself Nick you have to speak up you hear where I'm speaking I'm projecting you can hear me right myself Nick and Dennis Dennis that would be you yes your honor but Sean wasn't there no this was after school or there was no school on that day it was after school what time about like 3:30 to 5:30 okay now you're going to tell me what happened myself Nick and Dennis we were riding my bike wasn't working right so we drove it uh to my other friend's house and I tried fixing it but it didn't work and Sean asked to ride it okay now Shawn was at your other friend's house yes they were just hanging out yes so far we correct Sean yes so up to this point we our stories are in sync right Sean asked if he could ride the bike yes and me and Nick said no and I was putting the tools away and he got on the bike and with no helmet and just left why did you say no cuz the bike wasn't working properly is that the reason you left the track yes did you have a bike with you that day no your honor did you have a bike with you that day yes your owner so you had your own bike yes he's petrified all right so we got on the bikee without a helmet and took off go ahead about 5 minutes after I saw him I tried waving him over and he kept going what what was he going around in a circle yeah like he went around the block I saw him I waved him over he didn't come over and about 10 minutes later he came back with a broken ankle by the way state of Massachusetts are you required to ride with a helmet yes you're also 16 Sean 17 17 so you're older than he is yeah right yes I start eating more pasta I don't like pasta okay let me hear your version you're at your friend's house he comes by with his bike mhm go ahead he came by with his bike they were fixing it um Dennis Rod the bike talk B came by and they were fixing it yes were you outside when they were fixing it no I shut up there I got out after they were done fixing it and I came out and well how did you know they were fixing it cuz they told me that after after what I crashed after the crash not before no so you showed up after they had been fooling around with the bike yeah go ahead and then Dennis was riding it and then when he stopped riding it I asked if I could ride it he said no I asked him again he said no and then I just hopped on the bike and rode it cuz I wrote it again so I didn't really think it was a big deal did you tell that to your mother no no ma'am he didn't tell that to you no ma'am he had an epiphany here right yeah Sean you had an epiphany here right you know what that word means change your heart heart he had a an Enlightenment so this is the first time your mother's hearing that he said no you can't ride the bike now do you think that if your mother knew that you didn't have permission to ride this bike that we would be here today you stole the bike right if you ask the owner of a bike a car something can I use your vehicle and they say no you can't you say I'm going to use it anyway go get rid of your tools while you're getting rid of your tools I'll get on the bike and ride it sure one what do you have to say for yourself don't know Miss Bon Court you changed your mind your son rode the bike without permission he actually stole it he was told he couldn't drive it you think he's responsible for the damage he caused he but on I also have medical bills that my insurance is not covering well let me ask you this question Miss beton Court let's say your son was walking down the street on his way home and he saw a red Corvette convertible and he got into the car cuz the keys were there got into the car and he took off with the car and he crashed it and he got hurt you think that the owner of that car would be responsible for your medical bills no but also what I didn't finish is that what they charging me they also charging me for part that was fixed that had nothing to do with the accident and danis is the one who took the bike to the shop and some of the chains and the stuff was worn out during for the all the periods that they were riding the bikes so so I had nothing to do with the accident well how much do you believe you are responsible for of the bills that they had if we take that out it would be $ 35578 how much did it cost you to fix the bike $631 and10 but the bike wasn't working before he got on the bike properly yes is that right yes so it was going to have to go in to be fixed because the reason you didn't want him to ride the bike is because it wasn't working properly so at least part of that $631 that it cost you to fix the bike was there result of wear and tear on the bikee or something that had absolutely no relation to the accident so what has to do with the accident Anthony I don't know well if you don't know she knows judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of 35578 good truth will out aren't you glad I didn't have to call on you no that's all thank you Arrangement was that you would give him their half of the rent check he would put in his half of the rent and pay the land Lord but according to you you gave him your half of the rent for October of 2006 you had an argument somewhere the beginning of October where you called the police and had him removed from the house and he left he left and he closed the bank account on which this check was drawn so the check bounced you remained in the apartment and were forced according to you to pay the entire rent including his half of the rent Mr Peterson says through really no fault of his own you weren't getting along it had an argument he went to the police you had him removed he wasn't living there he doesn't have to pay rent right that's right so Miss Davis when did you move in together May of ' 05 and when did this incident occur October of 06 yes what day in October um October 9th I believe is that right that's wrong what date October 6th now Miss Davis you're going to tell me exactly what happened on October the 6th on October the 6th Mr Peterson went out to my car without my permission when into my car grabbed a pack of cigarettes out of my car for himself and one for me as well I did not ask him to do this he did not have permission to go out to my car um when he came back and I discovered that he had taken a pack for himself as well I was a little upset and and I confronted him on it and he lied to me what did you say I asked him if he had taken the pack why he had taken it without asking me and he said that he never took a pack and uh called me a liar when I confronted him on it and he lied to me yet again I got upset and basically told him I was done with the lies in the relationship and when I told him I was done with the relationship he didn't take that kindly he said he was not going to give up on the relationship that he was not going to leave he wasn't going to give up on us and when I told him that he did not have a choice cuz I was done he started punching himself in the face show me how he did that he was pacing back and forth in the room that we were talking in and just started pounding on himself so I got scared and I went over to my friend's house okay he didn't touch you he didn't put his hands on you no okay so you left and you went to your friend's house yes and and the next morning I was afraid to go home so I went to the police what' you go to the police for to take you home I did not feel safe to go home with the state of mind that he was in okay so what did you want the police to do to remove him why so that I could go home well it was his home too but I was not safe in my own home but it was his home it was his home too yes so if you're not safe he hasn't done anything to threaten you he hasn't done anything to harm you he hasn't put his hands on you if anything he was according to you he was hurting himself he was acting you know in a self-destructive way so if you felt unsafe because you didn't like his mental state why didn't you just leave I didn't feel I should have to pack up everything in the apartment that was mine and leave because he was unstable can I see what you told the police please I filed for an order of protection I didn't have a police report what did you say in the report that gave you an order of protection I I told them exactly what happened no I can't believe anybody issued you an order of protection based on that oh you lied no oh yes you did no you said to the police the reason that you were coming to ask for assistance is because he physically threatened you by raising an object over his head to throw it at you you and yelled and screamed and called her names he had done this prior to this date evicted from the house you had reason to leave yourself if you wanted to leave but you had no reason to force him out of the house none whatsoever okay Mr Peterson you want to tell me your version of the events what happen first of all I don't understand this business about going out you you live together you're sharing a house you're sharing a bedroom you have an intimate relationship and she gets upset because she went out and took two packs of cigarettes instead of one did you go out to the car to get a pack of cig cigarettes for her I went out to the car to grab a pack of cigarettes for her I asked her that night and she said yes he' never no no no don't speak now don't speak you have to be quiet because it's his turn to testify did you see how quiet he was when you were testifying now it's his turn I asked her permission night before to grab a pack of cigarettes she are you want some sort of medication listen to me Miss Davis are you on medication no then I can speak to you frankly I said it once when you were testifying he was quiet he didn't interrupt now it's your turn to be quiet and allow me to take his testimony do I make myself clear yes good the night before I did ask permission to go to her car get a pack of cigarettes for myself she was okay with that I don't understand why there was this whole big H blue because the cigarettes so it must have been something else fomenting in the relationship for a while it was because I was also unemployed for at least 3 weeks and she she was annoyed CU you weren't working and weren't buying the cigarettes that's correct gotcha okay so what happened when you came inside Mr Peterson what happened was I came inside I went to try to get into my bedroom she had the master bedroom door blocked I don't know why she had it all blocked but after an hour and a half 2 hours later she had the door open there was this mysterious odor in the air as if she was smoking Dr she was smoking something something funky Mr Peterson did you at any time on the six of October threaten Miss Davis no did you at any time on the 6th of October pick up an object to throw at her no had that ever happened in the past no did she give you her half of the rent yes she did for October yes she did and you didn't pay any of the rent I did pay the rent I had my half in my checking account she gave me her half when I closed out my checking account I made sure that all the money was still in the account okay how how much out of pocket are you Miss Davis I'm out $914 from what I gave him $467 plus his half of the rent plus the late fees and the non-sufficient his half of the rent he's not giving you he's still on the lease I don't care whether he's still on the lease you threw him out of the house without just cause you threw him out by lying to the police and you're not being listen to me and you're not being rewarded for that if you felt unsafe about going back to your home because you felt as if he wasn't acting in an appropriate way then you go stay with your friend you stay with your family you find a new apartment but you don't lie to the police and have him thrown out so you're not getting his half of the rent period the money that you gave him that he is responsible for if you didn't get it back now so my question is did you get that money back I have not seen any money from him so how much was his half of the rent $363 and you gave him $467 I gave him $467 why would you give him 467 if his half was 363 part of it was supposed to go toward another bill that did not get paid as well what Bill a credit card bill okay well then that's what he owes you $467 not 900 you had no right to throw him out of the apartment and you absolutely didn't have any right to lie to the police judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of $467 that's do I get the late fees or anything like that absolutely not Madam you had no right to throw him out of the apartment none zero he could have said something and so I could have covered the rest of the rent before it was you could have said a lot of things you also should not have gone to the police and purged yourself that's all responsible for a fire in your home that resulted in damage some of the damage was covered by insurance but a great deal of it was not covered by insurance and you want him to pay the balance that's correct you're out of pocket expenses Mr alter MH is that the way you pronounce your name yes ma'am you look petrified are you scared of me no you should be yeah Mr ala says that your homeowners insurance should have covered whatever losses there were he wasn't doing anything wrong and it was just an accident that's your defense yes you're honor I disagree just how old are you sir 20 when did you move out of your home uh I've been on my own since I was about 18 and how have you been taking care of yourself I work for whom uh family business what kind of business construction do concrete work whose business is it it's my grandfather who else works there the crew my dad and my brothers so it's a big business yeah it's a lucrative business yeah how much yes try yes yes how much do you get paid $30 an hour and you work s days a week 6 days a week 5 days a week 40 hour weeks so you've got money in the bank uh I'm all right what said I'm all right yes you have a car yes shape do you work out yes you work out at home or in a gym uh the gym you have a gym membership yes I ask you all these questions sir because I'm trying to find out a little bit about you because this complaint says Mr ala that the fire that started in Miss prieto's house on what date September the 12th on what date did he move into the house he moved in July 1st was started because in your bedroom bedroom right in master bedroom correct people usually sleep in the master bedroom M right yes how many bedrooms were there in the house five how many people were living in the house just two you and who else me and my roommate male or female male so that those were two bedrooms you don't spend the night with your roommate right you each have your own bedroom right yeah right yes but I guess you didn't want you or your roommate to get the master bedrooms cuz then it would be unequal so that you stayed in other bedrooms yes and you were using your master bedroom to grow marijuana you actually hadn't brought in the plants yet according to the complaint and the answer but it was all set up with a whole bunch of lights right yes it equipment I mean you weren't planning on shooting a film in there were you no you were going to grow marijuana yes what were you going to do with it when you grew it well I I have anxiety and I was going to try to get my card cannabis card you have anxiety yeah you ain't seen nothing yet your parents are alive yes did they know you were coming here today yes did they know that 10 million people were going to be watching you today yes did they offer you any warning sir yes and I know that it's not relevant to the case but I because I am a mother would like to know what your parents said to you told me I better learn my lesson both of them Yes sounds like my kind of people who do you expect to pay for these damages that weren't covered by Miss pri's insurance as a result of your lunacy and trying to start a marijuana Farm in her house myself right so why didn't you just pay her sir why did you force her to come here you know I mean I know that she looks lovely and she appears to be a very nice lady but why didn't you just say I'm really sorry I acted like an idiot I'm 20 years old I'm not fully grown up yet you know just help me out here it'll never happen again I'm going to cut my hair so I could see you know all those things uh the sum that amount that she wanted was pretty high I thought the insurance would have covered it but uh I I was going to pay the deductible yeah but the insurance company didn't for instance pay for all the landscaping around the house that was singed but when I when I moved in the house the the land or the Landscaping wasn't too caught up may not have been too caught up what about the fact that she didn't have the use of her house for a while yeah H yeah I know that's my fault so who should pay for that myself this man can I see the bills please sure and I have pictures also sure have listen to your parents Mr ala father's a pretty tough guy yeah are you using your real name today sir is your father's last name the same as yours yes look what you did to her house bir look what he did to her house you planned on smoking an awful lot of weed sir for your anxiety why don't you go to a therap I don't know well I would try a therapist before I would start farming again who help help you with all this sir I did it myself what about your roommate no well he helped a little bit was he going to be your partner no what does he do for a living he works for whom uh he does construction too for your father no no your honor can I say something please okay as far as all that equipment he purchased and I it was worth over supposedly six grand and he didn't have money to pay the rent so he had money to go out there and buy all that plus you know start his little lab thing but on the other hand he's making $30 an hour and he could have just stepped up to the plate and said I'm going to pay you even payments I said can make payments and he's like yeah I will never follow through he's very anxious because he's not smart and unless he gets smarter he's going to remain anxious mhm do you understand mhm say sorry sorry not to me yeah I'm sorry judgeing for the plain syy around to $5,000 that's all doota C at 2006 who bought it for you I did with my dad as a coer who is this he's my witness what is he a witness to he works with me at Sears and he's witness because Nicole talked to him several times telling him that she was going to help me with the damage of my car when the accident that's your what I I just wanted to know what he could possibly say now I got it now your father work yes I ask you all of these questions because this is the scenario that I got you want had to deliver a car to a sister of yours who lived someplace else so you ask the defendant do me a favor follow me in my sister's car I'm going to drive my new car and then when we drop my sister's car off we'll drive home together right so you asked her to do you a favor she did you were both very tired or what did you go to a party the night at your sister's house is that right the night before the accident yes you went to a party you both stayed up late after you had delivered the sister's car right right right and when you got into your car you said to miss alore would you do me a favor I'm tired would you drive cuz I don't feel like driving home and she did right and she had an accident in your brand new car right and you want her to pay for half the damage right and she says she had an accident you should have had insurance and yet had a brand new clothes no insurance how do you have a new car with no insurance when you have a loan well the car in the month when I got my car was on July 12th they gave me a month with the dealer to have insurance and afterwards my dad was going to add my car to his policy so they took pictures of my car on August 26th so the insurance was in process which I thought just a second July 12th you bought the car right the dealer had insurance for one month that's August 12th right there's a big gap here between August 12th and August 26th what were you doing in hibernation you were sleeping no question from August 12th to August 26 at least when they were going to take pictures you had no insurance they were giving you insurance for a month so that you could get it all in place in the month you waited until it was all over to get insurance it was in the process of getting the insurance you had no insurance that's your fault if you had insurance they would have covered whatever damage you had to the car right right right that's your fault yes it's my fault I know that and I accept the responsibility but it was in the process my dad was going to add it to his policy so is it your fault or your father's fault it's my fault in the first place it's your fault in the first place then you got to pay for the damage but she was driving my car she was doing you a favor she had an accident she didn't have it on purpose I asked her her to drive you asked her to drive your car yes and I asked her to slow down because I knew how traffic was going to get and she didn't I don't believe that for a second you asked her to slow down because you knew the traffic was going to get bad so you asked her to slow slow down I asked her to slow down because she was driving too fast I don't believe you I didn't even ask her and I don't believe you well I got the police report and the pictures of the damage of the car I believe your car was damaged I believe she was in an accident I know that if you had had proper insurance on your car the insurance would have paid for the accident she wasn't being Reckless you asked her to drive why didn't you drive home I asked her is she mine she said no that's not why didn't you drive your car home because I wanted to rest I was tired so you wanted to rest you you were tired did you go to sleep in the long ride home no I didn't you mean you kept your eyes open yes and you should have driven listen when you're very tired everybody knows if you're really tired and you get into a car and you've been up partying the night before and somebody else is driving you're out soon as that hum starts to go I'm getting tired as I'm telling the story I just think it's just fair for her to help me with half because if it would have been me driving her car and getting on the accident she would have expect me to pay with half she may I think you and your father ought split it she was in an accident accidents happen your father is older than you are he should have made sure that if he co-signed for a car for you that car had insurance we don't live together I don't live with my with my father I don't care whether you live with him or not that doesn't matter whether you live with your father or not your father chose to co-sign for a car for you 22 years old hardly old enough to be out of the house on their own and if he chose to co-sign for a car for you he should have had the brains to make sure it had Insurance tell me about the accident well on the way back to Bakersfield we were involved in an accident it was more of a freeway accident and I was driving her car and when the accident happened the airbags came out how did the accidents happen uh well we were driving not we you were driving well while I was driving there was um cars in front of us started slowing down and swerving out the way I guess there was an accident in front of us and um I also tried to Swerve out the way but in the rear view Mir I see cars coming behind us and we hit the car in front of us we you or I hit the car in front of us how many cars were involved in the accident um it was just one other car and myself so the other cars managed to avoid hitting each other yes but not you no had you been drinking that morning no okay you weren't sleeping at the wheel were you no how fast were you going do you remember I was going the speed limit I wasn't speeding at all excuse me your honor she's lying she wasn't going the speed limit because if she would have been going the speed limit she would have have enough time to break I actually was going to speed limit and listen I don't have any proof whether she was or whether she wasn't whether she was I have the police report it says on the police report that what that it was her fault because of SP speed let me see the police report there was nowhere in the police report that I admitted to speeding at all I just want to read the police report both cars involved with the accident were traveling at about the same rate of speed and these are all approximates according to the police one car was going 65 mil an hour one car was going 70 M an hour both cars acknowledged both the one that she hit and the other car acknowledge that traffic started to slow down ahead of them and it was an accident there's no indication here that she was driving at an excessive rate of speed I'm Sorry Miss aella the responsibility is yours if you have a brand new car you're supposed to make sure that that brand new car is covered by insurance so that if you have an accident the insurance company pays for it and if you're not able to drive home not able because you were up late partying you wait another day you wait another 6 hours before you go home and you drive your own car home you know you have to be grownup if you're going to drive a brand new car if you're going to drive any car you have to be a grown-up and you have to take steps to ensure that if you have an accident fortunately no one was seriously injured in this accident but I'm going to tell you something if somebody was seriously injured in the accident the driver ahead of you you and your father would lose your house because you're driving an uninsured car so not only don't you have Collision you don't have liability do you understand that yes you're well now you understand it you get it case is dismissed that's all and this is your soon to be ex-daughter-in-law it is your claim that while she and your son were living in your home you made a series of loans to her yes J Miss Corville says that you made gifts to her because she was the only one working in her family your son wasn't working so she needed some car payments made in order to get her back and forth to work and some insurance payments made on the car I have a few questions yes sh how old are you 25 what do you do for a living I'm unemployed at the moment how long have you been unemployed for not that long because I had a job January 1st whenever I had put her out listen to me listen to me how long have you been unemployed since January 1st of 2007 yes ma'am prior to January 1st 2007 your mother says that you weren't working a good part of the time that's what your mother says is she lying that's true no ma'am that's true how long did you have the January job not long because I didn't even just don't tell me because no ma'am I hadn't gone offshore it was a offshore job and I didn't have a ride to go offshore that's why I didn't have that job I had you didn't have a job I had the job I got hard when was the last time that you got a paycheck Mr I didn't get a paycheck from them because I never worked one day cor I want you to listen to put on your listening ear sir okay when was the last time month and year that you had a paycheck think hard 2006 and I can't give you the exact month well give me close to the exact month um about the 10th month or maybe even the 9th what would that be the ninth month the 9th month yeah is um September took me a while good September now in August who did you work for Pizza Hut doing what delivery driver how long did that last not long why because I was told I couldn't use a carard to do it no more I was putting wearing turn on our car your honor that was our car at the time I was a manager at Pizza Hut listen you know what kind of sympathy I have for you zero you picked him and not only did you pick him but you picked him and you have a child not with me I know that okay I just clarifying it you know put your hand down sometimes it's better to be alone sometimes the loneliest you can be is when you're with somebody yeah your son who is without a job moves in with you with his wife and her child yes ma'am how old was he when he left home he's been in in and out of home since he's 12 years old in and out of your home yes ma'am now how did you feel about it when he told you he was getting married didn't know the girl long enough but she has a job right yeah at the time she did have a job yes ma'am now your son had no job at the time at the time at the time at the time he did have a job he doing what he did sheet metal what happened to that job he had differences with the guy yeah the guy fired me cuz I asked for a raise and what did he say when you asked him for a raise he told me he didn't feel that I deserved it and if I felt like I really needed it I could go look for a job elsewhere cuz I no longer had one with him no that's not what he said he said I don't feel as if you deserve it if you feel as if you deserve more go elsewhere yes ma'am well he didn't say that you can't have a job with him he said go elsewhere yes ma'am and so you went where'd you go to piz was that paying more than your sheet metal job yes ma'am n with the tips yes ma'am okay now tell me about this first loan after they got married they moved in with you because he's not working right yes yes sh were they paying rent in your house not at the beginning no were they paying rent later uh when the second go around they were going to pay rent they moved in twice this year last year fine when the second time they moved in did they pay rent one month how much 15 and who paid the rent my son what was he doing he was working for trim newom man what happened to that job we had went and we had a court date for me and her both to attend to and we asked the inst dat I don't really remember to be honest with you you had a court date and you don't remember what kind of court date did you have yeah it's was actually court for his paternity test yeah it wasn't nothing to do with me quiet for a paternity test for what his second child he has children yes ma'am vundabar he has two one for two different women now how much money in total did you give Miss Corville $958 tell me what it was for in January January of what of 2006 she bought a car with her income tax didn't have money for the insurance so I loaned her 200 just a second just a second tell me about what she didn't have money for the insurance and she said to you she would pay me back did you have that discussion with her or with your son with her tell me about the discussion she said that she would help us give us the money because of the fact he was out of work and she didn't want to see us without a car because if we didn't have a car we were unable to work was he working was he working at the time no ma'am did you subsequently get a job sir yes ma'am oh he did good where did you get a job job that's um whenever I went to the electrical company and how did you get to the electrical company she had brought me a few occasions who did Miss Jennifer your wife wife yes ma'am what's next in May she called me at work crying because she had a payday loan that she had taken before they were married crying because she was going to get arrested could she please borrow some money is that right it is um good how much was that 305 80 80 that you owe her go ahead then in September the 19th their ABC Insurance cancelled so they had to find new insurance they had to find new insurance she had to find new insurance where were you working you told me you were working in September sir yes ma'am that's when I we were both working at newcom okay so you were both working yes ma'am and you were using her car to get there yes ma'am ah good perfect so she I paid her down payment for $155 for Co fine that ensures that your son is working she was short 100 cuz they both lost their jobs she was short $100 so to keep her core I put the $100 difference in pay that she would pay me back when she'd find another job why you get him to pay you some money it wasn't his car he was using it they were a married couple listen Miss Corville Miss Corville your son put her out of the house when January 1st 2007 why because my question I couldn't use the car to go find a job nothing she had stop letting me use the car everything I that was her really and you had been using the car to go and look for a job no ma' said she stopped she hadn't let me and within 3 months since we had been back over there I had got a job and went to home that was the only time so that's why you threw her out yes ma'am cuz I was supposed to be leaving to go offshore and she wouldn't bring me go ahead he didn't get a job in hom he actually went to Hom to get a job he failed his drug test and he was unable to work offshore so he actually didn't what kind of drugs were you taking that you failed the drug test man you mean the test was a mistake no ma'am I was going off sure so you didn't fail the job no ma'am would you like to take one today doesn't matter she owes you for the payday loan that she owes you for for the car consider it a contribution to your son do you understand yes sh good judge 30580 that's all thank you very much car Miss insulin said that she would take over the lease payments on the car she did you broke up she took the car with her she drove the car for a considerable period of time the lease was about to be up the payoff was too much she said you can have the car back I don't want it you were forced to pay the payout on the lease which according to your complaint was about $5,000 Miss insulin says it was your car it's your problem that's your defense yes when was the car leased October 6th of of 2001 and it was relased by myself and Aaron okay and how long did you drive the car together um until I believe February of ' 04 Aaron had found employment and basically we agreed that I would get another car in my name and Aaron would take over the eclipse and make the payments a you did that yes for how long the lease was up 2006 October I called him a few times a couple months before saying that I couldn't afford the car it was really breaking me um so obviously there was no way I was going to be able to pay it off um and he just refused to take it off of me well but you had an agreement with him Miss ensin yeah as long as I'm driving the car I'll pay for it there were times where I called and said I don't want it I don't want to drive it it was never never discussed of bringing back the lease and me paying it off well what did you expect to happen the lease Miss enin I'm a co-signer for the loan correct I'm not on the title of the car it's but you are cosigner on the loan right right okay now you had this car in total how long sir the full leas 5 years between the two of us Aon have said that she had no intention of keeping the car yet she I have I believe she had intention of keeping the car as long as it was just like a lease I'm speaking Mr I believe that she had the intention of keeping the car and paying for it until it was no longer advantageous for her you have a car now miss ensin do I have a car that's my question do you have a car now yes I have a car now what kind of car do you have I have a Dodge Spirit what year 94 where did you get it from my parents your parents gave it to you as a gift yes when did they give it to you as a gift um October of this year last year so at about the same time that you said I can't afford these payments anymore at the same time the lease was up up for his car the same time the lease was up on a car on which you were a co-signatory yes perfect okay can I please see the payout this didn't become an issue until there was damaged to the car and basically she' gone over on the mileage how was the car damaged um Miss insulin you don't know how was the car damage there's a scrape on the side of the car how did it happen I hit something with it why didn't you fix it because it happened right before the lease was up and his girlfriend at the time was actually looking into buying it and her dad own a garage so there was a point where we thought that they were going to fix it and buy it and just take it off of whatever she paid for it who do you live with my boyfriend what kind of work do you do I'm an assistant assistant what assistant to um a businessman what kind of business he's a owns a small production company you mean theatrical no music and what does your boyfriend do miss insin he's a writer and what do your parents do my mom works in a Factory she's an accountant and my dad fixes the roads and works for the township how old are you Miss ensin 25 you have to grow up and stop being a baby if you have a responsibility you're supposed to take care of the responsibility you're not supposed to stick somebody else with your responsibilities you were going to assume the responsibility on the car until you decided it was too expensive a proposition for you to take it over after the lease so what you relied on your parents to treat your car so you could get to and from work and not have to take care of this responsibility you have to grow up Madam Beauty Fades dumb as forever judging for the plaintiff in the amount of $5,000 that's all Department lived together during the course of that lease the lease was renewed according to you for another 6 months and Mr fenmore moved out after a month or so you want him to be responsible for his half of the remainder of the lease Mr fenmore while he acknowledges that you signed an initial lease together his defenses that he did not sign the renewal that you must have signed for him you knew that he was intending to leave that things weren't going well between the two of you and he is not responsible for the second part of the lease so can I see the first lease that you signed when did you move in together it was um I believe December 2004 well the lease was signed November 2005 I think it was 2004 I'm not real correct on that well what am I looking at November 29th 2005 what probably our renewal lease I didn't ask for the renewal I asked for the original lease this isn't the actual lease but it's part of the ren the first lease that has the 12804 date that Spencer see please okay so the original was signed on 12804 and you claim the renewal was signed by him on November 29th 2005 that's correct is that right sir yes your honor did you sign the renewal yes you said in your answer you didn't sign the renewal I signed the renewal that went from November 2005 until May 2006 she's suing me from May 2006 to November 2006 got it so who has that renewal um the one that I handed to you shows that we went in the office and verbally renewed and I have a letter from the office stated June 1st you can't verbally renew cannot verbally renew a 6 month lease it's ridiculous he says he did not renew the lease you have no proof that he did renew the lease if he didn't want to renew the lease you're under he shouldn't have stayed there till July because because then you can have a month-to-month tency okay you can have a month-to-month tency and pay every month until the landlord says listen I don't want to give you a month-to-month tency anymore you have to leave within 30 days then you leave but you can't obligate him sorry case is dismissed that I have some familiarity with the kind of business that you're in do you want to explain it to b or would you like me to do it the nature of the business yes um essentially I have uh my friend Ronald here who has been in the business for 12 years and he Ronald doesn't have to explain it okay I'm going to in very simplistic terms explain it to bird you tell me if I'm wrong all right simple you have this vitamin bottle cuz that's what they sell vitamins mhm and Ronald that's this guy over here he's been in the business 12 years mhm he sometimes sells these vitamins but what he does mostly is get other people under him who sell vitamins MH and depending upon at what level they buy in they could buy in with $500 or $1,000 or $2,000 they get product he brings him in Mr sincere over here buys $5,000 worth of product he gets a piece of that sure so it's like slavery you know what you do is he brings in what's your first name Damian he brings in a lot of Damian Daman 1 Daman 2 Damen 3 Damen four and whatever Damian orders from the business not sales but orders from the business Ronald gets a piece of multi-level marketing correct now so then it inures to Daman 1 through five they say listen we want to be Ronald too of course so we're going to see if we can get what's your name Amy a whole bunch of am under us to buy as much product as he can cuz they get a piece of whatever Amy buys of course and and they also and so does Ronald that's right cuz Ronald gets a smaller piece of Amy but he still gets a piece of Amy and then what's your name jie what's your name Cody Cody Cody I want to get a whole bunch of Cody because that's the way I'm going to make my money and he's going to get a little piece of Cody and he's going to get a smaller piece of Cody but everybody's going to get a piece of Cody that's the way the game works oh yeah got it that's right pretty much now you also reach certain levels in this business because if you're a master or if you're a guru or if you're a Titan or if you're an ugoni whatever it is what happens is they give you perks oh yeah do you get perks in your business like a car if you get high enough you do yeah I'm not you think this is a scheme that I haven't been through a couple of times in my life no no I didn't say all right I got it so if you get up really high if you get to be a Grandmaster inoni they give you a BMW of course or they give you a Mercedes so there are advantages for Ronald to get a whole bunch of Daman and for Daman to get a whole bunch of Amy and for Amy to get a whole bunch of codies because in addition to getting the money you also get per perks that's the drill now Damian over here got Amy involved in the business and she bought inventory how much worth sir uh she it was worth worth 55 5 5,000 what are you asking him for the questions are going to get harder oh my I think it was worth about 5,000 and he actually put up 3,300 okay but you put up the money for her yes I did on your credit card yes I did because you were hoping that she was going to do well in the business and she wasn't such a good salesperson and she couldn't find a Cody if she killed herself she couldn't find a Cody so you ended up getting stiff for your money correct and she sent back some of her product right some of it but you want because you're stuck with the bill now because you're not a Grandmaster ogunji yet right there isn't any such thing as a grand masteri right yeah I sort of made that up cuz it sounded funny so you want her to pay the money Miss Brown says you gave her all kinds of sales pitch you told her she was going to make a fortune that there were Cody's floating around under every Ro that she was going to be able to sell these vitamins that they were the greatest things since sliced bread and she couldn't do it cuz she was no salesperson and since you didn't help her she sent back the product that she hadn't used if you have the bill that's your problem okay we have certain things that we understand we understand that he bought in for $3,300 and put it on his credit card that is an agreed state of fact it is also agreed that you agreed to pay him back that money for starting you in this business this was going to be your business you were going to to be a grand female didn't work out wasn't your thing so what did you do I asked for his help several times how did you do that um either phone conversations or via email and what did he say to you usually it was yeah we need to get together and talk about this which never happened and after so many attempts I just sent all the product back and what did he say he was fine with it as as far as I knew I I told him I was going to do it and he said he understood so when did he decide to sue you I just was served about 2 weeks ago when was this that you sent back the product um believe it was June May or June of of 2006 so why did you wait to sue her sir um oh there not an answer okay I wanted to work with Amy to give her an opportunity to payack the remaining balance well had you asked her for it of course how many times did you ask her for the balance numerous uh both on the phone and then when she started not returning my phone calls our relationship was degraded and um I have in emails that she said she would indeed pay back the remaining balance can I see it please may sense something else your honor yes I absolutely did make every attempt to not only talk to Amy on the phone but to get together with her to involve her in Opportunity meetings Ronald also uh met her in Anaheim for a meeting I feel like we put forth a uh a very fair and aggressive effort to assist her with this it is clear to me that over the course of several months you agreed to pay him and I agreed to make payments so why didn't you because at the time I had lost my job I was laid off and I just bought my condo and you just bought your condo I just bought a condo and then I was laid off and then I was trying to get caught up with my other bills which were a priority well then you acknowledge this debt to him a portion of it well which portion of it Madam I agreed to okay he had agreed to help me with listen we beyond that we had agreed to help you now I have emails where you clearly acknowledge the debt which belies what you told me that he breached his contract to help you which is why you don't have to pay him so now we know that you agreed to pay him so I'm asking you why is it because you bought a condo no the condo was prior to to even meeting him well so what does that have to do with paying him back your business no I I had been laid off and that's when I met him and he convinced me to do this so that I can make money then when then it didn't work out you returned the product and you still said I'm going to pay you so what stopped you well I didn't agree with the amounts that he was saying I owed him well how much do you say you owe him that's where I started five minutes ago okay I believe I owe him maybe $1,000 just based on the portions of it that I was able to sell well how much did you sell maybe a couple hundred Worth to just where are your records there's no record I mean you sell the container to people for cash what do you mean you sell it for cash Cas and then you don't report it to anybody not even the government how do you expect to pay your taxes well I I don't know this is something he was supposed to help me with he's not supposed to help you with that this is your business well this is what he promised to help me with I I have the emails where he stated he promised to help me as well how much prod $3300 how much product did she send back she returned $699 30 which was credited to my credit card and she gave me a personal check for 300 and you cashed it of course good also your honor um originally I gave Amy a can uh two cans of product which I said you can pay me back for just give me the same cans once you get your order and she never did so I added that you're going to have to live with that sir Damian okay so she returned $700 worth of product bringing it down to $2,600 and she gave you $300 leaving a grand total of $2,300 and and they actually pro-rated that um that they don't refund you the full amount so they only give you I think 80 to 90% back and and that's that's what was credited to his credit card well that's all right he has to be made whole you're a big girl how old are you 36 what 36 36 36 years old you make a decision it doesn't work out you have to take care of the consequences these are slick guys this is the way they make a living they find people who are young looking to start a new life St a new business not worked out in other fields and they say listen you can make a lot of money and some people make a lot of money Ronald makes a good living right Damian I don't know do you make a good living I'm working on it well how much did you earn last year with just you live yes I'd have to look at my tax return let's try to give me a round ballpark figure Damien I'm going to say probably around $8,000 eight mhm you make a lot more mhm you've been there 12 years yeah how long have you been in Damen about 3 years oh when you're there 12 years you're going to have that Mercedes you want I hope so what kind of cardio driver Ronald I drive a BMW Jud now can I say something sure um the business has a a one-year money back guarantee so at any point she could have returned the product and got 90% of her money back the business isn't designed for people to fail if they don't want to do it if they get a new job that's okay so if there was ever a discrepancy she could have returned all the product and Damen would have got reimbursed so but she didn't right she's got to pay okay thanks sure judgement for the plan for the amount of $2,300 thank you that's all Jesse I don't know you don't know she's your mother no I do but I mean I don't know I don't know how this all came about I do we're going to find out thank you Miss Bell yes how old are you 22 you work yes for whom my father doing what I'm a receptionist of his company I've been working there for about 5 years is it a successful company yes how many children are there in your family I have one brother and one sister is your sister younger or older she's older she's 32 so you're the baby daughter yes pretty one thank you according to what I read you used to be involved romantically with him MH the one who's going to sit up and uncross his arms yes sir yes ma'am and he was a friend of this one yes ma'am so you became a friend of this one well I was friends with him before Jesse and I actually got into a relationship and I gather that your father must have been thrilled with your choice of boyfriends absolutely not now I could tell that before I even sat down because these two Charmers ended up in jail correct for whatever we'll figure it out and it is your claim that you loaned Mr Carper money to pay off his criminal fines correct Mr Carper says that you did pay off his criminal fines and you did so as a gift because you were a friend of his he says you were more than a friend of his that you had a romantic relationship we were never boyfriend and girlfriend he didn't say boyfriend and girlfriend he just says you were intimate with both of them no and all I can say is y can you imagine a father who has a company that has enough money to employ a receptionist and this is the boyfriend and this is the friend that she goes to visit both of them in jail how many times did you go to visit them never visited them in jail oh good at least thank God for that what were you in jail for Mr coer personal reasons ma'am personal reasons is not a criminal offense I made I made stupid decisions joh Mr coer when I ask a question I expect an answer yes ma'am what were you in jail for possession possession of schedule two substance pills was it the first time you were arrested no ma'am and the last time you were arrested was when sir before I got in Cross when were you incarcerated this March of 2002 and how long were you in prison 30 months what prison uh coffee wood in Camp 7 are you still on parole status yes ma'am until when it's indefinite you're on indefinite parole yes ma'am fabulous now your friend what's his name Jesse G Jesse how long have you and Jesse been friends since I was 5 years old man and what was he in prison for M assault assault yes maam how long had Jesse and Miss Bill been friends they had known each other for a long time I never met her she said I knew her before they started dating I never met this girl until I came home I didn't know who she was so that's a lie right there how long did you think they were involved when you he was in prison with you right we were in the county jail together yes ma'am when were you in the county jail together 200 2003 did he know her then were they involved then I take it no they weren't involved no when did you first hook up with J I started talking to Jesse actually back in high school about ninth grade when did you start to see him romantically um want to say July and he's just out of jail yes you're his mother I am sometimes you bake a sule and it falls happen tell me about the loan I loaned him $458 on September 29th to pay off his charges which I have receipts of well tell me how it came about that you laid out that well I saw him apply after job after job after job and he kept getting turned down cuz he didn't have his license and I how what do you mean you saw him well I would take him and Mr gol to apply at jobs and why would you do that I was trying to help them out by taking them to fill out job applications so they could get a job and I didn't want them to get locked back up and I asked Mr Carper if I were to pay off his fines he could get his license and get a job and if him and Jesse were willing to be my roommates cuz I'm going through separations so I separation from my husband you have any children I have a three-year-old daughter so you wanted to take your three-year-old daughter and be their roommate yes who do you live with now now I live with my parents I'm currently trying to Stell stay there because your judgment is impaired Big Time recently it has been I do agree if you are a 22-year-old woman and your judgment is impaired and all you're doing is hurting yourself that's one thing but to take your three-year-old child and on purpose move in out of your parents' home into an apartment with two convicted felons who were on parole one for drugs and I'm not so sure about them now is the kind of laps judgment that your parents aren't going to tolerate it's actually a house that I own and my husband my ex moved out and I could not afford the mortgage and I actually live there and it was either I find some roommates or I I don't care if you have to live in a shelter you don't take a three-year-old child and put a three-year-old child in a circumstance where you have two convicted felons one of whom was there for pills I agree got it it was also cocaine so you paid off his fines yes and how was he supposed to pay you back he was going to pay me monthly cuz I actually charged it on a credit card and he agreed to pay me monthly at first a little bit over the minimum payment and then you know he was going to pay me a lot more what were the fines for can I see the piece of paper that you have you think that's a real diamond in his ear definitely is I doubt it is that a real diamond in your ear of course ma'am I don't wear fake things what I said I don't wear fake things yes can I see it please you see take it out wow thank you [Music] felony fee fines $1,000 felony fee $350 jail admission fee $25 and court appointed attorney $437 love it Commonwealth of Virginia good for Virginia and what would happen to you Mr corper if you didn't pay these fines they would probably violate my parole and then what would happen to you then I would not see the light of day forever what do you think fines are for sir to be paid ma'am cuz they're part of your what probation part of your what punishment yes ma'am and if somebody else pays you a fine then you have no punishment right why do you think a court would allow that to happen cuz it's the law man what's the law why do you think a court would allow somebody else to do your punishment let me ask you this sir we've already established that payment of the fine is what punishment right and you're going to jail was a form of punishment ma' now you couldn't say to somebody else listen I want you to do me a favor I don't feel like going to jail I'm going to go out and sell a whole bunch of pills and maybe a little cocaine so I'm going to have a couple of bucks you know I'm going to give you $10,000 to do my 30 months you think that the state would permit that to happen no ma what would if the the person said to you know I don't mind going to jail I have nothing else to do I could really use the $10,000 I'll go to jail for you for the 30 months I think the state would permit that no ma'am because then you wouldn't be doing your own let somebody else pay your fines you're allowing somebody else to do your punishment now see is he a quick learn or what so the first thing you have to do in order to do your punishment is sell your diamonds that's what the first thing that people do is sell their diamonds right yes ma'am then they pay the rest of their debt $4500 maybe you can get $89 for this Hope Diamond when did you give him up as a boyfriend we weren't really actually together cuz he's not capable of just having one girlfriend we were supposedly together probably about maybe a month you are an articulate Nic looking girl who clearly has very low self-esteem because if you didn't have low self-esteem you wouldn't have been involved with either one of them correct you have parents who have a business you have a child you've made some bad judgments but you're only 22 years old you have the capacity to change you have anything you want to add to what I've already said I do um I mean I'm just dying to hear why you would come be her witness if your son is sitting over there because what's wrong is wrong and you're absolutely right he's skating his punishment um you have anything new to add I think it's a fine how you do to thank somebody for uh doing all that she did for you okay good thank you very much uh By the way did she also pay your son's fines yes she did did he pay her back no we actually go to court for that on March 7th a in Prince R County should we just hang out here just a second just a second so why don't you do this you're his mother right I am you made him you raised him why don't you pay his fines because he's 24 years old and I'm not responsible for him anymore right yeah I know but you're more responsible than a stranger maybe you should just let I would not have paid his fines in the first place you would let him go back to jail I would but you're absolutely right sit down in any event she paid $458 in order to keep you free I meant you bring a judgment for $4500 and it's Diamond thank you that's all cause substantial damage to buildings of yours yes your honor with his vehicle yes ma'am Mr Schnell says he didn't do it so first when was the damage to your buildings uh December 6th of last year your honor what kind of buildings were there it was a fenon area where I keep some construction material and a metal building a steel building I I drew a diagram if I could show you that first I'd like to see the Damage Done to the buildings you have photographs yes ma'am there wasn't a tornado in your area was there not at that time your honor no and when you left you said it was december6 what date in December uh December 6th on the 5th were you at the building yes ma'am building's okay it was fine when I left around 6:00 p.m. fence was okay yes everything was okay no tornadoes that night so now I see the damage how much in dollars was the damage I estimated around $4,600 your honor how do you get to that estimate Mr I'm a licensed contractor I brought a copy of my contractor's license and I actually believe I estimated at low since I can do most of the work myself you have to replace the fence in the shed yes okay now you're going to try to explain to me since I gathered from your papers you did not see Mr Schnell that's correct caused this damage what evidence do you have that he caused the damage well your honor we uh can I show you at first what I thought happened to the property no don't tell me what you thought I'm not interested what you thought Okay the reason the reason I think it was Mr Snell is when he hit the concrete sidewalk here he blew out a tire left gouge marks on the concrete knocked down all of this and there was gouge marks all along the property and we follow the gouge marks down here and I could actually see where the gouge marks on the road on mean the gouge marks on the road from being driven on the tire rim that's correct your honor got it uh he turned up I could see where they crossed the street and turned up 90th Avenue at the time I was looking a friend of mine and his son came down your say okay well I think that's a key evidence your honor that someone well I don't care if it's a key evidence or not sir that's your say what somebody else told you an out of court statement is not admissible in court for the truth of that statement so right now you're following the gouge marks yes your honor go ahead okay at that point the police went up this street I didn't go you did not go with them no I didn't uh they went past this house down here where they found Mr schnell's vehicle just a second only if you have a police report that indicates that I do have a police I'd like to take a look at that police observe in their report that the damage appears to have been done by somebody doing donuts on the property with their car and lost control and struck the concrete pad causing the right front tire to blow out which caused damage to the rim and then the writer observed pieces of the rim on the concrete pad the writer observed gouge mark in the concrete from the broken rim and it ran into a chain link fence Ryder recovered various pieces from the rim and also the passenger side mirror and what appeared to be a fog lamp then the police found the defendant's car Mr Schnell that would be you yes ma'am stand up on your own two feet yes ma'am and found that the mirror that was located at the location matched that of the subject vehicle coincidence big coincidence speak not yes ma'am and the writer that would be the police also observe that pieces of the rim that were found at the incident location also match that of the subject's vehicle that would be you my turn uh look at me look at me yes ma'am I was just I to look down at anything oh no I was just grabbing the pictures I have evidence also there there's no way that my Jeep could have done that damage to his uh property man' what kind of car do you put it down what kind of car do you have 98 Jeep Grand Cherokee how much did you pay for it about $5,000 did you take good care of the car oh no ma'am I did not so you acted irresponsibly towards the car oh I did where did you get the $5,000 from to buy the car I just don't look over there yes man I just gotten off a deployment ma' from Iraq so I had a lot of money in the bank go ahead okay well about a day prior to the incident ma'am I had total my Jeep I was driving along the road I was speeding like just a second yes ma'am day before yes ma'am you total the car yes ma'am tell me how you did that uh my tire look me yes ma'am my tire blew out and I went which Tire my uh right front tire ma'am right front tire blew out yes ma'am how did it Blow Out Mr schow I don't know how it blew out ma'am right front tire blew out and I went crashing in the trees I got pictures here that shows the trees that I crashed into I'd like to take I'd like to take a look at the tree you crashed into yes ma'am and that wasn't anywhere near his building was it oh no ma'am good you look at the pictures you won't see a building around it just and I want to see the car you took pictures yes ma'am of the tree very nice and now I want to see a picture of the car total undrivable oh yes ma'am it was completely undrivable completely yes ma' ma'am well it would start ma'am but uh don't speak I have questions yes ma'am so you went into a tree how far away from where you live a couple miles ma'am about two or three would it be anywhere in this area that's on the bottom I can show you on the map ma'am sure uh it would be out this way if the map extended further okay good so it would be all the way over there yes ma'am and how did the car get back to your house I rode it home on the room ma'am I thought you told me that it was not drivable sir it it was listen to me you just told me a moment ago Mr Schnell yes ma'am that the car was not drivable not safely drivable anyway ma'am ah Mr Schnell this is not going to go well for you sir for you to drive it home Well's more like it ma'am no no no no no you either call you call the police the way I figured it is if I called the police and I filled out an accident report and everything and go back to my insurance company and most of those damages on there I can just get the parts from a junkyard or something and fix it now one of the things that was damaged on your car sir is a side view mirror that's missing yes ma'am I'm not I'm not just a say I'm speaking a side I'm so far does it look as if I need your help I have some other pictures I want to show your honor fine just I'm not finished with him yet so so far we have a right front tire yes ma'am that matches the right front tire at his place of business and a side view mirror also found that his place of business also missing from from your car yes ma'am coincidence I'm speaking coincidence either it's a coincidence or it's on an on purpose it's coincidence ma'am coincidence yes ma'am we also have a fog lamp yes ma'am also missing from your car oh not I'm not just answer my question yes ma'am also missing that the police found on his property yes ma' also if you'll look at that picture though ma'am did they find my bumper on his property just a second did they did they find anything else something to you sir I don't answer your question that is not my job yes ma'am at what rank did you leave the military Lance corporal ma'am what was A Step Above Lance corporal Corporal Corporal and above that Sergeant did you speak back to your sergeant I wanted to live right I did what I was right ma'am well maybe that's why you chose not to make the Army a career Marine Corp ma'am so now we have The Coincidence of right front tire side view mirror and fog lamp all all retrieved at his place of business after the police according to this followed the rim marks back to your house there is no way that I could have drove that car that night because the tire was already blown out that's if I believe that you went into a tree the day before that's if I believe that sir you're starting out with a premise that is not necessarily true I have a witness that can say for sure that my jeep was wrecked on the night in question you mean that's him yes ma'am if I were to call you up here would you tell me that the jeep was wrecked wrecked the day before yes your honor right now when you got home just for my own curiosity when you got home on the 5th after you wrecked this vehicle and you live with your look at me with him I'm asking you a question oh me ma'am I thought you were talking to him again no my eyes look at the person I'm talking to yes ma'am uh no I live at home ma'am with my family with your family yes ma'am mother and father yes ma'am did you provide the police with your mother and father's name so that they could confirm the story that you told about your car being damaged the day before the answer is either yes or now I'll see your pictures thank you these are actual police photographs your honor when the police went to his house and these photos are still in evidence that show the fog lamp in question and the mirror and some parts for the rim I'd like to see that the police match to the vehicle and I've also found more pieces on my property since I've been doing the cleanup okay just a second so the mirror that was found which is primarily what I'm looking at the paint is the same color as his car yes your honor let's see what else we have so we have right front tire side view mirror the same color as the side view mirror would have been from his car yes all found on your property yes your honor what kind of work do you do now Mr Schnell I'm unemployed ma'am how long have you been unemployed since end of November why unemployment pay is better than Walmart so your parents just let you sort of hang around after when did you come out of the service uh my ass was November 26 of 06 yes ma'am so you stayed home December January February at this point it's time for you to get into gear right oh yes ma'am first you pay him the money that you owe him $4,600 judgment for the plaintiff that's all we did this is your complaint you put an ad in Craig's List I gather you went to school to become a massage therapist yes and you put an ad on Craigslist for massages with your picture on it does have your picture yes Mr Bell saw that ad on Craig's List is that right sir I did and he thought it was really funny that you had posted that ad on Craig's List so far am I right yes so he circulated it around the office he sent it to a lot of other people he thought it was funny like you know like they people send jokes on the computer comp and he sent it to a whole lot of other people so you're suing him for defamation cuz you were very embarrassed yes that's what this is all about mhm Mr London can I see the ad please okay so this says hello ladies imagine casting Your Eyes Upon This gorgeous whatever it's got pictures of you right and it says massage for big beautiful women reply to personals it looks like a number at craigslist.org and when people reply to this personal they get you is that right well they get transferred to an email yeah but it's you no not in this particular case there's a little bit more to the story that hasn't been revealed yet sir all I want to know is it comes back to you yes now is this the same ad that you sent to other people you didn't modify it in any way no no didn't modify you didn't change it you didn't add words you didn't no I didn't I just sent the link you sent the link and you said take a look at this that's it that's not a crime Mr London that's not a crime that's not a lawsuit yeah there's a little bit more to well give me 30 seconds Sir that's what happened you put this ad that you didn't want to be circulated among your office mates he circulated among your office mates if you didn't want it out there you shouldn't have printed it well no that that actually isn't what happened what happened is I work for the bank and I also have a personal training and Massage Therapy business like you said and another kind of job side also that I do is I write personal ads for Craigslist also ads for businesses whoever needs advertising very nice that's not an advertisement for you sir so you have a lot of businesses you put this on prank list yes technically speaking that's what we're here for that ad wasn't for me who cares I wrote the ad for somebody else this who cares who it was for who cares he doesn't know that all he knows is this is the ad that he saw on Craigslist he had every right to send it to whoever he wanted to sent it to to my workpl well he doesn't work in the workplace anymore this I don't care he could have sent it to the king of sayam he could have sent it to me he could have sent it to the president of the United States he could have sent it to the vice president of the United States or the Secretary of the Interior it doesn't make any difference it's out there in cyberspace put on the Internet by you Mr London he could send it to whoever he wants it's open that's what it is it's like sending an open letter do it send it to my job for what for last who cares if you don't don't want to be embarrassed you don't put embarrassing things on the internet Mr London if you don't want to be embarrassed keep your private thoughts to yourself that but the ad is not mine is what I'm trying to what I'm trying to tell you can I actually tell you listen Mr London I understand the nonsense what you wrote in your complaint you said you were doing an ad for somebody else and this was just a sample of what the ad would look like but Mr Bell doesn't know that because you posted this on Craigslist but how does he know I posted it it doesn't make any difference whether he knows you post it or not sir it's here it's out there in the world just like he sees it anybody else can see it he can send it to whomever he wants to send it the truth of the matter is you did post it on Craigslist did somebody tie you down and take these pictures no those are sample pictures those are pictures that you the pictures don't even match the ad is what I'm trying to tell you you do oh listen Mr London you can tell me whatever you want to tell me sir this may have aggravated you it may have upset you it's a very good lesson if you want to think think privately you go I want to take it all in and this is what I want to do I want to keep these thoughts to myself if you want to give massages to big beautiful women and that's what you're thinking about and I'm going to say but I'm not going to write it in a letter to my mother or my sister or my boyfriend or my girlfriend I'm going to keep it to myself once you type it in the machine and you write send it's over it's out there it's in NEX and Burma and Jersey Jersey and Brooklyn it's all over the place and you can't complain about it if somebody says this is really funny I want to send it to everybody that I know who knows this jerk who posted this on Craigslist so Mr London grow up you want to keep things to yourself you want to talk talk into your pillow don't talk into your computer case is dismissed your complaint alleges that he co-signed for a car for you yes the car was titled in his name and mine but he was on alone yes you couldn't get credit both of us were on the loan but you couldn't get credit yourself you broke up and the agreement when he agreed to co-sign for you from what I understand was as follows he would co-sign for you and you would make regular payments on the car timely that you would maintain insurance on the car that you would pay for his cell phone maintain his cell phone anything else sir uh medical insurance and keep him on your medical insurance pay for his medical insurance yes that was an exchange for him obligating himself on the car loan you broke up according to Mr truo you were late in many of your car payments which damaged his credit yes in addition although he doesn't say it you do you canceled his cell phone and canceled his medical insurance in January of 07 yes this year what you canceled his medical insurance there was no time limit on this contract it wasn't really an agreement that I was going to pay his cell phone insurance it was more of a blackmail and I have emails to prove that what do you mean just a second I'll see you in a second but it's my understanding even from you and your complaint that we came to an agreement this is what you swore to that he would co-sign my car for me and I would pay for his cell phone plan along with adding him to my medical insurance that's what you say yes so you canceled his cell phone and you canceled his medical insurance you fell behind in your car payments and he repossessed the car and turned it back in m is that what you did with it or you driving it I currently have the car you currently have the car and you've made up the car payments right right up to date you want all the money that you put into the car not necessarily all the money the down payment that I put into and the payments some of the payments that I did and for insurance and the cell phone bill that I did remove them from it but it wasn't really an agreement and I have emails that show that it was more of if I take him off that the car deal would be done and deal with well that's true you know I don't understand Miss Blanco if you made that agreement with him when he co-signed for the car for you which is what you say in your complaint and you subsequent break up so you get the dates when did you break up in September of 06 and when was the car purchased July 22nd of 06 and when did you take him off the cell phone the cell phone I took him off in this February of 07 and when did you cut him off of your health insurance they didn't cancel that until August 31st of this year after he took the vehicle and everything when did you cancel him from the health insurance not when they took him off when did you cancel him when I told him June of this year June of 07 and he possessed the car June 10th which he lied about repoing the car he did not tell me anything he is not to tell you anything how many times have you laid on car payments four times but it was I have proof from VW that I called them everything we were stayed in touch I don't care whether you stayed in touch what does that mean Miss Blanco that you stayed in touch cuz they cut my hours from work it was very unexpected on March 10th we had a meeting and they told us hey we're cutting hours by Monday I went from working 40 plus hours to 32 hours there was no way I could come up with the money I was trying my hardest to get a second job and Renee knew about this he knew that I was trying to get a second job I kept in touch with him I only paid $110 this timeco you have to be a grownup sweetheart listen to me you can't visit your problems on him the fact that you were working with Volkswagen and they don't want your old car back they want to work with you as long as they're going to get their money right that's one thing that doesn't mean it's not reported to his credit as the cosigner the fact that you lost hours imp acted on him I and I he you understand that I understand that's his complaint cuz he has a counter claim he says you ruined his credit because for four times and I don't care if it was four times or three times or two times if you don't make your car payment on time the people who were responsible on that loan are going to be penalized that was him he has an absolute right to repossess the car for that alone in addition to the fact that you had a contract with him a verbal contract he would obligate himself on the car if you would maintain him on his cell phone and your insurance well after a while you're not his girlfriend anymore you say I'm going to cancel that cell phone I don't want to pay for a cell phone but he's calling other people and I don't want to pay for his health insurance anymore I'm canceling it it wasn't at of a malicious act to doesn't have to be it doesn't have to be malicious that was your contract with him but it wasn't a contract yes it was that's what you say you say it was an agreement we came to an agreement that he would co-sign my car for me and I would pay for his cell phone along with adding him to my health insurance you want me to see what you signed I know I circled that agreement part it wasn't that's what you signed I know that's what you swore to it wasn't that's what you said happen that's what he says happened you may not want to revisit that now honor there's an email here that shows the only reason I kept that she doesn't understand that the email is going to support exactly what I said I know yeah you he says to you you keep me on your insurance and your cell phone PL and we'll keep the same car deal that's what he says but it wasn't the the car deal what the reason why it says car deal is because when we first signed up for the car we signed up on July 22nd couple days after that the guy that we did the car loan with called us in and said hey we have a better interest rate for you you come in we could redo the contract so I got sick a couple days after that so I couldn't we couldn't go right away I had surgery everything was that we went back and redid the contract but before we redid the contract we got into an argument and I said you know what we have to take this out of my name or out of your name put it into my own name now that you know this is not how it's supposed to be and in that email it says or Miss plco was the car in both your names yes was the loan in both your names yes do you have proof sir that your credit score went from one thing to another I do can I see it please sure this is the before and the after with the credit scores highlighted I have the proof of or not proof but when we first co-signed the car they did a credit check on us and I have the credit score that they gave us on his and not us him mine both of ours just his oh you what was his his was 776 now it's 630 now it's 6:30 based upon your four late payments now is this a new car yes you know when you walk out of the showroom the car is diminished by 20% yes so he had to take over a car that was now worth 20% less because you ruined his credit in addition to cutting off a cell phone and insurance forget that so you don't get anything for that Miss Blanco nothing this it wasn't an agreement I know that that says it says it's agreement but I when we were signing it upstairs I circled it and said it wasn't really an agreement whether it was or it was not you cannot ruin the co- signatory's credit rating because you had a problem with your job that's not his problem he knew that and we were trying both we both wanted to make payments on it but they didn't take credit card and I my get a second job trying did you buy a new car no I have not why not I'm saving up for it good that's what you should have done that's what you should have done that's what we wanted to do and I wanted to do and I have proof that I tried my hardest to get my car to pass MOG so that I didn't have to get a new car Chucky was also there as when I was searching for a new car I wanted I did not want payments whatsoever and he convinced me to get a new car and get payments you are a very strong young lady and you don't seem to me like somebody who's shy you got into difficulty he had a right to take back the car not the way he did though I don't listen I was at work your honor I'm not saying he was Prince Charming he had a right to take back the car but I was at work your honor when he came and I had lunch with my boss and he just took the car he did not warn me after lying about having the spare key I'm not the moral police Miss Blanco I'm here to decide a legal issue the legal issue is that he have the right to take the car absolutely did he have the right to sell the car absolutely does he have the right to keep the car and make the payments absolutely that is his prerogative because you ruined his credit you have no right to do that you have to be a big grownup girl and I'd say because I lost my job I had surgery I had other things that happened to me and I this and I have that it's not my fault he took the car the way I was having lunch with my boss he didn't give me notice you breached the contract to make the payments in a timely manner may not have been of your own valtion it may have been because I don't know the sky was falling and Henny Penny and whatever other reason it was but that can't impact on him he's not your boyfriend anymore he's not your boyfriend he's not your father he's not your brother he has no moral obligation to you whatsoever now you driving the car sir no it's currently garage that my 's house why because I have nowhere to put it at I go to San Francisco State and I have no well who's going to drive the car my mom's driving it right now oh your mom's driving it good so you have a nice car right right good so what are you complaining about I'm by the time I sell a car to my supervisor here I won't have lost $5,000 well you should have sold it to Hera she doesn't have she for you should have sold it to Hera that's not her problem that's your problem you took back the car car is in good running order yes and now you're paying for it and you're going to sell it to somebody else to her and right now your mother's driving it right right very nice you count the claims dismissed okay so is your claim you're not entitled to any money back that's all thank you thank you but apparently you're intelligent people getting themselves involved in somebody else's mess Miss Lane according to you you allowed this young lady would that be you the child of this young lady over here to move into your house because she was the girlfriend of your 15-year-old son nothing could be Dumber let's start out with that I agree your honor perfect then we have no problem and hindsight it was mistake the dumbest thing and people do it all the time seemingly intelligent people a parent can't control their child a parent says I'm just as happy if some stranger takes her into the house or some stranger takes him into the house and reasonably intelligent people say well maybe I can fix this problem and bring them into their home which is probably a very calm reasonable place to live and all of a sudden there's turmoil in any event having gotten that off my chest for the rest of the world to hear don't take some somebody else's problem children into your house she came to live with you yes and there was an episode where you believed that she required immediate medical assistance yes she was taken to a hospital emergency room you're responsible for the bill and you want her mother to pay that bill correct then there are charges encounter charges of harassment which I'm really not interested in because I think that that's a bunch of nonsense because if this Bill had been paid we wouldn't have any harassment so I'm turning to miss Hess why did you allow your 17-year-old daughter to to move out of your house well number one she was rebelling I said do you want to take your little wings and fly and test me on this being 17 years old and working two jobs and trying to maintain then you go right ahead just a second who's working two jobs her or you I was okay and I tried to talk to this lady but it it wasn't possible just a second so you told her to get out well she took it upon herself just a second I'm asking you whether you told her to get out at the time when she was yelling and screaming about it I said well if you think that's what you need to do Chris then you right ahead and then you're going to find you're talking about your daughter yes ma'am you said to your daughter get out 17 rebelling you no no did your mother tell you to get out of the house no what did she say I said I wanted to go live with Francesca and your mother said what she said if that's what you want to do then go your honor what the story that I was receiving was that Kristen was having extreme abuse issues with her who from whom from her mother from whom were you receiving the story both Kristen and my son all I want you to do is tell me what Kristen said to you not your son where is your son he does not want any further he's not here correct fine then you can't tell me anything that your son had to say only what Kristen had to say to you tell me what she said about the abuse she was having from her mother she said that there was physical abuse she also stated that her mother had some mental issues and that there was some extreme situations regarding that is that what you told her no I never talk to her about anything that's not true your honor I didn't well what reason did you give her for wanting to come and live with her she wanted me to be a nanny nah that's ridiculous that's a lot of baloney I don't need a nanny just a sec that's a lot of baloney her husband was going to Iraq and she said she wanted me to move into help with garly that's baloney you just told me that you had this discussion with your mother and your mother said you were rebelling and you were talking back to her and you were difficult and you said I want to go move in with my boyfriend and she said if that's what you want to do go so don't tell me she offered you a job as a nanny cuz that's ridiculous I think that's what it ended up being when she got there then well when when she got there she may have said listen can you help me out with the children or the child or whatever it is that's fine I mean she's living there she's supporting her I assume you gave her no money right of course not of course well that's not of course not it's not of course not you told it ago that doesn't mean you're absolved from the responsibility of supporting her she's under 18 do you understand fine okay so when she got there she said listen you're here you're eating my food you're living under my roof you're using my gas and electric and water and telephone you can help out with the kids but that's not why you went now tell me about this episode that landed you in the hospital you had a what urinary tract infection from too much sex no from what I get them it it runs my family we get them really easily oh have you had that problem when you lived with your mother yes ma'am has your mother ignored the problem no ma'am she's taken care of the problem yes ma'am how is she taken care of of the problem she would take me to the doctor and how often did she do that every time I would get sick you know why she did that because she cares no because she she cares I hope she cares but she did that because the law requires that she take care of her minor child's medical conditions otherwise she's guilty of neglect do you understand that yes ma'am perfect now when you were living with Miss Lane and you got this urinary tract infection tell me about what you did did you scream were you crying yeah I was crying were you crying because you told her you were in pain yes what did you say to her I said my stomach hurts really bad so what did Miss Lane do she wanted to take me to the hospital and what did you say I said I wanted to wait for my mom to get off work to take me is that what you told her yes ma'am is that what she told you no what did she say in fact um Kristen had spent the majority of the day with her mother and her mother had gone into work late in the evening you mean it wasn't hurting when you were with your mother yes ma'am did you tell your mother about it yes and what did she do she wanted to take me what did she do nothing right she went to work exactly I was and Sh you went to work and you went back to miss Lane's house yes is that right yes ma'am well if you have a history of urinary tract infections and you know that it becomes a problem and it's chronic why didn't you take the day off from work and take her to the doctor I told her I was going to take her the next day to doctor's care we didn't have the money money for the emergency room I said drink water and cranberry juice through the night until I can get to you cuz we didn't have the money to take off and I said I'll take you tomorrow for thing then you're neglecting your child why didn't you take her that day because I had to work that's not an excuse when your child is sick she couldn't drink water and cram I've done that for years not an excuse well evidently it didn't work this one here kept calling and calling harassing me harassing me harassing me at work try to run my daughter off the road going to school I said Kristen let me help you Mom I can handle it Mom I can handle it been nothing like a fa her what are you blabbering about now your daughter spends the day with you she tells you that she's got the urinary tract infection back which she's had before which you know is chronic which she says runs in your family and you say to her go home to miss Lane's house drink water and cranberry juice and I'll see you tomorrow I said drink water and cranberry till I can get you there tomorrow cuz I was at War till I can till tomorrow what did I say that was wrong I was at work day and night that day who cares your child is sick you're noted in her how long had you been living with Miss Lane before you got this urinary tract infection maybe um not even a month and in the month's period of Time how much money did you give Miss Lane from your mother to cover your expenses I only paid like $15 the agreement was $15 a week for a few weeks how much money did you get from your mother to give Miss Lane to take care of your expenses was my question nine H nine you have other children at home I have four children how many children do you have I have two how old are they 16 and 18 so you have a 16-year-old at home I have a 16-year-old in Virginia with her father so you don't have any children at home she lives with me she wasn't living with you when she lived in this Lane I didn't want her to go over there she shouldn't have let her go over there and it turned into a harassment thing with this lady Miss H that's a lot of excuses if your daughter spent the day with you day before this incident occurred then you should have said so sweetheart I was you're not going a day with her that day I was at work oh how much is the bill your honor I have one bill for 13 86 a physician bill for 211 and I also took care of all her prescription bills which came to right around $70 but your on her go can we show you on the paperwork where this one she told me that she wanted to Foster me she wanted to adopt me put me on her health insurance her driving Insurance wanted to make me part of the family everything she even wrote it on the paper that she was my foster mom and told me not to worry about the bill that she would take care of it until Colby broke up with me and now she's trying to get me for the back and you are an idiot and that's also probably congenital listen to me very carefully your mother is responsible until you are 18 which you are not for your food clothing shelter Medical Care and all other necessaries period end of discussion unless you are an emancipated minor which I haven't heard you went to court to become an emancipated minor do I make myself clear judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of 1667 fore for for spe speech foreign foree fore fore fore speech foreign foree spee foree

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