Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 Rocket & Cosmo Unboxing & Review

[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to my channel for another hot toys6 scale Guardians of the Galaxy volume 3 figure unboxing and review today we're taking a look at Rocket and Cosmo now I got my set at a discount from pop collectibles as always do your own research make sure you're comfortable before buying I've popped a link to their site in the description along with the discount code Justin's collection for 5% off your order if you do decide to buy from them while you're down there why not hit that subscribe Bell notification icon and join button so you're notified as soon as a new Guardians figure review goes live on the channel right off the bat I'm glad they decided deed to give rocket a brand new head sculpt and increase the size of Cosmo at the last minute because she was unders scaled with the Prototype and Rocket coming with a reused head sculpt for what the third or fourth time just wouldn't have gone over well considering he was pretty much the heart of the movie at least I think so as for the box art we've got their names up top with this holographic textured print over the font it looks really interesting actually we've got got some images of both characters but the picture of Cosmo is skewed very strangely we also have some read up so just feel free to pause to read on the side of the box it's mostly just the colors from the front cover spilling over the edge but we do have a lot of texture on the surface you'll see what I mean when you get this in hand around the back warnings Legal Information and hot toy store locations plus their names done in this really cool retro looking music style font with the waveform underneath it is this meant to be the zoom or a music player it looks Rusty but there's definitely a rasterized glossy looking screen up top if that's the vibe they were going for they absolutely nailed it there's something about the artwork on this slip cover that just feels special I don't know if it's the Polaroid style pictures with the quotes down below or the fact that it's the end of an era for this version of the Guardians team whatever it is they've done a great job with the artwork on this box all the way around on the read ups are the exact same ones that we literally just saw on the front of the box so no need to uh pause to read those first inand impressions for Cosmo as the flight pole goes flying sizewise absolutely an improvement moving on to Rocket he's the smallest figure in the the box but he packs a punch I can already tell that this head sculpt is unique to say the least what we're going to do now is get all of their accessories laid out in the light box but they're mostly just the rocket and take a closer look at everything they come with starting off with the display base first it's just meant for Rocket it doesn't say rocket and Cosmo on it so she can go somewhere else in the collection I suppose but not on this display base it's only meant for Rocket up top we've got this matte textured surface with a ravager logo in the background Guardians of the Galaxy volume 3 in high gloss around the front so that pops then up top a very small articulated fly pole and spring-loaded waste clamp even though rocket is smaller than usual still don't use this waste clamp it'll dig into his outfit and cause irreparable damage over time they may not see Cosmo as a character worthy of a display base but I do so we'll be going into much more detail on Cosmo a little bit later in the video when it comes to Weaponry we get some brand new Blaster pistol molds for Rocket they're painted in this shiny metallic gunmal then they've added some speckling of black paint over the top and we've got some brown just as a wash in the crevices it's it's been a while since I've seen the movie and I only saw it once when it was in the cinema so correct me if I'm wrong I believe this is the key card doohickey that he assembles to escape the high evolutionaries compound it's well painted and sculpted for as small as it is especially that little section right there on the front with all of that little gbly work in that panel easily the best accessory here there is so much detail on Rockets BF G you can't remove the magazine at the bottom nothing moves on this this is just a static Blaster does it go this way or this way I think that's the trigger so we'll go with this orientation we've got some blue paint nestled within all of these silver pieces some speckling over the top as well as some really small little intricate sections on the inside and lastly a full array of microscopic little fing L gloved hands for Rocket you can see his fingernails and there's some stitching sculpted in around the back these trigger finger hands are made out of a rigid plastic I would suggest heating them up first before you try and wedge any of the blasters inside of these hands next up two closed fists and two splade out finger open Palm hands already installed on him right out of the box what we're going to do now is get both rocket and Cosmo themselves out here standing straight up and down in the light box no crazy poses or accessories or anything like that there's a lot to like here there's also a lot that feels very lazy Cosmo being a big hunk of PVC plastic don't love that there's pleather on this outfit another thing I'm not fond of and the proportions for Rocket are thrown off a little thanks to the bulkiness of the outfit there's not much they can do about that because they needed they wanted to reuse the rocket body they already had another thing that I find lazy still I dig the look of the outfit the dark grungy red and blue for the uniform Cosmo has presence it's quite a large piece and we're finally getting a brand new rocket head sculpt after all these years they've been recycling them and recycling them not for this guy he gets a new one up close and personal kicking things off with Rocket's head sculpt I appreciate the effort they went to giving us a new head sculpt they didn't consult anyone on the expression now did they in volume three rocket went through some pretty heavy he wasn't smirking most of the movie he does make this expression from time to time I just don't think it's fitting for the film that this version of Rocket is based on I'm tempted to switch this head scobed with one of the other Rockets already in my collection because spoiler alert you can do that we'll try out some head swaps in just a moment he's got these actual whiskers around the front that you can adjust if you so choose some of them are quite bent out of the box so you're probably going to have to he's squinting on one side and the grin is lopsided as well this sculpt works best with a head tilt I'm not sure in which direction though let me know which works best for you down in the comments below I'm pleased to report that they've ditched the metallic finish for Rockets fur and there's more shading for the white Parts it's not just stark white on Brown there's also some lighter brown dry brushing over the top just to blend it in a little I'm not quite sure what this material is on the back of his outfit but it looks so sus it's creased and it's recalled right out of the box and it feels almost like pleather I'm hoping it isn't but it's something to watch out for when you're posing Rocket's neck that will sink into the Gap underneath the articulated neck it'll get pinched and you may cause damage if you're not careful for the most part his outfit is just just made of normal fabric everywhere where you can see the textured weave and the stitching that's fabric but then we've got rubbery plastic overlays and some screen printing some rib sections these straps which actually are made of pleather and these pouches that sit on his thighs they're also made of pleather the outfit is an asymmetrical design we've got a shoulder pad over the top of his normal shoulder pads on his left side but not the right and this cut out for the front flap of his outfit on the right side the rabbiter logo is a separate piece of sculpted plastic it's quite shiny and metallic then they've added a black wash to sink into the crevices so the detail pops one really frustrating thing about this outfit and I don't see any way around it really is it's thick it's quite heavy duty so you can't properly bring his arms down by his side they're always flaring out like this you can bend the elbows and then angle the arms in to try and fake it you're always going to be able to tell that his arms are curved in like this and that looks a touch unnatural I know this sounds counterintuitive because the tail is articulated so you should be able to move it all the time don't all of my previous Rockets have loose Tails as you can see that ball joint isn't seated in the tail all the way the crevice isn't big enough for this to actually plug on there that way you've got more articulation but it's a loose joint so if you are moving this around you'll spread out the connection for the softer PVC plastic tail it'll become loose and then it just won't want to stay on there his belt is free floating so you can adjust it I prefer to push mine all the way down actually so his torso looks slightly longer his legs are are padded either underneath the outfit or it's just the thickness of the material that's giving it that effect then we've got some split cut designs for his boots the metallic silver they've used is even shinier than the gold that they've painted the ravager logo in and we've got some speckling of rust work over the top plus some black paint as well and a wash in the crevices to highlight that sculpt work on the underside some fully sculpted and painted red I reckon it's head swap time on the right we've got guardians 1 with the teeth gritted head sculpt I still actually quite like this one in the middle the newest of the bunch the grinning SL smirking sculpt from volume 3 and on the left Volume 2 Infinity war and endgame all used this screaming head sculpt and a new one was supposed to come with it as well before they updated it and changed it out for this uh grinning sculpt that's controversial to say the least dude this is so good The BFG the volume one outfit The Greening head sculpt he's always going to be displayed like this now it fits the vibe of this version of rocket from the first movie the only issue is that there's a fur color and detail mismatch between the head sculpt and everything else because with this one they decided to add a lighter brown dry brush to the fur which they haven't actually done with any of the subsequent Rocket Raccoon releases now I can grab the teeth gritted head sculpt and use it on this body likeness wise and I know it's crazy to say that because he's a freaking raccoon for crying out loud it's not quite as good as the newer head sculps for me personally it still looks like rocket but it's not perfect new head sculpt and game body nah not for me because the goggles on his forehead are a big part of the look from this movie and these goggles simply aren't compatible with the new head sculpt there is no magnet inside of it oh and because you can't see the neck from the front thanks to the high collar the dry brush on the fur for the head sculpt versus the body not having it isn't super noticeable if you're using the volume one head sculpt I know I said that I'm happy that they gave us a new head sculpt because this one theyve just used far too many times and they have now that I'm seeing it on the body call me hypocrite I wanted a new sculpt I'm going to display him with the screaming head sculpt on because it fits it suits this look for him both guns out screaming ready to kick some serious butt as promised let's take a brief but closer look at cozmo her outfit is all fully sculpted including the hoses and the patches and whatnot it's just a hunk of PVC plastic there is some articulation for the front legs and the head sculpt is on a double ball Peg the collar isn't Hollow though so you get barely any range out of the sculpt save for some swivel and a bit of up and down action she doesn't look bad she doesn't look great the outfit is plasticky and smooth looking some matte spray hot toys would have been nice over the top to dull it down a little I'll have to do that myself I guess the tail has some shading on it down below and the porw pads plus the nails have been fully painted the legs do get gappy depending on how you angle them so that's something that you're going to have to keep in mind when you're trying to pose Cosmo's legs you're either going to end up with The Gap up top or down below it's unavoidable really the Gap is going to go somewhere the silver antennas on cozmo's collar are made of a rubbery plastic even if you accidentally grab cozmo by the collar and put pressure on these I don't think they're going to break they feel quite durable we've got speaker grills on either side and some silver chipping not just on the collar but on these ports as well on the ribed section where it looks like the fabric is quite thin and the silver rings for the accordion piece are showing through the one Saving Grace for me is look at this head sculpt how can you be mad at a piece that looks like this that's a good dog right there she's got this big smile on her eyebrows are raised her eyes are wide open helping sell that expression and with a head tilt looking up at you this sculpt helps bring this piece to life so I've got complaints it's far from perfect but the sculpt is really solid detail wise there's plenty of fur texture and I like how the tongue curls around the bottom teeth that's a detail that could have easily missed the inside of the mouth is glossy so too are her eyes I would have liked more texture on her snoot tip because golden retrievers typically have this craggly leather grain texture on their snoots they didn't do that hers is smooth that if you're okay with everything else I don't reckon he going to be a deal breaker for a quick side-by-side comparison going from left to right we've got rocket Cosmo in the middle and Groot all from Guardians of the Galaxy volume 3 that Groot is a beast of a figure he Towers over the other two next up still my favorite starlord this is Peter Quill from the first movie scaling wise it looks about right I'm no oversized raccoon expert but I know dogs and cozmo might be a touch unders scaled still nowhere near as bad as she was with the initial prototype this third party Adam Warlock does not get enough love he's solid he's not perfect he's got some flaws overall the head sculpt the proportions the outfit the paint they t p a lot of boxes and now having an Adam Warlock to pose alongside rocket and Cosmo I'm glad I picked this piece up I've zoomed in because all of the rest of the comparisons are going to be more rocket figures there was no need to have that much white space above their heads on the left we've got volume three on the right volume one I prefer the look of volume one with the new head sculpt on it if we do actually end end up getting the full team of guardians from the third movie wearing matching outfits then the figure on the left is probably going to be my favorite Infinity War now on the right the outfits are similar with the navy blue then again there's more gold and red and silver on the volume 3 outfit having the exposed arms for Infinity War means that we've now got exposed joints to contend with that immediately is going to be a turn off for a lot of collectors ah yes my favorite hot toys rocket this is him based off his appearance in Avengers endgame still my favorite I prefer him to the new one the comic book accurate look for the outfit with the red scarf and the holsters and then Brown accents with the blue outfit with the red striping I can't get enough of it that that figure on the right is my definitive one 16 scale Rocket Raccoon going over articulation starting off with rockets head sculpt it's on a ball joint at the base of the neck and another one up underneath the head itself looking forward to there restricted by the body underneath the outfit and the high collar perhaps looking up to there further than going forward at least we get swivel and pivot side to side his arms will go up to there restricted by everything the shoulder pad the bicep armor and the outfit going forward and back there's a butterfly joint at the shoulder that hinges up and down swivel at the elbow bending to almost 90 before it Springs back down then for the wrist Peg it's a ball joint and Hing and swivel his torso crunches forward to there going back to there swivel and pivot side to side his legs will go forward to there going out to there swivel at the upper thigh ball joint for the tail single Bend I I think for the knee getting you to almost 90 and then a split cut boot design and a ball joint for the ankles good for forward and back rotation as well as ankle tilt moving on to the three cool and three annoying things the first annoying thing is they manag to sneak in just a little bit of pleather they always do they find a way but these little panels on his hips pleather the straps on his torso also pleather the second annoying thing is Cosmo barely has any articulation anyway but the points of articulation she does have are severely limited this the inside of the collar is just painted black this could have been a crevice that the head sculpt could have sat inside of that way we would have had way more articulation left and right as it stands we only have rotation and a little bit of up and down and while we're complaining this outfit should have been full fabric over an articulated body just like what they did with rocket the third annoying thing is while I like the smirking head sculpt some people are probably going to be mad that they changed it at the last minute for something so drastically different compared to what was shown with the Prototype the screaming one is much more Fierce compared to the slightly goofy smirking expression that we got instead the first cool thing is because they're using the exact same bodies underneath these outfits the head sculpts are cross- compatible so if you have one of the older Rockets you want to give that figure the smirking sculpt but then the new one the screaming head absolutely go for it you can get that done no problem the second cool thing I've got my issues with Cosmo but at least she's the right size now the initial prototype version was Tiny But with the final production one they up the size and now she's going to scale correctly with the rest of the Guardians the third cool thing Rockets weapons not only do they look interesting but they're brand new sculpts and the way they've been painted is just Sublime there's this really shiny metallic finish to them and we've got a bunch of speckling and dirt and grime over the top as well wrapping up on Cosmo and Rocket based off their appearance in Guardians 3 let me just rephrase that though it's more like rocket plus Cosmo as an accessory she's not a figure she's a massive let down in my opinion I like the head sculpt everything else being this just chunk of PVC plastic she feels like a bath toy as for Rocket is this their best rocket yet he came close I give the win to end game then this one thanks to the new head sculpt and the outfit which if they decide to make the rest of the team and that's a big if is going to look outstanding with them all in the same uniform that's something that in one six scale I don't think can be beaten for Guardians right now they've got plenty left to announce from this movie and I don't think it's going to happen because if they announce them today as this video drops those figures are going to Rel at least like 1 or 2 years from now as a value proposition for collectors picking up these then waiting 2 years to complete the rest of the line not great so it all works together that's why you announce figures from the same movie in close proximity to one another so nobody misses out on a core character and then decides you know what it's not worth it I can't get starlord or I can't get mantis or I can't get Rocket I'm not going to get the rest of the releases so do I recommend this set if you're a Guardians fan and you love volume 3 and you're short on Space you want something nice and Compact and little to pop on your desk to represent that movie you could do a hell of a lot worse than these two but hot toys could have done a hell of a lot better with Cosmo rocket fantastic now I got mine at a discount from pop Collectibles as always do your own research make sure you're comfortable before buying I have popped a link to their site in the description along with the discount code Justin's collection for 5% off your order if you do decide to buy from them while you're down there why not hit that subscribe Bell notification icon and join button if you like the sound of seeing your name in the end credits of my reviews like comment and subscribe we'll catch you in the next video [Music]

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