well according to some the plane was also made before the night brothers came and they say it was made in the vedic ages they're not very wrong conceptually it was made right brothers couldn't say art [Music] [Music] after studying those six sages and experimenting with the aeroplanes and giving a thought to it i am mind you the word he is saying i am he doesn't say writing he says i am telling you about the aeroplane and this is you cannot deny indian mind has thought about things that nobody had thought about in those times there is no question about that this is the third section of our examining the uh whether there are vedic aircrafts uh at all and in this context shivagar talpade and arya samaj is in maharashtra he attempted to fly in 1895 so which is a very good thing which we should be all proud of at least one indian attempted to fly but the argument goes that he learned it from the vedas [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so that is an interesting thing and the argument again goes that he was successful like for example uh the ma the former union minister satyapal singh uh he says that white brothers who india invented the aircraft so he says that before the white brothers uh this shiva shivagara that he had invented the aircraft so this is where the ndtv you can read it to yourself further there was even a feeling about shivagar talpade that you would have you can see it in the screen about the poster of that this thing so let us examine so when we examine the aeronautical history when we examine the history of the flights we will know what kind of uh baseless propositions or arguments are being made by this union minister and the seniors channel and for uh there are two types of say a flights one is so the in the history of the aeronautics one is the lighter than uh air and that is a balloon uh trying to fly by the balloon and all and the other is the heavier than the air flights which is the aircrafts that we are all using so if you want a very brief history very briefly just the points and all you can actually go to the nasa website uh go to the student section you will actually see in one one and a half page you will see all the interesting milestones uh in the both the uh the lighter than air flights and the heavier than air flights uh history uh so they have given and you would be surprised to know that if you are not already aware of the aeronautics history you would be surprised to know that actually the history runs into literally not just hundreds of years but even millenniums actually it runs to so however i will be focusing on more on the heavier than air flights because that that is where our contention is that is where our dispute is we are not speaking about the balloons because chinese had done that much much more uh earlier than anybody else so we are not looking at that we are looking at the mechanical uh uh ways of flying and uh in this context and specifically the heavier than the air uh flights where the exterior looking so in this context there are some interesting uh people i will mention them about uh in very briefly uh katherine monk uh elimer of melisberry who was born in 8980 he attempted to fly he attempted to fly with the wings he tried to make a mechanical way of flying so uh he attempted and he became he uh became lame after that so william of balsberry who is considered as one of the best historians of that time and who had first-hand information to elimer of banksbury because they belong to the same order ah had written about it so this is a bet best attested uh incident of a human being trying to fly through some mechanical means not just through the concentration of power spiritual uh meditation and all but this is one of the first atoms mentioned and roger bacon another catholic monk roger beckham is also known for promoting the scientific methodology uh earlier one of the earlier proponents of it francis beckon comes later also roger bacon uh born in 1820 he had written about flying missions so you see actually this is not something very unique about the indian context and not he had written about and this is there in the later on secret works of art and nature and the invalidity of magic invalidity of magic uh chapter 4 on the wondrous artificial instruments he says and an instrument of flying can be made such that a man sits in the middle of it turning some sort of device by which artificially constructed wings beat the air in the way a flying bird does a remarkable statement considering that time at that time so but this is again a visual thinking at that time or a proposal at that time best however we see uh by 80 1452 leonardo di davinci he drew models various flying models known as ornithopeta so more like our helicopters you can see those liador damages pictures in the screen however these were not widely known during his lifetime and no one attempted to make build models then but later this was also uh taken into consideration now the man now there were several attempts in between so i am not speaking about the complete history of gravity uh aeronautics history i am speaking about uh uh the aviation history the major milestone so some significant milestones in in the context of our discussion so george sir george cayley who was born in 80 1773 and died in 1857 he is known as the father of aerial navigation so there is a reason for uh calling him as an aerial father of aerial navigation because he identified the problems of a heavier than flight what are the problems that needs to be solved however or he at least identified the major problems and he started proposing models are at that time itself so charles gibbs smith's rights about the sir george kerry the first aeronautical device kd made in the year 1796 was a copy of successful lino and binev models helicopters of 1784 and then he goes on to speaks about uh says the uh about the kaylee's achievements similarly rg grant in the book the flight the complete history of aviation chapter the prehistory of the flight published by the penguin random house says scalia address to these problems of lift and drag through observation of word flight lift and drag but flight systematic experimentation and mathematical calculations so george kelly um uh proposed the scientific ways of doing it so here we see a real scientific attempt to do it again at least 120 years before 100 years before uh wright brothers so then uh see the power the power needs to be there too by the time they all understood that uh unlike the monk catholic monk who tried it in the 10th century you need more power than the human power to run a flight so they were looking for the power so by 1840s 1840s the steam engine had come and the steam engine was successfully used in railroad construction uh the steam trains transfer transfer so rg grand in the book the flight the complete history of aviation chapter the pre-history of flight he says after these things there was again a much enthusiasm and a desire to create a flight that human beings can use so jumping in the band when in 1843 ambitious english inventor william samuel henson patterned an aerial steam carriage so there is there was a patterning already done in 1843 uh in the screen you can see the various models of aerial steam carriers drawn by henson's headsets model you can see it in this is in aerosocietyheritage.com if you go there you will see it and you can see it in the screen itself this is in 1843 by 1853 uh sir george kelly had a modest success mode of success in the sense he created a model he used this wagon driver to experiment it it flew briefly before coming down uncomfortably so it flew a little bit but the entire program was not sold it could not land properly if you cannot land properly then you cannot use that flight for the human beings so you see they were addressing various kinds of issues that it everything has to be solved before you can call him as an inventor otherwise it's a modest success so again unmanned flight uh white brothers used the manned flight unmanned flight was successfully tried by john string fellow in 1848 1848 they successfully conducted an indoor test flight of a steam powered model this is cited in aviation history page 24. and in 1874 again a man carrying airplane was finally built and ready to be tested in 1874 with the and then the with the french sailor on board it ran down a sloping ramp briefly lifted into the air and immediately came back down to the earth so again lifting a brief lifting is again done but it could not stabilize it could not uh the control it and it could not land properly so there were other issues that needs to be solved so you see actually it is hundreds of years people are trying to solve all the problems so several atoms several atoms were made in 1884 by russian alexander uh then another englishman in 1894 frenchman in 1890 so you see actually the context uh of that time it is in this context shivagan that we have to examine he tried it in 1895. and in 1895 what he tried was not even a manned flight it was an unmanned flight as rinjida ganeshan writes shivagar talpade the first man to fly an aircraft uh says tanpede's mention is said to have been an unmanned and then he then uh the author goes on to say besides the first recorded instance of an unmanned flying mission is of john springs fellow stream driven one in 1848 which we examined from the aviation history 1848 it was already successfully tried successfully done so that is what around 50 years after shivagar you see actually it is not a significant event in the history of aviation though our hindutva guys would like to hype it it is an important even for the indians that at least one indian tried something and again prada welker an architect turned historian who tracked the shivagar kalpati's research papers said that it was not even it was not even a successful attempt it was just an attempt it failed uh in the sense uh uh g.h badakar who has the the shivakar the the papers the research papers says that that those all the research papers say says shows that kalpana's helpful that failed so first of all it is an unmanned flight which was already successfully conducted 50 years before and this is a failed attempt in fact the interesting thing is they continued to write in fact he himself propagated a book called prachi in a woman college so he has been writing his own articles in naira dharma he has written his own book but in none of the after this in 1904 to 198 he has written all this articles then he has a book in none of this he has mentioned this attempt because it was a failed atom and there was nothing remarkable about it but in 1952 1952 one newspaper had a small snippet on it almost after 50 or 55 years and the editor of that the the paper the the paper was cassary said that it is not a reliable uh it is not a reliable noise because there is nothing to prove it so all that we have is a 1952 newspaper clipping of which the editor himself says that it is not reliable but this was quoted in 1985 by uh dk uh kazinal who read vimana in ancient india and the flight was mentioned and later it became that that first man to invent the aeroplane the first man it is our indian white brothers are wrong so all those hungama goes on for what for an attempt a modest attempt which was a failed atom now let us look at white brothers uh to settle this matter what have they really achieved if there were several atoms before them what have they really achieved now uh before we look at what the wright brothers really achieved i thought of sharing an interesting thing from their life in the book the complete history of aviation the problem of propulsion published by the britannica educational publication publishing in association with the rosen education services we read that their interest the wright brothers interest started at the age when they were 7 and 11 when oliver was 7 and wilbur was 11 years old their father who was a bishop a church bishop milton wright gave them a toy helicopter you see actually they already had a toy here helicopter and it really flew at that time they had a helicopter that flew so this was not a the unmanned flight at least unmanned flight the helicopter was flying at that time and their mother susan k wright was a good in my mechanical teachings and she encouraged the both the bishop and his wife encouraged their children in the scientific enter now what is their achievement the smithsonian smithsonian national air and space museum they say that the wright brothers solved all the problems that were together rest of them were trying to solve one problem at a time right brothers were successful because they solved all the problems they took all the problems together and they tried to solve all of them together they ah they write brothers followed sir george kaley's lead and initially reduced the optic obstacles of to flight to three broad categories a set of lifting surfaces a method of balancing and controlling the aircraft a means of propulsion so they broadly divided it into three and they sold all those things all those things together so that was the success of wright brothers they not only could take off they could stabilize they could control they could move at a distance and they could safely land as well so all the things that is required for a human being to fly they actually identified the problems and solved it all together so that was a success others were successful in flying a lifting up or flying and uh to a brief distance but then it came down without a control so all those things are all those problems the right brothers soul that is the success of the wright brothers now when wright brothers successfully flew there were critics at that time because the french had their own man uh whom they claimed is the first man to fly so at that time they said wright brothers are not flyers but they are liars so to silence these critics wright brothers went to france and wright brothers went to france and they uh the uh william wilbur wright wilbur wright went to france and he was going to demonstrate it publicly almost after five six years after the first they drew the the thing so uh so wright brothers in fact he was going to drive a new type of flight altogether and he was examining everything and the public was getting impatient in fact the public wanted them to the wilbur variety to fail because they wanted the frenchman to be known as the first man to fly the flight so this is okay this claims are okay but what happened is after all these things the right to the wilbur wright said guys we are ready to fly and then he flew and after completing one circuit of the track he brought the machine gently down in his kits so the frenchman so that he was able to take off he was able to come control he was able to go and come back and then gently land also once they saw it they understood this is salt the program is sold all our problems now we can work on it improve on it but these guys have successfully solved all the programs together that is why the wright brothers are known as the people who invented or invented the aeroplane because they sold others were able to solve one of the problems or two of the products but these guys were able to solve all those things together and it says the complete history of the aviation in the book says there was an uproar so till then they wanted them to fail but as soon as they saw it they understood that this is remarkably different from whatever they have seen there was an approach clapping and cheering and the spectators ran forward to the move the pilot so they were so thrilled until then that the nationalistic feeling was holding them back but when they saw it their eyes everything changed so no more claims this is what we need you can make claims but when you have evidence you need to accept it acknowledge it and appreciate it but rather we are seeing it after the hundreds of after 100 years almost after 115 years we still have people who claim no right bruises are not the ones to fly so let's start the ancient aviation to start with we'll go into the history of aviation history is usually official history and unofficial history i will not go into the details of official and unofficial history but only say one thing that in the official history it is noted or rather it is only noted that wright brothers flew in 1904 that was the first flight of human being in this period i said only noted i am not elaborating on this point those who can read my mind they will understand what i want to say now about the ancient deviation that is because you are ignorant of the aviation history you are ignorant actually why their bright brothers are called as the inventors of airplane you are ignorant about the entire history that is why very briefly we have looked at it in this context there is nothing that shivagar talbot has done remarkable he made a modest atom he failed in it he himself never wrote about it it was only in 1952 that was a snippet which was been published in cassary which was uh not uh the editor himself says which is not a very reliable one and you are making a hue and cry about it making a documentary on it making your way of philly morning probably shiva kalpa must be the most luckiest person to attempt to fly because the others many of us who have attempted with much more success than shivagar tell pray none of them have a probably a feeling in their name but shivagar talked for the simple reason that he attempted gofild has a movie honestly that is and we want everything to be connected to vedas unfortunately that story doesn't work at all now let us come to the final piece of argument that is available this was even discussed in the 102 indian science congress held in uh january 4 2015

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