Shocking Moments From Harris Trump Debate + Taylor Swift Endorses Abortion + Breaking News

Intro [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the Laya Rose podcast thanks everybody for joining we're here doing another YouTube live today yesterday was the first last night was the first presidential debate president Donald Trump former president Donald Trump and vice president kamla Harris faced off we're going to actually watch a key part of that debate which is worthy of all of our Focus there's so much that they talked about and debated about and these are crucial issues for the American people because this has to do with life or death for our weakest brothers and sisters in the womb The Unborn children unborn children so we're going to watch that we're also going to talk about a huge announcement coming out of coming via I think Instagram Taylor Swift endorsed kamla Harris for president and why she did that and more as always I'll be keeping my eye on the chat so if you guys have any comments any questions anything I will be keeping an eye on the chat hey John Henry thanks again for joining hey Jameson thanks for joining hello The Artsy nurse thanks for being on again I'll be looking at the chat throughout this live all right before we dive in we're actually going to watch some of the debate together there's some really big lies that were told last night on the presidential debate debate stage complete lies that were just given without being fact checked by any moderators they weren't even being fact checked by the other candidate there were just lies being told so we need to unpack those lies and then of course there was a lot of debate about what abortion stances each candidate it has what it all means so we're going to break that all down before we do that though I have to thank our wonderful and EveryLife amazing sponsor every life every is America's fastest growing diaper company they're also America's prolife diaper company so these are best in-class products for babies diapers and wipes that are sourced ethically that are made with great materials and they're designed to keep your little one clean and comfortable and this is a pro-life company so every life is donating part of their proceeds back to the pro-life movement and they're specifically donating a lot of diapers and wipes of these premium products directly to Pregnancy Resource Centers that are helping moms and babies in need and helping them choose life so go to everylife decom today stop supporting companies like Pampers and Huggies which are pro-abortion companies Believe It or Not which is really horrible they're owned by conglomerates that actually support Planned Parenthood and instead use your purchasing power to partner with everylife decom to get great diapers and wipes to your little one or your loved one's little one and you can use the code Laya at checkout for 10% off your order that's everylife decom and don't forget the code lla at checkup for 10% off your order all right hello guys hello AJ thanks for joining hi Priscilla thank you for joining hey Sarah okay the chat's going this is great who watched the debate last night I'm gonna see I think a lot of us were watching this was a really in many ways historical debate you have the vice president now contending for the presidency because President Biden and Steeps aside then you have an a former incumbent president Trump who obviously lost the the 2020 election now he's back at it again to win again so everyone knew that this was going to be a fiery debate I think there's a lot of commentary about people saying that they felt that there was a lack of performance quite frankly from both candidates a lot of people critical of Trump's performance a lot of people critical of kamla's performance my job right now is to go through the part of the debate that they talked about what I believe is the most important issue there are a lot of issues discussed but there was a full 10 minutes of the debate that was that was used to discuss abortion and so we're going to listen to that part of the debate together because there were some key lies that were told that underpin the entire kamla haris campaign and then there were some concessions that President Trump made that I think actually hurt his entire campaign so we're GNA look at this crucial 10 minutes during the presidential debate last night all right hey Joan thanks for joining in hey key thanks for calling in key saying the moderators were helping kamla there were a lot of factchecking uh that would they seem to be doing of trump but not of kamla she was getting away with a lot of lies so we're going to go on go look at that in just a moment hi Christina Christina Christiana saying I hated listening to all the lies last night yeah there were a lot of lies okay let's jump in Harris is going to queue us up Trump on Abortion and let's take a look at the presidential debate last night and this exchange between vice president KLA Harris and former president Trump I want to turn to the issue of abortion president Trump you've often touted that you were able to kill roie Wade last year you said that you were proud to be the most pro-life president in American history then last month you said that your Administration would be great for women and their reproductive rights in your home state of Florida you surprised many uh with regard to your six-week abortion ban because you initially had said that it was too short and you said quote I'm going to be voting that we need more than six weeks but then the very next day you reversed course and said you would vote to support the six we ban vice president Harris says that women shouldn't trust you on the issue of of abortion because you've changed your position so many times pause why should they trust let's pause here okay so this is lindsy Davis she's one of the moderators of the debate from last night and she is you know throughout the debate she had a lot of slanted questions that seem to favor KET Harris it seems that that's the clear bias of the moderators in this debate that wasn't just my opinion tons of people were weighing in and saying that and people on both sides that basically Comm kamla Harris had the upper hand in this debate and the moderators helped her have it that set aside for a moment lindsy Davis is asking this question of President Trump saying listen you've changed your position now recently on this set multiple times and then she goes to say well that's why Comm haris says you're not to be trusted listen if you are as a politician have the wrong position on abortion you're for abortion and then you become pro-life that actually shows that you are to be trusted because you're willing to reject what the culture and so many politicians are promoting the killing of babies and you're willing to instead fight for them so the idea that if you change your position as a politician that means you can't be trusted I don't think that is the case it depends on obviously the circumstances if you in the past have campaigned on something and then you lie and then you mislead people and you do another you do something different that of course can be a reason for people to distrust you but if you instead have an evolution on something where you used to be pro-choice because that's what everyone was you thought that was the right thing and then you had an aha moment and realized abortion kills babies then that is a good step forward so what actually happened though and what is Lindsay Davis the moderator referring to with President Trump we have been talking about this on uh the podcast now for the last few weeks and it was I think because of your voices that were made that were that were heard I think by the Trump campaign president Trump has now been coming back around more to the pro-life side than he has in the past what I mean by that is this just in the last few weeks president Trump had came out in support of abortion pills through JD Vance these kill 60% of babies in this country president Trump was coming out saying that he thinks that the heartbeat law in Florida did not allow for enough abortions but then after a lot of outcry from people like you he did come out and say that he opposed Amendment 4 in Florida which is a radical pro-abortion law that would permit abortion through all nine months of pregnancy so lindsy Davis is right about one thing here as the moderator that President Trump has been flip-flopping on this issue let's see what he responds with well the reason I'm doing that vote is because the plan is as you know the vote is they have abortion in the ninth month they even have and you can look at the governor of West Virginia the previous governor of West Virginia not the current governor is doing an excellent job but the governor before he said the baby will be born and we will decide what to do with the baby in other words we'll execute the baby and that's why I did that because that predominates because they're radical the Democrats are radical in that and her vice presidential pick which I think is a horrible pick by the way for our country because he is really out of it but her vice presidential pick says abortion in the ninth month is absolutely fine he also says execution after birth it's execution no longer abortion because the baby is born is okay and that's not okay for a second here all right I think it's important many people didn't know this reference that Trump was President Trump was making at first but he's talking about Governor Northam the former governor of Virginia when he said that he would basically let the baby be executed after birth who is he talking about he's talking about a former Virginia governor who made these comments publicly he said this he said when we talk and this is a governor of a former governor of Virginia he said when we talk about third trimester abortions these are done with the consent of obviously the mother with the consent of the physician more than one physician by the way and it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities there may be a fetus that's nonviable and then he's asked well what would happen if the baby survives the abortion attempt in your state and then he responds and says if a mother is in labor I can tell you exactly what would happen the infant would be delivered the infant would be kept comfortable the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired and then the discussion would ensue between the Physicians and the mother all of that is language for this if a baby survives an abortion attempt or is delivered alive it is up to the doctor and the woman and the family to decide if the baby gets to live after the baby has survived an abortion attempt or been born it says the infant would be kept comfortable we're going to get into this more in the podcast in a few minutes but there is this language of comfort care keep the baby comfortable which is really a euphemism for let the baby die of either suffocate Suffocation hunger or neglect alone on a usually a steel operating table in a back room and in the hospital and that's what is called infanticide and that's what's being done in States like Minnesota right now after failed abortion attempts where if the baby's not wanted then they don't have to resuscitate or give special care to make sure the baby can breathe and can eat and can be warm and kept kept kept actually alive instead the baby is literally left alone to die that is called infanticide my friends that's what president Trump is referring to here and that's what governor Northam was defending with all his euphemistic language about we'll keep the baby the infant comfortable okay we can keep watching watching with me hence the vote but what I did is something for 52 years they've been trying to get Ro wade into the states and through the uh genius and and heart and strength of six Supreme Court Justices we were able to do that now I believe in the exceptions for rape and life of the mother I believe strongly in it Ronald Reagan did also 85% of Republicans do exceptions very important but we were able to get it and now states are voting on it and for the first time you're going to see look this is an issue that's torn our country apart for 52 years every legal scholar every Democrat every Republican liberal conservative they all wanted this issue to be brought back to the states where the people could vote and that's what happened okay let pause okay so this has been president's Trump position president Trump's position here and this is where we have to push back he's saying okay it's up to the states we just have to let it to the states everybody wanted it in the states all along that's what we've done this is tearing the country apart just let the states decide my friends no one has the right to decide whether a baby lives or dies abortion is already unconstitutional the 14th amendment in our constitution says that no state has the right to deprive any person of life without due process no state has the right to decide that abortion can be legal in their state that is actually unconstitutional it's a violation of the fundamental human rights of those babies so just like slavery was ultimately against the human rights of those that were enslaved it was not up for the states it should not have been up for the states to decide and yet they said well we want to decide we want slavery and of course in the end they said no that cannot stand and that needs to be the position that is the position of Justice here to say no just because you're California doesn't mean that you get to allow babies to be killed through all nine months of pregnancy in Florida you shouldn't be permitting abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy an abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent child it's Human Sacrifice we need to oppose it loudly and so this idea that well Republicans and Democrats all agree just let the states decide that's not true there are actually thousands and I I talk with a lot of these lawmakers of politicians and then and and certainly millions of Republicans who believe that abortion is always wrong and it's not okay to vote to permit some abortions that's not like your right in the Democratic process to decide that a group of innocent people live or die you see what comes before the Democratic process the issues that we get to contend with and vote on As Americans they need to be issues that are within our person view that are actually within our jurisdiction and the reality is no State again and no individual has the right to decide that an innocent human being is killed without with with without any sort of uh due process if there's due process and they're innocent then they won't be killed right but that's not what happens in an abortion in an abortion a child who's innocent a child who's helpless is killed because of the wishes of a so-called doctor an abortionist and a mother or a coerced mother a father whatever it is and that's an injustice and it's a violation of our constitution so it's so important that we clear this up because let me tell you friends for those that are fighting for life with me we are never going to win the fight against the killing of pre-born children if we buy the lie that it's okay for the states to legalize abortion if they want to we are not going to win this fight we are going to continue to have the Mass Slaughter of our most vulnerable if we buy this idea that states have the the right to permit abortion states do not have that right so let's keep listening but I think that's very important that we clear this up because unfortunately president Trump has been pushing this narrative that the overturning of roie Wade is the end it's the end game of the pefe movement now abortion is in the states and therefore you know be happy and and vote for me for President right it's the beginning it's the beginning because now States no longer have to deal with an unjust Supreme Court decision in protecting life but the states that are failing to protect life those states are violating our Constitution that is the reality and that's what we need to be saying boldly and loudly in and out in in and out of season wherever we go and that needs to be what informs how we choose our candidates our political leaders in the future all right let's keep listening Ohio the vote was somewhat Liberal Kansas the vote was somewhat liberal much more liberal than people would have thought but each individual state is voting it's the vote of the people now it's not tied up in the federal government I did a great service in doing it it took courage to do it and the Supreme Court had great courage in doing it and I give tremendous credit to those six justices there is no state in this so just just a note here you know I think president Trump I I know president Trump here wants to be seen as the protagonist and the hero of the movement because you know it took great courage for me to appoint these justices to overturn roie Wade and the reality is the whole conservative movement was working to create this list the short list of the justices that would be decent justices right better than you know hardcore pro-abortion justices but the reality reality is again the overturning of roie Wade wasn't some positive action in terms of enshrining in the Supreme Court decision that these babies have a right to life as our constitution promises it was merely undoing the damage of row which prevented States from doing protections overturning roie way doesn't mean that now there's a mandate that states have to permit abortion if that's what they want again let me say this again it's so important the overruling of roie way dobs V Jackson was not a mandate to say that states have the right to kill babies if that's what they choose and that is the misrepresentation here of not only Doby Jackson it's a misrepresentation of the goals of the pro-life movement and even of what it means to be pro-life what it means to be pro-life is not to say well some states can have slav and some states need to be free some states can have abortion some states won't have it what it means to be pro life is to say every baby deserves to live I don't care if you're in California New York or Florida Texas I don't care where you are you have a constitutional right to life and it's the responsibility of local governments your state government and the federal government all together to work towards protecting your fundamental right to life that is the endgame politically of the prolic movement is enshrining those rights at every level of government not just at the state or local level at the federal level because children are at risk everywhere across this country and we need legal protections for them built into our law built into our legal system everywhere okay let's keep listening to kamla's response down this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's Kamala on Abortion born Madam vice president want to get your response to president Trump well as I said you're going to hear a bunch of lies and that's not actually a surprising fact let's understand how we got here Donald Trump hand selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of roie Wade and they did exactly as he intended and now in over 20 states there are Trump abortion bans which make it criminal it's that she she's accusing president Trump of lying and she's immediately going into lying herself saying that overdo the protections of these states that's what roie Wade would do would undo the protection what is she talking about she's not talking about Protections in any meaningful sense of the word protection she's she's talking about the lack of protection she's talking about states that in fact were forced to permit abortion like the state of Texas they wanted to ban abortion they were not allowed to ban abortion in their state because roie Wade said that abortion is the federal law it's the law of the land effectively is what roie Wade did so she's up she's misrepresenting roie Wade here of course because she's very Pro abortion kamla Harris but but now she's going on to talk about what she's calling Trump abortion bands which is also a lie because the reality is the the abortion banss that exist in this country have nothing to do with President Trump or his name on them it has to do with the fact that there are thankfully millions of people who recognize that abortion kills a baby and it's it's wrong and it should be banned and so they have elected representatives they've elected lawmakers who then are turning around pro-life laws in States like Texas pro-life laws in States like Idaho and these pro-life laws are then being used to protect human life so yes they were freed to do this by the over ruling of roie Wade but president Trump even and actually we're going to get to this in a minute even here in this in this um display you know he's sort of softening on his past and recent pro-abortion rhetoric are going to hear that but as recently as a few weeks ago president Trump has said that he doesn't think that the ban on abortion in Florida goes far enough in terms of allowing babies very young babies to be killed by abortion he thinks that you know five weeks six weeks is too few weeks he says he wants there to be more weeks that the baby can live until the baby can be aborted meaning it's just giving women five weeks of the baby's life to kill the baby isn't enough give the women seven eight nine 10 weeks of the baby's life that's what president Trump has said in just the last few weeks I know it's painful for a lot of you guys to hear this people that want to go out and you know vote cheerfully for Trump because KLA Harris is such such a disaster on human rights and life but we have to tell the truth we have to tell the truth about the positions of the Trump fans campaign and it some of these positions are diametrically proposed to the prif position so let's keep listening for a doctor or nurse to provide Health Care in one state it provides prison for life Trump abortion bans that make no exception even for rape and incest which understand what that means a survivor of a crime of VI viation to their body does not have the right to make a decision about what happens to their body next that is immoral and one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government and Donald Trump certainly should not be telling a woman what to do with her body I have talked withen here what's so wrong here is K Harris is using the language of morality and even the language of Faith now this is what Harris is tactic Harris like let's talk about morality people of faith and what she's advocating for she makes it sound so good right women's right to their body and helping rape survivors I'm all for that I mean anyone can agree rape survivors deserve help support Justice a woman I have bodily autonomy no one should hurt my body harm my body abuse or abuse my body of course we agree with this but what she's not acknowledging is is what an abortion is an abortion isn't some you know me just choosing to go and you know take a walk down the street and you know go to the dentist and have a have a cavity filled or a Muller removed abortion is the intentional destruction of another body not my body but another body that might be inside of my body if I'm pregnant when I was pregnant with my daughter recently she's 5 months old now there was another body inside my body there was a baby inside of me another unique individual human life and I did not have the right to hurt her I don't have the right to hurt her just like I don't have the right to hurt her now or anyone has the right to hurt her now because she has the right to her body to her own bodily autonomy autonomy and protection and so this idea that just because a child is dependent on me as a woman I'm pregnant with a a new life then I have the right to kill that child is is a lie we don't own children parents do not own their children they're not property we are in trusted with our children even when it seems inconvenient or difficult and that's one of the reasons by the way why something like adoption is so amazing right guys adoption is so beautiful because if in the case of you know sexual violence or great um distress some sort of emergency situation mental health challenges a mother says I I can't raise I don't want to raise this child I can't take the responsibility for this child that's why there's literally waiting lists of hundreds of thousands of couples who would love to adopt a new baby and take on the new responsibility of of this child's life that's why we're so Pro adoption in our movement it's such an beautiful solution to the crime of abortion of course KL Harris is not acknowledging any of this her narrative is so set which is that as a woman you need abortion it's your right that's the only thing that she's willing to say here and she's not willing to acknowledge at all the rights of the baby all right let's keep listening around our country you want to talk about this is what people wanted pregnant women who want to carry a pregnancy to term suffering from a miscarriage being denied care in an emergency room because the health care providers are afraid they might go to jail and she's bleeding out in a car in the parking lot this is a lie this is such an evil lie this one breaks my heart so much I've had a miscarriage I've had multiple friends who have miscarriages repeat miscarriage it it really chokes me up actually this lie because it's so cynical what K Harris is doing here she is using the tragedy of a miscarriage which is the darkest days of one's life for many people who've experienced miscarriage it was for me and she's using the pain of a miscarriage and in a miscarriage the baby dies naturally the baby passes away you take have your ultrasound they look for the heartbeat they can't find it because the baby's heart has stopped beating the baby is dead that's a miscarriage and there is nothing further from more different from abortion than a miscarriage because in an abortion there's a living baby that's killed that's murdered in a miscarriage there was a baby that was tragically lost it's like the difference between somebody burying a Human Being Alive taking someone and burying let's say a 30-year old man burying him in the ground alive to kill him versus a family coming alongside this 30-year-old man that they're mourning their brother their son whatever it is and mourning him because he passed away from a heart attack let's say and so they're taking his dead body and putting it in a cemetery and burying his dead body do you see the moral difference between taking a person and burying them alive and taking a person who has passed away and giving them a proper burial that my friends is the difference between miscarriage care and abortion but here kamla Harris is conflating the two and then she's going a step further and she's saying that states that protect life that ban abortion are actually letting women who are suffering miscarriages die and and be or be seriously harmed and I have studied every one of these cases that had popped up in the media and I'll talk about Ryan Hamilton it was a big Texas case just a couple months ago he was a a man on Twitter he came out on X and now all these pro-abortion ad Advocates are behind him he said he and his wife she was miscarrying she went to the hospital and in her rural Town it was actually the Urgent Care First in her town in Texas and they declined giving her a surgery to remove the baby who had already passed away they gave her the abortion pill instead to help her pass the dead baby and long story short his wife ended up having serious hemorrhaging and bleeding that was life-threatening and so he blames the failure of pro-life laws he says well because abortion is restricted that's why this happened to my wh wife which is completely false the reason that someone might have a trouble with their miscarriage has nothing to do with pro-life laws because even in the case of you know Ryan Hamil Ryan Hamilton as just an example and his wife in Texas they they they prescribed the abortion pill the one of the drugs used in the abortion pill to help pass an already dead baby it's a it's a medication that helps you basically have a miscarriage forc forcing you to go into labor if it can be a very early term and that same medication can be used on a baby who's living but even the most pro-life States like Texas understand that if the baby has already passed away this is not an abortion it's not prohibited by law and the doctor was even in his own story this man's story gave him the abortion pill which is the same medication us as the abortion pill it's not used to kill the baby it's used to pass a dead baby and then he still blames the prly flaw in Texas because he said he wanted a surgical procedure and that's not what they gave them gave him but if you dig under Ryan Hamilton's story you'll find that actually surgical procedure was not standard of care for a woman presenting with a a baby who had passed away that she hadn't passed the baby yet you don't go straight to a surgical procedure so I'm getting in the weeds here guys but the point is this is a bald-faced lie being told on the presidential debate stage by kamla Harris she's fearmongering she's saying you're going to die if you have an abortion B and you're going to be misc caring and you're not going to get care that is a bold-faced lie there is not a single prif law in the books that prevents an any way shape or form miscarriage care but if the baby isn't miscarried yet if the baby's heart is still bleeding then the standard of care should be in a pro-life America to care for both the mother and the baby and to help both of them and to try to save both of their lives that's Whata Harris objects to that's what she's mad about of course she's not saying that let's keep listening she didn't want that her husband didn't want that a 12 or 13year old survivor of incest being forced to carry a pregnancy to term they don't want that and I pledge to you when Congress passes a bill to put back in place the protections of roie Wade as president of the United United States I will proudly sign it into law but understand so KLA Harris is saying that she's going to sign into law a a law that would make abortion legal across the country for any reason that's what she's pledging to do but she's using she chots out rape and incest this is this is always the tactic it's such a cynical tactic rape and incest are absolutely horrific and horrible if you know someone who's endured sexual violence you you understand this or you maybe have experienced it yourself you understand it's it's absolutely abject horrible it's it's object it's it's it's one of the worst evils that anyone could endure and she's using it to justify killing babies the reality is though in the case of rap or incest abortion doesn't take away the trauma of the rape or the act of incest abortion doesn't bring healing to the victim if there's pregnancy if there's a new baby a new life conceived abortion doesn't somehow create Justice for the mother all that an abortion does is takes out lethal violence basically the death penalty on a new life on an innocent third party and we're afraid to talk about this sometimes even among priers because we know how horrible rape is and how devastating sexual violence is and we don't want to in any way seem like we're condoning it or not taking it seriously but the reality is one of the reasons rape and incest are so horrible is because life is so precious and sex is so sacred and our bodies are so sacred and so we can adamantly say of course it's horrible Comm Harris of course it's horrible and how dare you use rape and incest as the justification for the shedding of innocent blood because there's no justification for doing that and it is also a lie to say that a woman is going to be healed by an abortion or that's going to take away the trauma of her rape it's not abortion is another act of violence against her body too as well as a lethal act of violence against that baby so again I know these things you know in polite Society people don't want to talk about this they don't want to say it but I think about my friend you know Rebecca keing I think about how she was conceived in rape a violent rape of her mother and her mother at the time tried to even get an abortion but it was against the law at the time in the state that she was in and she wasn't able to get an abortion and she end up delivering Rebecca and placing her for adoption and later on would thank Rebecca and thank the law that she wasn't able to have the abortion and kill this innocent child as some sort of solution for the rape that she suffered and that Rebecca's life her beautiful life this smart strong woman she ended up being a lawyer and having her own children that this life was worth it it was she her life was worth fighting for these are the stories that need to be told every time the the proor side trots out these tragic heartbreaking stories of rape survivors we need to tell the stories of children conceived in rape we need to tell the story of somebody like lyanna my friend lyanna who was horribly raped she was abused by gang raped by a group of men at age 13 and she ended up getting pregnant and the doctor told her well I'm going to give you an abortion because everyone thinks we'll just give them an abortion that'll solve the problem and she said to the doctor will the abortion take away the memory of what happened to me the memory of the rape and the doctor was like uh no she say so why would I why would I do this abortion why would I do why would I do this abortion and take this this child's life she had this incredible beautiful moral clarity now she goes around the world speaking about the value of every child's life including children conceived in rape so I digress we're not going to go too far down this Rabbit Hole talking about this but it's incredibly important to push back against this lie from kamla Harris that miscarriage and sexual violence is somehow a justification for killing babies let's keep listening and if Donald Trump were to be reelected he will sign a National Abortion ban understand in his project 2025 there would be a National Abortion a monitor that would be monitoring your pregnancies your miscarriages I think the American people believe that certain freedoms in particular the freedom to make decisions about one's own body should not be made by the government thank you vice president Harris well there she goes again it's a lie I'm not Trump responds to Kamala Harris signing a ban and there's no reason to sign a ban because we've gotten what everybody wanted Democrats Republicans and everybody else where I wish president Trump had called her out on the lies about rape and cess miscarriage instead he says you're right I don't want to sign up you know I'm not going to assign a an abortion ban and if you don't support rep making abortion illegal you're not pro-life if you don't if you're you think it's okay for the government to stand by will abortion clinics crop up in your cities that kill babies in places like California through all nine months of pregnancy and you're okay with that you're okay with the government protecting the killing of babies by allowing abortion clinics to operate in your communities imagine if there are clinics operating in your community that killed 2-year-olds and people just took a 2-year-old in to be killed that was there that's what they chose the 2-year-olds were a lot of trouble they were a lot of Burden economically socially mentally whatever and imagine if you live in a city where two-year-olds are being taken in to be killed and the government said well it's not our responsibility to get involved let let them do what they want that is an anti-life unjust horrific policy and that is exactly what is happening across the country only the babies are a couple years younger they're pre-born babies but they have the same moral value they have the same human value as a born child but that's what we're permitting so it's so disappointing that President Trump who has called himself the most prolif president that's what he a name he he sometimes likes to use is saying that he wouldn't if if Congress sent him an abortion ban he wouldn't sign it immediately of course you should sign an abortion ban certain things should never be permitted like killing babies like murder like rape like theft also killing babies and so this was a disappointing moment in the debate and I know some people are saying well listen you know don't be so hard on Trump you know he's doing his best kamla is so much worse it's our job as PR voters to speak the truth and to ask more from our candidates president Trump has signaled in the past that he he's willing to listen and he signaled in the past that he wants your vote if he wants your vote then we should say of course the answer should be a cheerful of course I want to sign I mean imagine if president Trump had said in this debate and said oh K Harris is lying she's lying about late term abortion she's lying about miscar care it's a bunch of lies and by the way of course we should protect human beings these are little babies and it's our job to protect them what a refreshing answer that would have been so we need to continue to ask that from our candidates regardless of their political party even but we should continue to demand that as pearly voters from candidates I do think it is possible I do think we will see a day when we have a prolith country but the only way we're going to get there is if prolife people demand it from their politicians as well as doing the day and day out work to change culture but we have to demand it from our politicians let's keep listening else and every legal scholar wanted it to be brought back into the states and the states are voting and it may take a little time but for 52 years this issue is has torn our country apart and they've wanted it back in the States and I did something that nobody thought was possible the states are now voting what she says is an absolute lie and as far as the abortion B no I'm not in favor of abortion B but it doesn't matter because this issue has now been taken over by the states would you veto a National Abortion ban if well I won't have to because again two things number one she said she'll go back to Congress she'll never get the vote is impossible for her to get the vote especially now with the 50/50 and essentially 50/50 in both Senate and the house she's not going to get the vote she can't get the vote she won't even come close to it so it's just talk you know what it reminds me of when they said they're going to get student loans terminated and it ended up being a total catastrophe the student loans and then her I think okay so here Trump is pivoting you can kind of tell he's uncomfortable he's sort of pivoting away from the topic but he Lila responds makes this comment he says you know for 50 years the country was torn apart he says it was torn apart right and the country's torn apart today they're almost 3,000 abortions a day in this country this idea that well overturn roie Wade let California have abortion through all nine months and then Florida well we don't like Florida's heartbeat law Trump says so let it at least have abortions legal in throughout the entire first trimester that will be some sort of Peace we'll have peace then in this country like Mother Teresa says I said this on the on the live last week Guys Mother Teresa the greatest destroyer of Peace in the world is the Cry of the innocent unborn child I can tell you one thing we will not have peace in this country ever until we eradicate abortion so you know Trump's trying to kind of find a peace find some compromise find some moderation you can't Mo create moderation with the killing the slaughter of babies you just can't it's a black and white issue they're dead or they're alive they're killed or they're protected protected they're human beings and until we until we are confident in saying this no matter who our audience is whether it's an election or not and not just making it a partisan issue like well we can't stand KLA Harris so we're going to call her out when she says bad stuff but if president Trump says it then I'm not going to say a word because you know maybe some people will think he's less pro-life than he really is is that honest is that actually going to help people in the long run become pro-life is that really going to be a winning strategy for helping our country have the Reckoning that it needs with the killing that abortion is I don't think so so that's why I'm so proud of so many PE people who are listening to the show who are willing to go out and speak the truth and who are willing to educate and who are willing to call for something better from the one candidate that is least asking for their vote which would be president Trump so thank you for doing that all right we're going to Pivot here to Taylor Swift because after this debate there was a lot more to the debate of course everything was discussed from the economy to immigration Foreign Wars uh we're going to set that all aside for a moment and look at some of the aftermath of the of the debate last night because arguably the world's biggest superstar came out Taylor Swift and she announced that she is now backing surprise surprise KLA Harris before we talk about what she said exactly I want to thank our other sponsor who is seven weeks coffee you Seven Weeks Coffee guys have heard me talk about 7weeks on the show I love these prolife companies 7weeks coffee is a incredibly amazing coffee company they Source their beans from the top 1 to 2% of all beans in the world so they're ethically sourced working with fair trade Farmers but they're also just amazing quality beans their roasts are delicious I like Ethiopian medium roast I was just texting with a girlfriend she's like I love the Hope blend they've got delicious Blends but what I love about 7 weeks coffee is that they give 10% of not just profits but all revenue directly back to Pregnancy Resource Centers so when you subscribe to 7weeks and you get your delicious coffee beans in the mail you're also supporting the pro life movement and moms and babies in need and guess what guys 7weeks has actually now donated over half of a million dollars to Pregnancy Resource Centers I think that's just so amazing so big congrats to 7 weeks coffee and a big thank you to all of you who are buying your 7 weeks coffee because you are helping fund the Pregnancy Center movement in this country so go to 7weeks today if you're not already subscribed you can join their heartbeat Club you get 15% off your first bundle and then if you use the code lilot checkout you'll get another 10% off for a full 25% off your first bundle that's 7weeks and use the code Lila at checkout all right guys we're going to go to uh Taylor Swift's comments here Taylor Swift on Abortion, Kamala, and Walz so she came out arguably the world's biggest superstar and she is talking about her position now in campaigning effectively beginning to campaign for KLA Harris but it was very interesting what she said and I want to read this to you guys so let's pull this up this is KLA this is KLA Harris this is Taylor Swift's statements on abortion and this is a post that went viral of course her endorsement of KLA Harris and Tim Walls this is what she says she says like many of you I watch the debate tonight if you haven't already now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most as a voter I make sure to watch and read everything I can about their proposed policies and plans for the country and then she goes on to explain what she likes about the candidates um and what she likes particularly about Tim Walls and KLA Harris she says and by the way this is very interesting because she's sort of saying begrudgingly that she supports kamla Harris but it's more that she actually supports Tim Walls is her position it's not so much about KLA Harris as it is about Tim Walls and so she says I've done my research and I've made my choice I will be casting my vote for KLA Harris and Tim Walls I'm voting for KLA Harris because the fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior she's steady-handed she's a gifted leader but then she goes on to say that she was so heartened and impressed by by commala selection of running mate Tim Walls who has been standing up for lgbtq plus rights IVF and a woman's right to her own body for decades and she signs it Taylor Swift childless cat lady which is a bit of a j jab at JD Swift's comments about childless cat ladies it was just so sad to see this because she's saying that a woman's right to her own body for decades she's saying that the reason she likes Tim wall so much is because lgtg lgbtq plus rights and a woman's right to her own body first of all you got to know Minnesota has some of the most LAX laws when it comes to transitioning minors children being transed so that's a separate issue but this is one of the radicals in the Democratic party Tim Walls on this issue who's okay with transitioning the transitioning of minors which can involve puberty blockers and body altering surgeries life altering surgeries but she uses this language a woman woman's right to her own body in Taylor Swift's mentality and so many uh people I think today that are misled they think that abortion is a woman's right that this whole fight of enshrining the protection of abortion is somehow a woman's right and Tim wales's policy on this when he was the governor of Minnesota was to sign into law the most pro-abortion law the state had ever seen which would permit abortion for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy even to the point of depriving care for born-alive infants after an abortion attempt and there were actually five babies that actually survived abortion attempts well Tim Walls was governor that were left to die because those children aren't even protected by the law in Tim walls' in Tim walls' own State this is who Taylor Swift is coming out to support and I just have to believe that if people just knew this is my my hope that if more people knew the facts because I really believe that Taylor Swift has never really grappled with what an abortion is I'm guess GNA guess she's never heard from a former abortionist explain it to her I'm going to guess she's never watched an abortion procedure video I'm going to give her that benefit of the doubt that she is just in that brainwashed space of thinking that we as women need reproductive health and that's abortion and it's only a good thing and it's good for women and it's my right and she has not really grappled that this with the reality that this is the killing of a human being and I hope and I pray that if we educate more people if we build uh the institutions and the networks of people who know the truth who can share the truth and activate others who know the truth I think we can make tremendous change and so I'm going to pray for Taylor Swift's conversion we're going to pray for the conversion of all the childless cat ladies as she calls herself and just all people on this issue and I just want to thank everyone listening because I know the people listening to this show many of you are very passionate already about this and you're willing to speak the truth no matter what even if it's not politically popular and it is only that truth speaking that is actually going to change hearts and Minds in the end and is going to set people free so I pray for Taylor Swift and I just want to urge all of you to pray and we're going to close with this I know this is a very uh just painful heartbreaking moment in American politics these two politicians supporting abortions even president Trump with some of his overtures to the prfe community he still wants abortion to be permitted in the first trimester he still wants these exceptions and you had kamla Harris who you know in my lifetime it's been Hillary Clinton on that debate stage running for president of the United States now it's KLA Harris both of them raging pro-aborts I mean it's heartbreaking it's truly heartbreaking but I believe it's going to change if you and I are willing to build the movement and speak the truth and call it out so thank you guys for doing that thank you all for listening to this episode of The L Rose podcast we'll be back again soon live to keep on covering these crazy events these crazy times that we are in do not forget to pray I believe that prayer is key in helping stop the evil and helping convert Souls we need that daily conversion too and also guys don't forget if you're not already subscribed to the show right now a lot of folks who listen are not subscribed yet so make sure you're subscribed on YouTube and subscribed on podcast app and check out our locals page that's Linked In the description we're building our community there it's 1500 people strong now or more I think we're growing and we'd love to have your support over at locals so go check that out thank you all for listening we'll see you guys next time

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