Francine leaves thousands without power, California fires continue, more | CBS News 24/7

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:43:52 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: fires california
[Music] hey there everyone I am Lana Zach in for Vladimir D we are watching all of the news that's happening in the US and around the world underwater and in the dark parts of Louisiana drenched and damaged after Francine lashed into the state as a category 2 hurricane a trio of fire scorching hundreds of thousands of Acres across Southern California we're going to go there as crw battle the intensifying flames and mission accomplished thousands of feet high above the Earth private citizens conducted the first ever commercial space walk which this historic moment means for the future of space travel this is CBS News [Music] 247 hey there we are going to start with Francine because parts of Louisiana are underwat nearly 400,000 people are in the dark this morning recovering from the powerful storm Fran being slammed into the state as a category 2 hurricane last night it made landfall in tabone Parish impacting communities along the Gulf Coast including New Orleans more than 300,000 people are still without power in the worst hit areas of Southeastern Louisiana and the storm is now making its way across the southeast impacting thousands across Mississippi joining me now with the latest is CBS News correspondent Dave malov Dave we saw you nearly blown away last night what's the situation like in h this morning yeah this is a building that has been torn apart Lana this is a corrugated roof right here I put this pillow here just to make sure that nobody slices their head on this I have a gloves after a storm like this but let me tell you what this business is this is called the junk in the trunk it's called the junk in the trunk uh thrift store but it's very serious for this neighborhood because it's maybe the most affordable place for anybody in this neighborhood to shop and they can get all these products here and now it's gone now uh the roof was just torn apart you can see how it's just kind of peeled back like an oldfashioned Sardine Can you can see back there there is a uh a a brick wall That's torn down all of the drywall is down and all of these items that are so important to not only the business owner but the people in this neighborhood they're all exposed to the elements now it is a rush L it's just get everything into the box truck and Dave you know whenever you cover these types of things it is always so devastating to see people as they witness their belongings strewn about what are the biggest concerns there right now the biggest concern is the reason why we put the pillow up there the reason why I'm wearing these work gloves because after a storm Lana is the most dangerous part of a natural disaster so after the natural disaster people start cleaning up and they get hit by something like this look at how very sharp that is that's kind of razor sharp thing so if you're walking through and you're not looking you can scrape your head head wound lots of blood um this the owner of the store right here it's it's really really tough for you because these are your customers right that is my favorite customer right there that's her favorite customer favorite customer hey you she's a sweet oh yeah she's in the neighborhood Mrs Stevens is here and and uh and she loves this store so do the people in this neighborhood but it's going to take a long time to clean up not only after this hurricane look found a couple DVDs back there the all those M yeah so so not only after this hurricane but also after a hurricane that was just three years ago oh Dan Dan the junkman is coming through Dan the junkman is coming through what are you what are you saving oh you're he's picking out stuff that he can vases yeah those are vases those are vases those are not for any other purpose but but being VES whoops and I actually hit my head on that uh yeah I'm fine I'm fine we want everybody to be careful there uh but yeah so we'll check back in with you as they're all as they're all continuing to go through and uh and and get about their day there um real quick Dave uh is the sto is the storm um moving out now when is the power expected to get back on well the power will not get back on actually here in hom because as I was about to say we we went through a hurricane just 3 years ago that was a cat 4 maybe even possibly in a cat 5 region but it took out the power station here and they have been on generator power according to the parish president that we talked to yesterday they have these generators lined up there so if they need to run the power plant they have to fire up the generators they are still fighting the count I mean the parish is still fighting with the insurance company to get those uh power plants back on because they just don't have the money to do it right now now they're freeing up federal funds and state funds and local funds all right Dave maloff thank you well the sound is dealing with water the West is dealing with flames firefighters in Southern California are dealing not just with one but three major wildfires in what has been a nonstop week the bridge fire east of Los Angeles has forced the evacuation of 10,000 people several firefighters are recovering from injury sustained in the fast growing line fire in the San Bernardino National Forest and the airport fire in Orange and Riverside counties has scorched several homes CBS Los Angeles reporter Cara finstrom has been tracking the airport fire Cara it seems like Crews made some progress over the last few days any word on how the airport Wildfire started no uh we are still trying to learn a little bit more about all of these fires uh the airport fire though uh I'm sorry which started over in uh san beradino county actually was was triggered they believe by uh some work Crews that were doing some work and accidentally started that fire but take a look at this we've moved over to the Riverside County side and a gift from Mother Nature today that's fog behind us mixed in with the smoke and that is really cooling things down here and great news for firefighters some folks in this community have lost homes others have been evacuated from charred neighborhoods let's go to some video that we shot here yesterday many folks heading to Red Cross shelters that have been set up here uh to get food and to get resources the airport fire did devastate El cariso Village a Mountain Community here of about 60 homes no official count yet as to how many houses were destroyed but our crew saw that at least 16 have been leveled we've also had 10 firefighters two civilians injured we spoke with one woman who says the home she was living in burned and she's lost everything we're telling us you need to go and you need to go now the Flames are close so I still hesitated I didn't want to leave I didn't want to leave my home so tough to hear now fire officials say uh fire cop helicopters have made a huge difference here at last report this fire estimated to be 5% contained those numbers are expected to go up and firefighters are still cutting those fire lines around this fire uh hoping to really fully contain it taking advantage of this break in the weather well good that mother nature is helping out Cara thank you let's bring in CBS News Philadelphia meteorologist Grant Gilmore with a first look at the national forecast hey Grant hey good morning Lana good morning to you guys at home we're keeping an eye on those fire conditions over portions of our Western States as you head up into areas of like Colorado Wyoming and even into the dtas where we have that critical fire danger today so watching for those Gusty conditions along with some thunderstorms that are pushing to the east but in some cases those thunderstorms are dry so lightning could spark a fire and with the dry and Breezy conditions we'll have to watch out for some fire out there towards the plain states the high plains up into the Rockies meanwhile Francine just dumped a lot of rainfall over the last 24 hours portions of Louisiana seeing nearly 10 in of rain in some cases 9 Ines of rain and mandaville we'll continue to see that heavy rainfall but right when it made landfall 5:00 central time yesterday we were seeing some impressive wind gusts Category 2 hurricane at landfall yesterday afternoon 112 m per hour winds reported there at Burns point now Francine weakened as it move Inland it is now a tropical depression as it's moving through Mississippi this morning but just look at all of that heavy rainfall moving through northern Mississippi but also into Alabama today where we're going to have a concern for some flash flooding which there's ongoing flash flood concerns the center of Francine will stay right there over the Mississippi Valley as it continues to drop very heavy rainfall we have that enhanced threat for flash flooding there actually moderate risk there through Northern Alabama into the Birmingham area but also that threat for flooding continues to the south and east into portions of Southern Georgia and the panhandle of Florida speaking of the panhandle of Florida all that onshore wind coming in on the Southeastern side of Francine it's going to produced a threat for some tornadoes today so from the panhandle of Florida pretty much right through the central part of Alabama we'll have to watch out for those quick spin up tornadoes there's Fran scene but then there's also tropical depression seven that's a non-issue but it may become tropical storm Gordon or over the next couple of days also watching a potential development of tropical weather right there off the Southeastern Coast something that we'll monitor as we go into the weekend L back to you for now all right thanks Grant well US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin is meeting with senior polish government officials this morning in Warsaw after spending yesterday in keev Ukraine where he met with vomir zalinski our Olivia gazes is with secret the secretary today and asked him this morning about his discussions with Ukrainian officials we had uh good extensive discussions with our Ukrainian colleagues yesterday about um how they see the battlefield um what uh what their needs are and as I've said um we will always continue to take that into account and as necessary we'll adapt we'll adjust uh in terms of what we're doing Olivia is traveling with the secretary so I want to bring in CBS News senior foreign correspondent Holly Williams Holly we know Ukraine wants to use long range American supplied missiles to strike inside Russia the US so far hasn't allowed that what concerns does the US have about that potential action good morning Lana well look the US fear throughout this war despite supporting Ukraine has been that if you give Ukraine the the wrong type of weapon or more powerful weapons or allow the ukrainians to use them inside Russia is that it could be escalatory that is that it could turn the war in Ukraine into a bigger more dangerous conflict so some of the long range weapons that the US has supplied to Ukraine for instance attack thems they've been happy for the ukrainians to use them against Russian forces inside Ukraine remember Russia currently controls around 20% of Ukraine's territory but not inside Russia however that said when Ukraine back in August launched its incursion into Southern Russia the biggest foreign incursion into Russia since World War II reportedly using some us applied weapons the reaction from the White House was to say you know if Vladimir Putin's uncomfortable with that there's an easy solution Putin can just quote get the hell out of Ukraine and then more recently uh we heard from the CIA director William Burns uh who recently called that incursion a quote significant tactical achievement so it certainly appears that the US is becoming more and more comfortable with the ukrainians taking the fight into Russia now the Ukrainian argument for the incursion and presumably for being allowed to use long range weapons in Russia or us supplied long-range weapons in Russia is that it potentially does a few things it may weaken Putin domestically it may Force Russia to divert forces from the front line in Ukraine to protect their own Homeland and it may also provide Ukraine with a bargaining chip in any future negotiations whereby Ukraine could say you know you give us back that b bit of our country and we'll give you back this bit of yours all right Holly Williams thank you well history has been made more than 400 miles above the Earth the first ever private commercial spacewalk is now complete the four-person mission was led by billionaire Tech CEO Jared isikman and lasted about two hours CBS newspace analyst Bill Harwood has more on the Polaris Dawn Mission Bill we know the crew was testing the durability of new space suits that's particularly important for the potential for Mars walk us through what actually happened this morning yeah you know it was really a straightforward thing you know the two astronaut Jared isaacman as you said the billionaire who financed this Mission and a woman named Sarah Gillis she works for SpaceX you know they they floated out through the forward hatch of the of the capsule uh exposed themselves to space and really they just stood there and moved around you know they' moved their arms a bit and they were testing the mobility of the suit how the joints work and all of that and it might not have looked all that impressive to somebody that's been watching you know space station space walks for a long time where they do very complicated things for hours and hours uh but it was a major step forward for SpaceX you know as you said they're trying to perfect these suits they think someday and maybe take this with the grain of salt but they're envisioning a day when they're going to need hundreds if not thousands of these space suits for people traveling to the moon and Mars and out into the solar system so it was a modest First Step but I think it was a significant first step for SpaceX I thought it was pretty impressive I also was really interested bill in the fact that they had to drain the air for the uh for the astronauts who were inside the capsule who didn't actually get to do The Space Walk so uh talk to us what's NE about what's next then for the crew the return Mission and how this all impacts the future of space travel well you know first of all those other two people that were in the cabin they go in the books as a space Walkers too because the cabin was exposed to vacuum they don't have an airlock in the crew Dragon capsule so when they open that space at vacuum no that has you know they did that back in the Apollo program coming back from the Moon they would open a hatch and go out and ret film canisters things like that for a private for a private uh organiz no no for private yeah this is yeah and this is the very first time four people have been in vacuum in space suits at the same time so a lot of first in this Mission uh but to look ahead you know the the rest of this mission is devoted to science they've got experiments on board from more than 30 institutions mostly biomedical research learn more about how the body uh adapts and is affected by weightlessness they going to be doing that for the remainder of the flight and you know if all goes well they'll splash down off the coast of Florida sometime this weekend don't have an exact time yet but it's about a 5-day Mission so they'll be coming down over the weekend and I think uh the SpaceX employees on the ground are going to be really happy to get them home I'm sure and Bill you and I are going to talk about this more at that time always appreciate talking space with you thanks well entering a new phase on the trail coming up what we are learning about vice president kamla Harris's new aggressive campaign strategy you're streaming CBS news [Music] 24/7 new economic data release this morning shows wholesale prices Rose 210 of a percent last month this data is in line with estimates from Dow Jones economists which show the economy is cooling the producer price index is another crucial inflation gauge that the Federal Reserve monitors the FED will meet next week where they are expected to announce that they are planning that they are in fact cutting interest rates well the Harris campaign plans to enter a more aggressive phase on the campaign Trail in hopes of building momentum on Tuesday's debate CBS News chief White House correspondent Nancy ctis is following the vice president on the trail today so Nancy walk our audience through this new strategy from the Harris campaign right they are just coming right out and saying that she is moving into an aggressive new phase and what that translates into Lana is that the pace of her campaign appearance is going to pick up now that the debate and the convention are behind her so here in North Carolina for example she's doing two rallies one here in Charlotte then another in Greensboro then she's heading to Pennsylvania for another couple of events tomorrow uh they're sensitive to the fact that both in 2020 and in 2016 the Democratic nominees both President Biden and Hillary Clinton were uh hit by Republicans for not doing more campaign events and so uh she's looking to sort of um set the standard here that she is going to be out on the trail more now that she has more time but it's not just campaign appearances they say that they're also going to be cutting a slew of new ads using clips from the debate on Tuesday the first of those ads is being released today and they say she's going to be doing more local media interviews in these Battleground States again to sort of push back on the accusation by former president Donald Trump in particular that she is not doing many media interviews all right Nancy thank you well just moments ago New York's highest court dismissed former president Trump's effort to appeal the gag order in his hush money criminal trial the former president is on the campaign Trail in Arizona today and that is where we find CBS News campaign reporter Olivia raldi so Olivia what do we expect from the former president's address and how might this be different from his recent address on the border yeah good morning Lana it's Trump's second visit to Arizona in recent weeks with really just underscores how important this state is heading into November and Trump will be here later today in Tucson on his last visit he went about two hours south towards coochi County where he was talking about immigration but the focus today is going to be on the economy and Rising housing prices now Arizona during the pandemic saw an explosion in population so many people are moving here got beautiful views behind me I can totally see why but coming here it really uh skyrocketed some high high housing prices excuse me uh along with that Rising population so it's really been the epicenter of some of these high prices we've seen in housing affordability across the country so Trump will be back here today to really underscore that and he heads out west later this week for more of a campaign swing all right Olivia thank you [Music] you can see each of those apartments some breaking news in right now police in Colorado are responding to what they're calling an active shooter in the Denver area we're going to toss over to coverage from CBS News Colorado and you know several winding roads through there as well as right up against Arista Park uh where police have been staging and uh you can see quite a few people with guns kind of moving through that area uh to make sure that this area is secure for the folks who live in and around again this is just a very quiet neighborhood a lot of homes uh as you look around there just a couple of restaurants uh in that area but right adjacent to Rocky Mountain Metropolitan airport that is off to the West there uh with their runways and their planes and that's where we store our copter and they were able to launch and get right over that scene fairly quickly but as you kind of zoom out into the area there's there's nothing in that specific or or area uh that would be of super high concern like a elementary school I'm not seeing any of those around here I could be wrong uh those are some of the things that we try and look out for first to make sure that everybody in that area is uh safe again us36 runs alike right along there and you can see uh Highway 128 along here which is 120th it'll connect you out to I25 then then right along here you have Wadsworth and this is the area that we're talking about you got the UC Broomfield hospital and just to the south of that is where we have this active shooter I want to show you what police are telling us you can see that they're on the scene of an active shooting that they have notified the residents to shelter in place uh they are working on putting together a media staging area for us they are hoping that uh we can stay back before descending onto that scene uh but Broomfield police they they're this emphatic they're saying this is an active scene is not safe and as soon as the area is secured and that has been established by officers that they'll share that here but the shots are still being fired so this is very much an active scene as we go back over copter and they're making their way it looks counterclockwise so we're now able to see a little bit farther down the street at what is happening uh along here and I'm guessing that this is along Arista Flats here is along Arista place that we have copter over that scene uh right near the fa Fairfield at Arista uh right in that intersection seems to be where everybody is focused right now you can see some SWAT teams out there and quite a few police officers that are in that area and you can hear um our pilot that's Nate who's our pilot for the copter kind of talking to the desk here they're being asked to go to a higher elevation again to make sure to uh keep out of the way of police but able to give us an idea of what is going on I know this may be a scary situation for those folks live in that area who have received the reverse notification but uh again reports of shots being actively fired at the Arista Flats apartment building this is right near us36 and to Wadsworth uh right in the Uptown Arista Place area copter over the scene we've got Jeff Todd and photojournalist uh we'll continue monitoring this active shooter situation in Broomfield Colorado for now a quick break we'll be right back [Music] welcome back here's a look at some of the top stories We are following more than 30,000 Boeing workers in Portland Oregon and Seattle are expected to vote today on a potential strike that could shut down production union workers are considering their first full comprehensive contract offer in 16 years but some workers feel like the offer fell short of their demands now if this strike vote prevails the work stoppage would begin tomorrow and in Missouri the federal trial is underway for the three former Memphis officers charged in the 2023 beating death of Tyrie Nichols during jarring opening statements yesterday prosecutors claimed that the suspect stood by nickolls body and laughed after beating him they're accused of violating niichel civil rights they've each pleaded not guilty and moving on to the east coast the annual tribute in light lit up the New York City's Skies overnight marking 23 years since the 9/11 Terror attacks twin beams of light representing the Twin Towers Shine from dusk until dawn representing New York City's resilience after the attacks ceremonies were held in New York Washington and Shanksville Pennsylvania yesterday to remember and honor the victims well tens of thousands of Southern California residents have been forced out of their homes as firefighters battle a trio of massive and dangerous wildfire Crews rush to rescue people from the airport fire that's raging in Orange and Riverside counties and that is where we find CBS News senior National and environmental correspondent Ben Tracy Ben so many fires raging there at once what are some of the challenges that crews are up against in battling the airport fire well that really is one of the big challenges is that there are so many fires happening at once and that is really straining resources for cow fire in a lot of these counties here because all all three of the fires you mentioned are basically in the Los Angeles metropolitan area they're separated by about 50 60 miles each one of these fires here with the airport fire um firefighters did get the one thing they were really hoping for a big change in the weather temperatures have dropped dramatically the Marine layer came back in this morning that's moisture from the ocean and that has really tamped things down here all we're really seeing now in the distance are kind of you know little plumes of smoke of uh you know telephone poles that are still burning those sorts of things but the kind of the main part of the fire has really died down and now they can work on containment kind of getting those containment lines around the fire but this is only one of the three major fires and all of these fires cover tens of thousands of acres in steep rugged terrain so this is really straining the resources of firefighters trying to battle these things all at once and Ben what do Crews need in order to try and get this actually under control that they don't currently have well the two big things one is the weather which I mentioned the second one is just more resources um the problem is when you have so many fires at once and this has been a very active Wildfire season even prior to the past week you just really strain resources so they're bringing in fire Crews from out of state uh they are training National Guards people to actually be firefighters and join the Fire lines so that kind of shows you how desperate they are for resources uh if there is any good news here this you know the heat wve that really fueled so much much of this is now over so the job for firefighters is slightly less grueling because they're now not dealing with 100 100 degree weather it's actually been in the high 50s here this morning so that makes fighting the fires a little bit easier glad to hear that all right Ben thank you well we are tracking tropical storm Francine as it continues to move across the Southeastern us I want to check back in with CBS News correspondent Dave malov Dave when we last talked to you you were trying to avoid hitting your head on dangerous parts of the roof but you were also so talking to the folks there that are trying to put their lives back together in h what have they been telling you there's more people who have arrived here as the sun comes up and they see what happened here photojournalist Dwayne Scott showing you how the roof just peeled back right walking through your screen is Dan the junkman it's Dan Stevens and he runs this store some of their favorite customers have arrived here but it looks like they're they're going to miss those customers because the store is not going to be able to be in this building anymore and I'll show you why that is Lana and everybody watching at home this is the roof right here and it has been torn off not only did the roof get knocked down but the drywall the brick wall all of that down there is just gone so what Dan is doing is taking all this stuff and putting it into these boxes moving to a different location but this is a big view of what people are doing in a smaller view inside their homes they may have had some damage inside their homes a lot of people were worried about water coming in that was one of the major problems that they were uh trying to avoid as we saw this storm approaching in the Gulf of Mexico it made landfall here just uh south of us just southeast of us as a category 2 hurricane and now it has been downgraded to a tropical storm and L it's it's really hard to look at all this right I mean what what are you thinking when you look at all this I I remember all the time that I've covered these sorts of natural disasters and just how your heart breaks for people who are struggling to put it together and on that I'm wondering you were saying before Dave that one of the problems that people faced in h was a struggle with insurance that was already going on um is that their biggest concern now uh is that the concern is it power um outages it's all that this is Hurricane number two for them in the last three years so they have not finished the insurance process they haven't finished the cleanup process since the last hurricane in 2021 and you look at all this you think oh well at some point this will get cleaned up but that's not the case for natural disasters uh some cities as we've reported on on on our ion America piece that we did a few months ago some cities when they go through tornadoes fires hurricanes floods sometimes they get wiped off the map because all the jobs go away and that's the heartbreaking part of all this all right Dave thank you let's go back over to CBS News Philadelphia meteorologist Grant Gilmore because Grant we were checking in both on on the west coast and it looks like mother nature is cooperating there but she has really dealt the people of Louisiana a a significant below give us a little bit more of what's happening in terms of the national forecast you know Lana when you look at these hurricanes typically these these major hurricanes your cat 3 four and fives they really do grab a lot of the headlines because of their destructive force when it comes to the wind and look cat one cat 2 hurricanes they bring a lot of wind too but all tropical systems bring with them multiple threats and it's the rainfall threat that really does produce a lot of issues as they move Inland and then well beyond the time frame from when they make that landfall now Francine made landfall yesterday afternoon at 5:00 central time and I I want to show you this and I know the clouds here are covering up the map but I think it illustrates an important point and that is that Francine while it continues to produce heavy range fall it's really spreading its impact all across the southeast and this system while it's weakening will continue to bring that heavy rainfall for a couple of more days so that's going to be the thing that we watch with this system as we head through Friday into the weekend as well now look this isn't going to be one of those those tropical events those tropical systems that's going to drop multiple feet of rainfall but still when you're talking about rainfall totals more than a half of a foot that's a lot of rainfall and that rainfall has to go some places and ultimately sometimes that produces the damage that we've seen and look now this system did bring a lot of Gusty winds as well I mean some serious wind speed reports Burns Point Louisiana reported the maximum wind gust that we could find at2 M hour but even when you're talking about wind speed reports there in East New Orleans at 70 M hour think about when you're going down the interstate at 70 m per hour you stick your hand out the window that's some strong wind that causes damage and that's what we saw all along the coast of Louisiana into Mississippi so here's Fran scene right now it is a tropical depression but it's still producing that very heavy rainfall we do have concerns for ongoing flash flooding as we go throughout the day but the center of the storm will stay over the Mississippi Valley today you notice though far removed from the center of the storm is that moderate risk for flash flooding into Alabama Lana over to you all right grant appreciate it thanks well we are less than two months away from the presidential election and state and local officials are warning that Postal Service delays could SL slow down mail in voting and CBS News Congressional correspondent Scott McFarland follows all this for us he's line from Capitol Hill so Scott what was in that letter that official sent to the Postmaster General and did it get there in time this is a warning to the US Postal Service from this bipartisan group of state election officials or secretaries of state that there's concerns unless there's better staff training or Staffing levels or the US Postal Service can ratchet up its performance metrics there's a risk some of those mailin ballots could be delayed too long across States come November according to these letters released to CBS News the election officials have alerted that there have been some mailed ballots that have come a little too late at previous elections in recent months and they're worried this is something that could consist of a problem come November could perpetuate itself until November they're alerting the Postal Service to try to jack up the Staffing levels or the staff training to prevent this from being a thing in November I equate at Lana to the kid bringing home a bad grade on the midterm report card and you say you got to do something to get that grade up before the end of the marking Period start working on it now all right well uh let's talk about the actual election because uh some lawmakers who had pushed for Biden to step aside are now giving feedback on Harris's performance what are you hearing from Democrats there was this wave of Democrats right after the June 26 7th debate who broke the ice and publicly said President Biden should stand down from the race and that it should be vice president Harris in particular who takes over at the top of the ticket one of those is a former Ohio Congressman named Tim Ryan he was the first we checked in on him this week to see how he thinks his call has gone and he says in recent days he got a text message from a buddy joking when are you go into Vegas Tim cuz you called this right um Democrats who advocated for vice president Harris say she has exceeded their expectations and they had high expectations to begin with not just in polling numbers not just in volunteer numbers but in that debate performance that she acquitted herself so well it vindicates that historic moment we saw where it was Democrats calling on their own party's nominee to stand down something we may never see again Democrats at this moment who were part of that team Lana are enjoying a moment in the sun all right Scott still it's too early to make any predictions on any of that appreciate it we're going to take a quick break we are monitoring a lot of breaking news headlines including the possibility of a earthquake we're going to bring you that on the other side of this break stay with [Music] us we are following some breaking news for you initial report of an earthquake in Malibu 4. we're going to dip into coverage from CBS News Los Angeles anything in the house that looks at a place no not that we found yet uh we looked around I don't think anything's fallen off it was it was a quick jolt but it definitely you felt a rock for a second that you know it was almost the same time as I said as the uh alert so you hear the alert and then the jolt so the two of you really the two of them really rock you for a second and then the role afterward and and once you start feeling that role having lived here for a long time you're wondering is that role going to keep going or is it was a short roll a jolt and a short roll my wife and I just like looked at each other and how long is this roll going to go and and it didn't go very long but obviously as we know with aftershocks and everything we're we're on alert right now yeah that is one of those things right uh you start paying attention to uh we have uh Sky Cal right now over Malibu in fact David taking a look at uh the coastline there it looks like traffic is Flowing uh okay doesn't look like this has had much impact on people's daily life just kind of a little bit of a a surprise this morning yeah yeah definitely something that get you up in the morning I'm looking outside and I you know PCH I could see is is open uh doesn't seem to be a problem there's someone outside walking their dog one of my neighbors so uh you know everybody jolt to to wake up in the morning if they weren't up already um and you know you're on alert now yeah David you guys are in Malibu obviously close to where this uh Quake was centered uh you guys haven't felt anything since like you mentioned earlier aftershocks can be stronger than the original Quake many times I know you haven't we haven't felt anything but uh you know we're looking around the house to see if anything fell or anything like that but nothing like that yet it was a short jolt and a roll but certainly enough to to you know get you moving in the morning no doubt you know it really just goes to show the closer you are to the fault line uh obviously the stronger the jolt exactly uh David you're explaining this sharp jolt where as we here in Studio City felt a rolling motion just ongoing rolling motion so uh it just goes to show the destruction that's possible when you are closer on a fault line I just all right it sounds like our friends in California doing all right there after the reports of a 4.7 earthquake hitting Malibu we're going to roll from California over to Colorado as we continue to follow that breaking news where police are responding to an active shooter situation at an apartment in Broomfield Colorado let's dip back over into CBS News Colorado to tell you give you a better idea of what is going on but again just before 8:00 this morning we had reports of an active situation an active shooting situation at the Arista Flats apartment this is on Central Court in Broomfield they did send out a reverse emergency notification to folks who live in that area shelter in place saying that the surrounding area was not safe as well that shots were still being fired the police giving that update uh within the last half hour they also uh are telling us that units continue to be in that area and continue to tell folks to shelter in place that there have been some limited evacuations in and where police are focusing right now and those limited evacuations are done at this time they're not going to be evacuating any more folks so they're asking everybody else to kind of stay in that area the media is beginning to stage and hopefully we'll be able to get a few more answers about exactly what is going on at this hour but you could see as part of our ground shots from Dale Ates earlier that the uh ambulances from North Metro are on scene and staged and ready to go just in case uh may be a good sign that they aren't uh actively loading up anybody and leaving this scene we have no reports of any injuries at this time but you can see you know folks in Swat here that are in this area this again a shot from Dale aeson who's on the scene uh as somebody there uh armed and ready uh is heading back towards that area we have again two Crews that are on the ground we have our copter that is in the air this is off us36 in Wadsworth right behind in the shadow we will continue to monitor this situation as well as all of the breaking news around the world we'll bring you the updates as we have them we'll be right back [Music] one of the hero Pilots aboard the Alaska Airlines plane that had that door panel blow out mid-flight is speaking out for the very first time about those terrifying moments CBS News senior Transportation correspondent Chris Van Cleave joins us now from Washington Chris the pilot talks specifically about her interaction with a mother and her young child what can you tell us about her experience yeah you know we were very fortunate to to talk with Emily Whi the first officer on Alaska 1282 uh you know she tells a harrowing story of of the chaos in the cockpit but also once the plane was safely on the ground walking out of the flight deck and seeing 177 people staring back at her including families parents and everyone trying to figure out just what at all they they they survived take a listen a woman was on the floor what I learn later learned to find out was that was the assumed to be mother of the boy who lost her his shirt she looked back and her son was gone as a mother myself I can't imagine that feeling she was looking for her son and there was also a number of unaccompanied minors right and there was a like a little boy in the back that was just sort of sitting there waiting as people were getting off the plane my eyes went across the hole and down to this little boy and I bent down and I took his hand and I said I'm so proud of you you did so good and of course everybody survived and got off that plane uh without any serious injuries which is particularly remarkable when you think about the pictures of the hole in that airplane uh right next to some seats that just thankfully happen to be empty uh really just a riveting interview and we talked to her at length about getting back in the cockpit getting back to Flying she is flying lying again I asked her if she has confidence in the 737 after all of this and she says she does Lana oh Chris incredible well thank you and you can also watch Chris's extended interview on our YouTube channel check it out well John Bon Joi is being credited with saving a woman's life in Nashville surveillance video from Tuesday shows a woman standing on the ledge of a bridge the rock star who was filming a music video on the span then approaches her to talk then pulls her back over the railing and Embraces her before they walk off the bridge together now police say the woman was taken to a hospital for treatment take my hand and we'll make it I swear I want to bring in now CBS News Philadelphia meteorologist Grant Gilmore with the last look at the national forecast Grant isn't that just a great message to leave our show on yeah it's it's an amazing story it really is a right place right time I guess right uh let's talk about the national forecast here because we focused a lot on Francine rightfully so ongoing flood concerns along with the threat for some severe weather and tornadoes today across the southeast meanwhile nice dry weather continues across the Northeast uh unseasonably hot weather up towards the Midwestern states as we go through this afternoon another round of severe weather possible back into portions of uh the Great Basin Western Montana today along with heavy rainfall dry windy fire weather back towards portions of Colorado Wyoming this afternoon and then here comes another round of cooler temperatures invading portions of California into the Pacific Northwest Lana been great with you today uh have a great rest of your afternoon and morning gr I appreciate it good to be with you as well well coming up next an encore of CVS morning this is CBS News 247 [Music]

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