Israeli military rescues hostage taken by Hamas, Oasis to reunite for tour and more | CBS News 24/7

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:43:57 Category: News & Politics

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hi everyone I'm Lindsay riser in for Vladimir D we are watching all the news happening in the US and around the world this is CBS News [Music] 247 Israel rescues a hostage abducted in hamas's October 7th attack will have breaking details on what the IDF is calling a complex operation to bring the 52-year-old man home a late summer heat wve brings Dangerously high temperatures to parts of the country when Americans can expect some relief and program on hold a federal judge temporarily blocks the Biden Administration from granting legal status to undocumented spouses of American citizens we begin with breaking news out of Israel the Israeli military saying it has rescued a hostage who was abducted in the October 7th attacks by Hamas now the IDF says 52-year-old Cade Farhan aladi is in state able medical condition CBS News senior foreign correspondent Holly Williams is following the very latest Holly what details are we learning about this rescue good morning Lindsay this story is just broken in the last couple of hours uh the rescued hostage or I guess former hostage now uh is a 52-year-old man kid farahan alari who is an Arab Israeli he is a member of Israel's ban Arab minority uh according to an Israeli hostage family group he is a father of of 11 uh and we've seen quite moving video this morning already that appears to show his family members racing to meet him in a hospital uh following his rescue though we haven't seen any video or images so far of the actual reunion taking place uh Mr alcari was apparently working as a security guard in a kibuts in southern Israel near the border with Gaza before the October 7th attacks uh the Israeli military says that he was rescued in a quote complex operation in southern Gaza Israeli Army Radio is reporting that he was rescued from a tunnel apparently the first rescue from a tunnel during this war but at this point we don't have much more detail from Israel's military than that it's thought that many of the remaining hostages are being held in tunnels and we know that Hamas militants uh have built a web of tunnels underneath the Gaza Strip around a 100 hostages are thought to be held in AA though some of them are thought at this point uh to be dead around 250 hostages were taken on October 7th and then in November uh over 100 captives were released during a brief brief ceasefire now negotiations in Cairo Egypt are ongoing where the US is trying to broker a deal to bring those remaining hostages home and achieve a lasting ceasefire Lindsay Holly thank you happening right now in federal court the first rioter to enter the US capital during the January 6th Insurrection faces sentencing where he could get at least four years in prison CBS News Congressional correspondent Scott McFarland is standing outside the US District Court in DC Scott what can you tell us about this case was a landmark case he was the first capitol rioter to enter the building excuse me his name is Michael Sparks he went through a smashed window and was part of the group that confronted that lone Capital officer outside the Senate Eugene Goodman Michael sparks' case like so many has spanned years as this January 6 prosecution the largest in American history takes quite a bit of time to process through the court system he's not accused of unique violence on that day but he was the first of hundreds to breach the US capital though his defense attorney will argue here today he wasn't a leader he was just technically first the Department of Justice will seek 57 months in prison for Michael spars one of the allegations that's uniquely weightbearing here is the Department of Justice is going to argue today that Michael Sparks knew the Congressional role on January 6th knew the significance of that day for certifying the election and that was his motivation for being here that day not going to make the argument he was caught up in the moment or unknowingly following the crowd they're going to argue he knew exactly what a mob could do January 6th stopping the count of an election for the first time in American history this is a landmark case Lindsay but is one of 1,500 cases they brought Scott I'm going to ask you another question about Trump's Federal classified documents case in case you want to clear your throat or get a sip of water of course it's when we start talking on live TV that this happens right that we get the Tickle but special Council Jack Smith and his team are appealing the judge's decision throwing out this case essentially over the grounds of how the special counsel is funded and appointed what is the special council's team arguing legally and what happens next in this case and they're arguing that judge Eileen Cannon a trump appointee to the court in 2020 has defied president by making this novel ruling that a special Council wasn't properly appointed and wasn't properly funded they say that runs counter to previous cases including oh by the way the Nixon case in 19 1974 they're also arguing that the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals which has rejected judge Canon before on other matters in this case should override that dismissal remand the court back to a case back to court for further deliberations and further proceedings this is going to take some time though Lindsay this type of appeal will take months to work its way through it's not going to happen at the drop of a hat later this week but at this point any Prospect of having this case before the election has long since evaporated so so time is no longer of the essence in this type of case Scott McFarland thank you so much well the Midwest is battling a dangerous late summer heat wave some students are headed back to class and let's go ahead and take a look at some of these scorching temperatures so schools across Wisconsin Iowa Philadelphia they are closing due to some of these excessive temperatures CBS News Detroit reporter Jordan buroughs joins us from Detroit Michigan where there are excessive heat warnings and Gusty rain I can see it looks like the road behind you is slick Jordan how are how high are the temperatures expected to get today Lindsay it's really been a tale of two weather stories today right now it's windy and rainy only about 75° but later today around 5 in the evening is the peak of this extreme dangerous Heat at around 95° and those feel like temperatures reaching triple digits so today the reason we're live outside of ctec high school in downtown short is because the school will be letting out in just about a couple hours afternoon 3 hours early that's because of this heat they let out early yesterday which was the first day of the school year today the second day of the school year they're letting out early and that's even a possibility tomorrow more than 100 schools within Detroit public schools Community District are letting out early because of this dangerous Heat Wave Lindsay hey Jordan how are people dealing with the extended heat and when can you guys get some relief that relief actually could come by tomorrow but I'll tell you what parents were not happy with this decision because they thought it was Brash and they did it too soon they said they wish that administrators had checked the weather ahead of time but most say that they're lucky that their kids are able to come home and get inside the air conditioning cuz some schools within Detroit public schools don't have air conditioning but they did tell us that within a 5year span they will make sure that all 106 schools within the school district have air conditioning parents nonetheless at around 12:20 will be here at ctech to pick up their students all right thanks Jordan you can understand how some parents now have to scramble but yeah it looks like Safety First there especially in those areas that don't have AC thank you so much let's bring in CBS News Philadelphia meteorologist Grant Gilmore with a look at the national forecast Grant closing schools I know you think back to school you start to get into some of the cooler temperatures and that's quite the opposite you know the heat continues across the Midwest today and and look and the Heat's going to continue to advance to the east as we go into the day tomorrow so several places underneath either heat advisories or excessive heat warnings in fact 75.3 million people today underneath either that heat advisory or excessive heat warning The Ridge of high pressure that's fueling this heat wave will shift to the east but today look at all these places if not actually reaching the triple digits feels like temperatures well into the triple digits St Louis is going to Ral a record high temperature today with highs around 100° feels like temperatures up around 110° that heat advances to the east up into where I am in Philadelphia where tomorrow temperatures will be around 96 feels like temperatures there well into the triple digits 105 maybe some places 110° but we mentioned severe weather we'll talk about that a little later on but that severe weather will ultimately bring some relief to the Midwest places like Chicago going from The '90s Today places like Detroit as well to the low 80s tomorrow afternoon so fall is closer tomorrow but still summer very much in effect today into the East Coast tomorrow Lindsay we'll talk more about that severe threat coming up in just a bit I don't know I know people love summer but I I'm a fall girl so I'm looking forward to it Grant thank you so much I want to bring in CBS News National Environmental correspondent David Sher David there is a new study out this morning about the rising number of heat related deaths in this country and this is a staggering statistic it showed since 1999 heat related deaths have increased 117% what did this report find well this is the first of its kind study that examined heat related mortality in the US so it's a bit of a landmark study and they looked at the years 1999 to 2023 and they found an overall increase in deaths during those years they found more than 20,000 deaths were recorded related to heat for underlying or contributing causes of death so heat could be the first cause of death but could also be contributing to that person's death but over the last seven years they found an acceleration of that Trend and because of climate change experts believe that that Trend will continue to accelerate into the future there's a national protocol called cool first heat second that could prevent some heat related illnesses and deaths only 11 states require it what is this protocol so cool first transport second means you think in an emergency an ambulance was show up and like let's get this person to the hospital right away but the idea is that a that a a ambulance would carry ice and a bag and make ice water and put a uh heat victim or a heat patient into this bag to immediately cool them down it's essential because there's like a 30 minute window where your internal organs if you've got heat stroke are essentially cooking and you have that amount of time to get the body temperature down so if you get to the patient on site cool them immediately you can essentially save their lives save their internal organs and then transport but if they're in the ambulance uh right away and there takes 10 or 20 minutes to get to the hospital you've not arrested that heat in the body and so that that person is still in deep Jeopardy we found in some of our research that only 11 states have a policy like this but it's cheap and it's life-saving it's efficient it's fast and and it's amazing that it's not more widely used you are in Dallas I understand in Texas that people are actually using using Smartwatch technology to try and prevent as basically as a preventative measure right yeah we went to a construction site here that is piloting uh smartw watches they voluntarily let their construction workers take on these watches and then uh the managers are back in their office they've got a dashboard they can see what the body temperature and the heart rate is doing in the some of these workers as can the workers so if your body is too warm for too long as a worker you'll get an alert say hey take a break and if it gets really kind of to a much more dangerous level where you might be approaching heat stroke you the worker gets an alert the managers get an alert and they can immediately sort of intervene in a situation like this it's really cool to see Smartwatch technology as a solution to heat stroke which is and heat problems which are as we talked about in the beginning of this report are just getting worse all right David thank you so much for your reporting a federal judge has temporarily blocked the Biden administration's efforts to help half a million immigrants become US citizens CBS News chief White House correspondent Nancy ctis is following this story for us Nancy can you explain what this ruling and halting means for the program yes I can Lindsay so this is an a ruling that came down from a federal judge in Texas overnight putting a twow week pause though it could be extended on a new Administration policy that as you pointed out has the potential to affect half a million people uh and this was a policy designed earlier this summer specifically for unauthorized migrants who are living in this country because uh they are married to a US citizen um and and it enabled those individuals who are both married to a US citizen have been in this country for 10 years or more to apply for a temporary work permit and if they qualify to get some protection from deportation and the reason that the policy was designed this way Lindsay is because the administration said that the way it works right now for these individuals if they want to apply for citizenship uh they often have to leave the country they are separated from their families for a long period of time so that's the problem that the administration was trying to address but um a group of Republican attorneys General uh about uh a dozen and a half of them gathered together they argued that this was the administration going around Congress uh and they went to court and now the judge is giving both sides until early October to file briefs again he's paused this program for two weeks it just went into effect last week they just started taking applications now they've had to pause the that that process um PA in place for two weeks for now and could be expanded how's the White House responding we haven't heard from the White House itself but we have heard from the uh Department of Homeland Security part of the administration which says that this program which is called keeping families together uh they say it enables US citizens and their family members to live without fear of Separation they say they'll abide by the judge's order so theyve paused taking applications for now but they argue uh that this is a policy that was just starting to work and they'd like to see it resume as soon as possible okay Nancy thank you so much you're welcome more than 200 former Republican staffers are throwing their support behind vice president kamla Harris's 2024 bid what their warning could happen if former president Trump returns to the White House you're streaming CBS News [Music] 247 and now to the race for the White House more than 200 Republicans who worked for both former president Bush's senator John McCain and Senator Mitt Romney have endorsed vice president kamla Harris for president the group penned a letter saying in part democracy would be quote irreparably jeopardized by another Trump Administration joining me for more on this is the Harris on the Harris campaign to CBS News campaign reporter Aaron Navaro Ain how significant is it that this new GOP group is putting support behind Harris well good morning this was actually a group of folks some of them did the same lettera for president Biden's campaign in 2020 about 150 former Republican Presidential Administration staffers signed a similar letter saying that electing Trump is untenable you're seeing 200 this time for Harris and they range from you know former interns on the campaign for John McCain in 2008 to a longtime chief of staff for George HW Bush as well as a former staffer to W bush as well as former vice president Mike Pence but it is in line with the argument the Harris campaign is making that they have bipartisan support and that that follows several Republican speakers at the convention in Chicago last week Harris has released three new ads Aaron to highlight her Economic Policy the campaign is also embarking on a bus tour this week in Georgia where would you say the campaign is focused right now right now it is focused on affordable housing they have over 20 events this week dedicated to that part of her plan which uh you know includes cracking down on what she calls exploit exploitative landlords uh a mission to build 3 million new homes as well as offer more incentives for firsttime home buyers and the new ad from her campaign this morning really ties it to her own story talking about how her mom had to save money to buy their uh first home and that's going to be the focus for the campaign is they continue to try and Define her on the economy and issue Trump usually does better on in the polling and as they get into this home stretch of the race has the Harris campaign given any indication as to whether she'll do a formal interview I know that the Trump Vance ticket has really been criticizing her heart on that recently right and she has said she would do it by the end of the month obviously the days are ticking there has been no formal announcement yet on when or who that interview uh will be uh they'll be doing it with um but you know a couple days left in the month we'll see if that changes during this bus tour or any other travel this week so it sounds like we may know by the end of the month but the interview itself isn't going to take place by the end of the month right the the interview will take place by the end of the month is what the campaign has said yep okay Aaron thank you so much take care meanwhile during his stop in Virginia yesterday when asked about muted microphones during the debate Trump said quote doesn't matter to me I'd rather have it probably on but he still made it unclear whether he'll commit to the September 10th debate so joining me now for more on this is CBS News campaign reporter at liby so Libby what's the latest reporting from the Trump side on this debate issue hi Lindsay yes well the Trump campaign says that the fact that vice president KLA Harris's campaign is trying to change the rules now that they're objecting to um having the mics be turned off now that they want the mics hot they say this is an indication that Harris herself is worried of course come Harris's campaign says that is not the case they consider the matter settled now after as you said former president Trump yesterday in Virginia said it doesn't matter to him that he would probably prefer to have the mics on so a lot can happen in two weeks as we've seen with this election Lindsay but for now that debate is supposed to be two weeks from today and uh former president Trump is preparing for that debate with Tulsi gabard the former congresswoman who was on the Campa trail with him yesterday and as he's making these stops on the trail he does not miss the moment to criticize ABC the network that will be hosting the debate so we will see if that actually happens Lindsay Robert F Kennedy Jr who of course ended his campaign last week told Tucker Carlson he was asked to join Trump's potential transition team if he's reelected have we heard anything from the Trump team about this yeah Lindsay so the Trump himself has toyed with the idea of bringing RFK Jr on potentially maybe as a Cabinet member if he wins particularly in the last week since Robert fenny Jr dropped out of the campaign endorsed Trump for president so so yes yesterday as you said RK Jr told Tucker Carlson that he was being considered for a trump transition post specifically quote he said to help pick out the people who will be running government but this is not something that the Trump campaign or Trump himself has confir confirmed but yes Trump has toyed with the idea he's seeing RFK Jr as a friend as an ally now that he's gotten out of the campaign Lindsay we know that RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbert are controversial figures what does your reporting tell you about the Trump campaign bringing them in and working so closely with them I mean do they risk potentially alienating voters well they could some of those undecided voters uh but but Trump's base TP typically is going to be on board with whatever he's doing whoever he is appearing with and this week that is Tulsi gabard last week that was RF Kennedy Jr a little bit more even than than JD Vance his vice president um I think that Trump likes to have people that will talk him up and he knows that if gabri gets out there RFK Jr these people have uh been saying what Trump wants to hear so uh it's to be seen whether this will you know hurt Trump but certainly he thinks that this is helping them and he continues to campaign with them we'll see if he campaigns more with RFK thank you so much l sounds good well one of the nation's largest Latino civil rights organizations is demanding a federal investigation into the Texas Attorney General over a series of raids his office conducted we're going to have those details ahead you're streaming CBS News 247 [Music] welcome back here's a look at the top stories we're following an investigation is underway after a woman died at Burning Man it happened on day one of the Arts Festival in Nevada's Black Rock Desert over the weekend now it's unclear how she died but the festival's Emergency Services team found 39-year-old Kendra Fraser unresponsive Sunday morning Bernie man's organizers say safety is their top priority and they're cooperating with local authorities SpaceX is delaying its historic Polaris Dawn launch for at least another day due to a helium leak the capsule carrying four private citizens is now scheduled to lift off tomorrow morning at the earliest the 5-day mission is expected to include the first ever Space Walk by non government astronauts and the capsule is supposed to travel almost 900 mil above Earth that's more than 600 mil farther than the International Space Station and farther than any crude Mission since the Apollo 17 launch in 197 72 torrential rains and surging flood waters killed at least 30 people in Sudan and washed out at least 20 Villages the local media reports dozens more are missing a dam collapsed after days of heavy rain Monday this is just the latest crisis to hit a region already reeling from a 16mon long Civil War it is a wild week of weather in the midwest is scorching hot temperatures rise classes are canceled for many students in states with excessive heat warnings let's check in with CBS News Chicago reporter Mugo adigu Mugo how are people handling the high temperatures there yeah well good morning to you I can tell you first off it is very very hot right now and what a difference a few hours makes because we were out here around 4:30 this morning for our live shot at 4:30 Chicago time by the way it is now 9:30 Chicago time and it is a huge difference when we got out here this morning I was telling a photo journalist Aon Cooper that it feels very very cool actually I was a little chilly and now it's very hot and as you can expect it's very difficult for people to basically go out and about and maintain themselves we have seen a few people who are out and about the lakefront behind me this beautiful view running earlier this morning that is no longer the case I really don't even see that many people out here right now and that's because it's hot now the Chicago Public School District we know this is the the third largest District in the country just yesterday that was the first day of school for students and what school officials basically said is that all outdoor sporting games will be cancelled completely and all Outdoor sporting practices will have to be moved inside that along with recess as well and that is the same story today so clearly school officials here trying to make sure students are able to beat the heat they have told Us's air conditioning in all of their school buildings right now are working but if anything changes students will likely be sent home which is the story over are in our neighboring Indiana the school district there Gary Indiana School District we know that one of their elementary schools schools canceled today completely and that's because just yesterday the school building lost air conditioning and students were actually sent home early just yesterday so again some of just how some people are trying to deal with the heat especially with young kids who have to stay safe during weather conditions like this the city of Chicago though doing their parts to make sure that people are staying cool especially the the elderly so over 200 cooling centers both in Chicago which is part of Cook County but over 200 cooling centers in Cook County are open right now the centers for seniors is going to be open through Friday again just making sure that seniors are able to beat the heat we know churches are joining in as well there's a church in one of the neighborhoods here in Chicago that is basically going to be passing out cold bottles of water to families anyone who needs it so I think the best way to put this is for those who don't have a reason to be inside this is certainly one of those days to just I mean to be outside rather this is certainly one of those days to just stay inside and try to cool off because even just a few minutes outside I had to hop out the of the truck for this live shot and the minute I stepped outside I wanted to go back in So and and I I know I smile when I say this but this can be very very dangerous One Last Thing Before I let you go here we know we're supposed to he hit the upper 90s today but if we hit 98 Degrees we could actually break a record as for the heat index that's the feels like temperature we're talking between 110 degrees to 115 degrees so this is not a day to go outside for a run in the middle of the afternoon I'll send it back to you yeah Mugo deway and Aaron Cooper you guys stay cool get back in that truck thank you so much so let's bring in CBS News Philadelphia meteorologist Grant Gilmore with another look at the national forecast yeah Grant those heat indexes that's what you want to look at oh it really is true and you really don't feel it in the morning but once that sun comes up and you start start getting the rising temperature and the humidity starts to take effect forget about it I mean look at this Chicago right now 82° many places starting their day with temperatures in the upper 70s and lower 80s all of this heat across the Midwest is going to shift to the east coast as we go through the next 24 hours and that's why we continue to work with these heat advisories excessive heat warnings across a good portion of the Midwest and now into the Northeast in fact over 75 million people underneath either a heat advisory or an excessive heat warning today into the day tomorrow look at all of these records that will be in Jeopardy today Southbend Indiana approaching 100 degrees this afternoon record today is 96 degrees St Louis same thing triple digit temperatures today the record is 102 it'll be close Peoria Illinois 97 the high the record is 98 down the line Chicago's record high temperatures 97 we're forecasting a high of 95 we'll see it'll be really close today that Ridge of high pressure that's just is pumping in all of that heat and humidity into the Midwest that shifts to the east tomorrow so places across the Midwest today that are approaching the triple digits or at least near triple digits but feeling like the triple digits all of that heat slides to the east tomorrow places like where I am now in Philadelphia we're looking at forecast highs tomorrow around 96 but feeling like anywhere between 100 to0 De it's almost September you're talking about mid Prime summer heat and it is feeling more like that but it is almost fall which we'd like to feel like Chicago you will get there after a threat for some severe weather later on tonight temperatures will be in the mid 80s by Saturday things clear out actually looking pretty nice for the starts of the Labor Day weekend with high temperatures Saturday afternoon around 84 degrees we mentioned the threat for severe weather that's what's going to fuel the showers and storms today is all that heat 28 million people at risk for severe weather today across the Midwest that threat for severe weather will shift to the east tomorrow along with all of that heat a look around the rest of the country got rain back into the desert Southwest the monsoon moisture there it's hot in California back into the desert but cooler air now beginning to move into the Northeast places like Seattle today Lindsay peaking at 66 degrees there's your fall weather it's coming ah we'll take that Grant thanks so much that's right local geologists are assing the potential for future landslides in Alaska Sunday's landslide in the city of ketan killed one person and injured three others evacuation orders are still in place after the state's Governor issued a disaster declaration Latino activists are calling for a federal investigation into a series of raids conducted by the man you see here Texas Attorney General in his office Ken Paxton now his office says these undercover operations are happening in response to reports that some organization ations may be unlawfully registering non-citizens to vote but the league of United Latin American citizens or lulac is denouncing the raids as quote Point Blank voter intimidation our Omar vranka is in San Antonio following this so Omar yesterday lulac members held a press conference outside the AG's office in San San Antonio what's the latest he hey what's going on well yesterday at that press conference they were upset obviously with the raids and especially some of the people that were targeted including one woman who we talked to an 87y old woman who's been a volunteer for decades and worked on campaigns in South Texas for the long time uh they they were upset about some of the tactics we're talking you know people who are armed showing up at Homes at 6:00 in the morning with search warrants going in um they as you mentioned they think this is targeted while attorney general Paxton says this is for uh voter integrity and election Integrity lulac is saying that this is voter intimidation and suppression in their opinion and they have actually written to the uh Department of Justice asking for an investigation into what happened here and what is going on which is part of Attorney General Paxton's ongoing investigation to L's concerns I'm sorry repeat that has Paxton's office responded to lak's concerns listen we reached out uh to attorney general Paxton's office and we have not heard back at all so specific on on lak's accusations uh Paxton's office has not re uh said anything at all he has said about the investigation which is part of a voter Integrity unit that he's working to basically keep uh voter Integrity intact in the state of Texas uh but as far as in the complaints made by lulac and the accusations nothing yet can you explain a little bit more about lak and what they do yeah lak as you mentioned the league of United Latin American citizens they're the oldest and uh and and biggest Latino civil rights groups everything from education to healthare to economic issues uh especially very powerful here in South Texas where there is obviously a big Hispanic American population down here um and they also uh I mean like like groups say assert Pol political influence they have voter registration drives and try to get people registered to vote and thing like things like that and and make them aware of Elections and stuff that are going on and issues that are happening down here but they're they're long-standing they're not a new organization by any means uh at all and so this is what's surprising to lulac uh and also to people observers elsewhere saying what's going on you have a state going against the longest serving uh the longest and biggest Latino organization what's going on still a lot of unanswered questions okay keep us posted on what happens next Omar thank you thank you we just got some new data about the state of the housing Market what it signals about our economy and what you need to know next you're streaming CBS news [Music] 24/7 we want to take you to Michigan now where EPA officials are talking about cleanup efforts from a deadly building explosion earlier this year let's listen I would be concerned too and that's why we've been out here evaluating site conditions so during all intrusive activities we have particulate monitoring we also have air monitoring the air monitoring is for voc's V to organic compounds hydrogen sulfide L it's a basic five gas sensor the particulates are for Visible emissions so they're uh 2.5 1.0 10 and total particulates it it's basically what what the public would see when they see construction and demo Crews and they see visible emission we do not want visible emissions off this site we have site controls we have perimeter air monitoring perimeter particulate monitoring that tells us in real time what are the perimeter levels so outside of just visually seeing stuff we can apply engineering and administrative controls we can use wet methods we are very cognizant of how dense this area is in terms of the active commercial entities and residential subdivision yes sir go ahead as of right now we're projecting 100 onsite working days so you know we have holidays we have uh contractors that can uh that per contracts have to come on site come off site um you know we have offour security so for concerns of what happens when EPA is not physically on site you know we have worked with our Clinton Township Representatives fire department the police department they're very aware the township supervisor very aware of epa's presence here on site and they have actively um engaged us from day one and they know that this site is being is being monitored by offour security all right everybody we have been listening in to um the coordinator on site with the EPA here at the site of this uh Warehouse which was storing chemicals that exploded in March one person died as a result he's saying that the Target um for them to wrap up is 100 onsite days uh for the cleanup effort we're going to continue to monitor this and bring you updates as they come in new to dat new data this morning shows us house prices Rose 5.7% over the last year however prices fell a tenth of a percent from May to June for more on today's dat data I want to bring in CBS News contributor JD jkin who is live joining us live from the New York Stock Exchange jie good to see you what does today's data tell us about the state of the US housing market well linday you you said exactly right there my friend it's a bit of a mixed bag right because month over month we saw the number fall uh quarter over quarter we did see it go up in you're right there from the same time a year ago to this quarter a year later up 5.7% here so you know it's good to have that little bit of monthly relief and I looked back at the long-term data this morning Lindsay you go all the way back to the great financial crisis most of these month-over-month increases have been exactly that they have been increases so the increase even if it is only. 1% will certainly be welcomed by many oh aside from the wonkiness overall of the numbers this does show the third consecutive slowdown in quarterly home prices growth slower pace of appreciation for home prices for single family homes in the month of June but Lindsay as we've talked about all the time we still got that really stubborn 30-year fix rate mortgage still right around 6.5% really sets the stage for the high expectations for the central bank to cut interest rates on September 18th you're doing my job for me what are you watching for when the FED meets next month I am looking for the FED to cut interest rates on September 18th and that's because everyone here on Wall Street Lindsay is expecting the FED to do exactly that the debate of course is is it 0.25% is it 0.5% and ultimately as it pertains to this conversation of of mortgage rates it's really going to take a very long time especially if we start off with these kind of baby interest rate Cuts 0.25% or in fancy Wall Street parland 25 basis points uh the senior housing Economist at Wells Fargo only expects that 30-year fixed mortgage to go down to 5.9% by the end of 20125 that's not a lot of progress over the course of the next year or so he says we're looking for rates to come down over the next 18 months but honestly not by all that much it's going to be a while into this rate cutting cycle before we really see that progress on the mortgage side of things wow okay important for people to know all right before we let you go uh there's new data on consumer confidence what is that new data tell us and right now how is the market responding to all this new data that we're getting you know I've got a bird's eyee view uh up here at the balcony at the New York stocking change the S&P 500 has turned into positive territory in the last half hour or so but fractionally the Dow is about flat or so but it is coming off its alltime high yesterday maybe a bit of selling so kind of a mixed bag overall but the numbers for consumer confidence show us that confidence is there at least for now what's fascinating about this piece of data it asks consumers Lindsay to weigh and not just how do you feel about your situation today but where do you think things are going 6 months from now it's a bit of a different story less optimism 6 months down the road for things like a single or or family income and outlook for inflation and personal spending but for now it remain strong one of the many data points we track to get a sense on just how healthy the economy is and how strong consumers think that it is so we've been getting very granular in this segment JD which I love that we do but we know that the economy has been a political football this election cycle uh we've got some great data it's not necessarily matching up with how people feel how would you describe the total picture of our economy right now I mean it's a matter of you ask 10 people what the economy is you get 10 different answers a lot of people will tell you hey I don't feel good about the economy because gas rent and food is still far too expensive yet a lot of these big sweepy macroeconomic data points point to a very strong economy I think politically you're exactly right it is the football back and forth it is up to both campaigns the Trump and the Harris campaign to continue to make that argument to the American people especially on prices you're hearing that a lot from the vice president and the Democratic party we will do more work to bring down those prices which clearly all Americans are still feeling even if we've made progress on inflation Lindsay uh we're still feeling those prices because we all remember how cheap things were in 2019 and those aren't exactly the prices we're dealing with in today's economy or that we might deal with in the very near future JD jerkin thank you so much we continue to track a dangerous Heat Wave scorching parts of the Midwest right now we're going to tell you who needs to be on high alert next you're streaming CBS news [Music] 24/7 We are following some of the big stories happening at stations across the country here in New York City a big fire overnight destroyed several homes CBS News is New York Elijah Westbrook has more from Ocean Hill Brooklyn well right now we are reporting in Ocean Hill Brooklyn with we're right across the street from where we're standing was where a four alarm fire took place so we're being told at this time that at least nine people were taken to the hospital six of those nine individuals are firefighters and three of them are residents who lived in this building you see right now uh this was a massive fire being told by the FDNY one that took about 3 hours just to get under control it all started around 10:30 Monday night but it wasn't until 1:30 this morning that the flames and the thick black smoke that was seen shooting from the roofs of these buildings here managed to get under control it's unclear right now exactly how all of this got started uh the Fire Marshall is here on scene and working to determine uh how all of this got started of course we'll continue to stay here and bring you the very latest reporting here in Ocean Hill Brooklyn Elijah Westbrook CBS News New York Supernova in the SK this is going to be in your head all day Champagne Supernova by Oasis you might hear it when the band goes on tour next year they're reuniting after a 15-year Hiatus Oasis Of course known for hits like wonder wall and Don't Look Back in Anger will kick off their 14 date tour of the UK and Ireland next summer the band split in 2009 after many years of fighting between Brothers Liam and nol Gallagher tickets go on sale Saturday and Grant today is going to be the day that we're going to throw it back to you yes stuck in our head for the rest of the week forget about today my goodness I'm really excited about Oasis coming back I I didn't even really know that they' broken up but here we are today and we're hearing it and it's now it's that that song that stuck on our head speaking of wanting an oasis my goodness uh the heat continues summer continues doesn't it the Midwestern states uh actually 75 and almost a half million people underneath some sort of heat advisory heat advisory excessive heat warning including portions of Philadelphia where today and tomorrow 63 Philadelphia schools are going to be releasing early because of this heat a lot of kids went back to school yesterday already finding a little bit of a a break coming because of all this heat big temperatures and we're talking about triple digit temperatures the Heats across the Midwest today that high pressure system slides to the east tomorrow that's why places like Philadelphia really deal with the big heat tomorrow but that that excessive heat is back towards the Midwest today places like St Louis to Chicago having temperatures from the mid 90s to the triple digits but everybody feeling like the triple digits because of that really intense humidity you'd think the fall-like temperatures were here not so much the case but there's that heat shifting to the east into places across the Mid-Atlantic into the Northeast Philadelphia 96 degrees tomorrow meanwhile some relief across the Midwest but it comes by way of severe weather expected later on today so there's that severe weather across the Midwestern states today cooler temperatures on the way tomorrow meanwhile even more fall-like conditions Lindsay we talked about this last time 66 in the Pacific Northwest the cooler air is coming it's just knocking it's taking its time though but it's it's arriving I'm making me want some apple cider Grant thanks so much and Encore of CBS mornings is next I'll see you back here at noon this is CBS News 247 [Music]

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